Haha, I need an ignore button here or I'll start something I really dont want to. We were having a nice get together here and no I am not gonna spoil the atmosphere....zzzzzzen.....
Why not be mediocre and be the best at it that you can be?
Haha, I need an ignore button here or I'll start something I really dont want to. We were having a nice get together here and no I am not gonna spoil the atmosphere....zzzzzzen.....
I am just laughing my head off because of all the responses I have in my head, but I wont....no I wont....MmmuuuuummmmmmmmmmMMMMMmm...
Actually just read in the newspapers that CDA/PVDA/SP is probably the best option. I hope Jan can turn JP a little more to the left and Wouter should become more daring!
We might have Jan wrecking our foreign relations though...hehe, ah well we can always turn Swiss
Why not be mediocre and be the best at it that you can be?
maybe you missed out on real news ,that 30 to 50%or more liked pym
maybe maybe you missed out on reality
turn off your tv set
Get back on earth dude! Pim is allready dead (2002 remember?) and his party now isn't anymore! NO ONE VOTED THEM! Democraticly we decided in Holland to not vote them so they are out of the parliament
actually there are american indians that are democrats and republicans as whites are also and im part white so i dont follow any stereotyped view you may think any race group holds
america is screwed up the federal reserve bank inst ours- genitcally modified food is bad -death penalty is bad
the dutch are afraid of real men so they vote for harry potter and hope for magic
Wow you have some really insight in the material. What an intelligent remark.
Not shallow or narrow minded at all. Thank god we have Mister Murray and the Timesonline
« One man's glory is another man's hell.
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
I think that if a new formation isn't achieved. The main problem would have to be CDA. The only parties they can form a coalition with are social minded parties. Balkie would do well to stop his rightwing approach and start a more social course.
« One man's glory is another man's hell.
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
I think that if a new formation isn't achieved. The main problem would have to be CDA. The only parties they can form a coalition with are social minded parties. Balkie would do well to stop his rightwing approach and start a more social course.
I think it will be PvdA and SP at one side, and CDA, CU and maybe others at the other side when trying to make a government.
I'm really afraid it will be another 4 years of CDA, VVD, and more right-wing parties...
CDA/VVD isnt possible in any combination unless it's with SP or PvdA, and that won't happen for sure. All the right wing parties combined could make a goverment, but they would have to include Wilders (PvdV) and that's quite unlikely, he has a 1 point party (Muslims bad mmkay!?). So it will have to be a centre left group, too bad CDA is still the biggest, can't believe how well they spindoctored all the votes away from PvdA.
That's right I forgot...hahahaha
Perhaps D66 can do good in a more left goverment?
if ignorance and greed don't rape it 1st.
What Bush and Balkenende? Well, get used to it! hahahahaha
but dutchmen like that ok
Haha, I need an ignore button here or I'll start something I really dont want to. We were having a nice get together here and no I am not gonna spoil the atmosphere....zzzzzzen.....
He just doesn't understand dutch politics...
Actually just read in the newspapers that CDA/PVDA/SP is probably the best option. I hope Jan can turn JP a little more to the left and Wouter should become more daring!
We might have Jan wrecking our foreign relations though...hehe, ah well we can always turn Swiss
Well, its not that easy to understand when your mind can only focus on one thing at a time and needs generalizations to make sense of the world.
&^(*&%# You tricked me into this Disconnected....no I have to start all over again .....Hummmmmmmmmmmm....
OOOPPSS, sorry
Vage kerel...heb hem al eens eerder gezien op het forum...
Get back on earth dude! Pim is allready dead (2002 remember?) and his party now isn't anymore! NO ONE VOTED THEM! Democraticly we decided in Holland to not vote them so they are out of the parliament
Sorry Kushikushun, kon het niet laten......
liberal schmucks will ruin their country -like lemings
you may think im racist -im not -im part american indian
Partij voor de Dieren
Well, liking the ideas of Pim doesn't mean someone is a racist.
So if you are an Indian, what DON'T you like about the US?
democrats and republicans
america is screwed up the federal reserve bank inst ours- genitcally modified food is bad -death penalty is bad
lots of stuff in usa is sick
the dutch are afraid of real men so they vote for harry potter and hope for magic
Wow you have some really insight in the material. What an intelligent remark.
Not shallow or narrow minded at all. Thank god we have Mister Murray and the Timesonline
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
You wanna join us??
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
I think it will be PvdA and SP at one side, and CDA, CU and maybe others at the other side when trying to make a government.
I'm really afraid it will be another 4 years of CDA, VVD, and more right-wing parties...
I'm guessing that if it does become a right-wing goverment, the other parties will make sure it doesn't last
Of course, new elections might make things worse, but who wants four more years of CDA/VVD, especially after the SP won all those votes...
You know, I have voted way too many times since my 18th birthday! It seems like we just can't elect a government that actually lasts!
I'm discarding all thought
I'll dry up, leaving puddles on the ground
I'm like an opening band for the sun
1. CDA (Christian Democratic Party / Conservatives) 41 seats
2. PvdA (Labour) 32 seats
3. SP (Socialistic Party) 26 seats
4. VVD (Liberal Party / Right) 22 seats
5. Partij voor Vrijheid (Wilders' club of Muslim haters) 9 seats
6. GroenLinks (Green Party) 7 seats
7. CU (Christian's United / Left) 6 seats
8. D66 (Liberals / Centre) 3
9. Partij voor de Dieren (Party for animal rights) 2 seats
10. SGP (Extreme Conservative Christians) 2 Seats
These are possible coalitions
SP = 25
PvdA = 33