Well having just listened to it scott, it sounds very much like sex music to me. A lot like epic tool actually, or that should probably be the other way around. :eek: I don't know about better than sex though. What could be better than sex? I mean good sex of course.
:( nothin'! absolutely nothin'! me and elmo have been extremely bored in there together for quite a long time.
BUT you should try the live version of Tool's Push It scott.
Or some of the other slow building Tool songs. VERY excellent sex music!!!
i usually have pj going when i fuck. i hold the pain release meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
Well having just listened to it scott, it sounds very much like sex music to me. A lot like epic tool actually, or that should probably be the other way around. :eek: I don't know about better than sex though. What could be better than sex? I mean good sex of course.
Oh yeah its totally sex music, that's why I mentioned it in the first place. I just didn't want it in the same category as the dodgy 70's porn music, that's all. Its too good to even be mentioned in the same sentence.
:( nothin'! absolutely nothin'! me and elmo have been extremely bored in there together for quite a long time.
BUT you should try the live version of Tool's Push It scott.
Or some of the other slow building Tool songs. VERY excellent sex music!!!
Elmo abuse! He's underage you know. I saw him being interviewed on some talk show once. He's only five years old!
Pink Floyd makes excellent shagging music too.
It doesn't matter if you're male, female, or confused; black, white, brown, red, green, yellow; gay, lesbian; redneck cop, stoned; ugly; military style, doggy style; fat, rich or poor; vegetarian or cannibal; bum, hippie, virgin; famous or drunk-you're either an asshole or you're not!
First of all, I wouldn't want it myself, but then again circumstances has been good to me, and my first real relationship to a woman is the one I still have. Thus I am as monogamous as possible. And I think it's great, but acknowledge everyone can't be that lucky, and that if I hadn't lucked out, I would definitely settled for the occasional sex. But this is most definitely a private and personal issue. Different things work for different people, and some people are engaging in things they'll regret later. That won't change.
Now what really bothers me about the interview at the start here, is all the absurd, traditional and reactionary attitudes of this woman. I take issue with many, if not all of them.
Women drink because they have meaningless sex? Come on. Women drink and smoke more than before and are getting closer to the male rates. I wonder if greater equality and opportunities can have anything to do with it? Alcohol and going out, like it or not, are linked. And one must go out to meet people. Whether one thinks alcohol should be involved in such activities is another matter, but the fact is that it is.
She has now changed her opinion because it is now more obvious and isn't hidden anymore? *cough*hypocrite*cough* It was ok for her as they had rules to break, and lament the younger ones that have none to break and thus has no direction???
The whole "men work like this and women like this" is sociobiology at it's lowest and least applicable. Speculative and extremely imprecise to say the least. And I take offense as a man mostly, as we obviously dont have feelings from nature's side. Personal differences, past experiences and so on is A LOT more important than that little evo-link anyway when it comes to this.
It's not that I necessarily disagree with the overall sentiment, but by God, the premises like those above really pisses me off.
*gets off soapbox*
Wow!! Go Dan!!!
Think you've pretty much covered everything and I agree with you.
Led Zep? Porn music? Hmmmm......hang on gotta find the cd and check that! Now TOOL that is porn music! Or if you're feeling funky and in for some fun, maybe Donna Summer or Hot Chocolate!!
jeanie jeanie jeanie please lets not get started on TOOL as sex music. you know where that leads.
Yeah, tricky little XY that I am, and there's me with all that stuff validating women's rights too, then get called sexist.
Lucy is my guitar, Lucy the Les P.
i didnt call you a sexist. i said your comment was a veiled sexist comment. and what you said was that it was the pretty girls who were accused of being witches cause they were getting a little too much action. maybe sexist was the wrong term.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Oh yeah its totally sex music, that's why I mentioned it in the first place. I just didn't want it in the same category as the dodgy 70's porn music, that's all. Its too good to even be mentioned in the same sentence..
hehe!! I did say if you wanted to have some fun!!
I mean come on! Hot Chocolate is enough to send anyone into fits of giggles if they're trying to get down and dirrrty! And giggles can be fun!!
Think lucy was using the term "porn" as a ephemism. He's married! He's probably repressed!! Or rusty!!! Kidding lucy!! kidding!!
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
It was more that I can't get my groove on quite right with PJ for the actual deed cate.
There's something about hearing Eddie singing to you that is VERY distracting while you're on the job.
Maynard's vocals on the other hand are more unobtrusive for me.
Anyway, clearly we all have our own little proclivities.
i find boxing a barbaric sport. however i could be swayed dunk if you referee wearing a kilt. and only a kilt.
you dont have to hit each other... just jiggle around a bit... of course i'd wear just a kilt, is there any other kind of outfit for a topless (non-contact)boxing referee
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
you dont have to hit each other... just jiggle around a bit... of course i'd wear just a kilt, is there any other kind of outfit for a topless (non-contact)boxing referee
oh dunk how disapointing. you've mistaken jeanie and me for a couple of vacuous dollybirds. :( such a shame. now what is it you keep in that sporran boy-o?
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
oh dunk how disapointing. you've mistaken jeanie and me for a couple of vacuous dollybirds. :( such a shame.
can brainy people not do topless boxing then? :rolleyes:
ok if it makes you feel better do topless boxing and a quadratic equation at the same time
money is kept in a sporran... money and baby oil
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
seriously... were there any males on here trying to disprove that theory
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
Or if you want porn or Emmanuelle-esque erotic music buy some Gato Barbieri
My man! Nothing like "I wanna fuck you like an animal" while going at it
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
I realy missed some fun by finishing work and driving home. Iwanted to see the topless boxing !!
Repressed ?? I'll give you repressed, you cheeky wench !!
I use porn as a general "i like it" word, means many things to me, all good. Food can be porn, music definilty, pretty guitars, great tones, like me new Naughty Pussy.
Now i was thinkign No Quarter was good shaggin music, just the right speed for a slow grinding , slow building tease. Was not really referring to the cheap porn thing. Led Zep is far too good for that !!
I wasn't having a go at you ss. I've barely read the whole thread. I certainly didn't take anything you said as an anti woman agenda.
I was saying in my experience, men do not like it if you leave immediately after the act or don't supply a phone number. And that a lot of guys seem to like to leave or not supply a phone number first because they want to be the one "to get in first", to be the one who exerts the power in the situation.
More women appear to be doing that though too.
I was saying that this seems to be an across the spectrum thing.
Nobody wants to be the person wanting more after an interaction such as this. That seems to be the nature of human relationships, there seems to always be some one in control of the situation and the follower. Or someone holds more of the balance of power. That's all. No sinister rampant lesbian man hating going on here. I was simply acknowledging things as I see them.
I would like to see women be able to do as they please sexually and not be labelled derogatory things like slut. As opposed to guys who seem to be able to do as they please sexually and are labelled more admiringly as studs.
i think your post shows less that women should be allowed to be "sluts" as it shows that men ought to rein their drives in. if one person always gets left hurt and empty and wanting more, how are one night stands a good thing? becos you got your rocks off at the expense of someone else's feelings? just seems disrespectful to me. again, i think one ought to know their honest desires and those of their partner before getting into it. otherwise, it's disrespectful to both the people involved.
First of all, I wouldn't want it myself, but then again circumstances has been good to me, and my first real relationship to a woman is the one I still have. Thus I am as monogamous as possible. And I think it's great, but acknowledge everyone can't be that lucky, and that if I hadn't lucked out, I would definitely settled for the occasional sex. But this is most definitely a private and personal issue. Different things work for different people, and some people are engaging in things they'll regret later. That won't change.
Now what really bothers me about the interview at the start here, is all the absurd, traditional and reactionary attitudes of this woman. I take issue with many, if not all of them.
Women drink because they have meaningless sex? Come on. Women drink and smoke more than before and are getting closer to the male rates. I wonder if greater equality and opportunities can have anything to do with it? Alcohol and going out, like it or not, are linked. And one must go out to meet people. Whether one thinks alcohol should be involved in such activities is another matter, but the fact is that it is.
She has now changed her opinion because it is now more obvious and isn't hidden anymore? *cough*hypocrite*cough* It was ok for her as they had rules to break, and lament the younger ones that have none to break and thus has no direction???
The whole "men work like this and women like this" is sociobiology at it's lowest and least applicable. Speculative and extremely imprecise to say the least. And I take offense as a man mostly, as we obviously dont have feelings from nature's side. Personal differences, past experiences and so on is A LOT more important than that little evo-link anyway when it comes to this.
It's not that I necessarily disagree with the overall sentiment, but by God, the premises like those above really pisses me off.
*gets off soapbox*
i think she was acknowledging the fallacy in her own generation's thinking and approach to equality. saying they went too far. she talked about letting your bf into your dorm room. that's a bit different from going to the bar, getting smashed, wearing a skirt with nothing under to flash to the ggw cameras, making out with your friend for extra attention, and then going home with the biggest meat head you can find. rather than trying to gain equal status in society and to convince men to abandon some of their poor and disrespectful behaviors, they tried to be just like men. we aren't perfect, so why would women want to try to be like us?
anyway, go ahead, keep enabling their whoring... next thing you know they'll be taking men's jobs and asking to vote too!
i think she was acknowledging the fallacy in her own generation's thinking and approach to equality. saying they went too far. she talked about letting your bf into your dorm room. that's a bit different from going to the bar, getting smashed, wearing a skirt with nothing under to flash to the ggw cameras, making out with your friend for extra attention, and then going home with the biggest meat head you can find.
Yeah, that's what they're all doing now. :rolleyes:
rather than trying to gain equal status in society and to convince men to abandon some of their poor and disrespectful behaviors, they tried to be just like men. we aren't perfect, so why would women want to try to be like us?
Because we had rights and were valued? Just a hunch. And it is not nearly as cut and dry as that, as there are many different groupings and strategies in place for women and men actually.
anyway, go ahead, keep enabling their whoring... next thing you know they'll be taking men's jobs and asking to vote too!
Not so much enabling their "whoring" (depending on your definition of it, I guess) as defending people to choose for themselves. A return to idealized women saintlyhood in their traditional roles isn't very plausible, or in my view very desirable. And aren't they taking men's jobs and voting? Didn't get that part.
Seems what you are on about is the way some women now claims that going the way of porn is feminism and a road to power. I will join you in a general condemnation of such. But I will never go against women for doing what we (the men) supposedly do. And in such instances, the whole man/woman divide I often find devoid of interest as when it comes to personal relationships, love sex and so on, the really important parts are personalities, experience, needs physical and mentally and it goes on. Some people are too keen on dividing between the sexes even when there are more similirities than differences.
And more interestingly, if society and relationships are going to hell, it's the womens' fault, because.... why exactly? Not putting up with having to be society's glue, while we men go and have all the fun? Why do we talk about the irresponsible women, and not the at least equally irresponsible men? Because they are evolutionary designed to be dickwads? It's an underlying traditionlist moralism hypocritically pointed towards women I find distasteful. Hence my outburst.
Yes, call me a feminist sociologist sour-puss if you want to.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
Oh yeah its totally sex music, that's why I mentioned it in the first place. I just didn't want it in the same category as the dodgy 70's porn music, that's all. Its too good to even be mentioned in the same sentence.
Elmo abuse! He's underage you know. I saw him being interviewed on some talk show once. He's only five years old!
Pink Floyd makes excellent shagging music too.
-C Addison
Wow!! Go Dan!!!
Think you've pretty much covered everything and I agree with you.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
jeanie jeanie jeanie please lets not get started on TOOL as sex music. you know where that leads.
i didnt call you a sexist. i said your comment was a veiled sexist comment. and what you said was that it was the pretty girls who were accused of being witches cause they were getting a little too much action. maybe sexist was the wrong term.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I mean come on! Hot Chocolate is enough to send anyone into fits of giggles if they're trying to get down and dirrrty! And giggles can be fun!!
Think lucy was using the term "porn" as a ephemism. He's married! He's probably repressed!!
Actually scott, elmo is 3 1/2. He will always be 3 1/2 and his birthday is on the 3rd of Feb I believe.
Ah yes, Pink Floyd do make excellent shagging music.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Prison sex???
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
i'll never tell.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Tool is for fucking.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
this can only be resolved by topless boxing
It was more that I can't get my groove on quite right with PJ for the actual deed cate.
There's something about hearing Eddie singing to you that is VERY distracting while you're on the job.
Maynard's vocals on the other hand are more unobtrusive for me.
Anyway, clearly we all have our own little proclivities.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
only if you promise to referee with pants under the kilt dunk!!
I've got a nasty feeling cate will have me on the mat in no time and I don't wanna be looking up and copping an eyeful of the family jewels!!! :eek:
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
i find boxing a barbaric sport. however i could be swayed dunk if you referee wearing a kilt. and only a kilt.
yes jeanie, clearly we do.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
scared him off!!!
and isn't that a good thing cate?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
at our best moments, yes it is.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
you dont have to hit each other... just jiggle around a bit... of course i'd wear just a kilt, is there any other kind of outfit for a topless (non-contact)boxing referee
oh dunk how disapointing. you've mistaken jeanie and me for a couple of vacuous dollybirds. :( such a shame. now what is it you keep in that sporran boy-o?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
can brainy people not do topless boxing then? :rolleyes:
ok if it makes you feel better do topless boxing and a quadratic equation at the same time
money is kept in a sporran... money and baby oil
what's an equation?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
i have no idea but its making me feel quite horny
and that just goes to prove that guys are tarts.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Or if you want porn or Emmanuelle-esque erotic music buy some Gato Barbieri
naděje umírá poslední
seriously... were there any males on here trying to disprove that theory
nope. just don't forget the cream to go with that tart.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
Repressed ?? I'll give you repressed, you cheeky wench !!
I use porn as a general "i like it" word, means many things to me, all good. Food can be porn, music definilty, pretty guitars, great tones, like me new Naughty Pussy.
Now i was thinkign No Quarter was good shaggin music, just the right speed for a slow grinding , slow building tease. Was not really referring to the cheap porn thing. Led Zep is far too good for that !!
i think your post shows less that women should be allowed to be "sluts" as it shows that men ought to rein their drives in. if one person always gets left hurt and empty and wanting more, how are one night stands a good thing? becos you got your rocks off at the expense of someone else's feelings? just seems disrespectful to me. again, i think one ought to know their honest desires and those of their partner before getting into it. otherwise, it's disrespectful to both the people involved.
i think she was acknowledging the fallacy in her own generation's thinking and approach to equality. saying they went too far. she talked about letting your bf into your dorm room. that's a bit different from going to the bar, getting smashed, wearing a skirt with nothing under to flash to the ggw cameras, making out with your friend for extra attention, and then going home with the biggest meat head you can find. rather than trying to gain equal status in society and to convince men to abandon some of their poor and disrespectful behaviors, they tried to be just like men. we aren't perfect, so why would women want to try to be like us?
anyway, go ahead, keep enabling their whoring... next thing you know they'll be taking men's jobs and asking to vote too!
Because we had rights and were valued? Just a hunch. And it is not nearly as cut and dry as that, as there are many different groupings and strategies in place for women and men actually.
Not so much enabling their "whoring" (depending on your definition of it, I guess) as defending people to choose for themselves. A return to idealized women saintlyhood in their traditional roles isn't very plausible, or in my view very desirable. And aren't they taking men's jobs and voting? Didn't get that part.
Seems what you are on about is the way some women now claims that going the way of porn is feminism and a road to power. I will join you in a general condemnation of such. But I will never go against women for doing what we (the men) supposedly do. And in such instances, the whole man/woman divide I often find devoid of interest as when it comes to personal relationships, love sex and so on, the really important parts are personalities, experience, needs physical and mentally and it goes on. Some people are too keen on dividing between the sexes even when there are more similirities than differences.
And more interestingly, if society and relationships are going to hell, it's the womens' fault, because.... why exactly? Not putting up with having to be society's glue, while we men go and have all the fun? Why do we talk about the irresponsible women, and not the at least equally irresponsible men? Because they are evolutionary designed to be dickwads? It's an underlying traditionlist moralism hypocritically pointed towards women I find distasteful. Hence my outburst.
Yes, call me a feminist sociologist sour-puss if you want to.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965