


  • bluemonkeybluemonkey Posts: 198
    they really thought josh did a great job?!?i thought it was awful....and they give lukas a hard time?!?
  • bluemonkeybluemonkey Posts: 198
    that's what i'm talking about....lukas owned tonight!
  • NevermindNevermind Posts: 1,006
    Creep sucked so bad.
  • pjalive21pjalive21 Posts: 2,818
    Lukas just regainded the thrown as the one to beat....that was real good

    by the way for the comment above Josh isnt that bad he just doesnt fit the mold for this band, Josh is pure rock/funk...ive been to multiple shows of his in Manchester, NH and he is good/talented
  • bluemonkeybluemonkey Posts: 198
    pjalive21 wrote:
    Lukas just regainded the thrown as the one to beat....that was real good

    by the way for the comment above Josh isnt that bad he just doesnt fit the mold for this band, Josh is pure rock/funk...ive been to multiple shows of his in Manchester, NH and he is good/talented
    that's what i meant...i can't take away from josh's talent,but for supernova??
  • Magni is going to win this.

    He is just so good.

    And his baby is freaking adorable!
    Underneath this smile lies everything
    all my hopes, anger, pride and shame...
  • lovebuzzlovebuzz Posts: 42
    Magni was simply amazing tonight. Dolphins Cry is fairly decent song with a full band - to get up there by yourself and simply own the entire place with your voice and your guitar and a song that is just pretty good... wow. I think that was the stand out performance of the night.

    HOWEVER, Lukas did great with Creep. He almost lost me at the beginning but just shocked the hell out of me (in a good way) with the end third of the song. It was great. And he's such an freakin rockstar every other night - overindulgent, a bit cocky, everything I typically hate about rockstars, but I like him for some reason.

    My picks - 1) I think this is Lukas' to lose... I think he best fits what this band will probably create musically 2) I hated her the first week, but I think Dilana is so increbily unique, and so comforatable on stage, that if they do pick a female, they'll definately go with her 3) For the darkhorse, I pick Magni. I think they will pass on him simply because they won't want to deal with him missing his family... I love the guy, I love that he's from Iceland, but I don't think Supernova will love it when he has an off night because he misses his family. But... you never know. He's great vocally.

    Anyway, that's just my two cents. (P.S. Supernova really should spare the viewing audience and get rid of Zayra, Jill, and Ryan Starr this week. The first two simply cannot sing, and Ryan is just too much of a nut job to do anything useful.)
  • i really enjoyed magni's performance tonight. great job i thought.

    dilana looked so comfortable, not intimidated, and sounded great again. i was happy to hear the guys say that they could see her as a star and that she's proved a woman could front the band. she's still my fave.

    i know we all have our own tastes and have differences in what is appealing to our ears, but every week i find lukas sounds just horrid. i don't get the compliments on him having a great stage persona either. i just don't get it. i thought tonight was a wreck again.

    josh has some talent, but he should be doing his own thing. he could be successful with his own sound i think, not with this band.
  • Atomic PunkAtomic Punk Posts: 2,941
    I do not think I can handle Dilana's voice anymore. It has gotten old fast. I did not like her singing the last 2 weeks. The 3 packs a day voice is wearing very thin on me.
    Storm's personality is annoying as hell.
    Jill sang Mother Mother good, but she does not fit.
    Patrice is just plain bad.
    We all know Zayra is there for potential shock value and entertainment...what will she do next...
    I thought Toby did an awesom rendition of Burning Down the House
    Magni was legit. I have been waitng for him to do Live.
    Lukas...I can take it or leave it with him.
    Josh sounds so nasal to me. I thought he sucked doing Nirvana in the early weeks and I think he did rather poor trying to do STP. I was down on it anyway because I hate when a band covers a song and puts 3 guitars where only one should be.
    Ryan...well, I was surprised when they did not rip him tonight...

    IMO, the bottom 3 this week should be Dilana, Josh and Zayra
  • bluemonkeybluemonkey Posts: 198
    I do not think I can handle Dilana's voice anymore. It has gotten old fast. I did not like her singing the last 2 weeks. The 3 packs a day voice is wearing very thin on me.

    Ryan...well, I was surprised when they did not rip him tonight...
    at last someone agrees with me on dilana.

    ryan was just ridiculous,and uncomfortable to watch...the michael stipe eye make up was lame.that feathered hood was stupid.the performance was just gay all around...i can't believe they really like him.and what's with the really angry face all the time??
  • keeponrockinkeeponrockin Posts: 7,446
    I think its Dilana, Magne (sp), Lukas or Toby FTW.
    Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
  • LedZepFanLedZepFan Posts: 1,009
    Dilana is really quite average/lame...I have no idea why they love her so much, I feel like I'm watching a performance in a bar.

    Ryan, Magni, and Lukas all delivered as they usually do. Easily my three favorites. I think they will probably be the final 3 as well.

    Ugh, pretty much all of the girls are really getting on my nerves. Really lame performances...what a letdown on that Lennon tune with Patrice.

    Josh did an alright job w/ STP but they're not gonna choose him cuz he just doesn't fit with them.

    I liked Toby's performance tonight-he took a song I dislike and made me like it which is big in my book.
    I've faced it, a life wasted, and I'm never going back again.

    Some die just to live.
  • bluemonkeybluemonkey Posts: 198
    LedZepFan wrote:
    I liked Toby's performance tonight-he took a song I dislike and made me like it which is big in my book.
    i'm not getting the toby love...seriously.he's really average at best for me.
  • LedZepFanLedZepFan Posts: 1,009
    bluemonkey wrote:
    i'm not getting the toby love...seriously.he's really average at best for me.

    Well I don't love him(well I did really enjoy the Nirvana song last week) I just thought that tonight he did a solid opposed to pretty much all the women. I don't like any of em.
    I've faced it, a life wasted, and I'm never going back again.

    Some die just to live.
  • for you dilana fans, get the wool off your eyes (err ears) ... she totally butchered another song, and this time it was a classic ... a classic that she never heard before. she "does her own thing", but it is horrible. please, stop the love, close your eyes and really listen ...

    final 4 ... dilana (though not my choice), magni, ryan and lukas

    look for a multi-axe this week ... time to get rid of the dead weight and move the show forward.
    I don't want to be hostile. I don't want to be dismal. But I don't want to rot in an apathetic existance either.
  • bluemonkey wrote:
    i'm not getting the toby love...seriously.he's really average at best for me.

    i think america is going to hate it and he may hang in the bottom 3 with Z and jill.
    I don't want to be hostile. I don't want to be dismal. But I don't want to rot in an apathetic existance either.
  • bluemonkeybluemonkey Posts: 198
    look for a multi-axe this week ... time to get rid of the dead weight and move the show forward.
    can they do that??i didn't really watch the 1st season...if so,what the fuck have they waited for??
  • r2g2r2g2 Posts: 66
    Agreed on the shittiness of Dilana, Tonite sucked.

    Patrice- sucked

    Toby was great until the megaphone came out. EWWW, I agreed with Dave

    Lucas - shaky at first but really came through

    Magni - That was just ok for me Dog.

    Jill- eh

    Storm- pretty good

    Ryan was good, I still don't buy into the running and jumping (rockstar cliche) being his persona.

    The guy that sang STP sucked, I hate the whole Kermit sound he has

    Zarex is unfortunately entertaining.
    I said Yeaaaaaaah!
  • OK, is it just me, or was this the first week where Supernova did not universally rip on any one perfomance?

    It seemed like everyone was getting loved on tonight with very few exceptions.
    "Tried to walk, found a severed ... Matt???"
  • 3manstack3manstack Posts: 205
    Oooh I feel some Lukass hate coming on!

    What the fuck did he do to that Verve song the other night? can the guy sing? NO

    Is he talented ? NO

    Is he the biggest Fucknar ever? Yes

    Is his forehead getting bigger ? FUCK YES!

    What the fuck was up with him wearing Shades indoors on the voting off programme. ? He's a little croaky fucker!

    Please vote him off my brave american friends if only for the reason that he's a smelly dirty Motherfucker

    hate you hate you hate you!
  • CrazyJDCrazyJD Posts: 103
    OK, is it just me, or was this the first week where Supernova did not universally rip on any one perfomance?

    It seemed like everyone was getting loved on tonight with very few exceptions.

    I found last week's show to be very plain.... I enjoyed this week's show much more, some tunes were mixed up a bit differently and I found for the most part the rockers seemed to put on more of a crowd interacting show. Having the crowd sing a main verse to the Mic always works (like in Storm's performance), they should do it more often. EV knows this ;)

    I am a Dilana fan, but the last two weeks have been pretty plain, "bar-like" performances. I was a huge fan of her different presentations on the first 4 songs, the last two brought her back to earth for me. But unlike many, I still really enjoy the sound of her voice (compared to other generic female singing). But she doesnt look one bit intimidated up there.

    Magni is growing on me, can't deny his strong, clean voice and talent. But his "entertainment" value stinks, I don't think he has smiled on stage YET, same routine each time out. But I think his professionalism and talent and intensity may push him into the front runner.

    Lucas is sort of in Dilana's boat for me, good turnaround with Creep, but I enjoyed his first few performances more than recent ones and I'm questioning if he can really change his style up at all. It might be all SN need though. Still a favorite. And I will still look forward to seeing how he performs each week, unlike many other "fast forward" contestants.

    Speaking of that, JOSH... just go home now. Sang Interstate in the kermit voice....ugh. He has talent, soul, whatever.... but that last performance, with TL on drums, showed he is way out of his element.

    Jill did her best, non-oversinging performance, looked comfortable on stage. But expect bottom 3 as the fans know she has overstayed her welcome.

    Zayra... dressed like an Oscar, delivers a boring performance. I actually missed her 'JENNY!!!! DONT LOSE MY NUMBER!" flailing stuff. Sang it like celine performance, absolutely no chance in this competition. But other singers blandness keeps her around.

    Ryan... I like him alot more than I did early on when he seemed completely out of his element. he seems to be really making the most of his moment now. I'm not a big fan at all of his "angry" performances, but he'll be around for a while and may actually have a shot now.

    Storm... Unlike people who say they want to strangle her because of her porn star presence, I was thinking Id like to do other things ;) I actually enjoy her performances and voice and confident personality. And looks. She is unique. Probably no chance in this competition, but I find her entertaining.

    Patrice... thought she did a good job with Instant Karma after it started iffy for me. It came around. She is still a very plain performer though. Talented girl in the Alanis Morisette/old Sheryl Crow mold IMO.

    Toby... Good "rocker dude" from Australia, I enjoyed his performance last night more than others he's done. Still pretty routine act/stage presence though. He seems destined to be an opening act for when big bands come to Australia.

    Overall I'd still say Dilana is the clear (only) frontrunner if they chose a girl..she can be creepy and dirty, and also rock with alot of energy and sing the soft ballads in a hypnotizing way. I look forward to her getting back to another performance like in her first 4 weeks though.

    For the guys, Lukas still fits the mold the best, It will be interesting to see if his performances continue to use more of his voice, or if he just sticks to the growling, Mick Jagger like quirky stage antics. I think Magni and then Ryan are the runners up. The next few weeks will make the order much clearer.
    Halifax, Summer 2008... they return!
  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 16,680
    pjalive21 wrote:
    Ryan wasnt too shabby doing The Stones "Painted Black" either
    Not bad on "paint it Black" either. ;)

    Am I the only one who could only understand about 27% of the lyrics when Zarex sang "All the Young Dudes"? It was like cartoon character gibberish mostly.
    And did she say "T-wreck"? Damn woman its T fuckin' Rex.
    Although T-wreck would be appropriate if short for Train wreck.

    If Josh lands in the bottom 3, I'm hoping he sings a heatfelt rendition of "Its Not Easy Bein' Green"'ll bring the house down.

    Jill looked like she overcompensated and held back a bit on parts of "Mother, Mother". She may end up gone, though she usually saves her best for Wednesdays.

    Overall a fair number of good performances this week.

    I didn't think Dilana's singing was anything special, and the clip of her downloading "Won't Get Fooled Again" and her reaction was like she'd never heard it before...I expect that from Zarex, not her. Her voice will be her come-uppance, but not till late. She's got the look and presence, just put Dana's voice in her and she would be a shoo-in.

    Lukas probably gets the encore, and I still think he already has the gig.

    And what happened to each contestant writing lyrics for a Supernova tune like they said last week?
    This weekend we rock Portland
  • they got rid of two on one show last season.
    bluemonkey wrote:
    can they do that??i didn't really watch the 1st season...if so,what the fuck have they waited for??
  • Lucas is Terrible, cant stand him, I think Magni will win.

    And Ryan, If you are going to do a stones song, you have to break out the rooster!!!
  • Poncier wrote:
    Not bad on "paint it Black" either. ;)

    I didn't think Dilana's singing was anything special, and the clip of her downloading "Won't Get Fooled Again" and her reaction was like she'd never heard it before...I expect that from Zarex, not her.

    in the reality episode, she admitted she had no idea what the song sounded like ... pathetic.
    I don't want to be hostile. I don't want to be dismal. But I don't want to rot in an apathetic existance either.
  • in the reality episode, she admitted she had no idea what the song sounded like ... pathetic.

    because she hasn't heard a song before? i'm sure there are a lot of people in music "who" ;) don't know the entire who catalogue. everybody is supposed to know every song ever recorded?
  • i just find it sad that some someone is competing in a contest to front a rock band does not know this song. if she didn't know the seeker, she may get a pass, but this a top 5 who tune.

    Meet the new boss ... same as the old boss.

    i will make a poll to see who knows it.
    I don't want to be hostile. I don't want to be dismal. But I don't want to rot in an apathetic existance either.
  • see, i'm not a who fan at all, so i didn't realize it was one of their more well known tunes. i'd never heard it before. from looking at her list of fave tunes, i wouldn't say the who is one of her faves, so i could understand why she hadn't heard it before. i just wouldn't say it's pathetic that someone doesn't know a song is all.
  • i just wouldn't say it's pathetic that someone doesn't know a song is all.

    I'm on board with it most definitely being ... well, maybe not "pathetic" ... but pretty damned scary that she didn't know what amounts to being a rock n' roll classic.

    If we allow these guys to all get free passes and not know a lot of the genealogy of rock, then what kind of lead singer are they going to make? If that's the case, this is nothing more than "American Idol" with a famous backing band.

    I think showing you know some rock history and rock theory is all part and parcel to the task at hand -- being the lead singer of a major-label rock band. I'm not saying you should have every Who song memorized, but they're some of the godfathers of the genre, so you better have heard of one of their Top 10 most famous songs. Otherwise, you have a lot of catching up to do and probably have no business winning the thing.
    "Tried to walk, found a severed ... Matt???"
  • i thought she did a great job for having just learned the song and seemed pretty comfortable playing with a guy of clarke's stature while doing it. to me, that shows a lot.

    i can understand the point about knowing rock n' roll, but if you're not a who fan, you're not a who fan, and you probably don't know the song.

    like gilby is a who fan and probably sees them as heroes, from what i gather from watching the show...i know newkid is a misfits fan, so maybe he would be surprised if one of the singers didn't know "angelfuck", "she", "we are 138", or "tv casualty"...i don't think it would prevent him from letting someone be a lead singer in a band he is forming if they have the talent and ability to do the job.

    all a matter of what kind of music you grew up with and what musical circles you run in i guess.
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