she's always using people's names "hi lou, how are you today?"
and she just spent 20 minutes on the phone crying because someone called and said their dog died
i don't want to choke her... i just want her to be less nicey nicey
When my neighbors are being nice and chatty, I use the ole' "You may not be aware of this, but I don't fucking care" technique. I developed this approach in my mid-20's when I learned to hate people. It will do wonders in saving you time. My neighbors love me, by the way.
That about sums it up. We've got a complete moron here that somehow graduated from a 4 year college. I think she has directions taped to her steering wheel just so she can get to work and home.
I'll scream my lungs out...'til I fill this thread!
the inspiration for this thread now comes back and chats with someone in the next cube over
i will never be free
You just gave me my first laugh of the day. Golly, I'm really sorry for you.
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
well.. this doesn't have to do with the original but it's a story from my cube anyhoo
the lady in the cube next to me just smashed herself in the mouth with her phone
i can't stop laughing
first i hear the sound of something slamming off her teeth
she says "oww I just smashed myself in the mouth with my phone"
i immediately laughed out loud while 2 other cube neighbors asked if she was ok
now i'm surpressing the giggles
that's hilarious. and so stupid so probably something i would do too. today i scratched myself on the face with something a customer was returning. there was no easy way for me to do it either. i'm a moron.
I never saw this thread before today.......I'm glad it was revived, cuz I just had a great laugh on company time!
I have a book of stories from my office, too. Although, not so much annoying.....we're a smaller's more like a dysfunctional family trying to work together.
Some of the younger ones I think were inbred right here.
"This band has provided many people a soundtrack to their lives.." ~ CitizenRick
as well as I returned from a 2 week vacation today and although the coworker is no longer physically near me... she still annoys
she's in a server room which is very loud and she needs help (as usual)
so she calls my work cell phone from her work cell phone... so the reception was extra shitty...
yet she needed me to look something up on my laptop... so why not just call my desk?
anyway... she is so high pitched and whiny that i was yelling into my cell and she couldn't hear me... on top of the fact that she was asking for an ID and password to the server so anyone within 30 feet of me now knows the info
I ended up hanging up on her and later said my battery died... sorry
as well as I returned from a 2 week vacation today and although the coworker is no longer physically near me... she still annoys
she's in a server room which is very loud and she needs help (as usual)
so she calls my work cell phone from her work cell phone... so the reception was extra shitty...
yet she needed me to look something up on my laptop... so why not just call my desk?
anyway... she is so high pitched and whiny that i was yelling into my cell and she couldn't hear me... on top of the fact that she was asking for an ID and password to the server so anyone within 30 feet of me now knows the info
I ended up hanging up on her and later said my battery died... sorry
good times
welcome back lou.......why hasn't this woman been fired......:)
so I spent most of the day trying to get stirrup lady up there ... with no luck
but she was so into everyone else... this one lady did waterfalls by TLC... and she did really well... she didn't look at the monitor... she did the whole rap in the middle... it was really good
but i couldn't help but watch stirrup lady the whole time... she was amazed at how good this woman was... trying to bob her head along with the beat... but she was so off... so i'm thinking to myself... wow... stirrup is really really white... she's got nothing in the rhythm department... it was amusing
but then the finale
so the woman finishes up the song... people start clapping
and stirrup...
stands up
and starts barking like a dog and wildly waving her fist in a circle...
someone needs to let her know that arsenio is off the air
she's constantly saying to people "Oh I'm just kidding"... like they wouldn't know her stupid jokes were an attempt at humor... and she usually says it before anyone can react
she's constantly saying to people "Oh I'm just kidding"... like they wouldn't know her stupid jokes were an attempt at humor... and she usually says it before anyone can react
she's constantly saying to people "Oh I'm just kidding"... like they wouldn't know her stupid jokes were an attempt at humor... and she usually says it before anyone can react
lou, you do paint a heck of a picture. thanks. buy two.
i'm sure the new people will annoy me too... since anyone who interrupts my peace at work falls into this category
long live stirrup pants and holiday sweaters!!
Why would you start was has no end?
i have a new neighbor
i think things will be "ok"
but this one is so nice it's kind of annoying
she's always using people's names "hi lou, how are you today?"
and she just spent 20 minutes on the phone crying because someone called and said their dog died
i don't want to choke her... i just want her to be less nicey nicey
When my neighbors are being nice and chatty, I use the ole' "You may not be aware of this, but I don't fucking care" technique. I developed this approach in my mid-20's when I learned to hate people. It will do wonders in saving you time. My neighbors love me, by the way.
Why would you start was has no end?
Dude you have it easy. I get to hear Sri Lankan all day long. Live with that.
yeah I felt like killing everyone in my office of those days.
That about sums it up. We've got a complete moron here that somehow graduated from a 4 year college. I think she has directions taped to her steering wheel just so she can get to work and home.
i will never be free
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
the lady in the cube next to me just smashed herself in the mouth with her phone
i can't stop laughing
first i hear the sound of something slamming off her teeth
she says "oww I just smashed myself in the mouth with my phone"
i immediately laughed out loud while 2 other cube neighbors asked if she was ok
now i'm surpressing the giggles
tell her to rub my nerve
that's hilarious. and so stupid so probably something i would do too. today i scratched myself on the face with something a customer was returning. there was no easy way for me to do it either. i'm a moron.
I have a book of stories from my office, too. Although, not so much annoying.....we're a smaller's more like a dysfunctional family trying to work together.
Some of the younger ones I think were inbred right here.
what kind of f'ed up company is this?
she just bent over to pick something up off the floor in between two chairs in the conference room
now... most of us realize that chairs swivel
but not this rocket scientist
so she puts her hand on one chair to balance herself... it swings away from her... knocking the arm of the other chair into her face
i kid you not...
i saw it happen and don't know how i didn't laugh
oh ... and at lunch today... i saw the original inspiration for this thread
she was out for a walk...
well ... let me correct that
i'm guessing it was a power walk
she had her pants hiked up to her tits and was swinging her arms like she was in a twist competition with chubby checker
anyone else annoyed by people who feel the need to walk that way? like they saw some fitness geek in the 70s do it so it obviously must be beneficial?
sounds like the opposite of the women in the seinfeld episode who didn't swing her arms at all.
Does she have one of these in her office?
no but i think she might have had a headband on
as well as I returned from a 2 week vacation today and although the coworker is no longer physically near me... she still annoys
she's in a server room which is very loud and she needs help (as usual)
so she calls my work cell phone from her work cell phone... so the reception was extra shitty...
yet she needed me to look something up on my laptop... so why not just call my desk?
anyway... she is so high pitched and whiny that i was yelling into my cell and she couldn't hear me... on top of the fact that she was asking for an ID and password to the server so anyone within 30 feet of me now knows the info
I ended up hanging up on her and later said my battery died... sorry
good times
welcome back lou.......why hasn't this woman been fired......:)
P.S. Fuck your co-worker. She probably has a funny accent anyway;)
Why would you start was has no end?
I am crying....I needed this today...tx
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
they brought in a DJ for karaoke
so I spent most of the day trying to get stirrup lady up there ... with no luck
but she was so into everyone else... this one lady did waterfalls by TLC... and she did really well... she didn't look at the monitor... she did the whole rap in the middle... it was really good
but i couldn't help but watch stirrup lady the whole time... she was amazed at how good this woman was... trying to bob her head along with the beat... but she was so off... so i'm thinking to myself... wow... stirrup is really really white... she's got nothing in the rhythm department... it was amusing
but then the finale
so the woman finishes up the song... people start clapping
and stirrup...
stands up
and starts barking like a dog and wildly waving her fist in a circle...
someone needs to let her know that arsenio is off the air
it was a riot
but i figured i wouldn't start a new thread
so there's this lady
she's constantly saying to people "Oh I'm just kidding"... like they wouldn't know her stupid jokes were an attempt at humor... and she usually says it before anyone can react
it annoys me
I HATE that.