I am great! I missed you on the weekend! I hope you are awesome!
Roland, sometimes you're just too cute.
Glad to hear it girl. I've been thinking of you.
Been a wee bit preoccupied here with a few family issues. But I'm ok.
If we don't catch up this weekend, next weekend for sure.
I just don't understand why anyone has to align themselves to a certain religion. Why do you believe you have to follow every part of the Bible, go into some building every Sunday and listen to a man in a funny collar?
and animals congregate for protection....want to be part of a group...self preservation. Some are able to drop this instinct...others just can't...and theres nothing wrong with that....it just is what it is. The ironic thing about this is...many humans want to consider themselves special...better than beasts...yet these same people are the ones that have the most beastly qualities...if that makes sense.
um; i've stated many times that the bible was written and assembled by flawed men. it tells a small portion of a story.
i find homosexuality discusting. no religion involved. i see 2 guys kissing and i want to puke. men acting like women (to me) is pretending to be something they're not. no religion involved in my opinion at all.
Do you really believe your religion had no part in shaping your belief about homosexuality? Honestly? A person's religion shapes their beliefs. And it's the same way with society and culture. You've been bred out of a Christian culture and family (I'm assuming). That shaped the person you are today, and part of that is your disgust with homosexuality.
You can believe what you want to believe, but be honest with yourself.
um; i've stated many times that the bible was written and assembled by flawed men. it tells a small portion of a story.
i find homosexuality discusting. no religion involved. i see 2 guys kissing and i want to puke. men acting like women (to me) is pretending to be something they're not. no religion involved in my opinion at all.
What kind of reply is that? It was about agnosticism.
Personally, I think agnosticism is the primary Evil in the world today.
Well, maybe not. That would be calling a lot of 14-to-22-year-olds the evil of the world today.
and animals congregate for protection....want to be part of a group...self preservation. Some are able to drop this instinct...others just can't...and theres nothing wrong with that....it just is what it is. The ironic thing about this is...many humans want to consider themselves special...better than beasts...yet these same people are the ones that have the most beastly qualities...if that makes sense.
Really liked your post...lots of good stuff.....
Yeah I was thinking about that. I understand why people do what they do, I just don't think it's nessecary or even good for us in the whole. And thanks
men acting like women (to me) is pretending to be something they're not. no religion involved in my opinion at all.
just shows how you've been programed....theres just absolutely nothing different between two men kissing and a man and woman....one couple has two outies..and other an outie and an innie......now two innies....woo hoo. ..
um; i've stated many times that the bible was written and assembled by flawed men. it tells a small portion of a story.
i find homosexuality discusting. no religion involved. i see 2 guys kissing and i want to puke. men acting like women (to me) is pretending to be something they're not. no religion involved in my opinion at all.
I find beef liver disgusting. I see someone eating it and I want to puke. The sight, the smell .... man, is it nasty! I get physically sick, I can't be anywhere near it.
I don't think my being sickened gives me the right to enact legislation prohibiting everyone else from eating beef liver though.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
Yeah I was thinking about that. I understand why people do what they do, I just don't think it's nessecary or even good for us in the whole. And thanks
really past its usefulness......I mean we've pretty much conquored the planet...and driving it to dust.....just too bad we can't somehow suppress this instinct...oh well. ITS EVOLUUUUUUTTTTION BAAABY....da da da da...da da da da....
just shows how you've been programed....theres just absolutely nothing different between two men kissing and a man and woman....one couple has two outies..and other an outie and an innie......now two innies....woo hoo. ..
I find beef liver disgusting. I see someone eating it and I want to puke. The sight, the smell .... man, is it nasty! I get physically sick, I can't be anywhere near it.
I don't think my being sickened gives me the right to enact legislation prohibiting everyone else from eating beef liver though.
we do need to ban Liver....I mean make it against the law....my mom would start cooking it and I'd run away from home for a week........evil...just evil.
I find beef liver disgusting. I see someone eating it and I want to puke. The sight, the smell .... man, is it nasty! I get physically sick, I can't be anywhere near it.
I don't think my being sickened gives me the right to enact legislation prohibiting everyone else from eating beef liver though.
It's amazing to me that we get along like we do. I love liver and onions. MMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
I find beef liver disgusting. I see someone eating it and I want to puke. The sight, the smell .... man, is it nasty! I get physically sick, I can't be anywhere near it.
I don't think my being sickened gives me the right to enact legislation prohibiting everyone else from eating beef liver though.
i don't enact legislation. i raise buffalo and do nutritional research. i'm entitled to my opinion like everyone else. he/she asked my opinion and i gave it.
Do you really believe your religion had no part in shaping your belief about homosexuality? Honestly? A person's religion shapes their beliefs. And it's the same way with society and culture. You've been bred out of a Christian culture and family (I'm assuming). That shaped the person you are today, and part of that is your disgust with homosexuality.
You can believe what you want to believe, but be honest with yourself.
oh, well pj&t I would just like to point out that acceptance or rejection of homosexuality isn't always based on religious belief. I do believe that it has become more acceptable to a wider demographic since the AIDS epidemic forced homosexuality into the lime light. I think that particular generations in society find it more acceptable than others. Nothing to do with religion. And certainly I can say that here in Australia, where we are not considered overly religious, in particular age groups and socio economic groups homosexuality is still considered not quite right.
oh, well pj&t I would just like to point out that acceptance or rejection of homosexuality isn't always based on religious belief. I do believe that it has become more acceptable to a wider demographic since the AIDS epidemic forced homosexuality into the lime light. I think that particular generations in society find it more acceptable than others. Nothing to do with religion. And certainly I can say that here in Australia, where we are not considered overly religious, in particular age groups and socio economic groups homosexuality is still considered not quite right.
I also think there are times folks don't use religion as the reason for not liking homosexuality.....but I do think they use religion to help justify their position. There are though alot (at least here in the US) that do take the christian stance..and go with it. No absolutes....as we've been learing on this wonderful board.
i don't enact legislation. i raise buffalo and do nutritional research. i'm entitled to my opinion like everyone else. he/she asked my opinion and i gave it.
You asked atheists why they get angry with religious people, and the atheists in this thread have made it clear that what angers us most is when people try to force their religious beliefs on the larger society, and we have used laws against gay marriage as an example. If you do not support these laws, then your opinion of homosexuals doesn't interest us and I don't know why you'd mention it at all. If you're in favor of it being legal, we don't have any conflict
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
just shows how you've been programed....theres just absolutely nothing different between two men kissing and a man and woman....one couple has two outies..and other an outie and an innie......now two innies....woo hoo. ..
ok, so I have hoards of gay and lesbian friends. close friends, dear friends who I love and spend time with, but fact is I have absolutely no desire to watch them play tonsil hockey while I'm around. but then I can't really tolerate public displays of affection amongst hetero couples either.
I think perhaps this is a generational thing.
ok, so I have hoards of gay and lesbian friends. close friends, dear friends who I love and spend time with, but fact is I have absolutely no desire to watch them play tonsil hockey while I'm around. but then I can't really tolerate public displays of affection amongst hetero couples either.
I think perhaps this is a generational thing.
really past its usefulness......I mean we've pretty much conquored the planet...and driving it to dust.....just too bad we can't somehow suppress this instinct...oh well. ITS EVOLUUUUUUTTTTION BAAABY....da da da da...da da da da....
The misconception is that we have conquered. It can't happen. Nature will prevail, ultimately. In the meantime there are those of us who at least try to understand the balance.
just shows how you've been programed....theres just absolutely nothing different between two men kissing and a man and woman....one couple has two outies..and other an outie and an innie......now two innies....woo hoo. ..
i consider myself more hindu than anything else. and i can say the same thing about mom and liver. some people hate it; others love it. some can't even stand the smell of it cooking. are they programed? how can you eat beef and not eat the liver; tounge; brain; or tripe? is it because of religion? maybe you don't find a difference. have you ever kissed a man romanticaly so that you can claim there's no difference or are you just talking?
I also think there are times folks don't use religion as the reason for not liking homosexuality.....but I do think they use religion to help justify their position. There are though alot (at least here in the US) that do take the christian stance..and go with it. No absolutes....as we've been learing on this wonderful board.
Yes, I understand this does appear to be the case in the US. But although we are no homosexual utopia here in Australia by any means, I do think that we are more accepting of homosexuality to a degree and where we are less than accepting the main reason wouldn't have anything to do with religion. We are different. Although we are becoming more and more inundated by groups with religious agendas and affiliations.
Hello matey! Perhaps it is a generational thing then?
And not that I really want to mention it again, but I think I'm the older of the two of us cb so I don't really qualify as kiddo!!
Of course, I'll happily pretend.
You asked atheists why they get angry with religious people, and the atheists in this thread have made it clear that what angers us most is when people try to force their religious beliefs on the larger society, and we have used laws against gay marriage as an example. If you do not support these laws, then your opinion of homosexuals doesn't interest us and I don't know why you'd mention it at all. If you're in favor of it being legal, we don't have any conflict
and i thanked everyone for giving me a new understanding of atheism. i think it's back a few pages.
i didn't bring up homosexuality. someone said no one can give a reason against homosexuality without it being religiously based. so i gave my reason.
i don't care what people do in private. i'm just thankful they can't breed.
and i thanked everyone for giving me a new understanding of atheism. i think it's back a few pages.
i didn't bring up homosexuality. someone said no one can give a reason against homosexuality without it being religiously based. so i gave my reason.
i don't care what people do in private. i'm just thankful they can't breed.
and i thanked everyone for giving me a new understanding of atheism. i think it's back a few pages.
i didn't bring up homosexuality. someone said no one can give a reason against homosexuality without it being religiously based. so i gave my reason.
i don't care what people do in private. i'm just thankful they can't breed.
I think what we were saying (at least what I was saying) is that you can't give a reason for a LAW against gay marriage without resorting to religion. I think that's true, as I've never heard anyone do it.
If it's just a matter of your own personal preference, that doesn't require a reason ... we like what we like, often without even knowing why
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
and i thanked everyone for giving me a new understanding of atheism. i think it's back a few pages.
i didn't bring up homosexuality. someone said no one can give a reason against homosexuality without it being religiously based. so i gave my reason.
i don't care what people do in private. i'm just thankful they can't breed.
I have no problem with them being parents ols. And although they may not be able to procreate in the standard way, I would certainly support gays and lesbians being able to marry, adopt, surrogate and/or invitro in order to have a family should they wish to.
i maybe you don't find a difference. have you ever kissed a man romanticaly so that you can claim there's no difference or are you just talking?
simply because my drive is to kiss girls (chemical..in the brain from birth, not my doing and not from my environment) ....but I also realize that other men want to passionately kiss another guy....with the same exact drive that I have towards women...and thus see it utterly foolish to think they're doing something wrong or unnatural. Hence if I see two couples...one hetro and one homo doing the same exact thing....theres no difference, none, nada....now I do understand how it makes people uncomfortable...and I don't hold that against anyone..its natural...just wish more folks would think about it.
Now to Jeanie's point...how much affection should be displayed in public...well that another issue all together.
...Now to Jeanie's point...how much affection should be displayed in public...well that another issue all together.
I don't think it is an issue callen. People, all people should be free to love as they choose, where they choose. All I meant was that I have a problem with PDAs. That doesn't mean that everybody should stop participating in them.
My friends, gay and straight know that I'm not big on them, and mostly they refrain from looking like they need a room or a bucket of cold water around me. I mean, I don't get upset with touching, or hugging or kissing, but groping and trying to touch someone's lower intestine by shoving your tongue down their throat is something I really DO NOT NEED TO SEE! But I have been known to remove myself from the situation if it looks like folks can't control themselves. So it's all good. Not really an issue. Just a personal preference.
Glad to hear it girl.
Been a wee bit preoccupied here with a few family issues. But I'm ok.
If we don't catch up this weekend, next weekend for sure.
And yes, sometimes Roland is just too cute.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
and animals congregate for protection....want to be part of a group...self preservation. Some are able to drop this instinct...others just can't...and theres nothing wrong with that....it just is what it is. The ironic thing about this is...many humans want to consider themselves special...better than beasts...yet these same people are the ones that have the most beastly qualities...if that makes sense.
Really liked your post...lots of good stuff.....
You can believe what you want to believe, but be honest with yourself.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
:rolleyes: gee!! pay attention!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
What kind of reply is that? It was about agnosticism.
Personally, I think agnosticism is the primary Evil in the world today.
Well, maybe not. That would be calling a lot of 14-to-22-year-olds the evil of the world today.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
just shows how you've been programed....theres just absolutely nothing different between two men kissing and a man and woman....one couple has two outies..and other an outie and an innie......now two innies....woo hoo. ..
Come to think of it, in the consumerism modem...I may have a point.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
I don't think my being sickened gives me the right to enact legislation prohibiting everyone else from eating beef liver though.
he likes 'pizzles'. buffalo pizzles.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
we do need to ban Liver....I mean make it against the law....my mom would start cooking it and I'd run away from home for a week........evil...just evil.
It's amazing to me that we get along like we do. I love liver and onions. MMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
i don't enact legislation. i raise buffalo and do nutritional research. i'm entitled to my opinion like everyone else. he/she asked my opinion and i gave it.
oh, well pj&t I would just like to point out that acceptance or rejection of homosexuality isn't always based on religious belief. I do believe that it has become more acceptable to a wider demographic since the AIDS epidemic forced homosexuality into the lime light. I think that particular generations in society find it more acceptable than others. Nothing to do with religion. And certainly I can say that here in Australia, where we are not considered overly religious, in particular age groups and socio economic groups homosexuality is still considered not quite right.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
I also think there are times folks don't use religion as the reason for not liking homosexuality.....but I do think they use religion to help justify their position. There are though alot (at least here in the US) that do take the christian stance..and go with it. No absolutes....as we've been learing on this wonderful board.
ok, so I have hoards of gay and lesbian friends. close friends, dear friends who I love and spend time with, but fact is I have absolutely no desire to watch them play tonsil hockey while I'm around. but then I can't really tolerate public displays of affection amongst hetero couples either.
I think perhaps this is a generational thing.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
same here kiddo.......:)
The misconception is that we have conquered. It can't happen. Nature will prevail, ultimately. In the meantime there are those of us who at least try to understand the balance.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
i consider myself more hindu than anything else. and i can say the same thing about mom and liver. some people hate it; others love it. some can't even stand the smell of it cooking. are they programed? how can you eat beef and not eat the liver; tounge; brain; or tripe? is it because of religion? maybe you don't find a difference. have you ever kissed a man romanticaly so that you can claim there's no difference or are you just talking?
Yes, I understand this does appear to be the case in the US. But although we are no homosexual utopia here in Australia by any means, I do think that we are more accepting of homosexuality to a degree and where we are less than accepting the main reason wouldn't have anything to do with religion. We are different. Although we are becoming more and more inundated by groups with religious agendas and affiliations.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
And not that I really want to mention it again, but I think I'm the older of the two of us cb so I don't really qualify as kiddo!!
Of course, I'll happily pretend.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
and i thanked everyone for giving me a new understanding of atheism. i think it's back a few pages.
i didn't bring up homosexuality. someone said no one can give a reason against homosexuality without it being religiously based. so i gave my reason.
i don't care what people do in private. i'm just thankful they can't breed.
Well, they can, actually.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
If it's just a matter of your own personal preference, that doesn't require a reason ... we like what we like, often without even knowing why
I have no problem with them being parents ols. And although they may not be able to procreate in the standard way, I would certainly support gays and lesbians being able to marry, adopt, surrogate and/or invitro in order to have a family should they wish to.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
simply because my drive is to kiss girls (chemical..in the brain from birth, not my doing and not from my environment) ....but I also realize that other men want to passionately kiss another guy....with the same exact drive that I have towards women...and thus see it utterly foolish to think they're doing something wrong or unnatural. Hence if I see two couples...one hetro and one homo doing the same exact thing....theres no difference, none, nada....now I do understand how it makes people uncomfortable...and I don't hold that against anyone..its natural...just wish more folks would think about it.
Now to Jeanie's point...how much affection should be displayed in public...well that another issue all together.
I don't think it is an issue callen. People, all people should be free to love as they choose, where they choose. All I meant was that I have a problem with PDAs. That doesn't mean that everybody should stop participating in them.
My friends, gay and straight know that I'm not big on them, and mostly they refrain from looking like they need a room or a bucket of cold water around me.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift