'Sopranos' final season to begin April 8



  • NCBRINCBRI Posts: 1,902
    Did I hear correctly that Chase is out of the country on vacation for a few weeks and also asked others involved with the show not to talk about the ending?

    I think there is no wrong answer/interpretation (withing reason of course ;) ) as to the ending. I think he just wants the viewer to write their own ending. I think the end scene is just symbolic of the show as a whole. The balance of ever present danger (as someone else mentioned in another post) of a mob boss with being a regular family. That's what this show has always been about. Now you can argue about whether the threats to Tony's life in the final scene were real or percieved, but I don't think it matters. Either way, it falls in line with the show's theme.

    I would be interested to see the other two endings that were shot.
  • Garden DoggGarden Dogg Posts: 226
    NCBRI wrote:
    Did I hear correctly that Chase is out of the country on vacation for a few weeks and also asked others involved with the show not to talk about the ending?


    he's in france, but i didn't hear anything about him putting a gag order on the cast/crew.
    "let's hug it out, bitch."

    "and onward goes this thing of ours."
  • aNiMaLaNiMaL Posts: 7,117
    rrivers wrote:
    It is impossible for you to post without being an arrogant prick, isn't it? What a gift you have.
    Hey, there is no need for name calling. AllNite never once stooped as low as you just did. It appears as though you have the problem you accused AllNite of having. Settle down and stop attacking others.
  • NCBRINCBRI Posts: 1,902

    he's in france, but i didn't hear anything about him putting a gag order on the cast/crew.

    Good article. Yeah, I don't know about a gag order. I just heard a TV critic on the radio yesterday mention that Chase was off in France and something about asking others (maybe other writers, not sure) to let the whole thing kinda marinate with the viewers and not answer a bunch of questions about the final episode.
  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698
    aNiMaL wrote:
    Hey, there is no need for name calling. AllNite never once stooped as low as you just did. It appears as though you have the problem you accused AllNite of having. Settle down and stop attacking others.

    Read Allnite's posts and see who has the problem. What does it concern you anyway?
    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    uh oh, somebody's gonna get whacked...

    okay, maybe not, just seems like a silly thing to be arguing about since the only way we'll ever know what David Chase was thinking when he wrote the ending to the show is if he actually comes out and tells us, and given what I've read about him, I doubt if thats ever gonna happen.

    i still think Tony died in the end, but that's just my opinion
  • MasterFramerMasterFramer Posts: 2,268
    aNiMaL wrote:
    Hey, there is no need for name calling. AllNite never once stooped as low as you just did. It appears as though you have the problem you accused AllNite of having. Settle down and stop attacking others.

    Are you kidding me? Read back a few pages...
    10.31.93 / 10.1.94 / 6.24.95 / 11.4.95 / 10.19-20.96 / 7.16.98 / 7.21.98 / 10.31.00 /8.4.01 Nader Rally/ 10.21.01 / 12.8-9.02 / 6.01.03 / 9.1.05 / 7.15-16,18.06 / 7.20.06 / 7.22-23.06 / Lolla 07
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    NY Post

    hated it, wish there was more to it. blank tv was tasteless. should have another episode to clear things up as a way of saying sorry to all soprano fans for all the time and money that was spent on this show...
    posted by rob torresClick here to commentJune 12, 2007 -- The Sopranos' final scene shows Tony sitting down to dinner with his family. The tension builds as the restaurant fills with suspicious characters and, suddenly, the screen cuts to black. In an interview with the Newark Star-Ledger, series creator David Chase got to the point on the lingering issues surrounding the controversial finale.

    "I have no interest in explaining, defending, reinterpreting, or adding to what is there," Chase said of the scene.

    "No one was trying to be audacious, honest to God," he added. "We did what we thought we had to do. No one was trying to blow people's minds, or thinking, 'Wow, this'll [tick] them off.' People get the impression that you're trying to [mess] with them and it's not true. You're trying to entertain them."

    In answer to all the speculation about what might have happened after the camera cut out, Chase stated: "Anybody who wants to watch it, it's all there."

    The Sopranos did draw a share of fans interested solely in seeing characters get whacked, but Chase informed the Star-Ledger that he never killed a character without first developing them.

    "I'm the Number One fan of gangster movies," he says. "Martin Scorsese has no greater devotee than me. Like everyone else, I get off partly on the betrayals, the retributions, the swift justice. But what you come to realize when you do a series is you could be killing straw men all day long. Those murders only have any meaning when you've invested story in them. Otherwise, you might as well watch 'Cleaver.'"

    And as for Tony, despite all the therapy, the coma and sociopathy, Chase offered the final word on his show's central character. "From my perspective, there's nothing different about Tony in this season than there ever was," he stated. "To me, that's Tony."

    Now that it's all over, Chase has no regrets.

    "It's been the greatest career experience of my life," he says. "There's nothing more in TV that I could say or would want to say."

    Some fans assumed that the ambiguous ending was a set up for the oft-rumored "Sopranos" movie, but Chase countered the speculation.

    "I don't think about [a movie] much," he says. "I never say never. An idea could pop into my head where I would go, 'Wow, that would make a great movie,' but I doubt it."

    NY Daily News

    No Movie

    He ain't singin' 'Sopranos' film


    Wednesday, June 13th 2007, 4:00 AM

    Print Email Suggest a Story

    'Sopranos' creator David Chase's decision to leave Tony alive left the door open for a movie, to which he said, 'I doubt it.'

    'Sopranos' MovieShould there be a 'Sopranos' movie?



    Out of the firestorm that exploded from Sunday night's controversial finale of "The Sopranos" yesterday came the voice of the man who lit the match.

    David Chase, creator of the HBO drama, told The Star-Ledger of Newark he had no intention of discussing the finale and little interest in continuing the story down the line with a movie.

    Frustrating as it may sound, both those instincts are correct.

    The final scene Sunday had Tony, Carmela and A.J. sitting at Holsten's in Bloomfield, N.J., munching on onion rings while the eye of a nervous camera darted around the joint. Ominous music played. An unidentified man got up from the counter. Meadow arrived, late and tense.

    Then the screen went black and the eight-year, 86-episode "Sopranos" saga was over.

    Asked about this scene, Chase said, "I have no interest in explaining, defending, reinterpreting or adding to what is there."

    Many of the 11.9 million viewers felt no such reluctance.

    Some said the ambiguous ending fit the show. A more vocal segment howled that Chase had punked out of giving this long, complex drama any resolution.

    "It's like getting to the end of a book and finding the last page has been ripped out," said WFAN morning host Mike Francesa.

    Francesa suggested Chase left James Gandolfini's Tony alive so he could be revived for a movie - a suggestion fueled by actor Steven Van Zandt's comment Sunday night that "who knows" what could happen down the line.

    Chase told The Star-Ledger a "Sopranos" movie is unlikely, but didn't whack the notion altogether.

    "I never say never," he said. "An idea could pop into my head where I would go, 'Wow, that would make a great movie.' But I doubt it. ... I think we've kind of said it and done it."

    He's right.

    Yes, the ending Sunday night drove you nuts. Yes, that cut-to-black felt like a cheap gimmick and yes, your instinctive response was to want more.

    Well, you can't always get what you want.

    Even beyond the fact this ending triggered more passionate discussion than anything on TV since the invasion of Baghdad, it was true to the show.

    Chase has always made us uneasy, has never bought into good guy-bad guy justice, and laughs out loud at the idea anything in life is ever wrapped up neatly.

    An e-mail came in yesterday from reader Noah Buschel suggesting Chase said in the whole last episode what he's been saying all along: that America is uncomfortably like the mob. Both deal in a currency of violence and as a result spend their lives looking over their shoulders, never sure what lies behind the simplest move or the quietest shadow.

    Fun as a movie could be, it wouldn't add much to that.

    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • MasterFramerMasterFramer Posts: 2,268
    "I have no interest in explaining, defending, reinterpreting, or adding to what is there," Chase said of the scene.

    Figures... :rolleyes: I have even less respect for him now. He talked more about a movie than he did the show...
    10.31.93 / 10.1.94 / 6.24.95 / 11.4.95 / 10.19-20.96 / 7.16.98 / 7.21.98 / 10.31.00 /8.4.01 Nader Rally/ 10.21.01 / 12.8-9.02 / 6.01.03 / 9.1.05 / 7.15-16,18.06 / 7.20.06 / 7.22-23.06 / Lolla 07
  • AllNiteThingAllNiteThing Posts: 1,115
    aNiMaL wrote:
    Hey, there is no need for name calling. AllNite never once stooped as low as you just did. It appears as though you have the problem you accused AllNite of having. Settle down and stop attacking others.

    Thanks animal. :cool:

    If they READ, they'll notice I even say that there are MANY interpretations that can be taken from the ending, it's completely open-ended in that sense, you can take what you want from it. That's what's great about it. I said that it is POSSIBLE that he could be shot, but based on all the evidence from the scene, and knowing how Chase runs the show, I just think it's a big stretch. I'll argue that you're wrong, but I'll accept that it is possible. rrivers and his buddies are the ones who can't accept any other view. Tony was shot, end of story. At least accept that there could be any number of things that happened, right?!

    And I agree, some of these guys need to relax and watch their mouth. No need to be low class.
    24 years old, mid-life crisis
    nowadays hits you when you're young
  • AllNiteThingAllNiteThing Posts: 1,115
    "I have no interest in explaining, defending, reinterpreting, or adding to what is there," Chase said of the scene.

    Figures... :rolleyes: I have even less respect for him now. He talked more about a movie than he did the show...

    Of course!!! Because it is what it is. There was no 'secret' implied whacking. What you see is what you get. He even says it in the interview. Did you ever think that MAYBE he doesn't want to comment anymore is because he wants everyone to take away from it what they want? Why deride the man for his creative vision?? :confused:
    24 years old, mid-life crisis
    nowadays hits you when you're young
  • AllNiteThingAllNiteThing Posts: 1,115
    rrivers wrote:
    Read Allnite's posts and see who has the problem. What does it concern you anyway?

    Give it a rest. Damn you're miserable. :p
    24 years old, mid-life crisis
    nowadays hits you when you're young
  • Garden DoggGarden Dogg Posts: 226
    Of course!!! Because it is what it is. There was no 'secret' implied whacking. What you see is what you get. He even says it in the interview. Did you ever think that MAYBE he doesn't want to comment anymore is because he wants everyone to take away from it what they want? Why deride the man for his creative vision?? :confused:

    you got what you saw, which is obviously different than what some others got. you made it very clear what you think happened, but why you have to keep trying to pound it into everyone is beyond me. you said yourself that maybe he wants everyone to take away their own conclusion, but when anyone has an opinion that differs from yours, you again bring up what you bring across as the be-all-end-all in explanations. don't you see a contradiction there?
    "let's hug it out, bitch."

    "and onward goes this thing of ours."
  • Great post. You're right, I didn't mean to 'rate' people fansize or whatever you call it, sorry if that came out wrong. My point was that there are a lot of people out there, in the media especially, coming down on the creative direction of the final episode (or final season for that matter), and you can just tell that they haven't been immersed in the Soprano world enough to know that this was the inevitable conclusion to the show. ANYONE can enjoy the show, I don't care if you're a casual fan or not, but it's frustrating seeing so many people with 'loud' opinions getting air time, who obviously don't realize that the show doesn't and has never catered to the typical hollywood mold.

    good post
    Iwill say this, after reading his article and the its all in the music quote is priceless.
    ]I cant wait to rewatch every episode and refocus on the lyrics.
    Second scene waiting for the fbi, oldies tune playing, paulie and tony.
    some funny shit
    Some people have religion I have Pearl Jam.

    no more shows
  • Amen... didnt think Sorpranos fan boys existed till now.

    Also Allnightthing, stop saying that people who think the ending was less than ok are people who like "tits and guns" It's asinine. The show is NOT as awesome as you think it is. Its a great show but its far from brilliant like you keep insisting on. Want a brilliant show? Watch The Wire.

    I love tits, guns,and ass.
    I also loved the meaningless family shit that went on, it gave way to most of the anxiety that floated thru households.
    Its so much more believable when you see a persons everyday routine and faults and problems, you feel what is going on in a persons life.
    its as if we got to know them and than all of a sudden you are right with them in their crisis.
    You see things that make them human, and it comes off way more realistic.
    It made the show.
    It wa like bill cosby show, and instead of a doctor he was a moboss.
    Some people have religion I have Pearl Jam.

    no more shows
  • MasterFramerMasterFramer Posts: 2,268
    Of course!!! Because it is what it is. There was no 'secret' implied whacking. What you see is what you get. He even says it in the interview. Did you ever think that MAYBE he doesn't want to comment anymore is because he wants everyone to take away from it what they want? Why deride the man for his creative vision?? :confused:

    He said "I have no interest", its pretty damn arrogant thing to say when there are TONS of fans unhappy with the ending. He doesnt care. He could have said what you just said but he didnt. He sounds like some spoiled kid in school who doesn't like his art being critiqued... like I said he gave the movie more attention than his so called "masterpiece" ending :rolleyes: Sounds like, "if the price is right I'll make a movie". If he was so proud of this ending he would have said more about it than a "No comment". He's even weaker than I thought.
    10.31.93 / 10.1.94 / 6.24.95 / 11.4.95 / 10.19-20.96 / 7.16.98 / 7.21.98 / 10.31.00 /8.4.01 Nader Rally/ 10.21.01 / 12.8-9.02 / 6.01.03 / 9.1.05 / 7.15-16,18.06 / 7.20.06 / 7.22-23.06 / Lolla 07
  • aNiMaL wrote:
    With All Due Respect...The Sopranos was one of the most brilliant shows ever to grace the small screen. The Wire is good, but truly has nothing on The Sopranos or Deadwood. And I agree with Allnite, there are two camps of fans of The Sopranos...the ones who appreciate the writing and character development and the drama of the entire saga....and then there are those who only liked the killing and T&A. Most of the latter fans were probably really disappointed with the ending just as they were bored with season 4 when the violence went down a bit after 9/11.

    Too add to this apreciate the directing, camerawork, and more importantly the importance to detail, like the neighborhoods, and the diolougue.
    The facial expressions also
    Some people have religion I have Pearl Jam.

    no more shows
  • The Wire has one, amongst many, things that trumps both those shows... REALITY.

    Deadwood is one of the most over rated shows EVER. Its crap.

    To put Sorpranos fans into two camps is pretty stupid. I think the show is great (NOT BRILLIANT, at this point Heroes is a better show). I never watched Sorpranos for the killing or TA and to say that I did because I thought the last two seasons were junk is, again, stupid. I watched the show for the characters and story. I also enjoyed laughing at what idiots they all were too. Another thing that hurt the show was the editing, most of the recent shows felt like they were cut and pasted by some intern who had no idea what pacing and tempo were. How about Tony's therapy? You rarely saw the two of them on screen at the same time except when Tony came and left. Lazy TV.

    you just never quit. You must be a lonely dude, you disrespect everything and anyone to make yourself sound more knowledgable.

    too put people into 2 camps is pretty stupid.

    too call someoen on that is even more stupid.

    you should right your own reality tv show, call it knowitall, go around too peoples bussinesse and tell people what they are doing wrong/
    Some people have religion I have Pearl Jam.

    no more shows
  • Garden DoggGarden Dogg Posts: 226
    funniest moments from the finale:

    when paulie unzips his pants at the table at vesuvio's.

    the glaring look carmela gives tony after he talks about his mother to a.j.'s therapist.

    maybe we should focus on what we enjoy about the show instead of bickering with each other.
    "let's hug it out, bitch."

    "and onward goes this thing of ours."
  • funniest moments from the finale:

    when paulie unzips his pants at the table at vesuvio's.

    the glaring look carmela gives tony after he talks about his mother to a.j.'s therapist.

    maybe we should focus on what we enjoy about the show instead of bickering with each other.
    talked this up today.

    the part hwere tony breaks paulies balls about the mother mary.
    i am watching it now, paulies ringtone
    Some people have religion I have Pearl Jam.

    no more shows
  • Garden DoggGarden Dogg Posts: 226
    the part hwere tony breaks paulies balls about the mother mary.

    we could have sold holy water by the gallon...made millions. lol
    "let's hug it out, bitch."

    "and onward goes this thing of ours."
  • tony:how many fucking times have i told you its an suv watch where you park off road, the catyilitic converter and the dry vegatation,
    aj : i dint see the leaves
    tony : you can grill fucking steaks on that converter i told you
    carmella : if there was children playing in those leaves you would have run them over
    aj : i guess
    tony : are you gonna get cute know
    aj : i was just answering her question
    meadow : dad he wasnt being funny
    tony : mind your own godamm business unless you want some of this too
    meadow : shut your fat mout
    tony : what you say

    typical gresat family fight
    Some people have religion I have Pearl Jam.

    no more shows
  • MasterFramerMasterFramer Posts: 2,268
    you should right your own reality tv show, call it knowitall, go around too peoples bussinesse and tell people what they are doing wrong/

    I do this already... good idea, I should film it. And no I have lots of friends...
    10.31.93 / 10.1.94 / 6.24.95 / 11.4.95 / 10.19-20.96 / 7.16.98 / 7.21.98 / 10.31.00 /8.4.01 Nader Rally/ 10.21.01 / 12.8-9.02 / 6.01.03 / 9.1.05 / 7.15-16,18.06 / 7.20.06 / 7.22-23.06 / Lolla 07
  • Garden DoggGarden Dogg Posts: 226
    I do this already... good idea, I should film it. And no I have lots of friends...

    cool...can i have a development executive job and a bmw?
    "let's hug it out, bitch."

    "and onward goes this thing of ours."
  • MasterFramerMasterFramer Posts: 2,268
    the glaring look carmela gives tony after he talks about his mother to a.j.'s therapist.

    See I didn't think that was funny at all... it was awkward and didn't make sense, shouldn't she be supportive given the situation?
    10.31.93 / 10.1.94 / 6.24.95 / 11.4.95 / 10.19-20.96 / 7.16.98 / 7.21.98 / 10.31.00 /8.4.01 Nader Rally/ 10.21.01 / 12.8-9.02 / 6.01.03 / 9.1.05 / 7.15-16,18.06 / 7.20.06 / 7.22-23.06 / Lolla 07
  • MasterFramerMasterFramer Posts: 2,268
    cool...can i have a development executive job and a bmw?

    Well they arent making a new M3 this year, will an M6 do?
    10.31.93 / 10.1.94 / 6.24.95 / 11.4.95 / 10.19-20.96 / 7.16.98 / 7.21.98 / 10.31.00 /8.4.01 Nader Rally/ 10.21.01 / 12.8-9.02 / 6.01.03 / 9.1.05 / 7.15-16,18.06 / 7.20.06 / 7.22-23.06 / Lolla 07
  • alpittalpitt Posts: 91
    AllNiteThing, I also agree with everything you've said. I don't think he was killed mainly because who was left to kill Tony? And if it was someone we didn't even know about than that's just stupid. Also, a hitman would walk in a do it immediately not sit down and meander. The "Made in America" title is evident in the final scene, in an American 50's style diner with all kinds of different people we assumed were hitman, because Chase was putting it on the audience with that final scene building the tension and all. In reality they were all just Americans: cub scout, trucker, thuggish guys...then the Soprano family. The lyrics, as mentioned, make total sense. A few more things with the final episode:

    *Loved the cat situation, with the symbolism of Tony's continuous love of small animals and Paulie and Chrissy feuding after his death. But did it represent Adriana (my first thought), or was Christopher a rat and the cat staring at it meant Chris was wired up after he killed JT (the Cleaver hat in his final scene?), or was it Pussy reincarnated (for obvious reasons)?

    *I'm kind of closet Journey fan and "Don't Stop Believing" has been overplayed as of late, but never again will I think of it the same way

    *Really liked the scene with AJ and Rhiannon in the car with "It's Alright Ma, I'm Only Bleeding" playing...dont really know why, combination of music and how it was shot, and tension I think.
    "I'm an ideas man Michael, I think I proved that with F*ck Mountain" -GOB
  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698
    I'll argue that you're wrong, but I'll accept that it is possible. rrivers and his buddies are the ones who can't accept any other view. Tony was shot, end of story. At least accept that there could be any number of things that happened, right?!

    I have said all along that the thought of Tony getting shot was just my opinion and I gave the reasons I thought so. I know there are many possible endings.
    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
  • NY PJ1NY PJ1 Posts: 9,533
    he didnt die

    i mean do u think all these people connected to his life were in that diner at the same time

    they were symbols,, nothing more

    phils nephew the thugs who tried to shoot him the boy scouts at the train store cmon
  • AllNiteThingAllNiteThing Posts: 1,115
    NY PJ1 wrote:
    he didnt die

    i mean do u think all these people connected to his life were in that diner at the same time

    they were symbols,, nothing more

    phils nephew the thugs who tried to shoot him the boy scouts at the train store cmon

    And the choice of song isn't just coincidence... 'the movie never ends, it goes on and on and on....' i.e. the Soprano life continues, we just don't get to see it.
    24 years old, mid-life crisis
    nowadays hits you when you're young
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