


  • What's the immigration situation in Australia? It's a similar type of country to America: who immigrates there and how many are allowed in?
    All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
    -Enoch Powell
  • onelongsongonelongsong Posts: 3,517
    MrBrian wrote:
    People who vote and support these things seem to be the uneducated ones. It was also not the illegals who voted for these waste of time wars and waste of time politicians. The avg american seems to be what's hurting America the most.

    it passed overwhelmingly. with great support from legal mexican immigrants. illegals hurt the legal immigrants as much as any other citizen.
  • I've said some things about immigration that some on this board have been disgusted by. I would like to have further discussion of this issue. I've said that immigration should be lessened because the baggage that third world immigrants are bringing with them is detrimental to our economy and government.

    It is my view that illegal immigration, as well as legal immigration from most third world countries, is hurting the United States immensely.

    The vast majority of immigrants from third world countries (especially south america) are at or around the poverty line. They come to America with little if any education and immediately begin receiving various government services. 40 percent of all illegal immigrants are working for cash and not paying taxes.

    They also tend toward crime more than real americans: 75 percent of the people on L.A.'s most-wanted list are illegal aliens.

    They're hard workers? In Los Angeles (where many illegal aliens live), less than 2 percent of illegals are picking crops but 29 percent are on welfare. How the hell are they on welfare when they don't pay taxes and are not citizens? We let them. Maybe if we kicked them off it, they'd tell all their friends not to come.

    What happens to a social welfare system that allows massive immigration from third world countries whose people are poor and uneducated? That social welfare system collapses. Our system cannot handle this burden. It was one thing in the early 1900s when our system wasn't as full of welfare and entitlements as it is now.

    You need to increase the number of rich people paying taxes while you increase immigration from poor countries. In 1990, hispanics accounted for 9 percent of the population. Today, they account for 14.4 percent. This is all from immigration folks.

    I'm not being a xenophobe - I'm putting out the simple fact that we cannot afford to pay for all of these people's medical expenses, welfare needs, and education.

    This country is going down the tubes and the Republicans and Democrats are pulling us down.

    I agree with your last sentence, but if you wanna complain about where your tax dollars are going, you should probably be bitching a lot more about the military budget and corporate welfare, not social welfare. Social welfare spending doesn't even come close.

    And the problem you're really talking about isn't illegal aliens, it's poverty. All the symptoms you described for illegal aliens are the same for poor legal citizens...they tend more to crime, they're more likely to get a cash-paying job and not pay taxes (think about who pays them in cash too...why not go after them?), etc. Even if all the illegal aliens were deported, we'd still have a rising poverty problem.

    And let's not forget most of the people living below the poverty level and sucking up welfare are not illegal hispanics...they're native-born white people. And the overal poverty level is lower than it was 40 years ago. To say illegal hispanics are sucking up all the welfare money and hurting our economy is just wrong.
  • onelongsongonelongsong Posts: 3,517
    melodious wrote:
    not that I agree with anything says about fences and borders, but my question is Why do you find it so important to build these damn fence? Why don't you spend money on helping our children learn free thinking? while you all talk about constraints, your future is at stake...

    now....a right-winger told me that he feels borders should be in place becasue of distribution of resources...and another point was that it's against human rights to allow people to come into country undocumented becasue of their uncertification, they have no ablility to benefit or thrive...meaning as illegal stauts the only work available is don't see non documented doctors or pharmacists, aye????

    love ya jammers; thanks for talking about my favorite subject...well it's not a favorite, but most definitely passionate; second to cannabis...1st to humantiy....

    WHY? because the problem is that illegals take money from programs that could go to needy children. try sneeking into mexico. you're showered in automatic weapon fire. why protect the border? drugs and guns. it's not just people coming into this country. many of you cry BAN GUNS; but guess what; you can only ban the legal ones. you can't ban what you don't know exists.
    our future is at stake; and don't forget to press one for english.
  • onelongsongonelongsong Posts: 3,517
    Saturnal wrote:
    I agree with your last sentence, but if you wanna complain about where your tax dollars are going, you should probably be bitching a lot more about the military budget and corporate welfare, not social welfare. Social welfare spending doesn't even come close.

    And the problem you're really talking about isn't illegal aliens, it's poverty. All the symptoms you described for illegal aliens are the same for poor legal citizens...they tend more to crime, they're more likely to get a cash-paying job and not pay taxes (think about who pays them in cash too...why not go after them?), etc. Even if all the illegal aliens were deported, we'd still have a rising poverty problem.

    And let's not forget most of the people living below the poverty level and sucking up welfare are not illegal hispanics...they're native-born white people. And the overal poverty level is lower than it was 40 years ago. To say illegal hispanics are sucking up all the welfare money and hurting our economy is just wrong.

    try living in a border state and tell me where the money goes.
  • josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 29,298
    even now when i travel back to CHILE where i was born i ask my self man what a beautyfull country it is, why would my father wan't to leave it and the thruth is he had to it's hard to make a good living there so i thank him every day for having the nerve to leave and coming here to start a new life he made that decision with me and my siblings in mind so i do feel for those faces i see everyday standing there waiting just to see if they can make a days pay it's sad because most of those people have left some one they really care for back in there home countries ...........happy new years everybody.........
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    bryanfury wrote:
    with so many americans in need, we have to make sure we're looking out for our legals first and foremost.

    So do you propose that americans should get the jobs first? Should americans be forced to work a job because there is a vacancy (ie. looking out for 'our legals' first - giving them a job)? How would that work? Tell them to take the job that is available (and that they can do) or no more welfare? When all these americans capable of working have filled as many vacancies as possible, will it then be OK for the legal immigrants, then the legal immigrants to 'take' the jobs left?
  • CollinCollin Posts: 4,931
    go where? try sneeking into any other country and you get shot.

    Sure :rolleyes:

    naděje umírá poslední
  • onelongsongonelongsong Posts: 3,517
    redrock wrote:
    So do you propose that americans should get the jobs first? Should americans be forced to work a job because there is a vacancy (ie. looking out for 'our legals' first - giving them a job)? How would that work? Tell them to take the job that is available (and that they can do) or no more welfare? When all these americans capable of working have filled as many vacancies as possible, will it then be OK for the legal immigrants, then the legal immigrants to 'take' the jobs left?

    are we forgetting that entering this country is illegal and thus these illegals are CRIMINALS? so yes; lets put law abiding citizens above criminals.
  • Collin wrote:
    Sure :rolleyes:

    Mexico is brutal to illegal immigrants in their country. They want to maintain their ethnic composition.
    All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
    -Enoch Powell
  • try living in a border state and tell me where the money goes.

    Why don't you tell me where it goes? Show me your state's budget.
  • onelongsongonelongsong Posts: 3,517
    even now when i travel back to CHILE where i was born i ask my self man what a beautyfull country it is, why would my father wan't to leave it and the thruth is he had to it's hard to make a good living there so i thank him every day for having the nerve to leave and coming here to start a new life he made that decision with me and my siblings in mind so i do feel for those faces i see everyday standing there waiting just to see if they can make a days pay it's sad because most of those people have left some one they really care for back in there home countries ...........happy new years everybody.........

    it is sad what dictators and greedy governments do to their people. 236 years ago the people of america rose up against its oppressors and won freedom. it's a shame more people don't follow that example. chile is by no means a poor country. its people are poor because of greed and oppression.
  • onelongsongonelongsong Posts: 3,517
    Saturnal wrote:
    Why don't you tell me where it goes? Show me your state's budget.

    i get $50.00/hr for secretarial services.
  • onelongsongonelongsong Posts: 3,517
    Mexico is brutal to illegal immigrants in their country. They want to maintain their ethnic composition.

    and you can't own land either even if you immigrate to mexico legally.
    does anyone know of a country where it IS legal to enter undocumented?
  • i get $50.00/hr for secretarial services.
    No's Friday so I'll just go pick up my welfare check after I play some video games and paypal ya.
  • caifan82caifan82 Posts: 321
    Mexico is brutal to illegal immigrants in their country. They want to maintain their ethnic composition.

    OMG, I was just going to stay silent, but this is such a load of crap! Maintain our ethnic composition?! What the fuck are you talking about?!!?!? What is Mexico's ethnic composition? Is it indigenous, hispanic, a mix of both? What a fucking load of bullshit. I bet you've never been south of Tijuana... so, if one of these days you manage to set your xenophobism appart, just go take a 15 minute drive in one of Mexico's cities... You'll see people of every freaking color (granted, the black population is extremely small so they might be hard to come by), size and width. Mexico was conquered by europeans, you know? We have a HUGE white-skinned population
    Wow, some people... Just, just amazing...
    Mexico City - July 17th 2003
    Mexico City - July 18th 2003
    Mexico City - July 19th 2003
    Monterrey - December 7th 2005
    Mexico City - December 9th 2005
    Mexico City - December 10th 2005
    Mexico City - November 24th 2011
  • caifan82caifan82 Posts: 321
    and you can't own land either even if you immigrate to mexico legally.
    does anyone know of a country where it IS legal to enter undocumented?

    And another one... My father is french, he freaking owns a house in which I grew up. Houndreds of Americans own houses in Guanajuato and coast cities, you just need some bank interaction.
    It's ok if you are agains't illegal immigrants. Just don't pull "facts" out of your asses.
    Mexico City - July 17th 2003
    Mexico City - July 18th 2003
    Mexico City - July 19th 2003
    Monterrey - December 7th 2005
    Mexico City - December 9th 2005
    Mexico City - December 10th 2005
    Mexico City - November 24th 2011
  • caifan82 wrote:
    OMG, I was just going to stay silent, but this is such a load of crap! Maintain our ethnic composition?! What the fuck are you talking about?!!?!? What is Mexico's ethnic composition? Is it indigenous, hispanic, a mix of both? What a fucking load of bullshit. I bet you've never been south of Tijuana... so, if one of these days you manage to set your xenophobism appart, just go take a 15 minute drive in one of Mexico's cities... You'll see people of every freaking color (granted, the black population is extremely small so they might be hard to come by), size and width. Mexico was conquered by europeans, you know? We have a HUGE white-skinned population
    Wow, some people... Just, just amazing...

    I agree

    "ethnic composition"?...where the hell did that phrase come from? I'd love someone to interview about 10 Mexicans and ask them "are you concerned about your country's ethnic composition". I'm sure all of them would just laugh at the interviewer.
  • dkst0426dkst0426 Posts: 523
    What's the immigration situation in Australia? It's a similar type of country to America: who immigrates there and how many are allowed in?

    As someone who is currently in the midst of a citizenship application, I would consider myself a bit more well-versed in the bureaucracy of the former-INS-now-CIS than most, so if I may:

    The process of immigrating into the US is in all actuality simpler than most other developed nations. The paperwork is what gets most people, and yes, it's a step-by-step process that requires time and money. The US does not have a points system for immigration. The burden of proof is always going to be on the applicant (as well it should be): proof of financial viability, proof of travel documents, proof of admission to a university, proof of a relationship with a spouse, proof of persecution, etc. etc.

    Australia (like Vancouver) had a rush of Chinese immigrants in the late 80s and early 90s (pre-Hong Kong handover flight), and I know that for many ethnic minorities in Southeast Asia, Australia is a favored choice. they have a points system (or at least they did when my family looked at moving there a couple of decades ago).

    I hope nobody's fooled into thinking the US Immigration system is too difficult, because while the process seems drawn-out and cumbersome, it's by design to discourage fraud, and is comparable to other immigration policies elsewhere.

    As for Mexico's immigration policy: The Mexican solution?
  • melodiousmelodious Posts: 1,719
    know1 wrote:
    I say "come one, come all"....and make it easy to become a legal citizen. If you don't like people who truly want to be here and contribute, then go somewhere else.
    Is this similar to words of:

    O' Come all ye faithful????

    happy end of year, one of my favoriites.....
    all insanity:
    a derivitive of nature.
    nature is god
    god is love
    love is light
  • onelongsongonelongsong Posts: 3,517
    Saturnal wrote:
    I agree

    "ethnic composition"?...where the hell did that phrase come from? I'd love someone to interview about 10 Mexicans and ask them "are you concerned about your country's ethnic composition". I'm sure all of them would just laugh at the interviewer.

    if they were so concerned about ethnic composition they'd be marching the streets of america with mexican flags and not american flags.
    oh; they do.
  • melodiousmelodious Posts: 1,719
    WHY? because the problem is that illegals take money from programs that could go to needy children. try sneeking into mexico. you're showered in automatic weapon fire. why protect the border? drugs and guns. it's not just people coming into this country. many of you cry BAN GUNS; but guess what; you can only ban the legal ones. you can't ban what you don't know exists.
    our future is at stake; and don't forget to press one for english.
    what about domestic born schmucks who line your streets with their cute little prison walk?

    and so are you for or against banning guns? i think i already know you.

    "sometimes the ego is grander than the sun....." s/m
    all insanity:
    a derivitive of nature.
    nature is god
    god is love
    love is light
  • onelongsongonelongsong Posts: 3,517
    dkst0426 wrote:
    As someone who is currently in the midst of a citizenship application, I would consider myself a bit more well-versed in the bureaucracy of the former-INS-now-CIS than most, so if I may:

    The process of immigrating into the US is in all actuality simpler than most other developed nations. The paperwork is what gets most people, and yes, it's a step-by-step process that requires time and money. The US does not have a points system for immigration. The burden of proof is always going to be on the applicant (as well it should be): proof of financial viability, proof of travel documents, proof of admission to a university, proof of a relationship with a spouse, proof of persecution, etc. etc.

    Australia (like Vancouver) had a rush of Chinese immigrants in the late 80s and early 90s (pre-Hong Kong handover flight), and I know that for many ethnic minorities in Southeast Asia, Australia is a favored choice. they have a points system (or at least they did when my family looked at moving there a couple of decades ago).

    I hope nobody's fooled into thinking the US Immigration system is too difficult, because while the process seems drawn-out and cumbersome, it's by design to discourage fraud, and is comparable to other immigration policies elsewhere.

    As for Mexico's immigration policy: The Mexican solution?

    so how does a bloke start the process to immigrate to austrailia?
  • onelongsongonelongsong Posts: 3,517
    melodious wrote:
    what about domestic born schmucks who line your streets with their cute little prison walk?

    and so are you for or against banning guns? i think i already know you.

    "sometimes the ego is grander than the sun....." s/m

    when the criminals hand in their guns; i'll be the first law abiding citizen to turn mine in.
  • caifan82caifan82 Posts: 321
    if they were so concerned about ethnic composition they'd be marching the streets of america with mexican flags and not american flags.
    oh; they do.

    What ethnic group does the Mexican flag represent?
    Mexico City - July 17th 2003
    Mexico City - July 18th 2003
    Mexico City - July 19th 2003
    Monterrey - December 7th 2005
    Mexico City - December 9th 2005
    Mexico City - December 10th 2005
    Mexico City - November 24th 2011
  • onelongsongonelongsong Posts: 3,517
    caifan82 wrote:
    And another one... My father is french, he freaking owns a house in which I grew up. Houndreds of Americans own houses in Guanajuato and coast cities, you just need some bank interaction.
    It's ok if you are agains't illegal immigrants. Just don't pull "facts" out of your asses.

    i have several friends trying to buy land in rocky point for retirement homes. they told me they are not allowed to own property in mexico. they can own the house but not the land it sits on.
    sorry if i passed on the wrong information.
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    so how does a bloke start the process to immigrate to austrailia?

    well you could marry an australian.

    but whatever you do DO NOT come in on a boat. cause we will throw your arse in a concentra...oops sorry...detention camp. but you're an american so you should have no problem emigrating.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • onelongsongonelongsong Posts: 3,517
    well you could marry an australian.

    but whatever you do DO NOT come in on a boat. cause we will throw your arse in a concentra...oops sorry...detention camp. but you're an american so you should have no problem emigrating.

    thank you. i wanted a serious answer but didn't think i'd get one here. i had a job offer in sydney in the '70s and i'm kicking myself for not taking it.
  • dkst0426dkst0426 Posts: 523
    so how does a bloke start the process to immigrate to austrailia?
    Not my place to answer with much authority, since it was my parents looking into the process back when, but I imagine it wouldn't be much different from starting the process here--obtain the forms, get your documentation together, and apply. Insert the "get the services of an immigration lawyer" step anywhere in there.
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    thank you. i wanted a serious answer but didn't think i'd get one here. i had a job offer in sydney in the '70s and i'm kicking myself for not taking it.

    well you know sydney's still here and the rest of australia isn't too bad either.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
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