Ha...congrats! We're due around that same time. Boy or girl?
We're waiting on the surprise..... I really wanna see what it is, but........ We have a dog as well...... advice, don't tape the actual birth.... it will scar you!
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
J Lo
Pretty much 12 month stuff.
shes at least 26 inches.
And 20 lbs.
Our next shots arent till closer to the end of Nov.
So everything is a guesstimation.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
hello all, this is DinghyDog writing on behalf of pacifier! we are now the proud parents of little Anna born 28th of Oct. Everything is going well and she is the most beautiful thing ever! she is a week old today!
she was born at 7 pounds 3 ounces, and 19.6 inches. her Apgar scores were 9 and 9! did really well straight out.
hello all, this is DinghyDog writing on behalf of pacifier! we are now the proud parents of little Anna born 28th of Oct. Everything is going well and she is the most beautiful thing ever! she is a week old today!
she was born at 7 pounds 3 ounces, and 19.6 inches. her Apgar scores were 9 and 9! did really well straight out.
hey PBM, some nice ultrasound pictures!
Congratulations to your whole family!!!!! Yay!!! Just this afternoon I was wondering if she had been born yet, as I hadn't seen pacifier around!! I'm glad they're both doing well and I can't wait to see pictures!!!
I missed these! Very cool! I loooooved looking at the ultrasound photos of Annabelle. We had some great profile shots, so I knew she had my nose even before she was born.
oh, i love that so much...it's definitely makes me smooshy inside, too! when i saw that it instantly made me wish i had taken more pictures when i was pregnant!
I just have to share these pics I took today. Annabelle thinks she can feed herself, lol... She grabs the spoon out of my hand and sucks the cereal off of it. Actually, the last one is one from last night, I just thought it was cute.
hello all, this is DinghyDog writing on behalf of pacifier! we are now the proud parents of little Anna born 28th of Oct. Everything is going well and she is the most beautiful thing ever! she is a week old today!
she was born at 7 pounds 3 ounces, and 19.6 inches. her Apgar scores were 9 and 9! did really well straight out.
I just have to share these pics I took today. Annabelle thinks she can feed herself, lol... She grabs the spoon out of my hand and sucks the cereal off of it. Actually, the last one is one from last night, I just thought it was cute.
What a beautiful baby. Jack likes to do that too, grab the spoon. He sometimes gets it in his mouth. Jack has a new favorite food. Gerber's Apple Blueberry. 2nd stage. He devours it.
Thank you all. Well, yes, I did begin to show signs of pre-eclampsia and they decided to induce me for the sake of my kidneys, but the induction ended up being for my due date anyway. At least I didn't have to go up to 10 days over like they suggested.
I was hoping to go through the birth without an epidural but because of the gel they gave me to bring on contractions I was having contractions about every two minutes or so and they were extremely painful in the front and in my back. hot water on my back helped ease the back pain and that made the other pain bareable, but after a few hours I was still only about 1 cm dilated so the midwife decided to break my waters. She said I had to decide then whether I wanted an epidural or not. I didn't want to decide right then so she said she could give me about an hour after my water breaks to decide. However it turned out that I didn't need that hour because once she broke my waters I started throwing up violently from pain and, being someone who cannot handle throwing up, I asked for the epidural straight away.
After that it was painless. The contrast was ridiculous. I have a picture of me sitting with a cup of tea on my leg and a smile on my face while I am having contractions every two minutes!!
It took just a couple of hours to go from 1cm dilated to 9cm dilated. When it came time to push I stopped taking the pain relief so that I could feel what was going on. That was an interesting experience, I'm glad I got to feel it, even though I ended up throwing up again (I think I got it pretty easy though, only vomiting 3 times in my whole pregnancy) and I had to have stitches. Apparently I screamed a terrifing scream when I had the episiotomy, but my memory of it was that it didn't hurt too bad.
They had to use the vaccuum to help our baby (Anna) out because her heart beat kept dropping with each push. It really pulled her head out of shape, but it quickly went back into shape, as you can see by her pictures at http://www.flickr.com/photos/45215389@N00. I believe DinghyDog has already given her birth details. Anna was born a strong and healthy baby, lifting her head from day one, turning her head towards my voice on day 2 and even smiling already.
As for me I think my body must have gained a lot of fluid because I really started swelling in the last couple of weeks of pregnancy. I put on about 12kg with the pregnancy and in just over a week I have lost about 7kg. I am feeling pretty good. Anna is a wonderful baby. I think we got very, very lucky. She is active through the day, sleeps well at night and hardly cries unless she has a good reason to. I hope she stays this way, but everyone keeps telling us it will change.
We have another shower at work today for me and PBW. We're at 32 weeks! Little X-man will soon be here.
I hope everyone else is doing well.
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
aww beautiful pictures pacifier and congrats on little Anna. how long did they tell you you would recover from your stiches?
I think they said about 6 weeks, but the stitches take about 2 or 3 months to fall out. It really hasn't been too painful or even uncomfortable for the most part.
I just hit my 32nd week, and I am getting anxious. I have a lot of concerns too, like 'what if she stops moving?' i freak out if she doesn't move for hours at a time. But she is moving quite a bit, especially today, for the past week though, she was pushing at my ribs on Wed. making me feel discomfort. I also notice on my right side of my belly, her back was poking out, it looked like it was swollen.
Also, for other pregnant women out there, if you are getting some stretchmarks, use cocoa butter. This stuff really works!! I have been using it for 3 months already. one of my friends gave me to me on the recommendation of her pregnant cousin, who is due any day now
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
We go to our C-Section Birthing Class tonight! :eek:
Our last baby-shower was yesterday and we've gotten just about everything we registered for...we are blessed with great friends and family.
Took the desk and computer out of the back bedroom on Saturday...this weekend we paint and put up borders...the nursery is coming along.
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
Thank you all. Well, yes, I did begin to show signs of pre-eclampsia and they decided to induce me for the sake of my kidneys, but the induction ended up being for my due date anyway. At least I didn't have to go up to 10 days over like they suggested.
I was hoping to go through the birth without an epidural but because of the gel they gave me to bring on contractions I was having contractions about every two minutes or so and they were extremely painful in the front and in my back. hot water on my back helped ease the back pain and that made the other pain bareable, but after a few hours I was still only about 1 cm dilated so the midwife decided to break my waters. She said I had to decide then whether I wanted an epidural or not. I didn't want to decide right then so she said she could give me about an hour after my water breaks to decide. However it turned out that I didn't need that hour because once she broke my waters I started throwing up violently from pain and, being someone who cannot handle throwing up, I asked for the epidural straight away.
After that it was painless. The contrast was ridiculous. I have a picture of me sitting with a cup of tea on my leg and a smile on my face while I am having contractions every two minutes!!
It took just a couple of hours to go from 1cm dilated to 9cm dilated. When it came time to push I stopped taking the pain relief so that I could feel what was going on. That was an interesting experience, I'm glad I got to feel it, even though I ended up throwing up again (I think I got it pretty easy though, only vomiting 3 times in my whole pregnancy) and I had to have stitches. Apparently I screamed a terrifing scream when I had the episiotomy, but my memory of it was that it didn't hurt too bad.
They had to use the vaccuum to help our baby (Anna) out because her heart beat kept dropping with each push. It really pulled her head out of shape, but it quickly went back into shape, as you can see by her pictures at http://www.flickr.com/photos/45215389@N00. I believe DinghyDog has already given her birth details. Anna was born a strong and healthy baby, lifting her head from day one, turning her head towards my voice on day 2 and even smiling already.
As for me I think my body must have gained a lot of fluid because I really started swelling in the last couple of weeks of pregnancy. I put on about 12kg with the pregnancy and in just over a week I have lost about 7kg. I am feeling pretty good. Anna is a wonderful baby. I think we got very, very lucky. She is active through the day, sleeps well at night and hardly cries unless she has a good reason to. I hope she stays this way, but everyone keeps telling us it will change.
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
We're waiting on the surprise..... I really wanna see what it is, but........ We have a dog as well...... advice, don't tape the actual birth.... it will scar you!
I can't wait for his arrival...just about 8 weeks left. It's hard for me to believe that it's been 7 months since we found out the news.
Here are some ultrasound pictures:
Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
yanno...its a bit weird knowing that ed's 5 days younger than me n just having babies and im already a gramma.
Pretty much 12 month stuff.
shes at least 26 inches.
And 20 lbs.
Our next shots arent till closer to the end of Nov.
So everything is a guesstimation.
It's a short little video show how the belly expands as the baby grows.
Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
That was awsome.
What a great idea they had.
Makes me a smooshy inside.
she was born at 7 pounds 3 ounces, and 19.6 inches. her Apgar scores were 9 and 9! did really well straight out.
hey PBM, some nice ultrasound pictures!
Congratulations to your whole family!!!!! Yay!!! Just this afternoon I was wondering if she had been born yet, as I hadn't seen pacifier around!! I'm glad they're both doing well and I can't wait to see pictures!!!
I missed these! Very cool! I loooooved looking at the ultrasound photos of Annabelle. We had some great profile shots, so I knew she had my nose even before she was born.
btw, I love the name xavier
oh, i love that so much...it's definitely makes me smooshy inside, too!
hey, congratulations!
Congratulations to you both!!!
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
Congrats Dinghy and pacifier.
Gotta fill us in on how it all went.
Im glad to hear baby is healthy.
Hope mom is doing well too.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
I was hoping to go through the birth without an epidural but because of the gel they gave me to bring on contractions I was having contractions about every two minutes or so and they were extremely painful in the front and in my back. hot water on my back helped ease the back pain and that made the other pain bareable, but after a few hours I was still only about 1 cm dilated so the midwife decided to break my waters. She said I had to decide then whether I wanted an epidural or not. I didn't want to decide right then so she said she could give me about an hour after my water breaks to decide. However it turned out that I didn't need that hour because once she broke my waters I started throwing up violently from pain and, being someone who cannot handle throwing up, I asked for the epidural straight away.
After that it was painless. The contrast was ridiculous. I have a picture of me sitting with a cup of tea on my leg and a smile on my face while I am having contractions every two minutes!!
It took just a couple of hours to go from 1cm dilated to 9cm dilated. When it came time to push I stopped taking the pain relief so that I could feel what was going on. That was an interesting experience, I'm glad I got to feel it, even though I ended up throwing up again (I think I got it pretty easy though, only vomiting 3 times in my whole pregnancy) and I had to have stitches. Apparently I screamed a terrifing scream when I had the episiotomy, but my memory of it was that it didn't hurt too bad.
They had to use the vaccuum to help our baby (Anna) out because her heart beat kept dropping with each push. It really pulled her head out of shape, but it quickly went back into shape, as you can see by her pictures at http://www.flickr.com/photos/45215389@N00. I believe DinghyDog has already given her birth details. Anna was born a strong and healthy baby, lifting her head from day one, turning her head towards my voice on day 2 and even smiling already.
As for me I think my body must have gained a lot of fluid because I really started swelling in the last couple of weeks of pregnancy. I put on about 12kg with the pregnancy and in just over a week I have lost about 7kg. I am feeling pretty good. Anna is a wonderful baby. I think we got very, very lucky. She is active through the day, sleeps well at night and hardly cries unless she has a good reason to. I hope she stays this way, but everyone keeps telling us it will change.
PICTURES (in case you didn't read that whole ramble
We have another shower at work today for me and PBW. We're at 32 weeks! Little X-man will soon be here.
I hope everyone else is doing well.
Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
I think they said about 6 weeks, but the stitches take about 2 or 3 months to fall out. It really hasn't been too painful or even uncomfortable for the most part.
Hope you have a speedy recovery.
Little Anna is simply beautiful.
Get lotsa rest.
Also, for other pregnant women out there, if you are getting some stretchmarks, use cocoa butter. This stuff really works!! I have been using it for 3 months already. one of my friends gave me to me on the recommendation of her pregnant cousin, who is due any day now
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Our last baby-shower was yesterday and we've gotten just about everything we registered for...we are blessed with great friends and family.
Took the desk and computer out of the back bedroom on Saturday...this weekend we paint and put up borders...the nursery is coming along.
Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
It makes it all feel a bit more real.
If anyone is interested.
How are all the new and expecting parents?
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
I know you are busy,
But we all want some more pics!
and for those who didnt see the last page where I posted this:
new pics...