lol, he was either gluing it or painting the black diamonds onto it. did tony break that lamp in the scene when he was alone, after he lost the bet on the football game?
Noticed how Sil didnt exactly say what Little V did (something about cat shit) and than Tony saying what did happen and Sil's response: "Glad we got that straight". He knew the story, but didnt wanna tell T, he always is subtle with these things that might piss Tony off...
Looks like almost everything is going sour, Tony is constantly losing bets, Vito's earning is lost, Phil still has his beef with Tony, Carm keeps bringing up Johhny's situation and the money..
I heard Anthony Jr will commit suicide, anyone else heard this rumour?
I must be the only one who does not have a problem with the Soprano kids. I think it is really interesting how he passes out like Tony. The problem is that there are so many interesting characters, and the show is only an hour. The characters with the possibility of killing someone, of course, make things more exciting.
In each of the first 4 episodes Tony has had the motive or desire to knock off at least one member of his crew (Bobby, Chris, Paulie, and Hesh) but hasn't. I wonder if the last 5 episodes is just going to be a blood bath?
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
Just an obeservation. I noticed that every post I make you have a wise ass remark to make.
Start making smarter posts then.
I don't know what the logic would be in Tony killing his crew? He has lost a lot of money already and if he loses some or more of his crew, he will be making even less money.
I was talking to my dad last night about how in a few seasons they brought up the FBI early in the season never to return to that part of the story. It happened again this year, with the FBI being pissed at the NJ cops for arresting Tony when they have been building a case against him. I am leaning more and more towards Tony getting taken down by the FBI. I do agree there will be people killed along the way.
I don't know what the logic would be in Tony killing his crew? He has lost a lot of money already and if he loses some or more of his crew, he will be making even less money.
I was talking to my dad last night about how in a few seasons they brought up the FBI early in the season never to return to that part of the story. It happened again this year, with the FBI being pissed at the NJ cops for arresting Tony when they have been building a case against him. I am leaning more and more towards Tony getting taken down by the FBI. I do agree there will be people killed along the way.
Well I'm sorry my posts don't live up to your standards. Maybe I can run them by you first, via PM, before I put them up since you seem to be the self proclaimed status quo on smart posts here.
As far as Tony taking out some of crew, self preservation. Tony already thinks that Chris may want to kill him. If he starts to feel that his men are turning on him or he will take them out no problem.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
I thought Tony was very out-of-character on Sunday (in regards to his gambling luck). That just struck me as a tad obtuse.
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
I thought Tony was very out-of-character on Sunday (in regards to his gambling luck). That just struck me as a tad obtuse.
i found it strange that the whole gambling thing came out of nowhere......after all these years, he now has a problem? seems chase is setting it up so that everyone has a reason to kill tony......:rolleyes:
Well I'm sorry my posts don't live up to your standards. Maybe I can run them by you first, via PM, before I put them up since you seem to be the self proclaimed status quo on smart posts here.
As far as Tony taking out some of crew, self preservation. Tony already thinks that Chris may want to kill him. If he starts to feel that his men are turning on him or he will take them out no problem.
Sounds good. I'll look forward to your pms.
Is self-preservation cutting off your money stream?
i found it strange that the whole gambling thing came out of nowhere......after all these years, he now has a problem? seems chase is setting it up so that everyone has a reason to kill tony......:rolleyes:
I agree that it was strange to see him with a gambling problem that came out of nowhere. It was also strange to see him having problems with Hesh who I remember as always being a sort of confidant to Tony. It is not good that a show built on strong, well developed, three dimensional characters, all of a sudden has characters acting in ways that don't fit with what we know about them.
That being said, for some reason I was able to look past all that and really enjoy the episode. For me, this was the best episode this season. I think the only rational for what happened would be that things are unravelling for Tony and he is turning to these things: gambling and fighting with Hesh.
I agree that it was strange to see him with a gambling problem that came out of nowhere. It was also strange to see him having problems with Hesh who I remember as always being a sort of confidant to Tony. It is not good that a show built on strong, well developed, three dimensional characters, all of a sudden has characters acting in ways that don't fit with what we know about them.
That being said, for some reason I was able to look past all that and really enjoy the episode. For me, this was the best episode this season. I think the only rational for what happened would be that things are unravelling for Tony and he is turning to these things: gambling and fighting with Hesh.
it was a good episode......and it's only gonna get better.....:)
Oh I think we haven't seen nothing yet. It's heating up for no doubt.
So far it's all been the rise of Tony, clearly these episodes are leading to a downfall. Already Tony noticed how everybody laughed at his jokes, no matter how lame they were, now there are all sorts of financial and 'social' problems within the crew and his luck seems to change.
I'm still waiting on Furio and the Russian to come back.
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
Noticed how Sil didnt exactly say what Little V did (something about cat shit) and than Tony saying what did happen and Sil's response: "Glad we got that straight". He knew the story, but didnt wanna tell T, he always is subtle with these things that might piss Tony off...
Looks like almost everything is going sour, Tony is constantly losing bets, Vito's earning is lost, Phil still has his beef with Tony, Carm keeps bringing up Johhny's situation and the money..
I heard Anthony Jr will commit suicide, anyone else heard this rumour?
one can only hope. aj is a useless character.
~Michael Bolton
I must be the only one who does not have a problem with the Soprano kids. I think it is really interesting how he passes out like Tony. The problem is that there are so many interesting characters, and the show is only an hour. The characters with the possibility of killing someone, of course, make things more exciting.
So being responsible would mean killing people for money, stealing, and cheating on your wife?
Well obviously not in the real world, what kind ass would think that, but in the world Tony lives in yes.
Interesting. I heard that AJ starts dating Ginny Sack.
I hate that kid, but Ill give him least he didn't take a shit in the shower.
fuck that noise, he's too stupid to be involved in the business. honestly, if that happens, i'll be so mad i'll beat my wife up
~Michael Bolton
I didn't say it would be a good ending. The idea just sort of popped into my head. AJ is such a waste of a character on that show.
Way to be responsible!! (At least according to mamasan.)
Responsibility is the same everywhere.
Did I insult you in some way because you have been on my ass since I started posting in this thread. Lighten up.
Hmmmm, you think someone has it out for you on a thread and I need to lighten up?
Just an obeservation. I noticed that every post I make you have a wise ass remark to make.
Start making smarter posts then.
I don't know what the logic would be in Tony killing his crew? He has lost a lot of money already and if he loses some or more of his crew, he will be making even less money.
I was talking to my dad last night about how in a few seasons they brought up the FBI early in the season never to return to that part of the story. It happened again this year, with the FBI being pissed at the NJ cops for arresting Tony when they have been building a case against him. I am leaning more and more towards Tony getting taken down by the FBI. I do agree there will be people killed along the way.
Well I'm sorry my posts don't live up to your standards. Maybe I can run them by you first, via PM, before I put them up since you seem to be the self proclaimed status quo on smart posts here.
As far as Tony taking out some of crew, self preservation. Tony already thinks that Chris may want to kill him. If he starts to feel that his men are turning on him or he will take them out no problem.
Wishlist Foundation:
i found it strange that the whole gambling thing came out of nowhere......after all these years, he now has a problem? seems chase is setting it up so that everyone has a reason to kill tony......:rolleyes:
Sounds good. I'll look forward to your pms.
Is self-preservation cutting off your money stream?
I agree that it was strange to see him with a gambling problem that came out of nowhere. It was also strange to see him having problems with Hesh who I remember as always being a sort of confidant to Tony. It is not good that a show built on strong, well developed, three dimensional characters, all of a sudden has characters acting in ways that don't fit with what we know about them.
That being said, for some reason I was able to look past all that and really enjoy the episode. For me, this was the best episode this season. I think the only rational for what happened would be that things are unravelling for Tony and he is turning to these things: gambling and fighting with Hesh.
it was a good episode......and it's only gonna get better.....:)
Oh I think we haven't seen nothing yet.
If that money stream plans on putting you in a ditch somewhere in up-state New York, then yes.
I'm wondering if there is a snitch in the crew..
The only good snitch is a dead snitch. heh
Wishlist Foundation: