Why Do Athiests

why do athiests have so much anger toward those of religion? religious threads here turn into athiest trying to prove those of religion are wrong. why? where does this anger come from. if you tell someone of religion that you are athiest; they feel sorry for you and maybe pray for you; which is an act of compassion to them. yet athiests can't wait to jump on someone trying to prove they're wrong. they disrespect that person and thier beliefs. are these the attributes of a "good" person?
Post edited by Unknown User on
Personally i don't feel sorry for atheists. i simply disagree. they don't need me to feel sorry for them. As far as your main question regarding the anger, i will stay away from blanket indictments as there are some atheists who are respectful and simply agree to disagree, but, in regards to the others, it is because they are hypocrites.
i might also add insecure in their disbelief.
08/02/07 - LOLLA!!!
i agree. if you believe you are right; why do you need to press the issue with others that don't believe the same as you?
so modern people are responsable for what people did hundreds and thousands of years ago? please explain.
in some instances, people feel they need to show some sort of superiority or enlightenment.
actually, i meant i've seen people of faith talk down to people who don't have faith as well ...
well modern people are still causing bloodshed over religions that were thought up thousands of years ago. i think thats what he/she was getting at.
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Originally a minority, the Christians slaughtered millions of people throughout history who did not share their beliefs. To this day, non-Christians are chastized in our cultures.
God is the sky and Christ is the Sun.
The rest is all non-sense, a tool to control the minds of others and if there minds would not submit to the Word, then they were killed.
What if I, as a Christian, think all killing is wrong and have not nor ever would participate in something like that? Is my religion so harmful to you then?
...are those who've helped us.
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that's nice that you don't believe in killing, but you aren't the only christian out there.
Do you feel equally sorry for agnostics, jews, hindus, muslims and any of the "who knows how many other" religions there are?
...are those who've helped us.
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Do you fight against abortion and homosexuality? Do you fight to preserve your Christian traditions in our societies? Do you obscure the truth of Christianity by regurjitating the word of the Bible?
Do you consider starting thread after thread after thread denouncing or trying to disprove religion "shoving it down people's throats"?
(not saying you do this personally)
...are those who've helped us.
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Approx. 10,000
And there is the answer to the orginal question. No, I don't feel I, an agnostic, display anger toward very many people of religion. Any anger toward people is misplaced, but my frustration with it is the absolute arrogance that of all the religions there are, mine is the right one. Not only that, but the extremely dark and freightening arrogance associated with not only believing that all others are definately wrong, but that for being wrong, they are going to spend in eternity in pain.
Honestly, I don't think that most people that identify themselves as Christians even believe that, but those that do...that is what I cannot stand. If they don't make it a topic, I can live with it, but if they push it, then the anger comes out, and rightly so.
I'm very much against abortion and I think homosexuality is a sin....just like any other sin that I might commit. I can't say that I "fight" against them, though.
As to the other stuff, I'm not even sure what you mean. I don't recall quoting the bible very many times outside of church. I'm not sure I have too many Christian traditions. I go to a very liberal church and have a pretty relaxed interpretation which just means that I think it's primarily about having a personal relationship with God and accepting God as my savior.
...are those who've helped us.
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I understand what you're saying, but if I didn't believe that my faith was the right one, then I would believe in the one that I did think was right. I'm not as strict as some about beliefs, though.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
I question the idea that all those that do not share your religion are going to hell is a "pretty relaxed interpretation."
are you including scientology in that count?:)
"I feel sorry for athiests because I believe they are ultimately going to hell unless they change. I'm not sure why any of them would care that I was religious."
Quote:Originally Posted by Uncle Leo
"Do you feel equally sorry for agnostics, jews, hindus, muslims and any of the "who knows how many other" religions there are?"
Response: "Yes."
Hail, Hail!!!
I mean I probably allow more leeway than some others of religion. That leeway doesn't extend all the way to athiests, though
...are those who've helped us.
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So saying you feel sorry for them (i.e. displaying compassion) is something that's bad?
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
I'd still like to hear someone answer this one...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Leeway? Isn't it up to god to give leeway? It's that judgemental attitude that turns me off about organized religion. I believe if there is a true God, it isn't a petty, judgemental one who needs to be worshipped...it's one that knows only love, beauty, harmony and unity. Otherwise your god is a flawed one with undesirable personality traits much like humans.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde