President Obama has interfered with the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton by criticizing James Comey, his own FBI director, in an interview that appears to have been given specifically for spin and propaganda purposes to protect Hillary Clinton
Eric Holder was the Deputy Attorney General advising Bill Clinton about pardons when the Marc Rich pardon was granted by Pesident Clinton
"As deputy AG, Holder was in charge of advising the president on the merits of various petitions for pardon. Jack Quinn, a lawyer for Rich, approached Holder about clemency for his client. Quinn was a confidant of (Vice-President) Al Gore..."
"U.S. Pardon Attorney, Roger Adams, testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on 2/14/01 that with respect to Rich and Green, 'none of the regular procedures were followed.'
Former Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder previously testified that he was the only person at DOJ notified of the pardon sought by Rich. Holder was contacted directly by Jack Quinn, Marc Rich's attorney, and former White House Counsel."
Rich donated $450,000 to Clinton’s presidential library and made large donations to the DNC
Rich was indicted 1983, for tax evasion, wire fraud, racketeering, trading with the enemy (Iran, Libya, Cuba, and apartheid South Africa). At the time of his pardon in 2001 Rich was a fugitive from justice living in Switzerland
From /u/robspear: Here is an old article recounting some of the history, and making the argument that Holder's role in the pardon disqualified him as a candidate to be AJ under Obama.
Context: Eric Holder was Attorney General under President Obama. He was replaced by Loretta Lynch. Holder was the DOJ selection on the list of appointees Citigroup's recommended to President Obama.
Here's a link a discussion about Laura Sibley Director of New Life Laura Silsby, former director of The New Life Children's Refuge in Haiti. She and others were charged with criminal association and kidnapping for trying to smuggle 33 children out of Haiti. Most of the children were not orphans.
are there actual classes at Yale Law School that teach them how to be the best liars the world has ever known or was it something this wench gangster was born wit.
are there actual classes at Yale Law School that teach them how to be the best liars the world has ever known or was it something this wench gangster was born wit.
are there actual classes at Yale Law School that teach them how to be the best liars the world has ever known or was it something this wench gangster was born wit.
John Podesta was willing to discuss sensitive information with future boss Hillary Clinton while he worked for President Obama and she was a private citizen in August 2014 – but he knew better than to send the intel over Clinton’s private server from his Gmail account, emails released Thursday by WikiLeaks show.
In the exchange, Clinton, who had resigned as secretary of state 18 months earlier, asked then-Obama counselor Podesta if he knew who was responsible for an Aug. 18 airstrike in Tripoli, in which unidentified bombers blew up an Islamist-controlled arms depot in the Libyan capital.
I'm still fascinated by the support being thrown to Hillary- by people who previously were against her- who either are voting for "lesser of two evils" or now somehow are convinced that all the things they didn't like about Hillary are "not so bad after all"- I believe this is what is known as cognitive dissonance.
We get it, she's not perfect. Yes, she has some flaws. And in spite of the constant fishing expeditions, some people think she's not so bad after all very qualified for the position. In fact, every time there's a new accusation, I learn something more about Hillary that makes me like her more. Fact is, if Jesus Christ himself were running, the Right would smear him for running around with hookers and open an investigation into Temple-gate. It's not cognitive dissonance. It's using critical thinking to see past the political theater.
I'm guessing you have been a Hillary supporter from the get go- that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about people who prior to the convention where strongly critical of HRC and now are saying, "oh, she isn't so bad after all" and even strongly defending her. Please don't alter the content of what I'm asking here.
What's the point of running a campaign, if not to change people's minds? Hillary made her case, people listened, and decided to get behind her. Wasn't that the point of travelling around the country glad-handing for the last few months?
I'm not sure it was Hillary who changed the minds of the people I'm referring to. I think it was fear of not being able to change that which you have no control over (which has created a lot of cognitive dissonance) and a passionate dislike of Trump. Suddenly, for these people (not you), she is "not so bad".
I feel like I've gotten to know her better, so I like her more. Nothing sudden about it.
DynCorp child prostitution accusations, it’s the US State Department cable dated ‘June 23, 2009 - Kabul.’ The communication, which outlines a meeting between US diplomats and the Afghan government, makes special mention of one specific child prostitution case involving DynCorp and local Afghan officials. But the cable goes out of its way to not use any such language, only reiterating that the scandal needed to be covered up and the global media would need to play its part to accomplish it.
The State Dept cable leaked by WikiLeaks begins, ‘Assistant Ambassador Mussomeli discussed a range of issues with Minister of Interior (MoI) Hanif Atmar on June 23. On the Kunduz Regional Training Center (RTC) DynCorp event of April 11 (reftel), Atmar reiterated his insistence that the US try to quash any news article on the incident or circulation of a video connected with it. He continued to predict that publicity would "endanger lives”.’
Without going into detail, the State Dept cable goes on to outline the crime and the cover-up. It continues, ‘He disclosed that he has arrested two Afghan police and nine other Afghans as part of an MoI investigation into Afghans who facilitated this crime of "purchasing a service from a child." He pressed for CSTC-A to be given full control over the police training program, including contractors. Mussomeli counseled that an overreaction by the Afghan government (GIRoA) would only increase chances for the greater publicity the MoI is trying to forestall.’
Ritual pedophilia
According to the WikiLeaks account, the above incident isn’t unique. The report suggests the abuse of illegal drugs and underage boys is fairly common in Afghanistan. There is a historic and traditional Afghan ritual in which young boys are dressed up like attractive young girls. The boys are then made to dance seductively for their adult male overseers. Once sexual arousal has reached a pinnacle, the man or group of men often have sex with the young boy. Occasionally, the boys are kept permanently as sex slaves.
The ancient practice is outlawed by both Afghan law as well as Islamic law. But the ritual is reportedly still occurring and universally overlooked by authorities and Afghan society. Until Americans tried to get in on the act that is. The leaked communications specifically state that the outlawed pedophile ritual is socially acceptable, but only for Afghans. Outrage by Afghans over American participation was cited for the need to keep the DynCorp incident secret.
WikiLeaks also aimed its criticism at the Washington Post for being a willing participant in the child prostitution cover-up. Pointing to the Afghan and US suggestion that an effort be taken to “quash any news article on the incident” they wrote, ‘The strategy appeared to work when an article was published in July by the Washington Post about the incident, which made little of the affair, saying it was an incident of "questionable management oversight" in which foreign DynCorp workers "hired a teenage boy to perform a tribal dance at a company farewell party".’
I certainly hope there will be the strong support that's always needed so some walls will come down and being courageous will just be second nature again. That's how I see her.
I certainly hope there will be the strong support that's always needed so some walls will come down and being courageous will just be second nature again. That's how I see her.
Voters similarly are unhappy with both candidates, with less than a week before Election Day. Some still are finding it hard to choose between Trump and Hillary Clinton, NBC’s Late Night host acknowledged, understandingly. Speaking to those voters, Meyers wondered, on the one hand, do you pick someone who is under federal investigation for using a private email server. Or, Meyers said, do you pick someone who: “Called Mexicans rapists Claimed the president was born in Kenya Proposed banning an entire religion from entering the U.S. Mocked a disabled reporter Said John McCain wasn’t a war hero because he was captured Attacked the parents of a fallen war hero Bragged about committing sexual assault Was accused by 12 women of committing sexual assault Said some of those women weren’t attractive enough for him to sexually assault Said more countries should get nukes Said he would force the military to commit war crimes Said a judge was biased because his parents were Mexican Said women should be punished for having abortions Incited violence at his rallies Called global warming a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese Called for his opponent to be jailed Declared bankruptcy six times Bragged about not paying income taxes Stiffed his contractors and employees Lost a billion dollars in one year Scammed customers with his fake university Bought a 6-foot painting of himself with money from his fake foundation Has a trial for fraud coming up in November Insulted an opponent’s looks Insulted an opponent’s wife’s looks And, bragged about grabbing women by the pu**y.” “How do you choose?” Meyers despaired. “It’s so even.”
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
I certainly hope there will be the strong support that's always needed so some walls will come down and being courageous will just be second nature again. That's how I see her.
Voters similarly are unhappy with both candidates, with less than a week before Election Day. Some still are finding it hard to choose between Trump and Hillary Clinton, NBC’s Late Night host acknowledged, understandingly. Speaking to those voters, Meyers wondered, on the one hand, do you pick someone who is under federal investigation for using a private email server. Or, Meyers said, do you pick someone who: “Called Mexicans rapists Claimed the president was born in Kenya Proposed banning an entire religion from entering the U.S. Mocked a disabled reporter Said John McCain wasn’t a war hero because he was captured Attacked the parents of a fallen war hero Bragged about committing sexual assault Was accused by 12 women of committing sexual assault Said some of those women weren’t attractive enough for him to sexually assault Said more countries should get nukes Said he would force the military to commit war crimes Said a judge was biased because his parents were Mexican Said women should be punished for having abortions Incited violence at his rallies Called global warming a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese Called for his opponent to be jailed Declared bankruptcy six times Bragged about not paying income taxes Stiffed his contractors and employees Lost a billion dollars in one year Scammed customers with his fake university Bought a 6-foot painting of himself with money from his fake foundation Has a trial for fraud coming up in November Insulted an opponent’s looks Insulted an opponent’s wife’s looks And, bragged about grabbing women by the pu**y.” “How do you choose?” Meyers despaired. “It’s so even.”
I certainly hope there will be the strong support that's always needed so some walls will come down and being courageous will just be second nature again. That's how I see her.
are there actual classes at Yale Law School that teach them how to be the best liars the world has ever known or was it something this wench gangster was born wit.
are there actual classes at Yale Law School that teach them how to be the best liars the world has ever known or was it something this wench gangster was born wit.
Hillary supporters/instigators
Wit her pho life!! Are you SEXIST!!?!???
Are you a right wing baiter!?!?
In the exchange, Clinton, who had resigned as secretary of state 18 months earlier, asked then-Obama counselor Podesta if he knew who was responsible for an Aug. 18 airstrike in Tripoli, in which unidentified bombers blew up an Islamist-controlled arms depot in the Libyan capital.
“Yes and interesting but not for this channel,” Podesta replied in the Aug. 19, 2014 message to Clinton’s account.
DynCorp child prostitution accusations, it’s the US State Department cable dated ‘June 23, 2009 - Kabul.’ The communication, which outlines a meeting between US diplomats and the Afghan government, makes special mention of one specific child prostitution case involving DynCorp and local Afghan officials. But the cable goes out of its way to not use any such language, only reiterating that the scandal needed to be covered up and the global media would need to play its part to accomplish it.
The State Dept cable leaked by WikiLeaks begins, ‘Assistant Ambassador Mussomeli discussed a range of issues with Minister of Interior (MoI) Hanif Atmar on June 23. On the Kunduz Regional Training Center (RTC) DynCorp event of April 11 (reftel), Atmar reiterated his insistence that the US try to quash any news article on the incident or circulation of a video connected with it. He continued to predict that publicity would "endanger lives”.’
Without going into detail, the State Dept cable goes on to outline the crime and the cover-up. It continues, ‘He disclosed that he has arrested two Afghan police and nine other Afghans as part of an MoI investigation into Afghans who facilitated this crime of "purchasing a service from a child." He pressed for CSTC-A to be given full control over the police training program, including contractors. Mussomeli counseled that an overreaction by the Afghan government (GIRoA) would only increase chances for the greater publicity the MoI is trying to forestall.’
Ritual pedophilia
According to the WikiLeaks account, the above incident isn’t unique. The report suggests the abuse of illegal drugs and underage boys is fairly common in Afghanistan. There is a historic and traditional Afghan ritual in which young boys are dressed up like attractive young girls. The boys are then made to dance seductively for their adult male overseers. Once sexual arousal has reached a pinnacle, the man or group of men often have sex with the young boy. Occasionally, the boys are kept permanently as sex slaves.
The ancient practice is outlawed by both Afghan law as well as Islamic law. But the ritual is reportedly still occurring and universally overlooked by authorities and Afghan society. Until Americans tried to get in on the act that is. The leaked communications specifically state that the outlawed pedophile ritual is socially acceptable, but only for Afghans. Outrage by Afghans over American participation was cited for the need to keep the DynCorp incident secret.
WikiLeaks also aimed its criticism at the Washington Post for being a willing participant in the child prostitution cover-up. Pointing to the Afghan and US suggestion that an effort be taken to “quash any news article on the incident” they wrote, ‘The strategy appeared to work when an article was published in July by the Washington Post about the incident, which made little of the affair, saying it was an incident of "questionable management oversight" in which foreign DynCorp workers "hired a teenage boy to perform a tribal dance at a company farewell party".’
-EV 8/14/93
Meyers takes down the false equivalence between the two candidates.
Or, Meyers said, do you pick someone who:
“Called Mexicans rapists
Claimed the president was born in Kenya
Proposed banning an entire religion from entering the U.S.
Mocked a disabled reporter
Said John McCain wasn’t a war hero because he was captured
Attacked the parents of a fallen war hero
Bragged about committing sexual assault
Was accused by 12 women of committing sexual assault
Said some of those women weren’t attractive enough for him to sexually assault
Said more countries should get nukes
Said he would force the military to commit war crimes
Said a judge was biased because his parents were Mexican
Said women should be punished for having abortions
Incited violence at his rallies
Called global warming a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese
Called for his opponent to be jailed
Declared bankruptcy six times
Bragged about not paying income taxes
Stiffed his contractors and employees
Lost a billion dollars in one year
Scammed customers with his fake university
Bought a 6-foot painting of himself with money from his fake foundation
Has a trial for fraud coming up in November
Insulted an opponent’s looks
Insulted an opponent’s wife’s looks
And, bragged about grabbing women by the pu**y.”
“How do you choose?” Meyers despaired. “It’s so even.”
-EV 8/14/93
Geez, what a creep.