fingers crossed your little girl comes soon (and of her own accord)
Thanks Megan I am truly overbaked. 10 days and she is not coming out. I'm doing alright. At night, i can't really sleep well b/c of the futon we have as a bed is causing me to have back aches and also I have contractions at night. I know it is all worth it soon, once she comes out and I am hoping that she will come out on her own. thank u for your well wishes girl:D
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
for sure girl. I know I'll be too tired to post here once she comes. i'll be checking in though on this thread to see how you are doing though
oh that´s so nice and cute from you!!!!:):):):)
gonna visit a clinic today and i will watch everything (it´s an info day of this clinic for 1 and half hour#).
Meddle still no baby huh?
Oh well get as much reast as you can.
Do the last bits of organising.
My Midwife told us to write in journal how we are feeling.
The good stuff and the crappy stuff.
maybe do a bit of that.
And then you can show it to her when shes older.
You will never get these days back.
And after a few nights of hardly any sleep you might be wishing for her to be back inside!
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
Hey Gen, no baby yet! Still waiting. i am going to take a cue from you and take a nap in a bit. I know once she is around, i won't be getting any sleep at all. I don't even go outside b/c it is really cold! I feel like I'm lazy, but i know it is all good
hmmm, journal sounds good as well. i got a journal book for my baby shower, maybe I should write in that. I know I got my bag all ready to go to the hospital once she comes. ahhh, anxiety is such a pain sometimes.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Hey Gen, no baby yet! Still waiting. i am going to take a cue from you and take a nap in a bit. I know once she is around, i won't be getting any sleep at all. I don't even go outside b/c it is really cold! I feel like I'm lazy, but i know it is all good
I know I really enjoyed organising the dresser drawers, closet, etc...
I would write in my journal. I would write about my expectations.
I also like to make braided bracelets. So I kicked back and made some.
I knew I wouldnt have time when baby came. Im actually wearing some now.
My old ones that I was wearing around the time she was born have fallen off.
I also got Eric to clean the oven.
i know that sounds silly.
But ours isnt a self clean.
So I went out one day and had him do it so I wasnt around the fumes.
I also started drawing some big posters which I am still working on.
They are of sorta "fantasy", unicorns on one, pegasus on another, and a castle and princesses on the last. Theya re big and I have spent a lot of time on them. I will frame them and mat them and hang them once I have them all done.
I drew lotsa little fairies and bugs and animals hiding all around.
They are taking me so long because I am doing them first in pen and doing what is called "pointalism" so from far it looks normal, up close its all a series of dots. Im coloring over it lightly with pencil crayon. CAnt wait to see them all done and hung up. I have one finishe and one half done, the last is just rough scketched.
Also drink lotsa Raspberry leaf tea.
It helps get the contractions going.
You can buy it at a health store.
You could also buy the special tincture they sell.
It is to induce labor. But its natural and half the time doesnt work.
But hey maybe its worth a try?
Also the tea helps contract the uterus after delivery too.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
pardon my ignorance (backward aussie thing).............
but WTF is a self cleaning oven? I WANT ONE!
Its an oven that self cleans!
you put it on a setting thats a super high temp.
and it essentially burns everything off.
therefore cleaning the oven.
all you do is sweep up the bottom.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
nope i didn´t.Maybe the little lucy is keeping her in action;)
well i decided now in witch clinic i want to get the baby .ok maybe it´s to early for that but in some i could not even move anymore so i made my choice already.
Hey has anyone heard from eddies gurl? I notice she hasn't been on in AGES! I hope everything is ok with her and little lucy!
I'm on another message board with her, she can't go on here while at work, and when she gets home....she is very busy! Lucy is 5 months old now and just a charmer! They are all doing fantastic!
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
I'm on another message board with her, she can't go on here while at work, and when she gets home....she is very busy! Lucy is 5 months old now and just a charmer! They are all doing fantastic!
She is working already ???Wow.....ok .No break for the baby ???
i will do that for one year and than i work again.
Nice to hear that they´re fantastic!!!
She is working already ???Wow.....ok .No break for the baby ???
i will do that for one year and than i work again.
Nice to hear that they´re fantastic!!!
She only had 6 weeks off. She has a pretty good set up with child care, I think relatives have her most of the week and then a sitter the rest. I was one of the lucky ones raising my boys....15 years at home and now 5 years of working only 2 days per week...for my hubby, so I can come and go as I want. With four teen sons in the house....I need to be around!
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
Im soooo glad in Canada we get a whole year for maternity leave.
Its really too bad theat US isnt up to par on this. Mothers are meant to be with thier babies.
On the other hand some women are glad for the break!
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
She only had 6 weeks off. She has a pretty good set up with child care, I think relatives have her most of the week and then a sitter the rest. I was one of the lucky ones raising my boys....15 years at home and now 5 years of working only 2 days per week...for my hubby, so I can come and go as I want. With four teen sons in the house....I need to be around!
that´s less .how is she with that?
sounds so
well i just want to stay one year at home if it´s possible ...
so how old are you`?
Im soooo glad in Canada we get a whole year for maternity leave.
Its really too bad theat US isnt up to par on this. Mothers are meant to be with thier babies.
On the other hand some women are glad for the break!
here you can stay 3 years home if you like or better say it´s a money thing too ...sure i be glad for the break but in the other hand a baby is a 24 hours job...
here you can stay 3 years home if you like or better say it´s a money thing too ...sure i be glad for the break but in the other hand a baby is a 24 hours job...
Well I think in US its only 3 months off.
It doesnt make much difference with me cause Im self employed and dont qualify for maternity leave.
So we just have to be careful with our spending.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
I went back to work after 2 1/2 months and I think if theres another (and Im hoping there isnt ever) then I'd go back to work even earlier. Some women just arent the stay at home type mom, Im definately not. I need the adult interaction and I always thought those mommy and me classes were a bit cheesy. Maybe its because Im still young (24 with a 5 year old). I feel this way, I found alot of women who are my age or a few years younger feel this way.
As a feminist, I never really truly believe the whole "mothers are meant to be with their babies" bit. Fathers are just as good as staying at home as mothers. I truly feel that just because Im a woman and a mother, doesn't mean I have to stay home. I believe in this society, women have more options outside of the home. Some choose to take them, others choose to stay home. Gen this was in no way a shot at you or anyone else who feels this way. I personally extremely disagree with the statement so I thought I'd just say why.
You have to do whats right for you and your family, everyone is different. I was jogging 45 mins a day 2 weeks after my son is born, so I feel my body can handle the 'new baby, working mom' thing. Other women take alot longer to recover just depends on you.
I went back to work after 2 1/2 months and I think if theres another (and Im hoping there isnt ever) then I'd go back to work even earlier. Some women just arent the stay at home type mom, Im definately not. I need the adult interaction and I always thought those mommy and me classes were a bit cheesy. Maybe its because Im still young (24 with a 5 year old). I feel this way, I found alot of women who are my age or a few years younger feel this way.
As a feminist, I never really truly believe the whole "mothers are meant to be with their babies" bit. Fathers are just as good as staying at home as mothers. I truly feel that just because Im a woman and a mother, doesn't mean I have to stay home. I believe in this society, women have more options outside of the home. Some choose to take them, others choose to stay home. Gen this was in no way a shot at you or anyone else who feels this way. I personally extremely disagree with the statement so I thought I'd just say why.
You have to do whats right for you and your family, everyone is different. I was jogging 45 mins a day 2 weeks after my son is born, so I feel my body can handle the 'new baby, working mom' thing. Other women take alot longer to recover just depends on you.
Me likey you.
It also depends on the relationship you have with your husband.
My husband stayed home with Tyler when I got a job.
Unfortunately in this stupid society, mothers feel guilty about not being home with the kids!
But...I have a great relationship with my husband, so I feel okay about myself and doing what I want to without compromising my family - the same goes for hubby as well.
He feels GUILTY about working overtime or going out with his friends because he always feel like he should be home with the kids.
Hmm...I did a good job on him??
But, really - kudos to those mothers who WANT to stay home with the babies.
Anyway, I was pissed that I was only off for TWO frigging weeks when I had our youngest daughter, Livia. I was NOT happy!
And I had to use my 2 weeks of vacation!!! Stupid frigging small company! :(
Anyhoooo...... meedddllleee???
JA: Why do I get the Ticketmaster question?
EV: It's your band.
~Q Magazine
"Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
I went back to work after 2 1/2 months and I think if theres another (and Im hoping there isnt ever) then I'd go back to work even earlier. Some women just arent the stay at home type mom, Im definately not. I need the adult interaction and I always thought those mommy and me classes were a bit cheesy. Maybe its because Im still young (24 with a 5 year old). I feel this way, I found alot of women who are my age or a few years younger feel this way.
As a feminist, I never really truly believe the whole "mothers are meant to be with their babies" bit. Fathers are just as good as staying at home as mothers. I truly feel that just because Im a woman and a mother, doesn't mean I have to stay home. I believe in this society, women have more options outside of the home. Some choose to take them, others choose to stay home. Gen this was in no way a shot at you or anyone else who feels this way. I personally extremely disagree with the statement so I thought I'd just say why.
You have to do whats right for you and your family, everyone is different. I was jogging 45 mins a day 2 weeks after my son is born, so I feel my body can handle the 'new baby, working mom' thing. Other women take alot longer to recover just depends on you.
I think my hubby would have been a great stay at home dad, but I think he wouldn't have been as happy as I was doing it, he needs the outside world, and is very successful out there. He couldn't breast feed that would have been a major problem With my two younger sons...they never had any bottles...personal choice of mine...wanted to see if I could do it...and I did! I loved loved loved staying home with my kids....all of it! I just got so into being a stay at home mom. I love to cook, celebrate holidays and we have a ton of pets. When they were little never stayed home much though....we were always out on an adventure, seeing friends, taking a hike, going to the lake swimming, riding bikes, snowboarding, camping, visiting a zoo, farm, or museum....I'm easily amused. I really miss my sons being young. They are 19, 17, 15 & 12, and turning into amazing men. I wouldn't change any part of their childhoods. Wish I could do it all again.
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
I love this board and I love all you women, so many different opinions on so many issues! I just wanted to say again that my last post was not meant to offend anyone. Especially not you Gen!
I think like I said in my last post, you have to do whats right for you family. I was lucky enough that my S.O left that decision to me. I have a great network for babysitting. My family and Krohn's family takes the saying "it takes a village to raise a child" literally and with the help of family members, I get free babysitting So it definately made things a bit easier.
So I think its now safe to assume Meddle has finally met little Chloe, cant wait to read the birth story and see some pictures!
Well I think in US its only 3 months off.
It doesnt make much difference with me cause Im self employed and dont qualify for maternity leave.
So we just have to be careful with our spending.
wow that´s rough but ok that´s the staates.Well here you can be back after 6 weeks too but i don´t want to and for my babe and i it´s better i stay at home bec. he earns more money.And when baby is born he is finish with his study .So he have to work for sure and maybe he will take two months daddy months than we can get money for 14 months (but it´s ok if he doesn´t bec. it´s not only bec. of the money.
and by the way my job is that´s another reason why i stay of...and mabye by than we live already somewhere else .
i´ve no idear if i am the right mummy but i think in the first months you are so tired and the baby takes all your time and than work not for me...
and it´s nothing that i feel guilty or so.
I went back to work after 2 1/2 months and I think if theres another (and Im hoping there isnt ever) then I'd go back to work even earlier. Some women just arent the stay at home type mom, Im definately not. I need the adult interaction and I always thought those mommy and me classes were a bit cheesy. Maybe its because Im still young (24 with a 5 year old). I feel this way, I found alot of women who are my age or a few years younger feel this way.
As a feminist, I never really truly believe the whole "mothers are meant to be with their babies" bit. Fathers are just as good as staying at home as mothers. I truly feel that just because Im a woman and a mother, doesn't mean I have to stay home. I believe in this society, women have more options outside of the home. Some choose to take them, others choose to stay home. Gen this was in no way a shot at you or anyone else who feels this way. I personally extremely disagree with the statement so I thought I'd just say why.
You have to do whats right for you and your family, everyone is different. I was jogging 45 mins a day 2 weeks after my son is born, so I feel my body can handle the 'new baby, working mom' thing. Other women take alot longer to recover just depends on you.
No worries QR!
I know exactly what you are saying.
I was just saying its natural for a parent to be home for a while with baby.
i really feel for babies that are like a week old and in child care of some sort.
I have no family near me. Well except for my sister. And if you have read past
posts about her she can be a real pill. My folks live in Winnipeg and Erics are in Ontario.
So my village is me. And my prenatal group who are all my age or at least around that.
Eric loves spending time with Adria and the first two weeks I barely touched a diaper.
But I am still breastfeeding and Adria has still not taken to a bottle.
So I am happy at home. Get out lots with friends or have them over.
Some women are still awsome moms even if kids are in child care.
And I think that really depends on the care and the mom.
I worked at an awsome daycare. But some parents were too busy. Some were worn right out, and were checked out in terms of thier kids too. Everyday we wrote a "report card" about what the kid ate, drank, slept, learned.
And some parents would discuss it a bit. Some wouldnt even look at it. I would just end up picking it up and throwing it out everyday. These same parents were usually in a rush to go. A rush to drop off.
I would never walk in, look at Adria sit her down and say " K, bye see ya later"
And not even take off her jacket, give her a hug and kiss make sure the workers knew what was in her bag that day...
Thats what I mean by I think a mom is meant to be there.
Some moms shouldnt have kids. They arent accessories.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
I cant BELIEVE how much she looks like Its like your hubby was never there lol!
You wouldnt be the first to say that.
Shes the spitting image of my baby pics.
But little by little we are seeing some of Eric in her.
I think in some of her more serious pics she looks like him.
I hadent posted pics in ages so there are a ton.
Sorry for those of you suffering through them.
With grandparents that live far away gotta post lotsa pics!
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
No worries QR!
I know exactly what you are saying.
I was just saying its natural for a parent to be home for a while with baby.
i really feel for babies that are like a week old and in child care of some sort.
I have no family near me. Well except for my sister. And if you have read past
posts about her she can be a real pill. My folks live in Winnipeg and Erics are in Ontario.
So my village is me. And my prenatal group who are all my age or at least around that.
Eric loves spending time with Adria and the first two weeks I barely touched a diaper.
But I am still breastfeeding and Adria has still not taken to a bottle.
So I am happy at home. Get out lots with friends or have them over.
Some women are still awsome moms even if kids are in child care.
And I think that really depends on the care and the mom.
I worked at an awsome daycare. But some parents were too busy. Some were worn right out, and were checked out in terms of thier kids too. Everyday we wrote a "report card" about what the kid ate, drank, slept, learned.
And some parents would discuss it a bit. Some wouldnt even look at it. I would just end up picking it up and throwing it out everyday. These same parents were usually in a rush to go. A rush to drop off.
I would never walk in, look at Adria sit her down and say " K, bye see ya later"
And not even take off her jacket, give her a hug and kiss make sure the workers knew what was in her bag that day...
Thats what I mean by I think a mom is meant to be there.
Some moms shouldnt have kids. They arent accessories.
Ok, I am a little offended by what you said here.
Yes, some parents rush too fast to even say goodbyes - but you can't assume what their lives are like, nor should you say they shouldn't even had those kids.
That's not to say there aren't ones like that, but to make that decision based on what you saw is unfair, in my opinon.
See, I was one of those types you mentioned - I was tired all the frigging time, working part time, going to school full time with husband working two jobs.
You can imagine how stressful that was - but I always found the time to talk to them at bedtime, and on some mornings it was hard getting them ready to go because of the time schedule I was on so I couldn't make myself stay before or after daycare. I dropped them off and picked them up - but at home, I finally relax and hang out with them. Bath, bedtime or dinner.
My youngest has never been to daycare since I've been home due to being laid off since 2002.
My relationship with her is the same with my other 3.
My family is tight knited - because we know communication is very important.
Just wanted to defend some of those parents - these days it's getting harder and harder even with two incomes and other things in life.
JA: Why do I get the Ticketmaster question?
EV: It's your band.
~Q Magazine
"Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
Yes, some parents rush too fast to even say goodbyes - but you can't assume what their lives are like, nor should you say they shouldn't even had those kids.
That's not to say there aren't ones like that, but to make that decision based on what you saw is unfair, in my opinon.
See, I was one of those types you mentioned - I was tired all the frigging time, working part time, going to school full time with husband working two jobs.
You can imagine how stressful that was - but I always found the time to talk to them at bedtime, and on some mornings it was hard getting them ready to go because of the time schedule I was on so I couldn't make myself stay before or after daycare. I dropped them off and picked them up - but at home, I finally relax and hang out with them. Bath, bedtime or dinner.
My youngest has never been to daycare since I've been home due to being laid off since 2002.
My relationship with her is the same with my other 3.
My family is tight knited - because we know communication is very important.
Just wanted to defend some of those parents - these days it's getting harder and harder even with two incomes and other things in life.
I understand exactly what you are saying.
But there were some parents that cared only about what thier kids looked like.
Would fuss if there was a stain on the shirt that wasnt there before but couldnt be bothered to give thier 19 month old a little cuddle.
Thats what bothered me. Parents who had an attitude about the stupedist stuff and would rip a strip off the workers and then drag their kid out of the place like piece of deadwood.
we knew the parents like you were doing their best.
We knew because the kids didnt have issues at the age of 6months.
We knew because some of the parents didnt care if we thought thier little boy might be deaf. Or thier little girl was oozing crap out of her ear from an ear infection. Or wouldnt treat the excema so bad i could see flesh through and would out of my own pocket pay for cream for that little girl and put it on her while she was around.
We knew who cared.
And like I said.
It depends on the parent and the caregiver.
Working together is really important.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
you must be about 10 days over baked now right?
hope your doing well and sleeping ok....
fingers crossed your little girl comes soon (and of her own accord)
Thanks Megan
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
oh that´s so nice and cute from you!!!!:):):):)
gonna visit a clinic today and i will watch everything (it´s an info day of this clinic for 1 and half hour#).
Meddle still no baby huh?
Oh well get as much reast as you can.
Do the last bits of organising.
My Midwife told us to write in journal how we are feeling.
The good stuff and the crappy stuff.
maybe do a bit of that.
And then you can show it to her when shes older.
You will never get these days back.
And after a few nights of hardly any sleep you might be wishing for her to be back inside!
hmmm, journal sounds good as well. i got a journal book for my baby shower, maybe I should write in that.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Good luck! I hope she comes soon!
I would write in my journal. I would write about my expectations.
I also like to make braided bracelets. So I kicked back and made some.
I knew I wouldnt have time when baby came. Im actually wearing some now.
My old ones that I was wearing around the time she was born have fallen off.
I also got Eric to clean the oven.
i know that sounds silly.
But ours isnt a self clean.
So I went out one day and had him do it so I wasnt around the fumes.
I also started drawing some big posters which I am still working on.
They are of sorta "fantasy", unicorns on one, pegasus on another, and a castle and princesses on the last. Theya re big and I have spent a lot of time on them. I will frame them and mat them and hang them once I have them all done.
I drew lotsa little fairies and bugs and animals hiding all around.
They are taking me so long because I am doing them first in pen and doing what is called "pointalism" so from far it looks normal, up close its all a series of dots. Im coloring over it lightly with pencil crayon. CAnt wait to see them all done and hung up. I have one finishe and one half done, the last is just rough scketched.
Also drink lotsa Raspberry leaf tea.
It helps get the contractions going.
You can buy it at a health store.
You could also buy the special tincture they sell.
It is to induce labor. But its natural and half the time doesnt work.
But hey maybe its worth a try?
Also the tea helps contract the uterus after delivery too.
pardon my ignorance (backward aussie thing).............
but WTF is a self cleaning oven? I WANT ONE!
Its an oven that self cleans!
you put it on a setting thats a super high temp.
and it essentially burns everything off.
therefore cleaning the oven.
all you do is sweep up the bottom.
Hey has anyone heard from eddies gurl? I notice she hasn't been on in AGES! I hope everything is ok with her and little lucy!
well i decided now in witch clinic i want to get the baby .ok maybe it´s to early for that but in some i could not even move anymore so i made my choice already.
I'm on another message board with her, she can't go on here while at work, and when she gets home....she is very busy! Lucy is 5 months old now and just a charmer! They are all doing fantastic!
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
She is working already ???Wow.....ok .No break for the baby ???
i will do that for one year and than i work again.
Nice to hear that they´re fantastic!!!
She only had 6 weeks off. She has a pretty good set up with child care, I think relatives have her most of the week and then a sitter the rest. I was one of the lucky ones raising my boys....15 years at home and now 5 years of working only 2 days per week...for my hubby, so I can come and go as I want. With four teen sons in the house....I need to be around!
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
Its really too bad theat US isnt up to par on this. Mothers are meant to be with thier babies.
On the other hand some women are glad for the break!
that´s less .how is she with that?
sounds so
well i just want to stay one year at home if it´s possible ...
so how old are you`?
here you can stay 3 years home if you like or better say it´s a money thing too ...sure i be glad for the break but in the other hand a baby is a 24 hours job...
Well I think in US its only 3 months off.
It doesnt make much difference with me cause Im self employed and dont qualify for maternity leave.
So we just have to be careful with our spending.
I posted a massive amount of pics on my blog.
Feel free to look if you like.
As a feminist, I never really truly believe the whole "mothers are meant to be with their babies" bit. Fathers are just as good as staying at home as mothers. I truly feel that just because Im a woman and a mother, doesn't mean I have to stay home. I believe in this society, women have more options outside of the home. Some choose to take them, others choose to stay home. Gen this was in no way a shot at you or anyone else who feels this way. I personally extremely disagree with the statement so I thought I'd just say why.
You have to do whats right for you and your family, everyone is different. I was jogging 45 mins a day 2 weeks after my son is born, so I feel my body can handle the 'new baby, working mom' thing. Other women take alot longer to recover just depends on you.
Me likey you.
It also depends on the relationship you have with your husband.
My husband stayed home with Tyler when I got a job.
Unfortunately in this stupid society, mothers feel guilty about not being home with the kids!
But...I have a great relationship with my husband, so I feel okay about myself and doing what I want to without compromising my family - the same goes for hubby as well.
He feels GUILTY about working overtime or going out with his friends because he always feel like he should be home with the kids.
Hmm...I did a good job on him??
But, really - kudos to those mothers who WANT to stay home with the babies.
Anyway, I was pissed that I was only off for TWO frigging weeks when I had our youngest daughter, Livia. I was NOT happy!
And I had to use my 2 weeks of vacation!!! Stupid frigging small company! :(
Anyhoooo...... meedddllleee???
EV: It's your band.
~Q Magazine
"Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
I think my hubby would have been a great stay at home dad, but I think he wouldn't have been as happy as I was doing it, he needs the outside world, and is very successful out there. He couldn't breast feed that would have been a major problem
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
I think like I said in my last post, you have to do whats right for you family. I was lucky enough that my S.O left that decision to me. I have a great network for babysitting. My family and Krohn's family takes the saying "it takes a village to raise a child" literally and with the help of family members, I get free babysitting
So I think its now safe to assume Meddle has finally met little Chloe, cant wait to read the birth story and see some pictures!
wow that´s rough but ok that´s the staates.Well here you can be back after 6 weeks too but i don´t want to and for my babe and i it´s better i stay at home bec. he earns more money.And when baby is born he is finish with his study .So he have to work for sure and maybe he will take two months daddy months than we can get money for 14 months (but it´s ok if he doesn´t bec. it´s not only bec. of the money.
and by the way my job is that´s another reason why i stay of...and mabye by than we live already somewhere else .
i´ve no idear if i am the right mummy but i think in the first months you are so tired and the baby takes all your time and than work not for me...
and it´s nothing that i feel guilty or so.
cute pics thanx for sharing
I cant BELIEVE how much she looks like Its like your hubby was never there lol!
No worries QR!
I know exactly what you are saying.
I was just saying its natural for a parent to be home for a while with baby.
i really feel for babies that are like a week old and in child care of some sort.
I have no family near me. Well except for my sister. And if you have read past
posts about her she can be a real pill. My folks live in Winnipeg and Erics are in Ontario.
So my village is me. And my prenatal group who are all my age or at least around that.
Eric loves spending time with Adria and the first two weeks I barely touched a diaper.
But I am still breastfeeding and Adria has still not taken to a bottle.
So I am happy at home. Get out lots with friends or have them over.
Some women are still awsome moms even if kids are in child care.
And I think that really depends on the care and the mom.
I worked at an awsome daycare. But some parents were too busy. Some were worn right out, and were checked out in terms of thier kids too. Everyday we wrote a "report card" about what the kid ate, drank, slept, learned.
And some parents would discuss it a bit. Some wouldnt even look at it. I would just end up picking it up and throwing it out everyday. These same parents were usually in a rush to go. A rush to drop off.
I would never walk in, look at Adria sit her down and say " K, bye see ya later"
And not even take off her jacket, give her a hug and kiss make sure the workers knew what was in her bag that day...
Thats what I mean by I think a mom is meant to be there.
Some moms shouldnt have kids. They arent accessories.
You wouldnt be the first to say that.
Shes the spitting image of my baby pics.
But little by little we are seeing some of Eric in her.
I think in some of her more serious pics she looks like him.
I hadent posted pics in ages so there are a ton.
Sorry for those of you suffering through them.
With grandparents that live far away gotta post lotsa pics!
Ok, I am a little offended by what you said here.
Yes, some parents rush too fast to even say goodbyes - but you can't assume what their lives are like, nor should you say they shouldn't even had those kids.
That's not to say there aren't ones like that, but to make that decision based on what you saw is unfair, in my opinon.
See, I was one of those types you mentioned - I was tired all the frigging time, working part time, going to school full time with husband working two jobs.
You can imagine how stressful that was - but I always found the time to talk to them at bedtime, and on some mornings it was hard getting them ready to go because of the time schedule I was on so I couldn't make myself stay before or after daycare. I dropped them off and picked them up - but at home, I finally relax and hang out with them. Bath, bedtime or dinner.
My youngest has never been to daycare since I've been home due to being laid off since 2002.
My relationship with her is the same with my other 3.
My family is tight knited - because we know communication is very important.
Just wanted to defend some of those parents - these days it's getting harder and harder even with two incomes and other things in life.
EV: It's your band.
~Q Magazine
"Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
I understand exactly what you are saying.
But there were some parents that cared only about what thier kids looked like.
Would fuss if there was a stain on the shirt that wasnt there before but couldnt be bothered to give thier 19 month old a little cuddle.
Thats what bothered me. Parents who had an attitude about the stupedist stuff and would rip a strip off the workers and then drag their kid out of the place like piece of deadwood.
we knew the parents like you were doing their best.
We knew because the kids didnt have issues at the age of 6months.
We knew because some of the parents didnt care if we thought thier little boy might be deaf. Or thier little girl was oozing crap out of her ear from an ear infection. Or wouldnt treat the excema so bad i could see flesh through and would out of my own pocket pay for cream for that little girl and put it on her while she was around.
We knew who cared.
And like I said.
It depends on the parent and the caregiver.
Working together is really important.