Why signed “Ed and Pearl Jam” and not •Pearl Jam”?
I'm guessing because he wrote the announcement.
There seems to be a lot of people struggling with this concept. Its fairly clear that Ed wrote this and signed it personally and on behalf of his band mates. Ive seen people reading way too much into it
After reading it aloud to my wife (my first time reading through the letter), I at first thought it was odd, but then immediately came to the simple conclusion that it was probably Ed who wrote it.
I'm sure after 30 years, the rest of the band is probably ok with him speaking for them. I highly doubt they didn't come to this conclusion together.
Why signed “Ed and Pearl Jam” and not •Pearl Jam”?
I'm guessing because he wrote the announcement.
There seems to be a lot of people struggling with this concept. Its fairly clear that Ed wrote this and signed it personally and on behalf of his band mates. Ive seen people reading way too much into it
After reading it aloud to my wife (my first time reading through the letter), I at first thought it was odd, but then immediately came to the simple conclusion that it was probably Ed who wrote it.
I'm sure after 30 years, the rest of the band is probably ok with him speaking for them. I highly doubt they didn't come to this conclusion together.
I mean... one of them does have crohn's & all.
It’s signed Ed at the bottom of the letter.
It's signed "- Ed & Pearl Jam" from which I infer they made the decision mutually and it was him who wrote the letter.
I was as disappointed and ticked as the next person. Well maybe not as much as some of the extreme posts I have seen on here. We had tickets for STL and OKC and were going to drive to both shows from Southern Illinois. My wife and I are both in good health and I wasn't too worried about how it would affect us. But then she reminded me that we have a 4 month old grandson that we help take care of and go to church with a bunch of older folks. She asked me how I would feel if we went to the show, contracted the virus and spread it to our grandson or people in church. That helped me gain perspective on the postponements.
Thank you for making this point. It's not just about us. It's about a ripple effect.
I have a festival Mother's Day weekend. I have a friend flying in. We have a hotel for a few days. We have other plans if the festival cancels. (Hello, Cincy and Louisville!) Will we be bummed? Sure, but we haven't seen each other in a few years and have decided to rock it out as a hang out weekend if the festival falls through.
This is not the right decision. They are making matters worse by affecting jobs these shows create. The hype and hysteria over this is insane. People are dying of the flu at an exponentially higher rate yet this is what we're left with lol. Way to buy into guys. Just another election year scare. Go back and look in the past if you need proof this is overblown.
Also, love that after nearly 30 years people are still surprised this band is political. That's not even mentioning the swipe at the current administration was also completely valid.
Woke up this morning still relieved that the band I love was making the right decision for its fans. Well people maybe disappointed, not having the weight of making a decision to attend or sale ticket is something best left to leaders Thks Pearl Jam
I find it amusing that a lot of the replies slamming the decision are from members with less than 100 posts. Mods, do your job, get rid of these trolls.
That's one of the saddest sentences I've ever read. You're gatekeeping people who don't sit around posting on an online forum all day? Take a good, hard look in the mirror and try to remember what happened to the life you wanted.
Totally agree! Suddenly you need seniority to make a comment!
Brixton Academy 14/7/93, Wembley Arena 29/5/00, Wembley Arena 18/6/07, London O2 18/8/09, Hyde Park 25/6/10, Manchester 20/6/12, Arras 30/6/12, Werchter 5/7/14, Leeds 8/7/14, Milton Keynes 11/7/14, Mexico City 28/11/15, Toronto 10/5/16, Toronto 12/5/16, Amsterdam 12/6/18, Amsterdam 13/6/18, London O2 18/6/18, Werchter 7/7/18, London O2 17/7/18, Werchter 30/6/22, Hyde Park 8/7/22, Hyde Park 9/7/22, Budapest 12/7/22, Prague 22/7/22, Amsterdam 24/7/22, Amsterdam 25/7/22, Dublin 22/6/24, Manchester 25/6/24, London 29/6/2024, Berlin 2/7/24, Berlin 3/7/24
I'm just as bummed/pissed as anyone, but it's a really weak move to blame the government for their decisions. Just man up and own the calls you made. It just adds more dissent and anger to an already crappy situation.
Two paragraphs, right next to each other.
"We’ve worked hard with all our management and business associates to find other solutions or options but the levels of risk to our audience and their communities is simply too high for our comfort level. Add to that we also have a unique group of passionate fans who travel far and wide. We’ve always been humbled by this and respect their energies and devotion. However in this case, travel is something to avoid.
It certainly hasn’t helped that there’s been no clear messages from our government regarding people’s safety and our ability to go to work. Having no examples of our national health department’s ability to get ahead of this, we have no reason to believe that it will be under control in the coming weeks ahead. "
I disagree that they're "blaming the government", and I don't see how you can disagree with that portion of the statement even. Read that paragraph and tell me where it's false.
I feel for anyone who is losing money as a result, or may not be able to make the rescheduled dates. That sucks.
PJ is seeing firsthand what’s happening in Seattle... I trust their judgement.
Defensive Trump supporters should stfu, he’s bungled this every step of the way.
Why does EVERYTHING some how boil down to L vs R, Trump supporters vs “snowflakes” and every other BS term that has managed to insert the Left vs Right paradigm into every facet of our lives?
Not everything needs to be politicized
The biggest snowflakes in this thread are the ones whining about how Pearl Jam mentioned the lack of clear messaging from our government in response to this.
Considering it was less than a week ago that Dear Leader suggested “thousands, or even hundreds of thousands” are getting better by “just sitting around or even going to work”, I think it’s a very valid complaint for the band, or any other American to make.
Not surprising but quite telling that so many attacking this decision are coming at it from the "HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT ABOUT OUR GOVERNMENT! YOU MUST WATCH CNN!" angle. It's a default position for too many nowadays. Absolute blindness that they too are guilty of making this a political issue.
No Jimmy. The Band(er...Eddie) made this a political issue. And for no reason. This administration stopped travel with China months ago when they were roundly mocked for it. This probably saved many lives in the process. There is no playbook for an outbreak like this. I think our government has done pretty well considering all the variables involved.
Not surprising but quite telling that so many attacking this decision are coming at it from the "HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT ABOUT OUR GOVERNMENT! YOU MUST WATCH CNN!" angle. It's a default position for too many nowadays. Absolute blindness that they too are guilty of making this a political issue.
No Jimmy. The Band(er...Eddie) made this a political issue. And for no reason. This administration stopped travel with China months ago when they were roundly mocked for it. This probably saved many lives in the process. There is no playbook for an outbreak like this. I think our government has done pretty well considering all the variables involved.
And you are free to think that. They are free to watch the bizarre statements our President continues to make and conclude exactly what was stated in the letter. It was a political issue long before yesterday and immediately rushing in to defend your tribe contributes to that.
it's so overblown. i just knew this was going to fuck things up. fuck. i hope my flight cost isn't down the drain. i never get to travel for this band.
Yeah gotta work on flights and hotels. It fit into my daughter schedule. Got GA in SD with my friend from LA. With all the talk I was concerned. This is just a major bummer.
i've been saying people's reaction to this is overblown since the beginning. not just because it fucks my pearl jam plans. i'm sick of everyone going apeshit over stuff like this. it's stupid. media driven BS. and all because that fucktard in the white house can't wipe his own ass, nevermind get a proper response ready.
I don’t understand this. What did our government get wrong? Travel to China was stopped back in January when people like you were saying it was “racist” to do that.
I can only imagine how much worse things would have gotten without that move. What more do you want? Our government has done fine. Let’s put the blame where it belongs: China.
There are flights from China landing here everyday.
This show, another show, a show here and a show there.
32 year old guy caught it in Times Square last week he thinks, was at medical convention in NJ. He's in hospital with bilateral lung involvement and still having trouble breathing. IT CAN BE SERIOUS.....just stop comparing to the flu. NOT THE FLU.
For those arguing that the current administration didn’t bungle the handling of the virus you might be right. It seems they are intentionally trying to get it to spread at least in certain communities. Although they don’t understand that this effects all communities. Being evil is the point. https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/immigration/article241046076.html
Not surprising but quite telling that so many attacking this decision are coming at it from the "HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT ABOUT OUR GOVERNMENT! YOU MUST WATCH CNN!" angle. It's a default position for too many nowadays. Absolute blindness that they too are guilty of making this a political issue.
No Jimmy. The Band(er...Eddie) made this a political issue. And for no reason. This administration stopped travel with China months ago when they were roundly mocked for it. This probably saved many lives in the process. There is no playbook for an outbreak like this. I think our government has done pretty well considering all the variables involved.
And you are free to think that. They are free to watch the bizarre statements our President continues to make and conclude exactly what was stated in the letter. It was a political issue long before yesterday and immediately rushing in to defend your tribe contributes to that.
I don’t think it was political(and never should have been political). Nothing was going to stop this thing from spreading as long as people were traveling all over the world on planes, cruises etc.... The political party in charge wasn’t going to change any of that. Not to mention that China was slow to report the truth. This thing could have been here months ago for all we know. But blame our politicians for that. Don’t blame China for trying to keep it under wraps. 👍🏻
After reading some of the posts on here I am reminded how messed up this world is and how selfish people are. Pearl Jam made the right decision and I hope they are overreacting and that this virus just fizzles out but that would be living with blinders on and being uneducated. They are right, our govt is a joke, especially the orange turd they call Trump. The guy is contradicting the CDC right in front of them and the CDC is correcting him. The guy just said he didn’t know the flu killed people. Wtf? My 8 year old nephew even knows that. This guy is the reason we should all be nervous. I’m done on this board for awhile, can’t read anymore crap from the brain trust here.
I think our government has done pretty well considering all the variables involved.
Do you count the person saying that they should keep people on a cruise ship for the sole purpose of not raising the statistics as one of these variables?
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
As bummed as I am, thank you Pearl Jam, for making your decision. Not an easy one, with no ability to really say whether it is right or wrong. It was made with good intentions for the fans, the band and entourage and mostly for those who are vulnerable to this virus. I wouldn't feel good living with the thought that I contracted the virus in a crowded venue and it didn't affect me, but I later spread it to a lesser fortunate person who could succumb to it's wrath. Perspective helps put out the fire. The not knowing is the hardest part. It will be hardship for many people - especially the roadies I would imagine. Which made it an even more difficult one. I feel for the decision makers! It's like being a parent, we try and hope to make the best decisions for our kids, and sometimes knowing all of the facts may be contrary to what we decide- you still have to go with your gut feeling.
No matter how cold the winter, there's a springtime ahead...
Not surprising but quite telling that so many attacking this decision are coming at it from the "HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT ABOUT OUR GOVERNMENT! YOU MUST WATCH CNN!" angle. It's a default position for too many nowadays. Absolute blindness that they too are guilty of making this a political issue.
No Jimmy. The Band(er...Eddie) made this a political issue. And for no reason. This administration stopped travel with China months ago when they were roundly mocked for it. This probably saved many lives in the process. There is no playbook for an outbreak like this. I think our government has done pretty well considering all the variables involved.
And you are free to think that. They are free to watch the bizarre statements our President continues to make and conclude exactly what was stated in the letter. It was a political issue long before yesterday and immediately rushing in to defend your tribe contributes to that.
I don’t think it was political(and never should have been political). Nothing was going to stop this thing from spreading as long as people were traveling all over the world on planes, cruises etc.... The political party in charge wasn’t going to change any of that. Not to mention that China was slow to report the truth. This thing could have been here months ago for all we know. But blame our politicians for that. Don’t blame China for trying to keep it under wraps. 👍🏻
If you don't think this was political before yesterday then you either haven't been paying attention or are simply not being honest. Again, defending your tribe from any and all criticisms contributes to politicization.
I think our government has done pretty well considering all the variables involved.
Do you count the person saying that they should keep people on a cruise ship for the sole purpose of not raising the statistics as one of these variables?
You can take as much of this stuff out of context as you like. That “person” has deferred to doctors and the people who understand the spread of infectious disease from the beginning. Our media just wants to make it all about him so they can bludgeon him with it in the hopes it hurts his re-election chances.
For those arguing that the current administration didn’t bungle the handling of the virus you might be right. It seems they are intentionally trying to get it to spread at least in certain communities. Although they don’t understand that this effects all communities. Being evil is the point. https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/immigration/article241046076.html
No... they aren't right to suggest this administration hasn't bungled the handling of this. Less than a week ago Trump suggested "thousands or even hundreds of thousands" are getting better by "sitting around or going to work".
One of the #1 recommendations is staying home if you have symptoms.
It doesn't get any more blatant than this, the guy doesn't know what the f he's talking about, and his supporters refuse to admit or acknowledge it.
Not surprising but quite telling that so many attacking this decision are coming at it from the "HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT ABOUT OUR GOVERNMENT! YOU MUST WATCH CNN!" angle. It's a default position for too many nowadays. Absolute blindness that they too are guilty of making this a political issue.
No Jimmy. The Band(er...Eddie) made this a political issue. And for no reason. This administration stopped travel with China months ago when they were roundly mocked for it. This probably saved many lives in the process. There is no playbook for an outbreak like this. I think our government has done pretty well considering all the variables involved.
And you are free to think that. They are free to watch the bizarre statements our President continues to make and conclude exactly what was stated in the letter. It was a political issue long before yesterday and immediately rushing in to defend your tribe contributes to that.
I don’t think it was political(and never should have been political). Nothing was going to stop this thing from spreading as long as people were traveling all over the world on planes, cruises etc.... The political party in charge wasn’t going to change any of that. Not to mention that China was slow to report the truth. This thing could have been here months ago for all we know. But blame our politicians for that. Don’t blame China for trying to keep it under wraps. 👍🏻
If you don't think this was political before yesterday then you either haven't been paying attention or are simply not being honest. Again, defending your tribe from any and all criticisms contributes to politicization.
It definitely IS political. It just didn’t need to be. Politicizing it doesn’t help make anyone safer. We should all be coming together to help get through it. Not sniping at the President in order to score political points.
Not surprising but quite telling that so many attacking this decision are coming at it from the "HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT ABOUT OUR GOVERNMENT! YOU MUST WATCH CNN!" angle. It's a default position for too many nowadays. Absolute blindness that they too are guilty of making this a political issue.
No Jimmy. The Band(er...Eddie) made this a political issue. And for no reason. This administration stopped travel with China months ago when they were roundly mocked for it. This probably saved many lives in the process. There is no playbook for an outbreak like this. I think our government has done pretty well considering all the variables involved.
And you are free to think that. They are free to watch the bizarre statements our President continues to make and conclude exactly what was stated in the letter. It was a political issue long before yesterday and immediately rushing in to defend your tribe contributes to that.
I don’t think it was political(and never should have been political). Nothing was going to stop this thing from spreading as long as people were traveling all over the world on planes, cruises etc.... The political party in charge wasn’t going to change any of that. Not to mention that China was slow to report the truth. This thing could have been here months ago for all we know. But blame our politicians for that. Don’t blame China for trying to keep it under wraps. 👍🏻
If you don't think this was political before yesterday then you either haven't been paying attention or are simply not being honest. Again, defending your tribe from any and all criticisms contributes to politicization.
It definitely IS political. It just didn’t need to be. Politicizing it doesn’t help make anyone safer. We should all be coming together to help get through it. Not sniping at the President in order to score political points.
And the President should be leading us in that task, which is the job he was elected to do. What's on his mind this morning? Does this sound like a man interested in coming together?
I understand the decision completely. But man I hope they don’t fuck about with refunds if it’s gonna be up in the air for a while for rescheduled shows
"Well, I think this band is incapable of sucking."
-my dad after hearing Not for You for the first time on SNL .
I think our government has done pretty well considering all the variables involved.
Do you count the person saying that they should keep people on a cruise ship for the sole purpose of not raising the statistics as one of these variables?
Our media just wants to make it all about him so they can bludgeon him with it in the hopes it hurts his re-election chances.
It's signed "- Ed & Pearl Jam" from which I infer they made the decision mutually and it was him who wrote the letter.
I have a festival Mother's Day weekend. I have a friend flying in. We have a hotel for a few days. We have other plans if the festival cancels. (Hello, Cincy and Louisville!) Will we be bummed? Sure, but we haven't seen each other in a few years and have decided to rock it out as a hang out weekend if the festival falls through.
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
That's not even mentioning the swipe at the current administration was also completely valid.
Thks Pearl Jam
Totally agree! Suddenly you need seniority to make a comment!
Hartford 10.02.96 | Mansfield 2 09.16.98 | Mansfield 1 08.29.00 | Mansfield 1 07.02.03 | Mansfield 3 07.11.03 | Boston 2 05.25.06 | Tampa 04.11.16 | Fenway 1 08.05.16 | Fenway 2 08.07.16 | Fenway 1 09.02.18 | Fenway 2 09.04.18 | Baltimore 03.28.20 | Hamilton 09.06.22 | Toronto 09.08.22 | Nashville 09.16.22 | St Louis 09.18.22 | Baltimore 09.12.24 | Fenway 1 09.15.24 | Fenway 2 09.17.24
"He made the deal with the devil, we get to play with him.
He goes to hell, of course. We're going to heaven."
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
Bummed, but I understand and appreciate the care and concern for fans, crew, and our communities.
IT CAN BE SERIOUS.....just stop comparing to the flu. NOT THE FLU.
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
No... they aren't right to suggest this administration hasn't bungled the handling of this. Less than a week ago Trump suggested "thousands or even hundreds of thousands" are getting better by "sitting around or going to work".
One of the #1 recommendations is staying home if you have symptoms.
It doesn't get any more blatant than this, the guy doesn't know what the f he's talking about, and his supporters refuse to admit or acknowledge it.
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
-my dad after hearing Not for You for the first time on SNL .