just as many people think environmentalists are crazy becos of PETA, christianity gets a bad rep becos of fred phelps. what are you so pissed off about? this is how it works and always has.
I can't begin to count how many times I've heard "Oh, so are you one of those PETA people?" when someone finds out I'm a vegetarian. It does piss me off, but it's PETA I'm pissed at, not the people who are responding to the most publicly recognizable vegetarians. I think that cornnifer's anger is misplaced, it's his fellow Christians he should be ticked off at.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
I can't begin to count how many times I've heard "Oh, so are you one of those PETA people?" when someone finds out I'm a vegetarian. It does piss me off, but it's PETA I'm pissed at, not the people who are responding to the most publicly recognizable vegetarians. I think that cornnifer's anger is misplaced, it's his fellow Christians he should be ticked off at.
that's what i was trying to get at. he should be pissed off at the people making his fatih look bad, not at the people who are quite reasonably appalled at the behavior they see.
Obviously I'm very religious and I think it's silly to oppose gay marriage for religious reasons. Being religious is currently NOT a requirement for getting married so it's hypocritical to ban a group of people from getting married for reasons based in religion.
The only people we should try to get even with...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
"other abominations" acknowledges it as an abomination, like with eating shellfish, an oft-use biblical term.
Leviticus 11:10: "And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you"
I guess I'm going to Hell because of that Lobster Bisque I had last week.
but... man, was it gooooood.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
"other abominations" acknowledges it as an abomination, like with eating shellfish, an oft-use biblical term.
to some it is. don't get your shorts in a bunch. everyone has the right to thier own opinions and thier own feelings. you're awful close to acknowledging that you want to control how i feel.
to me the word is a word. i don't care where it originated and i believe the word was in use long before the bible was written in 2 ad.
it's an estimation from my experience speaking to people who oppose gay marriage, people who voted for th ohio ban, and every news article i've ever read that discussed the issue. i have yet to hear anything by anyone who opposed gay marriage for any reason other than religion.
so would bet 95% is pretty accurate for those in the US.
to some it is. don't get your shorts in a bunch. everyone has the right to thier own opinions and thier own feelings. you're awful close to acknowledging that you want to control how i feel.
to me the word is a word. i don't care where it originated and i believe the word was in use long before the bible was written in 2 ad.
2 A.D? You know... that is two years after Jesus was born, right?
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
I thought maybe Jesus wrote the Bible at age 2.
I guess I need to go to chuch more.
well, they always did say he was quite the gifted child. spen an afternoon schooling the elders, he did. then he grinned down a bear and planted apple trees all across the desert... or maybe im getting my tall tales mixed up?
I think that cornnifer's anger is misplaced, it's his fellow Christians he should be ticked off at.
Here's the funny thing. i'm not angry. Also, i have publicly, here as well as other places, chastised alleged Christians for their pathetic demonstrations. None of that excuses the fact that some folks here are full of shit with their "forcing your beliefs, 95 %, i read a newspaper article one time, Fred Phelps" nonsense. They are stereotyping. Plain and simple. Stereotyping and rationalizing their hatred and prejudice with statements that simply do not hold water. i'm simply pointing out holes in the argument.
"When all your friends and sedatives mean well but make it worse... better find yourself a place to level out."
Here's the funny thing. i'm not angry. Also, i have publicly, here as well as other places, chastised alleged Christians for their pathetic demonstrations. None of that excuses the fact that some folks here are full of shit with their "forcing your beliefs, 95 %, i read a newspaper article one time, Fred Phelps" nonsense. They are stereotyping. Plain and simple. Stereotyping and rationalizing their hatred and prejudice with statements that simply do not hold water. i'm simply pointing out holes in the argument.
but there are no holes. im not talking about one newspaper article i read one time. im talking about EVERY SINGLE article i ever read (dozens, if not hundreds) and not one ever mentioned secular opposition to gay marriage. im not just talking about fred phelps, im adding robertson, jenkins, im adding my neighbors, friends i have back in ohio, people passing out flyers and leaflets near election day, people on the campaign trail, etc. every single one of them... christian. point me to anything... ANYTHING that discusses an organized secular movement to ban gay marriage.
regardless, this does not change my ultimate point, that it does not matter WHO is talking about banning gay marriage... it is unconstitutional. i notice you still have no response to that argument. my point about christians is to explain to you why they bear the brunt of the abuse by people angry about the movement's drive to pass unconstitutional legislation... becos they are the prime driving force of the movement. again, i challenge you to show me anything that discusses the strong secular anti-gay movement. im really curious.
but there are no holes. im not talking about one newspaper article i read one time. im talking about EVERY SINGLE article i ever read (dozens, if not hundreds) and not one ever mentioned secular opposition to gay marriage. im not just talking about fred phelps, im adding robertson, jenkins, im adding my neighbors, friends i have back in ohio, people passing out flyers and leaflets near election day, people on the campaign trail, etc. every single one of them... christian. point me to anything... ANYTHING that discusses an organized secular movement to ban gay marriage.
regardless, this does not change my ultimate point, that it does not matter WHO is talking about banning gay marriage... it is unconstitutional. i notice you still have no response to that argument. my point about christians is to explain to you why they bear the brunt of the abuse by people angry about the movement's drive to pass unconstitutional legislation... becos they are the prime driving force of the movement. again, i challenge you to show me anything that discusses the strong secular anti-gay movement. im really curious.
Strong secular movement? Point me to a strong secular movement for anything? When it becomes a movement, it ceases to be secular. If you cant take off the blinders long enough to admit that GM opposition comes from more than just the Christian right, then oh, well. Good luck with that. "Average Joe opposes gay-marriage" is not a headline that would sell many papers. Come to the neighborhood i grew up in and talk to some folks, many of which have never touched a Bible save when swearing on it court have never been inside a church and have no faith whatsoever, and ask them about gay-marriage. Put down the newspaper, turn off the television (or at least turn it from the 700 club) and step out into the real world, the one that exists outside of this fucking board and your little neighborhood.
Sad thing is, i used to kind of like you, but, watching you being cosumed by ignorance based hatred and prejudice is kind of like watching Anakin Skywalker transforming into Darth Vader. Sad indeed.
"When all your friends and sedatives mean well but make it worse... better find yourself a place to level out."
Here's the funny thing. i'm not angry. Also, i have publicly, here as well as other places, chastised alleged Christians for their pathetic demonstrations. None of that excuses the fact that some folks here are full of shit with their "forcing your beliefs, 95 %, i read a newspaper article one time, Fred Phelps" nonsense. They are stereotyping. Plain and simple. Stereotyping and rationalizing their hatred and prejudice with statements that simply do not hold water. i'm simply pointing out holes in the argument.
Try this yourself... ask people if they are against Gay Marriages. If they are, ask them why. Don't accept "Because it's wrong" or "Because it's sick" as a valid answer... why is it wrong or sick? I'm guessing that more time than not, they will invoke the Bible and/or God as their reasoning. Ask 100 people and see if 95 of them respnd this way. Are they Christians? Who knows, who cares? The thing you want to see is whether or not it is true, right?
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Strong secular movement? Point me to a strong secular movement for anything? When it becomes a movement, it ceases to be secular. If you cant take off the blinders long enough to admit that GM opposition comes from more than just the Christian right, then oh, well. Good luck with that. "Average Joe opposes gay-marriage" is not a headline that would sell many papers. Come to the neighborhood i grew up in and talk to some folks, many of which have never touched a Bible save when swearing on it court have never been inside a church and have no faith whatsoever, and ask them about gay-marriage. Put down the newspaper, turn off the television (or at least turn it from the 700 club) and step out into the real world, the one that exists outside of this fucking board and your little neighborhood.
Sad thing is, i used to kind of like you, but, watching you being cosumed by ignorance based hatred and prejudice is kind of like watching Anakin Skywalker transforming into Darth Vader. Sad indeed.
show me where i said that christians are the only ones opposed to gay marriage? i have never said anything like that. i just said the momentum of the anti-gay movement comes from christians. it's not like abortion where the lines are far more muddled.
the real world? my tiny neighborhood? i live in chicago dude. i grew up in suburbs and big cities in ohio. i've met plenty of people of all stripes and i stand by my statements. i've yet to hear a single person tell me it is very important that gays not get married unless they are christian. that's just the way it is. ditto for the newspapers. if my real world interactions and real world newspapers aren't "real" enough, where am i supposed to get my reality chief? by coming to YOUR tiny trailer park and asking your neighbors?
i have no hatred for christians. but i am greatly annoyed at anyone i perceive to be acting an idiot and i state it strongly. ask che, the left wing revolutionary, how he feels about me. ask el kabong what he thinks of my reaming him for his 9/11 conspiracy theories. i just have forceful opinions and one of them happens to be that much of christian politics is fucking ridiculous. i hate everyone equally, quit acting like you're some sort of martyr or im waging some sort of holy war. i dont give a damn what religion you are. but if you give me your politics you damn well better have more backing them up than the bible or a michael moore movie.
the way i'm beginning to see it is, why argue? if this debate has been going since i first signed on which was back in '03. technically this debate has gone on for centuries, maybe. what makes either side think they'll come into agreement? let homosexuals live their lifestyles. let anti-homosexuals live their lifestyles, without interfering others lives.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
the way i'm beginning to see it is, why argue? if this debate has been going since i first signed on which was back in '03. technically this debate has gone on for centuries, maybe. what makes either side think they'll come into agreement? let homosexuals live their lifestyles. let anti-homosexuals live their lifestyles, without interfering others lives.
becos anti-homosexuals do interfere with the others' lives. i've never heard of a gay man trying to talk your christian child into going the other way. but i've heard plenty about people trying to outlaw gay rights.
becos anti-homosexuals do interfere with the others' lives. i've never heard of a gay man trying to talk your christian child into going the other way. but i've heard plenty about people trying to outlaw gay rights.
i love you for that one.
if you attempt to pass a law grounded in christian teachings, IE anti-gay, then you are not letting the other people go there own way. You are attempting to force your way onto them....
You do know that most other countries are laughing at us because of this, right?
if you attempt to pass a law grounded in christian teachings, IE anti-gay, then you are not letting the other people go there own way. You are attempting to force your way onto them....
You do know that most other countries are laughing at us because of this, right?
Don't worry we have plenty of other reasons to laugh at you too.
Not that Australia is much better when it comes to gay rights, but here I don't think it has as much to do with Christian opposition. It is involved certainly, but the christian lobby groups don't hold anywhere near as much sway here as they do in the US, and still gay marriages have not been legalised. The ACT passed a law allowing gay civil unions and it was swiftly overturned by our conservative fuckwad of a prime minister. That was the last straw for me. There's no way he's getting any vote of mine. I'm fed up with his meddling in people's lives. Go and live in your own little alternate reality with your 50's family values Johnny. We don't want it here.
It doesn't matter if you're male, female, or confused; black, white, brown, red, green, yellow; gay, lesbian; redneck cop, stoned; ugly; military style, doggy style; fat, rich or poor; vegetarian or cannibal; bum, hippie, virgin; famous or drunk-you're either an asshole or you're not!
Don't worry we have plenty of other reasons to laugh at you too.
Not that Australia is much better when it comes to gay rights, but here I don't think it has as much to do with Christian opposition. It is involved certainly, but the christian lobby groups don't hold anywhere near as much sway here as they do in the US, and still gay marriages have not been legalised. The ACT passed a law allowing gay civil unions and it was swiftly overturned by our conservative fuckwad of a prime minister. That was the last straw for me. There's no way he's getting any vote of mine. I'm fed up with his meddling in people's lives. Go and live in your own little alternate reality with your 50's family values Johnny. We don't want it here.
ill be damned! this is the proof cornnifer's been looking for! first time i have EVER heard about anti-gay actions not in the name of christianity.
ill be damned! this is the proof cornnifer's been looking for! first time i have EVER heard about anti-gay actions not in the name of christianity.
Not explicitly in the name of christianity, but still in the name of 'family values'. Same shit as far as I'm concerned. Just a different bucket.
I think its a bit more complicated here. Its not a black and white case of noisy christians vs everyone else. We're a very secular country generally speaking, but our concepts of family values etc no doubt have their roots in christianity, as do many of the ridiculous predjudices that many people hold. I think a lot of Australians probably harbour some kind of homophobic sentiment even though they've never set foot in church, and the mere fact that watching men kiss makes them uncomfortable is enough for them to side with the anti-gay marriage campaigners, even if they don't give a rat's arse about their christian ideals. And politicians are politicians (ie a pack of spineless snivelling cowards), so they just try to stay safe and stick with what they feel the general sentiment in the public is. No sense losing votes just to please a small minority group. We still have idiotic christian lobby groups that protest these things, but they're mostly seen as part of the lunatic fringe, and I don't think mainstream Australia really pays a great deal of attention to them.
Personally, I find it extremely uncomfortable being in close proximity to public displays of gay affection (except women, then its hot). But that's my problem, not theirs. I don't feel I have any right to tell them how to live their lives.
It doesn't matter if you're male, female, or confused; black, white, brown, red, green, yellow; gay, lesbian; redneck cop, stoned; ugly; military style, doggy style; fat, rich or poor; vegetarian or cannibal; bum, hippie, virgin; famous or drunk-you're either an asshole or you're not!
Personally, I find it extremely uncomfortable being in close proximity to public displays of gay affection (except women, then its hot). But that's my problem, not theirs. I don't feel I have any right to tell them how to live their lives.
scott scott scott. unless you're kidding that strikes me as kinda hypocritical or something
why do you feel uncomfortable being near gay displays of affection?
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
scott scott scott. unless you're kidding that strikes me as kinda hypocritical or something
why do you feel uncomfortable being near gay displays of affection?
I don't know. I'm just being honest. I think most straight guys would tell you the same thing. I guess its just social conditioning or something. I don't particularly like overt straight public displays of affection either. The point is that I realise that its my problem, not theirs, and I don't have any right to tell them that they can't get married just because it makes me uncomfortable.
Its like the Southpark episode about the museum of tolerance. Just because you tolerate something doesn't mean that you have to pretend to like it.
It doesn't matter if you're male, female, or confused; black, white, brown, red, green, yellow; gay, lesbian; redneck cop, stoned; ugly; military style, doggy style; fat, rich or poor; vegetarian or cannibal; bum, hippie, virgin; famous or drunk-you're either an asshole or you're not!
I don't know. I'm just being honest. I think most straight guys would tell you the same thing. I guess its just social conditioning or something. I don't particularly like overt straight public displays of affection either. The point is that I realise that its my problem, not theirs, and I don't have any right to tell them that they can't get married just because it makes me uncomfortable.
Its like the Southpark episode about the museum of tolerance. Just because you tolerate something doesn't mean that you have to pretend to like it.
thanks for the honesty. If you ever get the chance ask a gay guy what he thinks about kissing a girl. All the ones I know say its gross....
becos anti-homosexuals do interfere with the others' lives. i've never heard of a gay man trying to talk your christian child into going the other way. but i've heard plenty about people trying to outlaw gay rights.
what are you? the savior for homosexuals? how is your argument going to make it any better.
my point is, both sides should stop pointing the fingers and calling it on each other. it will never go anywhere. how hard is that?
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
what are you? the savior for homosexuals? how is your argument going to make it any better.
my point is, both sides should stop pointing the fingers and calling it on each other. it will never go anywhere. how hard is that?
becos my point is one side HAS to point fingers or else they are going to end up having their rights stripped from them and be marginalized by vindictive legislation while they sit by in silence out of some inane effort not to argue. they're on the defensive. if the other side quit, they'd be happy to quit. but they're not quitting until they are SAFE. and until you can guarantee that, it's not going to stop. if the anti-gay people stopped pushing for laws, then they'd stop fighting back. but if gay people just shut up and keep quiet becos you're annoyed by their arguments, the anti-gay people will have a field day with a whole new round of jim crow laws for their new favorite hated minority.
becos my point is one side HAS to point fingers or else they are going to end up having their rights stripped from them and be marginalized by vindictive legislation while they sit by in silence out of some inane effort not to argue. they're on the defensive. if the other side quit, they'd be happy to quit. but they're not quitting until they are SAFE. and until you can guarantee that, it's not going to stop.
well, maybe they should learn from ghandi, mlk, or something...
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
why do athiests have so much anger toward those of religion? religious threads here turn into athiest trying to prove those of religion are wrong. why? where does this anger come from. if you tell someone of religion that you are athiest; they feel sorry for you and maybe pray for you; which is an act of compassion to them. yet athiests can't wait to jump on someone trying to prove they're wrong. they disrespect that person and thier beliefs. are these the attributes of a "good" person?
as a misanthrope, my anger is directed at people in general. i'd be happy if the lot of you stayed awaay from me. and please don't pray for me cause that pisses me off.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
that's what i was trying to get at. he should be pissed off at the people making his fatih look bad, not at the people who are quite reasonably appalled at the behavior they see.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Leviticus 11:10: "And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you"
I guess I'm going to Hell because of that Lobster Bisque I had last week.
but... man, was it gooooood.
Hail, Hail!!!
to some it is. don't get your shorts in a bunch. everyone has the right to thier own opinions and thier own feelings. you're awful close to acknowledging that you want to control how i feel.
to me the word is a word. i don't care where it originated and i believe the word was in use long before the bible was written in 2 ad.
so would bet 95% is pretty accurate for those in the US.
2 A.D? You know... that is two years after Jesus was born, right?
Hail, Hail!!!
Jesus was born april 17th 6 bc by our calender. but yes; i made a mistake. it was suppose to read
2nd century ad.
woulda been pretty hard for jesus to be a jew if the book judaism was based upon wasn't even written until after his birth... ah, typo, nevermind!
I thought maybe Jesus wrote the Bible at age 2.
I guess I need to go to chuch more.
Hail, Hail!!!
well, they always did say he was quite the gifted child. spen an afternoon schooling the elders, he did. then he grinned down a bear and planted apple trees all across the desert... or maybe im getting my tall tales mixed up?
Here's the funny thing. i'm not angry. Also, i have publicly, here as well as other places, chastised alleged Christians for their pathetic demonstrations. None of that excuses the fact that some folks here are full of shit with their "forcing your beliefs, 95 %, i read a newspaper article one time, Fred Phelps" nonsense. They are stereotyping. Plain and simple. Stereotyping and rationalizing their hatred and prejudice with statements that simply do not hold water. i'm simply pointing out holes in the argument.
but there are no holes. im not talking about one newspaper article i read one time. im talking about EVERY SINGLE article i ever read (dozens, if not hundreds) and not one ever mentioned secular opposition to gay marriage. im not just talking about fred phelps, im adding robertson, jenkins, im adding my neighbors, friends i have back in ohio, people passing out flyers and leaflets near election day, people on the campaign trail, etc. every single one of them... christian. point me to anything... ANYTHING that discusses an organized secular movement to ban gay marriage.
regardless, this does not change my ultimate point, that it does not matter WHO is talking about banning gay marriage... it is unconstitutional. i notice you still have no response to that argument. my point about christians is to explain to you why they bear the brunt of the abuse by people angry about the movement's drive to pass unconstitutional legislation... becos they are the prime driving force of the movement. again, i challenge you to show me anything that discusses the strong secular anti-gay movement. im really curious.
Strong secular movement? Point me to a strong secular movement for anything? When it becomes a movement, it ceases to be secular. If you cant take off the blinders long enough to admit that GM opposition comes from more than just the Christian right, then oh, well. Good luck with that. "Average Joe opposes gay-marriage" is not a headline that would sell many papers. Come to the neighborhood i grew up in and talk to some folks, many of which have never touched a Bible save when swearing on it court have never been inside a church and have no faith whatsoever, and ask them about gay-marriage. Put down the newspaper, turn off the television (or at least turn it from the 700 club) and step out into the real world, the one that exists outside of this fucking board and your little neighborhood.
Sad thing is, i used to kind of like you, but, watching you being cosumed by ignorance based hatred and prejudice is kind of like watching Anakin Skywalker transforming into Darth Vader. Sad indeed.
Try this yourself... ask people if they are against Gay Marriages. If they are, ask them why. Don't accept "Because it's wrong" or "Because it's sick" as a valid answer... why is it wrong or sick? I'm guessing that more time than not, they will invoke the Bible and/or God as their reasoning. Ask 100 people and see if 95 of them respnd this way. Are they Christians? Who knows, who cares? The thing you want to see is whether or not it is true, right?
Hail, Hail!!!
show me where i said that christians are the only ones opposed to gay marriage? i have never said anything like that. i just said the momentum of the anti-gay movement comes from christians. it's not like abortion where the lines are far more muddled.
the real world? my tiny neighborhood? i live in chicago dude. i grew up in suburbs and big cities in ohio. i've met plenty of people of all stripes and i stand by my statements. i've yet to hear a single person tell me it is very important that gays not get married unless they are christian. that's just the way it is. ditto for the newspapers. if my real world interactions and real world newspapers aren't "real" enough, where am i supposed to get my reality chief? by coming to YOUR tiny trailer park and asking your neighbors?
i have no hatred for christians. but i am greatly annoyed at anyone i perceive to be acting an idiot and i state it strongly. ask che, the left wing revolutionary, how he feels about me. ask el kabong what he thinks of my reaming him for his 9/11 conspiracy theories. i just have forceful opinions and one of them happens to be that much of christian politics is fucking ridiculous. i hate everyone equally, quit acting like you're some sort of martyr or im waging some sort of holy war. i dont give a damn what religion you are. but if you give me your politics you damn well better have more backing them up than the bible or a michael moore movie.
becos anti-homosexuals do interfere with the others' lives. i've never heard of a gay man trying to talk your christian child into going the other way. but i've heard plenty about people trying to outlaw gay rights.
if you attempt to pass a law grounded in christian teachings, IE anti-gay, then you are not letting the other people go there own way. You are attempting to force your way onto them....
You do know that most other countries are laughing at us because of this, right?
Don't worry we have plenty of other reasons to laugh at you too.
Not that Australia is much better when it comes to gay rights, but here I don't think it has as much to do with Christian opposition. It is involved certainly, but the christian lobby groups don't hold anywhere near as much sway here as they do in the US, and still gay marriages have not been legalised. The ACT passed a law allowing gay civil unions and it was swiftly overturned by our conservative fuckwad of a prime minister. That was the last straw for me. There's no way he's getting any vote of mine. I'm fed up with his meddling in people's lives. Go and live in your own little alternate reality with your 50's family values Johnny. We don't want it here.
-C Addison
ill be damned! this is the proof cornnifer's been looking for! first time i have EVER heard about anti-gay actions not in the name of christianity.
Not explicitly in the name of christianity, but still in the name of 'family values'. Same shit as far as I'm concerned. Just a different bucket.
I think its a bit more complicated here. Its not a black and white case of noisy christians vs everyone else. We're a very secular country generally speaking, but our concepts of family values etc no doubt have their roots in christianity, as do many of the ridiculous predjudices that many people hold. I think a lot of Australians probably harbour some kind of homophobic sentiment even though they've never set foot in church, and the mere fact that watching men kiss makes them uncomfortable is enough for them to side with the anti-gay marriage campaigners, even if they don't give a rat's arse about their christian ideals. And politicians are politicians (ie a pack of spineless snivelling cowards), so they just try to stay safe and stick with what they feel the general sentiment in the public is. No sense losing votes just to please a small minority group. We still have idiotic christian lobby groups that protest these things, but they're mostly seen as part of the lunatic fringe, and I don't think mainstream Australia really pays a great deal of attention to them.
Personally, I find it extremely uncomfortable being in close proximity to public displays of gay affection (except women, then its hot). But that's my problem, not theirs. I don't feel I have any right to tell them how to live their lives.
-C Addison
scott scott scott. unless you're kidding that strikes me as kinda hypocritical or something
why do you feel uncomfortable being near gay displays of affection?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I don't know. I'm just being honest. I think most straight guys would tell you the same thing. I guess its just social conditioning or something. I don't particularly like overt straight public displays of affection either. The point is that I realise that its my problem, not theirs, and I don't have any right to tell them that they can't get married just because it makes me uncomfortable.
Its like the Southpark episode about the museum of tolerance. Just because you tolerate something doesn't mean that you have to pretend to like it.
-C Addison
my point is, both sides should stop pointing the fingers and calling it on each other. it will never go anywhere. how hard is that?
i've kissed a girl and i didnt think it was gross. then again im not a gay guy.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
becos my point is one side HAS to point fingers or else they are going to end up having their rights stripped from them and be marginalized by vindictive legislation while they sit by in silence out of some inane effort not to argue. they're on the defensive. if the other side quit, they'd be happy to quit. but they're not quitting until they are SAFE. and until you can guarantee that, it's not going to stop. if the anti-gay people stopped pushing for laws, then they'd stop fighting back. but if gay people just shut up and keep quiet becos you're annoyed by their arguments, the anti-gay people will have a field day with a whole new round of jim crow laws for their new favorite hated minority.
as a misanthrope, my anger is directed at people in general. i'd be happy if the lot of you stayed awaay from me.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say