Congradulations MeddleDeal, although a little late. Chloe is absolutely beautiful! She looks really tiny!
I know what you mean about the pain of episitomy. My labour was 27 hours, 3 hours of hard pushing and suction. I think they almost left me too long. I just signed up for a photobucket account and will try (for the first time) to include pics as well. Here goes:
thanks Moonchild. Your labor sounds like it took forever, but you ended up w/a beauty of a child
btw, your little one is TOO cute! I love those pics of your little one. She is too adorable! Aww, i can't wait to have my little one crawling.
today, Chloe's umbilical cord stump came off. My ped. told me to use alcohol to clean the cord, but I never did. I read somewhere that it comes off easier when there is no alcohol. I hope it doesn't come infected or something i'm just paranoid.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Congradulations MeddleDeal, although a little late. Chloe is absolutely beautiful! She looks really tiny!
I know what you mean about the pain of episitomy. My labour was 27 hours, 3 hours of hard pushing and suction. I think they almost left me too long. I just signed up for a photobucket account and will try (for the first time) to include pics as well. Here goes:
ladygoddiva, don't freak out about nurses, they are there to help you out. They pushed you to do unbelieveable things, during my labor, they were very helpful. the only thing I didn't like was coming in at all odds of the evening, but it is okay though b/c I know they were checking in on my baby how are your appointments going?
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
ladygoddiva, don't freak out about nurses, they are there to help you out. They pushed you to do unbelieveable things, during my labor, they were very helpful. the only thing I didn't like was coming in at all odds of the evening, but it is okay though b/c I know they were checking in on my baby how are your appointments going?
ok i don´t ...i mean i try not to;)
really fine i heard her/his heartbeat sounds funny but not to much bec. the little
is moving around so fast .Really action but of course i can´r feel that yet.
so in 4 weeks i´ve my new appointment if nothing else happen .I only had really megrim the whole day and i was at work(stupid from me )but now i sleep much eat again and feel ok.
only that i can´t see pearl jam on any date on this european tour (bec. by than i am advanced in pregnancy;)) but i am fine with that.
ok i don´t ...i mean i try not to;)
really fine i heard her/his heartbeat sounds funny but not to much bec. the little
is moving around so fast .Really action but of course i can´r feel that yet.
so in 4 weeks i´ve my new appointment if nothing else happen .I only had really megrim the whole day and i was at work(stupid from me )but now i sleep much eat again and feel ok.
only that i can´t see pearl jam on any date on this european tour (bec. by than i am advanced in pregnancy;)) but i am fine with that.
awww that is great to hear. Hearing the baby's heartbeat is the BEST thing to hear. Yeah it does sound funny, my little one was also like that, moving around like crazy that the midwife was like 'the baby doesn't want to be found"
you can't see PJ on tour? I was 5 months when I went to see PJ in the summer time, and my last concert was at 8 months when I went to see Alice In Chains. Did they tell you that you couldn't go to any more shows? sorry for the questions...i'm just wondering.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Be sure you both take it easy. Relax and give her lots of support. I know I was scared too with every little thing that happened, even with miscarriage. Every parent goes through that, but try not to think about it and always look forward to the doctor's appointment. Let us know how your gf's appointment goes. you both are also in my thoughts.
We're back from the appointment. Everything is fine, baby is fine - doctor says she/he's a very vivid one .
We do have to be careful. Seems her placenta is located very close to the cervix and there's a little piece of it dangling. Because of that she has to watch out and don't go bending or carrying stuff. In the next couple of weeks, when the womb grows, the placenta will most likely shift - which is good. But for now we still have to take it easy.
We're back from the appointment. Everything is fine, baby is fine - doctor says she/he's a very vivid one .
We do have to be careful. Seems her placenta is located very close to the cervix and there's a little piece of it dangling. Because of that she has to watch out and don't go bending or carrying stuff. In the next couple of weeks, when the womb grows, the placenta will most likely shift - which is good. But for now we still have to take it easy.
I'm relieved though, baby is doing great.
that is GREAT to hear! Awww your baby sounds very active which is GOOD! you guys are in my thoughts though to have a good pregnancy
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
ok i don´t ...i mean i try not to;)
really fine i heard her/his heartbeat sounds funny but not to much bec. the little
is moving around so fast .Really action but of course i can´r feel that yet.
so in 4 weeks i´ve my new appointment if nothing else happen .I only had really megrim the whole day and i was at work(stupid from me )but now i sleep much eat again and feel ok.
only that i can´t see pearl jam on any date on this european tour (bec. by than i am advanced in pregnancy;)) but i am fine with that.
I don't see any reason you can't go see PJ on tour this year. When my mom was pregnant with me, they went to some concerts all throughout her pregnancy.
I believe it contributed to my excellent taste in music
Underneath this smile lies everything
all my hopes, anger, pride and shame...
I don't see any reason you can't go see PJ on tour this year. When my mom was pregnant with me, they went to some concerts all throughout her pregnancy.
I believe it contributed to my excellent taste in music
yeah I hear that! Teach them while they are in the womb I say;)
I took Chloe to several shows when I was pregnant with her. She went to "hear' Sleater-Kinney, 6 PJ shows, 3 Sonic Youth, Power to the Peaceful Festival (fea. Michael Franti and spearhead) both Bridge School nights (on the 21st & my b-day) and 1 Alice In Chains. Plus, I put my headphones on my belly and she listened to Neil Finn stuff and of course PJ;)
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
awww that is great to hear. Hearing the baby's heartbeat is the BEST thing to hear. Yeah it does sound funny, my little one was also like that, moving around like crazy that the midwife was like 'the baby doesn't want to be found"
you can't see PJ on tour? I was 5 months when I went to see PJ in the summer time, and my last concert was at 8 months when I went to see Alice In Chains. Did they tell you that you couldn't go to any more shows? sorry for the questions...i'm just wondering.
mine to moving around so fast so she gave up;)
well the prob is that they are playing not near my town and by than i am in week 35 or 36 so just one month before .and if the baby is like me than maybe earlier so in the month 8 or 9 (wish way you want to count )
mine to moving around so fast so she gave up;)
well the prob is that they are playing not near my town and by than i am in week 35 or 36 so just one month before .and if the baby is like me than maybe earlier so in the month 8 or 9 (wish way you want to count )
oh i see what you mean, you might think she might come earlier. It is understandable to be a little cautious
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Congratulations! Being pregnant was the best time I ever had. Just remember to take good care of yourself and enjoy this time! I wanted a girl too, and got two of them. I remember being scared when I was told my second was a boy, but when they laid him in my arms, I melted. That was 16 years ago, and he is one of my most favorite people ever! Being a mother is hard, but is an admirable job!
If you wanted to spend hours going through this thread you would see I went to a ton of shows while preggo.
I went to Deftones 2 weeks before Adria was born.
Just stay out of the mosh pits and keep off your feet.
At least you get a PJ show close to home.
The next one I get is probably going to be a road trip away.
I doubt they will be touring Canada evry year like the US.
Lucky bastards
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
oh i see what you mean, you might think she might come earlier. It is understandable to be a little cautious
yes i do bec. my granny got all 4 children early . my half sista and me we bought had to taken earlier
and by the way the doc already said i´ve a risk pregnancy .
and i am not allowed to travel when the i reach the month 7
and last thing money too
i am a bit sad for sure but i saw them last year .So i say to myself i can´t have everything.
thats a good attitude to have,
i was dissapiontedwhen PJ scheduled a Toronto show for the week Adria was due.
there was no way i would be trying to fly accross the country for that.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
yes i do bec. my granny got all 4 children early . my half sista and me we bought had to taken earlier
and by the way the doc already said i´ve a risk pregnancy .
and i am not allowed to travel when the i reach the month 7
and last thing money too
i am a bit sad for sure but i saw them last year .So i say to myself i can´t have everything.
That is a good attitude to have girl! you know, they will always tour.
I hear ya Gen on that, there were rumors that PJ was going to play a show in Dec. in Seattle (which didn't happen) and my best friend wanted all of us to go if it was announced, but yeah, i can't and wouldn't do it b/c I had a few weeks b/f my due date.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
You could always go to the pre party if you have one close to home.
Or you could plan the pre party and a Crohns fundraiser.
That way you could still be part of the fun.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
Adria has decided to cry her little heart out when I leave the room.
Sometimes she only wants me, even dad wont do.
During the day I cant always be taking her to every room i go to. Plus that would just make the behavior worse. I know shes just being stubborn. She wants to be picked up. I try to sit on the floor and pat her back. But she will just cry harder and try to grab on to me and cuddle up and cry still.
So what do I do. i already leave her till she is sometimes coughing casue I know that this is a power struggle and she is essentially fine. Shes not hungry, shes not wet, shes not in any pain. But some books say never let them cry like that cause they feel abandoned. Others say let them cry. But for how long?
I need to leave the room to out laundry away.
Heck sometimes I end up having to take her to the bathroom with me to sit on the rug.
Any suggestions?
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
Joey went through the very same thing, same age too. I personally couldnt handle having him cry all the time, so I ended up caving and just held him throughout the day in the baby carrier or on my hip. It just broke my heart to leave him crying knowing all he wanted was for me to hold an comfort him.
Sometimes this meant carrying joey on one hip and a laundry basket on the other down two flights of stairs. I quickly became good at doing things with one hand.
For Joey tho, it was separation anxiety. My dad is my main babysitter and we would work everyday to help Joey get over it. It started with 10 mins a day, I would leave say bye to Joey and go grab a tim's and come home. I gradually worked it up until he was fine and he was kicking me out the door to go to work.
Its frustrating and I remember the days of having to bring Joey to the bathroom with me, but it does end I assure you and we are here for you if you need anything! Enjoy it while you can though, now that Joey is in school, he wont give me a hug or kiss before he heads to class because 'all my friends will see and its embarassing' heh.
You could always go to the pre party if you have one close to home.
Or you could plan the pre party and a Crohns fundraiser.
That way you could still be part of the fun.
where is everybody?
i made a lot housework yesterday and somehow had to take breaks bec. i was so felt like that i worked really really hard:D
Gen - I'm going through that with Annabelle right now, too! The worst thing is when she'll be content and playing with somehing in her pack and play, and she notices me walking by or something. If I'm busy and I can't pick her up at the moment, she gets really upset! But it's just so cute when she reaches her arms out for me that half the time I stop what I'm doing and just pick her Oh well, they say the attachment is a good milestone, so I guess we just have to look on the bright side! Plus, as I's kinda sweet when she wants her mommy and no one else.
We are getting settled into our new home in New Jersey now and Annabelle is having fun exploring her new house! She is sitting completely unsupported and also on her knees, which is so cute, and she's crawling all over the place and has started pulling up. Tonight, she was literally climbing up the back of the couch to reach something on the table behind it! (Don't worry, my husband was right behind her, inches away and ready to grab her if she fell!) It was scary but amazing to see what she could do! She is saying "mamamamananamananmamanama" and "daadbabadabdaadaadadadabada" so we figure that's close enough to "mama" and "dada" lol She still hasn't gotten any more teeth, but the little ones on her bottom row are getting bigger and cuter (and sharper!) every day. It seems like every day she makes a new face or a new noise that amuses us to no end. I can't remember what life was like before she was here! I'll post some new pics soon. I haven't taken any in a while because we've been packing or unpacking for the past few weeks.
Hope everyone is doing well! I don't have time to comment on all of the posts that happened while I was away, but just know that I'm thinking about you all! I'm really glad this thread is still going strong and I love how it seems like as soon as one person has a baby, another pregnant person joins the thread!
Adria has decided to cry her little heart out when I leave the room.
Sometimes she only wants me, even dad wont do.
During the day I cant always be taking her to every room i go to. Plus that would just make the behavior worse. I know shes just being stubborn. She wants to be picked up. I try to sit on the floor and pat her back. But she will just cry harder and try to grab on to me and cuddle up and cry still.
So what do I do. i already leave her till she is sometimes coughing casue I know that this is a power struggle and she is essentially fine. Shes not hungry, shes not wet, shes not in any pain. But some books say never let them cry like that cause they feel abandoned. Others say let them cry. But for how long?
I need to leave the room to out laundry away.
Heck sometimes I end up having to take her to the bathroom with me to sit on the rug.
Any suggestions?
i dont usually post on this thread but i read it a lot since it's been 13 years since i had a baby to take care of and you guys help me remember with my grandson. anyway....
i took my grandson to his pediatrician appt last week and i didn't even mention separation issues...the doctor asked. his exact words were "if he DIDN'T get upset when his whole world leaves, i'd be more worried. it means he's learned to associate mom/dad/gramma with safety and security. be happy he loves you enough to miss you when you go.'
of course, knowing the baby loves you doesn't help get things done. what worked for my kids (and now for my grandson) were baby monitors. my daughter would cry until she threw up. so, i'd take the one that was usually in the baby's room...put the receiver wherever the baby was and talk to them when i was in another room. start talking into it before you leave the room...once the monitor has her attention, continue to chatter as you walk out of eyesight.
Hey lady, I have been busy having my mom over visiting from Texas to help me out a little bit. she is in love w/her granddaughter and we took her and our daughter to San Francisco yesterday. We had a lot of fun! now i'm exhausted. Chloe has been drinking breast milk and formula so she can gain a little weight. The only bad thing that is happened, she's got a diaper rash It hurts me everytime I clean her b/c I know it probably hurts her :(
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
I carried all my kids in a snuggly and then a back pack. I never let them cry so I could get house work done. They need a certain amount of touch each day....and if they don't get it....other problems can come down the road. It is a very short that you will wish was back once your babies are up and running in a few short months! Now my "babies" are driving, I miss all of the baby stages!
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
Hey lady, I have been busy having my mom over visiting from Texas to help me out a little bit. she is in love w/her granddaughter and we took her and our daughter to San Francisco yesterday. We had a lot of fun! now i'm exhausted. Chloe has been drinking breast milk and formula so she can gain a little weight. The only bad thing that is happened, she's got a diaper rash It hurts me everytime I clean her b/c I know it probably hurts her :(
oh i see, that´s lovely:):)nice you had fun;)
what is formula?
oh i am sorry ..i had that too when i was a baby mum told me that...
I carried all my kids in a snuggly and then a back pack. I never let them cry so I could get house work done. They need a certain amount of touch each day....and if they don't get it....other problems can come down the road. It is a very short that you will wish was back once your babies are up and running in a few short months! Now my "babies" are driving, I miss all of the baby stages!
okey...that sounds like a hard job..i´ve heard that from a friend too that you wish very soon that baby can run... :D
We've run into something...Xavier strains really hard (like he has to poop), but it doesn't come out. He has tons of gas and passes it easily, but that's about it.
Doctor said that he hasn't learned how to pass his stool just yet...I'd never heard of that. I thought it was a natural thing to do.
Anyone else have issues with stools/constipation?
Doctor said it's not constipation because when we help him along (with Q-Tip), it's not hard and passes easily.
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
thanks Moonchild.
btw, your little one is TOO cute! I love those pics of your little one. She is too adorable! Aww, i can't wait to have my little one crawling.
today, Chloe's umbilical cord stump came off. My ped. told me to use alcohol to clean the cord, but I never did. I read somewhere that it comes off easier when there is no alcohol. I hope it doesn't come infected or something
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Moonchild cute ...thanx for the pictures!!!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
ok i don´t ...i mean i try not to;)
really fine i heard her/his heartbeat sounds funny but not to much bec. the little
is moving around so fast .Really action but of course i can´r feel that yet.
so in 4 weeks i´ve my new appointment if nothing else happen .I only had really megrim the whole day and i was at work(stupid from me )but now i sleep much eat again and feel ok.
only that i can´t see pearl jam on any date on this european tour (bec. by than i am advanced in pregnancy;)) but i am fine with that.
awww that is great to hear. Hearing the baby's heartbeat is the BEST thing to hear. Yeah it does sound funny, my little one was also like that, moving around like crazy that the midwife was like 'the baby doesn't want to be found"
you can't see PJ on tour? I was 5 months when I went to see PJ in the summer time, and my last concert was at 8 months when I went to see Alice In Chains. Did they tell you that you couldn't go to any more shows? sorry for the questions...i'm just wondering.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
We're back from the appointment. Everything is fine, baby is fine - doctor says she/he's a very vivid one
We do have to be careful. Seems her placenta is located very close to the cervix and there's a little piece of it dangling. Because of that she has to watch out and don't go bending or carrying stuff. In the next couple of weeks, when the womb grows, the placenta will most likely shift - which is good. But for now we still have to take it easy.
I'm relieved though, baby is doing great.
that is GREAT to hear!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
I don't see any reason you can't go see PJ on tour this year. When my mom was pregnant with me, they went to some concerts all throughout her pregnancy.
I believe it contributed to my excellent taste in music
all my hopes, anger, pride and shame...
yeah I hear that! Teach them while they are in the womb I say;)
I took Chloe to several shows when I was pregnant with her. She went to "hear' Sleater-Kinney, 6 PJ shows, 3 Sonic Youth, Power to the Peaceful Festival (fea. Michael Franti and spearhead) both Bridge School nights (on the 21st & my b-day) and 1 Alice In Chains.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
mine to moving around so fast so she gave up;)
well the prob is that they are playing not near my town and by than i am in week 35 or 36 so just one month before .and if the baby is like me than maybe earlier
oh i see what you mean, you might think she might come earlier. It is understandable to be a little cautious
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
I went to Deftones 2 weeks before Adria was born.
Just stay out of the mosh pits and keep off your feet.
At least you get a PJ show close to home.
The next one I get is probably going to be a road trip away.
I doubt they will be touring Canada evry year like the US.
Lucky bastards
yes i do bec. my granny got all 4 children early . my half sista and me we bought had to taken earlier
and by the way the doc already said i´ve a risk pregnancy .
and i am not allowed to travel when the i reach the month 7
and last thing money too
i am a bit sad for sure but i saw them last year .So i say to myself i can´t have everything.
i was dissapiontedwhen PJ scheduled a Toronto show for the week Adria was due.
there was no way i would be trying to fly accross the country for that.
That is a good attitude to have girl!
I hear ya Gen on that, there were rumors that PJ was going to play a show in Dec. in Seattle (which didn't happen) and my best friend wanted all of us to go if it was announced, but yeah, i can't and wouldn't do it b/c I had a few weeks b/f my due date.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
and now they come again but maybe i can do a little pearl jam party;)
Or you could plan the pre party and a Crohns fundraiser.
That way you could still be part of the fun.
Adria has decided to cry her little heart out when I leave the room.
Sometimes she only wants me, even dad wont do.
During the day I cant always be taking her to every room i go to. Plus that would just make the behavior worse. I know shes just being stubborn. She wants to be picked up. I try to sit on the floor and pat her back. But she will just cry harder and try to grab on to me and cuddle up and cry still.
So what do I do. i already leave her till she is sometimes coughing casue I know that this is a power struggle and she is essentially fine. Shes not hungry, shes not wet, shes not in any pain. But some books say never let them cry like that cause they feel abandoned. Others say let them cry. But for how long?
I need to leave the room to out laundry away.
Heck sometimes I end up having to take her to the bathroom with me to sit on the rug.
Any suggestions?
Joey went through the very same thing, same age too. I personally couldnt handle having him cry all the time, so I ended up caving and just held him throughout the day in the baby carrier or on my hip. It just broke my heart to leave him crying knowing all he wanted was for me to hold an comfort him.
Sometimes this meant carrying joey on one hip and a laundry basket on the other down two flights of stairs. I quickly became good at doing things with one hand.
For Joey tho, it was separation anxiety. My dad is my main babysitter and we would work everyday to help Joey get over it. It started with 10 mins a day, I would leave say bye to Joey and go grab a tim's and come home. I gradually worked it up until he was fine and he was kicking me out the door to go to work.
Its frustrating and I remember the days of having to bring Joey to the bathroom with me, but it does end I assure you and we are here for you if you need anything! Enjoy it while you can though, now that Joey is in school, he wont give me a hug or kiss before he heads to class because 'all my friends will see and its embarassing' heh.
i don´t think there is one over here ....
and by the way i can´t even go to a party than bec. as i said some weeks by than i am getting the little one ...than i´ve enough party:D;)
i made a lot housework yesterday and somehow had to take breaks bec. i was so felt like that i worked really really hard:D
We are getting settled into our new home in New Jersey now and Annabelle is having fun exploring her new house! She is sitting completely unsupported and also on her knees, which is so cute, and she's crawling all over the place and has started pulling up. Tonight, she was literally climbing up the back of the couch to reach something on the table behind it! (Don't worry, my husband was right behind her, inches away and ready to grab her if she fell!) It was scary but amazing to see what she could do! She is saying "mamamamananamananmamanama" and "daadbabadabdaadaadadadabada" so we figure that's close enough to "mama" and "dada" lol
Hope everyone is doing well! I don't have time to comment on all of the posts that happened while I was away, but just know that I'm thinking about you all! I'm really glad this thread is still going strong and I love how it seems like as soon as one person has a baby, another pregnant person joins the thread!
i dont usually post on this thread but i read it a lot since it's been 13 years since i had a baby to take care of and you guys help me remember with my grandson. anyway....
i took my grandson to his pediatrician appt last week and i didn't even mention separation issues...the doctor asked. his exact words were "if he DIDN'T get upset when his whole world leaves, i'd be more worried. it means he's learned to associate mom/dad/gramma with safety and security. be happy he loves you enough to miss you when you go.'
of course, knowing the baby loves you doesn't help get things done. what worked for my kids (and now for my grandson) were baby monitors. my daughter would cry until she threw up. so, i'd take the one that was usually in the baby's room...put the receiver wherever the baby was and talk to them when i was in another room. start talking into it before you leave the room...once the monitor has her attention, continue to chatter as you walk out of eyesight.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
oh i see, that´s lovely:):)nice you had fun;)
what is formula?
oh i am sorry ..i had that too when i was a baby mum told me that...
okey...that sounds like a hard job..i´ve heard that from a friend too that you wish very soon that baby can run...
We've run into something...Xavier strains really hard (like he has to poop), but it doesn't come out. He has tons of gas and passes it easily, but that's about it.
Doctor said that he hasn't learned how to pass his stool just yet...I'd never heard of that. I thought it was a natural thing to do.
Anyone else have issues with stools/constipation?
Doctor said it's not constipation because when we help him along (with Q-Tip), it's not hard and passes easily.
Wishlist Foundation: