changed your name have you conor? im aware of why you'd be buying girls drinks.;) i was just curious what jamie's motivation was, cause it seemed to me as if he felt something was owed in return.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
ps. every time i try to quote you i get the message about having too many emoticons. i've never gotten that warning before, and i'm not too happy to be getting it now... makes me feel unmasculine!
hahaha! So I'm managing it without even trying????
Just put spaces or delete them in my quote. I'm an emoticon whore! I can't help it!
no you idiot! I don't think you're ugly at all. Inside or out. But you shit me sometimes. But that's ok, I'm quite sure I shit you too. Am I right? Or am I right?
I'm sure I sent you a pic at some point, I musta been memorable! HA!
I don't wanna see you get neked, coz I don't wanna see ANYONE get neked, unless we're planning on getting down to it. And there's only one person I'm planning on getting down with. SO everybody else should keep their clothes on around me!
And I could resist you on account, you are otherwise taken to the best of my memory, which basically activates my "off button", not to mention I consider myself "taken" which also activates the button. Oh and you're too young and on the other side of the world, and your my friend so it's easy to resist you.
But you're are so very right, (ENJOY IT!) you are VERY HARD to ignore!
uh... sure? not sure what 'you shit me' means, but i'll agree.
my memory has more holes than a WAC team's defense, so don't take offense. i destroyed the memory part of my head when i was a stoner.
as to the lack of interest, you explained yourself just in time. i was just about to show you some of the creative uses to which i can put peanut butter and a 12 volt battery.
changed your name have you conor? im aware of why you'd be buying girls drinks.;) i was just curious what jamie's motivation was, cause it seemed to me as if he felt something was owed in return.
something is. if you've no interest in hooking up, or at least a conversation, don't accept the drink.
something is. if you've no interest in hooking up, or at least a conversation, don't accept the drink.
hmm interesting conor. a girl walks up to guy that catches her eye, either she considers him maybe worth some of her time or she sees an easy target for free drinks. the guy flattered by the attention from said girl, gladly buys her a drink. she gets what she wants(if she was just after a free drink) and fucks off. he's left standing wondering what happened. RIGHT ON SISTER!!!!
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
hmm interesting conor. a girl walks up to guy that catches her eye, either she considers him maybe worth some of her time or she sees an easy target for free drinks. the guy flattered by the attention from said girl, gladly buys her a drink. she gets what she wants(if she was just after a free drink) and fucks off. he's left standing wondering what happened. RIGHT ON SISTER!!!!
how is this better than the initial post where guy checks out girl. doesn't even take anything from her. just looks. he gets what he wanted and she's left standing there feeling "dirty" or "objectified" or whatever histrionic adjective you want to insert there. why is it ok for women to do this sort of thing and not men? a woman uses a man and you cheer her. a man uses a woman, and you scream what pigs we are.
how is this better than the initial post where guy checks out girl. doesn't even take anything from her. just looks. he gets what he wanted and she's left standing there feeling "dirty" or "objectified" or whatever histrionic adjective you want to insert there. why is it ok for women to do this sort of thing and not men? a woman uses a man and you cheer her. a man uses a woman, and you scream what pigs we are.
conor, if you read my posts concerning the original topic you will see that i admitted to checking out guys' arses. i have not come down on guys for perving. if i had in fact called guys pigs for engaging in such activity, that would make me a hypocrite, now wouldnt it? no one ever got hurt from a good perv. sure some people jump on their high horse and feel violated and i just dont care. if i see something worth my attention then so be it. tis a bit difficult appreciating the art if one doesn't look.;) now if the perv is accompanied by lascivious leering and obscene comments then that is an entirely different kettle of fish.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
whaaaaa??? : ( I wasnt commenting on anyone's "looks." I have had a bad case of experience (witnessing) the least attractive guys and their "bullying" of such topics.
SS- is a cutie Ive seen his pics.....even if someone wasnt goodlooking, why would someone even make remarks about someone's appearance? How does that make you bigger?.....Now I am gonna cry. Thats mean.....I like to joke, but not to that extent. Especially when you dont even know
(if he actually WAS bad-looking I would feel bad)...:o
I dont even want to read all of the other posts.....this is why I dont always like coming here. "Technical " deception. arghhhh
oh ra-ra! :( I'm so confused and now I think I've upset you and I didn't mean to do that at all. Don't cry. Conor knows I'm just playing with him. I'm just kidding around.
I think all the people on the pit are lovely, and cute too, but it's not really relevant, because mostly I just like them as people which is what makes them beautiful. Don't pack up your ball and go home. I think I've just misunderstood you and you me.
I agree.
And as to the ignore thing, I understand. Sometimes no matter what I say, people don't get me. That's ok. Sometimes I don't get them either and it's better to just give up trying than get into fisty cuffs over it. Not that I'm very good at managing that sometimes either!
ooh ra-ra! I've done that too! We're a funny bunch, humans.
Well its the first time I even had to put someone on my ignore list. And I never thought it would be due to offending someone else. But it works...Anyways, I usually joke around with most of the guys here....but there just might be "one" who cant handle it. I guess some guys are more sensitive and we all have to remember that. :( That is some guys are more sensitive than females edit: Nothing to be ashamed of should be embraced actually.....Its hard always walking on eggshells to avoid "upsetting" someone....anyone. I wont say too much. No need to make assumptions now. Well anyways, that goes for me not seeing all the posts here or responding.
Yes we are funny. .....I wish we could all learn to laugh at ourselves once in a while.
oh, I figure if I'm having any kind of over the top emotional response to someone, the only thing I can do is sort it in me. Coz it's not like I can change them right? So I "neutralize". Find ways to change the way I view them. I find the best way to do that is to admit to myself what the emotion is I'm feeling in response to them and work on stopping it. Of course there are times when I don't wanna stop it! BUT they'd know that too.
I really liked that story on the other page, something very sweet about can turn your real-life stories into some good fiction reading.
as to the lack of interest, you explained yourself just in time. i was just about to show you some of the creative uses to which i can put peanut butter and a 12 volt battery.
Oooh! I love peanut butter! Smooth, not Crunchy!
Someone threatened to hook me up to a factory power board with jumper cables clamped on to leg irons when I was stoned once. It was SCARY!!
Despite the peanut butter, I think I'll pass. It's not you, it's me!
That had better be a top shelf well pour.
I think Jamie was just trying to say what he thought the equivalent argument was..and using a bit of exageration to make his point. He doesn't seem like someone that would keep score in that regard.
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
oh ra-ra! :( I'm so confused and now I think I've upset you and I didn't mean to do that at all. Don't cry. Conor knows I'm just playing with him. I'm just kidding around.
I think all the people on the pit are lovely, and cute too, but it's not really relevant, because mostly I just like them as people which is what makes them beautiful. Don't pack up your ball and go home. I think I've just misunderstood you and you me.
I just saw this. Yeah I love different opinions too!!! They make you grow and look at things differently. Sometimes just verify what you already know even more deeply... I got confused too....I just wrote something quickly and then felt really bad. well whatever....I am sure no one is traumatized (me included)....just dont like being vicious thats all. And personal attacks I try to stay away from. I guess I am paranoid about "hurting" people, and its more difficult here as communication isnt the best. But I am glad we got that all cleared up. Thanks to you.
Youre sweet!!! Thanks...that lil dude always makes things better!!! :cool:
That had better be a top shelf well pour.
I think Jamie was just trying to say what he thought the equivalent argument was..and using a bit of exageration to make his point. He doesn't seem like someone that would keep score in that regard.
well no offense trix, but id prefer to hear from jamie what is going on in jamie's head and what it was he meant by what he posted. and no one mentioned scorekeeping.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
conor, if you read my posts concerning the original topic you will see that i admitted to checking out guys' arses. i have not come down on guys for perving. if i had in fact called guys pigs for engaging in such activity, that would make me a hypocrite, now wouldnt it? no one ever got hurt from a good perv. sure some people jump on their high horse and feel violated and i just dont care. if i see something worth my attention then so be it. tis a bit difficult appreciating the art if one doesn't look.;) now if the perv is accompanied by lascivious leering and obscene comments then that is an entirely different kettle of fish.
how is that kettle of fish different from leading a guy on for free drinks. at least that scenario costs the dude money. what does a guy leering or making rude comments cost you?
how is that kettle of fish different from leading a guy on for free drinks. at least that scenario costs the dude money. what does a guy leering or making rude comments cost you?
how is a man making lascivious leers and comments at a girl a different kettle of fish from just checking a girl out? i know youre not that stupid conor.
and it costs me nothing conor, but if he keeps it up or is particularly crude, insisting its harmless and whats up with you, you uptight bitch, are you a dyke?, when she objects, then it just may cost him a couple of teeth and/or his ability to procreate.
oh and if a guy is too clueless to be able to read the signals or misinterprets whats going on in front of him then what can you do?
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
how is a man making lascivious leers and comments at a girl a different kettle of fish from just checking a girl out? i know youre not that stupid conor.
and it costs me nothing conor, but if he keeps it up or is particularly crude, insisting its harmless and whats up with you, you uptight bitch, are you a dyke?, when she objects, then it just may cost him a couple of teeth and/or his ability to procreate.
oh and if a guy is too clueless to be able to read the signals or misinterprets whats going on in front of him then what can you do?
how is a man leering at you so different from a girl calculatedly using a man to get a free drink? yes, if the guy is consistently harassing you after you ask him to stop, he's in the wrong; and if the other guy keeps buying the same girl drinks as she walks away, then he's an idiot.
but if a guy is leering at you and/or makes a crude comment as you pass, how is that so much more awful than a girl sizing up the bar, picking out the guy with the lowest self esteem who looks like the easiest target, and then taking him for a round of drinks before flouncing away back to her friends to laugh at the poor sucker? neither is particularly admirable and both humiliate and degrade the object. so why do you cheer on the girl and threaten to knock the teeth out of the guy?
how is a man leering at you so different from a girl calculatedly using a man to get a free drink? yes, if the guy is consistently harassing you after you ask him to stop, he's in the wrong; and if the other guy keeps buying the same girl drinks as she walks away, then he's an idiot.
but if a guy is leering at you and/or makes a crude comment as you pass, how is that so much more awful than a girl sizing up the bar, picking out the guy with the lowest self esteem who looks like the easiest target, and then taking him for a round of drinks before flouncing away back to her friends to laugh at the poor sucker? neither is particularly admirable and both humiliate and degrade the object. so why do you cheer on the girl and threaten to knock the teeth out of the guy?
conor conor conor pretend you're a girl, okay? youre walking down the street and this guy looks you up and down, licks his lips suggestively and says something to you, you didnt even know was physically possible. his actions repulse you. and you continue walking but just that little bit faster to put as much ground between you and he as possible.
now imagine youre in a bar (you're the guy this time, think you can manage that ). you notice a girl, she catches your eye. she smiles. you smile back. she starts to walk across the room to you and you think yes, shes cute. score!!!. she may well be thinking the same thing about you. she asks you to buy her a drink. or conversely you offer to buy her one. either way, you make the decision to buy or not buy the drink. she thanks you and walks away. you stand there maybe feeling like a fool and a little bit used. however it was you who made the decision whether or not to buy the drink.
see the difference?
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
conor conor conor pretend you're a girl, okay? youre walking down the street and this guy looks you up and down, licks his lips suggestively and says something to you, you didnt even know was physically possible. his actions repulse you. and you continue walking but just that little bit faster to put as much ground between you and he as possible.
now imagine youre in a bar (you're the guy this time, think you can manage that ). you notice a girl, she catches your eye. she smiles. you smile back. she starts to walk across the room to you and you think yes, shes cute. score!!!. she may well be thinking the same thing about you. she asks you to buy her a drink. or conversely you offer to buy her one. either way, you make the decision to buy or not buy the drink. she thanks you and walks away. you stand there maybe feeling like a fool and a little bit used. however it was you who made the decision whether or not to buy the drink.
see the difference?
yeah, i'm out a few dollars and you're out nothing but a few extra calories due to walking faster.
and you can stop the condescension with my name. you're not my mother, so i'd appreciate if you stopped acting like it.
and just to prove that i'm not a total woman-hating misogynist, i'll say that this makes perfect sense to me. i don't blame you. i'd hate being a woman and having to deal with that. and i'd be scared shitless of rowdy, aggressive men in groups while i was alone.
thank you soulsinging, I'm glad someone understood what I was trying to say. Just that sometimes it can be intimidating and sinister. I'm sure it's not meant to be that way... but that's how it can be.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
you probably had toilet paper hanging out of your skirt
SKIRT? Ya think I wear a skirt to work? On a building site? hahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
I will ask you one question. When a woman says she likes to have a lot of sex, do you think she's a slag? (Maybe not you personally but how many men do you know that would think that)? It's okay for a man to say it.
I still don't think all women are respected equally.
I understand what you mean though.
(Poor Helen,, this was supposed to be a light hearted thread).
it's ok... it had already turned by the time I left work Friday... so I knew what to expect this morning.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
changed your name have you conor? im aware of why you'd be buying girls drinks.;) i was just curious what jamie's motivation was, cause it seemed to me as if he felt something was owed in return.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Thanks for reminding me! Like an idiot, I keep forgetting that!
Just put spaces or delete them in my quote. I'm an emoticon whore! I can't help it!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
uh... sure? not sure what 'you shit me' means, but i'll agree.
my memory has more holes than a WAC team's defense, so don't take offense. i destroyed the memory part of my head when i was a stoner.
as to the lack of interest, you explained yourself just in time. i was just about to show you some of the creative uses to which i can put peanut butter and a 12 volt battery.
something is. if you've no interest in hooking up, or at least a conversation, don't accept the drink.
hmm interesting conor. a girl walks up to guy that catches her eye, either she considers him maybe worth some of her time or she sees an easy target for free drinks. the guy flattered by the attention from said girl, gladly buys her a drink. she gets what she wants(if she was just after a free drink) and fucks off. he's left standing wondering what happened. RIGHT ON SISTER!!!!
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
how is this better than the initial post where guy checks out girl. doesn't even take anything from her. just looks. he gets what he wanted and she's left standing there feeling "dirty" or "objectified" or whatever histrionic adjective you want to insert there. why is it ok for women to do this sort of thing and not men? a woman uses a man and you cheer her. a man uses a woman, and you scream what pigs we are.
conor, if you read my posts concerning the original topic you will see that i admitted to checking out guys' arses. i have not come down on guys for perving. if i had in fact called guys pigs for engaging in such activity, that would make me a hypocrite, now wouldnt it? no one ever got hurt from a good perv. sure some people jump on their high horse and feel violated and i just dont care. if i see something worth my attention then so be it. tis a bit difficult appreciating the art if one doesn't look.;)
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
oh ra-ra! :( I'm so confused and now I think I've upset you and I didn't mean to do that at all. Don't cry. Conor knows I'm just playing with him. I'm just kidding around.
I think all the people on the pit are lovely, and cute too, but it's not really relevant, because mostly I just like them as people which is what makes them beautiful. Don't pack up your ball and go home. I think I've just misunderstood you and you me.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Yes we are funny.
I really liked that story on the other page, something very sweet about can turn your real-life stories into some good fiction reading.
ra-ra - jamainiac calls me that. I like it!!!
you shit me = you annoy me.
to get the shits up = to be annoyed
Sometimes we annoy each other?
I have the memory of a goldfish!
Someone threatened to hook me up to a factory power board with jumper cables clamped on to leg irons when I was stoned once.
Despite the peanut butter, I think I'll pass. It's not you, it's me!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
I think Jamie was just trying to say what he thought the equivalent argument was..and using a bit of exageration to make his point. He doesn't seem like someone that would keep score in that regard.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
She's 100% correct!
maybe brown and handsome though....;)
Youre sweet!!! Thanks...that lil dude always makes things better!!! :cool:
Ok I am out. Have a good noight everyone.
well no offense trix, but id prefer to hear from jamie what is going on in jamie's head and what it was he meant by what he posted. and no one mentioned scorekeeping.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
how is that kettle of fish different from leading a guy on for free drinks. at least that scenario costs the dude money. what does a guy leering or making rude comments cost you?
how is a man making lascivious leers and comments at a girl a different kettle of fish from just checking a girl out? i know youre not that stupid conor.
and it costs me nothing conor, but if he keeps it up or is particularly crude, insisting its harmless and whats up with you, you uptight bitch, are you a dyke?, when she objects, then it just may cost him a couple of teeth and/or his ability to procreate.
oh and if a guy is too clueless to be able to read the signals or misinterprets whats going on in front of him then what can you do?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
how is a man leering at you so different from a girl calculatedly using a man to get a free drink? yes, if the guy is consistently harassing you after you ask him to stop, he's in the wrong; and if the other guy keeps buying the same girl drinks as she walks away, then he's an idiot.
but if a guy is leering at you and/or makes a crude comment as you pass, how is that so much more awful than a girl sizing up the bar, picking out the guy with the lowest self esteem who looks like the easiest target, and then taking him for a round of drinks before flouncing away back to her friends to laugh at the poor sucker? neither is particularly admirable and both humiliate and degrade the object. so why do you cheer on the girl and threaten to knock the teeth out of the guy?
conor conor conor pretend you're a girl, okay? youre walking down the street and this guy looks you up and down, licks his lips suggestively and says something to you, you didnt even know was physically possible. his actions repulse you. and you continue walking but just that little bit faster to put as much ground between you and he as possible.
now imagine youre in a bar (you're the guy this time, think you can manage that
see the difference?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
yeah, i'm out a few dollars and you're out nothing but a few extra calories due to walking faster.
and you can stop the condescension with my name. you're not my mother, so i'd appreciate if you stopped acting like it.
oh oh i feel so wounded conor. :rolleyes:
and btw, if i was being condescending, i would have called you baby or spoken presumingly for you.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
oh definitely.
and if you look good Helen, then i'm taking a gander.
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
Can't you all admit that some guys are creepy weirdos, and some girls are skanky whore bags and be done with this thread.
yes. i can admit that actually.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I was speaking metaphorically, reality I'm far to mean to buy any woman a drink.
im not a party girl.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you