So, if a person puts "best available" as their #1 priority, how could someone with a #2 priority or worse win that same show?
They would win if there were still tickets left over from the 1st priority draw and everyones name was drawn and one.
They would then start the second priority draw until all the tickets were claimed or names ran out. Whichever comes first.
I assumed that to be the case too. However, there were many people last night advising that they had just received their Toronto BA 2nd priority confirmations, while I didn't receive confirmation on my Toronto BA 1st priority until at least 30 minutes later (and I was refreshing email/ no CC issues etc). I am happy to be in the building, but question whether
A) the time you submitted your request (I didn't submit until Wednesday afternoon);
your membership number (I have a high membership number); or
C) human processing of requests (ie multiple people processing, one person finishes their 1st priority requests and moves on to 2nd while another person is still working on their 1st priority requests)
played into it.
Hope that those were shut out have success in the coming days and in February.
I think, like any situation, people are just trying to piece it together.
Like that one person on this thread....admitted that they resubmitted their tickets, and left out the other city.
I think people just want to get to the bottom of this one. It that this OP happened to actually be the ONE percent who got shut out of the first one, then it was a 50/50 shake for the 2nd one and lost out.
But everyone is just trying to understand the new system.
Well that sucks, I didn't notice my last name was missing from my TM account either. Anyone know if they've started drawing for Denver yet?
Does not sound like it, so hopefully you have time to go in and fix
Your last name very well might be associated with your lottery order - even if it doesn't appear in your Ticketmaster profile. When I called TM customer service this morning they confirmed my last name was associated with the order since I entered it during the order process (even though it wasn't appearing on my TM profile). But either way, I was able to update the profile and they said I would be fine.
I entered for the two OAK shows, which also draw today.
Wait- OAKLAND draws today?!
Yup. My productivity has plummeted ever since I found out.
5/28/06 - Camden, NJ 5/30/06 - Washington, DC 6/22/08 - Washington, DC 10/31/09 - Philadelphia, PA 8/5/16 - Fenway Park Temple of the Dog - 11/5/2016 - Philadelphia, PA 7/1/2018 - Prague 7/3/2018 - Kraków 7/5/2018 - Berlin
When you guys say "best available" do you just mean you put GA first and RS second? Or did I miss something?
That was the only way to do both GA and reserved.
No, there were two different ways to do this. You could EITHER select "Best Available" (which if you clicked it would automatically select GA and Reserved) or you could individually select GA and Reserved both (which if you did that would automatically select "Best Available" above). Doesn't matter which way you went about it, the end result is the same (I believe).
Friend got this response after I told him to check the name on his account and it showed only his first name:
Thank you for contacting us via email. I'll be happy to assist you with your ticket request . I apologize for any inconvenience, regarding your request. Your ticket request is valid. We cannot check on our end if the order is going to be declined. When placing the ticket request, it was made clear that the name on ten club and ticketmaster have to match. You will be notified if you are or are not awarded tickets. Email confirmations will be sent out on a show-by-show basis over the course of 4 days, beginning Thursday, January 16th. Tickets will be digitally delivered with seat locations during the week of January 27th. If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact us back.
At the end of the day, out of hundreds or thousands submitting lottery entries, how many got shut out on confirmed non-user error? One, the OP? I think everyone is getting jumpy on here. Too many profiles on TM that had missing last names by default. If that was the issue, there would be many more people shut out
Need one person that had only a 1st name on their TM profile when submitted AND didn't use the same email addresses between 10C and TM to come on and say they won tickets. Then some of the panic would subside. I'm still scared shitless.
Wow, this effing thread......Anyway, beautiful snow day here in Utah, coming down in buckets...I'm calling in sick and going skiing. Hopefully this afternoon I'll get my Denver confirmation, if not, I'll rethink if I even feel like even going to Denver in April. But If I do...I WILL score tix, like I always do, pretty simple. Good luck hashing this shit out.....
2006: Las Vegas, Nevada 2009: Salt Lake City, Utah 2012: Missoula, Montana 2014: Denver, Colorado 2018: Missoula, Montana
Friend got this response after I told him to check the name on his account and it showed only his first name:
Thank you for contacting us via email. I'll be happy to assist you with your ticket request . I apologize for any inconvenience, regarding your request. Your ticket request is valid. We cannot check on our end if the order is going to be declined. When placing the ticket request, it was made clear that the name on ten club and ticketmaster have to match. You will be notified if you are or are not awarded tickets. Email confirmations will be sent out on a show-by-show basis over the course of 4 days, beginning Thursday, January 16th. Tickets will be digitally delivered with seat locations during the week of January 27th. If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact us back.
That doesn't say a whole lot we didn't already know. The bold part should trump everything else.
The odds are BS and demand for this tour will be higher than ever. Demand exceeds supply which means that some people will not get tickets. That is all, there is your explanation.
That WOULD make sense... if TOR weren't his 1st choice, and others got in with TOR as their 3rd choice. So no, it's not an odds issue.
LOTTERY - a process whose success or outcome is governed by chance. Sometimes your name is called, sometimes it is not. It is not complicated.
Correct. Other unknown factors:
How many tickets per venue were actually allocated to the 10club. Were identical amounts allocated for each venue? Were more tickets secured for some venues and less at others?
How were the ticket odds actually calculated? How often were the odds being updated? Was there a large last minute submittal of ticket requests that would have caused the actual odds to be off at the moment of the draw and the site was not updated? How were submissions of “best available” classified in the odds, or were they even included in the odds calculation?
How were the ticket draws actually done? Let’s say there were 5,000 tickets per venue available. And they put 3000 tickets in the “first priority” draw. Those who had first priority, but not selected got bumped into “second priority” draw with 1000 tickets with all the people who had made that selection, and so on?
No one here actually knows how the draw went. No where in any communication was there language that everyone would be guaranteed tickets if the odds showed 99%. If someone really sleuthed around the ticket site they’d probably find language stating that the reflected odds may not be accurate or considered accurate.
sometimes people get lucky, sometimes things suck.
They do not do it that way. Why are we complicating things.
If there is 5000 pairs to be won and 10,000 people put in for them odds are at 50%
They draw first priority first (crazy I know). Lets say 4000 people put in as a first pick. All of those people are selected and win their show thus giving them all 100% true odds.
They then move on to second priority (crazy again I know) Lets say 4000 people put in for it as a second pick. Only 1000 pairs are left so only 25% of these people are going to win. Their true odds are 25% and the majority of the second picks lose out.
3rd and 4th get nothing since there are no more tickets left and their true odds are 0%.
So, if a person puts "best available" as their #1 priority, how could someone with a #2 priority or worse win that same show?
Only way that makes sense is if their submission fails some sort of validation (TC email doesn't match from their entry to what is in TC as an example)
FYI - my response when asking about the random missing last name in my TM account.
Hello Jeremy,
Thank you for reaching Ten Club Support. I'd be happy to assist you!
Unfortunately, we wouldn't be able to tell you if that would affect your chances. Ticket confirmations will be sent out on a show-by-show basis over the course of 4 days, beginning Thursday, January 16 and ending Sunday, January 19. If you were selected tickets, or not selected you would be notified by 1/19.
If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at 1-800-594-8499.
Well that sucks, I didn't notice my last name was missing from my TM account either. Anyone know if they've started drawing for Denver yet?
A close friend of mine says he's received his confirmation of Denver tickets.
Memphis 1994 New Orleans 1995 Fort Lauderdale 1996 Atlanta & Birmingham 1998 New Orleans 2000 Tampa 2003 Kissimmee 2004 New York City (x 2) 2008 East Troy (x 2) 2011 Chicago & New Orleans 2013 Hampton, Raleigh, Boston 2016 Baltimore2020 Louisville 2022 Philadelphia & Baltimore 2024
Friend got this response after I told him to check the name on his account and it showed only his first name:
Thank you for contacting us via email. I'll be happy to assist you with your ticket request . I apologize for any inconvenience, regarding your request. Your ticket request is valid. We cannot check on our end if the order is going to be declined. When placing the ticket request, it was made clear that the name on ten club and ticketmaster have to match. You will be notified if you are or are not awarded tickets. Email confirmations will be sent out on a show-by-show basis over the course of 4 days, beginning Thursday, January 16th. Tickets will be digitally delivered with seat locations during the week of January 27th. If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact us back.
That doesn't say a whole lot we didn't already know. The bold part should trump everything else.
Sure but it might help with some of the anxiety going around that people have because tm account only shows first name
FYI - my response when asking about the random missing last name in my TM account.
Hello Jeremy,
Thank you for reaching Ten Club Support. I'd be happy to assist you!
Unfortunately, we wouldn't be able to tell you if that would affect your chances. Ticket confirmations will be sent out on a show-by-show basis over the course of 4 days, beginning Thursday, January 16 and ending Sunday, January 19. If you were selected tickets, or not selected you would be notified by 1/19.
If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at 1-800-594-8499.
Thank you,
Christina A.
Ten Club's Ticketmaster Presale Fan Support
Yeah. I got same type of email. We really need to hear from tenclub, not the ticketmaster support
At the end of the day, out of hundreds or thousands submitting lottery entries, how many got shut out on confirmed non-user error? One, the OP? I think everyone is getting jumpy on here. Too many profiles on TM that had missing last names by default. If that was the issue, there would be many more people shut out
there are quite a few people on facebook saying they lost, and on the surface it appears they were BA requests, so either these people are all lying, mostly lying, mostly wrong, or all wrong. But the universe of people that lost is while not huge, larger than the few here.
Friend got this response after I told him to check the name on his account and it showed only his first name:
Thank you for contacting us via email. I'll be happy to assist you with your ticket request . I apologize for any inconvenience, regarding your request. Your ticket request is valid. We cannot check on our end if the order is going to be declined. When placing the ticket request, it was made clear that the name on ten club and ticketmaster have to match. You will be notified if you are or are not awarded tickets. Email confirmations will be sent out on a show-by-show basis over the course of 4 days, beginning Thursday, January 16th. Tickets will be digitally delivered with seat locations during the week of January 27th. If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact us back.
That doesn't say a whole lot we didn't already know. The bold part should trump everything else.
Copying and pasting my post from a previous page...
Like others, just this morning (1/17) I realized TM's default only listed my first name on my account. Big thanks to those posting about similar situations as it gave me the opportunity to go in and add my last name. I just spoke w/ a TM rep via the pre-sale phone number given by 10C and they said if last names were added for today's drawings then all is well, as they've yet to process today's drawings. Just wanted to pass this along to hopefully alleviate some concerns.
For folks hearing back on tickets this far...are those emails going to your 10c email account?
Went to my ticketmaster account email......
03/20/94 - Ann Arbor 09/22/96 - Toledo 10/16/14 - Detroit 09/26/21 - Dana Point 10/01/21 - Dana Point 10/02/21 - Dana Point 05/06/22 - Los Angeles 05/07/22 - Los Angeles 07/03/22 - Stockholm 07/05/22 - Copenhagen 09/08/22 - Toronto 09/16/22 - Nashville 09/18/22 - St. Louis 09/20/22 - OKC 09/05/23 - Chicago 09/07/23 - Chicago 05/16/24 - Vegas 05/18/24 - Vegas
Friend got this response after I told him to check the name on his account and it showed only his first name:
Thank you for contacting us via email. I'll be happy to assist you with your ticket request . I apologize for any inconvenience, regarding your request. Your ticket request is valid. We cannot check on our end if the order is going to be declined. When placing the ticket request, it was made clear that the name on ten club and ticketmaster have to match. You will be notified if you are or are not awarded tickets. Email confirmations will be sent out on a show-by-show basis over the course of 4 days, beginning Thursday, January 16th. Tickets will be digitally delivered with seat locations during the week of January 27th. If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact us back.
That doesn't say a whole lot we didn't already know. The bold part should trump everything else.
Copying and pasting my post from a previous page...
Like others, just this morning (1/17) I realized TM's default only listed my first name on my account. Big thanks to those posting about similar situations as it gave me the opportunity to go in and add my last name. I just spoke w/ a TM rep via the pre-sale phone number given by 10C and they said if last names were added for today's drawings then all is well, as they've yet to process today's drawings. Just wanted to pass this along to hopefully alleviate some concerns.
Hope thats true. Need one person in this boat to say it didn't affect their winning tickets.
The whole emails and name matching is reminding me of how if you didn’t fill the 3x5 file card out the right was to mail order for Grateful Dead tickets you would get em.
Kinda simple. No match. No tickets.
Marquee 91 Wetlands 91 CBGB 91 Roseland 91 and many, many more
Like that one person on this thread....admitted that they resubmitted their tickets, and left out the other city.
I think people just want to get to the bottom of this one. It that this OP happened to actually be the ONE percent who got shut out of the first one, then it was a 50/50 shake for the 2nd one and lost out.
But everyone is just trying to understand the new system.
Nuclear fission
5/30/06 - Washington, DC
6/22/08 - Washington, DC
10/31/09 - Philadelphia, PA
8/5/16 - Fenway Park
Temple of the Dog - 11/5/2016 - Philadelphia, PA
7/1/2018 - Prague
7/3/2018 - Kraków
7/5/2018 - Berlin
1st priority:
Chicago GA Only
2nd Priority
Chicago Reserved Only.
how it worked this could do this:
1st Priority
Chicago GA only
1st Priority
Chicago Reserved Only
1st Priority
Chicago GA OR RESERVED - Best Available
If you selected both GA and reserved, you would get "best available" automatically selected on your entry.
Nuclear fission
Nuclear fission
Thank you for contacting us via email. I'll be happy to assist you with your ticket request . I apologize for any inconvenience, regarding your request. Your ticket request is valid. We cannot check on our end if the order is going to be declined. When placing the ticket request, it was made clear that the name on ten club and ticketmaster have to match. You will be notified if you are or are not awarded tickets. Email confirmations will be sent out on a show-by-show basis over the course of 4 days, beginning Thursday, January 16th. Tickets will be digitally delivered with seat locations during the week of January 27th. If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact us back.
2009: Salt Lake City, Utah
2012: Missoula, Montana
2014: Denver, Colorado
2018: Missoula, Montana
Only way that makes sense is if their submission fails some sort of validation (TC email doesn't match from their entry to what is in TC as an example)
FYI - my response when asking about the random missing last name in my TM account.
Hello Jeremy,
Thank you for reaching Ten Club Support. I'd be happy to assist you!
Unfortunately, we wouldn't be able to tell you if that would affect your chances. Ticket confirmations will be sent out on a show-by-show basis over the course of 4 days, beginning Thursday, January 16 and ending Sunday, January 19. If you were selected tickets, or not selected you would be notified by 1/19.
If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at 1-800-594-8499.
Thank you,
Christina A.
Ten Club's Ticketmaster Presale Fan Support
New Orleans 1995
Fort Lauderdale 1996
Atlanta & Birmingham 1998
New Orleans 2000
Tampa 2003
Kissimmee 2004
New York City (x 2) 2008
East Troy (x 2) 2011
Chicago & New Orleans 2013
Hampton, Raleigh, Boston 2016
Baltimore 2020
Louisville 2022
Philadelphia & Baltimore 2024 (Sports Program for Kids with Disabilities)
Like others, just this morning (1/17) I realized TM's default only listed my first name on my account. Big thanks to those posting about similar situations as it gave me the opportunity to go in and add my last name. I just spoke w/ a TM rep via the pre-sale phone number given by 10C and they said if last names were added for today's drawings then all is well, as they've yet to process today's drawings. Just wanted to pass this along to hopefully alleviate some concerns.
09/22/96 - Toledo
10/16/14 - Detroit
09/26/21 - Dana Point
10/01/21 - Dana Point
10/02/21 - Dana Point
05/06/22 - Los Angeles
05/07/22 - Los Angeles
07/03/22 - Stockholm
07/05/22 - Copenhagen
09/08/22 - Toronto
09/16/22 - Nashville
09/18/22 - St. Louis
09/20/22 - OKC
09/05/23 - Chicago
09/07/23 - Chicago
05/16/24 - Vegas
05/18/24 - Vegas
SO either it didn't matter, or it was in time.
I'm guessing didn't matter (Sports Program for Kids with Disabilities)
Wetlands 91
Roseland 91
and many, many more