the dutch are afraid of real men so they vote for harry potter and hope for magic
Please define real you mean Pim Fortuyn with this?
Up till now, I only got the idea that you are trying to stir things up in here and that you are not really into the matter at hand...the elections we just had and what will happen next.
If you have an argument you would like to make, please make it in an argumented and thoughtfull manner instead of using Pim Fortuyns name in vain. What do you really know about him? I do not mind debating his arguments with you, but you do not seem to know what you are talking about and so I have been ignoring your insults. I have seen many interviews with Pim Fortuyn in which he gave an argumented review of his perspectives...I did not agree with him on many things, but I did on some. I do not think he was a rascist, he did not have to tell me what kind of "ethnic background" he had for me to understand this..I could understand it through his reasoning....!
I believe that Pim Fortuyns ideas and propaganda did not do a lot of good for our political and social situation and I wish he was still alive to help clean up the mess.
Again if you would like to argue about his perspectives I will gladly engage in a reasoned debate...but please read a few books on the topic and become informed in another way than wikipedia.
However, if you keep on throwing hollow phrases I will ignore you again, or inform a moderator if it really starts to bug me...
I hope that will not be necessary.
Why not be mediocre and be the best at it that you can be?
the dutch are afraid of real men so they vote for harry potter and hope for magic
I may hurt people now sorry for me doing that but here's my opinion about people voting harry snotter eh, potter:
#1 A lot of old people are used to vote CDA (Balkenende's AKA Harry Potter's partie ). So they are so stupid not looking at his ideas and voting on him and then start complaining for four years (till the next elections). #2 Another group of people just vote him/CDA, because their parents vote on him/CDA. Also so stupid not looking at his ideas and voting on him and then start complaining for four years..... #3 And we have a group that votes for him because he looks reliable..... Also so stupid not looking at his ideas and voting on him and then start complaining for four years....
They are so wrong not too look at the partie programms....
actually there are american indians that are democrats
So RavennaSeattle1911, why just don't you american indians start a political party or group or whatever you got in the US and let your voice be heard in Washington? I thought the US is a free country?
Douglas Murray is the author of Neoconservatism: Why We Need It
the dutch are afraid of real men so they vote for harry potter and hope for magic
Neoconservatism, the end of the free world as we know it. These people will say anything to get their hidden agenda in action. Just look at all the good that Neoconservatism brought us so far!? Corrupt politicians, a civil war (or 3?) in the Middle East, yeah I'd believe anything the guy writes..
This guy gets a security detail and thinks the whole country is in fear of Islam
A society which should be carefree and inspiring has become dark and worried.
Haha dark and worried? We have a hobby terrorist who has been arrested a few times and now still is detained, real clever boy, having your face on the cover of every newspaper..
Don't get me wrong, there is something wrong with a minority of the Muslim community in this country, but as long as the moderate, liberal muslims have the mayority, I don't worry.
Holland — with its disproportionately high Muslim population — is the canary in the mine.
The vast majority of the population however still remains Dutch. They were: 80.8% Dutch, 2.4% German, 2.4% Indonesian (Indo-European, Indo-Dutch, Moluccan), 2.2% Turks, 2.0% Surinamese, 1.9% Moroccan, 1.5% Indian, 0.8% Antillean and Aruban, and 6.0% other.
And there is not 1 person in this thread who voted for the student of magic.
If there is one person in this election who walks in line with the Bush admin its Balkenende and I would have loved to see him leave.
Liberalism, freedom of thought and speech, a direct result of the age of enlightenment, that what shaped our western society is one of the few things I fully stand behind.
what do i read?i have to much to do,, me instead and ill see it
as for me i doubt id feel safe in nl and the way they treated this dutch friend of mine id say they help the forignors moreso-theyre screwed up there i think
what do i read?i have to much to do,, me instead and ill see it
as for me i doubt id feel safe in nl and the way they treated this dutch friend of mine id say they help the forignors moreso-theyre screwed up there i think
maybe in 1970 it was ok -not now
Dude, I've lived in the USA for about 8 months, went coast to coast and south to north...all I want to state right now is that I felt more safe in the Netherlands than at most places in the USA...
what do i read?i have to much to do,, me instead and ill see it
as for me i doubt id feel safe in nl and the way they treated this dutch friend of mine id say they help the forignors moreso-theyre screwed up there i think
maybe in 1970 it was ok -not now
forignors? foreigners..
So you base your whole set of ideas of a country on the story of 1 friend (what happened to him?) and that neo conservative article?
I think that people who are closed and pre-opinionated (or paranoid) about others will always be scared, simply because they don't know the people they are talking about. At least we don't have to worry about the risk of being shot. Let's not make this into a competition of where its saver US or NL, but I'd never state I would feel safer in the US than in my country.
if the people in nl dont wnat guns then ok -i know people both for and against guns in us-everyone has an opinion
whether the lack of guns is why there is less crime i doubt it
in chicago guns are illegal and lots of crime
in the county i live in there are maybe zero to 4 murders a year and theres lots of guns
i think im more afraid of luntics with a knife than a gun and afraid of cars
in uk i heard they drive fast
uk has a lot of crime i think
where in nl do you live ?small towns ok just like usa
i know a guy in amsterdam who says its terrible in parts -crime ridden
a lot of things the dutch do are good like legaliseing marijuana and stopping gentically modified foods or do they?
but id say theyre too lenient on crime
so are rock stars in holland against guns and rock stars in usa for guns? i never really hear of usa rock stars campainging to take away guns -in fact ted nugent is a right wing crazy wacko
what do i read?i have to much to do,, me instead and ill see it
as for me i doubt id feel safe in nl and the way they treated this dutch friend of mine id say they help the forignors moreso-theyre screwed up there i think
the dutch are afraid of real men so they vote for harry potter and hope for magic
I may hurt people now sorry for me doing that but here's my opinion about people voting harry snotter eh, potter:
#1 A lot of old people are used to vote CDA (Balkenende's AKA Harry Potter's partie ). So they are so stupid not looking at his ideas and voting on him and then start complaining for four years (till the next elections). #2 Another group of people just vote him/CDA, because their parents vote on him/CDA. Also so stupid not looking at his ideas and voting on him and then start complaining for four years..... #3 And we have a group that votes for him because he looks reliable..... Also so stupid not looking at his ideas and voting on him and then start complaining for four years....
They are so wrong not too look at the partie programms....
actually there are american indians that are democrats
So RavennaSeattle1911, why just don't you american indians start a political party or group or whatever you got in the US and let your voice be heard in Washington? I thought the US is a free country?
And if you want some figures about crime rate, I will try find some.
so are rock stars in holland against guns and rock stars in usa for guns? i never really hear of usa rock stars campainging to take away guns -in fact ted nugent is a right wing crazy wacko
....forgot about PJ?
Why not be mediocre and be the best at it that you can be?
....and Ravenna, you keep throwing new stuff up while not responding to our replies to your earlier quotes. I now fully understand why you would vote Pim Fortuyn as his campaign was much in the same manner: thowing out popular slogans, but never having a real answer to serious problems...!
I would like to ask everybody to stay on topic in this thread or open a new thread on the politics in the Netherlands compared to the USA :mad:
I haven't heard much about the coalition progress...have you guys? Have they actually started talking yet?
Why not be mediocre and be the best at it that you can be?
....and Ravenna, you keep throwing new stuff up while not responding to our replies to your earlier quotes. I now fully understand why you would vote Pim Fortuyn as his campaign was much in the same manner: thowing out popular slogans, but never having a real answer to serious problems...!
I would like to ask everybody to stay on topic in this thread or open a new thread on the politics in the Netherlands compared to the USA :mad:
I would like to, but I takes some time translating things......
I would like to, but I takes some time translating things......
but ehh I was especially reffering to Ravenna. I understand why you reply to him/her as I have done as well. Just dont feel like comparing USA with Netherlands...
Why not be mediocre and be the best at it that you can be?
Uitgegeven: 2 december 2006 11:57
Laatst gewijzigd: 2 december 2006 12:35
DEN HAAG - CDA-fractievoorzitter Balkenende heeft zich zaterdag na zijn gesprek met informateur Rein Jan Hoekstra niet uitgesproken voor samenwerking met SP en PvdA. Wel maakte hij deze partijen het verwijt, dat ze via de Tweede Kamer een generaal pardon en een stop op het uitzetten van asielzoekers proberen af te dwingen. [bron:]
but ehh I was especially reffering to Ravenna. I understand why you reply to him/her as I have done as well. Just dont feel like comparing USA with Netherlands...
Uitgegeven: 2 december 2006 11:57
Laatst gewijzigd: 2 december 2006 12:35
DEN HAAG - CDA-fractievoorzitter Balkenende heeft zich zaterdag na zijn gesprek met informateur Rein Jan Hoekstra niet uitgesproken voor samenwerking met SP en PvdA. Wel maakte hij deze partijen het verwijt, dat ze via de Tweede Kamer een generaal pardon en een stop op het uitzetten van asielzoekers proberen af te dwingen. [bron:]
Hm, I too believe that it is a bit too soon to debate on such an important subject before a new kabinet has been formed..on the other hand I would be very pleased if they get this Generaal Pardon going. All those people who have been waiting for ages to get a 'green card' and have found jobs, schools, friends in the meantime and did their duties as paying taxes and such should be able to stay after such a long time. Remember that Turkish family that had lived here for ages, had a nice shop somewhere, worked their butts off, always paid taxes, and than were put on a plane after about ten years...outrageous!
This was the one thing I agreed on with Pim Fortuyn...dont make these people pay for our stupid governmental mistakes...
But well if this might create an even wider gap between the parties of CDA, PVDA en SP then I rather have they wait and create a center-left government first!!!
Why not be mediocre and be the best at it that you can be?
I think it will be PvdA and SP at one side, and CDA, CU and maybe others at the other side when trying to make a government.
I'm really afraid it will be another 4 years of CDA, VVD, and more right-wing parties...
I'm not that affraid to be honest. They would need C.U. to do it and if they would do it it would be suicide. They know that it is, besides I don't see him working together with Wilders.
« One man's glory is another man's hell.
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
Het ziet erna uit dat we een coalitie krijgen van CDA, PvdA en SP...wel het meest voor de hand liggend...
I't looks like it, eventhough both Bos and Balkenende are aguing.
« One man's glory is another man's hell.
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
Hm, I too believe that it is a bit too soon to debate on such an important subject before a new kabinet has been formed..on the other hand I would be very pleased if they get this Generaal Pardon going. All those people who have been waiting for ages to get a 'green card' and have found jobs, schools, friends in the meantime and did their duties as paying taxes and such should be able to stay after such a long time. Remember that Turkish family that had lived here for ages, had a nice shop somewhere, worked their butts off, always paid taxes, and than were put on a plane after about ten years...outrageous!
This was the one thing I agreed on with Pim Fortuyn...dont make these people pay for our stupid governmental mistakes...
But well if this might create an even wider gap between the parties of CDA, PVDA en SP then I rather have they wait and create a center-left government first!!!
I think it is immoral if the pardon doesn't happen. It isn't their fault they had to wait that long. It was our shitty rules that made it so. Now that the rules are made clearer and the process is shorter it is better, but we can't let these people suffer because of our mistakes. Childeren that don't speak any other language than Dutch can't be made to go elsewhere.
Verdonk makes me sick. Now she's saying we can't have the pardon because a large part of the 26000 have already gone. Fuck that and fuck her. She has no heart.
« One man's glory is another man's hell.
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
Please define real you mean Pim Fortuyn with this?
Up till now, I only got the idea that you are trying to stir things up in here and that you are not really into the matter at hand...the elections we just had and what will happen next.
If you have an argument you would like to make, please make it in an argumented and thoughtfull manner instead of using Pim Fortuyns name in vain. What do you really know about him? I do not mind debating his arguments with you, but you do not seem to know what you are talking about and so I have been ignoring your insults. I have seen many interviews with Pim Fortuyn in which he gave an argumented review of his perspectives...I did not agree with him on many things, but I did on some. I do not think he was a rascist, he did not have to tell me what kind of "ethnic background" he had for me to understand this..I could understand it through his reasoning....!
I believe that Pim Fortuyns ideas and propaganda did not do a lot of good for our political and social situation and I wish he was still alive to help clean up the mess.
Again if you would like to argue about his perspectives I will gladly engage in a reasoned debate...but please read a few books on the topic and become informed in another way than wikipedia.
However, if you keep on throwing hollow phrases I will ignore you again, or inform a moderator if it really starts to bug me...
I hope that will not be necessary.
I may hurt people now sorry for me doing that but here's my opinion about people voting harry snotter eh, potter:
#1 A lot of old people are used to vote CDA (Balkenende's AKA Harry Potter's partie ). So they are so stupid not looking at his ideas and voting on him and then start complaining for four years (till the next elections).
#2 Another group of people just vote him/CDA, because their parents vote on him/CDA. Also so stupid not looking at his ideas and voting on him and then start complaining for four years.....
#3 And we have a group that votes for him because he looks reliable..... Also so stupid not looking at his ideas and voting on him and then start complaining for four years....
They are so wrong not too look at the partie programms....
So RavennaSeattle1911, why just don't you american indians start a political party or group or whatever you got in the US and let your voice be heard in Washington? I thought the US is a free country?
But I do think you should mention a fourth party who truly beliefs in the ideals of the CDA..... 5% of them
Ik kon het gewoon niet meer laten
This guy gets a security detail and thinks the whole country is in fear of Islam Haha dark and worried? We have a hobby terrorist who has been arrested a few times and now still is detained, real clever boy, having your face on the cover of every newspaper..
Don't get me wrong, there is something wrong with a minority of the Muslim community in this country, but as long as the moderate, liberal muslims have the mayority, I don't worry.
The vast majority of the population however still remains Dutch. They were: 80.8% Dutch, 2.4% German, 2.4% Indonesian (Indo-European, Indo-Dutch, Moluccan), 2.2% Turks, 2.0% Surinamese, 1.9% Moroccan, 1.5% Indian, 0.8% Antillean and Aruban, and 6.0% other.
And there is not 1 person in this thread who voted for the student of magic.
If there is one person in this election who walks in line with the Bush admin its Balkenende and I would have loved to see him leave.
Liberalism, freedom of thought and speech, a direct result of the age of enlightenment, that what shaped our western society is one of the few things I fully stand behind.
Het ging om een restzetel meende ik...en een telling van stemmen uit het buitenland.
as for me i doubt id feel safe in nl and the way they treated this dutch friend of mine id say they help the forignors moreso-theyre screwed up there i think
maybe in 1970 it was ok -not now
Dude, I've lived in the USA for about 8 months, went coast to coast and south to north...all I want to state right now is that I felt more safe in the Netherlands than at most places in the USA...
So you base your whole set of ideas of a country on the story of 1 friend (what happened to him?) and that neo conservative article?
I think that people who are closed and pre-opinionated (or paranoid) about others will always be scared, simply because they don't know the people they are talking about. At least we don't have to worry about the risk of being shot. Let's not make this into a competition of where its saver US or NL, but I'd never state I would feel safer in the US than in my country.
whether the lack of guns is why there is less crime i doubt it
in chicago guns are illegal and lots of crime
in the county i live in there are maybe zero to 4 murders a year and theres lots of guns
i think im more afraid of luntics with a knife than a gun and afraid of cars
in uk i heard they drive fast
uk has a lot of crime i think
where in nl do you live ?small towns ok just like usa
i know a guy in amsterdam who says its terrible in parts -crime ridden
Het ziet erna uit dat we een coalitie krijgen van CDA, PvdA en SP...wel het meest voor de hand liggend...
i was trying to find crime rate there but so far cant
why are you repliyng in dutch?
get me crime statictics for amsterdam -i cant find a link
when hitler took all the guns away from people do you think that was good?
but id say theyre too lenient on crime
so are rock stars in holland against guns and rock stars in usa for guns? i never really hear of usa rock stars campainging to take away guns -in fact ted nugent is a right wing crazy wacko
I may hurt people now sorry for me doing that but here's my opinion about people voting harry snotter eh, potter:
#1 A lot of old people are used to vote CDA (Balkenende's AKA Harry Potter's partie ). So they are so stupid not looking at his ideas and voting on him and then start complaining for four years (till the next elections).
#2 Another group of people just vote him/CDA, because their parents vote on him/CDA. Also so stupid not looking at his ideas and voting on him and then start complaining for four years.....
#3 And we have a group that votes for him because he looks reliable..... Also so stupid not looking at his ideas and voting on him and then start complaining for four years....
They are so wrong not too look at the partie programms....
So RavennaSeattle1911, why just don't you american indians start a political party or group or whatever you got in the US and let your voice be heard in Washington? I thought the US is a free country?
And if you want some figures about crime rate, I will try find some.
Enter the name of the city to see what crimes has been committed in the entered city.
More about crimes you can find over here:
Beware, it's all Dutch
....forgot about PJ?
I would like to ask everybody to stay on topic in this thread or open a new thread on the politics in the Netherlands compared to the USA :mad:
I haven't heard much about the coalition progress...have you guys? Have they actually started talking yet?
I would like to, but I takes some time translating things......
but ehh I was especially reffering to Ravenna. I understand why you reply to him/her as I have done as well. Just dont feel like comparing USA with Netherlands...
Balkenende maakt links fors verwijt
Uitgegeven: 2 december 2006 11:57
Laatst gewijzigd: 2 december 2006 12:35
DEN HAAG - CDA-fractievoorzitter Balkenende heeft zich zaterdag na zijn gesprek met informateur Rein Jan Hoekstra niet uitgesproken voor samenwerking met SP en PvdA. Wel maakte hij deze partijen het verwijt, dat ze via de Tweede Kamer een generaal pardon en een stop op het uitzetten van asielzoekers proberen af te dwingen. [bron:]
Oh, Okay
Hm, I too believe that it is a bit too soon to debate on such an important subject before a new kabinet has been formed..on the other hand I would be very pleased if they get this Generaal Pardon going. All those people who have been waiting for ages to get a 'green card' and have found jobs, schools, friends in the meantime and did their duties as paying taxes and such should be able to stay after such a long time. Remember that Turkish family that had lived here for ages, had a nice shop somewhere, worked their butts off, always paid taxes, and than were put on a plane after about ten years...outrageous!
This was the one thing I agreed on with Pim Fortuyn...dont make these people pay for our stupid governmental mistakes...
But well if this might create an even wider gap between the parties of CDA, PVDA en SP then I rather have they wait and create a center-left government first!!!
I'm not that affraid to be honest. They would need C.U. to do it and if they would do it it would be suicide. They know that it is, besides I don't see him working together with Wilders.
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
I't looks like it, eventhough both Bos and Balkenende are aguing.
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
I think it is immoral if the pardon doesn't happen. It isn't their fault they had to wait that long. It was our shitty rules that made it so. Now that the rules are made clearer and the process is shorter it is better, but we can't let these people suffer because of our mistakes. Childeren that don't speak any other language than Dutch can't be made to go elsewhere.
Verdonk makes me sick. Now she's saying we can't have the pardon because a large part of the 26000 have already gone. Fuck that and fuck her. She has no heart.
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
what does the right want there?here the right there would be our left i bet
Use Babelfish...I'm not gonna translate everything...