I’ve taken a hand full of the online political tests and I usually pop out as libertarian. I don’t really care what everyone does. And I like to be in control of my finances.
Obviously everyone has opinions. I’m in “film school” and it’s extremely liberal. Never had bothered me at all. Some of my best friends are far left. A few of my best friends are trump mega fans. I just don’t care to much
The bolded part is pretty much where I stand as well.
I'm a liberal and I have republican friends. we disagree and it's okay with me. I would hang with G.W. Bush. He seems like he's fun. I don't think he was a good president, but there are lots of people that are bad at their jobs that i like. lol
I'm basically the inverse of you, moderate republican w/ liberal friends. I'd have a beer with Obama or Clinton any day. Interestingly (imo) the current president and basically all of the dem candidates lack what Clinton, Bush, and Obama had - a general likability. To the original question, I'm well aware of Eddie/PJ's views on politics, doesn't bother me in the least bit, I enjoy their music and live shows. Now, would Eddie ranting frequently or at length during a single concert irritate me? Absolutely, but its because I want to hear their music and not their world views. Would feel the same way if they were conservatives. I like concerts for the music and entertainment. A quip here and there between songs doesn't bother me though.
i respect republicans and conservative views BUT i lose respect for anything that supports the current POTUS. I have a very hard time not losing respect for anyone who gives even an ounce support to such a terrible human being and leader. Sorry your conservative views are not more important to the world in general.
that being said i tolerate Ed's rants even if i agree with them. I'd prefer he not do it during a show but it's his platform not mine.
There lies the problem with a lot of society today. If Trump cured cancer, invented perpetual motion, etc. it would be THE worst thing for people such as the above just because they don't 'like' him. I didn't like some of every president but they all do good. Sorry if you are too narrow minded to see it. I would hope we as fans are able to put away those blue or red glasses and understand that having those blinders on is not healthy for growth. Hence why I read Fox, BBC, Guardia, NPR, etc. for a variety of opinions and takes. We should all be smarter than that. I have friends of all thoughts/beliefs and we bust each other's balls and respect each other. And I vote both sides of the aisle depending on where they stand and where we are as a country.
But....I don't like being preached to be it PJ, Kid Rock, Uncle Ted, Bono...... I would like to have a few hours away from partisan BS and just enjoy being a fan of a band. Apparently it is hard for some of these bands to understand that most/many are looking for some escape.
I dont think PJ preaches too much, but the message is in the music.
As far as dislike for trump, its well earned because unlike Republicans before him, he does not even make an attept to represent the entire country
As an example the russia story a few days ago. He blamed democrats. "Do you see what the democrats are up to?"
Nope. That's an outright lie and placing the blame what his very own DNI told him onto others.
Without his voters, his constant lying and excuses and blaming and bullying would be just some old rich dude in his tower.
Because of the sole reason his voters gobble up his constant lying we all have to deal with it.
It's an election year & the band are definitely not fans of Donald Trump or his policies. Although this tour might not be as outright politically charged as say the Riot Act or Vote For Change tours -You can pretty much guarantee Eddie will have something to say. Nobody should be surprised by this. It's not like this is a new thing. The band has been political since the very beginning.
I went to both Boston shows in 2018. i spotted a concert goer making his way to his seat and he was wearing a MAGA hat. i was surprised and i guess my face showed it cause our eyes locked. being a hispanic female I looked away cause I didn't want any problems. you know everyone is drinking, etc. but i guess i was surprised cause I didn't know PJ had so many republican fans being that they are so political. I guess the music is just so good it doesn't matter to some what PJ's political beliefs are. here's hoping we all just have a good time at the shows this year with a common interest and love of pearl jam
Was it Larry David?
Lol. no. and the next day waiting to go inside Fenway I saw this sign saying no confederate flags allowed. I didn’t know that about Boston. I thought it was interesting
Sign probably came about because of the incident/s that happened at Fenway in early 2017...Red Sox fans were yelling racial remarks at a Baltimore player/and other fans.....Google it for details.
oh wow. i wasn't aware of that incident. i'm a yankees fan
38 concerts and counting "I know I was born and I know that I'll die, the in between is mine"
I will be honest, I live in Indiana and am a fiscal conservative. The politics don't mind me at all, love the 2000 boots for sure. I alos like hearing about what others think, being challenged in my own views, but at the end of the day how can we remain united as Americans and PJ fans,
However, there has been a shift in our societal thinking over the past 10 to 15 years that I think Jonathan Haidt summarizes well:
He highlights “Three Great
Untruths” that have worked their way into American culture, particularly in
academia and in the way that children are brought up:
What doesn’t kill you makes you weaker
Always trust your feelings
Life is a battle between good people and evil people
He argues that these (mostly implicit)
ideas, which govern much of our current educational and parenting culture fly
in the face of human nature and reject the accumulated wisdom of thousands of
years of civilization, with disastrous effect.
Haidt explores the ways in which these
beliefs sabotage the emotional health and developmental abilities of young
people, ignoring the reality that overcoming adversity makes us stronger; that
we are all prone to emotional reasoning and confirmation bias; and that humans
are, by nature, already prone to tribalism and dichotomous thinking.
Ending on an encouraging note, Haidt
suggests that we all pledge to live by three simple principles that can help
reduce the climate of anger, fear, and hatred that pervades our culture and our
politics today, particularly on social media:
I will give less offense
I will take less offense
I will pass on less offense
My thoughts... What I really liked is how we as Americans were united together against The Depression, WW II and then The Cold War. Once the Cold War ended, we became more tribal and there has been much less of we vs. them regarding these existential threats, but more Us vs Us in our Tribalism. The shift from good vs. bad to good vs. evil has really changed the political landscape. Before we had discourse, now it is kill your enemy at all costs. If we don't agree, I must annihilate and humiliate you.
I also love what he says about the myth - what doesn't kill you makes you weaker. There is a reason there are so many peanut allergies out there today vs. 20 years ago. (do a little research)
It is possible to be conservative and not a Repub, as well as Liberal and not a Demo. There are many people who are moderate, some with mixtures of both parties. I personally don't like Ed lecturing me on how I should live my life, who I should vote for, what I should believe. He has a right to say what he wants, I have a right not to attend shows, buy their stuff, etc. I am very disappointed by the vitriol and immature name calling that occurs on a regular basis on this board, I was sickened by people saying Rush getting cancer was Karma and he is deserving of it etc. that is not something to jokingly wish, or seriously wish on anyone. I think people need to do what the band asks you to do more than most, go out and vote if you don't like how things are. As said many times on the thread, I go to hear them sing and play instruments, not lecture me on world views and politics. However, I know who these guys are after 30 some shows, and I can take critical comments, know I will not always agree with them, and you know what, it is okay to disagree, just do it cordially and agree to disagree. No one here can claim the moral high ground on anyone, to know what is better for someone else than they do, or to lecture us about how we should this or that (similar to what I am hypocritically doing right now)
JUST SING AND PLAY, leave the other shit to us on our time
Has this really been an issue of late? I've been to 25 shows since 1995 and I'd guess the amount of time spent on a "political rant" -- which itself is a loaded term -- has encompassed maybe 25 minutes total. Several shows I attended had zero of this. Most of the time, the point of the "rant" is to, you know, explain the song they are about to play.
Maybe I'm just missing something, or the shows I've been to have been the 25 least political shows the band has played. I don't know. I think the whole thing is overblown. At the end of the day, I'm always down to hear the stories or ideas about why an artist decided to produce a certain piece of art.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
I think Ed chooses where he can get away with politalk for the most part. He loves to rile Chicago up with progressotalk. We know how texas went. I dont think chiding fans for alternative POVs is a good thing. We dont pay money to be insulted, we pay money to hear you play and sing.
Personally, I dont care how good the music is....if their political views were that different from mine, and they actively support things that I was against, I would not be giving them money.
Chick-Fil-A, in recent memory....I do like their chicken sandwiches...but I won't buy one because I know that money goes towards anti-gay lobbying.
There are some moderate type views I would ok with....like I lean left, and I support most of what PJ supports....and I am ok with opposing viewpoints....but if something was far enough to the right........the music would no longer be fun.
I've never seen it at a PJ show but on one of the last REM shows at Jones Beach, I heard a bunch of yelling and complaining when Michael Stipe took off 5 different colored Obama shirts between songs. I didn't get it then and I still don't. Politics are intertwined in both bands music and to not realize where they stand you'd have to be deaf, dumb, and blind. For me, it's just yet another reason I love them.
I give people who can separate their political beliefs from the band's a lot of credit. I would personally NEVER go see an artist who supported Trump, much less give them a penny of my money. But the part that I don't get is the people who yell "shut up and sing". Ed has never been quiet about his and the band's beliefs, political or otherwise. To expect him to do otherwise would be silly imo.
Some thought. I could argue hard on both sides. But when I get into my happy place. Wherever it is and I am SURROUNDED by die hard PJ fans. Nothing else matters. I don't care if your upside down purple alien whatever the fuck ever. If you like PJ , and you are rocking out. You are my best friend. And I say we make our way closer. To the rail!
The only thing worse than a musician telling you what to think is a professional athlete telling you what to think.
They have the stage though. If it feels right for them to do, then so be it.
they aren't any different than most people in the world. i'm sure some are more informed than regular people.
Other than the fact that they are rich (insulated from a bad economy), protected by people with guns (which they say they are against) and live behind walls/borders (which they say shouldn't exist) they are just like most people.
The only thing worse than a musician telling you what to think is a professional athlete telling you what to think.
They have the stage though. If it feels right for them to do, then so be it.
they aren't any different than most people in the world. i'm sure some are more informed than regular people.
Other than the fact that they are rich (insulated from a bad economy), protected by people with guns (which they say they are against) and live behind walls/borders (which they say shouldn't exist) they are just like most people.
Wow - I went away for a week and come back to see all these comments. Pretty cool that the thread didn't implode.
Somebody called my initial question close minded and that was fun?
I'll say this, I rather hear a story than a rant. I have heard Ed tell some good ones.
And I'd rather hear a song than a story...
1992 VAN
1993 VAN
1998 Missoula
2000 Barcelona & Boise
2002 SEA 2x
2003 VAN
2005 VAN, Calgary, Edmonton & Saskatoon
2006 The Gorge
2009 SEA & VAN
2011 VAN
2013 Portland & VAN
2015 Mexico City 2018 Missoula
If you spend money, time, energy going to see, or listening to a performer you are supporting them and their views. I for one will never spend a dime to see or hear ted nugent, kid rock, rosanne, or any other "artist" who has shown support for the current regime.
The Buddhists will tell you that when you support evil that makes you evil as well. When you support a racist in any way, shape, or form, including voting, that makes you a racist as well.
If the arena is going to be sold out anyway, you specifically aren't supporting their views. It doesn't matter who bought the seats, but what does matter is that you are taking up seats that could be filled by some impressionable young people that could be corrupted by the views of some rich artists who live in liberal fantasyland.
Ellen Degeneres was hanging out with George Bush. Both political opposites but respectful and friendly with each other.
If I were friends with Ellen and she hanged out with a war criminal that should be tried at Hague, then i would question my friend Ellen and my friendship with her.
I try to have some standards in my life.
Also, stating ones opinions or worldview in a song =/= stating to be an expert.
I have problems "looking the other way" or tuning out. That's why I don't listen to KISS - Take it off. No matter how good that riff is. because the lyrics are seeping iiiiiiiinnnnn
Ellen Degeneres was hanging out with George Bush. Both political opposites but respectful and friendly with each other.
If I were friends with Ellen and she hanged out with a war criminal that should be tried at Hague, then i would question my friend Ellen and my friendship with her.
I try to have some standards in my life.
Also, stating ones opinions or worldview in a song =/= stating to be an expert.
I have problems "looking the other way" or tuning out. That's why I don't listen to KISS - Take it off. No matter how good that riff is. because the lyrics are seeping iiiiiiiinnnnn
i would think everyone has a point of no return for actions by their friends. i don't disparage or lose my friends if they support Trump but it surely makes me question their judgment on what is good and bad. No problem with being Republican or Conservative but honestly I don't understand any education person supporting our current Potus in any way shape or form.
Libertarian here (Fiscal conservative, socially liberal) who generally thinks BOTH the far left and right are mental. Both tend to be closed minded, use hyperbole and straw men to attack "the other team", and the rest of the country has to suffer as a result.
Ed and most other celebrities aren't forced to live in the real world, and thus preach in a manner disconnected with reality, all while living a life protected by armed security (while preaching against guns), and flying in private jets and riding in gas guzzling busses (while preaching about global warming).
They're hypocrites, but I don't let it impact my enjoyment of the music. I choose to walk away from any preachy fans, and at most shows Ed's ranting is kept pretty low-key. If Ed does get on a roll, it's always a nice time to tune him out, and go grab a beer and piss break.
IMO everyone should be able to do whatever they want as long as it's not hurting someone else (including speaking their mind), and government interference (fiscally & legislatively) should be kept to a bare minimum. Those who think healthcare and college education should be provided for those who can't afford it, nobody's stopping you from voluntarily setting aside a chunk of your salary to help make that happen. No need for a federal mandate.
I can’t imagine going through life making decisions on who I am friends with or surround myself with based on their political thoughts or beliefs. That would be a horrible boring and sad life.
I can’t imagine going through life making decisions on who I am friends with or surround myself with based on their political thoughts or beliefs. That would be a horrible boring and sad life.
You should try to understand that this is a privileged position to hold. Are you insulated from the political decisions that hurt people?
Do you not know anyone who is legally liable to be fired/harassed/discriminated agoainst for their sexuality or gender circumstances due to conservative political actions? Do you not know anyone who is legally liable to be stripped from the life and family they've built in America because of conservative political actions? Do you not know anyone who is suffering under medical issues that any other country in the first world would cover? Do you not know anyone who works full-time for a massively profitable company that still can't make ends meet, due to conservative political actions? "Politics" have real-world consequences for people, if you can't see that, then you should work to make your social circle less homogeneous.
Like ecdanc mentioned earlier, how are you going to sit down to dinner with someone as a dear friend, and then turn around the next day and sit down to dinner with someone who campaigns to keep the former from having the same rights you have?
I can’t imagine going through life making decisions on who I am friends with or surround myself with based on their political thoughts or beliefs. That would be a horrible boring and sad life.
You should try to understand that this is a privileged position to hold. Are you insulated from the political decisions that hurt people?
Do you not know anyone who is legally liable to be fired/harassed/discriminated agoainst for their sexuality or gender circumstances due to conservative political actions? Do you not know anyone who is legally liable to be stripped from the life and family they've built in America because of conservative political actions? Do you not know anyone who is suffering under medical issues that any other country in the first world would cover? Do you not know anyone who works full-time for a massively profitable company that still can't make ends meet, due to conservative political actions? "Politics" have real-world consequences for people, if you can't see that, then you should work to make your social circle less homogeneous.
Like ecdanc mentioned earlier, how are you going to sit down to dinner with someone as a dear friend, and then turn around the next day and sit down to dinner with someone who campaigns to keep the former from having the same rights you have?
So republicans and democrats can’t be friends. Got it
I can’t imagine going through life making decisions on who I am friends with or surround myself with based on their political thoughts or beliefs. That would be a horrible boring and sad life.
You should try to understand that this is a privileged position to hold. Are you insulated from the political decisions that hurt people?
Do you not know anyone who is legally liable to be fired/harassed/discriminated agoainst for their sexuality or gender circumstances due to conservative political actions? Do you not know anyone who is legally liable to be stripped from the life and family they've built in America because of conservative political actions? Do you not know anyone who is suffering under medical issues that any other country in the first world would cover? Do you not know anyone who works full-time for a massively profitable company that still can't make ends meet, due to conservative political actions? "Politics" have real-world consequences for people, if you can't see that, then you should work to make your social circle less homogeneous.
Like ecdanc mentioned earlier, how are you going to sit down to dinner with someone as a dear friend, and then turn around the next day and sit down to dinner with someone who campaigns to keep the former from having the same rights you have?
So republicans and democrats can’t be friends. Got it
Sometimes they can and sometimes they can't. Get it?
As the gay socialist that went to the Kid Rock show, let me say this. I would normally never promote an artist, company, politician, friend or whatever that would harm my cause. That said, I found it a good opportunity to take a friend, who happens to be very autistic, and is a huge Kid Rock fan. He is not a political type, lives in utter filth in a hoarder trailer along with 2 other disabled family members, and never gets to experience things like concerts. Yes it was my birthday and I was also bored, but it worked out the way it did, and I am glad to have given him that experience, as well as myself.I don't like giving my money to Kid, or Chick fill a, etc. I would normally never do it, but have I eaten a chicken sandwich a handful of times in my life, yes, I don't like giving them my money, but a few times I have done it, felt it reasonable in the current circumstances at those times. I wonder if Kid even made any money on that show honestly, Idk, he couldn't even fill the lower bowl of the arena, tix were $10. I felt sad for Kid in a way, but he did it to himself. I wish I could bring a friend to PJ, but can't afford to, even at face value. It may not be wise spending to be going to concerts if your struggling, but some enjoyment in life is necessary to survive, or you would likely just succumb to suicide. I am disabled myself living on SSDI, sometimes those with out funds have to shop at the dollar store, or support Walmart. Shit, Chic fil a and kid rock are luxuries for some of us. It may not be a good choice to support these types of conservative businesses, but if you want to eat and Wal Mart is the only store in your town. What are you going to do? You take what you can get in many ways. And yes, I booed as loud as I could during Kids rant, he deserves it. If conservatives wanna boo Eddie they will, even if I don't like it, everyone has there freedom of speech here, or at least we should, even if many times we don't truly have a voice, and other people have the microphone, and we would rather them not speak at all. Not saying yell fire in a crowded theater either, if there is no fire. But, the corona virus is looking like it could be the mother of all fires, so let's call it a hoax? We need to start working together as a species, real fast or this is going to go south real quick, for everyone!
To the original question, I'm well aware of Eddie/PJ's views on politics, doesn't bother me in the least bit, I enjoy their music and live shows. Now, would Eddie ranting frequently or at length during a single concert irritate me? Absolutely, but its because I want to hear their music and not their world views. Would feel the same way if they were conservatives. I like concerts for the music and entertainment. A quip here and there between songs doesn't bother me though.
I dont think PJ preaches too much, but the message is in the music.
As far as dislike for trump, its well earned because unlike Republicans before him, he does not even make an attept to represent the entire country
As an example the russia story a few days ago. He blamed democrats. "Do you see what the democrats are up to?"
Nope. That's an outright lie and placing the blame what his very own DNI told him onto others.
Without his voters, his constant lying and excuses and blaming and bullying would be just some old rich dude in his tower.
Because of the sole reason his voters gobble up his constant lying we all have to deal with it.
This is on his voters more than on him.
Oops thought this was AMT.
"I know I was born and I know that I'll die, the in between is mine"
He highlights “Three Great Untruths” that have worked their way into American culture, particularly in academia and in the way that children are brought up:
He argues that these (mostly implicit) ideas, which govern much of our current educational and parenting culture fly in the face of human nature and reject the accumulated wisdom of thousands of years of civilization, with disastrous effect.
Haidt explores the ways in which these beliefs sabotage the emotional health and developmental abilities of young people, ignoring the reality that overcoming adversity makes us stronger; that we are all prone to emotional reasoning and confirmation bias; and that humans are, by nature, already prone to tribalism and dichotomous thinking.
Ending on an encouraging note, Haidt suggests that we all pledge to live by three simple principles that can help reduce the climate of anger, fear, and hatred that pervades our culture and our politics today, particularly on social media:
JUST SING AND PLAY, leave the other shit to us on our time
Maybe I'm just missing something, or the shows I've been to have been the 25 least political shows the band has played. I don't know. I think the whole thing is overblown. At the end of the day, I'm always down to hear the stories or ideas about why an artist decided to produce a certain piece of art.
for the least they could possibly do
Cincinnati 2014
Greenville 2016
(Raleigh 2016)
Columbia 2016
Chick-Fil-A, in recent memory....I do like their chicken sandwiches...but I won't buy one because I know that money goes towards anti-gay lobbying.
There are some moderate type views I would ok with....like I lean left, and I support most of what PJ supports....and I am ok with opposing viewpoints....but if something was far enough to the right........the music would no longer be fun.
Nuclear fission
Somebody called my initial question close minded and that was fun?
I'll say this, I rather hear a story than a rant. I have heard Ed tell some good ones.
And I'd rather hear a song than a story...
1992 VAN
1993 VAN
1998 Missoula
2000 Barcelona & Boise
2002 SEA 2x
2003 VAN
2005 VAN, Calgary, Edmonton & Saskatoon
2006 The Gorge
2009 SEA & VAN
2011 VAN
2013 Portland & VAN
2015 Mexico City
2018 Missoula
It's crass, it's low, it's dumb, and I'm not interested in joining a mob mentality.
Do you not know anyone who is legally liable to be fired/harassed/discriminated agoainst for their sexuality or gender circumstances due to conservative political actions? Do you not know anyone who is legally liable to be stripped from the life and family they've built in America because of conservative political actions? Do you not know anyone who is suffering under medical issues that any other country in the first world would cover? Do you not know anyone who works full-time for a massively profitable company that still can't make ends meet, due to conservative political actions?
"Politics" have real-world consequences for people, if you can't see that, then you should work to make your social circle less homogeneous.
Like ecdanc mentioned earlier, how are you going to sit down to dinner with someone as a dear friend, and then turn around the next day and sit down to dinner with someone who campaigns to keep the former from having the same rights you have?