Just getting in the water...once he's in, he's ok. That was his first one, so he was a little freaked out.
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
hi everyone! haha. I guess Mel has beat me to the punch. I did have my baby on Jan 18th @ 4:15am. it was a 9 hour labor and the contractions were not fun at all. I actually thought the whole delivering was the easiest.
My little Chloe Sequoia is here.I am sorry for my lack of posting, but I know you all understand the first few days of being a mom is going back and forth between feeding and changing and resting in the midst of everything.
I ended up having a episotomy which sucks, but oh well, what can you do? But bringing her into the world is the BEST feeling EVER! My boyfriend and I are escatic w/our new arrival. She has made our life even brighter than it ever was
hey girl that´s ok we all understand right!!!!oh she looks so cute congrates again for this cute girl!.I am sorry for the E even i am not sure what that is...
and thanx for the pictures!!!
Is when they have to cut the inner labia/lip to make room for baby to come out.
Sometimes babies heads will spend forever pushing against that lip.
So the doctor takes a blade and or scissors and gives a snip back towards the rectum/perineal area.
Some times its just one snip some times its 2 in a sorta V shape.
Baby comes through and they sew you back up. Nothing major.
Most women tear naturally if there isnt enough stretch there. I tore and had a stitch.
Sometimes the stitches can be agravating and itchy. I never noticed mine.
But it wasnt much of a tear and the midwife asked if I wanted her to stitch it.
She said I didnt have to. But we waited on it and then she checked again and then gave me some freezing. I held my Doulas hand cause it was tender and a bit swollen down there. But it never caused me a bit of worry. So dont be afraid of it if you need one.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
Is when they have to cut the inner labia/lip to make room for baby to come out.
Sometimes babies heads will spend forever pushing against that lip.
So the doctor takes a blade and or scissors and gives a snip back towards the rectum/perineal area.
Some times its just one snip some times its 2 in a sorta V shape.
Baby comes through and they sew you back up. Nothing major.
Most women tear naturally if there isnt enough stretch there. I tore and had a stitch.
Sometimes the stitches can be agravating and itchy. I never noticed mine.
But it wasnt much of a tear and the midwife asked if I wanted her to stitch it.
She said I didnt have to. But we waited on it and then she checked again and then gave me some freezing. I held my Doulas hand cause it was tender and a bit swollen down there. But it never caused me a bit of worry. So dont be afraid of it if you need one.
Aww Meddle shes really cute.
And dont even worry about not being around! We all took a few days off!
I need some stats when you got a sec. Weight, Length...
How are you feeling?
Got lotsa support?
I didnt have and Episiotemy but did need one stitch.
So was it pretty much natural or did you have an epi?
9hrs is a good labour. Not too fast not dragging on either.
Well fill us in when you got a sec.
oooohhhh Im so excited!
Thanks guys!
i'm feeling good. Just a tad tired and getting used to 'Chloe Schedule' Chloe weighed in at 7lbs 5 oz and her length: 20 inches.
oh I definitely got a lot of support from the nurses and the midwife there at the hospital and not to mention my sweetie, who stood right by me even though he was tired himself. It was too cute, whenever I didn't have a contraction, he would lie down and take a little nap and when I tell the nurses i'm having another contraction he would immediately get up and hold my hand. He was a GREAT supporter. He cried when she was finally born, I couldn't cry b/c I had spent all my tears w/my contractions. I know he was SO happy!
My epitosmy was natural. they didn't have to cut it, it just tore. They said it was a first degree. It hurt when they stiched and I had NO idea what they were doing, like the midwife didn't tell me what she was doing. (my orginal midwife had a personal emergency since her husband was going to have surgery later that day) I didn't use an epidural, which I thought I would want, but i didn't. Which was good! I actually thought the contractions were more painful then the actual birth. with her, I just pushed and out she came. The only drugs I had was for contractions but that didn't even help at all...it just made me loopy and incoherent.
PBM, little X looks TOO cute! btw, i also have the same bath tub too!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
See theres an example of what you can do if you just put your mind to it.
No Epidural. Congrats. I know you thought you might need one but you didnt.
Now Im not bashing women who get epidurals. All the power to you.
I have a bad back and wanted to stay ten miles away from needles in the spinal colum.
And Im glad I did it all natural. Makes me feel like Wonder Woman.
And I needed to experience that myself.
Glad it went well. Meddle
Keep us posted.
Hows little Chloe doing with eating?
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
i'm feeling good. Just a tad tired and getting used to 'Chloe Schedule' Chloe weighed in at 7lbs 5 oz and her length: 20 inches.
oh I definitely got a lot of support from the nurses and the midwife there at the hospital and not to mention my sweetie, who stood right by me even though he was tired himself. It was too cute, whenever I didn't have a contraction, he would lie down and take a little nap and when I tell the nurses i'm having another contraction he would immediately get up and hold my hand. He was a GREAT supporter. He cried when she was finally born, I couldn't cry b/c I had spent all my tears w/my contractions. I know he was SO happy!
My epitosmy was natural. they didn't have to cut it, it just tore. They said it was a first degree. It hurt when they stiched and I had NO idea what they were doing, like the midwife didn't tell me what she was doing. (my orginal midwife had a personal emergency since her husband was going to have surgery later that day) I didn't use an epidural, which I thought I would want, but i didn't. Which was good! I actually thought the contractions were more painful then the actual birth. with her, I just pushed and out she came. The only drugs I had was for contractions but that didn't even help at all...it just made me loopy and incoherent.
PBM, little X looks TOO cute! btw, i also have the same bath tub too!
congratulations, enjoy every second.
my advice, sleep when the baby sleeps if you can.
the hell with everything else, you need your rest
I have a bad back and wanted to stay ten miles away from needles in the spinal colum.
Honestly, the epidural was more frightening to me than the actual c-section. It took forever, I had to hold completely still (despite the fact that I was having intense contractions by that point!) and when the medication went into my spine, I could feel it branching out all over my back, which hurt and completely freaked me out.
I've actually been thinking a lot lately about doing a VBAC for baby #2. I really don't want to have to go through the recovery and deal with the possible complications of a c-section, as well as the epidural.
I know this woman who has five kids, and her first was a c/s and her last 4 were VBAC's!
I can't wait until he sleeps longer than 2-3 hours at a time at night.
The hardest part is when he cries...not being able to verbally communicate is hard. You just want to say, "What's wrong? What can I do?"
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
Back to the subject of epidurals, I also have a chronic bad back and see a chiro every few weeks. I was worried about getting the epidural but it was fine. It is kinda scary, though, because it depends on the skill of the anesthesiologist. They have to be extremely careful not to screw it up.
"This calls for a very special blend of psychology and extreme violence" - The Young Ones
Okay, I'm preggers, too. 14 weeks along, Due July 24th. This will be my second, and it doesn't seem real to me yet that I'm gonna have another baby. I have a one and a half year old girl who's already heading for the 'terrible twos' so I think I'm gonna have my work cut out for me. Glad I'm getting it over with, though. We're planning on this one being our last.
"This calls for a very special blend of psychology and extreme violence" - The Young Ones
I know its very possible to do a VBAC.
Lotsa women get pressured in to doing another CSec when they dont want to.
Because then the doctor can just schedule you in and its easier for them.
I say give it a shot. You can always have a Sec if you need to in the end.
The sleep will come. I know what you mean. The worst for us right now is Adria hates her new carseat. Its an upright rear facing that goes forward when shes older. Shes too big for the bucket carseats now. And its not as comfy. So she will have a harder time falling asleep in the car. And theres nothing I can do for her but let her cry till we get home or she falls asleep.
Ooohh another baby to add to the list.
Congrats. Keep us posted!
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
i'm sleeping fine. Chloe has been breastfeeding and she has been sleeping with us on the bed. She is actually sleeping through the whole entire night. I still can't believe that she hasn't woke us up for anything. I usually feed and change her b/f we go to bed and the first thing in the morning, she wakes us up close to 8 to feed and change her. She had her first doctor's appointment today and she is now weighing 7 lbs!! When she was discharged from the hospital she weighed 6 lbs 15 oz. The doctor was happy w/her results.
Here is a recent pic of Chloe. i'll post more later.
i'm sleeping fine. Chloe has been breastfeeding and she has been sleeping with us on the bed.
PBW tried to brestfeed, but honestly, it seemed like a difficult thing to do. She really wanted to, but it just wasn't working out. You have to have determination.
Being a man, I thought, "Simple enough, they latch on and go for it". Um...not that simple. It's a challenging process to get started.
The hospital was very pro-breastfeeding...to the point where it was very annoying too. Ok, I get it...it's better for the baby. Cut us some slack.
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
PBW tried to brestfeed, but honestly, it seemed like a difficult thing to do. She really wanted to, but it just wasn't working out. You have to have determination.
Being a man, I thought, "Simple enough, they latch on and go for it". Um...not that simple. It's a challenging process to get started.
The hospital was very pro-breastfeeding...to the point where it was very annoying too. Ok, I get it...it's better for the baby. Cut us some slack.
Yeah, I know what you're talking about. I tried to breastfeed mine but it didn't work out. When she was born they had her drink formula the first day because she had low blood sugar. When she was better, I tried to put her to my breast and she just wouldn't latch on. If she did latch on, after a few minutes she'd pull away and scream. Sometimes they just get used to the formula because it's more filling in their little tummies. Felt a bit guilty about it for a while, but she's bright and healthy as a horse now. I'm sure it is healthier for them, but they do just fine either way.
Shortly after her birth I saw a TV commercial advocating breastfeeding, but they made it sound like if you don't do it, you're playing russian roulette with your baby's health. It made me really mad, you know. Sometimes it just doesn't work out and there's no need to be militant or induce guilt in people.
I'll probably try again with 2nd baby but I won't stress about it if it doesn't happen that way.
If PBW still wants to breastfeed, it might not be too late to find a lactation consultant. I guess it depends on how much time has gone by since she's been bottle-feeding.
"This calls for a very special blend of psychology and extreme violence" - The Young Ones
He looks like hes very alert!
Does he not like baths?
He didnt seem very pleased in that one pic!
Still very cute!
(maybe even cuter cause he looks all squished)
Just getting in the water...once he's in, he's ok. That was his first one, so he was a little freaked out.
Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
I love it now that Adria splashes in the water and plays with her bath toys.
hey girl that´s ok we all understand right!!!!oh she looks so cute congrates again for this cute girl!.I am sorry for the E even i am not sure what that is...
and thanx for the pictures!!!
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
She has diabetes and was in labour for 72 hours before they finally gave her a caesarean!! Poor thing!
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
Is when they have to cut the inner labia/lip to make room for baby to come out.
Sometimes babies heads will spend forever pushing against that lip.
So the doctor takes a blade and or scissors and gives a snip back towards the rectum/perineal area.
Some times its just one snip some times its 2 in a sorta V shape.
Baby comes through and they sew you back up. Nothing major.
Most women tear naturally if there isnt enough stretch there. I tore and had a stitch.
Sometimes the stitches can be agravating and itchy. I never noticed mine.
But it wasnt much of a tear and the midwife asked if I wanted her to stitch it.
She said I didnt have to. But we waited on it and then she checked again and then gave me some freezing. I held my Doulas hand cause it was tender and a bit swollen down there. But it never caused me a bit of worry. So dont be afraid of it if you need one.
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
Thanks guys!
i'm feeling good. Just a tad tired and getting used to 'Chloe Schedule'
oh I definitely got a lot of support from the nurses and the midwife there at the hospital and not to mention my sweetie, who stood right by me even though he was tired himself. It was too cute, whenever I didn't have a contraction, he would lie down and take a little nap and when I tell the nurses i'm having another contraction he would immediately get up and hold my hand.
My epitosmy was natural. they didn't have to cut it, it just tore. They said it was a first degree. It hurt when they stiched and I had NO idea what they were doing, like the midwife didn't tell me what she was doing. (my orginal midwife had a personal emergency since her husband was going to have surgery later that day) I didn't use an epidural, which I thought I would want, but i didn't. Which was good!
PBM, little X looks TOO cute! btw, i also have the same bath tub too!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
No Epidural. Congrats. I know you thought you might need one but you didnt.
Now Im not bashing women who get epidurals. All the power to you.
I have a bad back and wanted to stay ten miles away from needles in the spinal colum.
And Im glad I did it all natural. Makes me feel like Wonder Woman.
And I needed to experience that myself.
Glad it went well. Meddle
Keep us posted.
Hows little Chloe doing with eating?
congratulations, enjoy every second.
my advice, sleep when the baby sleeps if you can.
the hell with everything else, you need your rest
We are no longer pregnant!!
Beautiful baby girl
Famke Jane McCallum
22 Jan 2007
no pics yet, back to the hospital for me
My other home
X-man looks so so so cute!! Hes growing quickly, hows PBW feeling? How are you feeling? I had that same bath tub too lol.
Im glad I didnt tear or anything, sounds pretty scary and after Gen's description, it pretty much sealed the deal that ones enough for me!
Congratulations!! Can't wait to see pics!
Honestly, the epidural was more frightening to me than the actual c-section. It took forever, I had to hold completely still (despite the fact that I was having intense contractions by that point!) and when the medication went into my spine, I could feel it branching out all over my back, which hurt and completely freaked me out.
I've actually been thinking a lot lately about doing a VBAC for baby #2. I really don't want to have to go through the recovery and deal with the possible complications of a c-section, as well as the epidural.
I know this woman who has five kids, and her first was a c/s and her last 4 were VBAC's!
He is such a cutie pie!!! Keep the pics coming, PBM!
I can't wait until he sleeps longer than 2-3 hours at a time at night.
The hardest part is when he cries...not being able to verbally communicate is hard. You just want to say, "What's wrong? What can I do?"
Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
Post some pics when you get the chance.
I know its very possible to do a VBAC.
Lotsa women get pressured in to doing another CSec when they dont want to.
Because then the doctor can just schedule you in and its easier for them.
I say give it a shot. You can always have a Sec if you need to in the end.
The sleep will come. I know what you mean. The worst for us right now is Adria hates her new carseat. Its an upright rear facing that goes forward when shes older. Shes too big for the bucket carseats now. And its not as comfy. So she will have a harder time falling asleep in the car. And theres nothing I can do for her but let her cry till we get home or she falls asleep.
Ooohh another baby to add to the list.
Congrats. Keep us posted!
i'm sleeping fine. Chloe has been breastfeeding and she has been sleeping with us on the bed. She is actually sleeping through the whole entire night. I still can't believe that she hasn't woke us up for anything. I usually feed and change her b/f we go to bed and the first thing in the morning, she wakes us up close to 8 to feed and change her. She had her first doctor's appointment today and she is now weighing 7 lbs!!
Here is a recent pic of Chloe. i'll post more later.
ScreamingLemur CONGRATS on your 2nd bundle!
and PBM, I totally know where you are coming from. I often think that myself whenever she cries.
CONGRATS to Andre and his little new baby girl! Post pics of your little one...we are all posting ours
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
PBW tried to brestfeed, but honestly, it seemed like a difficult thing to do. She really wanted to, but it just wasn't working out. You have to have determination.
Being a man, I thought, "Simple enough, they latch on and go for it".
The hospital was very pro-breastfeeding...to the point where it was very annoying too. Ok, I get it...it's better for the baby. Cut us some slack.
Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
Yeah, I know what you're talking about. I tried to breastfeed mine but it didn't work out. When she was born they had her drink formula the first day because she had low blood sugar. When she was better, I tried to put her to my breast and she just wouldn't latch on. If she did latch on, after a few minutes she'd pull away and scream. Sometimes they just get used to the formula because it's more filling in their little tummies. Felt a bit guilty about it for a while, but she's bright and healthy as a horse now. I'm sure it is healthier for them, but they do just fine either way.
Shortly after her birth I saw a TV commercial advocating breastfeeding, but they made it sound like if you don't do it, you're playing russian roulette with your baby's health. It made me really mad, you know. Sometimes it just doesn't work out and there's no need to be militant or induce guilt in people.
I'll probably try again with 2nd baby but I won't stress about it if it doesn't happen that way.
If PBW still wants to breastfeed, it might not be too late to find a lactation consultant. I guess it depends on how much time has gone by since she's been bottle-feeding.
and meddle cloe is so cute