All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
personally i think this just looks like a desperate move on mccain's part. agree with people saying it's very scary to think of her running the country.
Biden: "I know Hillary Clinton. I've worked with Hillary Clinton. And you're no Hillary Clinton."
Thank God that's there's only one Hillary Clinton....and she didn't make the cut.
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
personally i think this just looks like a desperate move on mccain's part. agree with people saying it's very scary to think of her running the country.
Why? Four hours ago, most of the people saying this probably didn't even know who she was.
He picked someone to fill in his weaknesses aesthetically, just like Obama did.
Now let's hear her stands on government's role in the issues that face the US of A.
Nice pick with a woman all about big oil John...dumbass
What? Where do you get this from?
Because she was the Ethics Commissioner of the Alaska Oil Commission?
A commission, that under her watch, went after HER OWN republican governer? A commission, that she resigned from when it would not respond to her allegations of wrong doing?
This is hardly a comparison to the Cheney/Halliburton thing, which is implied (I assume) in your post.
Why? Four hours ago, most of the people saying this probably didn't even know who she was.
exactly. if mccain was appealing to the voters who values his experience and reputation a lot of that goes out the window. i usually don't care a whole lot about vp's, but mccain's not a spring chicken. biden adds experience to the democratic ticket. what does she add? youth? that's not why i was voting for obama.
i agree that i should keep more of an open mind until hearing her views on the important stuff....but my mind has been made up for a while anyhow. this just strengthens my decision in going with the dems.
Its a bigger deal as McCains got a high probability of being incapacitated due to his age.
Exactly, his VP choice will still not matter at all to hardcore conservatives who always vote the party line.
But it will matter more than usual to swing voters for just that reason. Obama's may have mattered more as well simply due to being black and the fact that there's still a lot of racist looney's out there.
VP usually didn't matter at all, even for swing voters really, but this time they will matter more. Hard to say how much, but it's something any informed voter not voting a party line should weigh.
2000: Pittsburgh
2006: Camden I & II, DC
2008: DC, Ed DC II
Because she was the Ethics Commissioner of the Alaska Oil Commission?
A commission, that under her watch, went after HER OWN republican governer? A commission, that she resigned from when it would not respond to her allegations of wrong doing?
This is hardly a comparison to the Cheney/Halliburton thing, which is implied (I assume) in your post.
her husband is a bp executive, I believe. or he was until he took "leave".
Sara Palin is far right of McCain, so the base will be happy. Obama campaign should be happy also. She praised Obama for his energy plan earlier this monthy -
She's got far less experience than Obama, so McCain can't effectively attack Obama on experience now. She was a part time mayor of a small town, then Gov of Alasks for what 18 months. She has a good story though. She's a lifetime NRA member and very anti abortion.
I think the majority of the country, or at least women, are still against having roe v wade overturned, and with 3 supreme court justices ready to retire that will go against them.
McCain better hope Bush doesn't have IUD's and the pill classified as abortion, like the inter office memo from a month or two said. If that happen's, it's over for the Republicans in 2008. Bet he doesn't after the election...can't imagine any women that has the pill prescribed by their doctor will have abortion written into their medical records...that is freakin crazy. off topic...sorry
Anyway, she's supposed to be tough and no nonsense, curious to see how next week plays out, and the vp debates just got more interesting.
"Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)
That doesn't seem just a bit fishy to you? The man was making between $100,000 and $120,000 as an hourly employee? Sounds like a pluff position that just sounds better in campaign literature.
That doesn't seem just a bit fishy to you? The man was making between $100,000 and $120,000 as an hourly employee? Sounds like a pluff position that just sounds better in campaign literature.
That is a lot of money. He spent 20 years as a blue collar worker in the oil fields. He doesn't have a college degree. They ran off to get married to avoid an expensive wedding. These aren't "silver spoon" people, folks. Just sounds like an American Dream success story.
It seems that a lot of research went into picking Palin. I think people are going to have a hard time digging up bad things about her without making them up.
That is a lot of money. He spent 20 years as a blue collar worker in the oil fields. He doesn't have a college degree. They ran off to get married to avoid an expensive wedding. These aren't "silver spoon" people, folks. Just sounds like an American Dream success story.
It seems that a lot of research went into picking Palin. I think people are going to have a hard time digging up bad things about her without making them up.
Only time will tell.
It really is a good story. However, workers in the oil fields don't make $120,000 at an hourly rate. That one just doesn't add up. Everything else seems pretty legit.
That doesn't seem just a bit fishy to you? The man was making between $100,000 and $120,000 as an hourly employee? Sounds like a pluff position that just sounds better in campaign literature.
There are lots of assembly line workers here in south eastern michigan making that kind of money. One forgets that they get time and a half on Saturday, double time on Sunday & holidays. That adds up.
She looks like the bimbo secretary from the porno i was watching last night.
you watch low quality pornos.
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
it was the best my grandpa had...
Why? Four hours ago, most of the people saying this probably didn't even know who she was.
He picked someone to fill in his weaknesses aesthetically, just like Obama did.
Now let's hear her stands on government's role in the issues that face the US of A.
lol..her ontheissues page has 14 entries. woooo.
How is that a bad thing....well unless your for McCain.
What? Where do you get this from?
Because she was the Ethics Commissioner of the Alaska Oil Commission?
A commission, that under her watch, went after HER OWN republican governer? A commission, that she resigned from when it would not respond to her allegations of wrong doing?
This is hardly a comparison to the Cheney/Halliburton thing, which is implied (I assume) in your post.
i agree that i should keep more of an open mind until hearing her views on the important stuff....but my mind has been made up for a while anyhow. this just strengthens my decision in going with the dems.
Exactly, his VP choice will still not matter at all to hardcore conservatives who always vote the party line.
But it will matter more than usual to swing voters for just that reason. Obama's may have mattered more as well simply due to being black and the fact that there's still a lot of racist looney's out there.
VP usually didn't matter at all, even for swing voters really, but this time they will matter more. Hard to say how much, but it's something any informed voter not voting a party line should weigh.
2006: Camden I & II, DC
2008: DC, Ed DC II
her husband is a bp executive, I believe. or he was until he took "leave".
He was an hourly worker for them, albeit a well-paid one. Not an executive, no way at that pay rate.
I work for a hospital. It doesn't mean I'm in bed with nationalized healthcare lobbyists (for or against).
She's got far less experience than Obama, so McCain can't effectively attack Obama on experience now. She was a part time mayor of a small town, then Gov of Alasks for what 18 months. She has a good story though. She's a lifetime NRA member and very anti abortion.
I think the majority of the country, or at least women, are still against having roe v wade overturned, and with 3 supreme court justices ready to retire that will go against them.
McCain better hope Bush doesn't have IUD's and the pill classified as abortion, like the inter office memo from a month or two said. If that happen's, it's over for the Republicans in 2008. Bet he doesn't after the election...can't imagine any women that has the pill prescribed by their doctor will have abortion written into their medical records...that is freakin crazy. off topic...sorry
Anyway, she's supposed to be tough and no nonsense, curious to see how next week plays out, and the vp debates just got more interesting.
Stop by:
since, of course, that was their rallying cry for the past couple months....
I guess they must think Obama's ready now....:)
They'll be like "Yeah we think it's wrong" and that'll be about it.
"Sometimes life should be consumed in measured doses"
Free Speedy
and Metsy!
Yeah, definitely. If she can hold her own against Biden even I'll be impressed.
That doesn't seem just a bit fishy to you? The man was making between $100,000 and $120,000 as an hourly employee? Sounds like a pluff position that just sounds better in campaign literature.
well, I'll be darned...the more you know.
That is a lot of money. He spent 20 years as a blue collar worker in the oil fields. He doesn't have a college degree. They ran off to get married to avoid an expensive wedding. These aren't "silver spoon" people, folks. Just sounds like an American Dream success story.
It seems that a lot of research went into picking Palin. I think people are going to have a hard time digging up bad things about her without making them up.
Only time will tell.
Are you saying the Vice President is equal to the President?
I would rather have an inexperienced Vice President than an inexperienced President.
It really is a good story. However, workers in the oil fields don't make $120,000 at an hourly rate. That one just doesn't add up. Everything else seems pretty legit.
good for you...
There are lots of assembly line workers here in south eastern michigan making that kind of money. One forgets that they get time and a half on Saturday, double time on Sunday & holidays. That adds up.