And the choice of song isn't just coincidence... 'the movie never ends, it goes on and on and on....' i.e. the Soprano life continues, we just don't get to see it.
And the choice of song isn't just coincidence... 'the movie never ends, it goes on and on and on....' i.e. the Soprano life continues, we just don't get to see it.
not to mention, if there was a hit out on tony, how the hell would they know to go there? how many times have we seen tony at that place in the entire series? and you can't say the guy that went to the bathroom followed him there because he was already there for a while, he was eating at the counter when tony sat down.
"PC Load Letter?! What the fuck does that mean?"
~Michael Bolton
not to mention, if there was a hit out on tony, how the hell would they know to go there? how many times have we seen tony at that place in the entire series? and you can't say the guy that went to the bathroom followed him there because he was already there for a while, he was eating at the counter when tony sat down.
Um, follow him?
Just because we have never seen him there, doesn't mean they never went there. When Carmela was talking about it with Tony and AJ, it sounded like a place they had been many times.
not to mention, if there was a hit out on tony, how the hell would they know to go there? how many times have we seen tony at that place in the entire series? and you can't say the guy that went to the bathroom followed him there because he was already there for a while, he was eating at the counter when tony sat down.
He was not eating at the counter when Tony sat down. He walked in at the same time as AJ.
not to mention, if there was a hit out on tony, how the hell would they know to go there? how many times have we seen tony at that place in the entire series? and you can't say the guy that went to the bathroom followed him there because he was already there for a while, he was eating at the counter when tony sat down.
Just because we have never seen him there, doesn't mean they never went there. When Carmela was talking about it with Tony and AJ, it sounded like a place they had been many times.
yeah...tony had already brought the family back home, so it wouldn't be out of the realm for him to be followed. and he did mention that holsten's had the best onion rings in the state as far as he was concerned. so that tells me that he had been there before.
See I didn't think that was funny at all... it was awkward and didn't make sense, shouldn't she be supportive given the situation?
No, not at all, if you payed attention to the series and all the small stuff you would know that she holds that whole situation against tony, as quoted by t.
She married him under false pretense
Chase did what he wanted.
The people that watched it for mob related stuff feel he is dead, the fans that like all the non mob interests prob think he is alive, 4 days later it is still an even split to me know matter how I slice it up.
Even the songs lyrics which had me convinced he was alive have made me see it from the other side.
Maybee tony feeling secure was a sarcastic ploy with dont stop belevin, maybee he did and it caught up to him all to soon. Maybee life going on and on regardless of his killer acts or without him is the point.
Paying anything to roll the dice just 1 more time.
That song could be about someoen who lost the game.
As far as pj there is a perfect song with 2 ways of looking at life and death.
Hold on
This song after allnights question is what pushed me into thinking that it has been right there the whole time
There is always 2 ways to look at something.
Also after his article on the music being the driving force, the scene with paulie and tony waiting for the agent is sarcastic.
The song emphasizes a loving conversation between good friend and enjoying time as paulie complains, and we all know how tony felt about paulie, he sure as hell did anything but enjoy paulies company, he almost got offed for it.
Very contreversial ending.
For chase to say its all there is being a smart ass.
It is all there for a casual fan,
its also all over the place for us anxiety driven diehards.
I know its an endless debate that will "go on and on and on and on", but I still think Tony died in the end as I said before for just this very reason....
Thanks for the link.
"The jarring, fill-in-the-blank finale, concluding a show widely hailed as America's greatest television drama, sparked a furious debate about whether Chase had conceived of an actual ending and whether he left the audience any clues.
The biggest hint, according to a consensus taking shape on the Web, is a scene from an earlier episode in which Tony and his brother-in-law, Bobby "Bacala" Baccalieri, muse about what it feels like to die.
"At the end, you probably don't hear anything, everything just goes black," Bobby says while they sit fishing in a small boat on a lake.
That scene is recalled briefly in a flashback played at the end of the penultimate "Sopranos" episode, as Tony is lying in the darkened room of a safehouse clutching a machine gun to his chest in the midst of a mob war.
"I think that is one of the most legitimate things to look at," Schaffer said when asked about theories that the Bobby Bacala flashback was meant to foreshadow Tony's death.
Moreover, he said the man in the "Members Only" jacket could be interpreted as a symbolic reference to membership in the mob. "Members Only" also was the title of the episode in which Tony's demented Uncle Junior shoots him in the gut".
James Gandolfini told the Daily News in Friday's edition that he had "no idea" what to think was to happen to his character, the emotionally tortured mob boss and suburban dad Tony Soprano, after the hit series' final episode closed Sunday with an abrupt cut to a blank screen.
"You have to ask ("The Sopranos" creator) David Chase that. Smarter minds than mine know the answer to that," Gandolfini said. "I thought it was a great ending. You decide."
The screen went black and silent as Gandolfini's character and his family sat down to dinner, leaving fans guessing - and some complaining - about the ending's meaning or lack thereof.
Some have suggested that the movements of a man in the background portended a "Godfather"-style shooting. Others surmised that the show, which delved deeply into the domestic life of its mobster protagonist, was simply ending on an everyday note. Chase has declined to explain.
Several of Gandolfini's cast mates echoed his praise for the show's open-ended conclusion.
"A conventional ending would have been a fraud," Steven Van Zandt, who played Silvio, told the Daily News.
"Life doesn't have tidy little endings," said Van Zandt, a member of rocker Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band. "Even some great songs just fade out like the last episode of 'The Sopranos."'
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
I really don't think he died, HBO execs are covering their asses because a lot of people are pissed. But most of these people just don't get it, Van Zandt was right.
"I'm an ideas man Michael, I think I proved that with F*ck Mountain" -GOB
i can appreciate what they were trying to do to end the show that way, perhaps. but its hard not to feel a little bit ripped off.
say the ending was meant to imply that Tony was killed in the kinda haunts me in a way...cause if you die quickly like that -
goes to show the end...nothing really matters after all. lights out. bada boom bada bing. done for. time out.
i can appreciate what they were trying to do to end the show that way, perhaps. but its hard not to feel a little bit ripped off.
say the ending was meant to imply that Tony was killed in the kinda haunts me in a way...cause if you die quickly like that -
goes to show the end...nothing really matters after all. lights out. bada boom bada bing. done for. time out.
Honestly, if the show ended like that, I wouldn't mind. I think it would be kinda cool. Maybe see a gun up against Tony's head as he looks up at meadow, then black. No gunshot, nothing. Would be intense. But, I don't think it would follow the way chase operates. For all of the grittyness and mob-ness of the show, there always has been an underlying technique of implying things, of symbolism and of not outright spoon feeding the audience. It's what made the show great. For all of the dirty killings and strippers and Tony cheating on his wife, there is the backbone of intelligence to the show that you have to dig for just a little bit, but when you do, the show takes on heights that no other has accomplished. That said, a 'traditional' Scarface/Godfather ending would in no way do this amazing show justice. Getting it in the head or walking away in handcuffs would make Tony's demise 'run of the mill'. Chase left it up for us. He showed that there is little 'finality' or closure in life or this show (many loose ends...(the Russian?)...just like life).
24 years old, mid-life crisis
nowadays hits you when you're young
that tops it off
not to mention, if there was a hit out on tony, how the hell would they know to go there? how many times have we seen tony at that place in the entire series? and you can't say the guy that went to the bathroom followed him there because he was already there for a while, he was eating at the counter when tony sat down.
~Michael Bolton
Um, follow him?
Just because we have never seen him there, doesn't mean they never went there. When Carmela was talking about it with Tony and AJ, it sounded like a place they had been many times.
He was not eating at the counter when Tony sat down. He walked in at the same time as AJ.
Members Only jacket comes in just in front of AJ.
Oops, a little late on my response there.
They must have checked this thread before writing this article:
He says that in the script the scene was longer and Meadow actually came in and sat down.
I appreciate the ending because all the talk about it has been fun, but I would really like to know what Chase's intention with the scene was.
yeah...tony had already brought the family back home, so it wouldn't be out of the realm for him to be followed. and he did mention that holsten's had the best onion rings in the state as far as he was concerned. so that tells me that he had been there before.
"and onward goes this thing of ours."
..and on and on and on......street lights, people...
nowadays hits you when you're young
What song would YOU have picked for the end? How about which PJ song??
nowadays hits you when you're young
really? i could have sworn he was already eating something at the counter. my bad. i've only watched it once.
that being said, i still don't believe tony was killed.
~Michael Bolton
haha they will never get it
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
No, not at all, if you payed attention to the series and all the small stuff you would know that she holds that whole situation against tony, as quoted by t.
She married him under false pretense
no more shows
The people that watched it for mob related stuff feel he is dead, the fans that like all the non mob interests prob think he is alive, 4 days later it is still an even split to me know matter how I slice it up.
Even the songs lyrics which had me convinced he was alive have made me see it from the other side.
Maybee tony feeling secure was a sarcastic ploy with dont stop belevin, maybee he did and it caught up to him all to soon. Maybee life going on and on regardless of his killer acts or without him is the point.
Paying anything to roll the dice just 1 more time.
That song could be about someoen who lost the game.
As far as pj there is a perfect song with 2 ways of looking at life and death.
Hold on
This song after allnights question is what pushed me into thinking that it has been right there the whole time
There is always 2 ways to look at something.
Also after his article on the music being the driving force, the scene with paulie and tony waiting for the agent is sarcastic.
The song emphasizes a loving conversation between good friend and enjoying time as paulie complains, and we all know how tony felt about paulie, he sure as hell did anything but enjoy paulies company, he almost got offed for it.
Very contreversial ending.
For chase to say its all there is being a smart ass.
It is all there for a casual fan,
its also all over the place for us anxiety driven diehards.
no more shows
no, b/c the session wasn't about tony, it was about a.j.
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
I know its an endless debate that will "go on and on and on and on", but I still think Tony died in the end as I said before for just this very reason....
Thanks for the link.
"The jarring, fill-in-the-blank finale, concluding a show widely hailed as America's greatest television drama, sparked a furious debate about whether Chase had conceived of an actual ending and whether he left the audience any clues.
The biggest hint, according to a consensus taking shape on the Web, is a scene from an earlier episode in which Tony and his brother-in-law, Bobby "Bacala" Baccalieri, muse about what it feels like to die.
"At the end, you probably don't hear anything, everything just goes black," Bobby says while they sit fishing in a small boat on a lake.
That scene is recalled briefly in a flashback played at the end of the penultimate "Sopranos" episode, as Tony is lying in the darkened room of a safehouse clutching a machine gun to his chest in the midst of a mob war.
"I think that is one of the most legitimate things to look at," Schaffer said when asked about theories that the Bobby Bacala flashback was meant to foreshadow Tony's death.
Moreover, he said the man in the "Members Only" jacket could be interpreted as a symbolic reference to membership in the mob. "Members Only" also was the title of the episode in which Tony's demented Uncle Junior shoots him in the gut".
"You have to ask ("The Sopranos" creator) David Chase that. Smarter minds than mine know the answer to that," Gandolfini said. "I thought it was a great ending. You decide."
The screen went black and silent as Gandolfini's character and his family sat down to dinner, leaving fans guessing - and some complaining - about the ending's meaning or lack thereof.
Some have suggested that the movements of a man in the background portended a "Godfather"-style shooting. Others surmised that the show, which delved deeply into the domestic life of its mobster protagonist, was simply ending on an everyday note. Chase has declined to explain.
Several of Gandolfini's cast mates echoed his praise for the show's open-ended conclusion.
"A conventional ending would have been a fraud," Steven Van Zandt, who played Silvio, told the Daily News.
"Life doesn't have tidy little endings," said Van Zandt, a member of rocker Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band. "Even some great songs just fade out like the last episode of 'The Sopranos."'
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
~Michael Bolton
--P. Farrell
Holsten's restaurant is now making a shitload of money off there onion rings.
I mean, a diner.
This was the true climax of the show.
Nevermind blackouts and loose ends and symbolically located angels of death.
Not a single shred of gabagool or proscuit' in sight. No zuppe di mussels. No zucchini flowers. No baked ziti.
A diner.
There were cokes on the table. Cokes.
No Sambuca. No Grappa. Not even a house red.
I bet Tony was going to order meatloaf.
Pure tragedy.
--P. Farrell
say the ending was meant to imply that Tony was killed in the kinda haunts me in a way...cause if you die quickly like that -
goes to show the end...nothing really matters after all. lights out. bada boom bada bing. done for. time out.
Honestly, if the show ended like that, I wouldn't mind. I think it would be kinda cool. Maybe see a gun up against Tony's head as he looks up at meadow, then black. No gunshot, nothing. Would be intense. But, I don't think it would follow the way chase operates. For all of the grittyness and mob-ness of the show, there always has been an underlying technique of implying things, of symbolism and of not outright spoon feeding the audience. It's what made the show great. For all of the dirty killings and strippers and Tony cheating on his wife, there is the backbone of intelligence to the show that you have to dig for just a little bit, but when you do, the show takes on heights that no other has accomplished. That said, a 'traditional' Scarface/Godfather ending would in no way do this amazing show justice. Getting it in the head or walking away in handcuffs would make Tony's demise 'run of the mill'. Chase left it up for us. He showed that there is little 'finality' or closure in life or this show (many loose ends...(the Russian?)...just like life).
nowadays hits you when you're young
--P. Farrell
"Made in America"