Dutch elections...hopefull???

So, I know for many of you this is a tiny issue in a tiny country...but hee its important for about 16 million people here.
The politics in Holland have been riding on a wild horse these last 5 years. Tension has risen to the extreme resulting in the death of a political leader and a filmdirector and many social problems more.
Now I don't know about you, but I am feeling the tide turning a bit.
People seem more conscious of what this tension and aggresion has lead to....some mad actions of our political leaders (putting illigal immigrants AND their children behind bars...where they might accidently get burned in a fire) ...(Throwing our privacy into the dumpyard).
There seems to be a lighter atmosphere around the elections than some years ago. However, I do not really enjoy all those politicians showing up on every channel and in every kids-show on my television.
I am very curious to see what we are going to be voting for next! I am a lefty but I am in no way sure that a leftish government will truly be good for the country. But I DO NOT want another 4 years of looking at Balkenende, Donner and Verdonk....
I am actually at loss here....
So what are your thoughts on it all?
The politics in Holland have been riding on a wild horse these last 5 years. Tension has risen to the extreme resulting in the death of a political leader and a filmdirector and many social problems more.
Now I don't know about you, but I am feeling the tide turning a bit.
People seem more conscious of what this tension and aggresion has lead to....some mad actions of our political leaders (putting illigal immigrants AND their children behind bars...where they might accidently get burned in a fire) ...(Throwing our privacy into the dumpyard).
There seems to be a lighter atmosphere around the elections than some years ago. However, I do not really enjoy all those politicians showing up on every channel and in every kids-show on my television.
I am very curious to see what we are going to be voting for next! I am a lefty but I am in no way sure that a leftish government will truly be good for the country. But I DO NOT want another 4 years of looking at Balkenende, Donner and Verdonk....
I am actually at loss here....
So what are your thoughts on it all?
Why not be mediocre and be the best at it that you can be?
Post edited by Unknown User on
They love you so badly for sharing their sorrow, so pick up that guitar and go break a heart - Kris Kristofferson
I want to see that fucking c*&ks&^%ing prime-minister Balkenende go to some bandoned island..... What else I'm thinking I won't tell ya! But it sure isn't good....
Haha, I was trying to stay polite in the first message, but I am sooo with you on this subject!
I don't think he has any idea what he's talking about.
And what are you gonna vote??
I think well i know im gonna vote for SP hope they can make a difference..
When all else fails, read the instruction
I actually have two votes as my sister lives abroad. So two out of the three PVDA, SP or Groenlinks....
I guess we are lucky we don't have the two party system...haha and they call that a democracy...
I think Bos made a good point friday on Balkenende's behavoir in Washington. And I also think he could lead ths country. I'm not sure yet who will get my vote, but the choice is limited to 3 parties.
I am truly hoping that they wont vote CDA just because of that reason??? The only one I really trust are Marijnissen and Halsema, but I don't think they would be leader-material...
If you still haven't made a choice http://www.kieskompas.nl is quite a good one. It is funny to see that on some subjects you agree most with the party you would never ever vote on!
Goodluck....but please go and vote!!!!
I did the Kieswijzer... And according to that I should vote either SP or... Partij voor Dieren!!! Not sure what to think about that!
I'm discarding all thought
I'll dry up, leaving puddles on the ground
I'm like an opening band for the sun
Dat kost mijn baan! Ze willen het werk van UWV onderbrengen bij de gemeentes...
Me too...but to be honest - I don't think we have good candidates for being the prime-minister...I don't like Bos and I don't like Balkenende...
Is gemeente Leeuwarden dan niks?
Dat is misschien wel zo, maar stel je voor dat het wel zo is dan hebben wij een probleem. De meeste gemeentes hier hebben al boventallige medewerkers. Deze moeten nog herplaatst worden binnen de gemeente....
Maar ja, een kabinet van PvdA, SP en Groenlinks zie ik wel zitten!
That's even worse!!!
Yeah, totally....
OK, equally bad then...hehe.
So now that our Anerican friends have been able to turn the table, lets see what we can do here....!
Rita is not only that, she is completely incompetent!!!!! Aggggrrrhhhh, hmpf just had to let that out! I am sorry, its just that I spend a great time teaching NT2 lessons to fugitive students and heard all their stories...I am a tiny bit biased I guess.
Verdonk is a puppet with a bad spindoctor who wants to create a female version of the heritage Fortuijn.
NT2= Dutch language as a second language. It was a group of foreign students who first had to learn Dutch before they could enter the "normal" system. I teached them fine arts. But after all the bull**** from Pim and others alike a lot of fugitive 'camps' were closed in the area.
Right on!
Still 12 days till lift off.....
What should we do; give all the votes to the PVDA so they can finally take over, or just vote for the party that we like most?
hmmm, just wanted to say that pVDA is also not all what it should be, but well better than our man of "values and morals" Balken-einde!!
Basically, I wouldn't be surprised if tension between the muslims and non muslims were to increase or a terrorist attack were to take place at some point in the future. Not that I would wish for that on anyone, in any country no matter what. I have heard that in the recent past, 4 muslims houses were burned down by middle class dutch people. Not even the yobs but the middle class, well educated, ought to know better class of people. My Dutch friend told me this because his sister lives in the Hague and it was on her street that all this shit took place!
I don't see any terrorist action in a near future happening here, but I could be wrong. And yes there are tensions, but I think they are the same with almost every society that have groups of different etnicity.
Leuk dat je Nederlands leert, het gaat best goed.
Nice to see that you're learning Dutch, and getting pretty good at it.
Maybe this sheds some light for non-Dutch readers:
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light