'Sopranos' final season to begin April 8



  • aNiMaLaNiMaL Posts: 7,117
    I personally would like to invest another 86 hours into watching the series again from start to finish.
    Of course it was! The naysayers either never understood what the show was about and just focused on the tits and guns, or they are so ADD that they NEED some big 'payoff' instant gratification scene that the media has so conditioned us to expect. Whatever happened to letting things simmer, contemplation and appreciation of artistic vision?

    I applaud Chase for not giving in to the lowest common denominator viewer and sticking to the integrity that this show has always been about. Reality.

    I hear what you're saying... but if this guy makes a movie (based on these characters, NOT a prequel with Junior and Johnny Soprano-- WHICH WOULD ROCK) then all his artistic vision and credibility goes out the window.

    It's gonna be tough with the paycheck it'll give him. Of course, this is nothing he would want to do anytime soon-- nor would any of the actors. They all want to grow out of their Sopranos characters, make some $ playing other roles (and proving that they great actors all around-- not just for the Sopranos), and if the opportunity ever arises (say, in 10 years) to do a Sopranos movie, they'll be all over it.

    I still don't think what he did was all that genius as some have claimed it to be.
  • AllNiteThingAllNiteThing Posts: 1,115
    All night thing we are all fans, why does there have to be a degree in fansize, its fucking tv, master framer as usual you know everything about everyhting and diesrespect people to prove it.
    Every thing in these threads is posted over at sopranoland .com, someone actualy saw the episode in its entirety and had it posted a week earlier.
    I spent time in east caldwell working in march and feb, a lot of the locals watched the taping.
    All this stuff is also posted at sopranoland measage board and has been for weeks.
    This stuff has been out there.
    So to tell people they are wrong on the hes dead opinion, or the family crossfire is crazy, the director wanted this.
    Of course if theres a movie tony will be back but that is tv.
    Gandolaphini quoted as saying that character is dead to me

    The earlier stuff in the shows.
    Chase wanted the speculation, he got it.
    Too sit here and tell people they are wrong based on webpage bullshit is arogant.
    The writer put it out there, the family had been out to eat many of times and tony was never that nervous, it is good stuff for people to invision their own take.
    Its called anxiety, many people have it and the show was based on it.
    Telling people they are not fans or dont know the show is rediculoius, they could have watched the last episode and came up with these same theories.
    Great show.
    Great series.
    great directing, great acting, how many fucking scenarios could they have over ten years.
    there was over 80 hours of tape. Of course the show was great in the first 15 episodes it came out of knowwhere, following the scripts and killing than reinventing characters is not an easy task.
    I honestly think when buscemi joined the series the filmaking itself got better, more anxiety more suspence, and better scene changes.

    Great post. You're right, I didn't mean to 'rate' people fansize or whatever you call it, sorry if that came out wrong. My point was that there are a lot of people out there, in the media especially, coming down on the creative direction of the final episode (or final season for that matter), and you can just tell that they haven't been immersed in the Soprano world enough to know that this was the inevitable conclusion to the show. ANYONE can enjoy the show, I don't care if you're a casual fan or not, but it's frustrating seeing so many people with 'loud' opinions getting air time, who obviously don't realize that the show doesn't and has never catered to the typical hollywood mold.
    24 years old, mid-life crisis
    nowadays hits you when you're young
  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698
    The ONLY choice was Tony had dinner with his family. That was the scene, cut and dry. Anything you infer afterwards is your own imagination, exactly how Chase wanted it. Obviously he didn't get nabbed by the fbi right then, and there was no indication anyone in there was after him. Just great suspenseful direction by the Soprano creators to make a point.

    A sudden blackout means death? Umm, how about it meant the end of the show? lol Maybe the 10 seconds were a time to reflect? I don't recall anyone saying 'everything goes to black'. It wasn't in the scene with Bobby/Tony in the canoe, and for that matter THAT flashback was in reference specifically to Bobby's death, not Tony's.

    Again, that's in reference to Bobby. It would be too redundant and against the show's grain to use it in reference to Tony's death. Too simplistic thinking.

    Completely arbitrary percentages, but whatever. Tony passing out? Another possibility, but again no more or less likely than him being shot, life going on or the fbi indicting him.
    I never said the screen going black represented ANYTHING at all, not the fbi nor death nor whatever. I said it was implied that LATER in the Sopranos timeline he could get indicted (i.e. the next morning) or what have you.

    Chase said everything you need is right there, because it's exactly what we see. Nobody with a gun, no evil looks, no recurring Phil Leotardo henchmen, no fbi spies, nothing! Just Tony with his family at peace for a few minutes in a world of stress and suspicion. There life goes on, but ours was ended, and ended abruptly. No grand death scene and no illusion to such. Accept it.

    AllNiteThing, I know you have appointed yourself the expert on all things Sopranos and we are all happy for you. Thanks for giving us your resume and how many times you have seen all the episodes. It took me so long to respond because I was so blown away by how knowledgable you are, or I should say, how knowledgable you think you are ie arrogant.

    I love how in one post you say that that what you love about the show is subtleness and then you say that the scene with Bobby talking about the blackness has to be exactly about Bobby. You actually wrote that it would be too simplistic to think it refers to Tony's death. That would not be simplistic at all, and that would be the subtlety you spoke of.

    As for your Howard Stern comments, sure he didn't know who Carlo was, but so what? You sound just like Artie. The point is that Howard knew that someone flipped who gave the feds what they needed to indict Tony. Stop being a fanboy and criticizing everyone who doesn't have the time to watch every episode multiple times like you. I liked the show but I can respect other people's opinions that they wanted a more definite ending, and can even understand their argument that they deserved one.

    I am not sure that my thought about Tony being dead is definitely right. It makes sense to me.
    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698
    Great post. You're right, I didn't mean to 'rate' people fansize or whatever you call it, sorry if that came out wrong. My point was that there are a lot of people out there, in the media especially, coming down on the creative direction of the final episode (or final season for that matter), and you can just tell that they haven't been immersed in the Soprano world enough to know that this was the inevitable conclusion to the show. ANYONE can enjoy the show, I don't care if you're a casual fan or not, but it's frustrating seeing so many people with 'loud' opinions getting air time, who obviously don't realize that the show doesn't and has never catered to the typical hollywood mold.

    That wasn't the inevitable conclusion to the show.
    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
  • WhiteMaleRatWhiteMaleRat Posts: 301
    rrivers wrote:
    AllNiteThing, I know you have appointed yourself the expert on all things Sopranos and we are all happy for you. Thanks for giving us your resume and how many times you have seen all the episodes. It took me so long to respond because I was so blown away by how knowledgable you are, or I should say, how knowledgable you think you are ie arrogant.

    I love how in one post you say that that what you love about the show is subtleness and then you say that the scene with Bobby talking about the blackness has to be exactly about Bobby. You actually wrote that it would be too simplistic to think it refers to Tony's death. That would not be simplistic at all, and that would be the subtlety you spoke of.

    As for your Howard Stern comments, sure he didn't know who Carlo was, but so what? You sound just like Artie. The point is that Howard knew that someone flipped who gave the feds what they needed to indict Tony. Stop being a fanboy and criticizing everyone who doesn't have the time to watch every episode multiple times like you. I liked the show but I can respect other people's opinions that they wanted a more definite ending, and can even understand their argument that they deserved one.

    I am not sure that my thought about Tony being dead is definitely right. It makes sense to me.

    I think if you read your past posts, you were implying that Tony is dead, and that was the meaning behind the blackout. I have a hard time concluding that.
    "This guy back here is giving me the ole one more....one more back to you buddy."

    - Mr. Edward Vedder 7/11/03

  • MasterFramerMasterFramer Posts: 2,268
    rrivers wrote:
    Stop being a fanboy and criticizing everyone who doesn't have the time to watch every episode multiple times like you.

    Amen... didnt think Sorpranos fan boys existed till now.

    Also Allnightthing, stop saying that people who think the ending was less than ok are people who like "tits and guns" It's asinine. The show is NOT as awesome as you think it is. Its a great show but its far from brilliant like you keep insisting on. Want a brilliant show? Watch The Wire.
    10.31.93 / 10.1.94 / 6.24.95 / 11.4.95 / 10.19-20.96 / 7.16.98 / 7.21.98 / 10.31.00 /8.4.01 Nader Rally/ 10.21.01 / 12.8-9.02 / 6.01.03 / 9.1.05 / 7.15-16,18.06 / 7.20.06 / 7.22-23.06 / Lolla 07
  • aNiMaLaNiMaL Posts: 7,117
    The ONLY choice was Tony had dinner with his family. That was the scene, cut and dry. Anything you infer afterwards is your own imagination, exactly how Chase wanted it. Obviously he didn't get nabbed by the fbi right then, and there was no indication anyone in there was after him. Just great suspenseful direction by the Soprano creators to make a point.

    A sudden blackout means death? Umm, how about it meant the end of the show? lol Maybe the 10 seconds were a time to reflect? I don't recall anyone saying 'everything goes to black'. It wasn't in the scene with Bobby/Tony in the canoe, and for that matter THAT flashback was in reference specifically to Bobby's death, not Tony's.

    Again, that's in reference to Bobby. It would be too redundant and against the show's grain to use it in reference to Tony's death. Too simplistic thinking.

    Completely arbitrary percentages, but whatever. Tony passing out? Another possibility, but again no more or less likely than him being shot, life going on or the fbi indicting him.

    I never said the screen going black represented ANYTHING at all, not the fbi nor death nor whatever. I said it was implied that LATER in the Sopranos timeline he could get indicted (i.e. the next morning) or what have you.

    Chase said everything you need is right there, because it's exactly what we see. Nobody with a gun, no evil looks, no recurring Phil Leotardo henchmen, no fbi spies, nothing! Just Tony with his family at peace for a few minutes in a world of stress and suspicion. There life goes on, but ours was ended, and ended abruptly. No grand death scene and no illusion to such. Accept it.
    I agree with everything you said about the show wholeheartedly.
  • FnCircusFnCircus Posts: 439
    i think the terrorists bombed the shop and everyone died.
  • aNiMaLaNiMaL Posts: 7,117
    Amen... didnt think Sorpranos fan boys existed till now.

    Also Allnightthing, stop saying that people who think the ending was less than ok are people who like "tits and guns" It's asinine. The show is NOT as awesome as you think it is. Its a great show but its far from brilliant like you keep insisting on. Want a brilliant show? Watch The Wire.
    With All Due Respect...The Sopranos was one of the most brilliant shows ever to grace the small screen. The Wire is good, but truly has nothing on The Sopranos or Deadwood. And I agree with Allnite, there are two camps of fans of The Sopranos...the ones who appreciate the writing and character development and the drama of the entire saga....and then there are those who only liked the killing and T&A. Most of the latter fans were probably really disappointed with the ending just as they were bored with season 4 when the violence went down a bit after 9/11.
  • MasterFramerMasterFramer Posts: 2,268
    aNiMaL wrote:
    With All Due Respect...The Sopranos was one of the most brilliant shows ever to grace the small screen. The Wire is good, but truly has nothing on The Sopranos or Deadwood. And I agree with Allnite, there are two camps of fans of The Sopranos...the ones who appreciate the writing and character development and the drama of the entire saga....and then there are those who only liked the killing and T&A. Most of the latter fans were probably really disappointed with the ending just as they were bored with season 4 when the violence went down a bit after 9/11.

    The Wire has one, amongst many, things that trumps both those shows... REALITY.

    Deadwood is one of the most over rated shows EVER. Its crap.

    To put Sorpranos fans into two camps is pretty stupid. I think the show is great (NOT BRILLIANT, at this point Heroes is a better show). I never watched Sorpranos for the killing or TA and to say that I did because I thought the last two seasons were junk is, again, stupid. I watched the show for the characters and story. I also enjoyed laughing at what idiots they all were too. Another thing that hurt the show was the editing, most of the recent shows felt like they were cut and pasted by some intern who had no idea what pacing and tempo were. How about Tony's therapy? You rarely saw the two of them on screen at the same time except when Tony came and left. Lazy TV.
    10.31.93 / 10.1.94 / 6.24.95 / 11.4.95 / 10.19-20.96 / 7.16.98 / 7.21.98 / 10.31.00 /8.4.01 Nader Rally/ 10.21.01 / 12.8-9.02 / 6.01.03 / 9.1.05 / 7.15-16,18.06 / 7.20.06 / 7.22-23.06 / Lolla 07
  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    cutback wrote:
    i meant to post this article from vanity fair before the finale, but if you haven't read you should.....it gives a lot of insight into how chase developed the show and for me after reading this the ending makes perfect sense......(btw, it's quite a long read).....:)

    long read, but well worth it. thanks for the post!
  • TaftTaft Posts: 454
    Any one care to comment on the fact that prior to the final scene, Tony is eating an orange with Carmella...

    According to IMDB:

    The presence of oranges in all three "Godfather" movies indicates that a death or a close call will soon happen.

    I can't imagine that is a coincidence.
  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698
    I think if you read your past posts, you were implying that Tony is dead, and that was the meaning behind the blackout. I have a hard time concluding that.

    I was not implying that Tony was dead, I believe that he is. That is what I got out of the ending.
    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698
    Taft wrote:
    Any one care to comment on the fact that prior to the final scene, Tony is eating an orange with Carmella...

    According to IMDB:

    The presence of oranges in all three "Godfather" movies indicates that a death or a close call will soon happen.

    I can't imagine that is a coincidence.

    Excellent point, Taft! I noticed that the first time through and forgot about it with the rest of the show.

    I have been meaning to point that out as well. That is another reason I think Tony was killed.
    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698
    Amen... didnt think Sorpranos fan boys existed till now.

    Also Allnightthing, stop saying that people who think the ending was less than ok are people who like "tits and guns" It's asinine. The show is NOT as awesome as you think it is. Its a great show but its far from brilliant like you keep insisting on. Want a brilliant show? Watch The Wire.

    This is more of allnitething's arrogant thinking. I'm sure there are many people who enjoyed the show for its intelligence and didn't just want tits and guns who were disappointed in the ending. I was ok with the ending but I can see their point.
    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
  • WhiteMaleRatWhiteMaleRat Posts: 301
    Taft wrote:
    Any one care to comment on the fact that prior to the final scene, Tony is eating an orange with Carmella...

    According to IMDB:

    The presence of oranges in all three "Godfather" movies indicates that a death or a close call will soon happen.

    I can't imagine that is a coincidence.

    I don't remember the orange. it goes from Tony raking by the pool, him visiting his uncle, then to the diner. Maybe it was a lot earlier than you think, was it just before Phil getting whacked?
    "This guy back here is giving me the ole one more....one more back to you buddy."

    - Mr. Edward Vedder 7/11/03

  • WhiteMaleRatWhiteMaleRat Posts: 301
    rrivers wrote:
    I was not implying that Tony was dead, I believe that he is. That is what I got out of the ending.

    yeah but the way you were posting came off differently.
    "This guy back here is giving me the ole one more....one more back to you buddy."

    - Mr. Edward Vedder 7/11/03

  • aNiMaLaNiMaL Posts: 7,117
    I don't remember the orange. it goes from Tony raking by the pool, him visiting his uncle, then to the diner. Maybe it was a lot earlier than you think, was it just before Phil getting whacked?
    It was definitely before Phil got whacked. In fact it was when Tony first showed up at Carmella's beach house that her, Meadow and AJ were hiding out at. He was eating an orange there.
  • aNiMaLaNiMaL Posts: 7,117
    Taft wrote:
    Any one care to comment on the fact that prior to the final scene, Tony is eating an orange with Carmella...

    According to IMDB:

    The presence of oranges in all three "Godfather" movies indicates that a death or a close call will soon happen.

    I can't imagine that is a coincidence.
    Like I just said, yes he was eating an orange but it was no where near the end of the show. It was well before Phil got whacked. So in that light, yes it could have represented a close call being we still weren't sure who was gonna get whacked, Tony or Phil. It ended up being Phil and the Tony Soprano lived on. That was his close call....he had a bullseye on the back of his head. That bullseye was removed when he had the sit down with the NY guys before they whacked Phil.
  • AllNiteThingAllNiteThing Posts: 1,115
    Amen... didnt think Sorpranos fan boys existed till now.

    Also Allnightthing, stop saying that people who think the ending was less than ok are people who like "tits and guns" It's asinine. The show is NOT as awesome as you think it is. Its a great show but its far from brilliant like you keep insisting on. Want a brilliant show? Watch The Wire.

    Funny how your OPINIONS can trump my OPINIONS. :rolleyes:
    24 years old, mid-life crisis
    nowadays hits you when you're young
  • TaftTaft Posts: 454
    aNiMaL wrote:
    Like I just said, yes he was eating an orange but it was no where near the end of the show. It was well before Phil got whacked. So in that light, yes it could have represented a close call being we still weren't sure who was gonna get whacked, Tony or Phil. It ended up being Phil and the Tony Soprano lived on. That was his close call....he had a bullseye on the back of his head. That bullseye was removed when he had the sit down with the NY guys before they whacked Phil.

    Cool, I wasn't sure, but was just looking for some comments. It doesn't matter anyway.

    Ultimately, I think Chase deliberately packed the ending with all these clues to get people speculating about something that isn't relevant. The whole series was really about Tony's soul and whether he was capable of fundamental change and redemption, and that question was answered once and for all as "no" in the Christopher/Vegas episode. Which was the KEY episode of the entire series.

    That's where he effectively died and where the audience was meant to stop caring whether he actually lived or died. The final three episodes were actually an epilogue and the final scene was just the writers having a little fun.
  • AllNiteThingAllNiteThing Posts: 1,115
    Even the last song fits the scene perfectly....

    Working hard to get my fill,
    Everybody wants a thrill
    Payin' anything to roll the dice,
    Just one more time

    Some will win, some will lose
    Some were born to sing the blues
    Oh, the movie never ends
    It goes on and on and on and on

    i.e. there is no finality, life goes on. There is no dramatic whacking of Tony, no grand trial, no fancy bow to appease the ADD crowd. It's life as usual. It's a final homage to Tony, his life always looking over the back of his shoulder, yet at peace (temporarily) with his family. There is NO look of dread in Tony, he has a nice moment with Carm and AJ. There is no reaching for a gun. Nobody who comes into the restaurant looks menacing in the least. The ONLY indication that something could happen was the one guy going to the bathroom, in a reference to GF1. But that was all director play to make a point about this life of Tony's. No more than that.

    You're all welcome to your opinion that he got shot right there, or the next day or the day after. You can think that he got indicted, went to jail. Or that everything went on, no trial, peace with NY, etc. That is the beauty of the ending. It would suck if I thought that bam, the 'blackout' :rolleyes: meant Tony got it in the back of the head. What a shitty ending to a great show. The family moment, the song, the lingering shots representing the danger of his life and the cinematic faux-suspense all worked perfectly to represent what the Sopranos has been and always will be in our minds.

    Like I said before, a couple of you are searching to hard for finality and conclusion that you are missing the beauty of the scene. But, what do I know? :rolleyes:
    24 years old, mid-life crisis
    nowadays hits you when you're young
  • AllNiteThingAllNiteThing Posts: 1,115
    aNiMaL wrote:
    It was definitely before Phil got whacked. In fact it was when Tony first showed up at Carmella's beach house that her, Meadow and AJ were hiding out at. He was eating an orange there.

    Yeah, it was there and most certainly an homage to Godfather. An orange does represent dread/death in GF, but not necessarily for the one holding an orange or wearing orange or whatever. It easily could have been about Phil, or even just the overall feeling of danger in the show.
    24 years old, mid-life crisis
    nowadays hits you when you're young
  • bostonloubostonlou Posts: 2,849
    anyone else think them having the sit down in a freezing cold warehouse had anything to do with something?

    hell freezing over?
    Don't Believe Everything You Think
  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698

    i.e. there is no finality, life goes on. There is no dramatic whacking of Tony, no grand trial, no fancy bow to appease the ADD crowd.

    You're all welcome to your opinion that he got shot right there, or the next day or the day after. You can think that he got indicted, went to jail. Or that everything went on, no trial, peace with NY, etc. That is the beauty of the ending. It would suck if I thought that bam, the 'blackout' :rolleyes: meant Tony got it in the back of the head. What a shitty ending to a great show. The family moment, the song, the lingering shots representing the danger of his life and the cinematic faux-suspense all worked perfectly to represent what the Sopranos has been and always will be in our minds.

    Like I said before, a couple of you are searching to hard for finality and conclusion that you are missing the beauty of the scene. But, what do I know? :rolleyes:

    It is impossible for you to post without being an arrogant prick, isn't it? What a gift you have.

    Thinking that Tony got shot would not be a "shitty ending". What makes it Soprano-like is that it didn't end with the typical show everything. Chase sprinkled hints throughout the show, ie the going to black comment and the orange. We put it together for ourselves. That is what is artistic about it.

    I don't need everything spoonfed to me, and I get the beauty of the scene. I thought it was shot very well, and I can't remember another time that I was in such a state of suspense.
    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
  • Garden DoggGarden Dogg Posts: 226
    rrivers wrote:
    It is impossible for you to post without being an arrogant prick, isn't it? What a gift you have.

    AMEN! this guy misinterpreted one of my posts and went off on me for being smug...hi, kettle...i'm black. the know-it-all arrogance and complete condescension for other peoples' views is sickening.
    "let's hug it out, bitch."

    "and onward goes this thing of ours."
  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698
    AMEN! this guy misinterpreted one of my posts and went off on me for being smug...hi, kettle...i'm black. the know-it-all arrogance and complete condescension for other peoples' views is sickening.

    I know! It is quite hypocritical how he applauds Chase for having an ending that leaves what happened open to interpretation, yet when someone gives an interpretation that is different from his he degrades it.
    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
  • sweetpotatosweetpotato Posts: 1,278
    fyi: the gas station where phil was popped is actually located in morris plains, nj- directly across rt 10 from a barnes & noble (which appears in the shot as well), where a good friend of mine works. he said it took them 2 days to shoot that 1 minute scene! i told him he shoulda mooned them, but he has too much class for that. :D
    "Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States, Barack Obama."

    "Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore

    "i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
    ~ed, 8/7
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