That is a lot of money. He spent 20 years as a blue collar worker in the oil fields. He doesn't have a college degree. They ran off to get married to avoid an expensive wedding. These aren't "silver spoon" people, folks. Just sounds like an American Dream success story.
It seems that a lot of research went into picking Palin. I think people are going to have a hard time digging up bad things about her without making them up.
That doesn't seem just a bit fishy to you? The man was making between $100,000 and $120,000 as an hourly employee? Sounds like a pluff position that just sounds better in campaign literature.
Salaries are higher in Alaska because of the high cost of living. I remember in 03 being shocked that a gallon of milk was like 6 dollars. Alaska imports almost all their goods from the lower 48.
I think the cost of living in Fairbanks is 30% higher than the national average.
Also, I have some friends from high school who work for the Sunoco Refinery with no college degrees who make some pretty good money so I'm not really questioning what he makes.
It is a really smart move to steal the thunder from Obama's amazing speech, but it is as stupid and damaging of pick that you could ever make long term. She was a mayor of a tiny town just two years ago, has absolutely no foreign policy experience and will be number two to an old old old old old man......As awful as he is, at least Cheney would have been able to step in if needed and keep the ship in motion. It is so funny to see people say we cant have on the job Training with Obama with his "lack of experience", but they allowed Bush, who literally had no experience (did that manifest itself at all during the past eight years??), to be their leader and now they are looking for the "strategy" rather than the experience. John McCain does not have even a decent grasp on the dynamics of foreign policy......he is actually a retard when it comes to the facts of the world. So, you would have two saladfaced knucklebrains dealing with the complications in the world.
And, just think about the VP debates and the Presidential debates. I havent been on board with the slogan of McSame, but when you think about it, we are going to get exactly the same; the same shallow and ultra good old boy comebacks in the debates, the smug laughing at his own jokes, the monotone simplistic speeches, the fetish for money and unfettered markets.....the abuse of power at every aspect........I sat up all night last night talking with a Republican, and I pretended to be one too.....she was so fucking racist and sexist and just had no idea what is important in the world other than what is on her radar, and believe me, her radar beams didnt go past the radius of a few feet from her big dumb head. It is about the third time I have gotten to the core of a friend and where all their views come from. People are just wired differently and it shows up in their political views. In general, most Retardilans are terrified people and are often extremely self centered. I really think this is why most are so open to religion and why they are so concerned with death and seek an afterlife. No wonder so many can justify the damage done on earth at their hands....they really think they have an eternity ahead of them in a better place and they also think the earth was given to them by their divine. So, if that is your backdrop, why not line up with a guy that keeps it simple and tells them what is best for them....nothing new in that journey.
There is truth to all the stereotypes out there, and I am not at all saying that Republicans are not doing what they think is best for America, but they are not patriotic, they are nationalistic.......and I am not sure if stupidity leads to that or if it is the other way around, but both are present in almost every single Republican I talk to. And whhhhaaaaaaaaa whaaaaaaa whaaaaa.....dont start crying. Republicans want everyone to own their own mistakes and shortfalls, but they never want to be questioned or critiqued.....its like five year olds Tom Delays everywhere.....
It really is a good story. However, workers in the oil fields don't make $120,000 at an hourly rate. That one just doesn't add up. Everything else seems pretty legit.
Read it again. He wasn't in the fields making $120k. He did it for 20 years. His last position was a production operating. I don't know exactly what that means or high up that is, but it ain't executive.
When she became governer, he left BP b/c of conflict of interest. Seems plausible. People would bitch if he hadn't left, right?
It's not like Cheney being on the board of Halliburton and leaving.
Come on, man, you have to agree that it's quite a stretch. The Dems will have to focus on issues b/c she appears to have been carefully selected to be "clean" and independent.
She is far from independent. She's a conservative republican.
One who went after her own party's governer and other republican officials in her own state for ethics violations.
Again, she's clean. It's going to have to be about the issues.
Although I have to wonder what Cindy McCain thinks about a younger, more attractive woman spending many late nights & travels with Cindy was once that younger, more attractive "other woman".
One who went after her own party's governer and other republican officials in her own state for ethics violations.
Again, she's clean. It's going to have to be about the issues.
Although I have to wonder what Cindy McCain thinks about a younger, more attractive woman spending many late nights & travels with Cindy was once that younger, more attractive "other woman".
you don't think cindy took her aside and read her the riot act
didn't mean the blatant pj reference there....but i know it's your favorite album fanch
Come on, man, you have to agree that it's quite a stretch. The Dems will have to focus on issues b/c she appears to have been carefully selected to be "clean" and independent.
Yep, issues are key.
It's largely a ploy to get women swing voters and especially disgruntled Hillary supporters.
However, it's a terrible choice to do that. He choose a woman who doesn't support the right to choose. All Obama/Biden have to do is harp on that to the women who supported Hillary.
2000: Pittsburgh
2006: Camden I & II, DC
2008: DC, Ed DC II
One who went after her own party's governer and other republican officials in her own state for ethics violations.
Again, she's clean. It's going to have to be about the issues.
Although I have to wonder what Cindy McCain thinks about a younger, more attractive woman spending many late nights & travels with Cindy was once that younger, more attractive "other woman".
But how much $ does Palin have?????
McCain won't jeopardize his 24 houses or whatever...would he?
And by recent history, Presidents seem to cheat with uglier women, so Cindy's got nothin to worry about.
One who went after her own party's governer and other republican officials in her own state for ethics violations.
Again, she's clean. It's going to have to be about the issues.
Although I have to wonder what Cindy McCain thinks about a younger, more attractive woman spending many late nights & travels with Cindy was once that younger, more attractive "other woman".
I agree with you about the issues.
She is a pro life woman, that belives in teaching creationism in schools. She wants to open ANWR. Sounds like a Conservative Republican.
Considering that we don't really have much to go on, who the hell knows?
It is a really smart move to steal the thunder from Obama's amazing speech, but it is as stupid and damaging of pick that you could ever make long term. She was a mayor of a tiny town just two years ago, has absolutely no foreign policy experience and will be number two to an old old old old old man......As awful as he is, at least Cheney would have been able to step in if needed and keep the ship in motion. It is so funny to see people say we cant have on the job Training with Obama with his "lack of experience", but they allowed Bush, who literally had no experience (did that manifest itself at all during the past eight years??), to be their leader and now they are looking for the "strategy" rather than the experience. John McCain does not have even a decent grasp on the dynamics of foreign policy......he is actually a retard when it comes to the facts of the world. So, you would have two saladfaced knucklebrains dealing with the complications in the world.
And, just think about the VP debates and the Presidential debates. I havent been on board with the slogan of McSame, but when you think about it, we are going to get exactly the same; the same shallow and ultra good old boy comebacks in the debates, the smug laughing at his own jokes, the monotone simplistic speeches, the fetish for money and unfettered markets.....the abuse of power at every aspect........I sat up all night last night talking with a Republican, and I pretended to be one too.....she was so fucking racist and sexist and just had no idea what is important in the world other than what is on her radar, and believe me, her radar beams didnt go past the radius of a few feet from her big dumb head. It is about the third time I have gotten to the core of a friend and where all their views come from. People are just wired differently and it shows up in their political views. In general, most Retardilans are terrified people and are often extremely self centered. I really think this is why most are so open to religion and why they are so concerned with death and seek an afterlife. No wonder so many can justify the damage done on earth at their hands....they really think they have an eternity ahead of them in a better place and they also think the earth was given to them by their divine. So, if that is your backdrop, why not line up with a guy that keeps it simple and tells them what is best for them....nothing new in that journey.
There is truth to all the stereotypes out there, and I am not at all saying that Republicans are not doing what they think is best for America, but they are not patriotic, they are nationalistic.......and I am not sure if stupidity leads to that or if it is the other way around, but both are present in almost every single Republican I talk to. And whhhhaaaaaaaaa whaaaaaaa whaaaaa.....dont start crying. Republicans want everyone to own their own mistakes and shortfalls, but they never want to be questioned or critiqued.....its like five year olds Tom Delays everywhere.....
Be carefull when you paint such broad strokes saying that Republicans aren't patriotic. I am a Republican and I love this country more than anything. unlike some liberals (during the 2004 election about bush) you wont hear me proclaim "if Obama wins I am leaving the country".
It's largely a ploy to get women swing voters and especially disgruntled Hillary supporters.
However, it's a terrible choice to do that. He choose a woman who doesn't support the right to choose. All Obama/Biden have to do is harp on that to the women who supported Hillary.
There's not a lot of them, but there are some conservative Democrats and Obama has been losing strength with them as the months have gone on. He was getting over 70% of their votes in polls in June. Now it's down to barely over 60%. In an election that's going to be close, if McCain can steal some of those Reagancrats back to the right, he'll win.
Be carefull when you paint such broad strokes saying that Republicans aren't patriotic. I am a Republican and I love this country more than anything. unlike some liberals you wont hear me proclaim "if Obama wins I am leaving the country".
Aren't empty threats grand?
I wish they all would have left...probably couldn't find another country to take them.
As far as the Patriotism goes, that argument is stale. It was stale when W tried to use it against Kerry/Edwards (i'm sure it was stale before then too ) and it's stale now.
In fact both candidate has the smae goals in mind, for the most part, it's the path they choose to be different.
Indeed. Lets not drop to attacks of who's more patriotic etc. Obama spoke eloquently on this issue last night.
But what I will not do is suggest that the senator takes his positions for political purposes. Because one of the things that we have to change in our politics is the idea that people cannot disagree without challenging each other's character and each other's patriotism.
The times are too serious, the stakes are too high for this same partisan playbook. So let us agree that patriotism has no party. I love this country, and so do you, and so does John McCain. The men and women who serve in our battlefields may be Democrats and Republicans and independents, but they have fought together and bled together and some died together under the same proud flag. They have not served a Red America or a Blue America -- they have served the United States of America.
So I've got news for you, John McCain. We all put our country first.
2000: Pittsburgh
2006: Camden I & II, DC
2008: DC, Ed DC II
Honestly, Mccain is 72 and has had health issues before. If something awful occurs, we then have a 44 year old with 2 years experience in governing Alaska (sex matters none) running our nation. How can you base your campaign on experience, then select a vp with this amount of experience?
She is a pro life woman, that belives in teaching creationism in schools. She wants to open ANWR. Sounds like a Conservative Republican.
Considering that we don't really have much to go on, who the hell knows?
yikes...she just gets better and better eh? :rolleyes: creationism in schools? damn...she IS far-right. a far-right female VP candidate. attractive too. she is mccain's wet dream.
I'm asking a question b/c I don't know and don't want to jump to conclusions.
What does "teaching creation in schools" mean? Creationism only? Intelligent design? Evolution is also taught? All of the above? Teach the science of evolution with the footnote that many people that a higher power is behind the evolution?
What does this mean?
If she favors banning teaching evolution in schools, then yeah, that's crazy.
"Honestly, Mccain is 72 and has had health issues before. If something awful occurs, we then have a 44 year old with 2 years experience in governing Alaska (sex matters none) running our nation. How can you base your campaign on experience, then select a vp with this amount of experience? "
Same way you base your campaign on change in DC and then select a 35 year veteran of DC Bullshit.
And as far as experience..she's atleast been elected to run SOMETHING. She was the Chief Executive of a state in this country. What has Obama actually done besides run for POTUS and be a "community organizer"?
I really hope the Dems keep on about her "experience".
I'm asking a question b/c I don't know and don't want to jump to conclusions.
What does "teaching creation in schools" mean? Creationism only? Intelligent design? Evolution is also taught? All of the above? Teach the science of evolution with the footnote that many people that a higher power is behind the evolution?
What does this mean?
If she favors banning teaching evolution in schools, then yeah, that's crazy.
this is the first i've heard/read of certainly not saying i have answers, b/c i don't. i also don't want to turn this around into one of 'those' discussions. however, i just have to say that no matter HOW she wants it to play, i do NOT believe creationism should be taught in a public school, period. yes, suggesting other theories beyond evolution exist, all well and good....but any introduction of religion outside a historical perspective just does not belong in a public classroom imo, period. you want your child to learn about creationism in school? send them to a private school.
as i said, what i've read, which admittedly ain't much yet...and what i've seen here...she is a total dream for mccain. i think the only possible 'fear' for those who might support mccain is she IS young and inexperienced....and she could well become president....and is she really who they want? i have no i don't want either.
Her dad was a high school science teacher, do you really think she doesn't believe in evolution?
aha...asked and answered. thank you.
as to 'why' i don't think it should be taught, see above.
i don't believe 'religious ideas/theories' deserve a place in the classroom. scientific theory in science class, now that makes sense.
and it's not some 'liberal agenda'.....i just fully believe religion has no business in the public school classroom. religion at home, science in school.
with this pick, McCain and friends will have a hard time questioning obamas experience, as this pick has none ... with his age, she is litterally a heartbeat away from the oval office.
Speaking as someone who has had to deal with management and coworkers who decide to spend half their time at home to take care of their children, do we really want a new mother, especially one dealing with a Downs Syndrome child, to be a heartbeat away from the oval. Basically, this is the anti-Cheney. A VP so disconnected from events that she isn't capable of doing her job.
"If all those sweet, young things were laid end to end, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised."
—Dorothy Parker
"Honestly, Mccain is 72 and has had health issues before. If something awful occurs, we then have a 44 year old with 2 years experience in governing Alaska (sex matters none) running our nation. How can you base your campaign on experience, then select a vp with this amount of experience? "
Same way you base your campaign on change in DC and then select a 35 year veteran of DC Bullshit.
And as far as experience..she's atleast been elected to run SOMETHING. She was the Chief Executive of a state in this country. What has Obama actually done besides run for POTUS and be a "community organizer"?
I really hope the Dems keep on about her "experience".
True, but which vp choice is more risky for our nation? I see the hypocrisy in Biden, but in my opinion, and many others, the most important quality of the vp is their ability to take over if something happens to the president. Sure Biden doesn't fit the profile of change, but I have faith that he could lead this country if needed. I have read a lot about Palin, before today, and I have no faith that she could lead this nation. Running Alaska is a bit different than running the US... No disrespect to Palin, I like her and think she could eventually be a serious presidential candidate herself, but she could never deal with the troubles of our nation, war, economy, healthcare ect. ect. ect.
Further back and forth a wave will break on me, today...
True, but which vp choice is more risky for our nation. I see the hypocrisy in Biden, but in my opinion, and many others, the most important quality of the vp is there ability to take over if something happens to the president. Sure Biden doesn't fit the profile of change, but I have faith that he could lead this country if needed. I have read a lot about Palin, before today, and I have no faith that she could lead this nation. Running Alaska is a bit different than running the US... No disrespect to Palin, I like her and think she could eventually be a serious presidential candidate herself, but she could never deal with the troubles of our nation, war, economy, healthcare ect. ect. ect.
Well then...which Presidential choice is riskier for our nation? Or should we just base our choice on the silver medalist, ignoring the gold?
Thats all you can come back with? I guess I am right then.
Salaries are higher in Alaska because of the high cost of living. I remember in 03 being shocked that a gallon of milk was like 6 dollars. Alaska imports almost all their goods from the lower 48.
I think the cost of living in Fairbanks is 30% higher than the national average.
Also, I have some friends from high school who work for the Sunoco Refinery with no college degrees who make some pretty good money so I'm not really questioning what he makes.
- 8/28/98
- 9/2/00
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- 9/11/11, 9/12/11
- 10/18/13, 10/21/13, 10/22/13, 11/30/13, 12/4/13
And, just think about the VP debates and the Presidential debates. I havent been on board with the slogan of McSame, but when you think about it, we are going to get exactly the same; the same shallow and ultra good old boy comebacks in the debates, the smug laughing at his own jokes, the monotone simplistic speeches, the fetish for money and unfettered markets.....the abuse of power at every aspect........I sat up all night last night talking with a Republican, and I pretended to be one too.....she was so fucking racist and sexist and just had no idea what is important in the world other than what is on her radar, and believe me, her radar beams didnt go past the radius of a few feet from her big dumb head. It is about the third time I have gotten to the core of a friend and where all their views come from. People are just wired differently and it shows up in their political views. In general, most Retardilans are terrified people and are often extremely self centered. I really think this is why most are so open to religion and why they are so concerned with death and seek an afterlife. No wonder so many can justify the damage done on earth at their hands....they really think they have an eternity ahead of them in a better place and they also think the earth was given to them by their divine. So, if that is your backdrop, why not line up with a guy that keeps it simple and tells them what is best for them....nothing new in that journey.
There is truth to all the stereotypes out there, and I am not at all saying that Republicans are not doing what they think is best for America, but they are not patriotic, they are nationalistic.......and I am not sure if stupidity leads to that or if it is the other way around, but both are present in almost every single Republican I talk to. And whhhhaaaaaaaaa whaaaaaaa whaaaaa.....dont start crying. Republicans want everyone to own their own mistakes and shortfalls, but they never want to be questioned or critiqued.....its like five year olds Tom Delays everywhere.....
Read it again. He wasn't in the fields making $120k. He did it for 20 years. His last position was a production operating. I don't know exactly what that means or high up that is, but it ain't executive.
When she became governer, he left BP b/c of conflict of interest. Seems plausible. People would bitch if he hadn't left, right?
It's not like Cheney being on the board of Halliburton and leaving.
Come on, man, you have to agree that it's quite a stretch. The Dems will have to focus on issues b/c she appears to have been carefully selected to be "clean" and independent.
pm me and I'll explain the difference between the president and the VICE president to ya.
what do you want me to say...?
I'll elaborate and type slow for you...
good for you
if you think it's ok to have a this person be one heartbeat away from being President of the US....then good for you....
I guess I must be right about mchouse followers now thinking Obama is experienced enough to lead...thanks...
One who went after her own party's governer and other republican officials in her own state for ethics violations.
Again, she's clean. It's going to have to be about the issues.
Although I have to wonder what Cindy McCain thinks about a younger, more attractive woman spending many late nights & travels with Cindy was once that younger, more attractive "other woman".
you don't think cindy took her aside and read her the riot act
didn't mean the blatant pj reference there....but i know it's your favorite album fanch
Yep, issues are key.
It's largely a ploy to get women swing voters and especially disgruntled Hillary supporters.
However, it's a terrible choice to do that. He choose a woman who doesn't support the right to choose. All Obama/Biden have to do is harp on that to the women who supported Hillary.
2006: Camden I & II, DC
2008: DC, Ed DC II
But how much $ does Palin have?????
McCain won't jeopardize his 24 houses or whatever...would he?
And by recent history, Presidents seem to cheat with uglier women, so Cindy's got nothin to worry about.
I agree with you about the issues.
She is a pro life woman, that belives in teaching creationism in schools. She wants to open ANWR. Sounds like a Conservative Republican.
Considering that we don't really have much to go on, who the hell knows?
- 8/28/98
- 9/2/00
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- 8/2/07, 8/5/07
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- 9/11/11, 9/12/11
- 10/18/13, 10/21/13, 10/22/13, 11/30/13, 12/4/13
Be carefull when you paint such broad strokes saying that Republicans aren't patriotic. I am a Republican and I love this country more than anything. unlike some liberals (during the 2004 election about bush) you wont hear me proclaim "if Obama wins I am leaving the country".
There's not a lot of them, but there are some conservative Democrats and Obama has been losing strength with them as the months have gone on. He was getting over 70% of their votes in polls in June. Now it's down to barely over 60%. In an election that's going to be close, if McCain can steal some of those Reagancrats back to the right, he'll win.
That's why I think it was a good move.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
- 8/28/98
- 9/2/00
- 4/28/03, 5/3/03, 7/3/03, 7/5/03, 7/6/03, 7/9/03, 7/11/03, 7/12/03, 7/14/03
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- 9/11/05, 9/12/05, 9/13/05, 9/30/05, 10/1/05, 10/3/05
- 5/12/06, 5/13/06, 5/27/06, 5/28/06, 5/30/06, 6/1/06, 6/3/06, 6/23/06, 7/22/06, 7/23/06, 12/2/06, 12/9/06
- 8/2/07, 8/5/07
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- 9/11/11, 9/12/11
- 10/18/13, 10/21/13, 10/22/13, 11/30/13, 12/4/13
Aren't empty threats grand?
I wish they all would have left...probably couldn't find another country to take them.
As far as the Patriotism goes, that argument is stale. It was stale when W tried to use it against Kerry/Edwards (i'm sure it was stale before then too
In fact both candidate has the smae goals in mind, for the most part, it's the path they choose to be different.
2006: Camden I & II, DC
2008: DC, Ed DC II
agreed, it's kinda dan quayle all over again...
still, she's kinda cute!
yikes...she just gets better and better eh? :rolleyes: creationism in schools? damn...she IS far-right. a far-right female VP candidate. attractive too. she is mccain's wet dream.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
What does "teaching creation in schools" mean? Creationism only? Intelligent design? Evolution is also taught? All of the above? Teach the science of evolution with the footnote that many people that a higher power is behind the evolution?
What does this mean?
If she favors banning teaching evolution in schools, then yeah, that's crazy.
Same way you base your campaign on change in DC and then select a 35 year veteran of DC Bullshit.
And as far as experience..she's atleast been elected to run SOMETHING. She was the Chief Executive of a state in this country. What has Obama actually done besides run for POTUS and be a "community organizer"?
I really hope the Dems keep on about her "experience".
She believes in teaching both evolution and creationism and letting the kids debate and choose which one they want to believe.
What exactly is wrong with that?
Her dad was a high school science teacher, do you really think she doesn't believe in evolution?
- 8/28/98
- 9/2/00
- 4/28/03, 5/3/03, 7/3/03, 7/5/03, 7/6/03, 7/9/03, 7/11/03, 7/12/03, 7/14/03
- 9/28/04, 9/29/04, 10/1/04, 10/2/04
- 9/11/05, 9/12/05, 9/13/05, 9/30/05, 10/1/05, 10/3/05
- 5/12/06, 5/13/06, 5/27/06, 5/28/06, 5/30/06, 6/1/06, 6/3/06, 6/23/06, 7/22/06, 7/23/06, 12/2/06, 12/9/06
- 8/2/07, 8/5/07
- 6/19/08, 6/20/08, 6/22/08, 6/24/08, 6/25/08, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08, 7/1/08
- 8/23/09, 8/24/09, 9/21/09, 9/22/09, 10/27/09, 10/28/09, 10/30/09, 10/31/09
- 5/15/10, 5/17/10, 5/18/10, 5/20/10, 5/21/10, 10/23/10, 10/24/10
- 9/11/11, 9/12/11
- 10/18/13, 10/21/13, 10/22/13, 11/30/13, 12/4/13
this is the first i've heard/read of certainly not saying i have answers, b/c i don't. i also don't want to turn this around into one of 'those' discussions. however, i just have to say that no matter HOW she wants it to play, i do NOT believe creationism should be taught in a public school, period. yes, suggesting other theories beyond evolution exist, all well and good....but any introduction of religion outside a historical perspective just does not belong in a public classroom imo, period. you want your child to learn about creationism in school? send them to a private school.
as i said, what i've read, which admittedly ain't much yet...and what i've seen here...she is a total dream for mccain. i think the only possible 'fear' for those who might support mccain is she IS young and inexperienced....and she could well become president....and is she really who they want? i have no i don't want either.
aha...asked and answered.
as to 'why' i don't think it should be taught, see above.
i don't believe 'religious ideas/theories' deserve a place in the classroom. scientific theory in science class, now that makes sense.
and it's not some 'liberal agenda'.....i just fully believe religion has no business in the public school classroom. religion at home, science in school.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
OH NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! We can't have the kids thinking for themselves!!!!!!!!!!! We must only teach them the liberal agenda!!!!!!
On a related should also be taught about birth control, etc. Information is a great thing.
Speaking as someone who has had to deal with management and coworkers who decide to spend half their time at home to take care of their children, do we really want a new mother, especially one dealing with a Downs Syndrome child, to be a heartbeat away from the oval. Basically, this is the anti-Cheney. A VP so disconnected from events that she isn't capable of doing her job.
—Dorothy Parker
Well then...which Presidential choice is riskier for our nation? Or should we just base our choice on the silver medalist, ignoring the gold?
First PJ Show: March 20, 1994 | Ann Arbor | Crisler Arena