Spring Tour Postponed - Letter from the Band



  • jeffbrjeffbr Seattle Posts: 7,177
    jeffbr said:
    SS209208 said:
    As a person with multiple health issues thanks for making that tough decision. I will miss having the energy recharge me, but glad the decision was taking out of my hands. Sorry for those who have made travel plans, but the weight of this health crisis is too heavy for the band to take on.

    All about you then, huh?
    Please stop. You're embarrassing yourself now. Have you stopped for 2 seconds to think about the band in all of this? People in my area (the band's, too) are dying. In my county we have 20 dead. One was a mid-50's guy with underlying health conditions. The band is in the age demographics, and we know at least Mike has underlying health conditions, and likely a compromised immune system due to Chrohns. So quit making this all about you. This thing is just getting started. People who need testing can't get it. We don't have vaccines, don't have antiviral treatments and the best we can do is slow this thing down. That's done with personal hygiene, and social distancing. Companies here are having workers work from home. Schools and entire school districts are closing. The band is living this right now, even if you're not. Grow up.
    Classic guy who thinks the guys in the band are his friends. "Mike has health conditions." Good thing he has Billy Superfan here to speak on his behalf. What a nut-smasher.
    Hey kid, I hope your mom's about to shut off your Internet for the night.
    "I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
  • deadendpdeadendp Northeast Ohio Posts: 10,434
    edited March 2020
    No matter when they postponed, there would be complaints. 

    By PJ postponing on their own and before people could travel, they avoided having their fans in a SXSW situation. A reminder that the cancellation of SXSW was a City of Austin decision. By making this decision on their own, they avoided the probable city or state cancellation of their event for them. 

    Whether you agree or not, traveling or local, why don't we work hard to support the band and each other? All of us know people who this could devastatedly affect. (COVID-19, that is.) We may all be personally healthy and capable to weather this virus, but not all here can. Let us think of those immune suppressed. 

    The band is political, always will be and there needn't be surprise that our current fucked up state of government is mentioned as a part of it. 

    Whether you think it is hysteria or are subscribing to it, let us all take care of each other as we weather this together. :peace:
    2014: Cincinnati
    2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
  • Goodnight ladies and gentlemen. Sad news tonight, but we will have our day. Right decision to postpone. I'll leave thread with this: 


  • The Band made the right call - an adult decision. Think about the band and crew. We go to one event and get one exposure to the 20,000 who are present. But they get 10 x 20,000 exposures, and the thing ricochets like a nuclear reaction. A “gigaton”? Haha, but not funny. It’s considerate of all the crew mates and the team and their families to make the call and live to see another day. The spread of this infectious disease is a mathematical certainty. That’s not overblown hysteria. It’s probability and statistics. And it will run its course. Then we get together. 

    And I agree with Ed - our leadership has been incoherent. The very people who should be providing Leadership are acting at odds with each other. So it’s left to us to take care of the situation. To take charge. To take care of each other. Could be an interesting experiment in democracy - us taking charge that is. Could we then do more together? Maybe vote and make the changes we seem to need? 

    Rather than throwing the Federal Reserve at the virus by reducing interest rates so the rich can borrow more cheaply (what a joke) - which does nothing for the health of the poor who live in high densities already (thus the incoherence) - let’s just choose to support the band and go with it, and love each other along the way. Make change happen. See where that takes us. Ed, count me in.
  • MC185899MC185899 Posts: 76
    jeffbr said:
    MC185899 said:
    pjalive21 said:
    Answer me @PearlJam would you do this is Obama was in office...im done with this band and their propaganda
    Please be respectful of the band or stop posting. 
    Yes, because we wouldn't want to respectfully disagree on an open forum. Free speech until someone disagrees with you, huh?
    You aren't respectfully disagreeing.  You are being openly dismissive and employing logical fallacies left and right, and telling people to go back to their bunkers for simply having a realistic and reasonable view on the current situation of the world

    The current situation is a mess.  It’s a global issue and nobody seems to have any good answers yet.  However, our government restricted travel to China months ago when they were mocked for doing so.  Instead of trying to make it sound like our government failed, we should look at the truth and see they’ve done about as well as anyone could have expected given the circumstances.  
    They absolutely did fail. We still don't have adequate tests for those who need them. They could have jumped out in front on this and taken help from the WHO and Germany regarding testing but we didn't. And we continue to see bumbling and lack of planning. We're behind and trying to catch up. The best we can do now is try to slow the spread. 
    That’s all anyone can do.  This is a complete unknown.  Testing is getting there.  They are working on a vaccine, as well.  This stuff doesn’t happen overnight. I just know the administration was mocked for restricting travel with China and it definitely saved a lot of lives.  But nobody wants to give any credit for that. 
  • goldrushgoldrush everybody knows this is nowhere Posts: 7,641
    This thread has gone straight to the dumpster unfortunately, I remember when this thread used to be about this tour being postponed
    That seems like such a long time ago now, doesn't it? Unfortunately it all went to shite pretty quickly and it shows no signs of recovering any time soon.
    “Do not postpone happiness”
    (Jeff Tweedy, Sydney 2007)

    “Put yer good money on the sunrise”
    (Tim Rogers)
  • LizardLizard So Cal Posts: 12,091
    I was expecting this to happen....still hoping it wouldn't happen but not shocked.  Bummed for sure.

    And that Darth is giving Lizards a bad name...tuff guy.
    So I'll just lie down and wait for the dream
    Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
  • MC185899MC185899 Posts: 76
    This thread has gone straight to the dumpster unfortunately, I remember when this thread used to be about this tour being postponed
    Thanks for that, ForceofNature.  This thread definitely needed a narrator.  

    You could also sign off at any time.  But I digress.  
  • MC185899MC185899 Posts: 76
    MC185899 said:

    pjalive21 said:
    Answer me @PearlJam would you do this is Obama was in office...im done with this band and their propaganda

    If you are done with the band and their propaganda, thats too bad. At least they believe in whats right and fair and they stand behind those beliefs. They have a conscience. And thats a fuck ton more than a lot of other bands can say.
    Let’s face reality: the last album was god-awful and the new album seems to be more of the same.  Eddie’s voice is almost totally shot, too.  I’m just glad I got to see them a bunch when they were fun and powerful and energetic. They are now a relic and a novelty act.  
    I mean, why be here then, if I may genuinely ask with all due respect?  I can't imagine with that mindset that your money is being well spend paying for 10C if you don't want anything the band has to offer anymore lol
    I still like to see them live.  I’m nostalgic for the 90’s, I guess.   Everything I said above is true and you know it.  
  • MC185899 said:
    This thread has gone straight to the dumpster unfortunately, I remember when this thread used to be about this tour being postponed
    Thanks for that, ForceofNature.  This thread definitely needed a narrator.  

    You could also sign off at any time.  But I digress.  
    I am here because I have tickets for this tour and am interested in it.  According to you per last page, you hate their new material and called them "relics and a novelty act" - why would the person who is actually interested about the current tour, leave the thread specifically about the current tour? 

    I feel like you and Darth are unfortunately specifically looking for arguments tonight or something.  I am finding it really questionable 
  • MC185899 said:
    MC185899 said:

    pjalive21 said:
    Answer me @PearlJam would you do this is Obama was in office...im done with this band and their propaganda

    If you are done with the band and their propaganda, thats too bad. At least they believe in whats right and fair and they stand behind those beliefs. They have a conscience. And thats a fuck ton more than a lot of other bands can say.
    Let’s face reality: the last album was god-awful and the new album seems to be more of the same.  Eddie’s voice is almost totally shot, too.  I’m just glad I got to see them a bunch when they were fun and powerful and energetic. They are now a relic and a novelty act.  
    I mean, why be here then, if I may genuinely ask with all due respect?  I can't imagine with that mindset that your money is being well spend paying for 10C if you don't want anything the band has to offer anymore lol
    I still like to see them live.  I’m nostalgic for the 90’s, I guess.   Everything I said above is true and you know it.  
    I mean as a musician I would say everything you said is your personal opinion but I don't agree with it at all.   But you do you, I guess
  • MC185899MC185899 Posts: 76
    MC185899 said:
    This thread has gone straight to the dumpster unfortunately, I remember when this thread used to be about this tour being postponed
    Thanks for that, ForceofNature.  This thread definitely needed a narrator.  

    You could also sign off at any time.  But I digress.  
    I am here because I have tickets for this tour and am interested in it.  According to you per last page, you hate their new material and called them "relics and a novelty act" - why would the person who is actually interested about the current tour, leave the thread specifically about the current tour? 

    I feel like you and Darth are unfortunately specifically looking for arguments tonight or something.  I am finding it really questionable 
    I had tickets to see them in SD and LA.  That’s what drew me to the thread(and these boards-which I almost never post on).  But the political nature of the band’s statement really turned me off. I was glad to see I wasn’t alone in that sentiment.  The BAND made the postponement political.  Not the people posting here.  Remember that. 
  • MC185899 said:
    MC185899 said:
    MC185899 said:
    You don't need to agree with everything the band says and represents, there will always be disagreements when it comes to politics(especially). For me personally, their beliefs and messages make their music that much better. This band has some of the most passionate fans I have ever seen, and they show gratitude for that in so many different ways. They care about your "average joe," even after all these years. If your'e saying things like "F*** Eddie" or "I'm done with this band", you truly do not belong in the 10c or care what this band has ever been about. Go listen to NickleBack. Hell, Dave Matthew's is touring. Break out the cargo shorts and drop your 10C membership. Good riddance.
    I do blame Eddie for the divisive political nonsense.  Has anyone heard anything even remotely political from anyone else in the band?   Me neither. 

    I appreciate bands/entertainers that realize we are inundated with politics all day and that music Is a nice escape from that world.  Because everyone knows we don’t hear enough about Donald Trump.  

    So maybe I will go check out Dave Matthews.  Thanks for the guidance.  
    Hey, any time man. Yes, btw here's the latest: 


    Notice how the article mentions "THE BAND." Believe they are mostly on the same page (especially when it comes to fans)and if they're not, they do an incredible job of respecting each others opinions. Which is why they are STILL recording albums together. Yeah, def go with Dave.
    Funny...I haven’t seen Mike McCready wearing a pussy hat at Bernie rallies, have you?  The rest of the band is held hostage by Eddie because he’s the meal ticket.  Jeff Ament’s side project probably wouldn’t pay as well.  Neither would the “Boom Gaspar Trio”.  So they have no choice but to play along.  

    Does Dave Matthews spend a lot of shows talking down to his audience in a similar fashion?  I’m tired of being lectured by a guy who didn’t even complete High School.  I’m ready to just enjoy a good show instead.  I’ll get a ticket for you, too.  
    You're probably right, they likely all hate the guy and haven't made enough money in their careers to retire. C'mon man, seriously? Are you just trolling?
    I didn’t say anything about “hating” him.  Try to keep up here.  Nodding along and playing is good for business, so why rock the boat, right?  We can discuss this more at the Dave Matthews show.  
    Other bands seem to have issues with just "nodding along and playing." I'll tell ya, I don't think you really know very much about the band from your text in this thread alone. Why is it that this band is still so successful and seem to have a great relationship? How have they never broken up? There's an actual answer to that, not rhetorical. Yeah, I won't be seeing Dave, I'd rather pop both my ear drums.
  • MC185899MC185899 Posts: 76
    MC185899 said:
    MC185899 said:

    pjalive21 said:
    Answer me @PearlJam would you do this is Obama was in office...im done with this band and their propaganda

    If you are done with the band and their propaganda, thats too bad. At least they believe in whats right and fair and they stand behind those beliefs. They have a conscience. And thats a fuck ton more than a lot of other bands can say.
    Let’s face reality: the last album was god-awful and the new album seems to be more of the same.  Eddie’s voice is almost totally shot, too.  I’m just glad I got to see them a bunch when they were fun and powerful and energetic. They are now a relic and a novelty act.  
    I mean, why be here then, if I may genuinely ask with all due respect?  I can't imagine with that mindset that your money is being well spend paying for 10C if you don't want anything the band has to offer anymore lol
    I still like to see them live.  I’m nostalgic for the 90’s, I guess.   Everything I said above is true and you know it.  
    I mean as a musician I would say everything you said is your personal opinion but I don't agree with it at all.   But you do you, I guess
    Force, you are coming to Dave Matthews with me, too.  
  • ForceofNature101ForceofNature101 Posts: 1,282
    edited March 2020
    MC185899 said:
    The BAND made the postponement political.  Not the people posting here.  Remember that. 
    The band's politics doesn't mean logic, reason, and proper rhetoric has to go out the window though when people here debate.  That isn't necessarily directed at you, only cause I have only seen the last couple of posts you made.  However there seems to be a big issue in specific people handling this subject in a mature way, to say the least - one of them relatively reptilian by name, if you catch my drift
    Post edited by ForceofNature101 on
  • primussucksprimussucks Posts: 2,364
    Summerfest 7/8/95
    Missoula 6/20/98
    Alpine Valley 6/26/98 & 6/27/98
    Alpine Valley 10/8/00 
    Champaign 4/23/03
    Alpine Valley 6/21/03
    Missoula 8/29/05
    Chicago 5/16 & 17/06
    Grand Rapids 5/19/06
    Summerfest 6/29/06 & 6/30/06
    Tampa 6/12/08
    Chicago 8/23/09
    Indy 5/7/10
    Alpine Valley x2 2011
    Wrigley 2013
    Milwaukee 14
    Telluride 16
  • MC185899 said:
    MC185899 said:
    MC185899 said:

    pjalive21 said:
    Answer me @PearlJam would you do this is Obama was in office...im done with this band and their propaganda

    If you are done with the band and their propaganda, thats too bad. At least they believe in whats right and fair and they stand behind those beliefs. They have a conscience. And thats a fuck ton more than a lot of other bands can say.
    Let’s face reality: the last album was god-awful and the new album seems to be more of the same.  Eddie’s voice is almost totally shot, too.  I’m just glad I got to see them a bunch when they were fun and powerful and energetic. They are now a relic and a novelty act.  
    I mean, why be here then, if I may genuinely ask with all due respect?  I can't imagine with that mindset that your money is being well spend paying for 10C if you don't want anything the band has to offer anymore lol
    I still like to see them live.  I’m nostalgic for the 90’s, I guess.   Everything I said above is true and you know it.  
    I mean as a musician I would say everything you said is your personal opinion but I don't agree with it at all.   But you do you, I guess
    Force, you are coming to Dave Matthews with me, too.  
    Seen Dave live, great show.  Wouldn't put it above the recent PJ shows I caught though ;)
  • MC185899MC185899 Posts: 76
    MC185899 said:
    MC185899 said:
    MC185899 said:
    You don't need to agree with everything the band says and represents, there will always be disagreements when it comes to politics(especially). For me personally, their beliefs and messages make their music that much better. This band has some of the most passionate fans I have ever seen, and they show gratitude for that in so many different ways. They care about your "average joe," even after all these years. If your'e saying things like "F*** Eddie" or "I'm done with this band", you truly do not belong in the 10c or care what this band has ever been about. Go listen to NickleBack. Hell, Dave Matthew's is touring. Break out the cargo shorts and drop your 10C membership. Good riddance.
    I do blame Eddie for the divisive political nonsense.  Has anyone heard anything even remotely political from anyone else in the band?   Me neither. 

    I appreciate bands/entertainers that realize we are inundated with politics all day and that music Is a nice escape from that world.  Because everyone knows we don’t hear enough about Donald Trump.  

    So maybe I will go check out Dave Matthews.  Thanks for the guidance.  
    Hey, any time man. Yes, btw here's the latest: 


    Notice how the article mentions "THE BAND." Believe they are mostly on the same page (especially when it comes to fans)and if they're not, they do an incredible job of respecting each others opinions. Which is why they are STILL recording albums together. Yeah, def go with Dave.
    Funny...I haven’t seen Mike McCready wearing a pussy hat at Bernie rallies, have you?  The rest of the band is held hostage by Eddie because he’s the meal ticket.  Jeff Ament’s side project probably wouldn’t pay as well.  Neither would the “Boom Gaspar Trio”.  So they have no choice but to play along.  

    Does Dave Matthews spend a lot of shows talking down to his audience in a similar fashion?  I’m tired of being lectured by a guy who didn’t even complete High School.  I’m ready to just enjoy a good show instead.  I’ll get a ticket for you, too.  
    You're probably right, they likely all hate the guy and haven't made enough money in their careers to retire. C'mon man, seriously? Are you just trolling?
    I didn’t say anything about “hating” him.  Try to keep up here.  Nodding along and playing is good for business, so why rock the boat, right?  We can discuss this more at the Dave Matthews show.  
    Other bands seem to have issues with just "nodding along and playing." I'll tell ya, I don't think you really know very much about the band from your text in this thread alone. Why is it that this band is still so successful and seem to have a great relationship? How have they never broken up? There's an actual answer to that, not rhetorical. Yeah, I won't be seeing Dave, I'd rather pop both my ear drums.
    You got me.  I’m a plant who’s been a fan club member for 20 years, yet, knows nothing about the band.  
  • MC185899 said:
    MC185899 said:
    MC185899 said:
    MC185899 said:
    You don't need to agree with everything the band says and represents, there will always be disagreements when it comes to politics(especially). For me personally, their beliefs and messages make their music that much better. This band has some of the most passionate fans I have ever seen, and they show gratitude for that in so many different ways. They care about your "average joe," even after all these years. If your'e saying things like "F*** Eddie" or "I'm done with this band", you truly do not belong in the 10c or care what this band has ever been about. Go listen to NickleBack. Hell, Dave Matthew's is touring. Break out the cargo shorts and drop your 10C membership. Good riddance.
    I do blame Eddie for the divisive political nonsense.  Has anyone heard anything even remotely political from anyone else in the band?   Me neither. 

    I appreciate bands/entertainers that realize we are inundated with politics all day and that music Is a nice escape from that world.  Because everyone knows we don’t hear enough about Donald Trump.  

    So maybe I will go check out Dave Matthews.  Thanks for the guidance.  
    Hey, any time man. Yes, btw here's the latest: 


    Notice how the article mentions "THE BAND." Believe they are mostly on the same page (especially when it comes to fans)and if they're not, they do an incredible job of respecting each others opinions. Which is why they are STILL recording albums together. Yeah, def go with Dave.
    Funny...I haven’t seen Mike McCready wearing a pussy hat at Bernie rallies, have you?  The rest of the band is held hostage by Eddie because he’s the meal ticket.  Jeff Ament’s side project probably wouldn’t pay as well.  Neither would the “Boom Gaspar Trio”.  So they have no choice but to play along.  

    Does Dave Matthews spend a lot of shows talking down to his audience in a similar fashion?  I’m tired of being lectured by a guy who didn’t even complete High School.  I’m ready to just enjoy a good show instead.  I’ll get a ticket for you, too.  
    You're probably right, they likely all hate the guy and haven't made enough money in their careers to retire. C'mon man, seriously? Are you just trolling?
    I didn’t say anything about “hating” him.  Try to keep up here.  Nodding along and playing is good for business, so why rock the boat, right?  We can discuss this more at the Dave Matthews show.  
    Other bands seem to have issues with just "nodding along and playing." I'll tell ya, I don't think you really know very much about the band from your text in this thread alone. Why is it that this band is still so successful and seem to have a great relationship? How have they never broken up? There's an actual answer to that, not rhetorical. Yeah, I won't be seeing Dave, I'd rather pop both my ear drums.
    You got me.  I’m a plant who’s been a fan club member for 20 years, yet, knows nothing about the band.  
    When did you first decide they were essentially phony POS's? I'm sorry EDDIE is the POS? Got that right?
  • MC185899MC185899 Posts: 76
    MC185899 said:
    The BAND made the postponement political.  Not the people posting here.  Remember that. 
    The band's politics doesn't mean logic, reason, and proper rhetoric has to go out the window though when people here debate.  That isn't necessarily directed at you, only cause I have only seen the last couple of posts you made.  However there seems to be a big issue in specific people handling this subject in a mature way, to say the least - one of them relatively reptilian by name, if you catch my drift
    I agree.  No reason for anyone to be nasty on here.  We are all fans who should be able to disagree and argue without getting emotional about it.  

    I’m bitter that the band is overly political.  Music is(or should be) an escape from that world for me and I hate seeing those world’s collide.  I was glad to see I wasn’t alone with that opinion.  
  • This is both an informative and accurate summation of the scope of the situation.  Thank you for posting
  • MC185899MC185899 Posts: 76
    MC185899 said:
    MC185899 said:
    MC185899 said:
    MC185899 said:
    You don't need to agree with everything the band says and represents, there will always be disagreements when it comes to politics(especially). For me personally, their beliefs and messages make their music that much better. This band has some of the most passionate fans I have ever seen, and they show gratitude for that in so many different ways. They care about your "average joe," even after all these years. If your'e saying things like "F*** Eddie" or "I'm done with this band", you truly do not belong in the 10c or care what this band has ever been about. Go listen to NickleBack. Hell, Dave Matthew's is touring. Break out the cargo shorts and drop your 10C membership. Good riddance.
    I do blame Eddie for the divisive political nonsense.  Has anyone heard anything even remotely political from anyone else in the band?   Me neither. 

    I appreciate bands/entertainers that realize we are inundated with politics all day and that music Is a nice escape from that world.  Because everyone knows we don’t hear enough about Donald Trump.  

    So maybe I will go check out Dave Matthews.  Thanks for the guidance.  
    Hey, any time man. Yes, btw here's the latest: 


    Notice how the article mentions "THE BAND." Believe they are mostly on the same page (especially when it comes to fans)and if they're not, they do an incredible job of respecting each others opinions. Which is why they are STILL recording albums together. Yeah, def go with Dave.
    Funny...I haven’t seen Mike McCready wearing a pussy hat at Bernie rallies, have you?  The rest of the band is held hostage by Eddie because he’s the meal ticket.  Jeff Ament’s side project probably wouldn’t pay as well.  Neither would the “Boom Gaspar Trio”.  So they have no choice but to play along.  

    Does Dave Matthews spend a lot of shows talking down to his audience in a similar fashion?  I’m tired of being lectured by a guy who didn’t even complete High School.  I’m ready to just enjoy a good show instead.  I’ll get a ticket for you, too.  
    You're probably right, they likely all hate the guy and haven't made enough money in their careers to retire. C'mon man, seriously? Are you just trolling?
    I didn’t say anything about “hating” him.  Try to keep up here.  Nodding along and playing is good for business, so why rock the boat, right?  We can discuss this more at the Dave Matthews show.  
    Other bands seem to have issues with just "nodding along and playing." I'll tell ya, I don't think you really know very much about the band from your text in this thread alone. Why is it that this band is still so successful and seem to have a great relationship? How have they never broken up? There's an actual answer to that, not rhetorical. Yeah, I won't be seeing Dave, I'd rather pop both my ear drums.
    You got me.  I’m a plant who’s been a fan club member for 20 years, yet, knows nothing about the band.  
    When did you first decide they were essentially phony POS's? I'm sorry EDDIE is the POS? Got that right?
    Not “phony” per se, but does anyone really believe Eddie is in favor of Socialism?  If so, let’s get to work dividing his assets among those on this board.  We deserve it!  There are very few who benefit more from capitalism than Eddie Vedder.  So the whole thing just feels empty to me.  

    I guess I got tired of being lectured by a guy who didn’t even finish high school somewhere along the line.  I just want him to shut up and play,  but that won’t happen anytime soon. 
  • MC185899 said:
    MC185899 said:
    MC185899 said:
    MC185899 said:
    MC185899 said:
    You don't need to agree with everything the band says and represents, there will always be disagreements when it comes to politics(especially). For me personally, their beliefs and messages make their music that much better. This band has some of the most passionate fans I have ever seen, and they show gratitude for that in so many different ways. They care about your "average joe," even after all these years. If your'e saying things like "F*** Eddie" or "I'm done with this band", you truly do not belong in the 10c or care what this band has ever been about. Go listen to NickleBack. Hell, Dave Matthew's is touring. Break out the cargo shorts and drop your 10C membership. Good riddance.
    I do blame Eddie for the divisive political nonsense.  Has anyone heard anything even remotely political from anyone else in the band?   Me neither. 

    I appreciate bands/entertainers that realize we are inundated with politics all day and that music Is a nice escape from that world.  Because everyone knows we don’t hear enough about Donald Trump.  

    So maybe I will go check out Dave Matthews.  Thanks for the guidance.  
    Hey, any time man. Yes, btw here's the latest: 


    Notice how the article mentions "THE BAND." Believe they are mostly on the same page (especially when it comes to fans)and if they're not, they do an incredible job of respecting each others opinions. Which is why they are STILL recording albums together. Yeah, def go with Dave.
    Funny...I haven’t seen Mike McCready wearing a pussy hat at Bernie rallies, have you?  The rest of the band is held hostage by Eddie because he’s the meal ticket.  Jeff Ament’s side project probably wouldn’t pay as well.  Neither would the “Boom Gaspar Trio”.  So they have no choice but to play along.  

    Does Dave Matthews spend a lot of shows talking down to his audience in a similar fashion?  I’m tired of being lectured by a guy who didn’t even complete High School.  I’m ready to just enjoy a good show instead.  I’ll get a ticket for you, too.  
    You're probably right, they likely all hate the guy and haven't made enough money in their careers to retire. C'mon man, seriously? Are you just trolling?
    I didn’t say anything about “hating” him.  Try to keep up here.  Nodding along and playing is good for business, so why rock the boat, right?  We can discuss this more at the Dave Matthews show.  
    Other bands seem to have issues with just "nodding along and playing." I'll tell ya, I don't think you really know very much about the band from your text in this thread alone. Why is it that this band is still so successful and seem to have a great relationship? How have they never broken up? There's an actual answer to that, not rhetorical. Yeah, I won't be seeing Dave, I'd rather pop both my ear drums.
    You got me.  I’m a plant who’s been a fan club member for 20 years, yet, knows nothing about the band.  
    When did you first decide they were essentially phony POS's? I'm sorry EDDIE is the POS? Got that right?
    Not “phony” per se, but does anyone really believe Eddie is in favor of Socialism?  If so, let’s get to work dividing his assets among those on this board.  We deserve it!  There are very few who benefit more from capitalism than Eddie Vedder.  So the whole thing just feels empty to me.  

    I guess I got tired of being lectured by a guy who didn’t even finish high school somewhere along the line.  I just want him to shut up and play,  but that won’t happen anytime soon. 
    Just agree to disagree. But can we at least agree Dave Matthew's show isn't even on the same planet as watching PJ live?! 🤣
  • MC185899MC185899 Posts: 76
    MC185899 said:
    MC185899 said:
    MC185899 said:
    MC185899 said:
    MC185899 said:
    You don't need to agree with everything the band says and represents, there will always be disagreements when it comes to politics(especially). For me personally, their beliefs and messages make their music that much better. This band has some of the most passionate fans I have ever seen, and they show gratitude for that in so many different ways. They care about your "average joe," even after all these years. If your'e saying things like "F*** Eddie" or "I'm done with this band", you truly do not belong in the 10c or care what this band has ever been about. Go listen to NickleBack. Hell, Dave Matthew's is touring. Break out the cargo shorts and drop your 10C membership. Good riddance.
    I do blame Eddie for the divisive political nonsense.  Has anyone heard anything even remotely political from anyone else in the band?   Me neither. 

    I appreciate bands/entertainers that realize we are inundated with politics all day and that music Is a nice escape from that world.  Because everyone knows we don’t hear enough about Donald Trump.  

    So maybe I will go check out Dave Matthews.  Thanks for the guidance.  
    Hey, any time man. Yes, btw here's the latest: 


    Notice how the article mentions "THE BAND." Believe they are mostly on the same page (especially when it comes to fans)and if they're not, they do an incredible job of respecting each others opinions. Which is why they are STILL recording albums together. Yeah, def go with Dave.
    Funny...I haven’t seen Mike McCready wearing a pussy hat at Bernie rallies, have you?  The rest of the band is held hostage by Eddie because he’s the meal ticket.  Jeff Ament’s side project probably wouldn’t pay as well.  Neither would the “Boom Gaspar Trio”.  So they have no choice but to play along.  

    Does Dave Matthews spend a lot of shows talking down to his audience in a similar fashion?  I’m tired of being lectured by a guy who didn’t even complete High School.  I’m ready to just enjoy a good show instead.  I’ll get a ticket for you, too.  
    You're probably right, they likely all hate the guy and haven't made enough money in their careers to retire. C'mon man, seriously? Are you just trolling?
    I didn’t say anything about “hating” him.  Try to keep up here.  Nodding along and playing is good for business, so why rock the boat, right?  We can discuss this more at the Dave Matthews show.  
    Other bands seem to have issues with just "nodding along and playing." I'll tell ya, I don't think you really know very much about the band from your text in this thread alone. Why is it that this band is still so successful and seem to have a great relationship? How have they never broken up? There's an actual answer to that, not rhetorical. Yeah, I won't be seeing Dave, I'd rather pop both my ear drums.
    You got me.  I’m a plant who’s been a fan club member for 20 years, yet, knows nothing about the band.  
    When did you first decide they were essentially phony POS's? I'm sorry EDDIE is the POS? Got that right?
    Not “phony” per se, but does anyone really believe Eddie is in favor of Socialism?  If so, let’s get to work dividing his assets among those on this board.  We deserve it!  There are very few who benefit more from capitalism than Eddie Vedder.  So the whole thing just feels empty to me.  

    I guess I got tired of being lectured by a guy who didn’t even finish high school somewhere along the line.  I just want him to shut up and play,  but that won’t happen anytime soon. 
    Just agree to disagree. But can we at least agree Dave Matthew's show isn't even on the same planet as watching PJ live?! 🤣
    Yessir!  We certainly can.  
  • MikusxkmMikusxkm Posts: 33
    edited March 2020
    I am so very sad and disappointed, I actually cried..... However, I completely understand and support the difficult decision the band had to make. 
    I hope everyone here can please quit bashing each other and PJ/EV. Life is hard enough without that kind of BS, and I think it’s about time for a little peace, love and understanding. Come on people, we are and can be better than that. 

    I was probably looking forward to seeing PJ again as much as anyone possibly could. My husband, our kids and their spouses and my brother were all going specifically for me. They love PJ too of course, but mostly it was meant to be a really good memory for us all. My health has been declining pretty quickly and I really am not sure how much longer I will have the stamina to go to a concert. I should know very soon whether I really am on my way out or if there is something else the docs can do for me. Either way, in an effort to try and stay positive, I am going to continue to look forward to seeing them again, just one more time! We all need something to look forward to, this is mine and I am going to hold on as tight and as long as I can. 
    Their music has been my sanity for awhile now. It makes me so happy and is a great distraction from the bad crap. I listen, love and sing my ass off with them every single day. They have no idea how much bad stuff they have helped get me through and how often they have been a part of some really great times. My life is definitely better while listening to my absolute favorite band! 

     So now I will be a brat. If I can understand and respect their decision, knowing that if the shows are postponed for too long I personally might not get to see them again, then I think the negativity towards each other and the band needs to stop please. To all of the fans who are disappointed but supportive of their decision, thank you! You are the best and truest of fans and I am quite sure it is noticed and appreciated. 

    Hopefully this crisis will soon end and people will not continue to suffer. 

    Thank you Eddie, Stone, Matt, Mike, Jeff and Boom........ I appreciate all that you do and stand for, keep fighting the good fight and with some hope and maybe some luck I will see you again!
    Post edited by Mikusxkm on
  • ChiJammerChiJammer Posts: 54
    I am SO heartbroken.  This is not the Pearl Jam community that I know.  I have been a fan for many years (the start in ‘91) and enjoy the fan base as well but the cruelty and just lack of human respect in this thread truly hurts how you all can react to this.  With what occurred in Denmark and how much the band cares about their fans some of you are completely off your rocker and are being so insensitive.  What is wrong with you?  I have tix for MSG, and Phoenix and I am losing a bunch on hotel reservations but you want to know what?  IT IS FOR THE BEST!  Would you rather have PJ have the shows and then have to deal with a potential outbreak at one of their shows and have to deal with the fallout from that?  For the people that are loosing their minds go listen to another band, go to Italy, and then go kiss your grandma and grandpa on the lips.  Have some decency and respect others.  The band is looking out for us so you people that get all political or just pissed off need some other venue to vent your hatred for everything nice in this world including PJ.  Relax, they will be back, be kind, and take care of one another as this is not productive talk with some of you.  PJammers need to look out for once another so please be nice or just stop spending the energy to be that pissed off and walk away to get a rise out of another group of folks as it is not productive here.  Thank you to the band for looking out for their fans!  One always takes a risk ordering tickets for anything and please be kind.
  • MC185899 said:
    MC185899 said:
    MC185899 said:
    MC185899 said:
    MC185899 said:
    MC185899 said:
    You don't need to agree with everything the band says and represents, there will always be disagreements when it comes to politics(especially). For me personally, their beliefs and messages make their music that much better. This band has some of the most passionate fans I have ever seen, and they show gratitude for that in so many different ways. They care about your "average joe," even after all these years. If your'e saying things like "F*** Eddie" or "I'm done with this band", you truly do not belong in the 10c or care what this band has ever been about. Go listen to NickleBack. Hell, Dave Matthew's is touring. Break out the cargo shorts and drop your 10C membership. Good riddance.
    I do blame Eddie for the divisive political nonsense.  Has anyone heard anything even remotely political from anyone else in the band?   Me neither. 

    I appreciate bands/entertainers that realize we are inundated with politics all day and that music Is a nice escape from that world.  Because everyone knows we don’t hear enough about Donald Trump.  

    So maybe I will go check out Dave Matthews.  Thanks for the guidance.  
    Hey, any time man. Yes, btw here's the latest: 


    Notice how the article mentions "THE BAND." Believe they are mostly on the same page (especially when it comes to fans)and if they're not, they do an incredible job of respecting each others opinions. Which is why they are STILL recording albums together. Yeah, def go with Dave.
    Funny...I haven’t seen Mike McCready wearing a pussy hat at Bernie rallies, have you?  The rest of the band is held hostage by Eddie because he’s the meal ticket.  Jeff Ament’s side project probably wouldn’t pay as well.  Neither would the “Boom Gaspar Trio”.  So they have no choice but to play along.  

    Does Dave Matthews spend a lot of shows talking down to his audience in a similar fashion?  I’m tired of being lectured by a guy who didn’t even complete High School.  I’m ready to just enjoy a good show instead.  I’ll get a ticket for you, too.  
    You're probably right, they likely all hate the guy and haven't made enough money in their careers to retire. C'mon man, seriously? Are you just trolling?
    I didn’t say anything about “hating” him.  Try to keep up here.  Nodding along and playing is good for business, so why rock the boat, right?  We can discuss this more at the Dave Matthews show.  
    Other bands seem to have issues with just "nodding along and playing." I'll tell ya, I don't think you really know very much about the band from your text in this thread alone. Why is it that this band is still so successful and seem to have a great relationship? How have they never broken up? There's an actual answer to that, not rhetorical. Yeah, I won't be seeing Dave, I'd rather pop both my ear drums.
    You got me.  I’m a plant who’s been a fan club member for 20 years, yet, knows nothing about the band.  
    When did you first decide they were essentially phony POS's? I'm sorry EDDIE is the POS? Got that right?
    Not “phony” per se, but does anyone really believe Eddie is in favor of Socialism?  If so, let’s get to work dividing his assets among those on this board.  We deserve it!  There are very few who benefit more from capitalism than Eddie Vedder.  So the whole thing just feels empty to me.  

    I guess I got tired of being lectured by a guy who didn’t even finish high school somewhere along the line.  I just want him to shut up and play,  but that won’t happen anytime soon. 
    Just agree to disagree. But can we at least agree Dave Matthew's show isn't even on the same planet as watching PJ live?! 🤣
    Yessir!  We certainly can.  
    Good enough. If you ever decide to stop your boycott and get to the east coast, hmu. I like you giving the sarcasm back 😆🤜✌
  • lastexitlondonlastexitlondon Posts: 14,278
    Health first . Well done on being heart felt  and honest. Its of course the right  move. Im sure as always  the band will make good as much as they can in future.  Be safe everyone. And be kind to eachother this place has become even more hostile than ever. 
    Please remember  we all love music amd we all want to see  the band play. 
    But we all have family .
    brixton 93
    astoria 06
    albany 06
    hartford 06
    reading 06
    barcelona 06
    paris 06
    wembley 07
    dusseldorf 07
    nijmegen 07

    this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
  • radarradar Posts: 778
    Any possible dates ? This year ? Next year ?
This discussion has been closed.