The only thing I’m sold on is that the vaccine should keep me alive and out of the hospital…good enough for me. If other folks choose to live with risk…so be it. However, the unvaccinated should be moved to military built field hospitals at their own expense…plus, it’d really feed into the conspiracy theorist nut jobs out there…
We call them FEMA camps and they should be transported by black helicopters.
Make sure they get loaded with body bags…lots of body bags.
the decision to vaccinate our kids wasn't done lightly. it wasn't "I blindly trust the government". it wasn't "I'll do my own research". I trust the medical system (and yes, that is separate from the pharmaceutical industry). and if 99.9 % of epidemiologists, doctors, health care officials, and experts all say the same thing, then I believe them.
if I don't, why am I going to the hospital when I'm sick? or to my GP for personal health advice? it's absurd to believe the vast majority of these people are so singularly driven by a result that they'd be blind to any adverse effects.
it's so insane to me that there are so many people who will willfully believe the .01% and distrust the rest.
do I have any actual proof that my daughter has ulcerative colitis? do I know how to read colonoscopy results? did I get them independently reviewed? her specialist told us she does, so guess what? I BELIEVE HIM. i didn't do my own research. if I did and webmb told me she just had a bad stomach bug, she'd likely be dead, and I should be in prison for neglect causing death.
that being said, I'm conflicted about people choosing not to vaccinate their kids. I honestly can't say "fuck them" or "it's their choice". this isn't black and white to me. either way, it's not the kid's choice. and that sucks. who wants to be that kid who gets left out and ostracized because of a parental decision? but who wants to be that kid who grows up with a (unlikely) heart condition because of a parental decision that they made because their friends told them to fuck off if they don't?
this is a tad more nuanced than many of you are making it out to be. be kind to each other. we all came to this point in our own lives and base all of our decisions on all of those experiences. act like adults.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
I'm not going to lie. If we didn't need child vaxxed to get on a cruise I probably would still be on the fence as well. But now that I see the Omicron vaccinations helping children her age avoid hospitalizations I kind of wished her second dose would be sooner than later.
I was swimming in the Great Barrier Reef Animals were hiding behind the Coral Except for little Turtle I could swear he's trying to talk to me Gurgle Gurgle
What is up with parents? Why wouldn’t they vaccinate a five year old who has a .0001% chance of having issues from Covid? Monsters!
Bad decision-makers. Fuck them.
I know...what a monster I am, right??? I intend to get my 5 year old vaxxed. He just turned 5 a couple weeks ago so I'm not in a huge hurry to do it. The fact that he wasn't eligible the week before and then all of a sudden the doctor is pressuring to have him vaxxed right away is what gave my wife and I a little bit of pause.
What is up with parents? Why wouldn’t they vaccinate a five year old who has a .0001% chance of having issues from Covid? Monsters!
Bad decision-makers. Fuck them.
I know...what a monster I am, right??? I intend to get my 5 year old vaxxed. He just turned 5 a couple weeks ago so I'm not in a huge hurry to do it. The fact that he wasn't eligible the week before and then all of a sudden the doctor is pressuring to have him vaxxed right away is what gave my wife and I a little bit of pause.
all arbitrary cutoffs are kind of stupid when you think about it. one day you are too young to drink. the literal next day you can get as plastered as you want. same with consensual sex. but the fact is, we need cutoffs. there has to be a limit somewhere. the doctor is pushing it because that's the age that was successfully tested. nothing more, nothing less. he couldn't ethically push it prior to your child turning 5. he probably wanted to.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Got our 5-year-old his first dose of the vax yesterday. Not complaining about any soreness or anything today and he is definitely the type that would be complaining if he was hurting. Anyone I’ve known that has vaccinated their kiddos have had no issues. The pediatrician said they haven’t had any kiddos present side effects yet.
I was swimming in the Great Barrier Reef Animals were hiding behind the Coral Except for little Turtle I could swear he's trying to talk to me Gurgle Gurgle
I was swimming in the Great Barrier Reef Animals were hiding behind the Coral Except for little Turtle I could swear he's trying to talk to me Gurgle Gurgle
I was swimming in the Great Barrier Reef Animals were hiding behind the Coral Except for little Turtle I could swear he's trying to talk to me Gurgle Gurgle
I was swimming in the Great Barrier Reef Animals were hiding behind the Coral Except for little Turtle I could swear he's trying to talk to me Gurgle Gurgle
Quebec has brought back curfew. Ontario has delayed school opening 2 days so schools have time to prepare…wtf have they been doing for the last 2 years…
Get the vaccine. Everything will return to normal. Lmfao. Just 2 more weeks.
Give Peas A Chance…
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,835
I'm vaccinated (including booster) and have flown 5 times in the last couple months, but i disagree with this. You can catch the virus and transmit whether you are vaxed or non-vaxed. The unvaccinated have been on planes and in restaurants ever since March 2020. Why start now? COVID19 is terrible, but time for people to make their own decisions about what they are comfortable doing and move on.
Yep. I'm fully vaxxed and currently dealing with my own case of covid. It's blatantly obvious that being vaxxed does not help contain the spread so why on earth would they institute a mandate like this?? It will do nothing. It's like the vax mandate that Chicago and Cook County have going into place in January where you have to be fully vaxxed to go to gyms, restaurants, movies, etc... NYC and LA have had a similar mandate in place for months and they are both seeing record amounts of cases. What science are they following here??? It's all just political theater.
The chances of you going to the hospital and dying are far lower because you are vaccinated.
That's why we still want people to be vaccinated and why we should be making life less convenient for the unvaccinated.
Fuck the unvaccinated.
Alright then. Starting next week I won't be able to bring my 5 year old to restaurants or movie theaters because he isn't fully vaxxed yet. Fuck him though, right?
Give me a break, you know that's not what I meant.
I don't know where you live but where I live if you are not eligible to get vaccinated you can still.go everywhere the vaccinated can.
Again, fuck the "willingly" unvaccinated.
The OP lives in the same area that I do. Ages 5 and up are eligible to be vaccinated. On January 3, anyone aged 5 and older that is not fully vaccinated cannot go to restaurants, theaters, etc. as he mentioned. I have no idea if he intends to vaccinate his child and frankly it is none of my business. I do think mandating children as young as 5 years old to be vaccinated to enter these establishments is over-reaching, and I certainly would not subscribe to the "fuck them" mentality.
If someone isn't vaccinating their eligible child I throw them in the "fuck them" pile. It's not the kids fault their parents make bad decisions.
I applaud your local government for taking a stand based on common sense and science.
you are factoring in possible health considerations for these otherwiise eligible children before your seemingly blanket "fuck them" aren't you?
If my kids doctor said no because of a health reason, then no, I wouldn't.
What is up with parents? Why wouldn’t they vaccinate a five year old who has a .0001% chance of having issues from Covid? Monsters!
Bad decision-makers. Fuck them.
I know...what a monster I am, right??? I intend to get my 5 year old vaxxed. He just turned 5 a couple weeks ago so I'm not in a huge hurry to do it. The fact that he wasn't eligible the week before and then all of a sudden the doctor is pressuring to have him vaxxed right away is what gave my wife and I a little bit of pause.
Today's primary source UK data on vaccine efficacy with omicron and child vaccine data.
I was swimming in the Great Barrier Reef Animals were hiding behind the Coral Except for little Turtle I could swear he's trying to talk to me Gurgle Gurgle
Today's primary source UK data on vaccine efficacy with omicron and child vaccine data.
Thanks for this Tish.
I also saw this today.
COVID-19: U.S. children hospitalized in record numbers as vaccinations lag
"During the week of Dec. 22-28, an average of 378 children 17 and under were admitted per day to hospitals with the coronavirus, a 66 per cent increase from the week before, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Thursday"
Today's primary source UK data on vaccine efficacy with omicron and child vaccine data.
Thanks for this Tish.
I also saw this today.
COVID-19: U.S. children hospitalized in record numbers as vaccinations lag
"During the week of Dec. 22-28, an average of 378 children 17 and under were admitted per day to hospitals with the coronavirus, a 66 per cent increase from the week before, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Thursday"
Show me where these kids are in the hospital from covid and not with covid please. Almost 2 years into this pandemic and we still can't differentiate between the two for some odd reason. If someone is in the hospital because of covid tally that one up as a hospitalization. If they are in the hospital for something else and also have covid with mild symptoms then tally that one up as not a hospitalization. It is not hard.
Today's primary source UK data on vaccine efficacy with omicron and child vaccine data.
Thanks for this Tish.
I also saw this today.
COVID-19: U.S. children hospitalized in record numbers as vaccinations lag
"During the week of Dec. 22-28, an average of 378 children 17 and under were admitted per day to hospitals with the coronavirus, a 66 per cent increase from the week before, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Thursday"
Show me where these kids are in the hospital from covid and not with covid please. Almost 2 years into this pandemic and we still can't differentiate between the two for some odd reason. If someone is in the hospital because of covid tally that one up as a hospitalization. If they are in the hospital for something else and also have covid with mild symptoms then tally that one up as not a hospitalization. It is not hard.
My wife likes to listen to talk radio....yesterday in the car, our head nurse was being interviewed. she was asked direct questions about how many people in the ICU were vaccinated vs unvaccinated. she sidestepped the question and gave stats on your likelihood of being in the ICU vs not if you are vaccinated. he then asked if those percentages bear out in the numbers she is seeing in our hospitals....PAUSE...."yes".
clearly (to me), she just didn't want to say that there are indeed people in hospital and ICU who are fully vaccinated, as they don't want to discourage people from getting the vaccine. give me the facts. MAKE me trust you. don't bullshit me for your agenda just because you think the ends justify the means.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Today's primary source UK data on vaccine efficacy with omicron and child vaccine data.
Thanks for this Tish.
I also saw this today.
COVID-19: U.S. children hospitalized in record numbers as vaccinations lag
"During the week of Dec. 22-28, an average of 378 children 17 and under were admitted per day to hospitals with the coronavirus, a 66 per cent increase from the week before, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Thursday"
Show me where these kids are in the hospital from covid and not with covid please. Almost 2 years into this pandemic and we still can't differentiate between the two for some odd reason. If someone is in the hospital because of covid tally that one up as a hospitalization. If they are in the hospital for something else and also have covid with mild symptoms then tally that one up as not a hospitalization. It is not hard.
My wife likes to listen to talk radio....yesterday in the car, our head nurse was being interviewed. she was asked direct questions about how many people in the ICU were vaccinated vs unvaccinated. she sidestepped the question and gave stats on your likelihood of being in the ICU vs not if you are vaccinated. he then asked if those percentages bear out in the numbers she is seeing in our hospitals....PAUSE...."yes".
clearly (to me), she just didn't want to say that there are indeed people in hospital and ICU who are fully vaccinated, as they don't want to discourage people from getting the vaccine. give me the facts. MAKE me trust you. don't bullshit me for your agenda just because you think the ends justify the means.
Very true. I do think our population is too dumb to be honest to follow a lot of the real numbers though. Just because there are vaccinated people in the ICU that does not mean the vaccine does not work. If 95% of the vulnerable population is vaccinated and the unvaccinated are still outnumbering the vaccinated in the hospital that is a staggering difference to think about. For some reason a lot of people can't see this though. I have had numerous discussions with people that are against the vaccine that just look at the numbers in the hospital. If it is a 60/40 split how does the vaccine work I was asked. Well if 80% of the population is double vaxxed how is that number not even greater if the vaccine does not work I replied. They just can't get it and like you said the way they feed it to us does not help and only leads to more speculation and doubt a lot of the time.
Today's primary source UK data on vaccine efficacy with omicron and child vaccine data.
Thanks for this Tish.
I also saw this today.
COVID-19: U.S. children hospitalized in record numbers as vaccinations lag
"During the week of Dec. 22-28, an average of 378 children 17 and under were admitted per day to hospitals with the coronavirus, a 66 per cent increase from the week before, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Thursday"
Today's primary source UK data on vaccine efficacy with omicron and child vaccine data.
Thanks for this Tish.
I also saw this today.
COVID-19: U.S. children hospitalized in record numbers as vaccinations lag
"During the week of Dec. 22-28, an average of 378 children 17 and under were admitted per day to hospitals with the coronavirus, a 66 per cent increase from the week before, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Thursday"
Show me where these kids are in the hospital from covid and not with covid please. Almost 2 years into this pandemic and we still can't differentiate between the two for some odd reason. If someone is in the hospital because of covid tally that one up as a hospitalization. If they are in the hospital for something else and also have covid with mild symptoms then tally that one up as not a hospitalization. It is not hard.
My wife likes to listen to talk radio....yesterday in the car, our head nurse was being interviewed. she was asked direct questions about how many people in the ICU were vaccinated vs unvaccinated. she sidestepped the question and gave stats on your likelihood of being in the ICU vs not if you are vaccinated. he then asked if those percentages bear out in the numbers she is seeing in our hospitals....PAUSE...."yes".
clearly (to me), she just didn't want to say that there are indeed people in hospital and ICU who are fully vaccinated, as they don't want to discourage people from getting the vaccine. give me the facts. MAKE me trust you. don't bullshit me for your agenda just because you think the ends justify the means.
Very true. I do think our population is too dumb to be honest to follow a lot of the real numbers though. Just because there are vaccinated people in the ICU that does not mean the vaccine does not work. If 95% of the vulnerable population is vaccinated and the unvaccinated are still outnumbering the vaccinated in the hospital that is a staggering difference to think about. For some reason a lot of people can't see this though. I have had numerous discussions with people that are against the vaccine that just look at the numbers in the hospital. If it is a 60/40 split how does the vaccine work I was asked. Well if 80% of the population is double vaxxed how is that number not even greater if the vaccine does not work I replied. They just can't get it and like you said the way they feed it to us does not help and only leads to more speculation and doubt a lot of the time.
there is absolutely that angle to it, for sure. they don't want to fuel a misinterpretation of the data. I just get frustrated that we're all forced to listen to a remedial version of the facts because of stupids.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Today's primary source UK data on vaccine efficacy with omicron and child vaccine data.
Thanks for this Tish.
I also saw this today.
COVID-19: U.S. children hospitalized in record numbers as vaccinations lag
"During the week of Dec. 22-28, an average of 378 children 17 and under were admitted per day to hospitals with the coronavirus, a 66 per cent increase from the week before, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Thursday"
Show me where these kids are in the hospital from covid and not with covid please. Almost 2 years into this pandemic and we still can't differentiate between the two for some odd reason. If someone is in the hospital because of covid tally that one up as a hospitalization. If they are in the hospital for something else and also have covid with mild symptoms then tally that one up as not a hospitalization. It is not hard.
My wife likes to listen to talk radio....yesterday in the car, our head nurse was being interviewed. she was asked direct questions about how many people in the ICU were vaccinated vs unvaccinated. she sidestepped the question and gave stats on your likelihood of being in the ICU vs not if you are vaccinated. he then asked if those percentages bear out in the numbers she is seeing in our hospitals....PAUSE...."yes".
clearly (to me), she just didn't want to say that there are indeed people in hospital and ICU who are fully vaccinated, as they don't want to discourage people from getting the vaccine. give me the facts. MAKE me trust you. don't bullshit me for your agenda just because you think the ends justify the means.
Very true. I do think our population is too dumb to be honest to follow a lot of the real numbers though. Just because there are vaccinated people in the ICU that does not mean the vaccine does not work. If 95% of the vulnerable population is vaccinated and the unvaccinated are still outnumbering the vaccinated in the hospital that is a staggering difference to think about. For some reason a lot of people can't see this though. I have had numerous discussions with people that are against the vaccine that just look at the numbers in the hospital. If it is a 60/40 split how does the vaccine work I was asked. Well if 80% of the population is double vaxxed how is that number not even greater if the vaccine does not work I replied. They just can't get it and like you said the way they feed it to us does not help and only leads to more speculation and doubt a lot of the time.
there is absolutely that angle to it, for sure. they don't want to fuel a misinterpretation of the data. I just get frustrated that we're all forced to listen to a remedial version of the facts because of stupids.
Hence, no trust. The masks was one of the first big lies besides Trump’s. That was a bad one.
-EV 8/14/93
if I don't, why am I going to the hospital when I'm sick? or to my GP for personal health advice? it's absurd to believe the vast majority of these people are so singularly driven by a result that they'd be blind to any adverse effects.
it's so insane to me that there are so many people who will willfully believe the .01% and distrust the rest.
do I have any actual proof that my daughter has ulcerative colitis? do I know how to read colonoscopy results? did I get them independently reviewed? her specialist told us she does, so guess what? I BELIEVE HIM. i didn't do my own research. if I did and webmb told me she just had a bad stomach bug, she'd likely be dead, and I should be in prison for neglect causing death.
that being said, I'm conflicted about people choosing not to vaccinate their kids. I honestly can't say "fuck them" or "it's their choice". this isn't black and white to me. either way, it's not the kid's choice. and that sucks. who wants to be that kid who gets left out and ostracized because of a parental decision? but who wants to be that kid who grows up with a (unlikely) heart condition because of a parental decision that they made because their friends told them to fuck off if they don't?
this is a tad more nuanced than many of you are making it out to be. be kind to each other. we all came to this point in our own lives and base all of our decisions on all of those experiences. act like adults.
-EV 8/14/93
Animals were hiding behind the Coral
Except for little Turtle
I could swear he's trying to talk to me
Gurgle Gurgle
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
-EV 8/14/93
Link to 5-11 vaccine info review in US
Animals were hiding behind the Coral
Except for little Turtle
I could swear he's trying to talk to me
Gurgle Gurgle
Animals were hiding behind the Coral
Except for little Turtle
I could swear he's trying to talk to me
Gurgle Gurgle
Animals were hiding behind the Coral
Except for little Turtle
I could swear he's trying to talk to me
Gurgle Gurgle
Animals were hiding behind the Coral
Except for little Turtle
I could swear he's trying to talk to me
Gurgle Gurgle
Get the vaccine. Everything will return to normal. Lmfao. Just 2 more weeks.
Exactly. These people are a menace.
You all need to wake the fuck up and give your head a shake.
People really don't understand risk assessment.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Today's primary source UK data on vaccine efficacy with omicron and child vaccine data.
Animals were hiding behind the Coral
Except for little Turtle
I could swear he's trying to talk to me
Gurgle Gurgle
I also saw this today.
COVID-19: U.S. children hospitalized in record numbers as vaccinations lag
"During the week of Dec. 22-28, an average of 378 children 17 and under were admitted per day to hospitals with the coronavirus, a 66 per cent increase from the week before, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Thursday" %1$s&aoh=16409746800752&csi=0&referrer=
The results of parents making bad decisions.
Show me where these kids are in the hospital from covid and not with covid please. Almost 2 years into this pandemic and we still can't differentiate between the two for some odd reason. If someone is in the hospital because of covid tally that one up as a hospitalization. If they are in the hospital for something else and also have covid with mild symptoms then tally that one up as not a hospitalization. It is not hard.
clearly (to me), she just didn't want to say that there are indeed people in hospital and ICU who are fully vaccinated, as they don't want to discourage people from getting the vaccine. give me the facts. MAKE me trust you. don't bullshit me for your agenda just because you think the ends justify the means.
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93