O.K. how many people here are pregnant?



  • brainofPJbrainofPJ Posts: 2,361
    i would love to plant seed somewhere down the line

    Esther's here and she's sick?

    hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Aw Hellfish.
    Jack is so cute!
    No mistaking him for a little girl though.
    Hes a little bruiser! :D
    Hes got great eyes. Very happy eyes.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • IamMineIamMine Posts: 2,743
    Wow... I can't believe I never saw this thread until recently... but I thought, "well I ain't pregnant anymore so this doesn't apply to me!"

    But I was shocked to see MeddleDeal PREGNANT!!!!??????

    Didn't even know she already had a child... lol

    Look like a young teenager to me. :D;)

    genevieve, your birth experience was incredible!

    I wanted a tub birth with our first child back in 1993 (ugh that long ago?!) but I didn't know how to obtain that information back then.

    I too had a natural birth with the first 3 children.... but with our fourth child, I was like gimme the epidural!!!

    It's fucking 21st century, not 17th century!! I ain't dealing with pain anymore!!!

    First child put me through 23 hours and 44 minutes of labor hell!

    It was painful when laying on your back... I wanted to walk around but doctors refused to let me!!

    With 2nd daughter, I refused to let them give me the shot though it was very very painful... 12 hours of labor. The nurse actually got in a fight with me lol.

    But they let me sit in the rocking chair... so it helped a *little* - taking pressure off of my back.

    3rd child - 4 1/2 hours of labor. Painful, but quicker. ;)

    4th child - EASIEST one of ALL!!! I played cards all the way up till delivery - didn't even know it was time to push! :D

    My pregnant and soon to be due doctor was on her way out for lunch when she came to check on me and said, "oh great, we got to deliver NOW!" (she was joking of course)

    "Now? Aw, it has only been four hours... I'm having fun!" :D;)

    Couldn't feel a thing pushing her out either.

    I thought to myself, "why didn't I go for that epidural shot with the first child!! This is a wonderful drug!!! DAMN!!"

    Congrats on the beautiful baby and good luck to those who are pregnant and/or adopting. :)

    Oh, and yes, I'm DONE....... for real. ;)
    JA: Why do I get the Ticketmaster question?
    EV: It's your band.
    ~Q Magazine

    "Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
  • She looks great Gen. Is she sitting up on her own, or was that a quick shot before she fell? jack can sit up on his own for a few seconds before plopping over. He is very close to crawling. he rolls over, and tries to crawl, but doesn't go anywhere. It looks like he's swimming in place
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    The swimming in place thing.
    Adria does that.
    She cant sit up on her own quite yet.
    If you look at the blog there is a faceplant shot from just afer the sitting one.
    Im loving it though, the different things she does everyday.
    Shes fussing while trying to roll over as I type this out.

    How are you doing after your own surgery Hellfish?
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • MeddleDealMeddleDeal Posts: 2,547
    IamMine wrote:
    Wow... I can't believe I never saw this thread until recently... but I thought, "well I ain't pregnant anymore so this doesn't apply to me!"

    But I was shocked to see MeddleDeal PREGNANT!!!!??????

    Didn't even know she already had a child... lol

    Look like a young teenager to me. :D;)

    haha Mel. Looks can be deceiving ya know;) I'm 25 going on 26, and this is my first child, little Chloe. :)

    thanks for posting stories about your delivery experiences, all different, but really insightful! :D
    ~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
    "For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
  • quick update!

    Lucy & I are doing GREAT!!! She is soooo wonderful... never thought the simplest things in life would make me the happiest... getting puked on, burped on... pooped on.... just knowing she feels better makes me sooo happy! :D ... Lucy is eating every 3-4 hours.. about 4 ounces... she is very happy until she gets hungry.. there is no holding her back! she loves her food! :D

    here is some pics... i'll update more later... hope everyone is well!




    Lucy & my best friend that just left for kuwait (spell?) ... this was taken on Sunday.. she left on MOnday night....


    Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm

    ~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
  • IamMineIamMine Posts: 2,743
    MeddleDeal wrote:
    haha Mel. Looks can be deceiving ya know;) I'm 25 going on 26, and this is my first child, little Chloe. :)

    thanks for posting stories about your delivery experiences, all different, but really insightful! :D

    :D I am with AmentChick - I hate you! ;)

    You really look great being pregnant!! I maybe have two or three pregnant pictures but they are terrible - I refused to let anyone take pictures of me! Ugh.

    Your place also looks awesome! Come on over here and decorate my house! :D

    You all had me digging up my old baby pictures! :D

    This is Tyler, at 11 weeks, with his dad in bath (back then when they didn't think anything of naked babies pictures :rolleyes: Now that is a *gasps* thing)

    This is me and Tyler at 7 months old in 1994.

    And this is him rocking out, his hair actually much longer now... :( (sad how time flies by so fast!)

    Oh, here is him and his dad "out of bath" 13 years later! haha

    Raina on her 4th birthday, being a rock star ;)

    Noah and Livia when she was a baby

    Now, 13 years later... a big happy (?) family ;):D

    See what you all have to look forward to? ;)

    Man, I feel so old now looking at some pictures, but it sure brought back good memories and I'm smiling. :)
    JA: Why do I get the Ticketmaster question?
    EV: It's your band.
    ~Q Magazine

    "Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Everyones pics are awsome!
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • Gen

    My shoulder is @ 85%. Little bit of pain left, and flexibility is not great. My neck is a whole 'nother story. Isn't it fun watching them struggle to turn over? She will figure it out so quick. Jack can now roll over at will.
  • MeddleDealMeddleDeal Posts: 2,547
    IamMine wrote:
    :D I am with AmentChick - I hate you! ;)

    You really look great being pregnant!! I maybe have two or three pregnant pictures but they are terrible - I refused to let anyone take pictures of me! Ugh.

    Your place also looks awesome! Come on over here and decorate my house! :D

    You all had me digging up my old baby pictures! :D

    This is Tyler, at 11 weeks, with his dad in bath (back then when they didn't think anything of naked babies pictures :rolleyes: Now that is a *gasps* thing)

    This is me and Tyler at 7 months old in 1994.

    And this is him rocking out, his hair actually much longer now... :( (sad how time flies by so fast!)

    Oh, here is him and his dad "out of bath" 13 years later! haha

    Raina on her 4th birthday, being a rock star ;)

    Noah and Livia when she was a baby

    Now, 13 years later... a big happy (?) family ;):D

    See what you all have to look forward to? ;)

    Man, I feel so old now looking at some pictures, but it sure brought back good memories and I'm smiling. :)

    oh stop it Mel! I know you both hate me for looking like that and I'll take that as a compliment. :p;) oh that place is not my apt. it is the store where I work at. My boss designed/decorated all of that :D

    and those are very BEAUTIFUL pics of your family and your little ones when they were little. You have a very beautiful family! i can't wait to go on trips w/my growing family :)

    I must say Mel, that pic of you and Tyler back in 1994, it is really a good shot! love the lighting in that pic, it reminds me of a rock magazine type of photo :D
    ~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
    "For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Adria rolled over this week twice!
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • i am not pregnant.....
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Im sure you will spwan one day Speedy, one day...
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203

    Soooo cute!
    Hmmm. I need to post some new ones on my blog soon.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Hows everyone doing?
    We are well.
    Adria went for her second set of shots on tuesday.
    Shes weighing in at 17.9lbs. Measuring 25.5 Inches.
    I think thats pretty good for a 4month old! :D;)
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • Attention Similac Users. Some Similac is being recalled. Not serious, no medical complaints. Here's the story

  • MeddleDealMeddleDeal Posts: 2,547
    genevieve: awww your little one got her shots?! did she cry at all?

    I am doing good. Actually, me and chloe are doing well :D

    Yesterday, I was playing my boyfriend's guitar, since I was bored out of my mind. :p When I stopped playing, she started to move, and she didn't stop. I think she was doing summersaults in my belly or at least that is what it felt like! I think she loves the music :D
    ~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
    "For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    MeddleDeal wrote:
    genevieve: awww your little one got her shots?! did she cry at all?

    I am doing good. Actually, me and chloe are doing well :D

    Yesterday, I was playing my boyfriend's guitar, since I was bored out of my mind. :p When I stopped playing, she started to move, and she didn't stop. I think she was doing summersaults in my belly or at least that is what it felt like! I think she loves the music :D


    Adria does really good. She doesnt cry.
    I just dont like it.
    I feel like as a society we over immunize.
    But I dont want her to get something serious.

    Adria would go nuts too at concerts and stuff too. :D
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • Haven't posted in a while, and there's too much to comment on it all individually, but I have read everything and looked at all the new pics! Everyone's pics are great!!! (prego pics, baby pics, etc!) I'm really enjoying watching everyone's beautiful babies as they grow and change and can't wait to see more as they are born!! :)

    Annabelle had her 3 month shots today. She cried, but stopped really quickly and smiled at me (with little tears in her eyes!) after I started talking to her. It breaks my heart to see the little unicorn band aid on her leg, but she has been pretty content all day. She's got a little fever and she's been sleeping a lot, but she seems happy when she's up.

    She's making a lot of new sounds and today she has been practicing going "mmmmmmm." :D She did say "mom" but I know it was an accident, lol. :D She also has rolled both ways and is trying like hell to sit up on her own whenever she is leaned with her back against her boppy. It looks like she's doing crunches, lol. She's such a little cutie pie. I will post more pics soon! (I'm so lazy about resizing them, but once I do, I'll put them in photobucket and post my link!)
  • Not exactly a baby post since Im a bit beyond that stage now.

    Our son (krohn and myself) started kindergarten last week. Its just so surreal, he'll be 5 in october and I cant help but wonder where the last 5 years went. It doesnt seem like 5 years as passed.

    He seems to be adjusting well and he seems to like it alot, Im having trouble adjusting to the cattiness of some of the other women. Its like they are hounds and Im a fresh steak.

    It seems like it was last year when he couldnt walk too well or speak actual words to tell and now I cant get him to sit down and be quiet for more then 30 seconds lol. Enjoy the baby years girls, they go by quick..
  • Awwww :) I love the ones of Adria outdoors...she looks so beautiful and peaceful! And the reading ones cracked me up! :D
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Awwww :) I love the ones of Adria outdoors...she looks so beautiful and peaceful! And the reading ones cracked me up! :D

    Erics mom was telling relatives that she likes to read novels.
    So I took pictures of her reading his family tree book.

    The little frog hopped on her while I was taking pics.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • pacifierpacifier Posts: 1,009
    just a quick update. I am 35 weeks now and starting to feel quite uncomfortable.

    I had heard other people on here mention about feeling their babies get the hiccups but hadn't felt it myself until a couple of days ago. funny little thing :).

    I don't know if I posted this earlier but a few weeks ago we shone a little torch on my belly and moved it around because we had heard that the baby should be able to see the light through the uterus and react to it. She certainly did! there was a lot of movement going on when we moved the light around over my belly and at one stage I think she must have reached for it because there was a little bump poking out of my belly towards the torch and I could feel the pressure of her pushing against me. That was a weird experience. I recommend that people try it if they can. but afterwards we got paranoid that we might hurt her eyes (even though it only shines a dull red light when you shine it through something like the skin on your cheek) so we haven't done it much since then. But it was fun.

    I'm due in 5 weeks, but it has been indicated that I might be induced earlier, so I will keep you all posted when the baby arrives.
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    pacifier wrote:
    just a quick update. I am 35 weeks now and starting to feel quite uncomfortable.

    I had heard other people on here mention about feeling their babies get the hiccups but hadn't felt it myself until a couple of days ago. funny little thing :).

    I don't know if I posted this earlier but a few weeks ago we shone a little torch on my belly and moved it around because we had heard that the baby should be able to see the light through the uterus and react to it. She certainly did! there was a lot of movement going on when we moved the light around over my belly and at one stage I think she must have reached for it because there was a little bump poking out of my belly towards the torch and I could feel the pressure of her pushing against me. That was a weird experience. I recommend that people try it if they can. but afterwards we got paranoid that we might hurt her eyes (even though it only shines a dull red light when you shine it through something like the skin on your cheek) so we haven't done it much since then. But it was fun.

    I'm due in 5 weeks, but it has been indicated that I might be induced earlier, so I will keep you all posted when the baby arrives.

    Any time now!
    Adria was 2 weeks early!
    Is your belly itchy?
    Mine was at about that time.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • twin1twin1 Posts: 902
    pacifier wrote:
    just a quick update. I am 35 weeks now and starting to feel quite uncomfortable.

    I had heard other people on here mention about feeling their babies get the hiccups but hadn't felt it myself until a couple of days ago. funny little thing :).

    I don't know if I posted this earlier but a few weeks ago we shone a little torch on my belly and moved it around because we had heard that the baby should be able to see the light through the uterus and react to it. She certainly did! there was a lot of movement going on when we moved the light around over my belly and at one stage I think she must have reached for it because there was a little bump poking out of my belly towards the torch and I could feel the pressure of her pushing against me. That was a weird experience. I recommend that people try it if they can. but afterwards we got paranoid that we might hurt her eyes (even though it only shines a dull red light when you shine it through something like the skin on your cheek) so we haven't done it much since then. But it was fun.

    I'm due in 5 weeks, but it has been indicated that I might be induced earlier, so I will keep you all posted when the baby arrives.

    That is very cool! You are pretty close now. It really is anytime now, they come when they are supposed to no matter what any doctor tells you. I am sure you did not hurt her eyes so don't worry about that. I am so excited for you, the big event is so close! :)

    I am almost in my 3rd trimester and been struggling with a sinus infection and just the usual aches and pains of pregnancy. I think this little guy is going to be the biggest, I already feel like a whale and his kicks are strong. I feel them regularly in many different spots and sometimes they make me jump or keep me up when I am trying to sleep. He responds to voices now and any loud noises. Its been a little bit harder to breath this pregnancy also. I am not too sure why. Physically carrying this little boy versus the girls has been tougher. I am tired quicker. Hormone wise and nausea wise it has been easier than the girls were.
    Our love must not be just words, but True Love, which shows itself in action,
    No one needs a smile more than someone who fails to give one,
    After you die...you know how to LIVE!
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    The worst was getting kicked in what I consider the cervix.
    I remember that. It would make me jump. But it was funny too I guess. :D
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
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