On the contrary, it's the last thing that people would expect Tony to do. Completely contradictory to his character so far
yeah but not the modern mob.....there are very few like johnny sack that will do the time instead of ratting everyone out.....that's why i think the terrorist angle will be tony's way to not be a rat yet get out of the family....i will be disappointed if tony rats out and goes into wp....:)
yeah but not the modern mob.....there are very few like johnny sack that will do the time instead of ratting everyone out.....that's why i think the terrorist angle will be tony's way to not be a rat yet get out of the family....i will be disappointed if tony rats out and goes into wp....:)
I don't think he will rat out his own crew, but the NY crew that's another story. I think Tony will have no problem sleeping at night knowing that he was the catalyst that sent Phil back to prison.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
I don't think he will rat out his own crew, but the NY crew that's another story. I think Tony will have no problem sleeping at night knowing that he was the catalyst that sent Phil back to prison.
oh new york's goin' down.....in a really bloody way....:)
lol He's such a good character, in a despicable sort of way.
He's the guy you love to hate.
I was just thinking about this today. What ever happened to Artie Bucco?
After last season I honestly thought that the Fed where going to use the Amex card thefts to pressure him into setting up Tony.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
I hope Paulie survives....he really respects the game!
Paulie is a great character, but I think he is done for. Not this up coming episode but the following one will probably be Paulie's last. The one I really don't know about is Bobby. I really have no idea what will happen to him.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
I was just thinking about this today. What ever happened to Artie Bucco?
After last season I honestly thought that the Fed where going to use the Amex card thefts to pressure him into setting up Tony.
artie was at chis' funeral....would like to see more in these last episodes...always liked him...:)
Random thoughts...Butchie is the greatest character in a long time, I love when he;s involved. What a weasel. He reminds me of Wormtongue in Lord of the Rings (random reference I know). I think Phil is great too, and those two together are going to make some hot-headed decisions against NJ. Paulie has been annoying to me for a few seasons now, especially with his mom and all, and why would they schedule the showings on the same day? He needs to go. I think the idea of Tony in witness protection won't work (also reminds me too much of Goodfellas, getting the paper and all), as we have seen Tony trying to appreciate life more and he's just not capable, but probably is most likely to happen. Carmela is going to play a huge factor in the final episode I think, but at this point I have no idea how it's going to end. Though Melfi is just a way for us to see into Tony's mind, will anything evolve in their sessions, or will Tony go to her outside when things spiral?....Benny's going to die by the hands of NY I can picture...Maybe AJ will die in some stupid way being involved with his crew? I just don't know.
I will say Imperioli was maybe the best actor on the show, with Gandolfini and Falco close behind.
"I'm an ideas man Michael, I think I proved that with F*ck Mountain" -GOB
I finished season6 last night, now just yet to see the last 8episodes.
its good to know there are those of you who appreciate the depth of the show, my other half overhears me talking about the sopranos with a mate and finds it hilarious.
So Tony ends up killing chris, for me removing moltisanti takes something from the show.
-she was just giving me advice on what to get Kaisha for her birthday...
On the contrary, it's the last thing that people would expect Tony to do. Completely contradictory to his character so far
For Tony to turn into a snitch is completely contradictory to his character the entire show. Mamasan is completely right about this.
Allnitething, you have made some excellent posts about the show in the last few days and really opened my eyes to a few things but there is no way that Tony would do that. He killed Chistofuh so he could have one more way of insulating himself from the FBI. I think you are right about his epiphany in Vagas, but it is not in his nature to turn rat. I cannot see it happening and it would totally ruin the show for me.
I'm surprised to see so many think Tony is still going to try to do the right thing and put his wife and kids before the mob. I just don't see it. He has gotten darker and darker this whole mini-season and seems to be clearly headed for tragedy. I suppose we have all come to like Tony in some sick way and want him to somehow get saved but that's not what happens in the mafia. By the end of this season I expect him to go to war with Phil and lose. A fitting ending would be Tony's house blows up with all of them inside. (or so we think until the movie comes out and everyone ran out the back door to see the ducks had returned.)
I'm surprised to see so many think Tony is still going to try to do the right thing and put his wife and kids before the mob. I just don't see it. He has gotten darker and darker this whole mini-season and seems to be clearly headed for tragedy. I suppose we have all come to like Tony in some sick way and want him to somehow get saved but that's not what happens in the mafia. By the end of this season I expect him to go to war with Phil and lose. A fitting ending would be Tony's house blows up with all of them inside. (or so we think until the movie comes out and everyone ran out the back door to see the ducks had returned.)
I agree that I am surprised to see so many people think that Tony will do the right thing.
I like Artie but we don't have time for more Artie!!!
Does anyone know if the last episode is going to be regular length or will it be 2 hrs?
fuck artie, no more screen time for him.
and from what i've heard, the final episode will be more than an hour, but not exactly sure how much longer. if i remember correctly, the series finale of six feet under was an hour and 15 minutes long, and the series finale for rome was an hour and a half. i'd love a 2 hour finale for the sopranos, but i don't think they'll go more than an hour and a half.
"PC Load Letter?! What the fuck does that mean?"
~Michael Bolton
and from what i've heard, the final episode will be more than an hour, but not exactly sure how much longer. if i remember correctly, the series finale of six feet under was an hour and 15 minutes long, and the series finale for rome was an hour and a half. i'd love a 2 hour finale for the sopranos, but i don't think they'll go more than an hour and a half.
Yeah I think the "Whitecaps" espisode was like 76 minutes.
Edie Falco is hands down the best actor on the show.
Artie already got his send off last year when the episode ended with him breaking out his composition book of recipes. I'm glad he isn't getting any more scenes.
Once in a while you can get shown the light, in the strangest of places if you look at it right.
On the contrary, it's the last thing that people would expect Tony to do. Completely contradictory to his character so far
And the logical conclusion to his character development this season.
nowadays hits you when you're young
yeah but not the modern mob.....there are very few like johnny sack that will do the time instead of ratting everyone out.....that's why i think the terrorist angle will be tony's way to not be a rat yet get out of the family....i will be disappointed if tony rats out and goes into wp....:)
I don't think he will rat out his own crew, but the NY crew that's another story. I think Tony will have no problem sleeping at night knowing that he was the catalyst that sent Phil back to prison.
im was so upset about chrissy
he was my fav
Long enough for the clouds to fly me away
oh new york's goin' down.....in a really bloody way....:)
I hope Butchie takes a trip through Satriale's meat grinder.
lol He's such a good character, in a despicable sort of way.
nowadays hits you when you're young
He had some good qualities, but he just sounded so dumb, espcially when he was trying to sound intelligent!
I hope Paulie survives....he really respects the game!
He's the guy you love to hate.
I was just thinking about this today. What ever happened to Artie Bucco?
After last season I honestly thought that the Fed where going to use the Amex card thefts to pressure him into setting up Tony.
i know but he was so funny!
back when adriana and him were together
there parts were so funny
I used to love paulie
he drives me crazy now
i was hoping he was gonna get it
Long enough for the clouds to fly me away
Paulie is a great character, but I think he is done for. Not this up coming episode but the following one will probably be Paulie's last. The one I really don't know about is Bobby. I really have no idea what will happen to him.
artie was at chis' funeral....would like to see more in these last episodes...always liked him...:)
I will say Imperioli was maybe the best actor on the show, with Gandolfini and Falco close behind.
its good to know there are those of you who appreciate the depth of the show, my other half overhears me talking about the sopranos with a mate and finds it hilarious.
So Tony ends up killing chris, for me removing moltisanti takes something from the show.
-she was just giving me advice on what to get Kaisha for her birthday...
-oh yeah, what?
-a luther Vandross box set
For Tony to turn into a snitch is completely contradictory to his character the entire show. Mamasan is completely right about this.
Allnitething, you have made some excellent posts about the show in the last few days and really opened my eyes to a few things but there is no way that Tony would do that. He killed Chistofuh so he could have one more way of insulating himself from the FBI. I think you are right about his epiphany in Vagas, but it is not in his nature to turn rat. I cannot see it happening and it would totally ruin the show for me.
I agree that I am surprised to see so many people think that Tony will do the right thing.
Yea more of Artie in the last three episodes would be nice.
I like Artie but we don't have time for more Artie!!!
Does anyone know if the last episode is going to be regular length or will it be 2 hrs?
That's right no time for Artie too much other stuff to cover. heh
I haven't heard if it is going to be longer then the usual hr. Two hrs would be sweet.
fuck artie, no more screen time for him.
and from what i've heard, the final episode will be more than an hour, but not exactly sure how much longer. if i remember correctly, the series finale of six feet under was an hour and 15 minutes long, and the series finale for rome was an hour and a half. i'd love a 2 hour finale for the sopranos, but i don't think they'll go more than an hour and a half.
~Michael Bolton
Yeah I think the "Whitecaps" espisode was like 76 minutes.
imperioli is nowhere near as good an actor as gandolfini or falco, but he is a great writer.
"and onward goes this thing of ours."
Artie already got his send off last year when the episode ended with him breaking out his composition book of recipes. I'm glad he isn't getting any more scenes.
She's so good I hate her.
Maybe, but his character was amazing.
nowadays hits you when you're young