this is flat out bullshit. eventually, a given school awards you a degree. like i said, taking 20 different classes doesn't magically award you a jd. that degree comes from somewhere. why not just be honest and admit that you never actually finished and got your degree? or that you never actually went to a real law school and you actually bought your degree online...
an honest answer would be the name of the school on the juris doctor degree you have. but you don't actually have one do you?
Which bill? Gay marriage or civil union is now allowed in a handful of states, and I haven't heard of the polygamists rising up and demanding the right to marry multiple people.
As far as polygamy is concerned, we've gone round about this before, I'm not particularly in the mood to do it again. To briefly recap, I don't think there's any logical progression from allowing two people to marry one another to allowing large groups of people to intermarry however they like.
so you admitt to discriminating against polygamists. that's a start.
i've heard of several polygamist marches on the news. the link here is allowing same sexes to marry; allows; or at least opens the door for a court battle because if a man can marry a woman and a woman can marry a woman; the logical progression is that 3 people can marry eachother. if a woman can't marry a woman; there is no possible way for a polygamist marriage to exist.
as far as polygamists wanting equality; here's some links to prove you wrong.
By Charles Krauthammer
Friday, March 17, 2006; Page A19
And now, polygamy.
With the sweetly titled HBO series "Big Love," polygamy comes out of the closet. Under the headline "Polygamists, Unite!" Newsweek informs us of "polygamy activists emerging in the wake of the gay-marriage movement." Says one evangelical Christian big lover: "Polygamy rights is the next civil-rights battle."
Polygamy used to be stereotyped as the province of secretive Mormons, primitive Africans and profligate Arabs. With "Big Love" it moves to suburbia as a mere alternative lifestyle
they are over here unfortunatenly. are you from the uk? they seem a bit more balanced over here. the westborough baptist church is fred phelp's isn't it? they're the worst of the bunch. also, if you get a chance, watch the documentary 'jesus camp.' it's more than a little disturbing what they do to those kids... they talk about wanting to make all the kids martyrs and claim they're not political (despite a huge part of their camp being about praying to dubya and laying hands on him and other political topics). it's nutty. and then you might understand why i feel the way i do.
honestly, i don't hate christians... im scared. downright scared. like some of them are scared of islamic fundamentalists. the lady in that documentary says it... "i bet all the seculars are scared after seeing this, and they should be." she also was very proud of the documentary... said it was a very accurate representation of their beliefs. i have a friend who was pentecostal (the denomination featured in there) and she said that is EXACTLY how it is. it's a bit frightening.
do you know if it was from the united pentecostal or is it just pentecostal? a lot of sects derived from the united pentecostal church, which is part of what i was raised in. but in essence my father never plugged me into anything or force-fed anything to me like they are to those kids. he's a good man and i've learned much from him. even my own ideas about church and politics and things of such are inspired by him.
i'm not your common "christian" practitioner that goes to church every sunday. i have my reasons. mainly cause i would see certain things in churches that i strongly opposed and also because it turns out like a cult sometimes. there were very much attitudes that you probably encounter that scares you. which is what it did to me. as humans, we can get carried away sometimes. i completely understand where your coming from. so i can understand how many kids are being forced to think that way. it's brain-wash it's what it is. those are cults, in my opinion. i am in no way justifying their actions.
now that you menion the movie, i might get it this weekend. i heard a lot about it. it's crazy... i know what you mean. i once went to an apostolic church, which is almost in every essence the same as pentecostal. the service was ok, i guess, until after the preaching the pastor approached the pulpit and said, "i've been noticing a lot of you young girls wearing short tight skirts and i've said this before and i don't want to say it again. I don't want any whores in my church. you look no different from those whores that are out there selling their filthy bodies in the streets. i will speak to you and your parents further of these things." i was about 16 and i was freaked out. my dad never took us there again. from what i understood my father was a much more spiritual man than what this piece of shit was.
oh, i'm from texas. and if you watch the movie grindhouse you could actually see me apartment. cool, i know.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
my problem is what the kids will go through. the gay parents i've seen or had personal experience with were married; then divorced to go with a gay lover. those kids got beat up and made fun of. the kids grew up hating the gay parent and gays in general. that is my objection.
this is not the fault of the gay parent. it is a result of an intolerant society. a society where homosexuality is seen as aberrant and abhorrant behaviour based on a 2000 year old book. every person who is willing to raise a child lovingly should be encouraged to do so. the mark of a good and competant parent is not who they choose to have sex with but how they raise their child. society needs to change. we are society. we need to change.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
this is not the fault of the gay parent. it is a result of an intolerant society. a society where homosexuality is seen as aberrant and abhorrant behaviour based on a 2000 year old book. every person who is willing to raise a child lovingly should be encouraged to do so. the mark of a good and competant parent is not who they choose to have sex with but how they raise their child. society needs to change. we are society. we need to change.
well i read that 2000 year old book quite often and it has never made me see things that way.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
i stopped drawing salary so i didn't have to pay taxes. no income-no taxes owed. however; since i put everything in my daughters name; she paid the taxes due.
you make this sound like a prideful thing.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
well i read that 2000 year old book quite often and it has never made me see things that way.
nor i. you must be one of those compassionate christians i hear so much about yet rarely observe.
so does that mean you are in conflict of God's word when it comes to homosexuality? even though in leviticus it says that a man shall not lie with another man as he would with a woman because it is an abomination?
admittedly it does go on to say that one shouldn't have sex with animals cause it is confusion. i am so totally with that one.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
nor i. you must be one of those compassionate christians i hear so much about yet rarely observe.
so does that mean you are in conflict of God's word when it comes to homosexuality? even though in leviticus it says that a man shall not lie with another man as he would with a woman because it is an abomination?
admittedly it does go on to say that one shouldn't have sex with animals cause it is confusion. i am so totally with that one.
i think i've mentioned this. i don't hate homosexuals (even though our streets rot because of them hahaha j/k i'm only kidding) i'm just being a dick, and i thought it was funny.
it's indifferent to me. it's not my business what happens between the consent of two other beings.
i don't judge either. i don't say whether it's good or whether it's bad. it's like "whatever" to me. i don't agree with that lifestyle but it's not my business.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
do you know if it was from the united pentecostal or is it just pentecostal? a lot of sects derived from the united pentecostal church, which is part of what i was raised in. but in essence my father never plugged me into anything or force-fed anything to me like they are to those kids. he's a good man and i've learned much from him. even my own ideas about church and politics and things of such are inspired by him.
i'm not your common "christian" practitioner that goes to church every sunday. i have my reasons. mainly cause i would see certain things in churches that i strongly opposed and also because it turns out like a cult sometimes. there were very much attitudes that you probably encounter that scares you. which is what it did to me. as humans, we can get carried away sometimes. i completely understand where your coming from. so i can understand how many kids are being forced to think that way. it's brain-wash it's what it is. those are cults, in my opinion. i am in no way justifying their actions.
now that you menion the movie, i might get it this weekend. i heard a lot about it. it's crazy... i know what you mean. i once went to an apostolic church, which is almost in every essence the same as pentecostal. the service was ok, i guess, until after the preaching the pastor approached the pulpit and said, "i've been noticing a lot of you young girls wearing short tight skirts and i've said this before and i don't want to say it again. I don't want any whores in my church. you look no different from those whores that are out there selling their filthy bodies in the streets. i will speak to you and your parents further of these things." i was about 16 and i was freaked out. my dad never took us there again. from what i understood my father was a much more spiritual man than what this piece of shit was.
oh, i'm from texas. and if you watch the movie grindhouse you could actually see me apartment. cool, i know.
yeah, do check it out. it will really mess with your head. i dont remember what denomination it was. that's what i argue against. that brand of christianity. but we all know they won't listen to a heathen so i guess i keep hoping we'll get some folks like you and corn who might be able to get through to them and let them know what they're doing to the faith.
i really need to go see grindhouse. maybe once i wrap up my finals...
yeah, do check it out. it will really mess with your head. i dont remember what denomination it was. that's what i argue against. that brand of christianity. but we all know they won't listen to a heathen so i guess i keep hoping we'll get some folks like you and corn who might be able to get through to them and let them know what they're doing to the faith.
i really need to go see grindhouse. maybe once i wrap up my finals...
the entire film was done here in austin. the twin girls from the first part of the film is actually one girl but was doubled with, you know, high-tech movie magic. she works at a place nearby and i've seen her quite often. she's really hot. she's from venezuela. you'll know who they are, or i mean who she is, when you see it. she's a big part of the movie.
there is a portion of the bible that peter writes concerning pauls teachings and says that certain people don't understand it and instead interpret it as they feel it fits their own biased beliefs. he also says that those are the people that lead people astray from the truth, rather than what true believers of christ are trying to convey... i think he's talking about dudes like phelps.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
so you admitt to discriminating against polygamists. that's a start.
i've heard of several polygamist marches on the news. the link here is allowing same sexes to marry; allows; or at least opens the door for a court battle because if a man can marry a woman and a woman can marry a woman; the logical progression is that 3 people can marry eachother. if a woman can't marry a woman; there is no possible way for a polygamist marriage to exist.
as far as polygamists wanting equality; here's some links to prove you wrong.
By Charles Krauthammer
Friday, March 17, 2006; Page A19
And now, polygamy.
With the sweetly titled HBO series "Big Love," polygamy comes out of the closet. Under the headline "Polygamists, Unite!" Newsweek informs us of "polygamy activists emerging in the wake of the gay-marriage movement." Says one evangelical Christian big lover: "Polygamy rights is the next civil-rights battle."
Polygamy used to be stereotyped as the province of secretive Mormons, primitive Africans and profligate Arabs. With "Big Love" it moves to suburbia as a mere alternative lifestyle
the article goes on but this backs what i said.
Sorry, I don't admit to discriminating against anyone. I couldn't care less if polygamy is legalized. I merely said I don't agree with the brand of logic people use to try and make the leap from gay marriage to polygamy as a civil rights issue.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
I have a few christian friends who have expressed pity over my lack of faith. They contend that I am missing out on something "wonderful" and so on. Of course, they don't go into how I might be morally corrupted or how I have a reservation in hell. They're my friends. They're not going to be rude about it.
But, when all is said and done, I still can't help but feel sorry for them. For example, a christian friend of mine once said, "God accepts me and all of my faults." I think it's sad that she really believes she needs god to accept her. My response was that only she can accept herself. I don't think she will ever know what it's like to feel accepted as long as she is under the opinion that it is an action that can only be carried out by something other than herself. True acceptance is derived from within.
For anyone who seeks peace of mind, religion is the most convenient route to take. And it is for that reason that so many people follow that route. But, if you ask me, it is a false route.
So, if I'm angry at religion, I think it's because it has robbed so many people of any hope of grasping reality and the true essence of humanity. Religion is sort of a shortcut to that path. It's like a pair of "training wheels" so to speak. Because religion makes it possible for people to ride on the path of righteousness, few seem to question it. But, there comes a point on the path where the training wheels have to come off.
I'm not saying that I ride a bicycle without training wheels. For christians and the like, those training wheels might be heaven and hell. For me, it's fines and jail time. It's all the same if you ask me.
But, I think if society is going to keep moving forward, then it has to figure out a way to maintain its balance without the aforementioned crutches. Of course, what I'm talking about is anarchy. Our ultimate goal is to survive without needing a babysitter. I don't think government is bad at this point in time. As for as morals go, people in general ( and that includes myself) have a long, long way to go before we realize why wrong is wrong and right is right. One thing is for sure, however, and that's that religion will not be a factor in this ultimate state of self-awareness that I hope mankind eventually achieves.
Don't let cattle graze with other kinds of Cattle (Leviticus 19:19)
Don't have a variety of crops on the same field. (Leviticus 19:19)
Don't wear clothes made of more than one fabric (Leviticus 19:19)
Don't cut your hair nor shave. (Leviticus 19:27)
Any person who curseth his mother or father, must be killed. (Leviticus 20:9)
a man has sex with a woman on her period, they are both to be "cut off from their people" (Leviticus 20:18)
Psychics, wizards, and so on are to be stoned to death. (Leviticus 20:27)
If a priest's daughter is a whore, she is to be burnt at the stake. (Leviticus 21:9)
People who have flat noses, or is blind or lame, cannot go to an altar of God (Leviticus 21:17-18)
Anyone who curses or blasphemes God, should be stoned to death by the community. (Leviticus 24:14-16)
One must wonder why there are so many people wanting to site Leviticus for gay bashing, but they never mention these rules. How strange. It is common that a Christian will blow off these old rules with "Jesus came to change the laws, so these are outmoded, and we don't need them", but throughout Leviticus God states that these laws are to be followed forever. Hmmm.
I'm just waiting to LMAO when homosexuality is proven to be a genetically linked trait that expresses itself as an abnormality in brain development. When then? God hates physical abnormalities? It is asinine to think homosexuality is any kind of a choice. You couldn't pay me enough money to want a guy's pecker in my chute. All the gay porn in the world wouldn't make me stop being a boob guy. You have to wonder if God is sexually confused if he hates gays so much.
Don't let cattle graze with other kinds of Cattle (Leviticus 19:19)
Don't have a variety of crops on the same field. (Leviticus 19:19)
Don't wear clothes made of more than one fabric (Leviticus 19:19)
Don't cut your hair nor shave. (Leviticus 19:27)
Any person who curseth his mother or father, must be killed. (Leviticus 20:9)
a man has sex with a woman on her period, they are both to be "cut off from their people" (Leviticus 20:18)
Psychics, wizards, and so on are to be stoned to death. (Leviticus 20:27)
If a priest's daughter is a whore, she is to be burnt at the stake. (Leviticus 21:9)
People who have flat noses, or is blind or lame, cannot go to an altar of God (Leviticus 21:17-18)
Anyone who curses or blasphemes God, should be stoned to death by the community. (Leviticus 24:14-16)
One must wonder why there are so many people wanting to site Leviticus for gay bashing, but they never mention these rules. How strange. It is common that a Christian will blow off these old rules with "Jesus came to change the laws, so these are outmoded, and we don't need them", but throughout Leviticus God states that these laws are to be followed forever. Hmmm.
sacred scripture eh? sounds like a book of politicians with their own personal agenda's more than anything...
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
I'm just waiting to LMAO when homosexuality is proven to be a genetically linked trait that expresses itself as an abnormality in brain development. When then? God hates physical abnormalities? It is asinine to think homosexuality is any kind of a choice. You couldn't pay me enough money to want a guy's pecker in my chute. All the gay porn in the world wouldn't make me stop being a boob guy. You have to wonder if God is sexually confused if he hates gays so much.
I stronglt suspect it is more likely to be a functional hormonal glitch which causes incomplete masculinization of the brain. Don't hold your breath waiting for a gen to be found, also cos no-one is looking. But you are right in principal, gay men are God's creation, like all of us, or none of us are.
I am a boob fan took, fecking hell, who isn't.
I'm just waiting to LMAO when homosexuality is proven to be a genetically linked trait that expresses itself as an abnormality in brain development. When then? God hates physical abnormalities? It is asinine to think homosexuality is any kind of a choice. You couldn't pay me enough money to want a guy's pecker in my chute. All the gay porn in the world wouldn't make me stop being a boob guy. You have to wonder if God is sexually confused if he hates gays so much.
i take homosexuality like anything else. we humans like things in our kind of unique way. hell, there's guys that like whip cream on woman's titties cause it turns them on. others like dudes that dress like chicks but still claim they are "straight". others like threesomes and whatnot. as human beings there are different things that get men/women horny. speaking of which, consider pedophiles. men simply just get turned on with kids. i'm not defending them. if they molest a child i'm rooting for them to be put in jail. but think about it. are they sick? is it a sickness? i don't think so. i think it's just another sexual preference. a pedophile could be anyone. did you ever see the show of that dude who scammed these pedophiles into thinking they were kids on the internet? all kinds of dudes came up. a rabbi, a doctor, a priest, a 20 year old college kid. blacks, arabians, whites, hispanics. it's undiscriminized and you really can't label a pedophile. so i don't think it's a sickness. i'm willing to bet that if there is somekind of gene that makes gays gays it's probably similar to the gene that makes pedophiles pedophiles. just a thought though.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
I haven't been on the board much in the past fews days and unfortunately have missed most of this disscussion so Ill just answer the question you posed (Ill read through the thread after work).
From the moment I stepped into primary school I was told God was real, I went to mass every week, had to sing hyms, do confirmation, first holy communion etc, all well and good I suppose. But noone ever told me any differing opinions, noone ever gave me a choice, I was brainwashed as a child by religion and personally that disgusts me and I feel sick whenever someone tries to tell me religion is not forced upon anyone.
Throughout history religion has been used as a tool for supression of free political thought, it was used to cement the powers of kings and queens, it was used to make men powerful and rich, it was used to perpetuate conflict and bloodshed. This was not just 200 years ago, it goes on today. Major Christian churches took a stance of non involvment in the African American slave trade, the chuch forbade the use of contraception resulting in the deaths of untold numbers of Africans from AIDS despite the fact that the Catholic church had and has shares in Durex. Priests in the Catholic church were allowed to fuck little boys and girls and their 'little indiscretions' were swept under the carpet and if things got bad they were simply moved to another parish. The age of consent in The Vatican is 12 years of age, and considering the history and nature of this branch of christianity I wouldn't ignore that. An Evangilist minister in a church in my city described the Tsunami disaster of recent as "Gods way of punishing non believers", a Televangelist in America said a similar thing about Hurricane Katrina being Gods way of stopping a Gay Pride parade due to take place in New Orleans 3 days after the hurricane. The bible is a sexist book that prtrays women as heathen, adulturous whores who were responsible for our expulsion from paradise. Religion has given us money hungry idiots like L. Ron fucking Hubbard.
Religion throughout history up to the present day has shown itself to be a cancer on human existence. I do not deny that religion has the potential to be a positive force however for the reasons I have listed above and many many more I do not believe the good to outway the bad and I do not understand how any loving, sane, compassionate adult can ask me why I cannot just leave people to their beliefs and not be so angry.
well i read that 2000 year old book quite often and it has never made me see things that way.
i must honestly say that coming from a catholic background and being in a christian atmosphere; i don't know any christian against gays. my mum is as catholic as you can be. going to church daily. she's all for gay marriages. the problem is; that in days past; parents tought thier children that it was wrong. because the majority of people were religious; you blame this on religion. why not? someone has to be the fall guy. and i only know a handful of gay people but they are all religious.
i think those against religion will blame religion for everything they can.
i take homosexuality like anything else. we humans like things in our kind of unique way. hell, there's guys that like whip cream on woman's titties cause it turns them on. others like dudes that dress like chicks but still claim they are "straight". others like threesomes and whatnot. as human beings there are different things that get men/women horny. speaking of which, consider pedophiles. men simply just get turned on with kids. i'm not defending them. if they molest a child i'm rooting for them to be put in jail. but think about it. are they sick? is it a sickness? i don't think so. i think it's just another sexual preference. a pedophile could be anyone. did you ever see the show of that dude who scammed these pedophiles into thinking they were kids on the internet? all kinds of dudes came up. a rabbi, a doctor, a priest, a 20 year old college kid. blacks, arabians, whites, hispanics. it's undiscriminized and you really can't label a pedophile. so i don't think it's a sickness. i'm willing to bet that if there is somekind of gene that makes gays gays it's probably similar to the gene that makes pedophiles pedophiles. just a thought though.
you forgot to mention beastiality. if you claim to support one then you must support all. if not; you're only another hypoctite and your words just farts in the wind.
you forgot to mention beastiality. if you claim to support one then you must support all. if not; you're only another hypoctite and your words just farts in the wind.
i don't support anything you old retarded man. i'm just making certain observations.
but yeah, beastiality too. people get horny for ridiculous amount of reasons and that one too.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
Sorry, I don't admit to discriminating against anyone. I couldn't care less if polygamy is legalized. I merely said I don't agree with the brand of logic people use to try and make the leap from gay marriage to polygamy as a civil rights issue.
but they have. and evidently they've made good argument. every argument made for homosexuality can be made for polygamy. if you find one that doesn't apply (and isn't based on religion or discrimination) i'd really like to hear it.
i don't support anything you old retarded man. i'm just making certain observations.
but yeah, beastiality too. people get horny for ridiculous amount of reasons and that one too.
in case you haven't noticed; i've been supporting you throughout the thread; which means you must be retarded too. but that is name calling and i don't support that. if making fun of my brain damage makes you feel superior; then make yourself feel better.
in case you haven't noticed; i've been supporting you throughout the thread; which means you must be retarded too. but that is name calling and i don't support that. if making fun of my brain damage makes you feel superior; then make yourself feel better.
well, i was just teasing you. why are people so sensitive? i'm sorry. but in this case you kinda did hurt my feelings too when you said that my words fart in the wind. people's sexual preference is irrelevant to me. so that's why i made that observation to show how much "sexual preferences" there are in the world today. and homosexuality is only but one of them. why do most christians feel that homosexuality is the worst and most degrading one? beats me.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
btw; i wasn't meaning you to mean you personally. i used the word as a generalization to mean anyone who supports gays.
well, i guess i completely misunderstood you. just like i'm misunderstanding you now. what do you mean by "i wasn't meaning you to mean you personally"?
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
i think i've mentioned this. i don't hate homosexuals (even though our streets rot because of them hahaha j/k i'm only kidding) i'm just being a dick, and i thought it was funny.
it's indifferent to me. it's not my business what happens between the consent of two other beings.
i don't judge either. i don't say whether it's good or whether it's bad. it's like "whatever" to me. i don't agree with that lifestyle but it's not my business.
that's where i'm at. indifference. they say the opposite of love is indifference; but i really don't care what people do anymore. people lie; cheat; steal; and murder. that seems a wee bit more important than who or what a person sleeps with. i remember when mick jagger screwed a watermelon on stage. who bloody cares.
how many times must i say LOYOLA?
so you admitt to discriminating against polygamists. that's a start.
i've heard of several polygamist marches on the news. the link here is allowing same sexes to marry; allows; or at least opens the door for a court battle because if a man can marry a woman and a woman can marry a woman; the logical progression is that 3 people can marry eachother. if a woman can't marry a woman; there is no possible way for a polygamist marriage to exist.
as far as polygamists wanting equality; here's some links to prove you wrong.
this article from the WASHINGTON POST will open your eyes.
By Charles Krauthammer
Friday, March 17, 2006; Page A19
And now, polygamy.
With the sweetly titled HBO series "Big Love," polygamy comes out of the closet. Under the headline "Polygamists, Unite!" Newsweek informs us of "polygamy activists emerging in the wake of the gay-marriage movement." Says one evangelical Christian big lover: "Polygamy rights is the next civil-rights battle."
Polygamy used to be stereotyped as the province of secretive Mormons, primitive Africans and profligate Arabs. With "Big Love" it moves to suburbia as a mere alternative lifestyle
the article goes on but this backs what i said.
i'm not your common "christian" practitioner that goes to church every sunday. i have my reasons. mainly cause i would see certain things in churches that i strongly opposed and also because it turns out like a cult sometimes. there were very much attitudes that you probably encounter that scares you. which is what it did to me. as humans, we can get carried away sometimes. i completely understand where your coming from. so i can understand how many kids are being forced to think that way. it's brain-wash it's what it is. those are cults, in my opinion. i am in no way justifying their actions.
now that you menion the movie, i might get it this weekend. i heard a lot about it. it's crazy... i know what you mean. i once went to an apostolic church, which is almost in every essence the same as pentecostal. the service was ok, i guess, until after the preaching the pastor approached the pulpit and said, "i've been noticing a lot of you young girls wearing short tight skirts and i've said this before and i don't want to say it again. I don't want any whores in my church. you look no different from those whores that are out there selling their filthy bodies in the streets. i will speak to you and your parents further of these things." i was about 16 and i was freaked out. my dad never took us there again. from what i understood my father was a much more spiritual man than what this piece of shit was.
oh, i'm from texas. and if you watch the movie grindhouse you could actually see me apartment. cool, i know.
this is not the fault of the gay parent. it is a result of an intolerant society. a society where homosexuality is seen as aberrant and abhorrant behaviour based on a 2000 year old book. every person who is willing to raise a child lovingly should be encouraged to do so. the mark of a good and competant parent is not who they choose to have sex with but how they raise their child. society needs to change. we are society. we need to change.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
you make this sound like a prideful thing.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
nor i.
so does that mean you are in conflict of God's word when it comes to homosexuality? even though in leviticus it says that a man shall not lie with another man as he would with a woman because it is an abomination?
admittedly it does go on to say that one shouldn't have sex with animals cause it is confusion. i am so totally with that one.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
apparently twice
the one in chicago?
it's indifferent to me. it's not my business what happens between the consent of two other beings.
i don't judge either. i don't say whether it's good or whether it's bad. it's like "whatever" to me. i don't agree with that lifestyle but it's not my business.
yeah, do check it out. it will really mess with your head. i dont remember what denomination it was. that's what i argue against. that brand of christianity. but we all know they won't listen to a heathen
i really need to go see grindhouse. maybe once i wrap up my finals...
there is a portion of the bible that peter writes concerning pauls teachings and says that certain people don't understand it and instead interpret it as they feel it fits their own biased beliefs. he also says that those are the people that lead people astray from the truth, rather than what true believers of christ are trying to convey... i think he's talking about dudes like phelps.
Sorry, I don't admit to discriminating against anyone. I couldn't care less if polygamy is legalized. I merely said I don't agree with the brand of logic people use to try and make the leap from gay marriage to polygamy as a civil rights issue.
But, when all is said and done, I still can't help but feel sorry for them. For example, a christian friend of mine once said, "God accepts me and all of my faults." I think it's sad that she really believes she needs god to accept her. My response was that only she can accept herself. I don't think she will ever know what it's like to feel accepted as long as she is under the opinion that it is an action that can only be carried out by something other than herself. True acceptance is derived from within.
For anyone who seeks peace of mind, religion is the most convenient route to take. And it is for that reason that so many people follow that route. But, if you ask me, it is a false route.
So, if I'm angry at religion, I think it's because it has robbed so many people of any hope of grasping reality and the true essence of humanity. Religion is sort of a shortcut to that path. It's like a pair of "training wheels" so to speak. Because religion makes it possible for people to ride on the path of righteousness, few seem to question it. But, there comes a point on the path where the training wheels have to come off.
I'm not saying that I ride a bicycle without training wheels. For christians and the like, those training wheels might be heaven and hell. For me, it's fines and jail time. It's all the same if you ask me.
But, I think if society is going to keep moving forward, then it has to figure out a way to maintain its balance without the aforementioned crutches. Of course, what I'm talking about is anarchy. Our ultimate goal is to survive without needing a babysitter. I don't think government is bad at this point in time. As for as morals go, people in general ( and that includes myself) have a long, long way to go before we realize why wrong is wrong and right is right. One thing is for sure, however, and that's that religion will not be a factor in this ultimate state of self-awareness that I hope mankind eventually achieves.
Don't have a variety of crops on the same field. (Leviticus 19:19)
Don't wear clothes made of more than one fabric (Leviticus 19:19)
Don't cut your hair nor shave. (Leviticus 19:27)
Any person who curseth his mother or father, must be killed. (Leviticus 20:9)
a man has sex with a woman on her period, they are both to be "cut off from their people" (Leviticus 20:18)
Psychics, wizards, and so on are to be stoned to death. (Leviticus 20:27)
If a priest's daughter is a whore, she is to be burnt at the stake. (Leviticus 21:9)
People who have flat noses, or is blind or lame, cannot go to an altar of God (Leviticus 21:17-18)
Anyone who curses or blasphemes God, should be stoned to death by the community. (Leviticus 24:14-16)
One must wonder why there are so many people wanting to site Leviticus for gay bashing, but they never mention these rules. How strange. It is common that a Christian will blow off these old rules with "Jesus came to change the laws, so these are outmoded, and we don't need them", but throughout Leviticus God states that these laws are to be followed forever. Hmmm.
sacred scripture eh? sounds like a book of politicians with their own personal agenda's more than anything...
exactly like this type of thing:
...same diff.. different time...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I stronglt suspect it is more likely to be a functional hormonal glitch which causes incomplete masculinization of the brain. Don't hold your breath waiting for a gen to be found, also cos no-one is looking. But you are right in principal, gay men are God's creation, like all of us, or none of us are.
I am a boob fan took, fecking hell, who isn't.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Very well thought I'd bump it ....
i must honestly say that coming from a catholic background and being in a christian atmosphere; i don't know any christian against gays. my mum is as catholic as you can be. going to church daily. she's all for gay marriages. the problem is; that in days past; parents tought thier children that it was wrong. because the majority of people were religious; you blame this on religion. why not? someone has to be the fall guy. and i only know a handful of gay people but they are all religious.
i think those against religion will blame religion for everything they can.
you forgot to mention beastiality. if you claim to support one then you must support all. if not; you're only another hypoctite and your words just farts in the wind.
but yeah, beastiality too. people get horny for ridiculous amount of reasons and that one too.
but they have. and evidently they've made good argument. every argument made for homosexuality can be made for polygamy. if you find one that doesn't apply (and isn't based on religion or discrimination) i'd really like to hear it.
in case you haven't noticed; i've been supporting you throughout the thread; which means you must be retarded too. but that is name calling and i don't support that. if making fun of my brain damage makes you feel superior; then make yourself feel better.
btw; i wasn't meaning you to mean you personally. i used the word as a generalization to mean anyone who supports gays.
that's where i'm at. indifference. they say the opposite of love is indifference; but i really don't care what people do anymore. people lie; cheat; steal; and murder. that seems a wee bit more important than who or what a person sleeps with. i remember when mick jagger screwed a watermelon on stage. who bloody cares.