O.K. how many people here are pregnant?



  • My little girl is 19 mos. old now. She will have just turned 2 by the time the new baby comes. She has no idea what's going on and that she's gonna be a big sis.

    For X-mas Santa Claus brought her some newborn twin babydolls. They came with little plastic bottles, and if we make the dolls sound like they're crying, she'll go grab a toy bottle and pretend to feed the dolls. It's so cute. Sometimes she'll pick them up and hug them, but a couple seconds later, she'll bash their heads together and drop them! LOL

    Meddle, From seeing the pictures it looks like Chloe resembles you quite a bit. AWW
    "This calls for a very special blend of psychology and extreme violence" - The Young Ones
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    I feel really bad for women who go through having breastfeeding issues.
    Adria didnt want to latch at all the first day.
    She did latch right away after birth and ate for about 5 minutes.
    The hospital actually said hey you could go home tonight if you want to.
    I decided no and stayed. Im really glad I did. Because all night Adria cried.
    I knew she was hungry but wouldnt latch and I was sooo tired. Eric walked around with her most of the night.
    I called 2 different nurses throughout the night, niether could really help with the latching.
    So we had a lactation consultant come first thing in the morning.
    She helped me a bit and I stayed till later in the afternoon.
    I was sent home with some formula in jars and tips on feeding it to keep Adria satisfied.
    I felt like I was doing something wrong. But I knew I wasnt.
    Anyhoo that night at 1am Adria latched and has been a pro since.
    And now she wont take a bottle. So be careful what you wish for. :D
    Kidding, I dont mind at all. Its not like shes gonna be 18 and still breastfeeding.

    Adria also slept in our bed for the 1st month.
    In a pack and play in our room till she was 4mos.
    And then into her own crib and bedroom.
    I still bring her to bed in the middle of the night if its not going well.
    Most parenting experts would cringe at that.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • PissBottleManPissBottleMan Union City, TN Posts: 4,155
    lactation consultant

    We saw two lactation consultants shortly after we were released from the hospital...both of them kind of freaked me out. ;)

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
  • Lactation Nurses freaked me out too.

    Try not to stress about it PBM and PBW! Sometimes its just not meant to be. Although breastfeeding was something I never planned to do, I *did* at least give at a try the few days I was in hospital, saw many nurses, consultants, nothing worked.
    The hospital was very very pro-breastfeeding and the pressures to do it were awful, I was in tears the morning of my discharge, because I was frustrated that I couldnt do it and the way the nurses treated me when I told them I wanted to stick with bottlefeeding, made me feel like the worst person alive. There was one nurse I'll never forget. She comforted me and told me its my baby and how I want to feed him is my choice and no one else's. She then bitched out every single nurse that gave me a hard time. Im glad she was there, I felt pretty bad about the situation and then throw on the 'baby blues' on top of that and I was a mess.

    For me, it just never worked out. I dont regret my decision one bit, I think the formula gave joey a super stomach. At 5 years old he can eat 4 eggs, 3 pieces of bacon, 1 sausage round and 4 pieces of toast. So needless to say, hes just fine 5 years later. For dinner on sunday, we had pizza, he ate 4 slices.
  • PissBottleManPissBottleMan Union City, TN Posts: 4,155
    The hospital was very very pro-breastfeeding and the pressures to do it were awful

    Yeah, they do seem to make you feel inferior.

    Regardless, X is eating well...and often ;)

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Yeah, they do seem to make you feel inferior.

    Regardless, X is eating well...and often ;)


    Well thats all that matters.
    Now just work on the sleeping thing! :D
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • MeddleDealMeddleDeal Posts: 2,547
    DinghyDog wrote:
    what a beautiful girl! congrats! how old now?

    thanks! :D Actually, today, she turned a week old :) We took her grocery shopping w/us. It was fun! She slept the whole entire time she was there. I LOVE being a family! :D

    PBM, about breastfeeding, it is hard! My mom, when she had my brothers and I, she tried to breastfeed each of us, but it didn't work. She said NONE of us would take it. She told me that she had to get a shot to bring down the milk flow since they were overfilled. So don't worry about it too much as long as X is eating, it is all good :D

    What I didn't like was every single nurse, at the hospital, telling me different things on how to hold my baby and what i'm doing wrong breastfeeding. I attended a class they held at the hospital, and the lactation consultant told us to feel comfortable on how you do it and she also said different people will tell you different things, but in the end, it is your baby.

    Chloe latched on as soon as she was born. But then a few hours into she was born, it was kind of hard. From time to time, she would latch and other times she wouldn't. She would just suck my nipple and it hurt! it made my nipples sore (which kind of still does) and even this week, my breast engore, they hurt so much from the weight of the milk. I highly thought of getting formula and I talked to my pediterian, and he told me to give her water, then if that doesn't work, then formula. :/ Luckily, a warm shower helped it bring it down.

    Right now, she is just breastfeeding. I don't know if i'll give her formula, but i'll see in a few weeks though. I just wish I had a breast pump though b/c these suckers sometimes are sore.

    did you all get a nurse, every few hours (around the clock) to come in and check on you and your baby at the hospital? I hardly got any decent night's sleep b/c of that. :o I mean, it is cool that they check up on you and all, but yeah, after you don't have that much sleep, you can get easily frustrated.
    ~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
    "For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
  • genevieve wrote:
    Im soooo glad in Canada we get a whole year for maternity leave.
    Its really too bad theat US isnt up to par on this. Mothers are meant to be with thier babies.
    On the other hand some women are glad for the break! :D

    Yes, I have to agree with you on this. I'm greatful for the full year off. My baby is 4 months old now and honestly,I don't know how I would have been able to work through colic, formula problems and now teething. She only started sleeping through the night at 3 months, so the thought of having to get up and go to work on 3 or 4 hours sleep and do justice to my job at this point seems impossible!
    I have a friend whose sister lives in Portland. She got 6 weeks home with her baby before heading back to work. I don't know how she and her husband manage,as they are both shift workers. I'm going to have a hard enough time trusting someone with my child at one year, never mind 6 weeks!
    You can't know what it's like, to bleed from here,
    The blackened world goes white, it goes nowhere...
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Moonchild wrote:
    Yes, I have to agree with you on this. I'm greatful for the full year off. My baby is 4 months old now and honestly,I don't know how I would have been able to work through colic, formula problems and now teething. She only started sleeping through the night at 3 months, so the thought of having to get up and go to work on 3 or 4 hours sleep and do justice to my job at this point seems impossible!
    I have a friend whose sister lives in Portland. She got 6 weeks home with her baby before heading back to work. I don't know how she and her husband manage,as they are both shift workers. I'm going to have a hard enough time trusting someone with my child at one year, never mind 6 weeks!

    Oprah last week had a thing on staying home VS going to work.
    It was really interesting. I know you have to do whats best for you.
    But at least in Canada we have a bit more flex in our decision.
    A year is a great length of time to spend at home and decide what you want to do.
    They said that only 4 countries in the world dont have solid Maternity programs run by government,
    Papua New Guinea, Somalia, Lesotho and USA.
    To quote Sesame Street here...
    "One of these things does not belong here, One of these things is not the same"
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    MeddleDeal wrote:
    thanks! :D Actually, today, she turned a week old :) We took her grocery shopping w/us. It was fun! She slept the whole entire time she was there. I LOVE being a family! :D

    PBM, about breastfeeding, it is hard! My mom, when she had my brothers and I, she tried to breastfeed each of us, but it didn't work. She said NONE of us would take it. She told me that she had to get a shot to bring down the milk flow since they were overfilled. So don't worry about it too much as long as X is eating, it is all good :D

    What I didn't like was every single nurse, at the hospital, telling me different things on how to hold my baby and what i'm doing wrong breastfeeding. I attended a class they held at the hospital, and the lactation consultant told us to feel comfortable on how you do it and she also said different people will tell you different things, but in the end, it is your baby.

    Chloe latched on as soon as she was born. But then a few hours into she was born, it was kind of hard. From time to time, she would latch and other times she wouldn't. She would just suck my nipple and it hurt! it made my nipples sore (which kind of still does) and even this week, my breast engore, they hurt so much from the weight of the milk. I highly thought of getting formula and I talked to my pediterian, and he told me to give her water, then if that doesn't work, then formula. :/ Luckily, a warm shower helped it bring it down.

    Right now, she is just breastfeeding. I don't know if i'll give her formula, but i'll see in a few weeks though. I just wish I had a breast pump though b/c these suckers sometimes are sore.

    did you all get a nurse, every few hours (around the clock) to come in and check on you and your baby at the hospital? I hardly got any decent night's sleep b/c of that. :o I mean, it is cool that they check up on you and all, but yeah, after you don't have that much sleep, you can get easily frustrated.

    Go to Wal Mart and buy the El Cheepo pump I have.
    I loooove it.
    the brand is "The First Years"
    very easy to use manual pump.
    Comes with a couple storage containers.
    East to clean, easy to bring along wherever.
    Or look it up online if Wal Mart doesnt have it.
    I never spent big bucks on the Medela $200 pumps.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • MeddleDealMeddleDeal Posts: 2,547
    genevieve wrote:
    Oprah last week had a thing on staying home VS going to work.
    It was really interesting. I know you have to do whats best for you.
    But at least in Canada we have a bit more flex in our decision.
    A year is a great length of time to spend at home and decide what you want to do.
    They said that only 4 countries in the world dont have solid Maternity programs run by government,
    Papua New Guinea, Somalia, Lesotho and USA.
    To quote Sesame Street here...
    "One of these things does not belong here, One of these things is not the same"

    yeah I heard about that. And in some countries they also give paternity leave (both paid & unpaid). It sucks we don't have it here in the USA b/c people in Congress say they don't want to have to pay for our kids. :rolleyes: whatever and i bet ya they don't even pay taxes :mad:

    I did see this special on 20/20, a reporter, who recently returned from maternity leave, talked about this issue. It is a huge problem in this country, many women, to make ends meet, by taking another job to afford daycare.
    ~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
    "For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
  • MeddleDeal wrote:
    thanks! :D Actually, today, she turned a week old :) We took her grocery shopping w/us. It was fun! She slept the whole entire time she was there. I LOVE being a family! :D

    PBM, about breastfeeding, it is hard! My mom, when she had my brothers and I, she tried to breastfeed each of us, but it didn't work. She said NONE of us would take it. She told me that she had to get a shot to bring down the milk flow since they were overfilled. So don't worry about it too much as long as X is eating, it is all good :D

    What I didn't like was every single nurse, at the hospital, telling me different things on how to hold my baby and what i'm doing wrong breastfeeding. I attended a class they held at the hospital, and the lactation consultant told us to feel comfortable on how you do it and she also said different people will tell you different things, but in the end, it is your baby.

    Chloe latched on as soon as she was born. But then a few hours into she was born, it was kind of hard. From time to time, she would latch and other times she wouldn't. She would just suck my nipple and it hurt! it made my nipples sore (which kind of still does) and even this week, my breast engore, they hurt so much from the weight of the milk. I highly thought of getting formula and I talked to my pediterian, and he told me to give her water, then if that doesn't work, then formula. :/ Luckily, a warm shower helped it bring it down.

    Right now, she is just breastfeeding. I don't know if i'll give her formula, but i'll see in a few weeks though. I just wish I had a breast pump though b/c these suckers sometimes are sore.

    did you all get a nurse, every few hours (around the clock) to come in and check on you and your baby at the hospital? I hardly got any decent night's sleep b/c of that. :o I mean, it is cool that they check up on you and all, but yeah, after you don't have that much sleep, you can get easily frustrated.

    Meddle, if you decide to get a pump for occasional use, I recommend the Avent Isis. For the first three weeks that I was pumping, I was exclusively relying on that, even though it's a manual. The Avent Isis is about 50 bucks and it was great. That way, when you get engorged, you can pump for a few minutes and get some relief. (And then once breastfeeding is established, you can pump some for your boyfriend to feed her too.:))
  • genevieve wrote:
    They said that only 4 countries in the world dont have solid Maternity programs run by government,
    Papua New Guinea, Somalia, Lesotho and USA.
    To quote Sesame Street here...
    "One of these things does not belong here, One of these things is not the same"

    I saw that, Gen... That was unbelievable!

    It was an interesting show all around. I thought it presented both sides of the issue really well.
  • MeddleDeal wrote:
    yeah I heard about that. And in some countries they also give paternity leave (both paid & unpaid). It sucks we don't have it here in the USA b/c people in Congress say they don't want to have to pay for our kids. :rolleyes: whatever and i bet ya they don't even pay taxes :mad:

    I did see this special on 20/20, a reporter, who recently returned from maternity leave, talked about this issue. It is a huge problem in this country, many women, to make ends meet, by taking another job to afford daycare.

    That reporter was on the show that Gen was talking about. It was interesting to see her own conflicting ideas, especially when it meant walking away from such a coveted job that she had likely been striving for her entire life!

    When it came time to decide whether I was going to work or stay home, we figured the cost and it was almost even. I mean, we'd have a little more if I worked, but daycare is so expensive around here that it was basically not worth it to go back to work. So I based my decision on emotions and stayed home.
  • DinghyDogDinghyDog Posts: 587
    edited November 2012
    Post edited by DinghyDog on
  • ladygooddivaladygooddiva Posts: 4,169
    ScreamingLemur that´s a perfect age for having a second child not too old;)

    MeddleDeal the shopping tour sounds lovely but the storys from the nurses scary me a bit....

    i still have to wait sooooooooooo long...
  • My g/f, 16 weeks pregnant lost some blood yesterday after a really busy day. We ended up in the hospital and we heard the baby's heartbeat which sounded perfect. Everybody says things are fine, but still we're very worried. Tomorrow we'll go and see the gynaecologist for an echo. Something about the placenta. My g/f has no pain or contractions or anything...

    This is nervewracking... Everything was going absolutely perfect, we we're finally at ease after 12 weeks. Now this, I'm sure it's nothing, but it doesn't help, you know. A couple of weeks ago I heard my best friends sister lost her baby at 5 months. Guess you're never completely in the safe zone, are you.
  • pacifierpacifier Posts: 1,009
    My g/f, 16 weeks pregnant lost some blood yesterday after a really busy day. We ended up in the hospital and we heard the baby's heartbeat which sounded perfect. Everybody says things are fine, but still we're very worried. Tomorrow we'll go and see the gynaecologist for an echo. Something about the placenta. My g/f has no pain or contractions or anything...

    This is nervewracking... Everything was going absolutely perfect, we we're finally at ease after 12 weeks. Now this, I'm sure it's nothing, but it doesn't help, you know. A couple of weeks ago I heard my best friends sister lost her baby at 5 months. Guess you're never completely in the safe zone, are you.

    Try not to worry too much, a little bit of bleeding is not unusual, as long as it wasn't much. I wish you both the best of luck. Make sure the mother-to-be takes it easy from now on.
  • pacifier wrote:
    Try not to worry too much, a little bit of bleeding is not unusual, as long as it wasn't much. I wish you both the best of luck. Make sure the mother-to-be takes it easy from now on.

    Thanks, it wasn't much. She is taking it easy now, staying home from work. I'm doing my best to take care of her...
  • bostonloubostonlou Posts: 2,849
    i found out last night i was knocked up

    with the millions i make i will be touring europe

    Don't Believe Everything You Think
  • LizardLizard So Cal Posts: 12,091
    bostonlou wrote:
    i found out last night i was knocked up

    with the millions i make i will be touring europe


    who's the dad/mom? Metsfan???!!! :)
    So I'll just lie down and wait for the dream
    Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
  • AmentsChickAmentsChick Posts: 6,969
    Lizard wrote:
    who's the dad/mom? Metsfan???!!! :)

    best post...EVER.
    This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper

  • MeddleDealMeddleDeal Posts: 2,547
    Meddle, if you decide to get a pump for occasional use, I recommend the Avent Isis. For the first three weeks that I was pumping, I was exclusively relying on that, even though it's a manual. The Avent Isis is about 50 bucks and it was great. That way, when you get engorged, you can pump for a few minutes and get some relief. (And then once breastfeeding is established, you can pump some for your boyfriend to feed her too.:))

    ooo, I'll be sure to check it out Brain and Gen. Thanks for the input ladies :D i know my boyfriend kind of feels left out b/c I am nursing her, and I know he wants to help with taking care of her too. I have the bottles lined up so he can feed her all I need is a breast pump! :) My little one is sure loving her binky though :p
    ~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
    "For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
  • MeddleDealMeddleDeal Posts: 2,547
    My g/f, 16 weeks pregnant lost some blood yesterday after a really busy day. We ended up in the hospital and we heard the baby's heartbeat which sounded perfect. Everybody says things are fine, but still we're very worried. Tomorrow we'll go and see the gynaecologist for an echo. Something about the placenta. My g/f has no pain or contractions or anything...

    This is nervewracking... Everything was going absolutely perfect, we we're finally at ease after 12 weeks. Now this, I'm sure it's nothing, but it doesn't help, you know. A couple of weeks ago I heard my best friends sister lost her baby at 5 months. Guess you're never completely in the safe zone, are you.

    Be sure you both take it easy. Relax and give her lots of support. I know I was scared too with every little thing that happened, even with miscarriage. Every parent goes through that, but try not to think about it and always look forward to the doctor's appointment. Let us know how your gf's appointment goes. you both are also in my thoughts.
    ~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
    "For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
  • PissBottleManPissBottleMan Union City, TN Posts: 4,155
    MeddleDeal wrote:
    i know my boyfriend kind of feels left out

    Yeah, as a dad, you kind of feel out of the loop at times.

    PBW went to the doctor today...her fibroid has gone down a little, but it's still 10cm. It's still causing her pain...she has another ultrasound in 4 weeks...doctor's hoping it will go down more.

    She was excited today because they weighed her today and she's lost 40lbs! She looks fabulous.

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
  • MeddleDealMeddleDeal Posts: 2,547
    Yeah, as a dad, you kind of feel out of the loop at times.

    PBW went to the doctor today...her fibroid has gone down a little, but it's still 10cm. It's still causing her pain...she has another ultrasound in 4 weeks...doctor's hoping it will go down more.

    She was excited today because they weighed her today and she's lost 40lbs! She looks fabulous.


    i hope she recovers soon from the fibroid. aww tell your wife congrats on losing the weight! :D

    How is little X doing?
    ~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
    "For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
  • MeddleDeal wrote:
    hi everyone! haha. I guess Mel has beat me to the punch. I did have my baby on Jan 18th @ 4:15am. it was a 9 hour labor and the contractions were not fun at all. I actually thought the whole delivering was the easiest. :D

    My little Chloe Sequoia is here.I am sorry for my lack of posting, but I know you all understand the first few days of being a mom is going back and forth between feeding and changing and resting in the midst of everything. :p

    I ended up having a episotomy which sucks, but oh well, what can you do? But bringing her into the world is the BEST feeling EVER! My boyfriend and I are escatic w/our new arrival. She has made our life even brighter than it ever was :D

    Here is some pics of my little one :)
    Congradulations MeddleDeal, although a little late. Chloe is absolutely beautiful! She looks really tiny! :)
    I know what you mean about the pain of episitomy. My labour was 27 hours, 3 hours of hard pushing and suction. I think they almost left me too long. I just signed up for a photobucket account and will try (for the first time) to include pics as well. Here goes:
    You can't know what it's like, to bleed from here,
    The blackened world goes white, it goes nowhere...
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Hope everyone has a happy and healthy weekend.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • Thanks for all the well-wishes .

    I never knew a person could function on 4 hours of sleep over 4 days. :D

    We came home from the hospital last night around 7pm. Xavier has a little bit of Jaundice, so he has to sleep under a special light...we're hoping we'll be able to remove the light after today.

    We have an appointment today at 11:30, so we'll find out then.

    I uploaded a few pictues while I had a spare minute this morning (PBW and Baby are sleeping):


    When I get some extra time (:D), I'll post more.

    Again, thanks for all your well-wishes.

    MeddleDeal...you're on the clock. :)


    Just noticed this as I scrolled back through a few pages, trying to catch up on the recent births. My baby (Lily) also had jaundice when she was born. Her colour was very yellow after about 3 days, but 24 hours under the Billyrubin lamp broke it down and in cleared up within a few days. Very cute pics by the way. He's adorable!
    You can't know what it's like, to bleed from here,
    The blackened world goes white, it goes nowhere...
  • ladygooddivaladygooddiva Posts: 4,169
    Thanks, it wasn't much. She is taking it easy now, staying home from work. I'm doing my best to take care of her...

    this is the best now she can do .wish you all the best!!!
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