Do me a favor and show me a bad review from classic albums such as Ten or White Album, Abby Road, One By One, All that you cant leave behind, etc
Why are you trying to compare this album to the Beatles or Ten? It makes no sense. Literally not one person has said this album is better than Ten....but that doesn't mean it's not really good? I have no idea what point you are even trying to make other than being a massive troll.
At least hopefully you are pleased that Can’t Deny Me was left off
That song would sound so out of place sitting amongst good songs
I reckon there’s a good song buried somewhere in Can’t Deny Me. Those verses, were the guitar tone a bit more gutsy, would be driving. Defo needs a different chorus though.
I don't know why, but people not liking this album is bothering more than it has with any of their previous albums. I mean, there isn't a dud on this thing. Even the songs on Gigaton that are the "lesser" songs on the album imo are far better than the "lesser" songs on previous albums. It's a huge achievement.
Some have honest opinions that are negative but a few like this Troll JF116983 is just living in his Grandmother’s basement, starting multiple threads and replying with every possible negative spin to get a rise out of the fan base.
I’m loving Gigaton. Sorry some don’t like it. What I don’t understand is the condescending negative opinion of it while also seemingly trying to get others to not like it by trashing it over and over again. Seems weird to me.
Yeah Vedpunk what are you 40 going on 13? Your Handle says it all, a fanatic that can’t stand differing opinions from a long term fan since the beginning.
I love their live shows and have many good memories attending shows, and being at the right place to get to meet band members including your beloved Eddie Vedder. However, I am grown up and have a different view than you on one album - does this justify your attacks?
Btw If it makes you happy to think I live in a basement I hope it makes your day - try using your imagination in a positive way so you can be successful in real life. Taking your Virtual personality the real world will not help you be successful. How you change.
In the days of Google, it isn't hard to find negative reviews for anything, so that's a dumb way to determine if something is good.
What it comes down to is whether you personally like it, and if not, big deal, move on! No reason trying to convince everyone that you are some sort of insider and that the band knows it's not good. Just dumb. You can state an opinion on how you feel without trying to act like it's justified because of a made up reason that only you know.
The one thing I do not get from the small minority that dislike the album is the fact they are happy when others agree with them. Comments like "I am glad I am not the only one" and "thank you" when someone else replies with a similar opinion. I was not a huge fan of Backspacer when it came out or now for that matter. There is no way however that I would be happy or show joy that someone else did not like it either. I would hope that everyone else loved it and I was the odd duck. I guess it is really strange to me seeing people showing a positive reaction to a negative thought towards a band I assume we all love or loved at one point or another.
An above poster summed it up well. It is unfortunate for those that do not like the album and a plus for us that are blown away by it or are liking it. I would rather be on the blown away side any day of the week over the other side.
It's ok to dislike it because to each their own, but this is absolutely not an Ed solo album.
+1....I think Ed's vocals are actually lacking a bit on this.
I think we are seeing the effects of smoking the past 3 albums. I know he smoked before those, but it seems to finally be catching up to him along with age and playing over1000 shows in his career. Not saying he is bad, just a different range and tone
Yeah Vedpunk what are you 40 going on 13? Your Handle says it all, a fanatic that can’t stand differing opinions from a long term fan since the beginning.
I love their live shows and have many good memories attending shows, and being at the right place to get to meet band members including your beloved Eddie Vedder. However, I am grown up and have a different view than you on one album - does this justify your attacks?
Btw If it makes you happy to think I live in a basement I hope it makes your day - try using your imagination in a positive way so you can be successful in real life. Taking your Virtual personality the real world will not help you be successful. How you change.
im out of here, hope you all stay safe.
I welcome negative reviews and honest debate but there’s a big difference between voicing your opinion vs being a self absorbed, know-it-all troll with a personal agenda. You sound like 13 year old teenager just going through puberty.
The one thing I do not get from the small minority that dislike the album is the fact they are happy when others agree with them. Comments like "I am glad I am not the only one" and "thank you" when someone else replies with a similar opinion. I was not a huge fan of Backspacer when it came out or now for that matter. There is no way however that I would be happy or show joy that someone else did not like it either. I would hope that everyone else loved it and I was the odd duck. I guess it is really strange to me seeing people showing a positive reaction to a negative thought towards a band I assume we all love or loved at one point or another.
An above poster summed it up well. It is unfortunate for those that do not like the album and a plus for us that are blown away by it or are liking it. I would rather be on the blown away side any day of the week over the other side.
If you derive absolutely no pleasure from finding like-minded people, I’m not sure what you get out this place.
Lmao I love when people tell each other to stfu and stop being trolls because they don’t like something
Not what he said, how he said it. He’s stating opinions like facts and making it sound like he is some higher power and knows better since he plays an instrument. It’s like me saying - This is Mike McCready’s finest work yet because I own a guitar and pick it up every now and then. Also, love how he’s making assumptions on how the band feels about the new record. That shit is just silly but amazing troll work.
Lmao I love when people tell each other to stfu and stop being trolls because they don’t like something
Not what he said, how he said it. He’s stating opinions like facts and making it sound like he is some higher power and knows better since he plays an instrument. It’s like me saying - This is Mike McCready’s finest work yet because I own a guitar and pick it up every now and then. Also, love how he’s making assumptions on how the band feels about the new record. That shit is just silly but amazing troll work.
When you say, “stating opinion as fact”, what exactly do you mean?
The one thing I do not get from the small minority that dislike the album is the fact they are happy when others agree with them. Comments like "I am glad I am not the only one" and "thank you" when someone else replies with a similar opinion. I was not a huge fan of Backspacer when it came out or now for that matter. There is no way however that I would be happy or show joy that someone else did not like it either. I would hope that everyone else loved it and I was the odd duck. I guess it is really strange to me seeing people showing a positive reaction to a negative thought towards a band I assume we all love or loved at one point or another.
An above poster summed it up well. It is unfortunate for those that do not like the album and a plus for us that are blown away by it or are liking it. I would rather be on the blown away side any day of the week over the other side.
If you derive absolutely no pleasure from finding like-minded people, I’m not sure what you get out this place.
You take pleasure in people not enjoying the new album?
Lmao I love when people tell each other to stfu and stop being trolls because they don’t like something
Not what he said, how he said it. He’s stating opinions like facts and making it sound like he is some higher power and knows better since he plays an instrument. It’s like me saying - This is Mike McCready’s finest work yet because I own a guitar and pick it up every now and then. Also, love how he’s making assumptions on how the band feels about the new record. That shit is just silly but amazing troll work.
It’s just hilarious that you couldn’t let it go- you could have just laughed to yourself and disagreed. Instead you got so triggered that you had to attack the dude personally, lol, that’s just awesome to me. It’s what makes the internet the internet, you gotta love it, it’s great stuff to read to get away from all the shit out there nowadays
You do know that Blade Runner got some really bad reviews back in 1982... right?
Trolling = verb, to express an opinion in any way critical of Pearl Jam’s music, even on a discussion board designed for precisely that purpose.
Btw If it makes you happy to think I live in a basement I hope it makes your day - try using your imagination in a positive way so you can be successful in real life. Taking your Virtual personality the real world will not help you be successful. How you change.
im out of here, hope you all stay safe.
Oh, and I think this is probably their best artwork too, the vinyl cover and lyric book are stunning.
But then I fucked it all up.
And now I am not listening to Linkin Park anymore.
What it comes down to is whether you personally like it, and if not, big deal, move on! No reason trying to convince everyone that you are some sort of insider and that the band knows it's not good. Just dumb. You can state an opinion on how you feel without trying to act like it's justified because of a made up reason that only you know.
An above poster summed it up well. It is unfortunate for those that do not like the album and a plus for us that are blown away by it or are liking it. I would rather be on the blown away side any day of the week over the other side.
Can you give me an example?