how does that not make spiritual system invalid? if it is no more than a human attempt to grapple and come to peace with death, how is one more valid than another? you take comfort in some scientific dying, turning to dirt, circle of life approach, others prefer a heaven approach. neither one really makes a difference and both are simply attempts to make sense of the confusing thought that one day our sentient selves will cease to exist.
That's fine, believe whatever makes you feel happy. It's only an issue for me when your beliefs infringe on my rights.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
That's fine, believe whatever makes you feel happy. It's only an issue for me when your beliefs infringe on my rights.
yeah, im not keen on that either. i foam at the mouth when the christians start playing politics just saying atheism doesn't really do any more or less for humanity than religion. they're both just attempts to claim an absolute knowledge of the unknowable. both are healthy when they provide a sensible and productive lens through which to see the world. both are unhealthy when they are used as clubs to beat others into conformity.
yeah, im not keen on that either. i foam at the mouth when the christians start playing politics just saying atheism doesn't really do any more or less for humanity than religion. they're both just attempts to claim an absolute knowledge of the unknowable. both are healthy when they provide a sensible and productive lens through which to see the world. both are unhealthy when they are used as clubs to beat others into conformity.
Cool, something is messed up with the threads now and it seems like the linking is wrong. But anyway, I don't really care if others live an illusion or not, so long as they can become grounded when dealing with issues of morality. For example "the soul enters the human and the point of conception" as an argument against any kind of abortion, it's absurd, there is no soul, maybe that's just my opinion, but it's a good enough reason for it to matter.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Cool, something is messed up with the threads now and it seems like the linking is wrong. But anyway, I don't really care if others live an illusion or not, so long as they can become grounded when dealing with issues of morality. For example "the soul enters the human and the point of conception" as an argument against any kind of abortion, it's absurd, there is no soul, maybe that's just my opinion, but it's a good enough reason for it to matter.
fair enough. im glad im not the only one suddenly disoriented by the thread collapse. kat's powers are growing
All i can say is, it used to be that i didnt believe in God, but now i suppose i do.
I am not religious in any way though, and i am certainly not a fan of organised religion.
Cool stu.
I guess I'm still thinking I don't believe in GOD but I'd have to say that I am certainly questioning and wanting more information about spirituality at this time. I guess I'm exploring!
yeah, im not keen on that either. i foam at the mouth when the christians start playing politics just saying atheism doesn't really do any more or less for humanity than religion. they're both just attempts to claim an absolute knowledge of the unknowable. both are healthy when they provide a sensible and productive lens through which to see the world. both are unhealthy when they are used as clubs to beat others into conformity.
Aah!! I do like this post ss!! And I COMPLETELY agree with you!!
Who'd have thunk it!!
Thanks for putting so succinctly what I struggle to say.
I guess I'm still thinking I don't believe in GOD but I'd have to say that I am certainly questioning and wanting more information about spirituality at this time. I guess I'm exploring!
When i was a bit younger, im 22 now, i found the whole idea of God, Heaven and Hell quite preposterous, and saw the bible as a way of keeping people in line!! lol
As ive gotten older though ive opened my mind a whole lot more. I think one of my thoughts about God was that the whole idea of it was pretty far fetched, but then i started thinking, how do you gauge what is far fetched?!
The fact that we are here in the first place, on a planet, in the middle of some universe, that goes on forever, and keeps on expanding... thinking about it is enough to turn your head completely insideout! It certainly makes me think that anything is possible anyway!
On the whole subject of religion, i could never live by the bible to be honest. I know myself that im not a bad guy though, so hopefully as the world has gone crazier and crazier, the requirements to get into heaven have been downgraded slightly. lol
People say im paranoid. Well, they dont say it, but i know that's what they are thinking.
When i was a bit younger, im 22 now, i found the whole idea of God, Heaven and Hell quite preposterous, and saw the bible as a way of keeping people in line!! lol
As ive gotten older though ive opened my mind a whole lot more. I think one of my thoughts about God was that the whole idea of it was pretty far fetched, but then i started thinking, how do you gauge what is far fetched?!
The fact that we are here in the first place, on a planet, in the middle of some universe, that goes on forever, and keeps on expanding... thinking about it is enough to turn your head completely insideout! It certainly makes me think that anything is possible anyway!
On the whole subject of religion, i could never live by the bible to be honest. I know myself that im not a bad guy though, so hopefully as the world has gone crazier and crazier, the requirements to get into heaven have been downgraded slightly. lol
Yeah, it's a lot to think about stu!!! I agree. I guess I have accepted and rejected God as a concept in my life many, times. When I was younger I believed because I was too scared not to. Then as I got older I completely rejected the idea because I was pissed at being indoctrinated! And I also began to learn and explore the world from a scientific point of view, I guess.
Now I am older again, and I think that as there has been no absolute proof in my life that GOD exists then GOD does not exist for me. However, I do question spirituality and the soul. Question that they exist, because I feel that they do. So I suppose I'm neither religious or an athiest either.
Fence sitter!!! I guess I will always question and attempt to educate myself on all sides of this debate. And I may change my mind again. I guess that's just it isn't it? The question itself has endless possible answers. I just try to keep learning and growing internally and this may or may not mean that I have to change my opinions. I have many friends who are religious and many who are not. They are all interesting and I like them clearly, so I have no problem with them holding the views that they do. Just as they accept mine and value me as a friend regardless that we don't necissarily agree on this issue. LOVE I reckon that's the answer. And I reckon stu, if you really want to go to heaven then you will.
It's a product of getting old and thinking about death.
my children come to me every now and again talking about God. i know they get it from their friends at school. so when they ask me a question, i ask them what they think. i ask them why they think that. and i ask them who they heard it the information from originally. i tell them that for some people God exists, but i am not one of those people. i tell them that some people feel a need to believe in the concept of a god, but i am not one of those people. i tell them that only they can decide within themselves what they choose to believe.
i think of it in terms of mohammed's revelation. to him the words of allah were a revelation. to those he shared these words of a god with, it is hearsay.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
my children come to me every now and again talking about God. i know they get it from their friends at school. so when they ask me a question, i ask them what they think. i ask them why they think that. and i ask them who they heard it the information from originally. i tell them that for some people God exists, but i am not one of those people. i tell them that some people feel a need to believe in the concept of a god, but i am not one of those people. i tell them that only they can decide within themselves what they choose to believe.
i think of it in terms of mohammed's revelation. to him the words of allah were a revelation. to those he shared these words of a god with, it is hearsay.
I don't understand your point exactly.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
you stated that the belief in God was a product of getting old and thinking about death. so i stated my disagreement and gave you an example of how even in an atheist household God can still find a way through the door.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
When i was a bit younger, im 22 now, i found the whole idea of God, Heaven and Hell quite preposterous, and saw the bible as a way of keeping people in line!! lol
As ive gotten older though ive opened my mind a whole lot more. I think one of my thoughts about God was that the whole idea of it was pretty far fetched, but then i started thinking, how do you gauge what is far fetched?!
The fact that we are here in the first place, on a planet, in the middle of some universe, that goes on forever, and keeps on expanding... thinking about it is enough to turn your head completely insideout! It certainly makes me think that anything is possible anyway!
On the whole subject of religion, i could never live by the bible to be honest. I know myself that im not a bad guy though, so hopefully as the world has gone crazier and crazier, the requirements to get into heaven have been downgraded slightly. lol
found it:
id have a really hard time explaining that. it's pretty abstract. it's something i feel more than know, which i suppose is the definition of faith. honestly, it sounds hokey, but "the force" from star wars would be the closest definition id see... an energy that seems to run through and bind life. i just see more order than disorder in the world. matter becoming solar systems becoming oceans, ameoba, fish, animals, humans, computers. it's like there's a powerful rhythm at work... that things happen a given way when by pure chaos they should or could happen another. science describes what is happening and how, god is the reason it happens that way instead of some other way. it's not a god of heaven and hell, or a human god meddling with human affairs of morality... humans are just another small part of a vast universe of life, and the only influence my god has on human affairs is that we are happiest when trying to live in harmony with the rest of it all, rather than struggling vainly to place ourselves outside of it all.
you stated that the belief in God was a product of getting old and thinking about death. so i stated my disagreement and gave you an example of how even in an atheist household God can still find a way through the door.
In a culture deeply rooted in Christianity.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
While I appreciate everyones arguements for and against the existence of a god, I have to agree with Jeanie who said
"So I'm sure you'll understand if I just go with the feeling and not need the explanation so much."
my feelings and my reason tell me that god DOESN'T exist and that's enough for me.
Just wish others beliefs didn't impact my existence so much.
I don't need a god to tell me what's right and what's wrong, I just need my Golden Rule...and no, that's not a christian concept, it's a rationalist/humanist view.
While I appreciate everyones arguements for and against the existence of a god, I have to agree with Jeanie who said
"So I'm sure you'll understand if I just go with the feeling and not need the explanation so much."
my feelings and my reason tell me that god DOESN'T exist and that's enough for me.
Just wish others beliefs didn't impact my existence so much.
I don't need a god to tell me what's right and what's wrong, I just need my Golden Rule...and no, that's not a christian concept, it's a rationalist/humanist view.
So basically what you're saying is you're a borderline satanic occultish high priest with a rationalizing tendency towards mask wearing goat headed blood lust orgies surrounded by flaming candles and pentagrams.
Ok yeah...that's within reason.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
While I appreciate everyones arguements for and against the existence of a god, I have to agree with Jeanie who said
"So I'm sure you'll understand if I just go with the feeling and not need the explanation so much."
my feelings and my reason tell me that god DOESN'T exist and that's enough for me.
Just wish others beliefs didn't impact my existence so much.
I don't need a god to tell me what's right and what's wrong, I just need my Golden Rule...and no, that's not a christian concept, it's a rationalist/humanist view.
Excellent sidetracked. You've asked yourself how you feel and what you think and you've worked out your own belief system based on knowing yourself. I think that's fantastic, and I wish that everyone could have that self awareness.
Excellent sidetracked. You've asked yourself how you feel and what you think and you've worked out your own belief system based on knowing yourself. I think that's fantastic, and I wish that everyone could have that self awareness.
Knew you'd understand.
There was a time when I felt I had to justify my position, but I am comfortable with my secularism now and don't feel the need to defend it.
btw Roland... I'd have to believe in god in order to believe in satan, so no...
Knew you'd understand.
There was a time when I felt I had to justify my position, but I am comfortable with my secularism now and don't feel the need to defend it.
btw Roland... I'd have to believe in god in order to believe in satan, so no...
there are kids in the world. fuckers. you know that?
remember when you were a kid?
no you don't, because there is no difference between then and now.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
That's fine, believe whatever makes you feel happy. It's only an issue for me when your beliefs infringe on my rights.
Im not sure it entails much!
All i can say is, it used to be that i didnt believe in God, but now i suppose i do.
I am not religious in any way though, and i am certainly not a fan of organised religion.
yeah, im not keen on that either. i foam at the mouth when the christians start playing politics
i tried to describe my similar views on this somewhere recently. maybe in this thread. you might find my attempts interesting. it refers to star wars
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
Cool, something is messed up with the threads now and it seems like the linking is wrong. But anyway, I don't really care if others live an illusion or not, so long as they can become grounded when dealing with issues of morality. For example "the soul enters the human and the point of conception" as an argument against any kind of abortion, it's absurd, there is no soul, maybe that's just my opinion, but it's a good enough reason for it to matter.
fair enough. im glad im not the only one suddenly disoriented by the thread collapse. kat's powers are growing
Cool stu.
I guess I'm still thinking I don't believe in GOD but I'd have to say that I am certainly questioning and wanting more information about spirituality at this time. I guess I'm exploring!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Aah!! I do like this post ss!! And I COMPLETELY agree with you!!
Who'd have thunk it!!
Thanks for putting so succinctly what I struggle to say.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
When i was a bit younger, im 22 now, i found the whole idea of God, Heaven and Hell quite preposterous, and saw the bible as a way of keeping people in line!! lol
As ive gotten older though ive opened my mind a whole lot more. I think one of my thoughts about God was that the whole idea of it was pretty far fetched, but then i started thinking, how do you gauge what is far fetched?!
The fact that we are here in the first place, on a planet, in the middle of some universe, that goes on forever, and keeps on expanding... thinking about it is enough to turn your head completely insideout! It certainly makes me think that anything is possible anyway!
On the whole subject of religion, i could never live by the bible to be honest. I know myself that im not a bad guy though, so hopefully as the world has gone crazier and crazier, the requirements to get into heaven have been downgraded slightly. lol
Yeah, it's a lot to think about stu!!!
Now I am older again, and I think that as there has been no absolute proof in my life that GOD exists then GOD does not exist for me. However, I do question spirituality and the soul. Question that they exist, because I feel that they do. So I suppose I'm neither religious or an athiest either.
Fence sitter!!!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
my children come to me every now and again talking about God. i know they get it from their friends at school. so when they ask me a question, i ask them what they think. i ask them why they think that. and i ask them who they heard it the information from originally. i tell them that for some people God exists, but i am not one of those people. i tell them that some people feel a need to believe in the concept of a god, but i am not one of those people. i tell them that only they can decide within themselves what they choose to believe.
i think of it in terms of mohammed's revelation. to him the words of allah were a revelation. to those he shared these words of a god with, it is hearsay.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I don't understand your point exactly.
you stated that the belief in God was a product of getting old and thinking about death. so i stated my disagreement and gave you an example of how even in an atheist household God can still find a way through the door.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
comment = drool...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
found it:
id have a really hard time explaining that. it's pretty abstract. it's something i feel more than know, which i suppose is the definition of faith. honestly, it sounds hokey, but "the force" from star wars would be the closest definition id see... an energy that seems to run through and bind life. i just see more order than disorder in the world. matter becoming solar systems becoming oceans, ameoba, fish, animals, humans, computers. it's like there's a powerful rhythm at work... that things happen a given way when by pure chaos they should or could happen another. science describes what is happening and how, god is the reason it happens that way instead of some other way. it's not a god of heaven and hell, or a human god meddling with human affairs of morality... humans are just another small part of a vast universe of life, and the only influence my god has on human affairs is that we are happiest when trying to live in harmony with the rest of it all, rather than struggling vainly to place ourselves outside of it all.
In a culture deeply rooted in Christianity.
"So I'm sure you'll understand if I just go with the feeling and not need the explanation so much."
my feelings and my reason tell me that god DOESN'T exist and that's enough for me.
Just wish others beliefs didn't impact my existence so much.
I don't need a god to tell me what's right and what's wrong, I just need my Golden Rule...and no, that's not a christian concept, it's a rationalist/humanist view.
So basically what you're saying is you're a borderline satanic occultish high priest with a rationalizing tendency towards mask wearing goat headed blood lust orgies surrounded by flaming candles and pentagrams.
Ok yeah...that's within reason.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
but my children's friends are also muslim and hindu.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Excellent sidetracked.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Knew you'd understand.
There was a time when I felt I had to justify my position, but I am comfortable with my secularism now and don't feel the need to defend it.
btw Roland... I'd have to believe in god in order to believe in satan, so no...
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift