O.K. how many people here are pregnant?



  • PissBottleManPissBottleMan Union City, TN Posts: 4,155
    I guess I can finally post in this thread. Mandy is due in January!

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
  • Quiet RhythmQuiet Rhythm Posts: 104
    I guess I can finally post in this thread. Mandy is due in January!


    *squeals* Im so excited for you guys *big hugs to both of you*
  • pacifierpacifier Posts: 1,009
    I guess I can finally post in this thread. Mandy is due in January!


    Congratulations. I was just about to write that I sure hope you're having a girl because I don't know how a boy would feel about being called Mandy, but then I realised that Mandy is probably PissBottleWoman. woops. well that makes more sense :)
  • DinghyDogDinghyDog Posts: 587
    edited November 2012
    Post edited by DinghyDog on
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    I guess I can finally post in this thread. Mandy is due in January!


    Ooooohhhhhh!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

    Im sooo excited for you PBM!!!
    Congrats to you and PBW.
    You have to keep us posted.
    All the goary details. :D

    Im so happy for you.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • More CoffeeMore Coffee Posts: 607
    I guess I can finally post in this thread. Mandy is due in January!


    Congratulations PBM! The time will fly so get moving on that nursery.

    My wife had a check up this morning and the baby is right on track with growth and development. Things continue to look good. She's now at 26 weeks so based on her history we should have about Ten weeks left to go. She will be going to the 1st Camden show with me on Saturday and we'll have our fingers crossed that the music doesn't have the same effect it did in 2000 with our first. She is not nearly as far along as she was back then (32 weeks).
    support The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
  • abulrabulr Posts: 80
    genevieve wrote:
    This can be either your significant other or you personally.
    I keep seeing people post in different threads that they are,
    so I thought we deserve a thread for it.

    Im due May 17th. Have no idea if its a boy or girl, but secretly want a girl a bit more.
    This is my first baby.
    I thought us ladies could swap info and so-on its always nice to have support.

    Hey I went on the Foo Fighters website and in thier Goods section they have bibs and one-pieces, sooo much more than here. I think Ill email 10c and see if they have any plans in the future for the same sort of thing.

    Any way to make this a sticky?
    Kat? Sea?

    More importantly - how many plan on naming their child after band members?
    (be it boy *or* girl!)
    9/95 N.O. ; 9/96 Randall's 1&2 ; 9/98 Continental ; 9/98 - MSG 1 & 2 ; 5/00 - Wembley ; 8/00 - Jones Beach 1,2&3 ; 7/03 - MSG 1&2 ; 5/06 - Irving Plaza ; 6/06 - Continental 1&2 ; 6/08 - MSG 1&2 ; 6/08 - Beacon ; 10/09 - Spectrum 2&3 ; 05/10 - Prudential ; 05/10 - MSG 1&2; 10/13 - Barclays 1&2 ; 10/14 Memphis ; 9/15 Central Park; 4/16 Philly 2; 5/16 MSG 1&2; 5/16 QC; 8/16 Boston; 8/16 Chicago 1&2; 8/18 Seattle 1&2; 8/18 Boston
  • EddiesGurlEddiesGurl Posts: 166
    Congratulations PBM! The time will fly so get moving on that nursery.

    My wife had a check up this morning and the baby is right on track with growth and development. Things continue to look good. She's now at 26 weeks so based on her history we should have about Ten weeks left to go. She will be going to the 1st Camden show with me on Saturday and we'll have our fingers crossed that the music doesn't have the same effect it did in 2000 with our first. She is not nearly as far along as she was back then (32 weeks).

    What happened in 2000 w/ your first??

    I am going to the Cincy show on June 24th ~ i'm 30 weeks today, so that would put me at 34 weeks at the show! i'm nervous about going.....but i guess all i can do is just try to go & if we have to leave early, then we will....but do tell me! what happened w/ your first?? i'm nervous about the music being so loud that baby is curious & wants to come out & check it out! i'm also worried about it being indoors, hot & extra loud!!! A concert is the last place i'd want to go into labor at!!!!
    Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm

    ~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    EddiesGurl wrote:
    What happened in 2000 w/ your first??

    I am going to the Cincy show on June 24th ~ i'm 30 weeks today, so that would put me at 34 weeks at the show! i'm nervous about going.....but i guess all i can do is just try to go & if we have to leave early, then we will....but do tell me! what happened w/ your first?? i'm nervous about the music being so loud that baby is curious & wants to come out & check it out! i'm also worried about it being indoors, hot & extra loud!!! A concert is the last place i'd want to go into labor at!!!!

    Dont worry,
    I went to lotsa concerts while preggo.
    Baby's first concerts were PJ in the fall. (baby met Mike ;))
    I also went to Foo Fighters, NIN, QOTSA, Deftones and few more.
    Baby also went to some hockey playoff games.
    And that was freakin loud!!!

    And even if contractions do start you have time to leave and get to the hospital. Even probably stay for a few songs. :D
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • EddiesGurlEddiesGurl Posts: 166
    genevieve wrote:
    Dont worry,
    I went to lotsa concerts while preggo.
    Baby's first concerts were PJ in the fall. (baby met Mike ;))
    I also went to Foo Fighters, NIN, QOTSA, Deftones and few more.
    Baby also went to some hockey playoff games.
    And that was freakin loud!!!

    And even if contractions do start you have time to leave and get to the hospital. Even probably stay for a few songs. :D

    yea.. true that.

    how far along were you when you attended these concerts?
    Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm

    ~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
  • josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 30,595
    genevieve wrote:
    This can be either your significant other or you personally.
    I keep seeing people post in different threads that they are,
    so I thought we deserve a thread for it.

    Im due May 17th. Have no idea if its a boy or girl, but secretly want a girl a bit more.
    This is my first baby.
    I thought us ladies could swap info and so-on its always nice to have support.

    Hey I went on the Foo Fighters website and in thier Goods section they have bibs and one-pieces, sooo much more than here. I think Ill email 10c and see if they have any plans in the future for the same sort of thing.

    Any way to make this a sticky?
    Kat? Sea?
    it should say how many women.
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    EddiesGurl wrote:
    yea.. true that.

    how far along were you when you attended these concerts?

    A few weeks at PJ shows.

    Due in a few at my last show.
    Deftones was a month before due date.
    And that was quite a loud concert.
    So Ive been going consistently all pregnancy.
    Dont sweat it youll be fine. :D
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • More CoffeeMore Coffee Posts: 607
    EddiesGurl wrote:
    What happened in 2000 w/ your first??

    We went to the VA Beach show when my wife was at 32 weeks. The baby was already head down and low. When sonic Youth started their set there was some movement and then it really intensified. She started to have contractions. We walked out for Sonic Youth and then I held rolled up shirts and a sweatshirt across her tummy for Pearl Jam. After the show the contraction never really subsided and two weeks later we were in the hospital and she was placed on a drip to suppress everything. We went one night and everything looked fine. The next morning the babies heart rate dropped a couple of times and they decided to do an emergency c-section at 34 weeks. It was one of the most terrifying events of my life and I still don't like to think of it.

    My daughter was very small, but healthy, and she came home with us two days after my wife was discharged from the hospital, but on a monitor. The monitor is another nightmare story, which I will spare everyone from.

    Today my daughter is off the charts in growth. I'm 6'-0" and it looks like she will be all of that as well. She is very pretty and has curly red hair. I tell her that she will be a model when she grows older. We were extremely fortunate. My son was born at 36 weeks normally, no c-section. He had a bout with jaundiced but that was it. Now he is destroying our house. :)

    You are far enough along that I wouldn't be concerned. The doctors said the loud music had nothing to do with the contractions but I think they did. Since then I've seen a lot of pregnant women at the shows and my wife will be going to the first Camden show with me this Saturday. She is carrying differently this third time around and I just can't imagine our luck to be that bad that something like my story I just told would happen again.

    I forgot to tell you that your pictures look great. Good luck with everything! You will be fine. :)
    support The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
  • PissBottleManPissBottleMan Union City, TN Posts: 4,155
    Any help with Nausea? PBW is not doing good at all...very sick...smells I don't even notice set her off.

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
  • memememe Posts: 4,695
    Any help with Nausea? PBW is not doing good at all...very sick...smells I don't even notice set her off.


    Sorry... no advice on that, but very happy to hear you are expecting :)
    ... and the will to show I will always be better than before.
  • Quiet RhythmQuiet Rhythm Posts: 104
    Any help with Nausea? PBW is not doing good at all...very sick...smells I don't even notice set her off.


    I had an awful time with nausea, the only thing that worked for me was flat ginger ale, salted crackers and mints.

    I'd stay away from Gravol and other Nausea medications until you guys speak with your doctor. If her Nausea/Morning sickness gets really bad, her doctor can prescribe a anti-nausea. Hope that helps you guys :)
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    Any help with Nausea? PBW is not doing good at all...very sick...smells I don't even notice set her off.


    Smells are the worst part of the first trimester!!!! There's not much you can really do about that, but avoiding riding public transportation, if possible, helps. ;)

    I didn't have morning sickness very bad, but there were about 2 weeks where I vomited EVERY morning and then felt vaguely sick until about 4 or 5 pm. Then I found that if I ate something with a little protein before bedtime, I wouldn't be as ravenous the next morning and that helped a lot. I still didn't have much of an appetite, but I didn't throw up anymore.

    The key to keeping the nausea away is to not get too hungry. She needs to find something she can tollerate eating (even if it's some kind of junk food or something weird!) and just eat a tiny bit of that whenever she is the least bit hungry. As soon as you let yourself get hungry, the nausea strikes, and it's hard to get rid of. Salty things like crackers or pretzels were good to eat. A lot of people suggest eating a couple of crackers before you even get out of bed. I could never do that though, because I was always SO thirsty in the morning. I also found that sucking on hard candy like peppermints or lollipops helped a lot.

    I hope she finds some relief! :) As uncomfortable as I am right now (at 36 weeks and 4 days), I wouldn't go back to the first trimester for anything!
  • EddiesGurlEddiesGurl Posts: 166
    Any help with Nausea? PBW is not doing good at all...very sick...smells I don't even notice set her off.


    Brain of J.Lo had some good suggestions.... i was lucky. i didn't get sick at all. I did get queasy w/ certain smells, but i wasn't running to the bathroom over it or anything. Coffee totally made my stomach turn..which was weird considering i drank it every morning. i just tried to avoid it! there isn't much you can do for smells that make you sick tho... so its hard. it will get better tho!
    Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm

    ~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
  • PissBottleManPissBottleMan Union City, TN Posts: 4,155
    Thanks for all your advice...I feel so bad.

    She can't stand to look at crackers any more.

    Apple Juice is doing good...cereal...fruit.

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
  • EddiesGurlEddiesGurl Posts: 166
    Thanks for all your advice...I feel so bad.

    She can't stand to look at crackers any more.

    Apple Juice is doing good...cereal...fruit.


    i've been a salad & fruit eating machine!! haha ...i cant get enough of it! which is weird for me b/c i usually HATE lettuce & i've never been a big fruit eater... but its been a big craving of mine since i've been pregnant. And i eat a bowl (or two) of cereal each morning! Cheerios have been grrrrreat!
    Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm

    ~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
  • PissBottleManPissBottleMan Union City, TN Posts: 4,155
    EddiesGurl wrote:
    i've been a salad & fruit eating machine!!

    I spent $20 on assorted fruit last week...anything she starts to crave I go out and get.

    We went to the doctor yesterday...thought we were getting an ultrasound, but it was just a visit to fill out family history. We go for an ultrasound on June 7...she'll be 10 weeks by then.

    I've been looking at these "how your baby develops books" lately...it's really intresting...I'm looking forward to everything!!

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    I spent $20 on assorted fruit last week...anything she starts to crave I go out and get.

    We went to the doctor yesterday...thought we were getting an ultrasound, but it was just a visit to fill out family history. We go for an ultrasound on June 7...she'll be 10 weeks by then.

    I've been looking at these "how your baby develops books" lately...it's really intresting...I'm looking forward to everything!!


    It is such an amazing thing to experience and I think learning about the whole process makes it even more exciting! There's one book that I've really enjoyed called "The Pregnancy Journal" and it tells what's happening/developing on each day of the pregnancy but also has space for the mom to record her own thoughts. It also has lots of good tips for dealing with the discomforts of pregnancy.
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    EddiesGurl wrote:
    i've been a salad & fruit eating machine!! haha ...i cant get enough of it! which is weird for me b/c i usually HATE lettuce & i've never been a big fruit eater... but its been a big craving of mine since i've been pregnant. And i eat a bowl (or two) of cereal each morning! Cheerios have been grrrrreat!

    I eat two bowls of cereal a day! :D
  • EddiesGurlEddiesGurl Posts: 166
    It is such an amazing thing to experience and I think learning about the whole process makes it even more exciting! There's one book that I've really enjoyed called "The Pregnancy Journal" and it tells what's happening/developing on each day of the pregnancy but also has space for the mom to record her own thoughts. It also has lots of good tips for dealing with the discomforts of pregnancy.

    yea, i have that journal! i love it! another good calender place to view is pregnancy.org

    my daily visits on the web include: babycenter.com, babyzone.com & pregnancy.org all 3 are great sites for daily updates on what baby is doing & how much baby should weigh!

    and cereal is a great thing for us to be eating! we get our milk & depending on what kind of cereal your eating - whole grain! like i said, i've been on a cheerio kick, or the yougurt burst cheerio kind & banana nut bread cereal.. mmmm good stuff! :D
    Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm

    ~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
  • EddiesGurlEddiesGurl Posts: 166
    this is what the pregnancy.org calender says for me today:

    24th -

    Congratulations! You're in the Third Trimester!

    and tomorrow:

    25th -

    Baby can make grasping motions, and likes to suck its thumb.

    Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm

    ~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    EddiesGurl wrote:
    this is what the pregnancy.org calender says for me today:

    24th -

    Congratulations! You're in the Third Trimester!

    and tomorrow:

    25th -

    Baby can make grasping motions, and likes to suck its thumb.


    I love learning that stuff! There's also a book (which you've probably seen) that is a journal for the baby's first year. My husband tried to buy it for me the other day but the copy he found was damaged, so I haven't seen it yet. But that should be fun as well!

    I tend to go to iVillage.com more than any other web site. It has message boards divided up by the month in which you are due under the heading of "2006 Expecting Clubs." It's really fun and helpful to compare notes with other women at the same stage in their pregnancy. I can't believe how many babies from the June board have already been born! :D
  • PissBottleManPissBottleMan Union City, TN Posts: 4,155
    I am extremely excited these days...can't tell you how much the news has effected me.

    However, I'm also nervous...PBW has a cyst (softball size) in her uterus. Doctor's have said that uterus will expand, so everything should be ok.

    Still...I'm on edge. I imagine you're this way anyway during a pregnancy, but I'm even more so.

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Wow looks like cereal is a huuuge hit!
    I still eat abowl in the middle of the night after feeding Adria.

    I have no helpful tips for PBWs nausea. I never had it.
    But I did notice if I got hungry I didnt feel very good some days.
    Man hunger hits full force throughout and even after pregnancy.

    Dont worry bout the cyst too much PBM. My sister had a huge one on
    her one ovary and it never burst of anything during her pregnancy.

    Another good website is Penn University pregnancy. Google it.
    You can sign up for weekly emails on your babys development.

    A good book is Birthing from within by Pam England
    Also Pregnancy the natural way by Zita West. ( good info for home remedies)
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • EddiesGurlEddiesGurl Posts: 166
    I love learning that stuff! There's also a book (which you've probably seen) that is a journal for the baby's first year. My husband tried to buy it for me the other day but the copy he found was damaged, so I haven't seen it yet. But that should be fun as well!

    I tend to go to iVillage.com more than any other web site. It has message boards divided up by the month in which you are due under the heading of "2006 Expecting Clubs." It's really fun and helpful to compare notes with other women at the same stage in their pregnancy. I can't believe how many babies from the June board have already been born! :D

    yup the pregnancy.org has those boards too! i frequent them daily!
    Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm

    ~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
  • pacifierpacifier Posts: 1,009
    Any help with Nausea? PBW is not doing good at all...very sick...smells I don't even notice set her off.


    I found whenever I felt ill if I ate something it subsided and if I didn't it got worse. The catch is when you feel sick like that you don't feel like eating anything, but I used to force myself to eat some toast with vegemite and as soon as I had a bite or two I felt so much better and it wasn't a hassle to get the rest down. Also I used to eat breakfast after getting my fiances work clothes and lunch ready in the morning, but now I eat breakfast first because I am hungry as soon as I wake up (I still do it even though I am over the morning sickness stage).

    The only time I threw up was actually towards the end of the morning sickness stage and that is because we drove into the city one day and just as we were leaving I started feeling hungry, my fiance said not to worry we would be home in 20mins, so we drove home with me feeling like throwing up all the way. We were on a freeway so no place to stop for food or even pull over if I had to throw up. I think my fiance thought I was exagerating, because I had never actually thrown up in the first 13weeks he probably thought that I was never really that sick, but I was. Luckily I held on while we were on the freeway but just as we turned onto the last street before home I made him pull over because I couldn't last any longer and I threw up on the grass near a sidewalk. I felt horrible that I had to do that, but luckily it is not a busy area, so it probably didn't effect to many people walking by. Anyway I think he believed me whenever I said I was sick after that. And I learnt to always carry food with me if I was going to be out for a while. It made me realise that it really was eating that made me feel better, it wasn't just a coincidence. I got so sick of eating, which is surprising because I love to eat, but apparently even I have my limits on how much is enjoyable.

    Hope that helps a bit.
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