Dutch elections...hopefull???



  • Koningin Beatrix heeft op zaterdag 2 december 2006 telefonisch contact gehad met informateur Hoekstra. Hoekstra heeft de Koningin ingelicht over de voortgang in de informatiewerkzaamheden.

    De informateur had vrijdag en zaterdag vervolggesprekken met de fractievoorzitters van de SP, de PvdA en het CDA. Daarvoor sprak hij met alle fractievoorzitters uit de Tweede Kamer.

    Informateur Hoekstra onderzoekt welke meerderheidskabinetten mogelijk zijn, de bereidheid van partijen om aan een kabinet deel te nemen en over welke onderwerpen moet worden onderhandeld.

    Source: http://www.kabinetsformatie2006.nl/index.jsp
  • a lot of things the dutch do are good like legaliseing marijuana and stopping gentically modified foods or do they?

    but id say theyre too lenient on crime

    so are rock stars in holland against guns and rock stars in usa for guns? i never really hear of usa rock stars campainging to take away guns -in fact ted nugent is a right wing crazy wacko

    Marijuana is not actually legal, it's decriminalised. It's strange because you hit Amsterdam and you can fucking smell the stuff as soon as you arrive and there are coffee shops on every street corner, I swear to God. But yet it still isn't strictly legal it's decriminalised which means you can smoke it but not out on the streets and if you cause any trouble in their country, and they see you have that on you, they can still use it to kick you out of their country.
  • Obi OnceObi Once Posts: 918

    i was trying to find crime rate there but so far cant
    Not a bad article! I havent read it in full, but
    Authorities are not duty-bound to prosecute criminal acts, which leaves a loophole for social experimentation in areas that technically are illegal. It has been wryly said that the Netherlands has one of the lowest crime rates in Europe because whenever something becomes a criminal problem, the Dutch make it legal, thereby reducing crime at a stroke.
    alltho this is non sense.. the dutch law doesnt bend for anything that becomes a problem. yet it doesnt make prostitution, weed, abortion and euthanesia illegal, since these our choices of free people and as long as nobody else is hurt by these things.. prostitution is a though one tho, but the whip of law is cracking down on the red light district in A'dam as we speak.
    Supplying free heroin to addicts, with medical support, has helped prevent the spread of HIV and slashed the drug's street price so that addicts commit fewer crimes to feed their habit. Both health-care and law-enforcement costs have gone down. The Netherlands has significantly lower rates of heroin addiction, drug use and drug addiction in general, and drug-related deaths, than Britain, France, Germany, and other west European countries that criticize Holland so fiercely on this issue.
    Yes junkies who would steal and rob for their heroin are kept of the streets and dont bother anyone, whats the problem?
    get me crime statictics for amsterdam -i cant find a link
    Let me know wheb u find it and compare it to that of LA or NY.
    when hitler took all the guns away from people do you think that was good?
    Dude.......... And you acuse others of being stupid.. :rolleyes:
    ....and Ravenna, you keep throwing new stuff up while not responding to our replies to your earlier quotes. I now fully understand why you would vote Pim Fortuyn as his campaign was much in the same manner: thowing out popular slogans, but never having a real answer to serious problems...!
    Kushikushun 1 - 0 Ravenna

    There's no discussion in this guy/girls posts it's just blind screaming and pointing without having an idea what its about, I think we should just ignore those posts like on earlier pages, they make no sense at all.
    I would like to ask everybody to stay on topic in this thread or open a new thread on the politics in the Netherlands compared to the USA :mad:

    I haven't heard much about the coalition progress...have you guys? Have they actually started talking yet?
    Yeah but CDA is not giving any preference so it's kinda going nowhere, just like a few years ago w/ CDA PvdA. Still can't believe CDA got a mayority :mad:
    your light's reflected now
  • Obi OnceObi Once Posts: 918
    where in nl do you live ?small towns ok just like usa

    Small towns suck.
    a lot of things the dutch do are good like legaliseing marijuana and stopping gentically modified foods or do they?
    :D WHAHAHAAA What the hell is gentically modified food? And whats the Q for that matter
    your light's reflected now
  • KushikushunKushikushun Posts: 1,263
    Obi Once wrote:

    Small towns suck.

    :D WHAHAHAAA What the hell is gentically modified food? And whats the Q for that matter

    It is an interesting matter as many of the things Ravenna TRIES to point out are...but she just does it in the wrong way pushing the wrong buttons..!!
    I don't mind discussing our politics with foreigners who think our policies on abortion/ softdrugs / etc are strange though.
    Allthough I have not been very happy with our political situation here, I am still happy to be living in such a progressive country.
    So, as a reply to Ravenna once more, the Dutch are not easy-going, in the middle of nowhere, soft-spoken people at all...we dare to discuss things that are taboo in most countries (such as yours) and come up with solutions.

    The thing is that before the hard line taken by people such as Wilders and Fortuyn, these things would be thoughtfully debated instead of just shouting a bunch of cr*p. Things are neither black nor white and I would be very happy if our government would start to balance their actions more instead of following popular opinion like a bunch of sheeps (pretending to be the wolves...).
    We are famous for our open debating system to come to concensus..although I agree it can become annoying and passive, which is a flaw of the system.

    Ravenna are you gonna respond to my messages any time soon, maybe?..I am still trying to keep the debate OPEN...maybe would even open another thread for this!

    Groetjes allemaal!! :)
    Why not be mediocre and be the best at it that you can be?
  • KushikushunKushikushun Posts: 1,263
    Obi Once wrote:
    Kushikushun 1 - 0 Ravenna

    Thanks,...but this is not what I am in for. Its not a game to me, I seriously feel this things. I am not trying to put someone down, and I hope I havent...
    I might have though and I am sorry for that, its just that I cannot stand it when people just write something down without explaining themselves properly or respond in a sensible way to other peoples responses.

    That's it...no more...tralalatwidelididi...Hakuna Matata...etc. :D
    Why not be mediocre and be the best at it that you can be?
  • Obi OnceObi Once Posts: 918
    Oh i understand and it's very straight forward exactly what he is doing, just keeps pushing topics without debating any. I for one am not trying to put him down or anything it's just the plain truth that u wrote down. I'm done with responding if it's just looked over and another 'statement' is dropped in out of the blue.

    I've learned on this forum that there are people who will not participate in a discussion, but only add 'their ideas', they won't learn or illustrate anything or be interested in other points of view, they just wanna rant.

    And yes it's very questionable why people are open to ideas of Fortuyn or Wilders. All they do is point at a group (minority) of people and blame 'm, like Hitler did with the Jews (if you wanna compare anyone to Hitler like done earlier in this thread). I know 1 person who said he would vote for Wilders and I questioned him why and all he could come up with were things that bothered him about the large amount of foreighn people in his part of town. I asked why he wouldnt move and vote for someone who had actual ideas instead of short sighted generalisations? He didnt answer to that..

    And yes I also love my country even tho I don't love everything that happens, I wouldnt want to live anywhere else.. Altho a tropicial island with decent waves would be nice.
    your light's reflected now
  • Ravenna just can't conquer the arguments you gave :D
    He's speachless?
  • KushikushunKushikushun Posts: 1,263
    Obi Once wrote:
    Oh i understand and it's very straight forward exactly what he is doing, just keeps pushing topics without debating any. I for one am not trying to put him down or anything it's just the plain truth that u wrote down. I'm done with responding if it's just looked over and another 'statement' is dropped in out of the blue.

    I've learned on this forum that there are people who will not participate in a discussion, but only add 'their ideas', they won't learn or illustrate anything or be interested in other points of view, they just wanna rant.

    And yes it's very questionable why people are open to ideas of Fortuyn or Wilders. All they do is point at a group (minority) of people and blame 'm, like Hitler did with the Jews (if you wanna compare anyone to Hitler like done earlier in this thread). I know 1 person who said he would vote for Wilders and I questioned him why and all he could come up with were things that bothered him about the large amount of foreighn people in his part of town. I asked why he wouldnt move and vote for someone who had actual ideas instead of short sighted generalisations? He didnt answer to that..

    And yes I also love my country even tho I don't love everything that happens, I wouldnt want to live anywhere else.. Altho a tropicial island with decent waves would be nice.

    Thanks for understanding...I am ready to just talk amongst ourselves here and ignore the ranting!
    Why not be mediocre and be the best at it that you can be?
  • KushikushunKushikushun Posts: 1,263
    Obi Once wrote:
    Oh i understand and it's very straight forward exactly what he is doing, just keeps pushing topics without debating any. I for one am not trying to put him down or anything it's just the plain truth that u wrote down. I'm done with responding if it's just looked over and another 'statement' is dropped in out of the blue.

    I've learned on this forum that there are people who will not participate in a discussion, but only add 'their ideas', they won't learn or illustrate anything or be interested in other points of view, they just wanna rant.

    And yes it's very questionable why people are open to ideas of Fortuyn or Wilders. All they do is point at a group (minority) of people and blame 'm, like Hitler did with the Jews (if you wanna compare anyone to Hitler like done earlier in this thread). I know 1 person who said he would vote for Wilders and I questioned him why and all he could come up with were things that bothered him about the large amount of foreighn people in his part of town. I asked why he wouldnt move and vote for someone who had actual ideas instead of short sighted generalisations? He didnt answer to that..

    And yes I also love my country even tho I don't love everything that happens, I wouldnt want to live anywhere else.. Altho a tropicial island with decent waves would be nice.

    Thanks for understanding...I am ready to just talk amongst ourselves here and ignore the ranting!
    I could live on such an island, with my guy and PJ coming around to play some nice music while we are all sitting by the fire on the beach...awww...*wants to keep on dreaming*
    Why not be mediocre and be the best at it that you can be?
  • KushikushunKushikushun Posts: 1,263
    And I know its off topic..hope you guys dont mind...but do you have the same strange attraction to mountainous areas as I have. I believe it is because of the lack of having any over here. Also I am a big fan of very wide landscapes without a house or other construction in sight, propably same side-effect from living in this tiny over-organised country..

    Although must say that living in Peru for a while made me appreciate our organised, green and flat piece of land more!..though I love Peru too..
    Why not be mediocre and be the best at it that you can be?
  • And I know its off topic..hope you guys dont mind...but do you have the same strange attraction to mountainous areas as I have. I believe it is because of the lack of having any over here. Also I am a big fan of very wide landscapes without a house or other construction in sight, propably same side-effect from living in this tiny over-organised country..

    Although must say that living in Peru for a while made me appreciate our organised, green and flat piece of land more!..though I love Peru too..

    AHG, I really like areas with mountains and really enjoying landscapes without seeïng any buildings/houses/or whatever......Seeïng as far as you can.....
    Once on the boat to England I enjoyed watching around without seeïng any land! Also beautifull!
  • im male 52 not female

    i cant follow all the things on this

    you say nothing is black or white-thats how the dutch are -always debating things but never coming to conclusions but maybe the whole world is like that

    are all abortions legal there?i think in sweden or norway only up to 16 weeks

    uk and nl and usa are allowing more i think
  • Obi OnceObi Once Posts: 918
    And I know its off topic..hope you guys dont mind...but do you have the same strange attraction to mountainous areas as I have. I believe it is because of the lack of having any over here. Also I am a big fan of very wide landscapes without a house or other construction in sight, propably same side-effect from living in this tiny over-organised country..

    Although must say that living in Peru for a while made me appreciate our organised, green and flat piece of land more!..though I love Peru too..
    Thats imo due to the fact that we lack a horizon, unless you live near the sea. Not many options at seeing a horizon when u live in urban areas. I think that's also another reason I love living near the sea.

    And for those who mised the news this morning:
    VVD is pissing on the choice of the congres

    And for Ravenna:
    In 2nd place:
    Job Cohen, Mayor of Amsterdam, boasts an enviable record in national and city politics, academia and broadcasting, with plaudits from a range of opinion makers for his inclusive approach to politics and city life. In 2005, Cohen was named one of Time magazine’s ‘European Heroes’ for his stand on the notorious murder of film-maker Theo van Gogh in an Amsterdam street in November 2004. Cohen led the city’s people in street protests, calling for unity and tolerance. Since the murder, which Cohen himself was targeted by the assassin, the mayor has sought to bring together the capital’s immigrant communities to facilitate dialogue against extremism, both by and directed at Muslim immigrants, in order to maintain its famous reputation for tolerance and liberal attitudes. In an essay, which opens with lines from Jacque Brel’s ‘In the port of Amsterdam’, Mayor Cohen writes: “Amsterdam, a modern city with all the problems, opportunities and, above all, its special aspects, is one of the smallest ‘world cities’. Some 170 nationalities make up its 750,000 inhabitants.” One commentator agreed wholeheartedly: “In a city like Amsterdam, with citizens from over 170 national backgrounds and an equally diverse ethnic population, the importance of understanding ethnic relations and their sensitivities cannot be overestimated. Among many Amsterdam people, there have been serious suggestions for Mr Cohen to take up the candidacy for Prime Minister. I'm convinced that Mr Cohen's role as a mayor will be remembered for a very long time after he completes his term, in a positive way. It would be very good if he became the winner of World Mayor 2006, because it would mean a boost to those who work for harmony and peace - which in the current trends are not widely appreciated by the popular media.”
    your light's reflected now
  • gue_bariumgue_barium Posts: 5,515
    A good election, then? From the home of my lineage (100 years past)?

    I hope so. I need to visit there soon.

    all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
    except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
  • Well, anyone watched the news? The chance on a coalition of CDA/PvdA/SP is not that big....
  • KushikushunKushikushun Posts: 1,263
    Well, anyone watched the news? The chance on a coalition of CDA/PvdA/SP is not that big....

    I am betting we'll be standing in front of the voting machine pretty soon...again...
    Why not be mediocre and be the best at it that you can be?
  • KushikushunKushikushun Posts: 1,263
    gue_barium wrote:
    A good election, then? From the home of my lineage (100 years past)?

    I hope so. I need to visit there soon.

    Yeah...come visit! :)
    Why not be mediocre and be the best at it that you can be?
  • Obi OnceObi Once Posts: 918
    gue_barium wrote:
    A good election, then? From the home of my lineage (100 years past)?

    I hope so. I need to visit there soon.
    Not the result most here hoped for, CDA of Balkenende is again the biggest party, but the left grew a lot.

    Where are you planning to visit?
    your light's reflected now
  • I am betting we'll be standing in front of the voting machine pretty soon...again...

    Well, fate will decide for us :D
    So if we have to vote again, we just vote again.....
  • KushikushunKushikushun Posts: 1,263
    Well, fate will decide for us :D
    So if we have to vote again, we just vote again.....

    Thats very zennish...LOL...
    Why not be mediocre and be the best at it that you can be?
  • Thats very zennish...LOL...

    Well, that's just me... Fate will decide..... So I voted and now I'll sit and wait what is gonna happen next :D
    the server is slow here?

    Huh? Server? Slow? What do you mean?
  • Anyone what to dialogue with me and exchange Dutch pms or email, then pm me as i wanna learn that language
  • Anyone what to dialogue with me and exchange Dutch pms or email, then pm me as i wanna learn that language

    Well, we can start a thread in All Encompassing Trip for communicating in Dutch/English. The links to translationsites will be in the first post :D
  • parel jamparel jam Posts: 7,223
    I just heard on "Buitenhof" that Hoekstra maybe wants to try a CDA, PvdA, GL and CU coalition...any thoughts on this one??

    Personally I don't mind having the SP in the opposition once again...maybe they are ready in 4 years from now.


  • parel jam wrote:
    I just heard on "Buitenhof" that Hoekstra maybe wants to try a CDA, PvdA, GL and CU coalition...any thoughts on this one??

    Personally I don't mind having the SP in the opposition once again...maybe they are ready in 4 years from now.

    That isn't bad. CU is more to left then CDA and as long we have no VVD and D'66 in it, I'm oke with this.
  • Hey dutchies! Anyone heard the news today? No SP in the coalition....
  • parel jamparel jam Posts: 7,223
    Hey dutchies! Anyone heard the news today? No SP in the coalition....
    Off course not - Balkie doesn't want to...

    Let's see how stubborn Bos is...will he co-operate with Balk? If not - either (1) new elections or (2) a new government after the province elections next March (with PvdA)...

    PvdA is afraid to lose more votes to SP...


  • parel jam wrote:
    Off course not - Balkie doesn't want to...

    Let's see how stubborn Bos is...will he co-operate with Balk? If not - either (1) new elections or (2) a new government after the province elections next March (with PvdA)...

    PvdA is afraid to lose more votes to SP...

    As I may speak Zennish again: Fate will decide what happens...
    I'd prefer new votings with no one voting a partie because her/his mommy or daddy did....... Damn fools
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