Some big surprises here! And not very workable results... CDA / SP / CU is an option. It sucks that CDA is still the biggest party, their conservative view really bothers me, differences between poor / rich and coloured / white only got bigger. Wilders getting 8 seats? Omfg.. What a bummer.. It shows the racism and short sightedness of the Ducth electorate, still happy it doesnt resemble the size of Vlaams Belang in Belgium. PvdA (Labour) lost big! Two months ago Bos would have become the new MP, seems the CDA campaign against Bos personally succeeded.
'Democracy is the worst form of government, with the exception of all others.'
Winston Churchill.
Fucking Balkellende again the biggest, how blind are the people that vote on this guy?
I know. My mum voted CDA. She was going to vote ChristenUnie until a DAY before the election, when she found out they are against gay marriage. She is a very open-minded, social and fair person. According to she should have voted SP, but somehow she felt it necessary to vote for the party she has voted for all her life. I think it's because of the whole 'tradition' thing, that concept has really been exploited!
Me and my bro both voted SP. Proof that she has raised kids who think for themselves
Like a cloud dropping rain
I'm discarding all thought
I'll dry up, leaving puddles on the ground
I'm like an opening band for the sun
I know. My mum voted CDA. She was going to vote ChristenUnie until a DAY before the election, when she found out they are against gay marriage. She is a very open-minded, social and fair person. According to she should have voted SP, but somehow she felt it necessary to vote for the party she has voted for all her life. I think it's because of the whole 'tradition' thing, that concept has really been exploited!
Me and my bro both voted SP. Proof that she has raised kids who think for themselves
I think CU is very good, better then the CDA.
I voted PVDA. I had 2 options SP and PVDA, the SP is like the old PVDA. And I was inbetween them so it was hard to make a choice. I voted for the PVDA because Bos was strong in the last debat in my opinion, they are a little bit more experienced and they have a little bit more care for the midlevel income groups.
I know. My mum voted CDA. She was going to vote ChristenUnie until a DAY before the election, when she found out they are against gay marriage. She is a very open-minded, social and fair person. According to she should have voted SP, but somehow she felt it necessary to vote for the party she has voted for all her life. I think it's because of the whole 'tradition' thing, that concept has really been exploited!
I think thats very true. If I look at the results I imagine a lot of votes of habit. My famliy is also raised to vote CDA and even tho my mom thinks SP has better ideas, she votes CDA. I know of other parents who are displeased if their offspring doesnt vote VVD like them and I don't think these examples are solely in my group of friends.
Another thing that bother me are the hypes. Balkenende makes a view jokes on 'DWDD' (tv show) and the polls show a huge increase of votes. Instead of basing their vote on the last 4 years people make up their mind based on soundbytes in the last 2 weeks.
:eek: we are a bit in a mess right now, aren't we... which way to turn?
Just saw the party leaders on a tv programm discussing the options they have. Either CDA with PVDA...but Wouter Bos (PVDA) thinks their parties are too divided and he has lost seats so the SP should be the first to try out with CDA. Then Jan Marijnissen from the SP said he felt there are really big bumps on that road, but he is willing to start talking. The Christen Democrats-leader said he would like to join in that coalition. And then of course our alien Geert Wilders (party of "freedom"...but not for Islamic people :mad: ) opened his mouth and figured that the other rightwing parties closed him out which helped give the power to the lefties. He has won seats and now claims power....agggrrhhh how can people vote for this clown with his yellow hair and his Ernie shaped face. Who invented this guy anyway??
I am very very dissapointed that CDA is the biggest party again, because I just had ENOUGH of BakEllende with his Harry Potter face (which is an insult to Harry actually)...and his voice...aggrr brrr...
But well in this situation I would like CDA to govern with SP and CD, or even better CDA with PVDA and SP. But I don't want either SP or PVDA to give up on their standpoints!!
Difficult system we have here, but at least it feels quite democratic to be able to choose from a diversity of parties.
p.s. When Geert Wilders party gets in the government...I'm GONE..long gone..this time I'm letting go of it all...So long...cause this time I'm GOOOOOONE..!!
Houdoe he!
Well, we have to wait to know what it is gonna be...
Well I would state is as better...CU is really conservative concerning moral and ethical issues (i.e. abortion, alcohol and drugs laws) least they are a more social party than CDA...To me the abbreviation CDA should be abbreviated to DA!
I think thats very true. If I look at the results I imagine a lot of votes of habit. My famliy is also raised to vote CDA and even tho my mom thinks SP has better ideas, she votes CDA. I know of other parents who are displeased if their offspring doesnt vote VVD like them and I don't think these examples are solely in my group of friends.
Well, I was lucky to have parents who not only thinks about themselves (my mom voted for Jan, my dad for Femke) parents had a funny argument about mom says my dad only voted for Femke, because she's a chick!
Haha...sorry disconnected.
Ik vind spaans een geweldige taal. Vaak lekkerder om je in uit te drukken dan nederlands.
Parel Jam hoe heb jij spaans geleerd ..of waarom? ...wel een heel ander topic dit he?
Enne, ik geloof dat we alledrie tegelijk op de site zitten. Helaas moet ik afzwaaien want het eten wacht op me. Groetjes!
Why not be mediocre and be the best at it that you can be?
HUH? You do NOT want it to go to hell ...and than say you'd vote for Pim Fortuyn???
Did I miss something here *looks around her to see what she missed out on*...
maybe you missed out on real news ,that 30 to 50%or more liked pym
Doe mij hetzelfde recept! ...nou ja, het liefst niet natuurlijk met Balkellende on top.
Uhhh, moeten we eigenlijk niet engels schrijven op dit forum? Translation:
For me the same recipe!...well, of course I'd rather not have Baulktrouble on top...hahaha, brrr I was thinking of something else all of a sudden. Bleeeh, spuug,
Why not be mediocre and be the best at it that you can be?
Doe mij hetzelfde recept! ...nou ja, het liefst niet natuurlijk met Balkellende on top.
Uhhh, moeten we eigenlijk niet engels schrijven op dit forum? Translation:
For me the same recipe!...well, of course I'd rather not have Baulktrouble on top...hahaha, brrr I was thinking of something else all of a sudden. Bleeeh, spuug,
Ik zou Balk wel weer bij Bush op schoot willen zien Wat een afgang was dat toentertijd...
'Democracy is the worst form of government, with the exception of all others.'
Winston Churchill.
I know. My mum voted CDA. She was going to vote ChristenUnie until a DAY before the election, when she found out they are against gay marriage. She is a very open-minded, social and fair person. According to she should have voted SP, but somehow she felt it necessary to vote for the party she has voted for all her life. I think it's because of the whole 'tradition' thing, that concept has really been exploited!
Me and my bro both voted SP. Proof that she has raised kids who think for themselves
I'm discarding all thought
I'll dry up, leaving puddles on the ground
I'm like an opening band for the sun
I voted PVDA. I had 2 options SP and PVDA, the SP is like the old PVDA. And I was inbetween them so it was hard to make a choice. I voted for the PVDA because Bos was strong in the last debat in my opinion, they are a little bit more experienced and they have a little bit more care for the midlevel income groups.
Another thing that bother me are the hypes. Balkenende makes a view jokes on 'DWDD' (tv show) and the polls show a huge increase of votes. Instead of basing their vote on the last 4 years people make up their mind based on soundbytes in the last 2 weeks.
Well, we have to wait to know what it is gonna be...
Well I would state is as better...CU is really conservative concerning moral and ethical issues (i.e. abortion, alcohol and drugs laws) least they are a more social party than CDA...To me the abbreviation CDA should be abbreviated to DA!
Well, I was lucky to have parents who not only thinks about themselves (my mom voted for Jan, my dad for Femke) parents had a funny argument about mom says my dad only voted for Femke, because she's a chick!
Si...vamos a ver...!
Da's spaans voor 'we zien het wel'
LOL... hehe
Aha, bedankt! Ik kan geen Spaans lezen/spreken.
No importa :P
Haha...sorry disconnected.
Ik vind spaans een geweldige taal. Vaak lekkerder om je in uit te drukken dan nederlands.
Parel Jam hoe heb jij spaans geleerd ..of waarom? ...wel een heel ander topic dit he?
Enne, ik geloof dat we alledrie tegelijk op de site zitten. Helaas moet ik afzwaaien want het eten wacht op me. Groetjes!
maybe you missed out on real news ,that 30 to 50%or more liked pym
maybe maybe you missed out on reality
turn off your tv set
Off topic: ik heb 8 maanden in Zuid-Florida gewoond...en daar wordt erg veel Spaans gesproken...
Hasta luego,
HMMM, doe maar Nederlands of Engels, maar wat voor kabinet willen jullie?
M.i. zijn er 3 opties:
#1 CDA, PvdA, SP
#2 CDA, PvdA, CU
#3 CDA, PvdA + andere kleine partij...
Als het onderhandelen niet lukt, dan wordt het een algeheel rechts meerderheidskabinet ben ik bang...
Doe mij hetzelfde recept! ...nou ja, het liefst niet natuurlijk met Balkellende on top.
Uhhh, moeten we eigenlijk niet engels schrijven op dit forum? Translation:
For me the same recipe!...well, of course I'd rather not have Baulktrouble on top...hahaha, brrr I was thinking of something else all of a sudden. Bleeeh, spuug,
Ouhh, maar mijn handen jeuken wel om iets te schrijven...niet doen, niet doen, niet doen
Ik zou Balk wel weer bij Bush op schoot willen zien
Yep, just ignore..
Yes, it looks nice when Balkenende is sitting on Bush' like a puppydog
Nice? I'd rather have Bush on all fours and Balkie whipping him...did I just go too far..?
LOL, just saw my mistake way I meant CU of course. Remember the good old times with CD and Janmaat...ahum, just poking around.
No that's O.K. with me, I said once Bush and Balkende should suck eachothers c*ck on a abandon island