PBM - We went through a phase like that when Annabelle was around 5 or 6 weeks old. She would look all mad and her face would get red but her diaper would be clean. So then I thought maybe it was gas, but then when she was actually gassy, you would *hear* how gassy she was, , but when she would strain like that, there was no noise...
I honestly never talked to the doctor about it because it was such a short phase and it happened right around the time she had a UTI, which became a much bigger issue to deal with, and once we were done with that, I didn't see her straining like that anymore. Also, while she was in the hospital with the UTI, we switched her to soy formula. So...once she stopped straining like that, I assumed that it had either had something to do with the UTI...OR...that the straining had really just been gas and that the switch to soy formula had corrected the problem.
Sorry if that is really convoluted...lol. I hope it all makes sense. Is Xavier on milk-based or soy formula?
We've run into something...Xavier strains really hard (like he has to poop), but it doesn't come out. He has tons of gas and passes it easily, but that's about it.
Doctor said that he hasn't learned how to pass his stool just yet...I'd never heard of that. I thought it was a natural thing to do.
Anyone else have issues with stools/constipation?
Doctor said it's not constipation because when we help him along (with Q-Tip), it's not hard and passes easily.
Oh, the other thing I forgot to mention is that we did go through a couple of weeks of constipation when she was around 3 or 4 months old. Sometimes soy formula can make them constipated but my doctor said I could just give her little sips of water (around an ounce or two each day) and that solved the problem and we haven't really dealt with it since.
Joey had the SAME problem as Xavier is having at the same age too. We had to take Joey to see our G.I, suddenly seeing the GI, turned into a family affair.
Is Xavier drinking breastmilk or formula with milk in it? One of things we had to do with Joey was cut out ALL dairy and milk (and breastmilk too, you CAN be allergic to breastmilk) and replace it with Soy formula. We found Isomil worked the best.
Our GI (and a very respectful one in Canada) said that some babies cant tolerate the enzyme in milk and the milk proteins. Some kids grow out of but 5 years later Joey still hasn't. Please please please email one of us, I'd love to tell you our experience and what we did, but I will end up maxing out the character limit. Ryan might be your best bet.
Sorry if that is really convoluted...lol. I hope it all makes sense. Is Xavier on milk-based or soy formula?
Thanks for the details, He is at 6-7 week mark now...it's good to know others have gone through similar situations.
X is on Similac Alimentum...which helps him break things down and is suppose to be easy on his stomach.
Doctor suggested giving him baby food prunes twice a day...which actually worked for a day or two. We've since stopped.
He is a pretty happy and calm baby except for that.
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
I agree. We tried a couple of other types of soy formula, but Isomil worked best for us and our pediatrician in Chicago said that if you're using soy, it is the best one.
Joey had the SAME problem as Xavier is having at the same age too. We had to take Joey to see our G.I, suddenly seeing the GI, turned into a family affair.
Obviously, with my stomach problems, I worry that it's something worse that what it actually is. He doesn't seem to be in any pain and when we stimulate him, he has a bowel movement.
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
It's been 7 weeks and I'm just now able to think about birth announcements. Should I bother getting them? Did anyone buy them and send them out?
I was thinking of using Walgreens....you get 20 announcements with envelops for $16.00.
For the most part, I would use these for family and friends that haven't been able to visit us at home or in the hospital.
What do you guys think?
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
oh rose, your nephew is just TOO cute!! love the serious look on his face on the 2nd pic
Thanks! He is a sweetie-pie. I can't wait to see him again. He makes that face a lot! It's so funny.
Your little one is adorable as well! I hope you are enjoying being a mom!
i´ve a question by the way why you all give already formular etc.?
i thought you just give the baby just the
Mother's milk in the first 6 month´s???
Not always. I never breastfed at all. I had to go on medication to dry up the milk and that took about 2 weeks.
Hospitals, nurses, etc are all very pro-breastfeeding, you just need to do whats right for you and your baby.
At about 3 months, my mother in law started making purees of different kind of Indian spices and foods (shes from east india) to give to Joey, to get him used to the Indian spices, shortly there after, everything he ate was pureed until he got more teeth.
But by 6 months my son was drinking formula, water, and very occasionally juices. He was starting to enter the 'real food' stage. Food had more of a consistency to it, instead of him eating liquid food (pureed) he started eating foods that had a bit of soften vegetables and meats.
Hope that helps and I hope all the moms and mom to bes are doing well!
yes a bit but i myself will try to give the baby the mother milk until it´s 6 month and than i will do the abstillen ...that means mother milk and others ...some months and than ... i will see ..
that sounds like a GREAT idea! i was thinking of getting birth announcements too. Do you have a picture in mind to use?
I used the one where it looks like he's winking. I went ahead an ordered them from Wal-Greens and I'll pick them up this afternoon. I ordered "Guitar Pick Birth Announcements" and I'm going to put those in the envelopes as well.
ladygooddiva...I guess it depends on the mother. I know the hospital pushes brestfeeding...and it is good for the baby, but sometimes it's just not possible. Xavier has been bottle-fed since he came home from the hospital. His weight is great, he is active and is healthy.
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
We've run into something...Xavier strains really hard (like he has to poop), but it doesn't come out. He has tons of gas and passes it easily, but that's about it.
Doctor said that he hasn't learned how to pass his stool just yet...I'd never heard of that. I thought it was a natural thing to do.
Anyone else have issues with stools/constipation?
Doctor said it's not constipation because when we help him along (with Q-Tip), it's not hard and passes easily.
Totally common! All 4 of mine had problems....even the ones that were totally breast fed! Did you ever think you and PBW would be soooo concerned with poop?????
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
Did you ever think you and PBW would be soooo concerned with poop?????
I have Crohn's...my whole life revolves around poop.
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
We've run into something...Xavier strains really hard (like he has to poop), but it doesn't come out. He has tons of gas and passes it easily, but that's about it.
Doctor said that he hasn't learned how to pass his stool just yet...I'd never heard of that. I thought it was a natural thing to do.
Anyone else have issues with stools/constipation?
Doctor said it's not constipation because when we help him along (with Q-Tip), it's not hard and passes easily.
He's Anal retentive!
No its true, hes not just a guy with a chip on his shoulder.
My sisters little boy had this.
it does pass.
I used to lie him on his tummy across my knees and rub his back to help him relax. If you can help him relax it really helps.
Other than that I dont have many pointers.
have you gone to Babycenter on the web?
you can type in questions and read a forum about that issue.
Maybe someone has some tips there.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
have you gone to Babycenter on the web?
you can type in questions and read a forum about that issue.
Maybe someone has some tips there.
Not Babycenter...we went to Web MD. Basically, they said as long as the stool isn't hard, he isn't constipated and things should work themselves out naturally.
Also, PBW will be returning to work on Monday...after an 8 week maturnity leave. In addition to going back to work, we will be taking Xavier to daycare. Monday will be difficult.
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
Not Babycenter...we went to Web MD. Basically, they said as long as the stool isn't hard, he isn't constipated and things should work themselves out naturally.
Also, PBW will be returning to work on Monday...after an 8 week maturnity leave. In addition to going back to work, we will be taking Xavier to daycare. Monday will be difficult.
Best of luck on Monday.
Im sure it will be hard.
I cant imagine having to do that.
We are choosing the poverty route and Im staying home.
But X will be a trooper Im sure.
Pack a disposable camera in his bag so that they can catch anything that you might miss out on. Or leave your didgital there and you can dispose of any pics you dont want to keep. i know a few people that do this.
And maybe just pick up dinner on Monday so you can all have a quiet evening without dinner to cook and dishes to clean up.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
I have Crohn's...my whole life revolves around poop.
Forgot about that, I'm a Celiac....I can relate!!! We are back on major poop conversations at our home, our kids are grown but...we have a new puppy, we go from did he poop yet to HE POOPED WHERE? Ha ha ha....at least babies are in diapers!
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
Pack a disposable camera in his bag so that they can catch anything that you might miss out on. Or leave your didgital there and you can dispose of any pics you dont want to keep. i know a few people that do this.
I'm sure if I mentioned the thought of packing a disposable camera so we can catch anything we might miss while at daycare, PBW would quit her job on the spot.
For the past 8 weeks she's been around him constantly 24/7. This is not going to be easy.
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
ladygodiva, formula is a supplement for breast milk that has nurients to help the baby grow. I am still breastfeeding Chloe, but she lost some weight b/t the time she left the hospital to her first nurse's appointment. I went to her pediterian, and he told me to give her formula to help her gain weight, but also give her breast milk. well, after a week and a half of being on the formula/breast milk diet, Chloe is now 7 lbs and 7 1/2 oz. it makes me SO happy that she is gaining weight.
yesterday, we went to her pediterian, for what I thought was a regular check-up, but when I got there, they told me she was getting her first shot: Hepitis B. I was in total shock when they told me this.I didn't have any warning about it. My boyfriend and I were talking about shots and wondering if our daughter should get them or not b/c I know that these vaccations have the disease in it. it was so hard seeing her getting her shot. she cried for a while. Poor thing:( it hurt and broke my heart seeing her like that.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Pack a disposable camera in his bag so that they can catch anything that you might miss out on. Or leave your didgital there and you can dispose of any pics you dont want to keep. i know a few people that do this.
And maybe just pick up dinner on Monday so you can all have a quiet evening without dinner to cook and dishes to clean up.
Without sounding too negative, and not wanting to upset PBM, I doubt they'd do it. I'm a nanny of two and try to take pics of the kids when I can. But a daycare is a different story.
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
OK, I just wanted to add, I personally have issues with daycare. I feel that most of the time they're about the 'bottom line' instead of the kids. Sorry, I just had to get that out.
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
when I go back to work, my boyfriend and i are going to take care of Chloe. he is going to take care of her while I am at work, and i am going to take care of her while he is at work. the beauty part is that he works less than a block from where we live
we both feel that it is in the best interest of our daughter. Even if I have to cut my work hours to be with her more. Plus, I don't think my boss would understand that I would have to use the breast pump every 2-3 hours so my milk supply won't dry out. Heck, he didn't even understand me when I was pregnant. Coming into work for one day as soon as I leave for maternity leave?! I mean, come on! :rolleyes:
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Not Babycenter...we went to Web MD. Basically, they said as long as the stool isn't hard, he isn't constipated and things should work themselves out naturally.
Also, PBW will be returning to work on Monday...after an 8 week maturnity leave. In addition to going back to work, we will be taking Xavier to daycare. Monday will be difficult.
good luck to the both of you on monday.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
I'm sure if I mentioned the thought of packing a disposable camera so we can catch anything we might miss while at daycare, PBW would quit her job on the spot.
For the past 8 weeks she's been around him constantly 24/7. This is not going to be easy.
oxoxoxoxox to PBM & PBW!
I wish you both an easy time of it Monday.
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
I didnt want to say it either but I know most daycares around here, dont allow cameras because sadly we live in a world with sick fucking people and you just dont know anymore.
At Joey's Xmas concert, parents had to sign a permission form to allow other parents to take a picture of the class performing. Its sad really.
Good luck to you guys today. Not like I really need to say but, be sure to give PBW lots of support and love today, I remember all too well exactly how she's feeling right now, she'll definately need someone in her corner to console her. I agree with Gen's idea too, grab some take out, today will be long and hard enough on you as it is.
Sadly, in some cases, Daycare centres are the only option some people have, you gotta do, what you gotta do...
when I go back to work, my boyfriend and i are going to take care of Chloe. he is going to take care of her while I am at work, and i am going to take care of her while he is at work. the beauty part is that he works less than a block from where we live
we both feel that it is in the best interest of our daughter. Even if I have to cut my work hours to be with her more. Plus, I don't think my boss would understand that I would have to use the breast pump every 2-3 hours so my milk supply won't dry out. Heck, he didn't even understand me when I was pregnant. Coming into work for one day as soon as I leave for maternity leave?! I mean, come on! :rolleyes:
Nadia, that's awesome!!!! I hope what I say doesn't offend anyone, but I really believe a kid should be with his/her parents. I was in daycare from the time I was 3 months old. I remember it being really hard that the other kids' moms would come see them and volunteer in the classroom and mine wouldn't. Maybe that's why I decided to nanny again...my own kind of therapy or something.
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
I honestly never talked to the doctor about it because it was such a short phase and it happened right around the time she had a UTI, which became a much bigger issue to deal with, and once we were done with that, I didn't see her straining like that anymore. Also, while she was in the hospital with the UTI, we switched her to soy formula. So...once she stopped straining like that, I assumed that it had either had something to do with the UTI...OR...that the straining had really just been gas and that the switch to soy formula had corrected the problem.
Sorry if that is really convoluted...lol.
Oh, the other thing I forgot to mention is that we did go through a couple of weeks of constipation when she was around 3 or 4 months old. Sometimes soy formula can make them constipated but my doctor said I could just give her little sips of water (around an ounce or two each day) and that solved the problem and we haven't really dealt with it since.
Joey had the SAME problem as Xavier is having at the same age too. We had to take Joey to see our G.I, suddenly seeing the GI, turned into a family affair.
Is Xavier drinking breastmilk or formula with milk in it? One of things we had to do with Joey was cut out ALL dairy and milk (and breastmilk too, you CAN be allergic to breastmilk) and replace it with Soy formula. We found Isomil worked the best.
Our GI (and a very respectful one in Canada) said that some babies cant tolerate the enzyme in milk and the milk proteins. Some kids grow out of but 5 years later Joey still hasn't. Please please please email one of us, I'd love to tell you our experience and what we did, but I will end up maxing out the character limit. Ryan might be your best bet.
Thanks for the details, He is at 6-7 week mark now...it's good to know others have gone through similar situations.
X is on Similac Alimentum...which helps him break things down and is suppose to be easy on his stomach.
Doctor suggested giving him baby food prunes twice a day...which actually worked for a day or two. We've since stopped.
He is a pretty happy and calm baby except for that.
Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
I agree. We tried a couple of other types of soy formula, but Isomil worked best for us and our pediatrician in Chicago said that if you're using soy, it is the best one.
Obviously, with my stomach problems, I worry that it's something worse that what it actually is. He doesn't seem to be in any pain and when we stimulate him, he has a bowel movement.
Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
I was thinking of using Walgreens....you get 20 announcements with envelops for $16.00.
For the most part, I would use these for family and friends that haven't been able to visit us at home or in the hospital.
What do you guys think?
Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
that sounds like a GREAT idea! i was thinking of getting birth announcements too. Do you have a picture in mind to use?
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
My brother made his on shutterfly.com. He put it online and I just printed out a copy for myself. I make all my XMAS cards there too.
I visited with my new nephew, Gage, who is almost 3 months old now, and 16 pounds 2 weeks ago! He is so adorable. Here's a few pics of us.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
i´ve a question by the way why you all give already formular etc.?
i thought you just give the baby just the
Mother's milk in the first 6 month´s???
Thanks! He is a sweetie-pie.
Your little one is adorable as well! I hope you are enjoying being a mom!
Not always. I never breastfed at all. I had to go on medication to dry up the milk and that took about 2 weeks.
Hospitals, nurses, etc are all very pro-breastfeeding, you just need to do whats right for you and your baby.
At about 3 months, my mother in law started making purees of different kind of Indian spices and foods (shes from east india) to give to Joey, to get him used to the Indian spices, shortly there after, everything he ate was pureed until he got more teeth.
But by 6 months my son was drinking formula, water, and very occasionally juices. He was starting to enter the 'real food' stage. Food had more of a consistency to it, instead of him eating liquid food (pureed) he started eating foods that had a bit of soften vegetables and meats.
Hope that helps and I hope all the moms and mom to bes are doing well!
I used the one where it looks like he's winking. I went ahead an ordered them from Wal-Greens and I'll pick them up this afternoon. I ordered "Guitar Pick Birth Announcements" and I'm going to put those in the envelopes as well.
ladygooddiva...I guess it depends on the mother. I know the hospital pushes brestfeeding...and it is good for the baby, but sometimes it's just not possible. Xavier has been bottle-fed since he came home from the hospital. His weight is great, he is active and is healthy.
Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
I have Crohn's...my whole life revolves around poop.
Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
He's Anal retentive!
No its true, hes not just a guy with a chip on his shoulder.
My sisters little boy had this.
it does pass.
I used to lie him on his tummy across my knees and rub his back to help him relax. If you can help him relax it really helps.
Other than that I dont have many pointers.
have you gone to Babycenter on the web?
you can type in questions and read a forum about that issue.
Maybe someone has some tips there.
Not Babycenter...we went to Web MD. Basically, they said as long as the stool isn't hard, he isn't constipated and things should work themselves out naturally.
Also, PBW will be returning to work on Monday...after an 8 week maturnity leave. In addition to going back to work, we will be taking Xavier to daycare. Monday will be difficult.
Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
Best of luck on Monday.
Im sure it will be hard.
I cant imagine having to do that.
We are choosing the poverty route and Im staying home.
But X will be a trooper Im sure.
Pack a disposable camera in his bag so that they can catch anything that you might miss out on. Or leave your didgital there and you can dispose of any pics you dont want to keep. i know a few people that do this.
And maybe just pick up dinner on Monday so you can all have a quiet evening without dinner to cook and dishes to clean up.
Forgot about that, I'm a Celiac....I can relate!!! We are back on major poop conversations at our home, our kids are grown but...we have a new puppy, we go from did he poop yet to HE POOPED WHERE? Ha ha ha....at least babies are in diapers!
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
I'm sure if I mentioned the thought of packing a disposable camera so we can catch anything we might miss while at daycare, PBW would quit her job on the spot.
For the past 8 weeks she's been around him constantly 24/7. This is not going to be easy.
Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
yesterday, we went to her pediterian, for what I thought was a regular check-up, but when I got there, they told me she was getting her first shot: Hepitis B. I was in total shock when they told me this.I didn't have any warning about it.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Without sounding too negative, and not wanting to upset PBM, I doubt they'd do it. I'm a nanny of two and try to take pics of the kids when I can. But a daycare is a different story.
we both feel that it is in the best interest of our daughter. Even if I have to cut my work hours to be with her more.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
good luck to the both of you on monday.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
oxoxoxoxox to PBM & PBW!
I wish you both an easy time of it Monday.
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
At Joey's Xmas concert, parents had to sign a permission form to allow other parents to take a picture of the class performing. Its sad really.
Good luck to you guys today. Not like I really need to say but, be sure to give PBW lots of support and love today, I remember all too well exactly how she's feeling right now, she'll definately need someone in her corner to console her. I agree with Gen's idea too, grab some take out, today will be long and hard enough on you as it is.
Sadly, in some cases, Daycare centres are the only option some people have, you gotta do, what you gotta do...
Nadia, that's awesome!!!! I hope what I say doesn't offend anyone, but I really believe a kid should be with his/her parents. I was in daycare from the time I was 3 months old. I remember it being really hard that the other kids' moms would come see them and volunteer in the classroom and mine wouldn't. Maybe that's why I decided to nanny again...my own kind of therapy or something.