That came off as attacking and belittling to be, and he was wrong and avoided the question. The reporter was referring to his previous comment of Do you want to be on the side of King or Wallace, of Lewis or Connor? His answer was basically you can’t read or understand English, despite being a reporter. When I don’t know how else you can take that comment.
i will refer back to your criticisms of every trump press conference.
one question. nobody can stand up there and take questions for 2 hours on these nuanced issues and be perfect.
i wonder how many times he regaled the reporters with tales of his amazing. unprecedented electoral college victory, how he made a perfect phone call this week, and how good his polls are, and how high his press conference ratings are. at least he did not suggest that we shove a powerful light up one of our orifaces to kill covid.
i swear, nothing will ever be good enough for some people.
This is the Biden thread, why does everyone want to talk about Trump? The comment was he never attacked, belittled or avoided a question. I watched for 20 minutes and saw all of that. I don’t think it’s a big deal, never said it was. We can discuss this conference without focusing on trump.
He tried to take back his comments from last week and by doing so accused the reporter he can’t read and write when asked about it. Not a big deal, I laughed when he said it. But it still happened.
That came off as attacking and belittling to be, and he was wrong and avoided the question. The reporter was referring to his previous comment of Do you want to be on the side of King or Wallace, of Lewis or Connor? His answer was basically you can’t read or understand English, despite being a reporter. When I don’t know how else you can take that comment.
i will refer back to your criticisms of every trump press conference.
one question. nobody can stand up there and take questions for 2 hours on these nuanced issues and be perfect.
i wonder how many times he regaled the reporters with tales of his amazing. unprecedented electoral college victory, how he made a perfect phone call this week, and how good his polls are, and how high his press conference ratings are. at least he did not suggest that we shove a powerful light up one of our orifaces to kill covid.
i swear, nothing will ever be good enough for some people.
Its the disingenuous nonsense I have been harping on for a year now. They take one thing he does and blow it up, despite brushing off the fact the previous guy did it tenfold during his term.
That came off as attacking and belittling to be, and he was wrong and avoided the question. The reporter was referring to his previous comment of Do you want to be on the side of King or Wallace, of Lewis or Connor? His answer was basically you can’t read or understand English, despite being a reporter. When I don’t know how else you can take that comment.
i will refer back to your criticisms of every trump press conference.
one question. nobody can stand up there and take questions for 2 hours on these nuanced issues and be perfect.
i wonder how many times he regaled the reporters with tales of his amazing. unprecedented electoral college victory, how he made a perfect phone call this week, and how good his polls are, and how high his press conference ratings are. at least he did not suggest that we shove a powerful light up one of our orifaces to kill covid.
i swear, nothing will ever be good enough for some people.
Its the disingenuous nonsense I have been harping on for a year now. They take one thing he does and blow it up, despite brushing off the fact the previous guy did it tenfold during his term.
Well it was Fox News. Notice the article said "he appeared to lose his cool". Appeared...
That came off as attacking and belittling to be, and he was wrong and avoided the question. The reporter was referring to his previous comment of Do you want to be on the side of King or Wallace, of Lewis or Connor? His answer was basically you can’t read or understand English, despite being a reporter. When I don’t know how else you can take that comment.
So he lost his cool for one question out like 180? Seems like a big improvement over the last guy, no?
For sure.
But I think the point is that Brian J. Karem's tweet is false. No surprise there.
Well he is a lying member of the lamestream media. I miss having a president that had the guts to tell terrible reporters that they are terrible reporters.
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin 2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
That came off as attacking and belittling to be, and he was wrong and avoided the question. The reporter was referring to his previous comment of Do you want to be on the side of King or Wallace, of Lewis or Connor? His answer was basically you can’t read or understand English, despite being a reporter. When I don’t know how else you can take that comment.
So he lost his cool for one question out like 180? Seems like a big improvement over the last guy, no?
I never compared him to the last guy. Just commenting on the tweet that was shared.
The tweet was a direct comparison to the last guy. So the point remains intact.
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin 2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
That came off as attacking and belittling to be, and he was wrong and avoided the question. The reporter was referring to his previous comment of Do you want to be on the side of King or Wallace, of Lewis or Connor? His answer was basically you can’t read or understand English, despite being a reporter. When I don’t know how else you can take that comment.
i will refer back to your criticisms of every trump press conference.
one question. nobody can stand up there and take questions for 2 hours on these nuanced issues and be perfect.
i wonder how many times he regaled the reporters with tales of his amazing. unprecedented electoral college victory, how he made a perfect phone call this week, and how good his polls are, and how high his press conference ratings are. at least he did not suggest that we shove a powerful light up one of our orifaces to kill covid.
i swear, nothing will ever be good enough for some people.
What criticisms of every Trump conference? I think Trump’s press conferences were usually ridiculous too. But I’m not sure your point? I criticized trumps conference so I can’t criticise Biden’s?
The question was fair. It was “you campaigned on unity. Do you think calling those who vote against your bills Jim Crow and Conor unity?” Fair question. He denied making those connections, which he did, and accused him of not being able to write (or read).
We we’re taking about the conference. I made 1 short comment where he didn’t answer the question, denied remarks he made and belittled a reporter and people get all offended. Is the bar really so low that we just have to be better than the most disliked president in our history? I didn’t add commentary about how bad Biden was, literally just reference the Q&A. Yeah, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal in 2 hours. But it happened, they were talking about it so I pointed out that Q&A.
I can imagine the first president of West Germany, whoever that was, whenever he was questioned just being like “we’ll complain when I’ve killed 6 million Jews. Until then shut up.”
Instead of just comparing everything by to trump and avoiding the comment, why can’t anyone just say “Yeah, that was a bad answer. He should have clarified what he meant by those comments instead of insulting the reporter. Voter ID isn’t Jim Crpw so take a minute to clarify that. But he did well the rest of the time.” Why is that so hard?
That came off as attacking and belittling to be, and he was wrong and avoided the question. The reporter was referring to his previous comment of Do you want to be on the side of King or Wallace, of Lewis or Connor? His answer was basically you can’t read or understand English, despite being a reporter. When I don’t know how else you can take that comment.
i will refer back to your criticisms of every trump press conference.
one question. nobody can stand up there and take questions for 2 hours on these nuanced issues and be perfect.
i wonder how many times he regaled the reporters with tales of his amazing. unprecedented electoral college victory, how he made a perfect phone call this week, and how good his polls are, and how high his press conference ratings are. at least he did not suggest that we shove a powerful light up one of our orifaces to kill covid.
i swear, nothing will ever be good enough for some people.
Its the disingenuous nonsense I have been harping on for a year now. They take one thing he does and blow it up, despite brushing off the fact the previous guy did it tenfold during his term.
Well it was Fox News. Notice the article said "he appeared to lose his cool". Appeared...
And he "appeared to lose his cool" over the issue of voting rights. Lol. If there is one thing I want my president fired up on is the ability for all citizens to be able to vote in free and fair elections. I see nothing wrong with this.
Now, compare that with the previous guy who appeared to lose his cool over issues like defending white supremacists in Charlottesville, or taking Russia's side over his own intelligence, or lying about winning an election he lost etc etc etc. At least Biden's lost cool was over something righteous.
That came off as attacking and belittling to be, and he was wrong and avoided the question. The reporter was referring to his previous comment of Do you want to be on the side of King or Wallace, of Lewis or Connor? His answer was basically you can’t read or understand English, despite being a reporter. When I don’t know how else you can take that comment.
So he lost his cool for one question out like 180? Seems like a big improvement over the last guy, no?
For sure.
But I think the point is that Brian J. Karem's tweet is false. No surprise there.
Well he is a lying member of the lamestream media. I miss having a president that had the guts to tell terrible reporters that they are terrible reporters.
Fake news, & the enemy of the people & whatnot.
Oh to have a president who says what’s on his mind.
Why does the source matter? I remembered the question and answer, googled it, the first link to have it was fox. Not really surprising. Watch the video, ignore the commentary.
Why does the source matter? I remembered the question and answer, googled it, the first link to have it was fox. Not really surprising. Watch the video, ignore the commentary.
The source matters because they hone in on something that was pretty minor over the course of a two hour presser, and then they use words that are overstated or misstated, in my opinion. ]
Couldn't the lede have been written as "Biden passionately defends Voting Rights Bill currently in front of Senate"? That's what happened in my view.
Sorry, but as an “enemy of the people” veteran journalist myself, Brian Karem is not really one to make judgment calls about attacking and belittling people.
Why does the source matter? I remembered the question and answer, googled it, the first link to have it was fox. Not really surprising. Watch the video, ignore the commentary.
The source matters because they hone in on something that was pretty minor over the course of a two hour presser, and then they use words that are overstated or misstated, in my opinion. ]
Couldn't the lede have been written as "Biden passionately defends Voting Rights Bill currently in front of Senate"? That's what happened in my view.
I see your point if I was referencing what they commented on, but I was just trying to show a clip and that was the first I found. So in context of why it was shared the source shouldn’t matter. I stated I didn’t like his answer to this question. Instead of trying to defend or explain his comments on the voting bills he basically denied he said them.
Was he as rude as Trump usually was? No Did he answer most questions fairly? Yes I still don’t understand what the big deal is with pointing out a bad answer and why no one can agree it was a poor response, and instead make excuses, comment on Fox News and trump instead of commenting on his poor response to a fair question.
That came off as attacking and belittling to be, and he was wrong and avoided the question. The reporter was referring to his previous comment of Do you want to be on the side of King or Wallace, of Lewis or Connor? His answer was basically you can’t read or understand English, despite being a reporter. When I don’t know how else you can take that comment.
i will refer back to your criticisms of every trump press conference.
one question. nobody can stand up there and take questions for 2 hours on these nuanced issues and be perfect.
i wonder how many times he regaled the reporters with tales of his amazing. unprecedented electoral college victory, how he made a perfect phone call this week, and how good his polls are, and how high his press conference ratings are. at least he did not suggest that we shove a powerful light up one of our orifaces to kill covid.
i swear, nothing will ever be good enough for some people.
What criticisms of every Trump conference? I think Trump’s press conferences were usually ridiculous too. But I’m not sure your point? I criticized trumps conference so I can’t criticise Biden’s?
The question was fair. It was “you campaigned on unity. Do you think calling those who vote against your bills Jim Crow and Conor unity?” Fair question. He denied making those connections, which he did, and accused him of not being able to write (or read).
We we’re taking about the conference. I made 1 short comment where he didn’t answer the question, denied remarks he made and belittled a reporter and people get all offended. Is the bar really so low that we just have to be better than the most disliked president in our history? I didn’t add commentary about how bad Biden was, literally just reference the Q&A. Yeah, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal in 2 hours. But it happened, they were talking about it so I pointed out that Q&A.
I can imagine the first president of West Germany, whoever that was, whenever he was questioned just being like “we’ll complain when I’ve killed 6 million Jews. Until then shut up.”
Instead of just comparing everything by to trump and avoiding the comment, why can’t anyone just say “Yeah, that was a bad answer. He should have clarified what he meant by those comments instead of insulting the reporter. Voter ID isn’t Jim Crpw so take a minute to clarify that. But he did well the rest of the time.” Why is that so hard?
agreed. if people want to get back to pre-trump norms, we have to be comfortable with all of it, including minor criticisms of a president's answer and how it maybe perceived as disrespectful to the questioner.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
That came off as attacking and belittling to be, and he was wrong and avoided the question. The reporter was referring to his previous comment of Do you want to be on the side of King or Wallace, of Lewis or Connor? His answer was basically you can’t read or understand English, despite being a reporter. When I don’t know how else you can take that comment.
i will refer back to your criticisms of every trump press conference.
one question. nobody can stand up there and take questions for 2 hours on these nuanced issues and be perfect.
i wonder how many times he regaled the reporters with tales of his amazing. unprecedented electoral college victory, how he made a perfect phone call this week, and how good his polls are, and how high his press conference ratings are. at least he did not suggest that we shove a powerful light up one of our orifaces to kill covid.
i swear, nothing will ever be good enough for some people.
What criticisms of every Trump conference? I think Trump’s press conferences were usually ridiculous too. But I’m not sure your point? I criticized trumps conference so I can’t criticise Biden’s?
The question was fair. It was “you campaigned on unity. Do you think calling those who vote against your bills Jim Crow and Conor unity?” Fair question. He denied making those connections, which he did, and accused him of not being able to write (or read).
We we’re taking about the conference. I made 1 short comment where he didn’t answer the question, denied remarks he made and belittled a reporter and people get all offended. Is the bar really so low that we just have to be better than the most disliked president in our history? I didn’t add commentary about how bad Biden was, literally just reference the Q&A. Yeah, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal in 2 hours. But it happened, they were talking about it so I pointed out that Q&A.
I can imagine the first president of West Germany, whoever that was, whenever he was questioned just being like “we’ll complain when I’ve killed 6 million Jews. Until then shut up.”
Instead of just comparing everything by to trump and avoiding the comment, why can’t anyone just say “Yeah, that was a bad answer. He should have clarified what he meant by those comments instead of insulting the reporter. Voter ID isn’t Jim Crpw so take a minute to clarify that. But he did well the rest of the time.” Why is that so hard?
well biden did not ridicule a disabled reporter, so i guess that is very presidential, am i right?
i see you bash biden every day on this forum. i did not see the same enthusiasm for criticizing trump. just pointing out my observation on here the last few years.
you may not have added commentary on how bad biden is in that particular post, but cumulatively you have complained about him quite a bit.
i did not see the answer you are talking about. i guess i am so traumatized by the former guy i am willing to overlook some small issues biden has had.
and voter id is a form of a poll tax. it can be am impediment to someone exercising their constitutionally guarantees right to vote. this can disenfranchise people. so how is that not comparable to jim crow?
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
That came off as attacking and belittling to be, and he was wrong and avoided the question. The reporter was referring to his previous comment of Do you want to be on the side of King or Wallace, of Lewis or Connor? His answer was basically you can’t read or understand English, despite being a reporter. When I don’t know how else you can take that comment.
i will refer back to your criticisms of every trump press conference.
one question. nobody can stand up there and take questions for 2 hours on these nuanced issues and be perfect.
i wonder how many times he regaled the reporters with tales of his amazing. unprecedented electoral college victory, how he made a perfect phone call this week, and how good his polls are, and how high his press conference ratings are. at least he did not suggest that we shove a powerful light up one of our orifaces to kill covid.
i swear, nothing will ever be good enough for some people.
What criticisms of every Trump conference? I think Trump’s press conferences were usually ridiculous too. But I’m not sure your point? I criticized trumps conference so I can’t criticise Biden’s?
The question was fair. It was “you campaigned on unity. Do you think calling those who vote against your bills Jim Crow and Conor unity?” Fair question. He denied making those connections, which he did, and accused him of not being able to write (or read).
We we’re taking about the conference. I made 1 short comment where he didn’t answer the question, denied remarks he made and belittled a reporter and people get all offended. Is the bar really so low that we just have to be better than the most disliked president in our history? I didn’t add commentary about how bad Biden was, literally just reference the Q&A. Yeah, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal in 2 hours. But it happened, they were talking about it so I pointed out that Q&A.
I can imagine the first president of West Germany, whoever that was, whenever he was questioned just being like “we’ll complain when I’ve killed 6 million Jews. Until then shut up.”
Instead of just comparing everything by to trump and avoiding the comment, why can’t anyone just say “Yeah, that was a bad answer. He should have clarified what he meant by those comments instead of insulting the reporter. Voter ID isn’t Jim Crpw so take a minute to clarify that. But he did well the rest of the time.” Why is that so hard?
well biden did not ridicule a disabled reporter, so i guess that is very presidential, am i right?
i see you bash biden every day on this forum. i did not see the same enthusiasm for criticizing trump. just pointing out my observation on here the last few years.
you may not have added commentary on how bad biden is in that particular post, but cumulatively you have complained about him quite a bit.
i did not see the answer you are talking about. i guess i am so traumatized by the former guy i am willing to overlook some small issues biden has had.
and voter id is a form of a poll tax. it can be am impediment to someone exercising their constitutionally guarantees right to vote. this can disenfranchise people. so how is that not comparable to jim crow?
Is this voter suppression in Canada at play?
In Canada, the Federal government mails an Elections Canada registration confirmation card, which the voter takes to the polling station. The card tells the individual where and when to vote. Voters must prove their identity and address with one of three options:[12]
Show one original government-issued piece of identification with photo, name and address, like a driver's license or a health card.
Show two original pieces of authorized identification. Both pieces must have a name and one must also have an address. Examples: student ID card, birth certificate, public transportation card, utility bill, bank/credit card statement, etc.
Take an oath and have an elector who knows the voter vouch for them (both of whom must make a sworn statement). This person must have authorized identification and their name must appear on the list of electors in the same polling division as the voter. This person can only vouch for one person and the person who is vouched for cannot vouch for another elector.
Voter identification regulations vary from province to province. In Ontario, "ID is required to vote or to add or update your voter information on the voters list" and a substantial number of acceptable IDs, which do not need to be photo IDs, are accepted.[13] In Quebec, the voter must show one of five government-issued photo IDs, and if lacking any of these, will be directed to the identity verification panel.[14] In British Columbia, "all voters must prove their identity and residential address before voting", with three options offered for identification.[15]
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
That came off as attacking and belittling to be, and he was wrong and avoided the question. The reporter was referring to his previous comment of Do you want to be on the side of King or Wallace, of Lewis or Connor? His answer was basically you can’t read or understand English, despite being a reporter. When I don’t know how else you can take that comment.
i will refer back to your criticisms of every trump press conference.
one question. nobody can stand up there and take questions for 2 hours on these nuanced issues and be perfect.
i wonder how many times he regaled the reporters with tales of his amazing. unprecedented electoral college victory, how he made a perfect phone call this week, and how good his polls are, and how high his press conference ratings are. at least he did not suggest that we shove a powerful light up one of our orifaces to kill covid.
i swear, nothing will ever be good enough for some people.
What criticisms of every Trump conference? I think Trump’s press conferences were usually ridiculous too. But I’m not sure your point? I criticized trumps conference so I can’t criticise Biden’s?
The question was fair. It was “you campaigned on unity. Do you think calling those who vote against your bills Jim Crow and Conor unity?” Fair question. He denied making those connections, which he did, and accused him of not being able to write (or read).
We we’re taking about the conference. I made 1 short comment where he didn’t answer the question, denied remarks he made and belittled a reporter and people get all offended. Is the bar really so low that we just have to be better than the most disliked president in our history? I didn’t add commentary about how bad Biden was, literally just reference the Q&A. Yeah, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal in 2 hours. But it happened, they were talking about it so I pointed out that Q&A.
I can imagine the first president of West Germany, whoever that was, whenever he was questioned just being like “we’ll complain when I’ve killed 6 million Jews. Until then shut up.”
Instead of just comparing everything by to trump and avoiding the comment, why can’t anyone just say “Yeah, that was a bad answer. He should have clarified what he meant by those comments instead of insulting the reporter. Voter ID isn’t Jim Crpw so take a minute to clarify that. But he did well the rest of the time.” Why is that so hard?
I'm with you, mace. A politician can be both better than someone else, and still not good enough. Without that public pressure, politicians would only aspire to be better than the opposition - which is far from enough (especially given Biden's opposition is Trump).
'05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
That came off as attacking and belittling to be, and he was wrong and avoided the question. The reporter was referring to his previous comment of Do you want to be on the side of King or Wallace, of Lewis or Connor? His answer was basically you can’t read or understand English, despite being a reporter. When I don’t know how else you can take that comment.
i will refer back to your criticisms of every trump press conference.
one question. nobody can stand up there and take questions for 2 hours on these nuanced issues and be perfect.
i wonder how many times he regaled the reporters with tales of his amazing. unprecedented electoral college victory, how he made a perfect phone call this week, and how good his polls are, and how high his press conference ratings are. at least he did not suggest that we shove a powerful light up one of our orifaces to kill covid.
i swear, nothing will ever be good enough for some people.
What criticisms of every Trump conference? I think Trump’s press conferences were usually ridiculous too. But I’m not sure your point? I criticized trumps conference so I can’t criticise Biden’s?
The question was fair. It was “you campaigned on unity. Do you think calling those who vote against your bills Jim Crow and Conor unity?” Fair question. He denied making those connections, which he did, and accused him of not being able to write (or read).
We we’re taking about the conference. I made 1 short comment where he didn’t answer the question, denied remarks he made and belittled a reporter and people get all offended. Is the bar really so low that we just have to be better than the most disliked president in our history? I didn’t add commentary about how bad Biden was, literally just reference the Q&A. Yeah, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal in 2 hours. But it happened, they were talking about it so I pointed out that Q&A.
I can imagine the first president of West Germany, whoever that was, whenever he was questioned just being like “we’ll complain when I’ve killed 6 million Jews. Until then shut up.”
Instead of just comparing everything by to trump and avoiding the comment, why can’t anyone just say “Yeah, that was a bad answer. He should have clarified what he meant by those comments instead of insulting the reporter. Voter ID isn’t Jim Crpw so take a minute to clarify that. But he did well the rest of the time.” Why is that so hard?
I'm with you, mace. A politician can be both better than someone else, and still not good enough. Without that public pressure, politicians would only aspire to be better than the opposition - which is far from enough (especially given Biden's opposition is Trump).
For sure. But literally every answer to a criticism of Biden here is either: what about Trump, or you didn’t critique trump on a PJ forum enough
That came off as attacking and belittling to be, and he was wrong and avoided the question. The reporter was referring to his previous comment of Do you want to be on the side of King or Wallace, of Lewis or Connor? His answer was basically you can’t read or understand English, despite being a reporter. When I don’t know how else you can take that comment.
i will refer back to your criticisms of every trump press conference.
one question. nobody can stand up there and take questions for 2 hours on these nuanced issues and be perfect.
i wonder how many times he regaled the reporters with tales of his amazing. unprecedented electoral college victory, how he made a perfect phone call this week, and how good his polls are, and how high his press conference ratings are. at least he did not suggest that we shove a powerful light up one of our orifaces to kill covid.
i swear, nothing will ever be good enough for some people.
What criticisms of every Trump conference? I think Trump’s press conferences were usually ridiculous too. But I’m not sure your point? I criticized trumps conference so I can’t criticise Biden’s?
The question was fair. It was “you campaigned on unity. Do you think calling those who vote against your bills Jim Crow and Conor unity?” Fair question. He denied making those connections, which he did, and accused him of not being able to write (or read).
We we’re taking about the conference. I made 1 short comment where he didn’t answer the question, denied remarks he made and belittled a reporter and people get all offended. Is the bar really so low that we just have to be better than the most disliked president in our history? I didn’t add commentary about how bad Biden was, literally just reference the Q&A. Yeah, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal in 2 hours. But it happened, they were talking about it so I pointed out that Q&A.
I can imagine the first president of West Germany, whoever that was, whenever he was questioned just being like “we’ll complain when I’ve killed 6 million Jews. Until then shut up.”
Instead of just comparing everything by to trump and avoiding the comment, why can’t anyone just say “Yeah, that was a bad answer. He should have clarified what he meant by those comments instead of insulting the reporter. Voter ID isn’t Jim Crpw so take a minute to clarify that. But he did well the rest of the time.” Why is that so hard?
agreed. if people want to get back to pre-trump norms, we have to be comfortable with all of it, including minor criticisms of a president's answer and how it maybe perceived as disrespectful to the questioner.
How are we supposed to get back to pre Trump norms when Trump is not conceding the fact that he lost in 2020 and is likely going to run in 2024?
That came off as attacking and belittling to be, and he was wrong and avoided the question. The reporter was referring to his previous comment of Do you want to be on the side of King or Wallace, of Lewis or Connor? His answer was basically you can’t read or understand English, despite being a reporter. When I don’t know how else you can take that comment.
i will refer back to your criticisms of every trump press conference.
one question. nobody can stand up there and take questions for 2 hours on these nuanced issues and be perfect.
i wonder how many times he regaled the reporters with tales of his amazing. unprecedented electoral college victory, how he made a perfect phone call this week, and how good his polls are, and how high his press conference ratings are. at least he did not suggest that we shove a powerful light up one of our orifaces to kill covid.
i swear, nothing will ever be good enough for some people.
What criticisms of every Trump conference? I think Trump’s press conferences were usually ridiculous too. But I’m not sure your point? I criticized trumps conference so I can’t criticise Biden’s?
The question was fair. It was “you campaigned on unity. Do you think calling those who vote against your bills Jim Crow and Conor unity?” Fair question. He denied making those connections, which he did, and accused him of not being able to write (or read).
We we’re taking about the conference. I made 1 short comment where he didn’t answer the question, denied remarks he made and belittled a reporter and people get all offended. Is the bar really so low that we just have to be better than the most disliked president in our history? I didn’t add commentary about how bad Biden was, literally just reference the Q&A. Yeah, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal in 2 hours. But it happened, they were talking about it so I pointed out that Q&A.
I can imagine the first president of West Germany, whoever that was, whenever he was questioned just being like “we’ll complain when I’ve killed 6 million Jews. Until then shut up.”
Instead of just comparing everything by to trump and avoiding the comment, why can’t anyone just say “Yeah, that was a bad answer. He should have clarified what he meant by those comments instead of insulting the reporter. Voter ID isn’t Jim Crpw so take a minute to clarify that. But he did well the rest of the time.” Why is that so hard?
agreed. if people want to get back to pre-trump norms, we have to be comfortable with all of it, including minor criticisms of a president's answer and how it maybe perceived as disrespectful to the questioner.
How are we supposed to get back to pre Trump norms when Trump is not conceding the fact that he lost in 2020 and is likely going to run in 2024?
That came off as attacking and belittling to be, and he was wrong and avoided the question. The reporter was referring to his previous comment of Do you want to be on the side of King or Wallace, of Lewis or Connor? His answer was basically you can’t read or understand English, despite being a reporter. When I don’t know how else you can take that comment.
i will refer back to your criticisms of every trump press conference.
one question. nobody can stand up there and take questions for 2 hours on these nuanced issues and be perfect.
i wonder how many times he regaled the reporters with tales of his amazing. unprecedented electoral college victory, how he made a perfect phone call this week, and how good his polls are, and how high his press conference ratings are. at least he did not suggest that we shove a powerful light up one of our orifaces to kill covid.
i swear, nothing will ever be good enough for some people.
What criticisms of every Trump conference? I think Trump’s press conferences were usually ridiculous too. But I’m not sure your point? I criticized trumps conference so I can’t criticise Biden’s?
The question was fair. It was “you campaigned on unity. Do you think calling those who vote against your bills Jim Crow and Conor unity?” Fair question. He denied making those connections, which he did, and accused him of not being able to write (or read).
We we’re taking about the conference. I made 1 short comment where he didn’t answer the question, denied remarks he made and belittled a reporter and people get all offended. Is the bar really so low that we just have to be better than the most disliked president in our history? I didn’t add commentary about how bad Biden was, literally just reference the Q&A. Yeah, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal in 2 hours. But it happened, they were talking about it so I pointed out that Q&A.
I can imagine the first president of West Germany, whoever that was, whenever he was questioned just being like “we’ll complain when I’ve killed 6 million Jews. Until then shut up.”
Instead of just comparing everything by to trump and avoiding the comment, why can’t anyone just say “Yeah, that was a bad answer. He should have clarified what he meant by those comments instead of insulting the reporter. Voter ID isn’t Jim Crpw so take a minute to clarify that. But he did well the rest of the time.” Why is that so hard?
agreed. if people want to get back to pre-trump norms, we have to be comfortable with all of it, including minor criticisms of a president's answer and how it maybe perceived as disrespectful to the questioner.
How are we supposed to get back to pre Trump norms when Trump is not conceding the fact that he lost in 2020 and is likely going to run in 2024?
Biden is president now, so he can conduct himself in pre-trump ways and everyone else around him can follow suit. we can worry about trump if he announces he's running when he announces.
like others have said, if we critique biden on only trump's norms, he won't be held to the standards he should be held to.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
That came off as attacking and belittling to be, and he was wrong and avoided the question. The reporter was referring to his previous comment of Do you want to be on the side of King or Wallace, of Lewis or Connor? His answer was basically you can’t read or understand English, despite being a reporter. When I don’t know how else you can take that comment.
i will refer back to your criticisms of every trump press conference.
one question. nobody can stand up there and take questions for 2 hours on these nuanced issues and be perfect.
i wonder how many times he regaled the reporters with tales of his amazing. unprecedented electoral college victory, how he made a perfect phone call this week, and how good his polls are, and how high his press conference ratings are. at least he did not suggest that we shove a powerful light up one of our orifaces to kill covid.
i swear, nothing will ever be good enough for some people.
What criticisms of every Trump conference? I think Trump’s press conferences were usually ridiculous too. But I’m not sure your point? I criticized trumps conference so I can’t criticise Biden’s?
The question was fair. It was “you campaigned on unity. Do you think calling those who vote against your bills Jim Crow and Conor unity?” Fair question. He denied making those connections, which he did, and accused him of not being able to write (or read).
We we’re taking about the conference. I made 1 short comment where he didn’t answer the question, denied remarks he made and belittled a reporter and people get all offended. Is the bar really so low that we just have to be better than the most disliked president in our history? I didn’t add commentary about how bad Biden was, literally just reference the Q&A. Yeah, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal in 2 hours. But it happened, they were talking about it so I pointed out that Q&A.
I can imagine the first president of West Germany, whoever that was, whenever he was questioned just being like “we’ll complain when I’ve killed 6 million Jews. Until then shut up.”
Instead of just comparing everything by to trump and avoiding the comment, why can’t anyone just say “Yeah, that was a bad answer. He should have clarified what he meant by those comments instead of insulting the reporter. Voter ID isn’t Jim Crpw so take a minute to clarify that. But he did well the rest of the time.” Why is that so hard?
agreed. if people want to get back to pre-trump norms, we have to be comfortable with all of it, including minor criticisms of a president's answer and how it maybe perceived as disrespectful to the questioner.
How are we supposed to get back to pre Trump norms when Trump is not conceding the fact that he lost in 2020 and is likely going to run in 2024?
That came off as attacking and belittling to be, and he was wrong and avoided the question. The reporter was referring to his previous comment of Do you want to be on the side of King or Wallace, of Lewis or Connor? His answer was basically you can’t read or understand English, despite being a reporter. When I don’t know how else you can take that comment.
i will refer back to your criticisms of every trump press conference.
one question. nobody can stand up there and take questions for 2 hours on these nuanced issues and be perfect.
i wonder how many times he regaled the reporters with tales of his amazing. unprecedented electoral college victory, how he made a perfect phone call this week, and how good his polls are, and how high his press conference ratings are. at least he did not suggest that we shove a powerful light up one of our orifaces to kill covid.
i swear, nothing will ever be good enough for some people.
What criticisms of every Trump conference? I think Trump’s press conferences were usually ridiculous too. But I’m not sure your point? I criticized trumps conference so I can’t criticise Biden’s?
The question was fair. It was “you campaigned on unity. Do you think calling those who vote against your bills Jim Crow and Conor unity?” Fair question. He denied making those connections, which he did, and accused him of not being able to write (or read).
We we’re taking about the conference. I made 1 short comment where he didn’t answer the question, denied remarks he made and belittled a reporter and people get all offended. Is the bar really so low that we just have to be better than the most disliked president in our history? I didn’t add commentary about how bad Biden was, literally just reference the Q&A. Yeah, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal in 2 hours. But it happened, they were talking about it so I pointed out that Q&A.
I can imagine the first president of West Germany, whoever that was, whenever he was questioned just being like “we’ll complain when I’ve killed 6 million Jews. Until then shut up.”
Instead of just comparing everything by to trump and avoiding the comment, why can’t anyone just say “Yeah, that was a bad answer. He should have clarified what he meant by those comments instead of insulting the reporter. Voter ID isn’t Jim Crpw so take a minute to clarify that. But he did well the rest of the time.” Why is that so hard?
agreed. if people want to get back to pre-trump norms, we have to be comfortable with all of it, including minor criticisms of a president's answer and how it maybe perceived as disrespectful to the questioner.
How are we supposed to get back to pre Trump norms when Trump is not conceding the fact that he lost in 2020 and is likely going to run in 2024?
And I quote, "Now Congress has certified the results and a new administration will be inaugurated on January 20th. My focus now turns to ensuring a smooth, orderly and seamless transition of power"
That came off as attacking and belittling to be, and he was wrong and avoided the question. The reporter was referring to his previous comment of Do you want to be on the side of King or Wallace, of Lewis or Connor? His answer was basically you can’t read or understand English, despite being a reporter. When I don’t know how else you can take that comment.
i will refer back to your criticisms of every trump press conference.
one question. nobody can stand up there and take questions for 2 hours on these nuanced issues and be perfect.
i wonder how many times he regaled the reporters with tales of his amazing. unprecedented electoral college victory, how he made a perfect phone call this week, and how good his polls are, and how high his press conference ratings are. at least he did not suggest that we shove a powerful light up one of our orifaces to kill covid.
i swear, nothing will ever be good enough for some people.
What criticisms of every Trump conference? I think Trump’s press conferences were usually ridiculous too. But I’m not sure your point? I criticized trumps conference so I can’t criticise Biden’s?
The question was fair. It was “you campaigned on unity. Do you think calling those who vote against your bills Jim Crow and Conor unity?” Fair question. He denied making those connections, which he did, and accused him of not being able to write (or read).
We we’re taking about the conference. I made 1 short comment where he didn’t answer the question, denied remarks he made and belittled a reporter and people get all offended. Is the bar really so low that we just have to be better than the most disliked president in our history? I didn’t add commentary about how bad Biden was, literally just reference the Q&A. Yeah, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal in 2 hours. But it happened, they were talking about it so I pointed out that Q&A.
I can imagine the first president of West Germany, whoever that was, whenever he was questioned just being like “we’ll complain when I’ve killed 6 million Jews. Until then shut up.”
Instead of just comparing everything by to trump and avoiding the comment, why can’t anyone just say “Yeah, that was a bad answer. He should have clarified what he meant by those comments instead of insulting the reporter. Voter ID isn’t Jim Crpw so take a minute to clarify that. But he did well the rest of the time.” Why is that so hard?
agreed. if people want to get back to pre-trump norms, we have to be comfortable with all of it, including minor criticisms of a president's answer and how it maybe perceived as disrespectful to the questioner.
How are we supposed to get back to pre Trump norms when Trump is not conceding the fact that he lost in 2020 and is likely going to run in 2024?
And I quote, "Now Congress has certified the results and a new administration will be inaugurated on January 20th. My focus now turns to ensuring a smooth, orderly and seamless transition of power"
Conceding that he lost is not the same as conceding that the process is going to continue whether he likes it or not.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
That came off as attacking and belittling to be, and he was wrong and avoided the question. The reporter was referring to his previous comment of Do you want to be on the side of King or Wallace, of Lewis or Connor? His answer was basically you can’t read or understand English, despite being a reporter. When I don’t know how else you can take that comment.
i will refer back to your criticisms of every trump press conference.
one question. nobody can stand up there and take questions for 2 hours on these nuanced issues and be perfect.
i wonder how many times he regaled the reporters with tales of his amazing. unprecedented electoral college victory, how he made a perfect phone call this week, and how good his polls are, and how high his press conference ratings are. at least he did not suggest that we shove a powerful light up one of our orifaces to kill covid.
i swear, nothing will ever be good enough for some people.
What criticisms of every Trump conference? I think Trump’s press conferences were usually ridiculous too. But I’m not sure your point? I criticized trumps conference so I can’t criticise Biden’s?
The question was fair. It was “you campaigned on unity. Do you think calling those who vote against your bills Jim Crow and Conor unity?” Fair question. He denied making those connections, which he did, and accused him of not being able to write (or read).
We we’re taking about the conference. I made 1 short comment where he didn’t answer the question, denied remarks he made and belittled a reporter and people get all offended. Is the bar really so low that we just have to be better than the most disliked president in our history? I didn’t add commentary about how bad Biden was, literally just reference the Q&A. Yeah, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal in 2 hours. But it happened, they were talking about it so I pointed out that Q&A.
I can imagine the first president of West Germany, whoever that was, whenever he was questioned just being like “we’ll complain when I’ve killed 6 million Jews. Until then shut up.”
Instead of just comparing everything by to trump and avoiding the comment, why can’t anyone just say “Yeah, that was a bad answer. He should have clarified what he meant by those comments instead of insulting the reporter. Voter ID isn’t Jim Crpw so take a minute to clarify that. But he did well the rest of the time.” Why is that so hard?
agreed. if people want to get back to pre-trump norms, we have to be comfortable with all of it, including minor criticisms of a president's answer and how it maybe perceived as disrespectful to the questioner.
How are we supposed to get back to pre Trump norms when Trump is not conceding the fact that he lost in 2020 and is likely going to run in 2024?
And I quote, "Now Congress has certified the results and a new administration will be inaugurated on January 20th. My focus now turns to ensuring a smooth, orderly and seamless transition of power"
Conceding that he lost is not the same as conceding that the process is going to continue whether he likes it or not.
That came off as attacking and belittling to be, and he was wrong and avoided the question. The reporter was referring to his previous comment of Do you want to be on the side of King or Wallace, of Lewis or Connor? His answer was basically you can’t read or understand English, despite being a reporter. When I don’t know how else you can take that comment.
i will refer back to your criticisms of every trump press conference.
one question. nobody can stand up there and take questions for 2 hours on these nuanced issues and be perfect.
i wonder how many times he regaled the reporters with tales of his amazing. unprecedented electoral college victory, how he made a perfect phone call this week, and how good his polls are, and how high his press conference ratings are. at least he did not suggest that we shove a powerful light up one of our orifaces to kill covid.
i swear, nothing will ever be good enough for some people.
What criticisms of every Trump conference? I think Trump’s press conferences were usually ridiculous too. But I’m not sure your point? I criticized trumps conference so I can’t criticise Biden’s?
The question was fair. It was “you campaigned on unity. Do you think calling those who vote against your bills Jim Crow and Conor unity?” Fair question. He denied making those connections, which he did, and accused him of not being able to write (or read).
We we’re taking about the conference. I made 1 short comment where he didn’t answer the question, denied remarks he made and belittled a reporter and people get all offended. Is the bar really so low that we just have to be better than the most disliked president in our history? I didn’t add commentary about how bad Biden was, literally just reference the Q&A. Yeah, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal in 2 hours. But it happened, they were talking about it so I pointed out that Q&A.
I can imagine the first president of West Germany, whoever that was, whenever he was questioned just being like “we’ll complain when I’ve killed 6 million Jews. Until then shut up.”
Instead of just comparing everything by to trump and avoiding the comment, why can’t anyone just say “Yeah, that was a bad answer. He should have clarified what he meant by those comments instead of insulting the reporter. Voter ID isn’t Jim Crpw so take a minute to clarify that. But he did well the rest of the time.” Why is that so hard?
agreed. if people want to get back to pre-trump norms, we have to be comfortable with all of it, including minor criticisms of a president's answer and how it maybe perceived as disrespectful to the questioner.
How are we supposed to get back to pre Trump norms when Trump is not conceding the fact that he lost in 2020 and is likely going to run in 2024?
And I quote, "Now Congress has certified the results and a new administration will be inaugurated on January 20th. My focus now turns to ensuring a smooth, orderly and seamless transition of power"
Conceding that he lost is not the same as conceding that the process is going to continue whether he likes it or not.
Yeah what the fuck ever.
um, he's been holding rallies ever since stating the election was stolen from him. and you believe he conceded? yikes.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
That came off as attacking and belittling to be, and he was wrong and avoided the question. The reporter was referring to his previous comment of Do you want to be on the side of King or Wallace, of Lewis or Connor? His answer was basically you can’t read or understand English, despite being a reporter. When I don’t know how else you can take that comment.
i will refer back to your criticisms of every trump press conference.
one question. nobody can stand up there and take questions for 2 hours on these nuanced issues and be perfect.
i wonder how many times he regaled the reporters with tales of his amazing. unprecedented electoral college victory, how he made a perfect phone call this week, and how good his polls are, and how high his press conference ratings are. at least he did not suggest that we shove a powerful light up one of our orifaces to kill covid.
i swear, nothing will ever be good enough for some people.
What criticisms of every Trump conference? I think Trump’s press conferences were usually ridiculous too. But I’m not sure your point? I criticized trumps conference so I can’t criticise Biden’s?
The question was fair. It was “you campaigned on unity. Do you think calling those who vote against your bills Jim Crow and Conor unity?” Fair question. He denied making those connections, which he did, and accused him of not being able to write (or read).
We we’re taking about the conference. I made 1 short comment where he didn’t answer the question, denied remarks he made and belittled a reporter and people get all offended. Is the bar really so low that we just have to be better than the most disliked president in our history? I didn’t add commentary about how bad Biden was, literally just reference the Q&A. Yeah, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal in 2 hours. But it happened, they were talking about it so I pointed out that Q&A.
I can imagine the first president of West Germany, whoever that was, whenever he was questioned just being like “we’ll complain when I’ve killed 6 million Jews. Until then shut up.”
Instead of just comparing everything by to trump and avoiding the comment, why can’t anyone just say “Yeah, that was a bad answer. He should have clarified what he meant by those comments instead of insulting the reporter. Voter ID isn’t Jim Crpw so take a minute to clarify that. But he did well the rest of the time.” Why is that so hard?
agreed. if people want to get back to pre-trump norms, we have to be comfortable with all of it, including minor criticisms of a president's answer and how it maybe perceived as disrespectful to the questioner.
How are we supposed to get back to pre Trump norms when Trump is not conceding the fact that he lost in 2020 and is likely going to run in 2024?
And I quote, "Now Congress has certified the results and a new administration will be inaugurated on January 20th. My focus now turns to ensuring a smooth, orderly and seamless transition of power"
Conceding that he lost is not the same as conceding that the process is going to continue whether he likes it or not.
Yeah what the fuck ever.
um, he's been holding rallies ever since stating the election was stolen from him. and you believe he conceded? yikes.
Concession: In politics, a concession is the act of a losing candidate
publicly yielding to a winning candidate after an election after the
overall result of the vote has become clear.
That came off as attacking and belittling to be, and he was wrong and avoided the question. The reporter was referring to his previous comment of Do you want to be on the side of King or Wallace, of Lewis or Connor? His answer was basically you can’t read or understand English, despite being a reporter. When I don’t know how else you can take that comment.
i will refer back to your criticisms of every trump press conference.
one question. nobody can stand up there and take questions for 2 hours on these nuanced issues and be perfect.
i wonder how many times he regaled the reporters with tales of his amazing. unprecedented electoral college victory, how he made a perfect phone call this week, and how good his polls are, and how high his press conference ratings are. at least he did not suggest that we shove a powerful light up one of our orifaces to kill covid.
i swear, nothing will ever be good enough for some people.
What criticisms of every Trump conference? I think Trump’s press conferences were usually ridiculous too. But I’m not sure your point? I criticized trumps conference so I can’t criticise Biden’s?
The question was fair. It was “you campaigned on unity. Do you think calling those who vote against your bills Jim Crow and Conor unity?” Fair question. He denied making those connections, which he did, and accused him of not being able to write (or read).
We we’re taking about the conference. I made 1 short comment where he didn’t answer the question, denied remarks he made and belittled a reporter and people get all offended. Is the bar really so low that we just have to be better than the most disliked president in our history? I didn’t add commentary about how bad Biden was, literally just reference the Q&A. Yeah, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal in 2 hours. But it happened, they were talking about it so I pointed out that Q&A.
I can imagine the first president of West Germany, whoever that was, whenever he was questioned just being like “we’ll complain when I’ve killed 6 million Jews. Until then shut up.”
Instead of just comparing everything by to trump and avoiding the comment, why can’t anyone just say “Yeah, that was a bad answer. He should have clarified what he meant by those comments instead of insulting the reporter. Voter ID isn’t Jim Crpw so take a minute to clarify that. But he did well the rest of the time.” Why is that so hard?
agreed. if people want to get back to pre-trump norms, we have to be comfortable with all of it, including minor criticisms of a president's answer and how it maybe perceived as disrespectful to the questioner.
How are we supposed to get back to pre Trump norms when Trump is not conceding the fact that he lost in 2020 and is likely going to run in 2024?
And I quote, "Now Congress has certified the results and a new administration will be inaugurated on January 20th. My focus now turns to ensuring a smooth, orderly and seamless transition of power"
Conceding that he lost is not the same as conceding that the process is going to continue whether he likes it or not.
Yeah what the fuck ever.
um, he's been holding rallies ever since stating the election was stolen from him. and you believe he conceded? yikes.
Concession: In politics, a concession is the act of a losing candidate
publicly yielding to a winning candidate after an election after the
overall result of the vote has become clear.
fine. if you call that a concession, I call his months of rallies that came after that as an obvious un-concession.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
That came off as attacking and belittling to be, and he was wrong and avoided the question. The reporter was referring to his previous comment of Do you want to be on the side of King or Wallace, of Lewis or Connor? His answer was basically you can’t read or understand English, despite being a reporter. When I don’t know how else you can take that comment.
i will refer back to your criticisms of every trump press conference.
one question. nobody can stand up there and take questions for 2 hours on these nuanced issues and be perfect.
i wonder how many times he regaled the reporters with tales of his amazing. unprecedented electoral college victory, how he made a perfect phone call this week, and how good his polls are, and how high his press conference ratings are. at least he did not suggest that we shove a powerful light up one of our orifaces to kill covid.
i swear, nothing will ever be good enough for some people.
What criticisms of every Trump conference? I think Trump’s press conferences were usually ridiculous too. But I’m not sure your point? I criticized trumps conference so I can’t criticise Biden’s?
The question was fair. It was “you campaigned on unity. Do you think calling those who vote against your bills Jim Crow and Conor unity?” Fair question. He denied making those connections, which he did, and accused him of not being able to write (or read).
We we’re taking about the conference. I made 1 short comment where he didn’t answer the question, denied remarks he made and belittled a reporter and people get all offended. Is the bar really so low that we just have to be better than the most disliked president in our history? I didn’t add commentary about how bad Biden was, literally just reference the Q&A. Yeah, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal in 2 hours. But it happened, they were talking about it so I pointed out that Q&A.
I can imagine the first president of West Germany, whoever that was, whenever he was questioned just being like “we’ll complain when I’ve killed 6 million Jews. Until then shut up.”
Instead of just comparing everything by to trump and avoiding the comment, why can’t anyone just say “Yeah, that was a bad answer. He should have clarified what he meant by those comments instead of insulting the reporter. Voter ID isn’t Jim Crpw so take a minute to clarify that. But he did well the rest of the time.” Why is that so hard?
agreed. if people want to get back to pre-trump norms, we have to be comfortable with all of it, including minor criticisms of a president's answer and how it maybe perceived as disrespectful to the questioner.
How are we supposed to get back to pre Trump norms when Trump is not conceding the fact that he lost in 2020 and is likely going to run in 2024?
And I quote, "Now Congress has certified the results and a new administration will be inaugurated on January 20th. My focus now turns to ensuring a smooth, orderly and seamless transition of power"
Conceding that he lost is not the same as conceding that the process is going to continue whether he likes it or not.
Yeah what the fuck ever.
um, he's been holding rallies ever since stating the election was stolen from him. and you believe he conceded? yikes.
Concession: In politics, a concession is the act of a losing candidate
publicly yielding to a winning candidate after an election after the
overall result of the vote has become clear.
fine. if you call that a concession, I call his months of rallies that came after that as an obvious un-concession.
Many people have called that a concession so it isn't just me. Here's the difference between you and I. You are giving your opinion. I am giving you facts. You're welcome to your opinion but you are not welcome to change facts.
The comment was he never attacked, belittled or avoided a question. I watched for 20 minutes and saw all of that.
I don’t think it’s a big deal, never said it was. We can discuss this conference without focusing on trump.
2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin
2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin
2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
The question was fair. It was “you campaigned on unity. Do you think calling those who vote against your bills Jim Crow and Conor unity?” Fair question. He denied making those connections, which he did, and accused him of not being able to write (or read).
We we’re taking about the conference. I made 1 short comment where he didn’t answer the question, denied remarks he made and belittled a reporter and people get all offended. Is the bar really so low that we just have to be better than the most disliked president in our history? I didn’t add commentary about how bad Biden was, literally just reference the Q&A. Yeah, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal in 2 hours. But it happened, they were talking about it so I pointed out that Q&A.
I can imagine the first president of West Germany, whoever that was, whenever he was questioned just being like “we’ll complain when I’ve killed 6 million Jews. Until then shut up.”
Instead of just comparing everything by to trump and avoiding the comment, why can’t anyone just say “Yeah, that was a bad answer. He should have clarified what he meant by those comments instead of insulting the reporter. Voter ID isn’t Jim Crpw so take a minute to clarify that. But he did well the rest of the time.” Why is that so hard?
Now, compare that with the previous guy who appeared to lose his cool over issues like defending white supremacists in Charlottesville, or taking Russia's side over his own intelligence, or lying about winning an election he lost etc etc etc. At least Biden's lost cool was over something righteous.
Couldn't the lede have been written as "Biden passionately defends Voting Rights Bill currently in front of Senate"?
That's what happened in my view.
A very righteous issue to get passionate about.
The Golden Age is 2 months away. And guess what….. you’re gonna love it! (teskeinc 11.19.24)
1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
2020: Oakland, Oakland: 2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana; 2025: Pitt1, Pitt2
I stated I didn’t like his answer to this question. Instead of trying to defend or explain his comments on the voting bills he basically denied he said them.
Did he answer most questions fairly? Yes
I still don’t understand what the big deal is with pointing out a bad answer and why no one can agree it was a poor response, and instead make excuses, comment on Fox News and trump instead of commenting on his poor response to a fair question.
-EV 8/14/93
i see you bash biden every day on this forum. i did not see the same enthusiasm for criticizing trump. just pointing out my observation on here the last few years.
you may not have added commentary on how bad biden is in that particular post, but cumulatively you have complained about him quite a bit.
i did not see the answer you are talking about. i guess i am so traumatized by the former guy i am willing to overlook some small issues biden has had.
and voter id is a form of a poll tax. it can be am impediment to someone exercising their constitutionally guarantees right to vote. this can disenfranchise people. so how is that not comparable to jim crow?
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
In Canada, the Federal government mails an Elections Canada registration confirmation card, which the voter takes to the polling station. The card tells the individual where and when to vote. Voters must prove their identity and address with one of three options:[12]
Provincial elections[edit]
Voter identification regulations vary from province to province. In Ontario, "ID is required to vote or to add or update your voter information on the voters list" and a substantial number of acceptable IDs, which do not need to be photo IDs, are accepted.[13] In Quebec, the voter must show one of five government-issued photo IDs, and if lacking any of these, will be directed to the identity verification panel.[14] In British Columbia, "all voters must prove their identity and residential address before voting", with three options offered for identification.[15]
-EV 8/14/93
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
what about Trump, or
you didn’t critique trump on a PJ forum enough
like others have said, if we critique biden on only trump's norms, he won't be held to the standards he should be held to.
-EV 8/14/93
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93