im reasonably certain they dont exist. onelongsong is the biggest imaginary shit talker on here. he's made more wild, unsubstantiated claims than anyone i know round here. he's a former rock star, medical miracle, milita man, has killed 2 people, a practicing attorney who has never been beaten, a buffalo rancher, and now, apparently, the sole keeper of 619 commandments wired directly to him by god.
new motion: atheists and christians be damned. we should all be worshipping onelongsong, cos he CLEARLY is god's gift to this message board! a regular renaissance man.
it's alright if you're not smart enough to do more than one thing at a time. or if you don't have the intelligence to follow a line of progression; ie; someone having an aneurysm and having to change occupations. but i forgive the ignorant. i know it's not your fault. i will try to talk in a grade school mode so you can follow.
it's alright if you're not smart enough to do more than one thing at a time. or if you don't have the intelligence to follow a line of progression; ie; someone having an aneurysm and having to change occupations. but i forgive the ignorant. i know it's not your fault. i will try to talk in a grade school mode so you can follow.
The bible may be a fact of your life, but it is not a fact of my life. There's the difference. It has nothing to do with human ignorance.
it's alright if you're not smart enough to do more than one thing at a time. or if you don't have the intelligence to follow a line of progression; ie; someone having an aneurysm and having to change occupations. but i forgive the ignorant. i know it's not your fault. i will try to talk in a grade school mode so you can follow.
can you tell us in grade school mode what law school you went to or what famous rock band you played in?
then good women are hard to find, becos i've yet to meet a woman who will ever admit to being wrong about anything. if she does, it's by implying that i was wrong in what i thought i said which is why she was wrong. it's an amazing gift to witness really.
and yes, im trying to be cheeky funny, but im also right. it's not an insult to women, it's just the way they operate and im trying to teach these poor guys to not try to fight it.
if you want her to feel deadly wrong then all you have to say is, "sure sweety. you're always right." then tell her, "now, go make me a sandwich." then give her a kiss on the cheek.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
You're right... people who are nice to other people shouldn't do it looking for a reward in their afterlife... they do it just because it is the nice thing to do. And that character trait has nothing to do with God. Just like Charity... you shouldn't do it for tax write off or to expect something in return... you should just give because someone else needs it more than you do.
I'm not looking for the a ticket to heaven... I'm looking for the truth. Something else I know I will never find. Still, it keeps be busy and I find all sorts of interesting things along the way.
As for the paths towards God... I just think that just because a person believes in a different faith... and wants to find God... no one religion has the answer. Christianity doesn't corner the market on God's love... and neither do any of the other religions. I believe God loves us, no matter which text we go by... or don't go by at all. I think all He wants is for us to be good to each other. That's all.
You will find truths Cosmo. Just as you will find lies. All things are in a state of motion yes? So your truth today may not be your truth tomorrow. I think always seeking answers is an excellent way to be in the world. As well as continually asking questions. It's the journey that's important, not the destination.
And for whatever reason, God or just because it's human nature, I think being good to each other, giving and receiving love, having faith in goodness, always seeking peaceful co existence, being respectful and kind, all of these things are what humans need to attain and should aspire to in their lives to a greater or lesser degree.
true. but i can't talk football either. but if i just smile and nod i don't think any guy would mind running his mouth about smith for a good 10 minutes.
uh oh... i might need a new game plan if i hope to stand out
You will find truths Cosmo. Just as you will find lies. All things are in a state of motion yes? So your truth today may not be your truth tomorrow. I think always seeking answers is an excellent way to be in the world. As well as continually asking questions. It's the journey that's important, not the destination.
And for whatever reason, God or just because it's human nature, I think being good to each other, giving and receiving love, having faith in goodness, always seeking peaceful co existence, being respectful and kind, all of these things are what humans need to attain and should aspire to in their lives to a greater or lesser degree.
they also need to find a good sexual partner.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
im reasonably certain they dont exist. onelongsong is the biggest imaginary shit talker on here. he's made more wild, unsubstantiated claims than anyone i know round here. he's a former rock star, medical miracle, milita man, has killed 2 people, a practicing attorney who has never been beaten, a buffalo rancher, and now, apparently, the sole keeper of 619 commandments wired directly to him by god.
new motion: atheists and christians be damned. we should all be worshipping onelongsong, cos he CLEARLY is god's gift to this message board! a regular renaissance man.
That was just plain nasty ss. And frankly a bit disappointing.
Perhaps OLS suffers poor communication skills just as you do some days?
Not really sure what you would get out of being cruel. I've seen you make some fairly wildly fantastical posts yourself, so perhaps it's the competition you don't like? Or maybe you are just "frustrated" again?
Anyway, I can think of worse people to worship, supposing I could be bothered worshipping any person.
why do athiests have so much anger toward those of religion? religious threads here turn into athiest trying to prove those of religion are wrong. why? where does this anger come from. if you tell someone of religion that you are athiest; they feel sorry for you and maybe pray for you; which is an act of compassion to them. yet athiests can't wait to jump on someone trying to prove they're wrong. they disrespect that person and thier beliefs. are these the attributes of a "good" person?
the act of praying is in itself disrepecting the athiest's beliefs. I know what you are saying, in your eyes, it's compassion, your beliefs tells you that is what a good person should do. But the praying could come across as proving them wrong and disrepecting how they feel. To believe or not believe does not make them a good or bad person.
The world has always had a battle with religion or the lack there of. It's probably best that the board take the discussions about it off since it really had turned sour at times. Now hopefully that does not spark a debate on censorship because that is not what I mean.
That was just plain nasty ss. And frankly a bit disappointing.
Perhaps OLS suffers poor communication skills just as you do some days?
Not really sure what you would get out of being cruel. I've seen you make some fairly wildly fantastical posts yourself, so perhaps it's the competition you don't like? Or maybe you are just "frustrated" again?
Anyway, I can think of worse people to worship, supposing I could be bothered worshipping any person.
im just still bitter about the fact that he never backs his shit up. he drops these things but wont prove any of them. said he was a lawyer but knew less about the constitution than a first year and 2 bored people surfing the internet. i smell bullshit, and i call it. if he stepped up to the plate, id not have to call him on it. but i find it mighty suspicious that no matter what the debate or topic is, he claims to have had some amazing personal insight into this based on a lifetime of training, then disappears without supporting any of his wild allegations. it's annoying. this was the first time i've ever gotten a straight response from him.
nah, dude... you confessed it bro... just make sure your girlfriend isn't watching... j/k i'm messing with you.
shit man, if she's wtching, that's the last of my concerns... i was the author of a rather long lived thread over on the trip entitled "my gf is the worst kisser ever"
the act of praying is in itself disrepecting the athiest's beliefs. I know what you are saying, in your eyes, it's compassion, your beliefs tells you that is what a good person should do. But the praying could come across as proving them wrong and disrepecting how they feel. To believe or not believe does not make them a good or bad person.
The world has always had a battle with religion or the lack there of. It's probably best that the board take the discussions about it off since it really had turned sour at times. Now hopefully that does not spark a debate on censorship because that is not what I mean.
you couldn't be any more right glynn. this idea was creeping through the back of my mind. i was just never able to word it the way you do.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
and why is that? why don't most people want to talk about pearl jam?! i just don't get it
i dont either. but they gaze off and seem to think im crazy. or they roll their eyes like "here he goes again". for shame. if i ever see you, i promise a long thought out analysis of the progression of porch over the years... and i wont mention troy smith or try to hit on you. i might throw in an O-H though
the act of praying is in itself disrepecting the athiest's beliefs. I know what you are saying, in your eyes, it's compassion, your beliefs tells you that is what a good person should do. But the praying could come across as proving them wrong and disrepecting how they feel. To believe or not believe does not make them a good or bad person.
The world has always had a battle with religion or the lack there of. It's probably best that the board take the discussions about it off since it really had turned sour at times. Now hopefully that does not spark a debate on censorship because that is not what I mean.
There are so many things wrong with this post I don't know where to begin.
Where do you get that the 'act of praying' is 'disrespectful' to anyone's beliefs, much less the atheist?
i dont either. but they gaze off and seem to think im crazy. or they roll their eyes like "here he goes again". for shame. if i ever see you, i promise a long thought out analysis of the progression of porch over the years... and i wont mention troy smith or try to hit on you. i might throw in an O-H though
i ordered my football tickets yesterday. bonus about going back to school for a second degree: i get football tickets again:)
the act of praying is in itself disrepecting the athiest's beliefs. I know what you are saying, in your eyes, it's compassion, your beliefs tells you that is what a good person should do. But the praying could come across as proving them wrong and disrepecting how they feel. To believe or not believe does not make them a good or bad person.
The world has always had a battle with religion or the lack there of. It's probably best that the board take the discussions about it off since it really had turned sour at times. Now hopefully that does not spark a debate on censorship because that is not what I mean.
Well not to all athiests and their beliefs. Some athiests understand that for a person to pray for them is just their way of trying to be supportive.
And as someone's prayers would not change my beliefs then I have no problem with some one praying for me if it is something that they feel will help me. I see it as their way of caring about me and my situation.
Well not to all athiests and their beliefs. Some athiests understand that for a person to pray for them is just their way of trying to be supportive.
And as someone's prayers would not change my beliefs then I have no problem with some one praying for me if it is something that they feel will help me. I see it as their way of caring about me and my situation.
did you ever watch the scene from sex and the city where that one redheaded chick... the one with short hair. gets mad at her housecleaning lady for telling her God bless you and throwing the sign of the cross at her?
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
it's alright if you're not smart enough to do more than one thing at a time. or if you don't have the intelligence to follow a line of progression; ie; someone having an aneurysm and having to change occupations. but i forgive the ignorant. i know it's not your fault. i will try to talk in a grade school mode so you can follow.
The bible may be a fact of your life, but it is not a fact of my life. There's the difference. It has nothing to do with human ignorance.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
see gue, even the christian porn star gets it! you're smarter than i gave you credit for dead
can you tell us in grade school mode what law school you went to or what famous rock band you played in?
You will find truths Cosmo. Just as you will find lies. All things are in a state of motion yes? So your truth today may not be your truth tomorrow. I think always seeking answers is an excellent way to be in the world. As well as continually asking questions.
And for whatever reason, God or just because it's human nature, I think being good to each other, giving and receiving love, having faith in goodness, always seeking peaceful co existence, being respectful and kind, all of these things are what humans need to attain and should aspire to in their lives to a greater or lesser degree.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
uh oh... i might need a new game plan if i hope to stand out
when in doubt, talk pearl jam.
see... that's usually when friends, cute girls, pets, etc. have their eyes glaze over. it'd be a refreshing change of pace i think!
we all had that drunken night of experimentation in college... shit, did i say that out loud?
That was just plain nasty ss. And frankly a bit disappointing.
Perhaps OLS suffers poor communication skills just as you do some days?
Not really sure what you would get out of being cruel. I've seen you make some fairly wildly fantastical posts yourself, so perhaps it's the competition you don't like? Or maybe you are just "frustrated" again?
Anyway, I can think of worse people to worship, supposing I could be bothered worshipping any person.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
the act of praying is in itself disrepecting the athiest's beliefs. I know what you are saying, in your eyes, it's compassion, your beliefs tells you that is what a good person should do. But the praying could come across as proving them wrong and disrepecting how they feel. To believe or not believe does not make them a good or bad person.
The world has always had a battle with religion or the lack there of. It's probably best that the board take the discussions about it off since it really had turned sour at times. Now hopefully that does not spark a debate on censorship because that is not what I mean.
guess i shoulda included a jk too, but i figured you'd pick it up. i was gonna use the winking face... but that coulda REALLY been misconstrued, hehe.
and why is that? why don't most people want to talk about pearl jam?! i just don't get it
im just still bitter about the fact that he never backs his shit up. he drops these things but wont prove any of them. said he was a lawyer but knew less about the constitution than a first year and 2 bored people surfing the internet. i smell bullshit, and i call it. if he stepped up to the plate, id not have to call him on it. but i find it mighty suspicious that no matter what the debate or topic is, he claims to have had some amazing personal insight into this based on a lifetime of training, then disappears without supporting any of his wild allegations. it's annoying. this was the first time i've ever gotten a straight response from him.
shit man, if she's wtching, that's the last of my concerns... i was the author of a rather long lived thread over on the trip entitled "my gf is the worst kisser ever"
i dont either. but they gaze off and seem to think im crazy. or they roll their eyes like "here he goes again". for shame. if i ever see you, i promise a long thought out analysis of the progression of porch over the years... and i wont mention troy smith or try to hit on you. i might throw in an O-H though
I don't think that's a necissity for living a good life.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
There are so many things wrong with this post I don't know where to begin.
Where do you get that the 'act of praying' is 'disrespectful' to anyone's beliefs, much less the atheist?
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
i ordered my football tickets yesterday. bonus about going back to school for a second degree: i get football tickets again:)
Well not to all athiests and their beliefs. Some athiests understand that for a person to pray for them is just their way of trying to be supportive.
And as someone's prayers would not change my beliefs then I have no problem with some one praying for me if it is something that they feel will help me. I see it as their way of caring about me and my situation.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift