'Sopranos' final season to begin April 8



  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698
    moeaholic wrote:
    nah, not stupid at all. it was always an unsaid understanding between the two of them that he was in the mafia. once j.t. opened his mouth, how could christopher let him live, knowing that he (j.t.) knew exactly what chris was all about. if he had just avoided saying that one sentence, he would have lived.

    also the fact that j.t. was really the only person christopher could take his aggressions out on without being in trouble with "the family". he can't backtalk tony, he can't do anything physical to paulie, he can't show that what they were saying at the bar really hurt him.......j.t. should have just not answered his door when chrissy came knocking. everytime christopher went there, he beat on him. he should have known better.

    oh, and on a side note: carmella is really pissing me off this season. she had to open her mouth to tony about the character in chrissy's movie resembeled tony, not only in physical appearance, but things that were done in the "movie", such as fucking around with the eventual killers woman. if she had kept her mouth shut, nothing would be brewing between christopher and tony. and then to top it off, she had to go blab to christopher about the same damn thing. and then this past week, when tony told aj to get a blowjob, and aj raised his voice a bit and tony told him to keep it down......carm comes busting into the room. why the fuck couldn't she just let her husband have a father/son conversation? she's really causing a lot of problems this season.

    I have to respectfully disagree with your entire post.

    It was stupid that Christopher shot JT. The whole scene was stupid, especially at the end of the show when I was hoping for something exciting to happen. They both knew that JT knew Christopher was in the mafia. When JT had the meeting with all the mob "potential investors" in "Cleaver", he was hesitant to say "mafia" in front of all of them. Why? Because he knew they were all in the mafia. Also, Christopher is not going to go away just because JT didn't answer the door.

    First off, Tony had to know that the guy in the movie was a clone of him. It was stupid that Carmela had to even convince him of it. Christopher and Tony's problems go WAY beyond just Carmela pointing out that the guy in the movie was Tony. Christopher has been pissed at Tony a long time because he doesn't think he gets the respect he deserves.
    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
  • beegirl420beegirl420 Posts: 26
    my point... babies. they're the future.
  • patrickredeyespatrickredeyes Posts: 8,834
    beegirl420 wrote:
    my point... babies. they're the future.

    I thought he was gonna shoot Paulie right there.
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    i think the reason chris shot jt was chris knew he had let out too many secrets although he didn't give full details it might have been enough for the feds to investigate...........and chris knew he couldn't kill tony or paulie like he wants to so he shot someone that didn't matter in his eyes........the writing and acting these past couple episodes has been excellent.........can't wait to see what's next.......:)
  • patrickredeyespatrickredeyes Posts: 8,834
    cutback wrote:
    i think the reason chris shot jt was chris knew he had let out too many secrets although he didn't give full details it might have been enough for the feds to investigate...........and chris knew he couldn't kill tony or paulie like he wants to so he shot someone that didn't matter in his eyes........the writing and acting these past couple episodes has been excellent.........can't wait to see what's next.......:)

    Great comments, I feel the same way.

    And were both on the train tonight :D
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    Great comments, I feel the same way.

    And were both on the train tonight :D

    hehehe......i love the train...........my only complaint and it's not even a complaint more of anticipation on my part.......i wish something big would have happened already......i think that most of the things that have happened are run of the mill for this show......i mean after tony killed ralphie i expect anything.....:D
  • moeaholicmoeaholic Posts: 535
    rrivers wrote:
    I have to respectfully disagree with your entire post.

    It was stupid that Christopher shot JT. The whole scene was stupid, especially at the end of the show when I was hoping for something exciting to happen. They both knew that JT knew Christopher was in the mafia. When JT had the meeting with all the mob "potential investors" in "Cleaver", he was hesitant to say "mafia" in front of all of them. Why? Because he knew they were all in the mafia. Also, Christopher is not going to go away just because JT didn't answer the door.

    First off, Tony had to know that the guy in the movie was a clone of him. It was stupid that Carmela had to even convince him of it. Christopher and Tony's problems go WAY beyond just Carmela pointing out that the guy in the movie was Tony. Christopher has been pissed at Tony a long time because he doesn't think he gets the respect he deserves.

    no, it wasn't stupid. and i didn't say the lone reason for shooting jt was because he finally uttered the phrase "you're in the mafia". all that aggression that was festering in him, all the disrespect from paulie, tony, and everyone else lead to jt getting shot, but jt saying what he said was what made the hammer come down. before that point, it was unspoken. it might have been known, but it was unspoken.

    and the thing with carm....think about it. if she hadn't blabbed to tony about the deeper similarities (tony isn't as bright as you'd like him to be), he never would have thought that. and to make matters worse, she starts flapping her gums to chris, who was completely blindsided by that accusation. if she had kept it to herself, the animosity between tony and chris would absolutely not be as intense as it is now. sure, tony figured out that the physical actor was a carbon copy of himself, but he didn't pick up on the deeper similarities. did you see his face when carm said that to him? he had that "duhh..." look on his face.

    i see what you're saying, but i just don't agree with it, that's all. that's what's cool about this show....one episode could have so many different interpretations.....like tony sitting on the dock in the first episode, just staring out at the water. what was he thinking about? actually, that's a bad example because he basically says what he's thinking when carm comes down to talk to him. there's other instances, but i really don't have the time to get into it that much. i'm at work and really need to get back to it :)
    "PC Load Letter?! What the fuck does that mean?"
    ~Michael Bolton
  • patrickredeyespatrickredeyes Posts: 8,834
    cutback wrote:
    hehehe......i love the train...........my only complaint and it's not even a complaint more of anticipation on my part.......i wish something big would have happened already......i think that most of the things that have happened are run of the mill for this show......i mean after tony killed ralphie i expect anything.....:D

    I think its all leading up to something really amazing at the end. One of my favorite scenes in when Chrissy picks up Ralphie's head and we find out he was wearing a rug. haha
  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698
    moeaholic wrote:
    no, it wasn't stupid. and i didn't say the lone reason for shooting jt was because he finally uttered the phrase "you're in the mafia". all that aggression that was festering in him, all the disrespect from paulie, tony, and everyone else lead to jt getting shot, but jt saying what he said was what made the hammer come down. before that point, it was unspoken. it might have been known, but it was unspoken.

    and the thing with carm....think about it. if she hadn't blabbed to tony about the deeper similarities (tony isn't as bright as you'd like him to be), he never would have thought that. and to make matters worse, she starts flapping her gums to chris, who was completely blindsided by that accusation. if she had kept it to herself, the animosity between tony and chris would absolutely not be as intense as it is now. sure, tony figured out that the physical actor was a carbon copy of himself, but he didn't pick up on the deeper similarities. did you see his face when carm said that to him? he had that "duhh..." look on his face.

    i see what you're saying, but i just don't agree with it, that's all. that's what's cool about this show....one episode could have so many different interpretations.....like tony sitting on the dock in the first episode, just staring out at the water. what was he thinking about? actually, that's a bad example because he basically says what he's thinking when carm comes down to talk to him. there's other instances, but i really don't have the time to get into it that much. i'm at work and really need to get back to it :)

    The shooting JT thing just came out of nowhere for me. One minute Christopher is talking about all this stuff that he knows and the next minutes he shoots the guy? I do agree that he shot him because he was pissed at Paulie and Tony. The whole scene with Christopher and JT didn't work for me at all. It seemed like the writers thought the audience wanted some bloodshed but they didn't want to kill anyone big (yet) so they just picked a side character to off.
    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
  • culot4culot4 Posts: 775
    Chris seems like a total wreck maybe even more so than Tony. Now that he has relapsed I'm thinking he'll start shooting junk again. When its all said and done I don't think that will be the only shooting he does. If I had to guess I would say a major character, be it Tony or Paulie, dies at the hands of Chris.

    I've done a lot of AJ bashing but he deserves some props for some really good acting this past episode.
    Once in a while you can get shown the light, in the strangest of places if you look at it right.
  • moeaholicmoeaholic Posts: 535
    rrivers wrote:
    The shooting JT thing just came out of nowhere for me. One minute Christopher is talking about all this stuff that he knows and the next minutes he shoots the guy? I do agree that he shot him because he was pissed at Paulie and Tony. The whole scene with Christopher and JT didn't work for me at all. It seemed like the writers thought the audience wanted some bloodshed but they didn't want to kill anyone big (yet) so they just picked a side character to off.

    yeah, i agree with it coming out of nowhere. i actually thought he was going to beat the piss out of him again. poor JT, seemed like he was a battered wife at the hands of christopher. seems like everytime they were in a scene together, chris was pounding on him. but where it didn't really work for you, i thought it was well done. no biggie, we just see it differently.

    culot4 wrote:
    I've done a lot of AJ bashing but he deserves some props for some really good acting this past episode.

    no doubt, it's been his best performance since season one, episode one. but i still can't stand the character.
    "PC Load Letter?! What the fuck does that mean?"
    ~Michael Bolton
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 49,569
    agreed...aj has always been the most annoying character to me. the acting was terrible and his character just pissed me off so much. but i have been actually impressed with is performance thus far this year.
    culot4 wrote:
    Chris seems like a total wreck maybe even more so than Tony. Now that he has relapsed I'm thinking he'll start shooting junk again. When its all said and done I don't think that will be the only shooting he does. If I had to guess I would say a major character, be it Tony or Paulie, dies at the hands of Chris.

    I've done a lot of AJ bashing but he deserves some props for some really good acting this past episode.
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 49,569
    "WHAT, NO FUCKING ZITI NOW?!?!" classic
    moeaholic wrote:
    no doubt, it's been his best performance since season one, episode one. but i still can't stand the character.
  • patrickredeyespatrickredeyes Posts: 8,834
    "WHAT, NO FUCKING ZITI NOW?!?!" classic

    Thank goodness for DVDs. :D
    "I'm not present, I'm a drug that makes you dream"
  • mammasanmammasan Posts: 5,656
    HOLY SHIT!!! I thought Tony was going to take out Chris, but that just fucking caught me off guard.
    "When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
  • culot4culot4 Posts: 775
    Wow those therapy sessions were something else. Tony is for real one mean, self centered son of a bitch who just keeps getting worse. I'm sorry but I thought the car crash was lazy writing. If they were going to kill off a major character I wish it could have been done differently. Anyways, I always liked Chris, and I'll miss hiim.

    The peyote sequence. I don't get it.

    How much time is supposed to lapse between episodes? Last week AJ was suicidal, and this week he is enrolled in school and has his life back together. Lexipro must be some amazing shit.
    Once in a while you can get shown the light, in the strangest of places if you look at it right.
  • vmfuryvmfury Posts: 1,091

    So bummed about Christopher. It's all happening...main characters are being killed off. The end is near.

    Excellent episode tonight!
    We’ll meet again, but not yet…not yet. 
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 49,569
    agreed on all counts. killing him off in a car crash was kind of weak. the scene of them in the car though listening to comfortably numb was cool. i think tony realized while listening to the lyrics that he was going to have to kill him sooner or later. it was funny how paulie was feuding with chris even after he died--complaining about how everyone was at chris's wake instead of his mom's--that was funny stuff.

    i've liked this whole season. but i think this was the weakest episode. you knew chris was probably going to get killed, i was just hoping there would have been more to it than just a car crash. sucks cuz last weeks episode was so awesome because he was back on the wagon and throwing dudes out of windows and killing jt. you didnt know what he was going to do next. he was a wreck. i wish they would have built on that.

    3 episodes left. we'll see what happens. sad night.

    culot4 wrote:
    Wow those therapy sessions were something else. Tony is for real one mean, self centered son of a bitch who just keeps getting worse. I'm sorry but I thought the car crash was lazy writing. If they were going to kill off a major character I wish it could have been done differently. Anyways, I always liked Chris, and I'll miss hiim.

    The peyote sequence. I don't get it.

    How much time is supposed to lapse between episodes? Last week AJ was suicidal, and this week he is enrolled in school and has his life back together. Lexipro must be some amazing shit.
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    wow....at first i thought chris didn't die but went into witness protection.....then the open casket.....:eek:....i hate that thy killed chris.....i like his character worts and all.....i don't think it's lazy writing the way chris dies.....it's a conflict in tonys life....hence the realization on peyote trip......this shit's getting good.......:)
  • patrickredeyespatrickredeyes Posts: 8,834

    Chris sad to see you go but you were bumming Tony out. heh Not a bad way to relax by going to Vegas for a few days. I have to let this one soak in and comment more later. Only three more left. It's really getting good now. :D

    I should have gone gambling when I took peyote. I was under 21 so I wouldn't have got to play anyway. Tony was sure winning there.
  • great epsiode tonight! a lot of great scenes and fantastic acting. the pink floyd was nice too. like when tony's mother died, i thought gandolfini did a great job in this episode portraying the "fellow griever". the ending in vegas with the sunset and on peyote was beautiful. :)
  • patrickredeyespatrickredeyes Posts: 8,834
    Wasn't Tony singing a few lines of comfortably numb last week when he came downstairs and saw AJ sitting on the couch? Just something I remembered from last week.
  • qtegirlqtegirl Posts: 321
    Wasn't Tony singing a few lines of comfortably numb last week when he came downstairs and saw AJ sitting on the couch? Just something I remembered from last week.
    Yeah, I remember that too.

    When Chris put the CD in, he asked Tony if he owned it, and Tony said yes. Then I remembered him singing it as he was walking downstairs last week. I thought it was clever writing.
  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698
    Wasn't Tony singing a few lines of comfortably numb last week when he came downstairs and saw AJ sitting on the couch? Just something I remembered from last week.

    Yeah I remember that too because when he was coming downstairs, I had to keep singing the song to place what song it was.

    I thought it was silly the way Chris died at first but then when Tony had the dream where he was giving Dr. Melfi the reasons for it, it made sense to me. With Chris gone, I'm glad the show is ending soon. He wasn't always my favorite character but he did make things interesting.

    Does anyone else notice how dark this show has become? I was telling my wife after last night's episode that they have totally gone away from comedy. I understand it is the end but I really liked the fine line in the earlier seasons that they walked between comedy and drama.

    I liked the first half of the episode but I thought the second half really went downhill.
    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 49,569
    the peyote sequence was pretty cool...but with only 3 episodes left i felt they should have focused on other issues...
    rrivers wrote:
    Yeah I remember that too because when he was coming downstairs, I had to keep singing the song to place what song it was.

    I thought it was silly the way Chris died at first but then when Tony had the dream where he was giving Dr. Melfi the reasons for it, it made sense to me. With Chris gone, I'm glad the show is ending soon. He wasn't always my favorite character but he did make things interesting.

    Does anyone else notice how dark this show has become? I was telling my wife after last night's episode that they have totally gone away from comedy. I understand it is the end but I really liked the fine line in the earlier seasons that they walked between comedy and drama.

    I liked the first half of the episode but I thought the second half really went downhill.
  • mammasanmammasan Posts: 5,656
    the peyote sequence was pretty cool...but with only 3 episodes left i felt they should have focused on other issues...

    Got to agree with you. So much more going on in the show that should have been covered.
    "When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
  • Steve DunneSteve Dunne Posts: 4,965
    I missed 10 minutes last night...the part where Chris dies. Had to take care of a screaming baby. Thank God for re-runs this week!

    I wonder about the storyline with AJ. Tired of it. His punk ass should have been the one that was offed on the show...would have made for an even more ballistic Tony.

    Great seeing Julianne M last night...as Carmela says "She's attractive". Uh, yeah!!!
    I love to turn you on
  • patrickredeyespatrickredeyes Posts: 8,834
    the peyote sequence was pretty cool...but with only 3 episodes left i felt they should have focused on other issues...

    Yea I totally agree.
  • pjfanatic4pjfanatic4 Posts: 127
    rrivers wrote:
    Does anyone else notice how dark this show has become? I was telling my wife after last night's episode that they have totally gone away from comedy. I understand it is the end but I really liked the fine line in the earlier seasons that they walked between comedy and drama.

    You didn't think Tony rushing to the can to puke was funny??

    What about Tony's "and you should get one too." when Meadow asked if he was serious about a scotch.
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