Brian, a LOT of people are calling her the most qualified person to run for POTUS. People who are generally well-respected and knowledgeable. Google it. Just because you don't agree doesn't mean the idea is completely ridiculous. She has a massive amount of experience - more than almost anyone now or ever - so it's not actually a ludicrous premise at all. Just one you don't agree with.
Also one of the most corrupt...Has there even been someone running for POTUS who was actively being investigated by the FBI? Who has more baggage than she does over her 30 years of service? Who dare I say is the most corrupt ever? I challenge not her knowledge but her decision making which seems to be in question on a repeated basis
I actually don't think she is any more corrupt that your average high level American politician. She just happened to be outed by wikileaks. So actually there is more transparency with her than we've ever seen with a POTUS before. In a way, that should be comforting to people, lol. She acted like a regular politician in her position, and we can finally see behind the curtain (many are just having what they already knew confirmed, but a surprising number seem to have genuinely trusted politicians, which is kind of hilarious and sad at the same time). Instead, many are choosing to translate finally seeing evidence of something common (for better or worse) as something extraordinary and rare. It reminds me of how people think violence or child abductions have skyrocketed. Er, no, they haven't. We just find out about them way more often now, so people are suddenly excessively conscious of the minimal risk they have always been under.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
she got caught thieving, so there is more transparency with her. BEST ARGUMENT I EVER HEARD.
Osama Bin Laden got caught, lotsa transparency. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris got caught, quite the transparent duo. Bernie Madoff got caught and his transparency shined a beaming light.
Brian, a LOT of people are calling her the most qualified person to run for POTUS. People who are generally well-respected and knowledgeable. Google it. Just because you don't agree doesn't mean the idea is completely ridiculous. She has a massive amount of experience - more than almost anyone now or ever - so it's not actually a ludicrous premise at all. Just one you don't agree with.
Also one of the most corrupt...Has there even been someone running for POTUS who was actively being investigated by the FBI (outside of Hoover keeping tabs on anyone who ran)? Who has more baggage than she does over her 30 years of service? Who dare I say is the most corrupt ever? I challenge not her knowledge but her decision making which seems to be in question on a repeated basis
30 years of fishing expeditions. And nothing has stuck. Let's say that together: Nothing. Has. Stuck.
And now we have what appears to be another smear campaign: FBI has launched an internal investigation into one of its own Twitter accounts. The account at issue, @FBIRecordsVault, had been dormant for more than a year. Then on October 30 at 4 a.m., the account released a flood of documents, including one describing Donald Trump’s father Fred Trump as a “philanthropist.” Two days later, the account tweeted documents regarding President Bill Clinton’s controversial pardon of Marc Rich. The account has not been active since that tweet.
Since that time, there has been a series of leaks about FBI activity that appear to be designed to damage Hillary Clinton and benefit Donald Trump. An anonymous source for example, leaked to the Wall Street Journal that there was an investigation — including “secret recordings” — into the Clinton Foundation. The New York Times, also citing anonymous sources, reported that the FBI believed that Russia was just trying to disrupt the U.S. election, not help Donald Trump.
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,767
You Clinton fans certainly are die-hards. Gotta give you credit for that. But really, trying to convince us that this is simply a witch hunt? Or that this is some plot by the FBI to get Trump elected president?
Well, good luck with convincing yourselves how wonderful is your Hillary. Talk about setting the bar low.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
she got caught thieving, so there is more transparency with her. BEST ARGUMENT I EVER HEARD.
Osama Bin Laden got caught, lotsa transparency. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris got caught, quite the transparent duo. Bernie Madoff got caught and his transparency shined a beaming light.
Hahaha.... Hilarious right?!?
Imagine that being your defense. Well Collin Powell did it. Well other politicians did it.
That's freaking great! Only problem is that you got caught! And they didn't. What a fine example this politician is setting for our great country. I want to grow up to be a drug dealer who never gets caught.
You Clinton fans certainly are die-hards. Gotta give you credit for that. But really, trying to convince us that this is simply a witch hunt? Or that this is some plot by the FBI to get Trump elected president?
Well, good luck with convincing yourselves how wonderful is your Hillary. Talk about setting the bar low.
Well will just have to see no ? No matter what next weds morning will have a new president and if it feels good to you that you voted for neither of the two candidates that do have a shot I say good for you as long as your happy with your choice ..
jesus greets me looks just like me ....
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,767
she got caught thieving, so there is more transparency with her. BEST ARGUMENT I EVER HEARD.
Osama Bin Laden got caught, lotsa transparency. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris got caught, quite the transparent duo. Bernie Madoff got caught and his transparency shined a beaming light.
Hahaha.... Hilarious right?!?
Imagine that being your defense. Well Collin Powell did it. Well other politicians did it.
That's freaking great! Only problem is that you got caught! And they didn't. What a fine example this politician is setting for our great country. I want to grow up to be a drug dealer who never gets caught.
Oh, but it's all made up. Hillary is a shining example of goodness!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
You Clinton fans certainly are die-hards. Gotta give you credit for that. But really, trying to convince us that this is simply a witch hunt? Or that this is some plot by the FBI to get Trump elected president?
Well, good luck with convincing yourselves how wonderful is your Hillary. Talk about setting the bar low.
I'm hoping to have Kaine by middle of 2017 lol
I really hope that Clinton's corruption doesn't distract progressives from the importance of replacing repubs with dems on the down ticket offices.
Monkey Driven, Call this Living?
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
You Clinton fans certainly are die-hards. Gotta give you credit for that. But really, trying to convince us that this is simply a witch hunt? Or that this is some plot by the FBI to get Trump elected president?
Well, good luck with convincing yourselves how wonderful is your Hillary. Talk about setting the bar low.
I said the same thing, the prospects are all better next time.
she got caught thieving, so there is more transparency with her. BEST ARGUMENT I EVER HEARD.
Osama Bin Laden got caught, lotsa transparency. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris got caught, quite the transparent duo. Bernie Madoff got caught and his transparency shined a beaming light.
Hahaha.... Hilarious right?!?
Imagine that being your defense. Well Collin Powell did it. Well other politicians did it.
That's freaking great! Only problem is that you got caught! And they didn't. What a fine example this politician is setting for our great country. I want to grow up to be a drug dealer who never gets caught.
They're called pharmacists or Pharmaceutical-Americans if you're not into the whole brevity thing
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
Regarding the Seth Meyers video and list- I think this misses the point. Of course Trump is a buffoon and does not belong in the White House. But one man's baffoonery does not eliminated another woman's serious breach of trustworthiness. The indictment should be on the American voting populous for not being able to nominate two respectful candidates.
Regarding your hopes, Kat, that Hillary will receive support after she is elected- she already has a low approval rating and will have to walk on water to change that once elected. Again, what this speaks of is the American voting populous not being able to elect two candidates who inspire hope, who have proven trustworthiness and integrity and who would make good leaders.
As to Hillary being impeached- again, it is the voting public who have proved themselves incapable of making good choices. This should be about us as much as or more than about the two candidates.
wall of text warning
Take a look at the image below. On the right side you’ll see a chart. This is a chart of Hillary’s popularity over time. It was put together by Nate Silver, who based it on over 500 high-quality phone surveys dating back to the early 90’s. If we take a look at the polling data, very obvious patterns emerge.
In the early 90’s her polling was great, which was typical for an incoming First Lady. But Hillary had no interest in being a typical First Lady, and soon took charge of one of the most important policy initiatives of the Clinton Presidency: Universal Health Care. If you look at the first large red arrow I have on the graphic, you’ll see that as soon as she did that her negatives skyrocketed. And yes this was before Whitewater. In fact during the ongoing Whitewater investigations her polling improved dramatically, so she actually became significantly MORE popular during that period, not less.
Now take a look at the second arrow. This is where she declared that she was going to run for the Senate. See what happened? She was at one of the most popular periods of her life, but as soon as she declared a run for the Senate her favorables plummeted while her unfavorables rose sharply. Then once she was elected, her scores stabilized and even improved. Now look at the third arrow. Nearly exactly at the same time she withdrew from the Presidential race her favorables took off again, rising to levels that many considered remarkable. (Or are we pretending not to remember that until very recently Hillary was one of the most popular politicians in the country?) In fact the image on the left of the graph is part of the “bad-ass Hillary” meme that started during this time. And her polling stayed high right up until she decided to run for President again. Her numbers since then are not on this particular graph, but I think we all know what happened to them.
So what do we see in this data? What I see is that the public view of Hillary Clinton does not seem to be correlated to “scandals” or issues of character or whether she murdered Vince Foster. No, the one thing that seems to most negatively and consistently affect public perception of Hillary is any attempt by her to seek power. Once she actually has that power her polls go up again. But whenever she asks for it her numbers drop like a manhole cover.
By any objective measure Hillary Clinton is not just the most qualified candidate this season, she’s one of the most qualified people to ever seek the office. Hillary is nobody’s idea of perfect. Fine. But in my view if a man with her qualifications were running in the Democratic primary, Bernie would have been done before he even started. And if a man with her qualifications had been running for the Republicans, they’d be anointing him the next Reagan while trying to sneak his face onto Mount Rushmore. Most of the people who hate Hillary when she’s running for office end up liking her just fine once she’s won.
WIKILEAKS: "We agreed that if she gets a significant primary challenger, we need to consider changing course and getting NY, NJ, and maybe others to move their dates earlier to give her hefty early wins."
WIKILEAKS: "We agreed that if she gets a significant primary challenger, we need to consider changing course and getting NY, NJ, and maybe others to move their dates earlier to give her hefty early wins."
Regarding the Seth Meyers video and list- I think this misses the point. Of course Trump is a buffoon and does not belong in the White House. But one man's baffoonery does not eliminated another woman's serious breach of trustworthiness. The indictment should be on the American voting populous for not being able to nominate two respectful candidates.
Regarding your hopes, Kat, that Hillary will receive support after she is elected- she already has a low approval rating and will have to walk on water to change that once elected. Again, what this speaks of is the American voting populous not being able to elect two candidates who inspire hope, who have proven trustworthiness and integrity and who would make good leaders.
As to Hillary being impeached- again, it is the voting public who have proved themselves incapable of making good choices. This should be about us as much as or more than about the two candidates.
wall of text warning
Take a look at the image below. On the right side you’ll see a chart. This is a chart of Hillary’s popularity over time. It was put together by Nate Silver, who based it on over 500 high-quality phone surveys dating back to the early 90’s. If we take a look at the polling data, very obvious patterns emerge.
In the early 90’s her polling was great, which was typical for an incoming First Lady. But Hillary had no interest in being a typical First Lady, and soon took charge of one of the most important policy initiatives of the Clinton Presidency: Universal Health Care. If you look at the first large red arrow I have on the graphic, you’ll see that as soon as she did that her negatives skyrocketed. And yes this was before Whitewater. In fact during the ongoing Whitewater investigations her polling improved dramatically, so she actually became significantly MORE popular during that period, not less.
Now take a look at the second arrow. This is where she declared that she was going to run for the Senate. See what happened? She was at one of the most popular periods of her life, but as soon as she declared a run for the Senate her favorables plummeted while her unfavorables rose sharply. Then once she was elected, her scores stabilized and even improved. Now look at the third arrow. Nearly exactly at the same time she withdrew from the Presidential race her favorables took off again, rising to levels that many considered remarkable. (Or are we pretending not to remember that until very recently Hillary was one of the most popular politicians in the country?) In fact the image on the left of the graph is part of the “bad-ass Hillary” meme that started during this time. And her polling stayed high right up until she decided to run for President again. Her numbers since then are not on this particular graph, but I think we all know what happened to them.
So what do we see in this data? What I see is that the public view of Hillary Clinton does not seem to be correlated to “scandals” or issues of character or whether she murdered Vince Foster. No, the one thing that seems to most negatively and consistently affect public perception of Hillary is any attempt by her to seek power. Once she actually has that power her polls go up again. But whenever she asks for it her numbers drop like a manhole cover.
By any objective measure Hillary Clinton is not just the most qualified candidate this season, she’s one of the most qualified people to ever seek the office. Hillary is nobody’s idea of perfect. Fine. But in my view if a man with her qualifications were running in the Democratic primary, Bernie would have been done before he even started. And if a man with her qualifications had been running for the Republicans, they’d be anointing him the next Reagan while trying to sneak his face onto Mount Rushmore. Most of the people who hate Hillary when she’s running for office end up liking her just fine once she’s won.
Nice try, but she is one of the two most unpopular candidates ever. That's documented too.
But not because of her actual qualifications and achievements and failures. She is the most unpopular candidate ever because of years of spin and rhetoric and propaganda. In reality she is pretty run-of-the-mill but with a shit load of experience and knowledge (which is not really a compliment, since a run-of-the-mill politicians isn't so awesome).
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
WIKILEAKS: "We agreed that if she gets a significant primary challenger, we need to consider changing course and getting NY, NJ, and maybe others to move their dates earlier to give her hefty early wins."
WIKILEAKS: "We agreed that if she gets a significant primary challenger, we need to consider changing course and getting NY, NJ, and maybe others to move their dates earlier to give her hefty early wins."
Regarding the Seth Meyers video and list- I think this misses the point. Of course Trump is a buffoon and does not belong in the White House. But one man's baffoonery does not eliminated another woman's serious breach of trustworthiness. The indictment should be on the American voting populous for not being able to nominate two respectful candidates.
Regarding your hopes, Kat, that Hillary will receive support after she is elected- she already has a low approval rating and will have to walk on water to change that once elected. Again, what this speaks of is the American voting populous not being able to elect two candidates who inspire hope, who have proven trustworthiness and integrity and who would make good leaders.
As to Hillary being impeached- again, it is the voting public who have proved themselves incapable of making good choices. This should be about us as much as or more than about the two candidates.
wall of text warning
Take a look at the image below. On the right side you’ll see a chart. This is a chart of Hillary’s popularity over time. It was put together by Nate Silver, who based it on over 500 high-quality phone surveys dating back to the early 90’s. If we take a look at the polling data, very obvious patterns emerge.
In the early 90’s her polling was great, which was typical for an incoming First Lady. But Hillary had no interest in being a typical First Lady, and soon took charge of one of the most important policy initiatives of the Clinton Presidency: Universal Health Care. If you look at the first large red arrow I have on the graphic, you’ll see that as soon as she did that her negatives skyrocketed. And yes this was before Whitewater. In fact during the ongoing Whitewater investigations her polling improved dramatically, so she actually became significantly MORE popular during that period, not less.
Now take a look at the second arrow. This is where she declared that she was going to run for the Senate. See what happened? She was at one of the most popular periods of her life, but as soon as she declared a run for the Senate her favorables plummeted while her unfavorables rose sharply. Then once she was elected, her scores stabilized and even improved. Now look at the third arrow. Nearly exactly at the same time she withdrew from the Presidential race her favorables took off again, rising to levels that many considered remarkable. (Or are we pretending not to remember that until very recently Hillary was one of the most popular politicians in the country?) In fact the image on the left of the graph is part of the “bad-ass Hillary” meme that started during this time. And her polling stayed high right up until she decided to run for President again. Her numbers since then are not on this particular graph, but I think we all know what happened to them.
So what do we see in this data? What I see is that the public view of Hillary Clinton does not seem to be correlated to “scandals” or issues of character or whether she murdered Vince Foster. No, the one thing that seems to most negatively and consistently affect public perception of Hillary is any attempt by her to seek power. Once she actually has that power her polls go up again. But whenever she asks for it her numbers drop like a manhole cover.
By any objective measure Hillary Clinton is not just the most qualified candidate this season, she’s one of the most qualified people to ever seek the office. Hillary is nobody’s idea of perfect. Fine. But in my view if a man with her qualifications were running in the Democratic primary, Bernie would have been done before he even started. And if a man with her qualifications had been running for the Republicans, they’d be anointing him the next Reagan while trying to sneak his face onto Mount Rushmore. Most of the people who hate Hillary when she’s running for office end up liking her just fine once she’s won.
Nice try, but she is one of the two most unpopular candidates ever. That's documented too.
That's the point, she's unpopular when she's a candidate: "No, the one thing that seems to most negatively and consistently affect public perception of Hillary is any attempt by her to seek power. Once she actually has that power her polls go up again. But whenever she asks for it her numbers drop like a manhole cover."
WIKILEAKS: "We agreed that if she gets a significant primary challenger, we need to consider changing course and getting NY, NJ, and maybe others to move their dates earlier to give her hefty early wins."
WIKILEAKS: "We agreed that if she gets a significant primary challenger, we need to consider changing course and getting NY, NJ, and maybe others to move their dates earlier to give her hefty early wins."
Regarding the Seth Meyers video and list- I think this misses the point. Of course Trump is a buffoon and does not belong in the White House. But one man's baffoonery does not eliminated another woman's serious breach of trustworthiness. The indictment should be on the American voting populous for not being able to nominate two respectful candidates.
Regarding your hopes, Kat, that Hillary will receive support after she is elected- she already has a low approval rating and will have to walk on water to change that once elected. Again, what this speaks of is the American voting populous not being able to elect two candidates who inspire hope, who have proven trustworthiness and integrity and who would make good leaders.
As to Hillary being impeached- again, it is the voting public who have proved themselves incapable of making good choices. This should be about us as much as or more than about the two candidates.
wall of text warning
Take a look at the image below. On the right side you’ll see a chart. This is a chart of Hillary’s popularity over time. It was put together by Nate Silver, who based it on over 500 high-quality phone surveys dating back to the early 90’s. If we take a look at the polling data, very obvious patterns emerge.
In the early 90’s her polling was great, which was typical for an incoming First Lady. But Hillary had no interest in being a typical First Lady, and soon took charge of one of the most important policy initiatives of the Clinton Presidency: Universal Health Care. If you look at the first large red arrow I have on the graphic, you’ll see that as soon as she did that her negatives skyrocketed. And yes this was before Whitewater. In fact during the ongoing Whitewater investigations her polling improved dramatically, so she actually became significantly MORE popular during that period, not less.
Now take a look at the second arrow. This is where she declared that she was going to run for the Senate. See what happened? She was at one of the most popular periods of her life, but as soon as she declared a run for the Senate her favorables plummeted while her unfavorables rose sharply. Then once she was elected, her scores stabilized and even improved. Now look at the third arrow. Nearly exactly at the same time she withdrew from the Presidential race her favorables took off again, rising to levels that many considered remarkable. (Or are we pretending not to remember that until very recently Hillary was one of the most popular politicians in the country?) In fact the image on the left of the graph is part of the “bad-ass Hillary” meme that started during this time. And her polling stayed high right up until she decided to run for President again. Her numbers since then are not on this particular graph, but I think we all know what happened to them.
So what do we see in this data? What I see is that the public view of Hillary Clinton does not seem to be correlated to “scandals” or issues of character or whether she murdered Vince Foster. No, the one thing that seems to most negatively and consistently affect public perception of Hillary is any attempt by her to seek power. Once she actually has that power her polls go up again. But whenever she asks for it her numbers drop like a manhole cover.
By any objective measure Hillary Clinton is not just the most qualified candidate this season, she’s one of the most qualified people to ever seek the office. Hillary is nobody’s idea of perfect. Fine. But in my view if a man with her qualifications were running in the Democratic primary, Bernie would have been done before he even started. And if a man with her qualifications had been running for the Republicans, they’d be anointing him the next Reagan while trying to sneak his face onto Mount Rushmore. Most of the people who hate Hillary when she’s running for office end up liking her just fine once she’s won.
Nice try, but she is one of the two most unpopular candidates ever. That's documented too.
That's the point, she's unpopular when she's a candidate: "No, the one thing that seems to most negatively and consistently affect public perception of Hillary is any attempt by her to seek power. Once she actually has that power her polls go up again. But whenever she asks for it her numbers drop like a manhole cover."
Ok, we'll see her for a poll numbers go up after she's president. Especially when she's ordering drone strikes.
I'll go back to refer to your graph rather than form my own opinion.
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,767
I don't go by polls, I go by what I hear people say. Even many of my more mainstream liberal party-line democratic friends have had serious doubts about Hillary for a long time. From what I've seen and heard over the years, I just don't see much Hillary love out there, now or in the past. Hillary as a popular candidate? Nice pipe dream I guess if you can convince yourself it's real.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
DWS: wanted to choose the city that was best prepared. Spoke with POTUS last night. Focused on logistics and money and the delegate has the best experience possible, Philadelphia was the strong leader. Wasn't even a close call.
HRC: I know the last visit you had there, they had more $$ in the bank then expected
DWS: They really did. Nutter called last night & mentioned another $1 million cash on hand. It really was about the delegate experience though and . No convention center, midtown manhattan, etc. Columbus was also very spread out. This is the setup that we want our delegates to have.
HRC: do you have to tell BdB and Coleman?
DWS: I do.
HRC: Important to say you went over all this with the president.
DWS: yes, met last night. Honestly, Philly was the most put together, best proposal by far, etc.
HRC: capacity to raise the money?
DWS: oh yes. Sat for an hour with David Cohen who will take a title with the host committee, benchmark fundraising will now be in the contract. I met with each mayor at the DNC and was firm about the money.
HRC: who are you putting in charge of the convention?
DWS: need to hire a CEO. Will run a process and determine that. If you have candidates that are good to look at, let me know and we'll be sure to let you know.
HRC: congratulations on the process. If we plan it right, all the great, historical sites of Philadelphia will be great for us
DWS: agreed, liberty bell, etc. It's great. Second thing, I've seen an uptick of negative stories about you in the press, I will gladly speak on your behalf.
HRC: thank you. Biding my time for now and thank you for the offer. Who should we talk to about this?
DWS: wanted to choose the city that was best prepared. Spoke with POTUS last night. Focused on logistics and money and the delegate has the best experience possible, Philadelphia was the strong leader. Wasn't even a close call.
HRC: I know the last visit you had there, they had more $$ in the bank then expected
DWS: They really did. Nutter called last night & mentioned another $1 million cash on hand. It really was about the delegate experience though and . No convention center, midtown manhattan, etc. Columbus was also very spread out. This is the setup that we want our delegates to have.
HRC: do you have to tell BdB and Coleman?
DWS: I do.
HRC: Important to say you went over all this with the president.
DWS: yes, met last night. Honestly, Philly was the most put together, best proposal by far, etc.
HRC: capacity to raise the money?
DWS: oh yes. Sat for an hour with David Cohen who will take a title with the host committee, benchmark fundraising will now be in the contract. I met with each mayor at the DNC and was firm about the money.
HRC: who are you putting in charge of the convention?
DWS: need to hire a CEO. Will run a process and determine that. If you have candidates that are good to look at, let me know and we'll be sure to let you know.
HRC: congratulations on the process. If we plan it right, all the great, historical sites of Philadelphia will be great for us
DWS: agreed, liberty bell, etc. It's great. Second thing, I've seen an uptick of negative stories about you in the press, I will gladly speak on your behalf.
HRC: thank you. Biding my time for now and thank you for the offer. Who should we talk to about this?
DWS: Tracey.
Wow... Unbelievable
Remember the Thomas Nine !! (10/02/2018) The Golden Age is 2 months away. And guess what….. you’re gonna love it! (teskeinc 11.19.24)
1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago 2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy 2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE) 2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston 2020: Oakland, Oakland:2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana 2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville 2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana; 2025: Pitt1, Pitt2
DWS: wanted to choose the city that was best prepared. Spoke with POTUS last night. Focused on logistics and money and the delegate has the best experience possible, Philadelphia was the strong leader. Wasn't even a close call.
HRC: I know the last visit you had there, they had more $$ in the bank then expected
DWS: They really did. Nutter called last night & mentioned another $1 million cash on hand. It really was about the delegate experience though and . No convention center, midtown manhattan, etc. Columbus was also very spread out. This is the setup that we want our delegates to have.
HRC: do you have to tell BdB and Coleman?
DWS: I do.
HRC: Important to say you went over all this with the president.
DWS: yes, met last night. Honestly, Philly was the most put together, best proposal by far, etc.
HRC: capacity to raise the money?
DWS: oh yes. Sat for an hour with David Cohen who will take a title with the host committee, benchmark fundraising will now be in the contract. I met with each mayor at the DNC and was firm about the money.
HRC: who are you putting in charge of the convention?
DWS: need to hire a CEO. Will run a process and determine that. If you have candidates that are good to look at, let me know and we'll be sure to let you know.
HRC: congratulations on the process. If we plan it right, all the great, historical sites of Philadelphia will be great for us
DWS: agreed, liberty bell, etc. It's great. Second thing, I've seen an uptick of negative stories about you in the press, I will gladly speak on your behalf.
HRC: thank you. Biding my time for now and thank you for the offer. Who should we talk to about this?
DWS: wanted to choose the city that was best prepared. Spoke with POTUS last night. Focused on logistics and money and the delegate has the best experience possible, Philadelphia was the strong leader. Wasn't even a close call.
HRC: I know the last visit you had there, they had more $$ in the bank then expected
DWS: They really did. Nutter called last night & mentioned another $1 million cash on hand. It really was about the delegate experience though and . No convention center, midtown manhattan, etc. Columbus was also very spread out. This is the setup that we want our delegates to have.
HRC: do you have to tell BdB and Coleman?
DWS: I do.
HRC: Important to say you went over all this with the president.
DWS: yes, met last night. Honestly, Philly was the most put together, best proposal by far, etc.
HRC: capacity to raise the money?
DWS: oh yes. Sat for an hour with David Cohen who will take a title with the host committee, benchmark fundraising will now be in the contract. I met with each mayor at the DNC and was firm about the money.
HRC: who are you putting in charge of the convention?
DWS: need to hire a CEO. Will run a process and determine that. If you have candidates that are good to look at, let me know and we'll be sure to let you know.
HRC: congratulations on the process. If we plan it right, all the great, historical sites of Philadelphia will be great for us
DWS: agreed, liberty bell, etc. It's great. Second thing, I've seen an uptick of negative stories about you in the press, I will gladly speak on your behalf.
HRC: thank you. Biding my time for now and thank you for the offer. Who should we talk to about this?
DWS: Tracey.
Wow... Unbelievable
How does this rate as noteworthy at all?
Oh, right, rigged.
This is the Hillary thread right? Forgot to ask ... Wasn't the DNC neutral? At of all people I would think germ would be upset by this stuff, considering he is a former BernieBro.
DWS: wanted to choose the city that was best prepared. Spoke with POTUS last night. Focused on logistics and money and the delegate has the best experience possible, Philadelphia was the strong leader. Wasn't even a close call.
HRC: I know the last visit you had there, they had more $$ in the bank then expected
DWS: They really did. Nutter called last night & mentioned another $1 million cash on hand. It really was about the delegate experience though and . No convention center, midtown manhattan, etc. Columbus was also very spread out. This is the setup that we want our delegates to have.
HRC: do you have to tell BdB and Coleman?
DWS: I do.
HRC: Important to say you went over all this with the president.
DWS: yes, met last night. Honestly, Philly was the most put together, best proposal by far, etc.
HRC: capacity to raise the money?
DWS: oh yes. Sat for an hour with David Cohen who will take a title with the host committee, benchmark fundraising will now be in the contract. I met with each mayor at the DNC and was firm about the money.
HRC: who are you putting in charge of the convention?
DWS: need to hire a CEO. Will run a process and determine that. If you have candidates that are good to look at, let me know and we'll be sure to let you know.
HRC: congratulations on the process. If we plan it right, all the great, historical sites of Philadelphia will be great for us
DWS: agreed, liberty bell, etc. It's great. Second thing, I've seen an uptick of negative stories about you in the press, I will gladly speak on your behalf.
HRC: thank you. Biding my time for now and thank you for the offer. Who should we talk to about this?
DWS: wanted to choose the city that was best prepared. Spoke with POTUS last night. Focused on logistics and money and the delegate has the best experience possible, Philadelphia was the strong leader. Wasn't even a close call.
HRC: I know the last visit you had there, they had more $$ in the bank then expected
DWS: They really did. Nutter called last night & mentioned another $1 million cash on hand. It really was about the delegate experience though and . No convention center, midtown manhattan, etc. Columbus was also very spread out. This is the setup that we want our delegates to have.
HRC: do you have to tell BdB and Coleman?
DWS: I do.
HRC: Important to say you went over all this with the president.
DWS: yes, met last night. Honestly, Philly was the most put together, best proposal by far, etc.
HRC: capacity to raise the money?
DWS: oh yes. Sat for an hour with David Cohen who will take a title with the host committee, benchmark fundraising will now be in the contract. I met with each mayor at the DNC and was firm about the money.
HRC: who are you putting in charge of the convention?
DWS: need to hire a CEO. Will run a process and determine that. If you have candidates that are good to look at, let me know and we'll be sure to let you know.
HRC: congratulations on the process. If we plan it right, all the great, historical sites of Philadelphia will be great for us
DWS: agreed, liberty bell, etc. It's great. Second thing, I've seen an uptick of negative stories about you in the press, I will gladly speak on your behalf.
HRC: thank you. Biding my time for now and thank you for the offer. Who should we talk to about this?
DWS: Tracey.
Wow... Unbelievable
Those assholes...
Do you have a source? Or is this more of your expert experience?
DWS: wanted to choose the city that was best prepared. Spoke with POTUS last night. Focused on logistics and money and the delegate has the best experience possible, Philadelphia was the strong leader. Wasn't even a close call.
HRC: I know the last visit you had there, they had more $$ in the bank then expected
DWS: They really did. Nutter called last night & mentioned another $1 million cash on hand. It really was about the delegate experience though and . No convention center, midtown manhattan, etc. Columbus was also very spread out. This is the setup that we want our delegates to have.
HRC: do you have to tell BdB and Coleman?
DWS: I do.
HRC: Important to say you went over all this with the president.
DWS: yes, met last night. Honestly, Philly was the most put together, best proposal by far, etc.
HRC: capacity to raise the money?
DWS: oh yes. Sat for an hour with David Cohen who will take a title with the host committee, benchmark fundraising will now be in the contract. I met with each mayor at the DNC and was firm about the money.
HRC: who are you putting in charge of the convention?
DWS: need to hire a CEO. Will run a process and determine that. If you have candidates that are good to look at, let me know and we'll be sure to let you know.
HRC: congratulations on the process. If we plan it right, all the great, historical sites of Philadelphia will be great for us
DWS: agreed, liberty bell, etc. It's great. Second thing, I've seen an uptick of negative stories about you in the press, I will gladly speak on your behalf.
HRC: thank you. Biding my time for now and thank you for the offer. Who should we talk to about this?
DWS: Tracey.
Wow... Unbelievable
How does this rate as noteworthy at all?
Oh, right, rigged.
This is the Hillary thread right? Forgot to ask ... Wasn't the DNC neutral? At of all people I would think germ would be upset by this stuff, considering he is a former BernieBro.
No, The DNC is not neutral. Their job is to get democrats elected. And they're succeeding.
DWS: wanted to choose the city that was best prepared. Spoke with POTUS last night. Focused on logistics and money and the delegate has the best experience possible, Philadelphia was the strong leader. Wasn't even a close call.
HRC: I know the last visit you had there, they had more $$ in the bank then expected
DWS: They really did. Nutter called last night & mentioned another $1 million cash on hand. It really was about the delegate experience though and . No convention center, midtown manhattan, etc. Columbus was also very spread out. This is the setup that we want our delegates to have.
HRC: do you have to tell BdB and Coleman?
DWS: I do.
HRC: Important to say you went over all this with the president.
DWS: yes, met last night. Honestly, Philly was the most put together, best proposal by far, etc.
HRC: capacity to raise the money?
DWS: oh yes. Sat for an hour with David Cohen who will take a title with the host committee, benchmark fundraising will now be in the contract. I met with each mayor at the DNC and was firm about the money.
HRC: who are you putting in charge of the convention?
DWS: need to hire a CEO. Will run a process and determine that. If you have candidates that are good to look at, let me know and we'll be sure to let you know.
HRC: congratulations on the process. If we plan it right, all the great, historical sites of Philadelphia will be great for us
DWS: agreed, liberty bell, etc. It's great. Second thing, I've seen an uptick of negative stories about you in the press, I will gladly speak on your behalf.
HRC: thank you. Biding my time for now and thank you for the offer. Who should we talk to about this?
DWS: Tracey.
Wow... Unbelievable
Those assholes...
Do you have a source? Or is this more of your expert experience?
Always be sure to footnote your expletives, people.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
Osama Bin Laden got caught, lotsa transparency.
Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris got caught, quite the transparent duo.
Bernie Madoff got caught and his transparency shined a beaming light.
And now we have what appears to be another smear campaign: FBI has launched an internal investigation into one of its own Twitter accounts.
The account at issue, @FBIRecordsVault, had been dormant for more than a year. Then on October 30 at 4 a.m., the account released a flood of documents, including one describing Donald Trump’s father Fred Trump as a “philanthropist.” Two days later, the account tweeted documents regarding President Bill Clinton’s controversial pardon of Marc Rich. The account has not been active since that tweet.
Since that time, there has been a series of leaks about FBI activity that appear to be designed to damage Hillary Clinton and benefit Donald Trump. An anonymous source for example, leaked to the Wall Street Journal that there was an investigation — including “secret recordings” — into the Clinton Foundation. The New York Times, also citing anonymous sources, reported that the FBI believed that Russia was just trying to disrupt the U.S. election, not help Donald Trump.
Well, good luck with convincing yourselves how wonderful is your Hillary. Talk about setting the bar low.
Imagine that being your defense. Well Collin Powell did it. Well other politicians did it.
That's freaking great! Only problem is that you got caught! And they didn't. What a fine example this politician is setting for our great country. I want to grow up to be a drug dealer who never gets caught.
I really hope that Clinton's corruption doesn't distract progressives from the importance of replacing repubs with dems on the down ticket offices.
or Pharmaceutical-Americans if you're not into the whole brevity thing
Oh wait ... Did I just discriminate against your gender? My bad.
"No, the one thing that seems to most negatively and consistently affect public perception of Hillary is any attempt by her to seek power. Once she actually has that power her polls go up again. But whenever she asks for it her numbers drop like a manhole cover."
Hillary Clinton most popular U.S. politician, poll shows
NBC/WSJ poll: Nearly 70% approve of Hillary Clinton's job
Hillary Clinton Exits With 69% Approval Rating
Ok, we'll see her for a poll numbers go up after she's president. Especially when she's ordering drone strikes.
I'll go back to refer to your graph rather than form my own opinion.
DWS: wanted to choose the city that was best prepared. Spoke with POTUS last night. Focused on logistics and money and the delegate has the best experience possible, Philadelphia was the strong leader. Wasn't even a close call.
HRC: I know the last visit you had there, they had more $$ in the bank then expected
DWS: They really did. Nutter called last night & mentioned another $1 million cash on hand. It really was about the delegate experience though and . No convention center, midtown manhattan, etc. Columbus was also very spread out. This is the setup that we want our delegates to have.
HRC: do you have to tell BdB and Coleman?
DWS: I do.
HRC: Important to say you went over all this with the president.
DWS: yes, met last night. Honestly, Philly was the most put together, best proposal by far, etc.
HRC: capacity to raise the money?
DWS: oh yes. Sat for an hour with David Cohen who will take a title with the host committee, benchmark fundraising will now be in the contract. I met with each mayor at the DNC and was firm about the money.
HRC: who are you putting in charge of the convention?
DWS: need to hire a CEO. Will run a process and determine that. If you have candidates that are good to look at, let me know and we'll be sure to let you know.
HRC: congratulations on the process. If we plan it right, all the great, historical sites of Philadelphia will be great for us
DWS: agreed, liberty bell, etc. It's great. Second thing, I've seen an uptick of negative stories about you in the press, I will gladly speak on your behalf.
HRC: thank you. Biding my time for now and thank you for the offer. Who should we talk to about this?
DWS: Tracey.
The Golden Age is 2 months away. And guess what….. you’re gonna love it! (teskeinc 11.19.24)
1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
2020: Oakland, Oakland: 2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana; 2025: Pitt1, Pitt2
How does this rate as noteworthy at all?
Oh, right, rigged.
Forgot to ask ... Wasn't the DNC neutral? At of all people I would think germ would be upset by this stuff, considering he is a former BernieBro.