My point is, they came out and said definitively that large scale asymptomatic spread was happening. Had they said, “there is a chance of asymptomatic spread, but we cannot be certain,” it would be different. Then, everyone would still need to assume worst case and act accordingly. I understand information is coming at light speed and ever changing. My gripe is the delivery of their messaging.
I realize there is a potential 2 week incubation period, however I recall many get sick 2 days after exposure or 2-5 days? Anyhow, the kids went back to school last week and the Interior region of BC has remained at 195 cases. It's a bit early to call it, but it seems like some of the parents around town can breathe a sigh of relief. I am so glad we re-opened with restaurants and retail before we let the kids back to school and playgrounds.
I was swimming in the Great Barrier Reef Animals were hiding behind the Coral Except for little Turtle I could swear he's trying to talk to me Gurgle Gurgle
I’m sure the Trump-ets will spin the asymptomatic thing as reckless fear mongering from dems if it turns out it has little effect but it’s simply yet another failure of ol’ orange balls.
That they will change their minds in about a week?
Probably. From the article: "More research and data are needed to "truly answer" the question of
whether the coronavirus can spread widely through asymptomatic carriers,
Van Kerkhove added"
I know we like hard, unwavering answers but you're going to get evolving / changing findings. That's science for you. But this doesn't mean the earlier evidence was some sort of conspiracy against Trump or capitalism.
I'm not a scientist or medical expert, so maybe this is how things go in the world of novel viruses. That said, as a layman, it is incredible to me that certain parts of this pandemic have literally done 180 degree turns in the matter of a few short weeks or months. These are topics that the "experts" announced with conviction, too. They said flat out that this virus was transmitted by asymptomatic carriers. Not only that, but that the transmission by asymptomatic carriers could be one of the biggest contributors to the spread of the virus. Now they say it cannot be spread by asymptomatic carriers. That's a pretty big one to get wrong, if they did. Maybe should have held tight on announcing to the world that it was spread that way.
They are not saying it can’t be spread by asymptotic carriers, they are saying that this is less common than had been believed and not the predominant method of spread.
We have known about this virus for less than one year. This is lightning speed accumulation of knowledge, in comparison to how it usually goes. It’s completely unrealistic to expect that all preliminary findings will go on to be correct.
If scientists had said that there was little to no risk of asymptomatic spread and it turned out that it was actually significant, I suspect that you, and many others, would be screaming about that.
I think you need be corrected on your first sentence. They are not saying it is just less common. They are saying that it is very rare. Huge difference imo. I agree with your last thought but wonder why they would say that with no evidence to back it up. I think it was wise to be careful of this virus the last couple of months due to the unknown factor but as time goes on and we do some proper learning I hope we will see ways that we can move forward with our living with necessary modifications and not have to live in fear of another full lockdown. Also if you look at the excess deaths in the USA it is staggering. Something needs to be done to protect the sick and old from this virus that I am sure of.
If asymptomatic can’t spread then the main reason for masks is off the table. Crazy.
It is good news though and hope true
Now I'm reading that they should have distinguished between "asymptomatic" and "pre-symptomatic" and that even seems like a sorta fine line. My brain is going to explode.
I’m sure the Trump-ets will spin the asymptomatic thing as reckless fear mongering from dems if it turns out it has little effect but it’s simply yet another failure of ol’ orange balls.
All of a sudden, they'll love the WHO. Greatest health care agency on earth. Nobody knows more about viruses, BIG VIRUSES, than the WHO
I’m sure the Trump-ets will spin the asymptomatic thing as reckless fear mongering from dems if it turns out it has little effect but it’s simply yet another failure of ol’ orange balls.
All of a sudden, they'll love the WHO. Greatest health care agency on earth. Nobody knows more about viruses, BIG VIRUSES, than the WHO
With the protests going on you have a lot of PO'd people that stayed home and and listened but nobody is really talking about all the people in the streets.
I really hope there isn't another outbreak. If there isn't it will seem like a proven conspiracy to a bunch of people.
With the protests going on you have a lot of PO'd people that stayed home and and listened but nobody is really talking about all the people in the streets.
I really hope there isn't another outbreak. If there isn't it will seem like a proven conspiracy to a bunch of people.
If there isn't an outbreak, I guess maybe the virus could be waning with the change of season like similar viruses do. Or maybe a bit of a herd-immunity is developing among younger people? I don't know. I think it's probably going to spread like wildfire in big cities. There's been hundreds-to-thousands of people in the streets for over a week in some places.
As for the bolded part, you know why people aren't talking about it. If you were to say how mind-numbingly stupid it is that we went from a lockdown and phased re-openings to thousands of people in the streets, you might be chastised for not being angry enough over the Floyd murder and police brutality.
With the protests going on you have a lot of PO'd people that stayed home and and listened but nobody is really talking about all the people in the streets.
I really hope there isn't another outbreak. If there isn't it will seem like a proven conspiracy to a bunch of people.
If there isn't an outbreak, I guess maybe the virus could be waning with the change of season like similar viruses do. Or maybe a bit of a herd-immunity is developing among younger people? I don't know. I think it's probably going to spread like wildfire in big cities. There's been hundreds-to-thousands of people in the streets for over a week in some places.
As for the bolded part, you know why people aren't talking about it. If you were to say how mind-numbingly stupid it is that we went from a lockdown and phased re-openings to thousands of people in the streets, you might be chastised for not being angry enough over the Floyd murder and police brutality.
With the protests going on you have a lot of PO'd people that stayed home and and listened but nobody is really talking about all the people in the streets.
I really hope there isn't another outbreak. If there isn't it will seem like a proven conspiracy to a bunch of people.
If there isn't an outbreak, I guess maybe the virus could be waning with the change of season like similar viruses do. Or maybe a bit of a herd-immunity is developing among younger people? I don't know. I think it's probably going to spread like wildfire in big cities. There's been hundreds-to-thousands of people in the streets for over a week in some places.
As for the bolded part, you know why people aren't talking about it. If you were to say how mind-numbingly stupid it is that we went from a lockdown and phased re-openings to thousands of people in the streets, you might be chastised for not being angry enough over the Floyd murder and police brutality.
You can be angry and still be careful.
If they are wearing masks then I am all for it!
My two oldest children went down to the Robert E Lee statute to protest, then march downtown last week. They told me it was peaceful and most people were wearing masks. They said it was the cops, generally, without the masks.
With the protests going on you have a lot of PO'd people that stayed home and and listened but nobody is really talking about all the people in the streets.
I really hope there isn't another outbreak. If there isn't it will seem like a proven conspiracy to a bunch of people.
If there isn't an outbreak, I guess maybe the virus could be waning with the change of season like similar viruses do. Or maybe a bit of a herd-immunity is developing among younger people? I don't know. I think it's probably going to spread like wildfire in big cities. There's been hundreds-to-thousands of people in the streets for over a week in some places.
As for the bolded part, you know why people aren't talking about it. If you were to say how mind-numbingly stupid it is that we went from a lockdown and phased re-openings to thousands of people in the streets, you might be chastised for not being angry enough over the Floyd murder and police brutality.
You can be angry and still be careful.
If they are wearing masks then I am all for it!
My two oldest children went down to the Robert E Lee statute to protest, then march downtown last week. They told me it was peaceful and most people were wearing masks. They said it was the cops, generally, without the masks.
I thought they were putting signs up to explain how and why the statues were built to preserve them and let the public know how they came to be?
Or was that a pipe dream and that shit never happened?
With the protests going on you have a lot of PO'd people that stayed home and and listened but nobody is really talking about all the people in the streets.
I really hope there isn't another outbreak. If there isn't it will seem like a proven conspiracy to a bunch of people.
If there isn't an outbreak, I guess maybe the virus could be waning with the change of season like similar viruses do. Or maybe a bit of a herd-immunity is developing among younger people? I don't know. I think it's probably going to spread like wildfire in big cities. There's been hundreds-to-thousands of people in the streets for over a week in some places.
As for the bolded part, you know why people aren't talking about it. If you were to say how mind-numbingly stupid it is that we went from a lockdown and phased re-openings to thousands of people in the streets, you might be chastised for not being angry enough over the Floyd murder and police brutality.
You can be angry and still be careful.
If they are wearing masks then I am all for it!
Yeah most people are wearing masks it seems. Yet my friend still can't have a single person in her beauty saloon (with or without masks). And of course there's other businesses still waiting to reopen as well. But why? If thousands can gather in the streets and it's okay because they're wearing masks, why can't that apply to everyone? The "indoor versus outdoor" aspect maybe?
With the protests going on you have a lot of PO'd people that stayed home and and listened but nobody is really talking about all the people in the streets.
I really hope there isn't another outbreak. If there isn't it will seem like a proven conspiracy to a bunch of people.
If there isn't an outbreak, I guess maybe the virus could be waning with the change of season like similar viruses do. Or maybe a bit of a herd-immunity is developing among younger people? I don't know. I think it's probably going to spread like wildfire in big cities. There's been hundreds-to-thousands of people in the streets for over a week in some places.
As for the bolded part, you know why people aren't talking about it. If you were to say how mind-numbingly stupid it is that we went from a lockdown and phased re-openings to thousands of people in the streets, you might be chastised for not being angry enough over the Floyd murder and police brutality.
You can be angry and still be careful.
If they are wearing masks then I am all for it!
Yeah most people are wearing masks it seems. Yet my friend still can't have a single person in her beauty saloon (with or without masks). And of course there's other businesses still waiting to reopen as well. But why? If thousands can gather in the streets and it's okay because they're wearing masks, why can't that apply to everyone? The "indoor versus outdoor" aspect maybe?
There's no practical way to ban thousands of people from gathering in the street even if it were justified from a public health perspective, particularly in light of the reason for the protests.
With the protests going on you have a lot of PO'd people that stayed home and and listened but nobody is really talking about all the people in the streets.
I really hope there isn't another outbreak. If there isn't it will seem like a proven conspiracy to a bunch of people.
If there isn't an outbreak, I guess maybe the virus could be waning with the change of season like similar viruses do. Or maybe a bit of a herd-immunity is developing among younger people? I don't know. I think it's probably going to spread like wildfire in big cities. There's been hundreds-to-thousands of people in the streets for over a week in some places.
As for the bolded part, you know why people aren't talking about it. If you were to say how mind-numbingly stupid it is that we went from a lockdown and phased re-openings to thousands of people in the streets, you might be chastised for not being angry enough over the Floyd murder and police brutality.
You can be angry and still be careful.
If they are wearing masks then I am all for it!
Yeah most people are wearing masks it seems. Yet my friend still can't have a single person in her beauty saloon (with or without masks). And of course there's other businesses still waiting to reopen as well. But why? If thousands can gather in the streets and it's okay because they're wearing masks, why can't that apply to everyone? The "indoor versus outdoor" aspect maybe?
There's no practical way to ban thousands of people from gathering in the street even if it were justified from a public health perspective, particularly in light of the reason for the protests.
With the protests going on you have a lot of PO'd people that stayed home and and listened but nobody is really talking about all the people in the streets.
I really hope there isn't another outbreak. If there isn't it will seem like a proven conspiracy to a bunch of people.
If there isn't an outbreak, I guess maybe the virus could be waning with the change of season like similar viruses do. Or maybe a bit of a herd-immunity is developing among younger people? I don't know. I think it's probably going to spread like wildfire in big cities. There's been hundreds-to-thousands of people in the streets for over a week in some places.
As for the bolded part, you know why people aren't talking about it. If you were to say how mind-numbingly stupid it is that we went from a lockdown and phased re-openings to thousands of people in the streets, you might be chastised for not being angry enough over the Floyd murder and police brutality.
You can be angry and still be careful.
If they are wearing masks then I am all for it!
My two oldest children went down to the Robert E Lee statute to protest, then march downtown last week. They told me it was peaceful and most people were wearing masks. They said it was the cops, generally, without the masks.
I thought they were putting signs up to explain how and why the statues were built to preserve them and let the public know how they came to be?
Or was that a pipe dream and that shit never happened?
Hmm. I'm not sure. I don't usually stop and read them. They are in the middle of a fairly busy road (Monument Ave.). The mayor is black and he said a year ago or so that they were commissioning a study about how to relocate them to a museum setting in the city.
With the protests going on you have a lot of PO'd people that stayed home and and listened but nobody is really talking about all the people in the streets.
I really hope there isn't another outbreak. If there isn't it will seem like a proven conspiracy to a bunch of people.
If there isn't an outbreak, I guess maybe the virus could be waning with the change of season like similar viruses do. Or maybe a bit of a herd-immunity is developing among younger people? I don't know. I think it's probably going to spread like wildfire in big cities. There's been hundreds-to-thousands of people in the streets for over a week in some places.
As for the bolded part, you know why people aren't talking about it. If you were to say how mind-numbingly stupid it is that we went from a lockdown and phased re-openings to thousands of people in the streets, you might be chastised for not being angry enough over the Floyd murder and police brutality.
You can be angry and still be careful.
If they are wearing masks then I am all for it!
My two oldest children went down to the Robert E Lee statute to protest, then march downtown last week. They told me it was peaceful and most people were wearing masks. They said it was the cops, generally, without the masks.
I thought they were putting signs up to explain how and why the statues were built to preserve them and let the public know how they came to be?
Or was that a pipe dream and that shit never happened?
Hmm. I'm not sure. I don't usually stop and read them. They are in the middle of a fairly busy road (Monument Ave.). The mayor is black and he said a year ago or so that they were commissioning a study about how to relocate them to a museum setting in the city.
Didn't they recently rename a school named after Lee down there? That friend I was referencing last week when we were discussing the Civil War said that was a big debate locally about a year ago.
I'm not loving the headline related to asymptomatic. A lot of people are reading "rare" as "impossible." And then there's pre-symtomatic. I'm still masking. Do I look silly? Oh well. At this point, it can't hurt; could help.
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin 2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
With the protests going on you have a lot of PO'd people that stayed home and and listened but nobody is really talking about all the people in the streets.
I really hope there isn't another outbreak. If there isn't it will seem like a proven conspiracy to a bunch of people.
If there isn't an outbreak, I guess maybe the virus could be waning with the change of season like similar viruses do. Or maybe a bit of a herd-immunity is developing among younger people? I don't know. I think it's probably going to spread like wildfire in big cities. There's been hundreds-to-thousands of people in the streets for over a week in some places.
As for the bolded part, you know why people aren't talking about it. If you were to say how mind-numbingly stupid it is that we went from a lockdown and phased re-openings to thousands of people in the streets, you might be chastised for not being angry enough over the Floyd murder and police brutality.
You can be angry and still be careful.
If they are wearing masks then I am all for it!
My two oldest children went down to the Robert E Lee statute to protest, then march downtown last week. They told me it was peaceful and most people were wearing masks. They said it was the cops, generally, without the masks.
I thought they were putting signs up to explain how and why the statues were built to preserve them and let the public know how they came to be?
Or was that a pipe dream and that shit never happened?
Hmm. I'm not sure. I don't usually stop and read them. They are in the middle of a fairly busy road (Monument Ave.). The mayor is black and he said a year ago or so that they were commissioning a study about how to relocate them to a museum setting in the city.
Didn't they recently rename a school named after Lee down there? That friend I was referencing last week when we were discussing the Civil War said that was a big debate locally about a year ago.
If a school was renamed, it would be a county decision and there are plenty of rural counties here that still revere the old south, but not in the city or the local suburbs. Byrd MS (named after infamous segregationist governor Henry Byrd) was renamed a few years ago. In a county that is republican and sort of straddles urban and rural, there is Lee-Davis HS. It's actually where my wife went to HS. It's been named that for years and years. It's feeder school is Stonewall Jackson Middle School. So it's definitely still around, but not in Richmond city or Henrico County where the suburban money is. I bet Lee-Davis is the school your friend is thinking of, but it's not a new name. There was big debate about renaming, but it hasn't happened. It needs to happen.
With the protests going on you have a lot of PO'd people that stayed home and and listened but nobody is really talking about all the people in the streets.
I really hope there isn't another outbreak. If there isn't it will seem like a proven conspiracy to a bunch of people.
If there isn't an outbreak, I guess maybe the virus could be waning with the change of season like similar viruses do. Or maybe a bit of a herd-immunity is developing among younger people? I don't know. I think it's probably going to spread like wildfire in big cities. There's been hundreds-to-thousands of people in the streets for over a week in some places.
As for the bolded part, you know why people aren't talking about it. If you were to say how mind-numbingly stupid it is that we went from a lockdown and phased re-openings to thousands of people in the streets, you might be chastised for not being angry enough over the Floyd murder and police brutality.
You can be angry and still be careful.
If they are wearing masks then I am all for it!
My two oldest children went down to the Robert E Lee statute to protest, then march downtown last week. They told me it was peaceful and most people were wearing masks. They said it was the cops, generally, without the masks.
I thought they were putting signs up to explain how and why the statues were built to preserve them and let the public know how they came to be?
Or was that a pipe dream and that shit never happened?
Hmm. I'm not sure. I don't usually stop and read them. They are in the middle of a fairly busy road (Monument Ave.). The mayor is black and he said a year ago or so that they were commissioning a study about how to relocate them to a museum setting in the city.
Didn't they recently rename a school named after Lee down there? That friend I was referencing last week when we were discussing the Civil War said that was a big debate locally about a year ago.
If a school was renamed, it would be a county decision and there are plenty of rural counties here that still revere the old south, but not in the city or the local suburbs. Byrd MS (named after infamous segregationist governor Henry Byrd) was renamed a few years ago. In a county that is republican and sort of straddles urban and rural, there is Lee-Davis HS. It's actually where my wife went to HS. It's been named that for years and years. It's feeder school is Stonewall Jackson Middle School. So it's definitely still around, but not in Richmond city or Henrico County where the suburban money is. I bet Lee-Davis is the school your friend is thinking of, but it's not a new name. There was big debate about renaming, but it hasn't happened. It needs to happen.
In another life I lived in Lee County Va. I could only imagine that it's named after Robert and not Bruce?
With the protests going on you have a lot of PO'd people that stayed home and and listened but nobody is really talking about all the people in the streets.
I really hope there isn't another outbreak. If there isn't it will seem like a proven conspiracy to a bunch of people.
If there isn't an outbreak, I guess maybe the virus could be waning with the change of season like similar viruses do. Or maybe a bit of a herd-immunity is developing among younger people? I don't know. I think it's probably going to spread like wildfire in big cities. There's been hundreds-to-thousands of people in the streets for over a week in some places.
As for the bolded part, you know why people aren't talking about it. If you were to say how mind-numbingly stupid it is that we went from a lockdown and phased re-openings to thousands of people in the streets, you might be chastised for not being angry enough over the Floyd murder and police brutality.
You can be angry and still be careful.
If they are wearing masks then I am all for it!
My two oldest children went down to the Robert E Lee statute to protest, then march downtown last week. They told me it was peaceful and most people were wearing masks. They said it was the cops, generally, without the masks.
I thought they were putting signs up to explain how and why the statues were built to preserve them and let the public know how they came to be?
Or was that a pipe dream and that shit never happened?
Hmm. I'm not sure. I don't usually stop and read them. They are in the middle of a fairly busy road (Monument Ave.). The mayor is black and he said a year ago or so that they were commissioning a study about how to relocate them to a museum setting in the city.
Didn't they recently rename a school named after Lee down there? That friend I was referencing last week when we were discussing the Civil War said that was a big debate locally about a year ago.
If a school was renamed, it would be a county decision and there are plenty of rural counties here that still revere the old south, but not in the city or the local suburbs. Byrd MS (named after infamous segregationist governor Henry Byrd) was renamed a few years ago. In a county that is republican and sort of straddles urban and rural, there is Lee-Davis HS. It's actually where my wife went to HS. It's been named that for years and years. It's feeder school is Stonewall Jackson Middle School. So it's definitely still around, but not in Richmond city or Henrico County where the suburban money is. I bet Lee-Davis is the school your friend is thinking of, but it's not a new name. There was big debate about renaming, but it hasn't happened. It needs to happen.
I'm not loving the headline related to asymptomatic. A lot of people are reading "rare" as "impossible." And then there's pre-symtomatic. I'm still masking. Do I look silly? Oh well. At this point, it can't hurt; could help.
Same here. I don't go out much because I'm in a couple high risk categories, but my wife isn't and we both wear masks if we have to go out. Why not!?! It's a minor precaution and may only make a small difference, but in a pandemic, why wouldn't someone wear a mask, especially if it's just to go into the grocery store or hardware store or pharmacy? It's no big deal, certainly no big sacrifice, and if it helps one tiny bit, that's a plus. I get angry seeing lots of people who are either too vain or too selfish to put on a mask in public.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
I'm not loving the headline related to asymptomatic. A lot of people are reading "rare" as "impossible." And then there's pre-symtomatic. I'm still masking. Do I look silly? Oh well. At this point, it can't hurt; could help.
Same here. I don't go out much because I'm in a couple high risk categories, but my wife isn't and we both wear masks if we have to go out. Why not!?! It's a minor precaution and may only make a small difference, but in a pandemic, why wouldn't someone wear a mask, especially if it's just to go into the grocery store or hardware store or pharmacy? It's no big deal, certainly no big sacrifice, and if it helps one tiny bit, that's a plus. I get angry seeing lots of people who are either too vain or too selfish to put on a mask in public.
Aesthetically, a mask is definitely an improvement for me.
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,800
I'm not loving the headline related to asymptomatic. A lot of people are reading "rare" as "impossible." And then there's pre-symtomatic. I'm still masking. Do I look silly? Oh well. At this point, it can't hurt; could help.
Same here. I don't go out much because I'm in a couple high risk categories, but my wife isn't and we both wear masks if we have to go out. Why not!?! It's a minor precaution and may only make a small difference, but in a pandemic, why wouldn't someone wear a mask, especially if it's just to go into the grocery store or hardware store or pharmacy? It's no big deal, certainly no big sacrifice, and if it helps one tiny bit, that's a plus. I get angry seeing lots of people who are either too vain or too selfish to put on a mask in public.
Aesthetically, a mask is definitely an improvement for me.
LOL, for me especially right now as I tried self-cryotherapy (freezing with liquid nitrogen) on an age spot on my jaw. The liquid nitrogen spray spread farther than I wanted and made a big red patch the size of a quarter. It will eventually peel and be OK but I won't try that again. That stuff is dangerous. I can't believe you can buy that stuff!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Animals were hiding behind the Coral
Except for little Turtle
I could swear he's trying to talk to me
Gurgle Gurgle
Get ready for it
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
I really hope there isn't another outbreak. If there isn't it will seem like a proven conspiracy to a bunch of people.
As for the bolded part, you know why people aren't talking about it. If you were to say how mind-numbingly stupid it is that we went from a lockdown and phased re-openings to thousands of people in the streets, you might be chastised for not being angry enough over the Floyd murder and police brutality.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
If they are wearing masks then I am all for it!
Or was that a pipe dream and that shit never happened?
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin
2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Same here. I don't go out much because I'm in a couple high risk categories, but my wife isn't and we both wear masks if we have to go out. Why not!?! It's a minor precaution and may only make a small difference, but in a pandemic, why wouldn't someone wear a mask, especially if it's just to go into the grocery store or hardware store or pharmacy? It's no big deal, certainly no big sacrifice, and if it helps one tiny bit, that's a plus. I get angry seeing lots of people who are either too vain or too selfish to put on a mask in public.
LOL, for me especially right now as I tried self-cryotherapy (freezing with liquid nitrogen) on an age spot on my jaw. The liquid nitrogen spray spread farther than I wanted and made a big red patch the size of a quarter. It will eventually peel and be OK but I won't try that again. That stuff is dangerous. I can't believe you can buy that stuff!
Pearl Jam bootlegs: