why would the mossad send out 5 jackasses in a white van to "document" the events when obviously the whole wolrd would see them? why send out peopel to video tape something that the whole world will be "documenting"
the thing with the 9/11 inside job theories is that they are all so damn easy to prove wrong usually with one or 2 simple questions or facts yet people act as if it is gospel
i guess i shouldn't be too surprised considering 3 billion people think there is a man in the clouds responsible for all that exists...
why would the mossad send out 5 jackasses in a white van to "document" the events when obviously the whole wolrd would see them? why send out peopel to video tape something that the whole world will be "documenting"
the thing with the 9/11 inside job theories is that they are all so damn easy to prove wrong usually with one or 2 simple questions or facts yet people act as if it is gospel
i guess i shouldn't be too surprised considering 3 billion people think there is a man in the clouds responsible for all that exists...
I'm sure Alex Jones would have some far out completely unrealistic answer to that question.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
why would the mossad send out 5 jackasses in a white van to "document" the events when obviously the whole wolrd would see them? why send out peopel to video tape something that the whole world will be "documenting"
the thing with the 9/11 inside job theories is that they are all so damn easy to prove wrong usually with one or 2 simple questions or facts yet people act as if it is gospel
i guess i shouldn't be too surprised considering 3 billion people think there is a man in the clouds responsible for all that exists...
Why were 5 guys (2 mossad) with $4200 in cash stuffed in a sock positioned to film 9/11 celebrating on a van that had a positive hit for explosives detained, held, then deported back to Israel instead of released?
Who knows...they fucked up, didn't think anyone would catch them.. It does not negate the reality they knew those towers were coming down now does it?
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Life's too short for me to get that worked up over a bunch of nutters.
name calling now?
Try to pick up your game a bit
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Why so I can continue to discuss this with an individual who believes that those that disagree with him have no ability to process information. Talking to you is hopeless because you are so self absorbed in your own world that you don't even want to hear what others have to say. You basically come on here to tell anyone with a different opinion how blind they are. It's like intellectual masturbation, oh look at me I'm so much smarter because I know about the dancing Israeli's OH OH OH OH…splat!!! I'm usually a pretty open minded person but some of the shit mentioned in this thread, it's like straight out of fucking X-Files. There is no rhyme or reason to it. Why would the government go through all the trouble of stagging not just one plane hijacking but 4. Fly two of them into the WTC just to then blow up the building anyway. Hijack the third with the intention of flying it into the Pentagon but then using a missles on a cloudless September morning for all of the Washington DC metro area to see only to reverse course and say it was a plane. Then fake the whole Let's Roll story and simply just shoot down or crash, what ever story you prefer, that final plane. It sounds like the sequel to Airplane 2. You can cast Leslie Neilsen as Donald Rumsfeld. Try looking in a mirror and telling your reflexion that story without breaking out laughing at the shear lunacy of it.
Here is a link to another Matt Taibbi article that pretty much sums up the 9/11 Truth Movement perfectly. I hate to keep using Taibbi but I like his straight forward pull no punches style.
Why were 5 guys (2 mossad) with $4200 in cash stuffed in a sock positioned to film 9/11 celebrating on a van that had a positive hit for explosives detained, held, then deported back to Israel instead of released?
Who knows...they fucked up, didn't think anyone would catch them.. It does not negate the reality they knew those towers were coming down now does it?
so those 5 mossad guys knoew all about the plan, what was happening, wear, and when, and were sent out to vidoetape something the whole world would see?
so how many people do you think have "inside knowledge" of the conspiracy that caused one of the worlds most heinous acts for the world to see... how many people know all about the "truth" behind those attacks? 5? 20? 50? 500? all of mossad? the cia? pnac members? us military? norad?
how many people do you estimate are in on one the greatest crimes and tragedy's in world history? how many hold that secret inside of that day?
how mnay were "in on it"?
then tell me how the fuck that shit has not come out? are you crazy... 5 jackasses in a white van know all abou tit and know one has come out with the story? no one has leaked? no one has cracked?
so those 5 mossad guys knoew all about the plan, what was happening, wear, and when, and were sent out to vidoetape something the whole world would see?
so how many people do you think have "inside knowledge" of the conspiracy that caused one of the worlds most heinous acts for the world to see... how many people know all about the "truth" behind those attacks? 5? 20? 50? 500? all of mossad? the cia? pnac members? us military? norad?
how many people do you estimate are in on one the greatest crimes and tragedy's in world history? how many hold that secret inside of that day?
how mnay were "in on it"?
then tell me how the fuck that shit has not come out? are you crazy... 5 jackasses in a white van know all abou tit and know one has come out with the story? no one has leaked? no one has cracked?
i dont think so
You think they can see in to the future or something?
You automatically assume they knew what cameras would cover the incident, and would leave it up to that, when they stated they were sent to record the incident?
That's not a good assumption to make over the fact they knew to be there filming it, two of whom were Mossad agents (real common occurrence that is eh?), all of which were deported, instead of released.
don't you think?
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
who was in on it... how many were in on it... how many know about it?
if 5 dudes in a van know about it, 5 lackies sent to film it, then hoiw many other peopel must know about it?
and what has it not come out in 7 years? not a peep? nothing? not one person that holds the greatest secret ever tells the story?
You're making wild assumptions on what you can't imagine to discredit the findings, instead of looking at what's right in front of your face.
How did Iran contra go on for so long?
Surely your theory would blow that reality out of the water as well eh?
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
The first sale of weapons to Iran was in August of 1984 the whole affair was exposed in November of 1986. It lasted a little over two years so in the scope of things that is not that long of an amount of time. There where only about 2 dozen participants on our side of the dealing and they still couldn't keep it under wraps. Now image an operation as large as the world trade center attack. The shear amount of personally needed to pull that off and no one has leaked any information in almost 7 years. Highly unlikely.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
In any event, like I said earlier. How the towers came down is immaterial. Coke v.s. Pepsi... whoppee...
The fact remains this was planned from the inside to take control, and that's all that matters.
Unless you believe the war on terror is a valid one, and even if you do, following the neo-con agenda is crazier than any conspiracy theory.
Run the logic through that entire scenario, and where does that leave you in summation? What viewpoint is most beneficial to you irregardless upon final consideration?
Troofers are high...nyaa nyaa I'm so cool? gotta bomb Iran? hoorah patriot act? Support the neocon agenda?
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
The shear amount of personally needed to pull that off and no one has leaked any information in almost 7 years. Highly unlikely.
If you knew something what would you do and say? if you were still alive and not sent to die overseas that is. Wars can sweep people up like little messes that need cleaning.
Irregardless.. This entire thread is such a zoomed in split hair pointless conversation that reeks of personality conflict disorder...
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
I work in a book shop and a guy came in looking for a book at the weekend about '9/11...you know,the true story of what happened'. Being polite I said 'Oh,like a Conspiracy theory one?' at which point he proceeded to curse and shout out at me and scream a load of bullcrap facts that he had clearly rehearsed time and time again at his computer for when he came into contact with the real world. I kept calm and said,'Yeah I've read all that and don't believe it' and then he told me to fuck off and walked off.Pretty much sums up the 9/11 'truth' movement if you ask me.
One thing I don't get is,if the Republicans and the war in Iraq are more unpopular than ever why don't they just carry out another terrorist attack?Clearly they can get away with it can't they and it would boost their polls?
It may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.
In any event, like I said earlier. How the towers came down is immaterial. Coke v.s. Pepsi... whoppee...
The fact remains this was planned from the inside to take control, and that's all that matters.
Unless you believe the war on terror is a valid one, and even if you do, following the neo-con agenda is crazier then any conspiracy theory.
Run the logic through that entire scenario, and where does that leave you in summation? What viewpoint is most beneficial to you irregardless upon final consideration?
Troofers are high...nyaa nyaa I'm so cool? gotta bomb Iran? hoorah patriot act? Support the neocon agenda?
Ok so let me try to get this straight. You are saying, and please correct any portion of this if it's wrong, that the US government (or at least high ranking officials in the US government) planned the attacks of 9/11. So they decided that in order to gain support for a war against Iraq that the government needed to stage the hijacking of 4 US airliners. Prior to this though they rigged up WTC 1, 2 & 7 to collapse after the planes crashed. For several weeks or even months prior to the day of the attack special agents, either CIA or Mossad, assume the mantle of maintainence workers and rig all three building with enough explosives to bring them down. Once this is done the stage the 4 hijackings. Simultaniously they command NORAD to conduct a drill to confuse our air defense personal so that they would not intecept the hijacked flights. Now here is where I have a question where their really men who hijacked the plane or where they just remote controlled airliner? For the sake of this post let's say they where working with Al Qaida. So these 19 men from Al Qaida working for the US government hijack the planes. Now here is where the plan can get a little dicey because what would have happened if they chickened out or a more likely scenerio if the crew and passengers fought them off and managed the land the plane safely. Do you think they would have had a back-up plan? Would they mysteriously kill the hijackers in their cells so they wouldn't talk? I mean there was a good chance that the passengers and crew could have fought them off don't you think. That's a big risk to take on such an important operation. Back to the plans. They fly two of them into the WTC. An hour later the government sets off the explosives bringing down towers 1 & 2 and then an hour after that they bring down building 7 for no reason at all. They just decided that two planes slamming into the WTC wasn't enough to shock the public into submission. All the while a third plane is heading towards the Pentagon, but they decide that that may not work so they launch a missile or a drone into the Pentagon in broad day light where thousands of people can see but tell us that it was a plane anyway. Here comes another question. If the planes where indeed hijacked by the US backed Al Qaida agents where did that plane go? What happened to all the passengers on board? Lastly they have the fourth plane which the government states was on the way to the White House but they feel that that would be a bit overkill so they decide to down the plane and create a story about some heroic passengers sacrificing their lives to save the people on the ground. Since Mossad was involved with this plan in some way they sent agents to Liberty Park in Jersey City to video tap the whole WTC attack and in their jubilation they started dancing and where arrested. The government them working with all the rescue workers and contractors hired to remove the rubble down at WTC decided that all evidence had to be eliminated. So they payed, hypnotized, etc… a couple of hundred men and women to go along with this plan. They then some how infiltrated the NYC PD and FD, who subsequently lost many of their friends in the attack, to aid in the destruction of this evidence. Or was the NTPD and NYFD brass working with the government? I guess they also got to every federal agent on the scene as well. I guess the same holds true for the Pentagon and the Pennsylvania crash sight. So now we probably have close to a thousand co-conspirators involved in this master plan. The genius of it all is that all of these people who where involved in the clean-up, or cover up if you wish to call it that, managed to keep their mouths shut for almost 7 years. Not one person has come forward, not one shred of evidence has been produced. Finally to make sure that they get the public behind their war in Iraq the government places the blame on Al Qaida because butting the blame on Saddam would, I gues, jeopordize the whole operation.
Did I miss anything?
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
I could have summarized that entire point in a sentence or two....but anyhow.
You think there was compliance no? They looked the other way right?
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Why is that? We had a good conversation yesterday without getting antagonizing. I brought up some good points. I thought we were able to see that both sides have good points and were able to move past getting angry that one chooses to see it differently than the other.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Ok so let me try to get this straight. You are saying, and please correct any portion of this if it's wrong, that the US government (or at least high ranking officials in the US government) planned the attacks of 9/11. So they decided that in order to gain support for a war against Iraq that the government needed to stage the hijacking of 4 US airliners. Prior to this though they rigged up WTC 1, 2 & 7 to collapse after the planes crashed. For several weeks or even months prior to the day of the attack special agents, either CIA or Mossad, assume the mantle of maintainence workers and rig all three building with enough explosives to bring them down. Once this is done the stage the 4 hijackings. Simultaniously they command NORAD to conduct a drill to confuse our air defense personal so that they would not intecept the hijacked flights. Now here is where I have a question where their really men who hijacked the plane or where they just remote controlled airliner? For the sake of this post let's say they where working with Al Qaida. So these 19 men from Al Qaida working for the US government hijack the planes. Now here is where the plan can get a little dicey because what would have happened if they chickened out or a more likely scenerio if the crew and passengers fought them off and managed the land the plane safely. Do you think they would have had a back-up plan? Would they mysteriously kill the hijackers in their cells so they wouldn't talk? I mean there was a good chance that the passengers and crew could have fought them off don't you think. That's a big risk to take on such an important operation. Back to the plans. They fly two of them into the WTC. An hour later the government sets off the explosives bringing down towers 1 & 2 and then an hour after that they bring down building 7 for no reason at all. They just decided that two planes slamming into the WTC wasn't enough to shock the public into submission. All the while a third plane is heading towards the Pentagon, but they decide that that may not work so they launch a missile or a drone into the Pentagon in broad day light where thousands of people can see but tell us that it was a plane anyway. Here comes another question. If the planes where indeed hijacked by the US backed Al Qaida agents where did that plane go? What happened to all the passengers on board? Lastly they have the fourth plane which the government states was on the way to the White House but they feel that that would be a bit overkill so they decide to down the plane and create a story about some heroic passengers sacrificing their lives to save the people on the ground. Since Mossad was involved with this plan in some way they sent agents to Liberty Park in Jersey City to video tap the whole WTC attack and in their jubilation they started dancing and where arrested. The government them working with all the rescue workers and contractors hired to remove the rubble down at WTC decided that all evidence had to be eliminated. So they payed, hypnotized, etc… a couple of hundred men and women to go along with this plan. They then some how infiltrated the NYC PD and FD, who subsequently lost many of their friends in the attack, to aid in the destruction of this evidence. Or was the NTPD and NYFD brass working with the government? I guess they also got to every federal agent on the scene as well. I guess the same holds true for the Pentagon and the Pennsylvania crash sight. So now we probably have close to a thousand co-conspirators involved in this master plan. The genius of it all is that all of these people who where involved in the clean-up, or cover up if you wish to call it that, managed to keep their mouths shut for almost 7 years. Not one person has come forward, not one shred of evidence has been produced. Finally to make sure that they get the public behind their war in Iraq the government places the blame on Al Qaida because butting the blame on Saddam would, I gues, jeopordize the whole operation.
Did I miss anything?
Great post, but they will pretty much ignore your post as it makes too much sense and just ask other questions.
Seeing visions of falling up somehow.
Pensacola '94 New Orleans '95 Birmingham '98 New Orleans '00 New Orleans '03 Tampa '08 New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest Fenway Park '18 St. Louis '22
Great post, but they will pretty much ignore your post as it makes too much sense and just ask other questions.
You better get yourself overseas son... times a wasting.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
You better get yourself overseas son... times a wasting.
I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you mean.
Seeing visions of falling up somehow.
Pensacola '94 New Orleans '95 Birmingham '98 New Orleans '00 New Orleans '03 Tampa '08 New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest Fenway Park '18 St. Louis '22
I could have summarized that entire point in a sentence or two....but anyhow.
You think there was compliance no? They looked the other way right?
I believe that the government fucked up royally. Now wether that fuck up was intentional or just merely a product of their stupidity I don't know, but to me that is the question that needs to be answered.
All of this 9/11 Truth Movement crap about the government actually executing the attacks is not helping the situation only making it worse. You people are no different, in my opinion, than the uber-patriots who still try to convince people that the terrorists attacked us because they hate our liberties. It's the spreading of dis-information for the sole reason of promoting an agenda. Meanwhile the truth continues to get buried and any individual who is honestly pursuing the truth has lost all credibility because they get lumped in with the 9/11 Truthers.
I am more apt to believe L. Ron Hubbard's version of how we came to be, traveling on this planet on DC-10s and the behest of Xenon, than I am to believing that fable about the government orchestrating the 9/11 attacks.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
Why is that? We had a good conversation yesterday without getting antagonizing. I brought up some good points. I thought we were able to see that both sides have good points and were able to move past getting angry that one chooses to see it differently than the other.
Read my previous post and you will see why.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
The terrorists did it all right? Sign up for the neo-con cause that you admire so much and believe in at face value, do as you're are told, and start killing terrorists.
Simple. What are you waiting for?
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
I believe that the government fucked up royally. Now wether that fuck up was intentional or just merely a product of their stupidity I don't know, but to me that is the question that needs to be answered.
All of this 9/11 Truth Movement crap about the government actually executing the attacks is not helping the situation only making it worse. You people are no different, in my opinion, than the uber-patriots who still try to convince people that the terrorists attacked us because they hate our liberties. It's the spreading of dis-information for the sole reason of promoting an agenda. Meanwhile the truth continues to get buried and any individual who is honestly pursuing the truth has lost all credibility because they get lumped in with the 9/11 Truthers.
I am more apt to believe L. Ron Hubbard's version of how we came to be, traveling on this planet on DC-10s and the behest of Xenon, than I am to believing that fable about the government orchestrating the 9/11 attacks.
Ahh I get it. You should be overseas also.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
He suffers from delusions that everyone who doesn't believe in fairy tales is a neocon for some reason.
If you believe what you are told by this administration you should stand up for it.
You know what that means right?
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Oh I see so because I don't believe in your fairy tale version of events I'm a willing supporter of the Neo-Con agenda. Damn Roland you are so smart you pegged me. Now you can (OH OH OH OH OH…splat) get off on being the coolest smartest kid on the board.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
I have a lot of contempt for 9/11 Truthers.
quick question...
why would the mossad send out 5 jackasses in a white van to "document" the events when obviously the whole wolrd would see them? why send out peopel to video tape something that the whole world will be "documenting"
the thing with the 9/11 inside job theories is that they are all so damn easy to prove wrong usually with one or 2 simple questions or facts yet people act as if it is gospel
i guess i shouldn't be too surprised considering 3 billion people think there is a man in the clouds responsible for all that exists...
I'm sure Alex Jones would have some far out completely unrealistic answer to that question.
Try not to let it burn a hole in your chest...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Life's too short for me to get that worked up over a bunch of nutters.
Why were 5 guys (2 mossad) with $4200 in cash stuffed in a sock positioned to film 9/11 celebrating on a van that had a positive hit for explosives detained, held, then deported back to Israel instead of released?
Who knows...they fucked up, didn't think anyone would catch them.. It does not negate the reality they knew those towers were coming down now does it?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
name calling now?
Try to pick up your game a bit
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Why so I can continue to discuss this with an individual who believes that those that disagree with him have no ability to process information. Talking to you is hopeless because you are so self absorbed in your own world that you don't even want to hear what others have to say. You basically come on here to tell anyone with a different opinion how blind they are. It's like intellectual masturbation, oh look at me I'm so much smarter because I know about the dancing Israeli's OH OH OH OH…splat!!! I'm usually a pretty open minded person but some of the shit mentioned in this thread, it's like straight out of fucking X-Files. There is no rhyme or reason to it. Why would the government go through all the trouble of stagging not just one plane hijacking but 4. Fly two of them into the WTC just to then blow up the building anyway. Hijack the third with the intention of flying it into the Pentagon but then using a missles on a cloudless September morning for all of the Washington DC metro area to see only to reverse course and say it was a plane. Then fake the whole Let's Roll story and simply just shoot down or crash, what ever story you prefer, that final plane. It sounds like the sequel to Airplane 2. You can cast Leslie Neilsen as Donald Rumsfeld. Try looking in a mirror and telling your reflexion that story without breaking out laughing at the shear lunacy of it.
Here is a link to another Matt Taibbi article that pretty much sums up the 9/11 Truth Movement perfectly. I hate to keep using Taibbi but I like his straight forward pull no punches style.
so those 5 mossad guys knoew all about the plan, what was happening, wear, and when, and were sent out to vidoetape something the whole world would see?
so how many people do you think have "inside knowledge" of the conspiracy that caused one of the worlds most heinous acts for the world to see... how many people know all about the "truth" behind those attacks? 5? 20? 50? 500? all of mossad? the cia? pnac members? us military? norad?
how many people do you estimate are in on one the greatest crimes and tragedy's in world history? how many hold that secret inside of that day?
how mnay were "in on it"?
then tell me how the fuck that shit has not come out? are you crazy... 5 jackasses in a white van know all abou tit and know one has come out with the story? no one has leaked? no one has cracked?
i dont think so
You think they can see in to the future or something?
You automatically assume they knew what cameras would cover the incident, and would leave it up to that, when they stated they were sent to record the incident?
That's not a good assumption to make over the fact they knew to be there filming it, two of whom were Mossad agents (real common occurrence that is eh?), all of which were deported, instead of released.
don't you think?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
who was in on it... how many were in on it... how many know about it?
if 5 dudes in a van know about it, 5 lackies sent to film it, then hoiw many other peopel must know about it?
and what has it not come out in 7 years? not a peep? nothing? not one person that holds the greatest secret ever tells the story?
You're making wild assumptions on what you can't imagine to discredit the findings, instead of looking at what's right in front of your face.
How did Iran contra go on for so long?
Surely your theory would blow that reality out of the water as well eh?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
The first sale of weapons to Iran was in August of 1984 the whole affair was exposed in November of 1986. It lasted a little over two years so in the scope of things that is not that long of an amount of time. There where only about 2 dozen participants on our side of the dealing and they still couldn't keep it under wraps. Now image an operation as large as the world trade center attack. The shear amount of personally needed to pull that off and no one has leaked any information in almost 7 years. Highly unlikely.
The fact remains this was planned from the inside to take control, and that's all that matters.
Unless you believe the war on terror is a valid one, and even if you do, following the neo-con agenda is crazier than any conspiracy theory.
Run the logic through that entire scenario, and where does that leave you in summation? What viewpoint is most beneficial to you irregardless upon final consideration?
Troofers are high...nyaa nyaa I'm so cool? gotta bomb Iran? hoorah patriot act? Support the neocon agenda?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
If you knew something what would you do and say? if you were still alive and not sent to die overseas that is. Wars can sweep people up like little messes that need cleaning.
Irregardless.. This entire thread is such a zoomed in split hair pointless conversation that reeks of personality conflict disorder...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
One thing I don't get is,if the Republicans and the war in Iraq are more unpopular than ever why don't they just carry out another terrorist attack?Clearly they can get away with it can't they and it would boost their polls?
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.
Ok so let me try to get this straight. You are saying, and please correct any portion of this if it's wrong, that the US government (or at least high ranking officials in the US government) planned the attacks of 9/11. So they decided that in order to gain support for a war against Iraq that the government needed to stage the hijacking of 4 US airliners. Prior to this though they rigged up WTC 1, 2 & 7 to collapse after the planes crashed. For several weeks or even months prior to the day of the attack special agents, either CIA or Mossad, assume the mantle of maintainence workers and rig all three building with enough explosives to bring them down. Once this is done the stage the 4 hijackings. Simultaniously they command NORAD to conduct a drill to confuse our air defense personal so that they would not intecept the hijacked flights. Now here is where I have a question where their really men who hijacked the plane or where they just remote controlled airliner? For the sake of this post let's say they where working with Al Qaida. So these 19 men from Al Qaida working for the US government hijack the planes. Now here is where the plan can get a little dicey because what would have happened if they chickened out or a more likely scenerio if the crew and passengers fought them off and managed the land the plane safely. Do you think they would have had a back-up plan? Would they mysteriously kill the hijackers in their cells so they wouldn't talk? I mean there was a good chance that the passengers and crew could have fought them off don't you think. That's a big risk to take on such an important operation. Back to the plans. They fly two of them into the WTC. An hour later the government sets off the explosives bringing down towers 1 & 2 and then an hour after that they bring down building 7 for no reason at all. They just decided that two planes slamming into the WTC wasn't enough to shock the public into submission. All the while a third plane is heading towards the Pentagon, but they decide that that may not work so they launch a missile or a drone into the Pentagon in broad day light where thousands of people can see but tell us that it was a plane anyway. Here comes another question. If the planes where indeed hijacked by the US backed Al Qaida agents where did that plane go? What happened to all the passengers on board? Lastly they have the fourth plane which the government states was on the way to the White House but they feel that that would be a bit overkill so they decide to down the plane and create a story about some heroic passengers sacrificing their lives to save the people on the ground. Since Mossad was involved with this plan in some way they sent agents to Liberty Park in Jersey City to video tap the whole WTC attack and in their jubilation they started dancing and where arrested. The government them working with all the rescue workers and contractors hired to remove the rubble down at WTC decided that all evidence had to be eliminated. So they payed, hypnotized, etc… a couple of hundred men and women to go along with this plan. They then some how infiltrated the NYC PD and FD, who subsequently lost many of their friends in the attack, to aid in the destruction of this evidence. Or was the NTPD and NYFD brass working with the government? I guess they also got to every federal agent on the scene as well. I guess the same holds true for the Pentagon and the Pennsylvania crash sight. So now we probably have close to a thousand co-conspirators involved in this master plan. The genius of it all is that all of these people who where involved in the clean-up, or cover up if you wish to call it that, managed to keep their mouths shut for almost 7 years. Not one person has come forward, not one shred of evidence has been produced. Finally to make sure that they get the public behind their war in Iraq the government places the blame on Al Qaida because butting the blame on Saddam would, I gues, jeopordize the whole operation.
Did I miss anything?
I could have summarized that entire point in a sentence or two....but anyhow.
You think there was compliance no? They looked the other way right?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Why is that? We had a good conversation yesterday without getting antagonizing. I brought up some good points. I thought we were able to see that both sides have good points and were able to move past getting angry that one chooses to see it differently than the other.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Great post, but they will pretty much ignore your post as it makes too much sense and just ask other questions.
Pensacola '94
New Orleans '95
Birmingham '98
New Orleans '00
New Orleans '03
Tampa '08
New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest
New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest
Fenway Park '18
St. Louis '22
You better get yourself overseas son... times a wasting.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you mean.
Pensacola '94
New Orleans '95
Birmingham '98
New Orleans '00
New Orleans '03
Tampa '08
New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest
New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest
Fenway Park '18
St. Louis '22
I believe that the government fucked up royally. Now wether that fuck up was intentional or just merely a product of their stupidity I don't know, but to me that is the question that needs to be answered.
All of this 9/11 Truth Movement crap about the government actually executing the attacks is not helping the situation only making it worse. You people are no different, in my opinion, than the uber-patriots who still try to convince people that the terrorists attacked us because they hate our liberties. It's the spreading of dis-information for the sole reason of promoting an agenda. Meanwhile the truth continues to get buried and any individual who is honestly pursuing the truth has lost all credibility because they get lumped in with the 9/11 Truthers.
I am more apt to believe L. Ron Hubbard's version of how we came to be, traveling on this planet on DC-10s and the behest of Xenon, than I am to believing that fable about the government orchestrating the 9/11 attacks.
Read my previous post and you will see why.
He suffers from delusions that everyone who doesn't believe in fairy tales is a neocon for some reason.
The terrorists did it all right? Sign up for the neo-con cause that you admire so much and believe in at face value, do as you're are told, and start killing terrorists.
Simple. What are you waiting for?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Ahh I get it. You should be overseas also.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Of course Roland will not answer any of my questions because by doing so we will all see how batty this whole conspiracy theory is.
If you believe what you are told by this administration you should stand up for it.
You know what that means right?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Oh I see so because I don't believe in your fairy tale version of events I'm a willing supporter of the Neo-Con agenda. Damn Roland you are so smart you pegged me. Now you can (OH OH OH OH OH…splat) get off on being the coolest smartest kid on the board.