gun question.

this came up between a few friends and myself this past weekend.
how many people are scared enough about whats going on in the world, and the U.S. right now with the market, the election and all to buy a gun?
it came up because the guys at the table next to us , one said he has always been against guns and all that , but was buying a few guns for protection because he thought the country was going to go to shit soon.
just got me thinking.
edit: after getting blasted for 9 pages. i have two friends in this unit in the army who just got back from iraq.
this comes from the Army Times site. not some conspiracy nuts site.
how many people are scared enough about whats going on in the world, and the U.S. right now with the market, the election and all to buy a gun?
it came up because the guys at the table next to us , one said he has always been against guns and all that , but was buying a few guns for protection because he thought the country was going to go to shit soon.
just got me thinking.
edit: after getting blasted for 9 pages. i have two friends in this unit in the army who just got back from iraq.
this comes from the Army Times site. not some conspiracy nuts site.
Peace, Love.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
Post edited by Unknown User on
I've actually been considering it for about a year and half. This past couple of weeks it's really been on my mind.
My pops is special ops and has a serious fucking arsenal. I was thinking of calling him and asking him to lend me out some hardware.
I've never been much of a scaremongerer, but I have a really, really bad feeling about this. Actually, I've had this feeling for quite some time even before this meltdown started happening.
i'm pretty much in the same boat. i told my gf about a year ago i had a feeling things were going to get bad and get there fast.
she has always been very against us having a gun in the house, but i brought it up last week, and she didnt say she was cool with it, but she didnt put up a fight either.
i hate to think im giving in to the fearmongering, but i would also hate to be caught with my pants down too.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
It's going to be armageddon or martial law. That's my opinion.
i've been reading about martial law all freaking day. i really think we could get there soon.
scary shit.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
what exactly do you feel a gun is going to protect you from?
Do you honestly think it is going to come to that? And for that matter.. you are going to shoot someone if they.. what.. steal your box of Fruit Loops?
Sorry.. I would rather die than live in a world like that. Just me and my opinion.
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
We're all gonna die either way. Might as well go out blasting some foo's.
That is a real repulsive comment..
You are right.. we all are going to die.. it is a fact that no one gets out of here alive..
The thought of going out in a "blaze of glory" "blasting some foo's" is barbaric.
Good luck on that Karma..
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
im just saying there is a chance we could get there. things are changing overnight sometimes, and changing so fast we dont even realize.
and yes, if ML broke out, and myself and family were here, and someone tried to take what little food was available, yes, i would defend my family from starving.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
I also think a gun with a type of fingerprint recognition is a good idea. Perhaps in the future?
I also don't think that things will get so bad that you will need to carry a gun. But if it makes a person feel better, go ahead.
I am sorry that you feel you would need to defend you and your family for FOOD by killing another.
Sorry, like I said before.. if that was the world we lived in ~ go ahead kill me.. would rather not be alive than have to decide between a bologna sandwich and the life of another human.
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
From your posts, you seem to be female. I apologize if I am wrong, but it just seems that way. You talk about your kids and you have a generally hyper-empathetical view.
Men are born with a sense of obligation to protect his family. That's something we can't shake. It comes from centuries of having to live that way. Sorry.
I can understand your motivation. There have been a couple of times here in Australia when the thought has crossed my mind. When the gun buy back began here was one of those times. There was a lot of talk about us being invaded and being unable to defend ourselves. Of course there was a lot of hype and paranoia too. Also during the gas crisis here in Victoria in the late 90s when the stores were stripped of food and water and Army Disposal stores were doing a roaring trade. Things were very scary and uncertain and there were a lot of people considering guns and stockpiling supplies.
Maybe stockpiling supplies and having a safety plan is a good first step?
Think about the gun later? If you've not got one before now, and you've managed without it, I don't really see that one will be of much use to you in the future. Least that's been my experience when pondering the question.
The other thing that REALLY helps when things like this are happening is to go have a chat with someone or several people that survived The Great Depression. They're still here and they got through. Learning how they managed it is an education in survival in itself.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
im not even saying so much i would shoot someone for taking the food, im saying if they were to do us harm to get the food, yes i would.
have you ever seen pics, vids, or read stories from places that have gone into a police state after something goes wrong? we would be on our own for a few weeks if not months. there would be no food other than what you have in your house. stores would be looted, and there would be no shipments coming in. there would be NO law b4 any for of martial law could take effect. it would be chaos !! would it maybe get back to normal, yes i think so. but it would take time. i dont know about you, but i would want to make it through it to get back to that "normal" state.
im sorry you would not do WHATEVER it took to make sure your family and loved ones survived. i would.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
sense of obligation. :rolleyes: man o man. try to get past me to my children and see how far you get.
have you people heard of self fulfilling prophesies? you all act like this and talk like this and it will end up like this. this isnt the god damn wild west.
honestly i cant be the only person on this board that finds this financial fall and subsequent reaction amusing can i?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
nope.. i fail to see the correlation between 300 old fuckers losing billions of dollars worth of shares and the need to buy a gun
mind you if every one of these people buy a gun it may kickstart the economy again, more funerals to pay for, less strain on the welfare system.. hey these shotting folks might be on to something.... buy guns and shot a lot of each other... good times ahead?
personally, i'll just stay here in my castle and laugh at them, but thats just me.
Go Bourne!
I don't really see martial law being declared as a result of economic down turn. Especially not country wide. And even still, if there's mass looting...might as well steal some firearms first. No sense in paying for them before hand right?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
I know these people are Islamic extremists, unstable personally and nationally, and would sooner anihilate the West than look at it. I would not have been surprised, if in years to come, the guns we're selling the Saudis are trained away from Iran, and towards us. Just as the guns we sold Saddam turned against us, when Iran became old-hat. Just as the training we gave Osama was used against us, just as soon as the Soviets became old news.
So now my biggest worry might be getting shot by one of my fellow countrymen? Great.
I will not be buying a gun. And isn't it beautiful that we still have a choice where we can say, no thanks, i don't want to live like that. But feel free if it makes you feel safer.
I saw ten thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken,
I saw guns and sharp swords in the hands of young children,
And it's a hard, and it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard,
And it's a hard rain's a-gonna fall.
All in all, I wouldn't let yourself get all worked up over todays problems. You'll be fine.
for the most part, we are one really bad day away from martial law being declared in the U.S. and there are many top political analysts that have gone on record saying that. and im not talking the conspiracy gang either.
heaven forbid, another attack on this country, or some loon takes a shot a McCain or Obama. or hell, even a pretty significant natural disaster. i'm pretty sure if any of the above took place, we would be under ML.
i live in a pretty diverse part of Cincinnait, Ohio. but its also diverse to the extreme. lots of minorites all around me, and also lots of very very racist people around me. the last time a cop shot and killed a black kid here, we had riots, that got really close to my house, and we were put under a curfew.
im just thinking how things got around my neck of the woods for that, so i cant imagine what it would be like if something "world changing" happened, and ML was declared.
anyway, it was just a discussion. i'm not in favor of guns, but have grown up around them, and have always had a great respect for guns. i learned how to handle them at a very early age, i have just made the choice to not own one. until now i have never felt the need to own one, and im still not sure i need to own one. but the thought has crossed my mind.
im still holding out for peace and love. hence the sig.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
Not me. I'm against murder and I'd rather die for my beliefs than live and violate them.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Does he live in CA too? If so he has a fairly tame arsenal.
Thanks to this country's blind trust in business and distrust in government, many old people's only income comes from the financial market. And so does home financing. So those 300 old fuckers have managed to bring millions of people down.
Now, to the original poster... I fail to see how a gun could keep you safe in the kind of environment you fear. Surely you wouldn't be the only one to have it?
I happen to think this is the time for ballots, not bullets, to do their work.
Both are horrible suggestions. What good is a gun for self defense if it is locked away. The worst thing you can do is to "hide" a gun away from kids. Educate them on how to safely use firearms and instill an absolute respect for what they are capable of. We take our kids to the gun range and let them shoot. They have lost all curiosity regarding firearms and understand that we'll take them to the range when they ask. My goal is to even teach them basic gunsmithing skills so they become even more educated.
You go ahead though and see what comes of "forbidden fruit".
Good Times!
The real reason to buy a gun now is that, if elected, Obama and his libtard buddies are ready to evicerate your Second Amendment Rights.
That's why you should buy a gun now. Bury it in your yard if you have to.
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