Musta missed that, I was more thinking back to a coupla days ago when soulsinging was casting doubt on some of OLS's claims to fame. I was thinig he would be beside himself today.
why would i be beside myself? i grew up in a time when people set goals and made accomplishments in thier lives. at age 8 i had my own lawn cutting service in the neighborhood. by age 12 i was on a weekly payroll and was never out of work until i retired at age 40. at age 14 i got a science scholorship to u of i. some people excell. evidently ss doesn't. i don't see my accomplishments as being out of the ordinary. in fact; many in my class did much better so i think of myself as a little behind the others. if ss thinks i did more than a person can do; i feel sorry for him.
Jesus, don't tell me that OLS has beed dead as well as eveything else !!
Was another one called ?? Are there now two OLS's in the world ? Does the second one have a JAmaican accent ?? Is there a Watcher with a big ebough pair ??
yea luce; and i'll fax you the surgical report to prove it. i guess a lot more things happen to people who go after life with a passion.
that's a good point... if all that it takes is water from the lorudes shrine from onelongsong to cure cancer... what the fuck is he doing here? he should be out there healing people like jesus did!
sorry ss; i forgot i have to explain things to you at a grade school level.
i've never been to lourdes. i bought a few glass crosses filled with water from lourdes and sent them to sick relatives because i knew it would comfort them. i never claimed the water cured but i won't deny it. i just don't know. the point of the story was that THEY believed it would help and it backed up my claims that mindset has a lot to do with recovering from an illness. i know these threads are hard for you to follow; but if you re-read that page; you'll see that we were discussing how the mind; and a persons beliefs can help pull them through an illness.
well if belief has anything to do with overcoming physical situations look at Lance Armstrong...
or read his book "it's not about the bike"...
pretty incredible stuff...
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
sorry ss; i forgot i have to explain things to you at a grade school level.
i've never been to lourdes. i bought a few glass crosses filled with water from lourdes and sent them to sick relatives because i knew it would comfort them. i never claimed the water cured but i won't deny it. i just don't know. the point of the story was that THEY believed it would help and it backed up my claims that mindset has a lot to do with recovering from an illness. i know these threads are hard for you to follow; but if you re-read that page; you'll see that we were discussing how the mind; and a persons beliefs can help pull them through an illness.
It is a common practice in Japanese medical circles to tell a critical patient that they are getting better in order to affect a positive outlook for the patient.
Surely you don't think this is a bad thing? You can't claim a cure until you can PROVE that it's a CURE ... that sounds quite reasonable to me. Without that requirement, anyone could gather a bit of anecdotal evidence about anything at all and start marketing it as a cure, and desperate dying people would waste their money on it. There is enough of that going on already, for everything from weight loss aids to miracle cancer cures ... anything that can be done to prevent more of it is a good thing.
I don't deny that pharmaceutical companies benefit from these rules, but there are other good reasons to have the rules in place.
if it were 1 person; i never would have connected his cure with anything. if it was only my research i'd think i was doing something wrong. but my research agrees with several other research facilities; including information printed by the usda. i don't expect anyone to believe me; but i think an intelligent person would ask thier doctor about it. doctors refer more customers to me than any other source. including national advertising.
i can see where the laws will help in some cases; but i also see where the law allows people to die needlessly. let's be honest; do you think buffalo meat would harm anyone by eating it? so the law is not protecting anyone from harm in this case. but what if it doesn't cure thier cancer? it's a proven fact that buffalo meat will reduce cholesterol and strenghten the heart and imune system. maybe this is what helps cure cancer. making someone healthier and better able to fight the disease. i don't know why it works; only that it works in several patients. i don't know if it works for everyone either. thus another reason it can't be called a cure.
when i was a child i found a buffalo nickel and after a long talk with my dad about buffalo; my dream was to raise buffalo. that was my dream for retirement. to work my ass off until i was 40; then retire and watch the buffalo eat. after the article in the amj; the buffalo associations started pushing this information and farms around the country started raising buffalo to "cash in" on the upcoming cure. the problem is; they raised the buffalo like cattle which destroys a lot of the medicinal value. my research was to prove that only buffalo raised as wild contains the proper chemical structure to cure these diseases (cancer; heart disease; obesity; and others). my research has helped in convincing ted turner; the largest producer of buffalo meat;,9171,1599697-1,00.html to start raising buffalo properly. i'm proud of what i do and i hope i can help people everywhere.
Jesus, don't tell me that OLS has beed dead as well as eveything else !!
Was another one called ?? Are there now two OLS's in the world ? Does the second one have a JAmaican accent ?? Is there a Watcher with a big ebough pair ??
his resume will blow your mind... there are few things he hasnt done.
Musta missed that, I was more thinking back to a coupla days ago when soulsinging was casting doubt on some of OLS's claims to fame. I was thinig he would be beside himself today.
oh, ive kinda given up on any straight talk from him. but for those who weren't keeping count, here's the resume:
- dead, and resurrected
- medical miracle
- rock star
- killed 2 people
- raises buffalo
- militia commando
- healed several people with his water (or his buffalo, he seems a bit confused)
- attorney that has never lost case (though apparently hasn't gone to law school)
- retired a multi-millionaire at 40
- refused to pay taxes for years
- was thus forced underground until he reemerged on this board after stealing another citizen's identity (i believe a dead one as he tells it)
did i say i was not worthy of love? yes sure do whatever floats your boat or gives you comfort. but DO NOT be coming to me and telling me you felt the need to pray for me so you could find comfort. it gives me no comfort, therefore i don't want to know. i don't need to know.
and just curiously, why would you tell someone you prayed for them anyway?
because people of religion find comfort in knowing. since 87% of americans are religious; i've got a good chance of helping another human even if only mentally.
i just finished watching a coverage on the westborough baptist church put out by the BBC right after i posted my last comment... i must say it's ridiculous. and i can clearly see why homosexuals feel hated. it's just weird that i ran into this news coverage after my conversation with you. i would defend a homosexual when it goes that far though, i'll admit to that.
anyways... i know. i've been told that my beliefs are extremely rare. that's why everybody likes me
they are over here unfortunatenly. are you from the uk? they seem a bit more balanced over here. the westborough baptist church is fred phelp's isn't it? they're the worst of the bunch. also, if you get a chance, watch the documentary 'jesus camp.' it's more than a little disturbing what they do to those kids... they talk about wanting to make all the kids martyrs and claim they're not political (despite a huge part of their camp being about praying to dubya and laying hands on him and other political topics). it's nutty. and then you might understand why i feel the way i do.
honestly, i don't hate christians... im scared. downright scared. like some of them are scared of islamic fundamentalists. the lady in that documentary says it... "i bet all the seculars are scared after seeing this, and they should be." she also was very proud of the documentary... said it was a very accurate representation of their beliefs. i have a friend who was pentecostal (the denomination featured in there) and she said that is EXACTLY how it is. it's a bit frightening.
It is a common practice in Japanese medical circles to tell a critical patient that they are getting better in order to affect a positive outlook for the patient.
you'd get sued for that here
anyway, i've no doubt mindset can influence recovery. i did doubt the fact that he seemed to claim his prayers and his holy water healed them. if that wasn't the claim, then my bad, terribly sorry, carry on folks...
Dying of poisonous gasses in the darkness of a fricken' coal mine... yeah, that's bad. So, is dying a long and protracted... painful death from cancer... yeah, I classify it as bad, too.
We all want a peaceful death, religious or not... where we go to bed one night, after a long and rewarding lifetime, and simply do not wake up. But, that ain't always the way it goes down. People die horrible deaths... like slipping into a wood chipper, tumbling down a flight of stairs, mangled up in a crushed automobile, heart attacks while sitting on the can with your pants around your ankles, drawing your last breaths in the filthy gutter after being struck by a car... no one want to die this way. And what about the 7 year old girl that is killed after being raped by some pedophile psycho... is her death greater than her survival? Religious people welcome that? No. They welcome the going to sleep and not waking up. If you accept death so easily, you accept all the manners in which we die... not just the one way we want to go out of this place.
i welcome death in any form. does it really matter how?
you ask why some people die a terrible death. i think it's the way they lived in this or a past life. i know why i was punished and i accepted what has happened to me as punishment. maybe that's why i'm still alive when i shouldn't be.
anyway, i've no doubt mindset can influence recovery. i did doubt the fact that he seemed to claim his prayers and his holy water healed them. if that wasn't the claim, then my bad, terribly sorry, carry on folks...
no that wasn't the claim nor intent to lead anyone to believe that.
hey ss; saturday on the history channel there's a special about the 619 commandments. it will answer all the questions you and others asked me about it. it's called THE 10 COMMANDMENTS and is on at 8:00 pm. eastern time i believe. it's quite interesting and backs everything i said.
no that wasn't the claim nor intent to lead anyone to believe that.
hey ss; saturday on the history channel there's a special about the 619 commandments. it will answer all the questions you and others asked me about it. it's called THE 10 COMMANDMENTS and is on at 8:00 pm. eastern time i believe. it's quite interesting and backs everything i said.
I'm sure it's an interesting program. I'll watch it if I'm home.
Then again, I'd like to reiterate, the Bible is not a fact of life. It's one book, among many.
no that wasn't the claim nor intent to lead anyone to believe that.
hey ss; saturday on the history channel there's a special about the 619 commandments. it will answer all the questions you and others asked me about it. it's called THE 10 COMMANDMENTS and is on at 8:00 pm. eastern time i believe. it's quite interesting and backs everything i said.
shit... i've got some place to be at 6pm saturday... any chance of it being rerun?
oh, ive kinda given up on any straight talk from him. but for those who weren't keeping count, here's the resume:
- dead, and resurrected
- medical miracle
- rock star
- killed 2 people
- raises buffalo
- militia commando
- healed several people with his water (or his buffalo, he seems a bit confused)
- attorney that has never lost case (though apparently hasn't gone to law school)
- retired a multi-millionaire at 40
- refused to pay taxes for years
- was thus forced underground until he reemerged on this board after stealing another citizen's identity (i believe a dead one as he tells it)
i think i've covered it... am i missing anything?
well; you've got most of it wrong. let me straighten you out.
died of a brain aneurysm and resusitated.
living after severe damage to my front right lobe and vagas nerve
fronted a popular band and had the aneurysm just after receiving a recording contract. this ended my singing career. several people on the board have my covers cd. jeanie is one that can back that up.
killed one person. i am still a licensed bounty hunter but haven't done that since 1998.
never in a militia or a comando. i own at least 30 guns but that makes me a collector; not anything else.
never healed anyone with water. only gave holy water as a gift to those who would appreciate it.
research by many other facilities have shown great improvements and people cured with buffalo meat. why would my naturally raised buffalo be the only buffalo meat NOT to give the same results?
never once said NEVER LOST A CASE. the comment was "impressive record".
i consider myself a loyola alumni but i attended several colleges. i spent 20 years in college but i worked the entire time. thus the long period of time.
i'll admitt i inherited a lot of money but i also worked my entire life.
i stopped drawing salary so i didn't have to pay taxes. no income-no taxes owed. however; since i put everything in my daughters name; she paid the taxes due.
i was identified as a criminal falsely and because my ranch is so remote; i couldn't be found. during this time my attorneys cleared my name. the real drug smuggler fled back to poland where he died in a car accident. i never used a false identity; what i said was that the government was looking for a dead guy.
so; did i explain that simple enough for you? or should i use smaller words?
shit... i've got some place to be at 6pm saturday... any chance of it being rerun?
i'm sure it will be. why not record it? the program isn't about the bible. at least 3 religions reference these commandments. i think it's more of a documentary but an atheist may find it religious. i think it's mostly historical and archeological (sp?) facts.
I don't wanna get into whatever debate is going on, Ill just say a few words..
- Religious people have pushed everyone else around since the dawn of man. The power lies with who has the most people. Everyone else is gonna burn in hell.
- In this country a large amount of Christians are self-righteous hypocritical assholes. I know plenty of honest people who happen to be Christians, but that doesn't negate the former statement.
- Not all atheists do that. The fraction of atheists who act like that is even smaller (much smaller) than those self-righteous assholes I spoke of above.
- You push your religious beliefs on someone who doesn't want to hear them and they're gonna fight back. Push me and I will resist.
- A lot of religious people are dellusional to the amount of opposition they face (and vice versa with atheists).
- Our country happens to be basically run by (talking about Washington here, obviously) those hypocritical assholes. That leaves an imprint on atheists. And when their fellow Christians just go along with whatever Conservative candidate A or B says about abortion, gay rights, the war, etc etc it doesn't exactly give them any merit with atheists.
i really did learn alot from this thread and i have a new understanding about atheism. including how to spell it.
1) some are angry and dispise all religions
2) some seem to have an axe to grind with God for some reason
3) some just don't care
4) and some just don't get it. they can't believe what can't be proven.
i hope i got that right. thanks for the open and honest discussion. i came up with a few more questions in the night but i can't remember them right now.
i really did learn alot from this thread and i have a new understanding about atheism. including how to spell it.
1) some are angry and dispise all religions
2) some seem to have an axe to grind with God for some reason
3) some just don't care
4) and some just don't get it. they can't believe what can't be proven.
i hope i got that right. thanks for the open and honest discussion. i came up with a few more questions in the night but i can't remember them right now.
er hem. And some are accepting and respectful of other people's beliefs even though they don't share them.
I don't wanna get into whatever debate is going on, Ill just say a few words..
- Religious people have pushed everyone else around since the dawn of man. The power lies with who has the most people. Everyone else is gonna burn in hell.
- In this country a large amount of Christians are self-righteous hypocritical assholes. I know plenty of honest people who happen to be Christians, but that doesn't negate the former statement.
- Not all atheists do that. The fraction of atheists who act like that is even smaller (much smaller) than those self-righteous assholes I spoke of above.
- You push your religious beliefs on someone who doesn't want to hear them and they're gonna fight back. Push me and I will resist.
- A lot of religious people are dellusional to the amount of opposition they face (and vice versa with atheists).
- Our country happens to be basically run by (talking about Washington here, obviously) those hypocritical assholes. That leaves an imprint on atheists. And when their fellow Christians just go along with whatever Conservative candidate A or B says about abortion, gay rights, the war, etc etc it doesn't exactly give them any merit with atheists.
I'm tired, that's enough.
i seem to remember christians being the persecuted ones. being killed in unbelievable ways only for what they believed. only the mormans have tried to push thier religion on me. other than that; everyone i've ever met has respected others beliefs and religion rarely comes up in discussion. i've been to many different churches. mostly because friends were going to church and i said i'd go with. but not 1 has tried to convert me.
if people of different religions can respect eachothers beliefs; why can't atheists? that's my question.
i really did learn alot from this thread and i have a new understanding about atheism. including how to spell it.
1) some are angry and dispise all religions
2) some seem to have an axe to grind with God for some reason
3) some just don't care
4) and some just don't get it. they can't believe what can't be proven.
i hope i got that right. thanks for the open and honest discussion. i came up with a few more questions in the night but i can't remember them right now.
Here's something big you might want to consider: Agnostics.
I don't consider myself an atheist, nor do I consider myself any kind of religious person.
I might call myself a Humanist.. I believe in a responsibility that all people have to simply be good people. I believe that all the major religions have great aspects and bad.
Christianity (this is my opinion, don't take offense please) is full of straight up bullshit. Some Christians today just don't understand that what may have been true or more easily accepted 1000 years ago might not apply to modern society.
Look at the gay marriage issue for example. I don't know how many of you remember the great debates we had (last year or even 2 years ago I think..) on this forum over this issue. It got to the point where I made a thread asking people who were against it to justify their position without religion. They couldn't do it. It's purely an issue driven by conservative religious beliefs. So that leaves a group of people being discriminated against for no other reason than because some Christians believed it 1000 years ago and wrote it in a book.
Now there's plenty of really great stuff in the Bible, no doubt about that. I just don't understand why anyone has to align themselves to a certain religion. Why do you believe you have to follow every part of the Bible, go into some building every Sunday and listen to a man in a funny collar?
It just makes more sense to take the good without the bad from everywhere in the world. I've devoted myself to gaining knowledge and trying to be the best human being I can be, not to some book.
i seem to remember christians being the persecuted ones. being killed in unbelievable ways only for what they believed. only the mormans have tried to push thier religion on me. other than that; everyone i've ever met has respected others beliefs and religion rarely comes up in discussion. i've been to many different churches. mostly because friends were going to church and i said i'd go with. but not 1 has tried to convert me.
if people of different religions can respect eachothers beliefs; why can't atheists? that's my question.
Yes christians were persecuted... when they didn't have the power. Look at England. They split up and the Christian denomination in power discriminated the hell out of the other (catholic vs protestant generally).
Look at the Pilgrims.. they escaped discrimination in England, came to America, and said "if you don't do everything we say you're a sinner and don't deserve to live with us". That word I used several times comes to mind.. hypocritical.
if people of different religions can respect eachothers beliefs; why can't atheists? that's my question
Assuming that all atheists don't respect your beliefs is a stereotype. You need to break down all those walls about what you perceive atheists to be and look at people as individuals.
Here's something big you might want to consider: Agnostics.
I don't consider myself an atheist, nor do I consider myself any kind of religious person.
I might call myself a Humanist.. I believe in a responsibility that all people have to simply be good people. I believe that all the major religions have great aspects and bad.
Christianity (this is my opinion, don't take offense please) is full of straight up bullshit. Some Christians today just don't understand that what may have been true or more easily accepted 1000 years ago might not apply to modern society.
Look at the gay marriage issue for example. I don't know how many of you remember the great debates we had (last year or even 2 years ago I think..) on this forum over this issue. It got to the point where I made a thread asking people who were against it to justify their position without religion. They couldn't do it. It's purely an issue driven by conservative religious beliefs. So that leaves a group of people being discriminated against for no other reason than because some Christians believed it 1000 years ago and wrote it in a book.
No there's plenty of really great stuff in the Bible, no doubt about that. I just don't understand why anyone has to align themselves to a certain religion. Why do you believe you have to follow every part of the Bible, go into some building every Sunday and listen to a man in a funny collar?
It just makes more sense to take the good without the bad from everywhere in the world. I've devoted myself to gaining knowledge and trying to be the best human being I can be, not to some book.
um; i've stated many times that the bible was written and assembled by flawed men. it tells a small portion of a story.
i find homosexuality discusting. no religion involved. i see 2 guys kissing and i want to puke. men acting like women (to me) is pretending to be something they're not. no religion involved in my opinion at all.
why would i be beside myself? i grew up in a time when people set goals and made accomplishments in thier lives. at age 8 i had my own lawn cutting service in the neighborhood. by age 12 i was on a weekly payroll and was never out of work until i retired at age 40. at age 14 i got a science scholorship to u of i. some people excell. evidently ss doesn't. i don't see my accomplishments as being out of the ordinary. in fact; many in my class did much better so i think of myself as a little behind the others. if ss thinks i did more than a person can do; i feel sorry for him.
yea luce; and i'll fax you the surgical report to prove it. i guess a lot more things happen to people who go after life with a passion.
sorry ss; i forgot i have to explain things to you at a grade school level.
i've never been to lourdes. i bought a few glass crosses filled with water from lourdes and sent them to sick relatives because i knew it would comfort them. i never claimed the water cured but i won't deny it. i just don't know. the point of the story was that THEY believed it would help and it backed up my claims that mindset has a lot to do with recovering from an illness. i know these threads are hard for you to follow; but if you re-read that page; you'll see that we were discussing how the mind; and a persons beliefs can help pull them through an illness.
or read his book "it's not about the bike"...
pretty incredible stuff...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
It is a common practice in Japanese medical circles to tell a critical patient that they are getting better in order to affect a positive outlook for the patient.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
if it were 1 person; i never would have connected his cure with anything. if it was only my research i'd think i was doing something wrong. but my research agrees with several other research facilities; including information printed by the usda. i don't expect anyone to believe me; but i think an intelligent person would ask thier doctor about it. doctors refer more customers to me than any other source. including national advertising.
i can see where the laws will help in some cases; but i also see where the law allows people to die needlessly. let's be honest; do you think buffalo meat would harm anyone by eating it? so the law is not protecting anyone from harm in this case. but what if it doesn't cure thier cancer? it's a proven fact that buffalo meat will reduce cholesterol and strenghten the heart and imune system. maybe this is what helps cure cancer. making someone healthier and better able to fight the disease. i don't know why it works; only that it works in several patients. i don't know if it works for everyone either. thus another reason it can't be called a cure.
when i was a child i found a buffalo nickel and after a long talk with my dad about buffalo; my dream was to raise buffalo. that was my dream for retirement. to work my ass off until i was 40; then retire and watch the buffalo eat. after the article in the amj; the buffalo associations started pushing this information and farms around the country started raising buffalo to "cash in" on the upcoming cure. the problem is; they raised the buffalo like cattle which destroys a lot of the medicinal value. my research was to prove that only buffalo raised as wild contains the proper chemical structure to cure these diseases (cancer; heart disease; obesity; and others). my research has helped in convincing ted turner; the largest producer of buffalo meat;,9171,1599697-1,00.html to start raising buffalo properly. i'm proud of what i do and i hope i can help people everywhere.
his resume will blow your mind... there are few things he hasnt done.
oh, ive kinda given up on any straight talk from him. but for those who weren't keeping count, here's the resume:
- dead, and resurrected
- medical miracle
- rock star
- killed 2 people
- raises buffalo
- militia commando
- healed several people with his water (or his buffalo, he seems a bit confused)
- attorney that has never lost case (though apparently hasn't gone to law school)
- retired a multi-millionaire at 40
- refused to pay taxes for years
- was thus forced underground until he reemerged on this board after stealing another citizen's identity (i believe a dead one as he tells it)
i think i've covered it... am i missing anything?
because people of religion find comfort in knowing. since 87% of americans are religious; i've got a good chance of helping another human even if only mentally.
they are over here unfortunatenly. are you from the uk? they seem a bit more balanced over here. the westborough baptist church is fred phelp's isn't it? they're the worst of the bunch. also, if you get a chance, watch the documentary 'jesus camp.' it's more than a little disturbing what they do to those kids... they talk about wanting to make all the kids martyrs and claim they're not political (despite a huge part of their camp being about praying to dubya and laying hands on him and other political topics). it's nutty. and then you might understand why i feel the way i do.
honestly, i don't hate christians... im scared. downright scared. like some of them are scared of islamic fundamentalists. the lady in that documentary says it... "i bet all the seculars are scared after seeing this, and they should be." she also was very proud of the documentary... said it was a very accurate representation of their beliefs. i have a friend who was pentecostal (the denomination featured in there) and she said that is EXACTLY how it is. it's a bit frightening.
you'd get sued for that here
anyway, i've no doubt mindset can influence recovery. i did doubt the fact that he seemed to claim his prayers and his holy water healed them. if that wasn't the claim, then my bad, terribly sorry, carry on folks...
i welcome death in any form. does it really matter how?
you ask why some people die a terrible death. i think it's the way they lived in this or a past life. i know why i was punished and i accepted what has happened to me as punishment. maybe that's why i'm still alive when i shouldn't be.
no that wasn't the claim nor intent to lead anyone to believe that.
hey ss; saturday on the history channel there's a special about the 619 commandments. it will answer all the questions you and others asked me about it. it's called THE 10 COMMANDMENTS and is on at 8:00 pm. eastern time i believe. it's quite interesting and backs everything i said.
I'm sure it's an interesting program. I'll watch it if I'm home.
Then again, I'd like to reiterate, the Bible is not a fact of life. It's one book, among many.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
shit... i've got some place to be at 6pm saturday... any chance of it being rerun?
well; you've got most of it wrong. let me straighten you out.
died of a brain aneurysm and resusitated.
living after severe damage to my front right lobe and vagas nerve
fronted a popular band and had the aneurysm just after receiving a recording contract. this ended my singing career. several people on the board have my covers cd. jeanie is one that can back that up.
killed one person. i am still a licensed bounty hunter but haven't done that since 1998.
never in a militia or a comando. i own at least 30 guns but that makes me a collector; not anything else.
never healed anyone with water. only gave holy water as a gift to those who would appreciate it.
research by many other facilities have shown great improvements and people cured with buffalo meat. why would my naturally raised buffalo be the only buffalo meat NOT to give the same results?
never once said NEVER LOST A CASE. the comment was "impressive record".
i consider myself a loyola alumni but i attended several colleges. i spent 20 years in college but i worked the entire time. thus the long period of time.
i'll admitt i inherited a lot of money but i also worked my entire life.
i stopped drawing salary so i didn't have to pay taxes. no income-no taxes owed. however; since i put everything in my daughters name; she paid the taxes due.
i was identified as a criminal falsely and because my ranch is so remote; i couldn't be found. during this time my attorneys cleared my name. the real drug smuggler fled back to poland where he died in a car accident. i never used a false identity; what i said was that the government was looking for a dead guy.
so; did i explain that simple enough for you? or should i use smaller words?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
i'm sure it will be. why not record it? the program isn't about the bible. at least 3 religions reference these commandments. i think it's more of a documentary but an atheist may find it religious. i think it's mostly historical and archeological (sp?) facts.
hey cutie; you're awake. 3:28 am there. we're playing nice. feel free to tell ss how bad my singing is.
- Religious people have pushed everyone else around since the dawn of man. The power lies with who has the most people. Everyone else is gonna burn in hell.
- In this country a large amount of Christians are self-righteous hypocritical assholes. I know plenty of honest people who happen to be Christians, but that doesn't negate the former statement.
- Not all atheists do that. The fraction of atheists who act like that is even smaller (much smaller) than those self-righteous assholes I spoke of above.
- You push your religious beliefs on someone who doesn't want to hear them and they're gonna fight back. Push me and I will resist.
- A lot of religious people are dellusional to the amount of opposition they face (and vice versa with atheists).
- Our country happens to be basically run by (talking about Washington here, obviously) those hypocritical assholes. That leaves an imprint on atheists. And when their fellow Christians just go along with whatever Conservative candidate A or B says about abortion, gay rights, the war, etc etc it doesn't exactly give them any merit with atheists.
I'm tired, that's enough.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
1) some are angry and dispise all religions
2) some seem to have an axe to grind with God for some reason
3) some just don't care
4) and some just don't get it. they can't believe what can't be proven.
i hope i got that right. thanks for the open and honest discussion. i came up with a few more questions in the night but i can't remember them right now.
It's 2.30am here, so I guess it's good morning all round love.
I'll tell ss about your singing when you read your damn email and get back to me!!
Anyway, it's lovely to see everybody playing nice. A pleasant surprise to come home to.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
er hem.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
i seem to remember christians being the persecuted ones. being killed in unbelievable ways only for what they believed. only the mormans have tried to push thier religion on me. other than that; everyone i've ever met has respected others beliefs and religion rarely comes up in discussion. i've been to many different churches. mostly because friends were going to church and i said i'd go with. but not 1 has tried to convert me.
if people of different religions can respect eachothers beliefs; why can't atheists? that's my question.
I don't consider myself an atheist, nor do I consider myself any kind of religious person.
I might call myself a Humanist.. I believe in a responsibility that all people have to simply be good people. I believe that all the major religions have great aspects and bad.
Christianity (this is my opinion, don't take offense please) is full of straight up bullshit. Some Christians today just don't understand that what may have been true or more easily accepted 1000 years ago might not apply to modern society.
Look at the gay marriage issue for example. I don't know how many of you remember the great debates we had (last year or even 2 years ago I think..) on this forum over this issue. It got to the point where I made a thread asking people who were against it to justify their position without religion. They couldn't do it. It's purely an issue driven by conservative religious beliefs. So that leaves a group of people being discriminated against for no other reason than because some Christians believed it 1000 years ago and wrote it in a book.
Now there's plenty of really great stuff in the Bible, no doubt about that. I just don't understand why anyone has to align themselves to a certain religion. Why do you believe you have to follow every part of the Bible, go into some building every Sunday and listen to a man in a funny collar?
It just makes more sense to take the good without the bad from everywhere in the world. I've devoted myself to gaining knowledge and trying to be the best human being I can be, not to some book.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Roland, sometimes you're just too cute.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
sorry; forgot them.
Look at the Pilgrims.. they escaped discrimination in England, came to America, and said "if you don't do everything we say you're a sinner and don't deserve to live with us". That word I used several times comes to mind.. hypocritical.
Assuming that all atheists don't respect your beliefs is a stereotype. You need to break down all those walls about what you perceive atheists to be and look at people as individuals.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
um; i've stated many times that the bible was written and assembled by flawed men. it tells a small portion of a story.
i find homosexuality discusting. no religion involved. i see 2 guys kissing and i want to puke. men acting like women (to me) is pretending to be something they're not. no religion involved in my opinion at all.