Beheaded by ISIS



  • badbrainsbadbrains Posts: 10,255
    Questions for the ones saying we need to get involved.

    A-Did you sign up for action?

    B-If not, did you sign your OWN sons/daughters for action?

    C-Besides volunteering our servicemen/women for action, what have you done for them?

    Always easier to send other peoples kids to fight battles for you, especially when they're from another country "ey"?
  • badbrainsbadbrains Posts: 10,255
    BS44325 said:

    People keep making excuses for inaction while the world burns

    When do u leave for training?
  • BS44325BS44325 Posts: 6,124
    The "chicken hawk" argument speaks to no course of action. It just seeks to shut someone up. I don't see how shutting someone up will stop the spread of militaristic radical islam. If anything being silent will only allow it to spread further.

    Now back to the grown-ups on here. This conflict is getting worse. Russia is resurgent. Iran will be nuclear soon. We are in extremely dangerous times. If we delay engagement now we will be dragged in to a much worse conflict in the years to come where our children will have no choice but to enlist. It's 1939. If the western world doesn't shake off it's self-hatred and recognize its inherent good soon all will be lost.
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    badbrains said:

    muskydan said:

    badbrains said:

    BS44325 said:

    I do not insult all muslims. I am troubled by the ones who practice the most extreme form of Islam and slaughter the moderate muslims in their midst.

    Right now ISIS is merging with Boko Haram in Libya and together they are moving on Tunisia.

    There are many muslims there who I feel should be protected from the slaughter. It is I who wants to actively defend the people of your faith while you prefer to just chop me down.

    Let's be real, you don't give 2 shits about Muslims and don't pretend you do. I chop you down because you come on here spreading fear and hate. Listen, you may not think you do but I have a shitload of pms and emails from people who would argue differently with you. And I know, you don't give a fuck. And that's fine to.
    Listen, nobody gives a shit about your PERSONAL PM's for your all important validation other than yourself. Why do you always have to make stuff about YOU on here? Wait, don't answer that please... Not everyone agrees with you which is's called being an American. And not everyone is going to be a part of your group circle jerk, which is VERY OK.
    So you mention fear and hate.... Well I maybe going out on a limb here but I am sure many people on here felt a lot of fear and hate when They saw 21
    Egyptian Coptic Christians get their heads chopped off like I was. Along with the numerous other savage behavior towards infidels by these fundamentalist extreme Muslims.
    Maybe someday you will will stop taking stuff so personally and act like a reasonable Adult. Atleast let other people express THEIR opinion's about issues without getting your panties in a bunch. Accusing someone of hating ALL Muslims is way out of bounds on here and you know it, well atleast I hope you do. Look, nobody ain't solving shit on here and nobody is right. Listen to Juana's Addiction's, Aight no Right.... Time for sleep so I can be all fresh for my FAKE Job.
    Wow, how did I miss this post? I'm gonna think of a great response for you. Enjoy your day "playing" cops and robbers in your "head" fake cop. Oh wait, fake bigot cop, that's more like it.
    HAHAHHAHAHHAHAAH THIS AUTTA BE GOOD !....a fake biggot cop and in another post Christians teaching hate ...this topic and some of the posts in it are a joke I can't believe some of you are defending ISIS this way and talking shit about this country that offers you freedom and safety that the the middle east can not....why the fuck do you guys think your family and friends came here before you ? and Christians teach hate ? ...try this..go to a christian church for services and report back.......geeze this place has a fucked up habbit of defending the bad I'll leave for now to finish my coffee and read some FOXNEWS HAHHAHHAHHAHHAHA GET YOU SOME OF THAT !


  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    Moonpig said:

    ok so....what if the people asking for help are in bed with the US already, and the conditions are part of the plan? What if asking for help has nothing to do with the will of the people? And if it always turns around to bite us....why do it? There has to be a reason, right? Care to take a shot at what those reasons are?

    But more importantly....with statements like can you see your 'help' as anything but self-serving? Since when does helping someone come with a price tag, with the cost paid by those you're helping? Is your intent to help, or to be paid thugs? Makes it all pretty clear.

    this is how politics and the world work...nothing is free and the US is not the only country that dose business this way, and will of the people ? I wish !..Im not saying any of this right or justifide because I don't know what happens behind closed political doors and niether do the rest of us but the outcome pops up on the news and on the internet all the time.


    GF giving advice on how the world works?? I must have been gone for a very very long time.

    Crimes against humanity work both ways, Decimating a village with high incinderay explosives, dropped from an F16 and beheading, or shooting groups of people with hands tied behind their back has the same result on the local population.

    This notion that America is there to somehow help is delusional at best, at worst, downright deceitful. These events are not localised, but are the result of the mess that has been created over there, and to be fair, the apathy of many Americans.

    But go on thinking Muslims are all blood thirsty head choppers, I'm sure there are many young children of Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Pakistan etc... might have the same opinion of your armed forces.
    did I say muslims or ISIS and believe me you have no idea what Im thinking....we don't do that on the train because it pisses off the softer more frightened side of the train.


  • rr165892rr165892 Posts: 5,697

    badbrains said:

    muskydan said:

    badbrains said:

    BS44325 said:

    I do not insult all muslims. I am troubled by the ones who practice the most extreme form of Islam and slaughter the moderate muslims in their midst.

    Right now ISIS is merging with Boko Haram in Libya and together they are moving on Tunisia.

    There are many muslims there who I feel should be protected from the slaughter. It is I who wants to actively defend the people of your faith while you prefer to just chop me down.

    Let's be real, you don't give 2 shits about Muslims and don't pretend you do. I chop you down because you come on here spreading fear and hate. Listen, you may not think you do but I have a shitload of pms and emails from people who would argue differently with you. And I know, you don't give a fuck. And that's fine to.
    Listen, nobody gives a shit about your PERSONAL PM's for your all important validation other than yourself. Why do you always have to make stuff about YOU on here? Wait, don't answer that please... Not everyone agrees with you which is's called being an American. And not everyone is going to be a part of your group circle jerk, which is VERY OK.
    So you mention fear and hate.... Well I maybe going out on a limb here but I am sure many people on here felt a lot of fear and hate when They saw 21
    Egyptian Coptic Christians get their heads chopped off like I was. Along with the numerous other savage behavior towards infidels by these fundamentalist extreme Muslims.
    Maybe someday you will will stop taking stuff so personally and act like a reasonable Adult. Atleast let other people express THEIR opinion's about issues without getting your panties in a bunch. Accusing someone of hating ALL Muslims is way out of bounds on here and you know it, well atleast I hope you do. Look, nobody ain't solving shit on here and nobody is right. Listen to Juana's Addiction's, Aight no Right.... Time for sleep so I can be all fresh for my FAKE Job.
    Wow, how did I miss this post? I'm gonna think of a great response for you. Enjoy your day "playing" cops and robbers in your "head" fake cop. Oh wait, fake bigot cop, that's more like it.
    HAHAHHAHAHHAHAAH THIS AUTTA BE GOOD !....a fake biggot cop and in another post Christians teaching hate ...this topic and some of the posts in it are a joke I can't believe some of you are defending ISIS this way and talking shit about this country that offers you freedom and safety that the the middle east can not....why the fuck do you guys think your family and friends came here before you ? and Christians teach hate ? ...try this..go to a christian church for services and report back.......geeze this place has a fucked up habbit of defending the bad I'll leave for now to finish my coffee and read some FOXNEWS HAHHAHHAHHAHHAHA GET YOU SOME OF THAT !


    Thank You!!
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    muskydan said:

    callen said:

    well then if they don't want to pay the price then they should not ask..that's about as simple as it gets.
    and besides it always turns around to bite us in the ass anyway..."they're killing babies and women"
    or after the job is complete in thier eyes they protest and tell us to leave and start burning flags and going back to the islam thing that we are infedels, war has many costs and many ugly truths so maybe these countries should be careful what they ask for.


    I'm confused GF. So why do you support intervening if you feel they aren't grateful?

    And why is US responsible for acting? What's our real interest?
    I don't but I believe if we don't the evil tht may be happening in another country could find it's way to our country likr the 9/11 attacks did, believe me I think the whole thing sucks ass.


    I think is way too late GD. They are amongst us now as we all know. I think it's only a matter of time of when and where it happens again here.
    probably very true but the train members will make excuses for them and blame Americas anyway...


  • benjsbenjs Toronto, ON Posts: 9,226
    BS44325 said:

    I don't think the current course is logical unless you are indifferent to the outcome.

    I completely disagree. And I'm not indifferent to the outcome - far from it. Practicing the notion of not being the smartest one in the room, I might also suggest that the American government know what they're doing better than you or me. Whether they're doing it for right or wrong reasons is another story.
    BS44325 said:

    The "chicken hawk" argument speaks to no course of action. It just seeks to shut someone up. I don't see how shutting someone up will stop the spread of militaristic radical islam. If anything being silent will only allow it to spread further.

    Now back to the grown-ups on here. This conflict is getting worse. Russia is resurgent. Iran will be nuclear soon. We are in extremely dangerous times. If we delay engagement now we will be dragged in to a much worse conflict in the years to come where our children will have no choice but to enlist. It's 1939. If the western world doesn't shake off it's self-hatred and recognize its inherent good soon all will be lost.

    On your first point, I partially agree. The chickenhawk argument is relevant, but not nearly as relevant as the conflict itself.

    As for your second paragraph, what's with all the fallacious doom-and-gloom appeal to emotion? Cookie-cutter propaganda: "we are in extremely dangerous times", "our children will have no choice to enlist", "It's 1939", "all will be lost". These are not arguments - they are empty words, maybe with the exception of one part. The argument about 'our children': looking back at Vietnam, conscription forced the reality of the brutality of war on the masses, pacified the nation, and (while we probably disagree on this) was instrumental in swaying the US to retreat from Vietnam - a war which ought not to have ever been fought. Maybe if 'our children' were forced into this new 'battlefield', we'd see the same thing: a hasty retreat from a civil war which we ought not to be participating in. If we do participate in the near future, at least.

    Feel free to read the following article for an almost identical opinion to my own - but much better articulated than I could hope to. Far more Israel-absorbed than necessary, but the message is the same.
    '05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2

    Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
  • BS44325BS44325 Posts: 6,124
    That is a great article Benjs. Well thought out...thanks for posting. I think about that angle of "what is existential?" all the time. People on here assume I just want to invade everybody everywhere but they have no idea how much I have wrestled with these issues. I don't want war but I am not as hopeful about Iranian intentions as this article tends to be. Iran like ISIS is led by a death cult. This is different from a North Korea that still wants to survive. Can we live with a nuclear power that not only threatens to annhilate it's neighbours but actually believes it is god's will to do so? This is not propaganda. This is the actual nature of the Iranian regime. Putting the question of Israel aside, is this something we as a civilized world can live with? I don't think we can.
  • BS44325BS44325 Posts: 6,124
    "Always easier to send other peoples kids to fight battles for you, especially when they're from another country "ey"?"

  • Thirty Bills UnpaidThirty Bills Unpaid Posts: 16,881
    edited February 2015
    BS44325 said:

    "Always easier to send other peoples kids to fight battles for you, especially when they're from another country "ey"?"


    I'm not getting what you are trying to say here?

    Edit: check that... I do.
    "My brain's a good brain!"
  • rgambsrgambs Posts: 13,576

    badbrains said:

    muskydan said:

    badbrains said:

    BS44325 said:

    I do not insult all muslims. I am troubled by the ones who practice the most extreme form of Islam and slaughter the moderate muslims in their midst.

    Right now ISIS is merging with Boko Haram in Libya and together they are moving on Tunisia.

    There are many muslims there who I feel should be protected from the slaughter. It is I who wants to actively defend the people of your faith while you prefer to just chop me down.

    Let's be real, you don't give 2 shits about Muslims and don't pretend you do. I chop you down because you come on here spreading fear and hate. Listen, you may not think you do but I have a shitload of pms and emails from people who would argue differently with you. And I know, you don't give a fuck. And that's fine to.
    Listen, nobody gives a shit about your PERSONAL PM's for your all important validation other than yourself. Why do you always have to make stuff about YOU on here? Wait, don't answer that please... Not everyone agrees with you which is's called being an American. And not everyone is going to be a part of your group circle jerk, which is VERY OK.
    So you mention fear and hate.... Well I maybe going out on a limb here but I am sure many people on here felt a lot of fear and hate when They saw 21
    Egyptian Coptic Christians get their heads chopped off like I was. Along with the numerous other savage behavior towards infidels by these fundamentalist extreme Muslims.
    Maybe someday you will will stop taking stuff so personally and act like a reasonable Adult. Atleast let other people express THEIR opinion's about issues without getting your panties in a bunch. Accusing someone of hating ALL Muslims is way out of bounds on here and you know it, well atleast I hope you do. Look, nobody ain't solving shit on here and nobody is right. Listen to Juana's Addiction's, Aight no Right.... Time for sleep so I can be all fresh for my FAKE Job.
    Wow, how did I miss this post? I'm gonna think of a great response for you. Enjoy your day "playing" cops and robbers in your "head" fake cop. Oh wait, fake bigot cop, that's more like it.
    HAHAHHAHAHHAHAAH THIS AUTTA BE GOOD !....a fake biggot cop and in another post Christians teaching hate ...this topic and some of the posts in it are a joke I can't believe some of you are defending ISIS this way and talking shit about this country that offers you freedom and safety that the the middle east can not....why the fuck do you guys think your family and friends came here before you ? and Christians teach hate ? ...try this..go to a christian church for services and report back.......geeze this place has a fucked up habbit of defending the bad I'll leave for now to finish my coffee and read some FOXNEWS HAHHAHHAHHAHHAHA GET YOU SOME OF THAT !


    "geeze this place has a fucked up habbit of defending the bad guy"

    Says the one who defends America, King of the Bad Guys.
    Open your damn eyes!
    We overthrow democratically elected governments every decade or so, we bomb children with radioactive bombs that ensure the children's children will suffer, we hold money to be more important than foreign lives, and people like you have the balls to accuse those who care about war crimes of defending the "bad guy"????

    Head in ass much?
    Monkey Driven, Call this Living?
  • badbrainsbadbrains Posts: 10,255
    edited February 2015
    BS44325 said:

    "Always easier to send other peoples kids to fight battles for you, especially when they're from another country "ey"?"


    You are no bad ass Canadian, ey.
  • badbrainsbadbrains Posts: 10,255
    I would ask BS if he has any kids or family to sign up for the action over there, but already know he's to scared to answer ANY questions I have for him. Didn't know a kid can scare someone with questions.
  • badbrainsbadbrains Posts: 10,255
    rgambs said:

    badbrains said:

    muskydan said:

    badbrains said:

    BS44325 said:

    I do not insult all muslims. I am troubled by the ones who practice the most extreme form of Islam and slaughter the moderate muslims in their midst.

    Right now ISIS is merging with Boko Haram in Libya and together they are moving on Tunisia.

    There are many muslims there who I feel should be protected from the slaughter. It is I who wants to actively defend the people of your faith while you prefer to just chop me down.

    Let's be real, you don't give 2 shits about Muslims and don't pretend you do. I chop you down because you come on here spreading fear and hate. Listen, you may not think you do but I have a shitload of pms and emails from people who would argue differently with you. And I know, you don't give a fuck. And that's fine to.
    Listen, nobody gives a shit about your PERSONAL PM's for your all important validation other than yourself. Why do you always have to make stuff about YOU on here? Wait, don't answer that please... Not everyone agrees with you which is's called being an American. And not everyone is going to be a part of your group circle jerk, which is VERY OK.
    So you mention fear and hate.... Well I maybe going out on a limb here but I am sure many people on here felt a lot of fear and hate when They saw 21
    Egyptian Coptic Christians get their heads chopped off like I was. Along with the numerous other savage behavior towards infidels by these fundamentalist extreme Muslims.
    Maybe someday you will will stop taking stuff so personally and act like a reasonable Adult. Atleast let other people express THEIR opinion's about issues without getting your panties in a bunch. Accusing someone of hating ALL Muslims is way out of bounds on here and you know it, well atleast I hope you do. Look, nobody ain't solving shit on here and nobody is right. Listen to Juana's Addiction's, Aight no Right.... Time for sleep so I can be all fresh for my FAKE Job.
    Wow, how did I miss this post? I'm gonna think of a great response for you. Enjoy your day "playing" cops and robbers in your "head" fake cop. Oh wait, fake bigot cop, that's more like it.
    HAHAHHAHAHHAHAAH THIS AUTTA BE GOOD !....a fake biggot cop and in another post Christians teaching hate ...this topic and some of the posts in it are a joke I can't believe some of you are defending ISIS this way and talking shit about this country that offers you freedom and safety that the the middle east can not....why the fuck do you guys think your family and friends came here before you ? and Christians teach hate ? ...try this..go to a christian church for services and report back.......geeze this place has a fucked up habbit of defending the bad I'll leave for now to finish my coffee and read some FOXNEWS HAHHAHHAHHAHHAHA GET YOU SOME OF THAT !


    "geeze this place has a fucked up habbit of defending the bad guy"

    Says the one who defends America, King of the Bad Guys.
    Open your damn eyes!
    We overthrow democratically elected governments every decade or so, we bomb children with radioactive bombs that ensure the children's children will suffer, we hold money to be more important than foreign lives, and people like you have the balls to accuse those who care about war crimes of defending the "bad guy"????

    Head in ass much?
    RGambs , there's a few on here who have their heads up their ass. How anyone admits that they watch faux for their news is comical especially after it was proved how many times they DONT broadcast facts.
  • rr165892rr165892 Posts: 5,697
    I don't think its about picking sides here.Im a patriot,but I also see the other side of the equation and why so many see the hypocrisy in The Wests actions.The catch 22 is we can't do nothing and anything we do do will be used against us.Slippery slope.But make no mistake here.No one is right and no one is wrong.These are all shades of the same color.
    Im just glad we have a forum to discuss such volatile issues.I think that moves all of us into the same catagory of peeps who care about our world and what's happening in it.
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    quick somebody call THE WAHHHH BULANCE !!!!!!!

  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    heads up where ? and some have thier heads in the sand...... I'll end this with an old stand by....anybody not happy in America may leave to the country of thier choice,hurry don't miss the boat and take a friend with you and have the time of your lives ! I wish you well.

  • badbrainsbadbrains Posts: 10,255

    heads up where ? and some have thier heads in the sand...... I'll end this with an old stand by....anybody not happy in America may leave to the country of thier choice,hurry don't miss the boat and take a friend with you and have the time of your lives ! I wish you well.


    If anyone needs to leave the country and see the real world, I would argue it's you. You need to travel out of your borders and meet people from other countries in their lands. Maybe then you'll see why so many people have different opinions of the world then you. You could only get so much out of tv.
  • muskydanmuskydan Posts: 1,013

    heads up where ? and some have thier heads in the sand...... I'll end this with an old stand by....anybody not happy in America may leave to the country of thier choice,hurry don't miss the boat and take a friend with you and have the time of your lives ! I wish you well.


    One of my faves too GF. It's obvious many on here have a inner hate for this country, and not just its policies. Extremists that wish death to America are amongst us…a lot closer than you think.
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    muskydan said:


    heads up where ? and some have thier heads in the sand...... I'll end this with an old stand by....anybody not happy in America may leave to the country of thier choice,hurry don't miss the boat and take a friend with you and have the time of your lives ! I wish you well.


    One of my faves too GF. It's obvious many on here have a inner hate for this country, and not just its policies. Extremists that wish death to America are amongst us…a lot closer than you think.
    agreed ! and BB said I should leave to other countries and meet people,well I'm sure and am positive there are great people on every corner of the globe in fact I have met some here in the US but I am not the one escaping to another country infact my family line goes back to the 1700's...anyway I am not here to play by another countries rules I have not asked for citizenship in any other country and if I did I would not expect them to change things just for me.


  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    rgambs said:

    badbrains said:

    muskydan said:

    badbrains said:

    BS44325 said:

    I do not insult all muslims. I am troubled by the ones who practice the most extreme form of Islam and slaughter the moderate muslims in their midst.

    Right now ISIS is merging with Boko Haram in Libya and together they are moving on Tunisia.

    There are many muslims there who I feel should be protected from the slaughter. It is I who wants to actively defend the people of your faith while you prefer to just chop me down.

    Let's be real, you don't give 2 shits about Muslims and don't pretend you do. I chop you down because you come on here spreading fear and hate. Listen, you may not think you do but I have a shitload of pms and emails from people who would argue differently with you. And I know, you don't give a fuck. And that's fine to.
    Listen, nobody gives a shit about your PERSONAL PM's for your all important validation other than yourself. Why do you always have to make stuff about YOU on here? Wait, don't answer that please... Not everyone agrees with you which is's called being an American. And not everyone is going to be a part of your group circle jerk, which is VERY OK.
    So you mention fear and hate.... Well I maybe going out on a limb here but I am sure many people on here felt a lot of fear and hate when They saw 21
    Egyptian Coptic Christians get their heads chopped off like I was. Along with the numerous other savage behavior towards infidels by these fundamentalist extreme Muslims.
    Maybe someday you will will stop taking stuff so personally and act like a reasonable Adult. Atleast let other people express THEIR opinion's about issues without getting your panties in a bunch. Accusing someone of hating ALL Muslims is way out of bounds on here and you know it, well atleast I hope you do. Look, nobody ain't solving shit on here and nobody is right. Listen to Juana's Addiction's, Aight no Right.... Time for sleep so I can be all fresh for my FAKE Job.
    Wow, how did I miss this post? I'm gonna think of a great response for you. Enjoy your day "playing" cops and robbers in your "head" fake cop. Oh wait, fake bigot cop, that's more like it.
    HAHAHHAHAHHAHAAH THIS AUTTA BE GOOD !....a fake biggot cop and in another post Christians teaching hate ...this topic and some of the posts in it are a joke I can't believe some of you are defending ISIS this way and talking shit about this country that offers you freedom and safety that the the middle east can not....why the fuck do you guys think your family and friends came here before you ? and Christians teach hate ? ...try this..go to a christian church for services and report back.......geeze this place has a fucked up habbit of defending the bad I'll leave for now to finish my coffee and read some FOXNEWS HAHHAHHAHHAHHAHA GET YOU SOME OF THAT !


    "geeze this place has a fucked up habbit of defending the bad guy"

    Says the one who defends America, King of the Bad Guys.
    Open your damn eyes!
    We overthrow democratically elected governments every decade or so, we bomb children with radioactive bombs that ensure the children's children will suffer, we hold money to be more important than foreign lives, and people like you have the balls to accuse those who care about war crimes of defending the "bad guy"????

    Head in ass much?
    HAHHAHHA .....says the followers


  • benjsbenjs Toronto, ON Posts: 9,226
    badbrains said:

    heads up where ? and some have thier heads in the sand...... I'll end this with an old stand by....anybody not happy in America may leave to the country of thier choice,hurry don't miss the boat and take a friend with you and have the time of your lives ! I wish you well.


    If anyone needs to leave the country and see the real world, I would argue it's you. You need to travel out of your borders and meet people from other countries in their lands. Maybe then you'll see why so many people have different opinions of the world then you. You could only get so much out of tv.
    Guys, stay in the country! It's healthy to disagree, and it's productive to express your disagreements. There's usually something cool or interesting that comes out of those debates that I never would've thought of without them.
    '05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2

    Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
  • rgambsrgambs Posts: 13,576

    heads up where ? and some have thier heads in the sand...... I'll end this with an old stand by....anybody not happy in America may leave to the country of thier choice,hurry don't miss the boat and take a friend with you and have the time of your lives ! I wish you well.


    Those of us not happy with Americas actions would like to change them, as opposed to those hiding behind cowardly patriotic sentiments that absolve them of the guilt they should feel. It is precisely our LOVE of America that keeps us here, putting up with folks like you who wear blinders.
    Monkey Driven, Call this Living?
  • AnnafalkAnnafalk Sweden Posts: 4,004
    I've heard that these devils actually has supporters sending them money from other countries, it's unbelievable.
  • BS44325BS44325 Posts: 6,124
    badbrains said:

    I would ask BS if he has any kids or family to sign up for the action over there, but already know he's to scared to answer ANY questions I have for him. Didn't know a kid can scare someone with questions.

    Kids are still too young for action. They are educated on the greatness of both Canadian and American military tradition and the nobility of service. If they choose to serve I will gladly support them. They recognize that they are blessed to be born into the world they are in and that their freedom is completely owed to the sacrifices of those who came before them and to those who serve today.
  • BS44325BS44325 Posts: 6,124
    benjs said:

    badbrains said:

    heads up where ? and some have thier heads in the sand...... I'll end this with an old stand by....anybody not happy in America may leave to the country of thier choice,hurry don't miss the boat and take a friend with you and have the time of your lives ! I wish you well.


    If anyone needs to leave the country and see the real world, I would argue it's you. You need to travel out of your borders and meet people from other countries in their lands. Maybe then you'll see why so many people have different opinions of the world then you. You could only get so much out of tv.
    Guys, stay in the country! It's healthy to disagree, and it's productive to express your disagreements. There's usually something cool or interesting that comes out of those debates that I never would've thought of without them.
    Also...for those who hate America please don't come to Canada. We are pretty proud of our heritage and western culture up here. To us self-hatred just comes across as being whiny and defeatist.
  • benjsbenjs Toronto, ON Posts: 9,226
    edited February 2015
    BS44325 said:

    benjs said:

    badbrains said:

    heads up where ? and some have thier heads in the sand...... I'll end this with an old stand by....anybody not happy in America may leave to the country of thier choice,hurry don't miss the boat and take a friend with you and have the time of your lives ! I wish you well.


    If anyone needs to leave the country and see the real world, I would argue it's you. You need to travel out of your borders and meet people from other countries in their lands. Maybe then you'll see why so many people have different opinions of the world then you. You could only get so much out of tv.
    Guys, stay in the country! It's healthy to disagree, and it's productive to express your disagreements. There's usually something cool or interesting that comes out of those debates that I never would've thought of without them.
    Also...for those who hate America please don't come to Canada. We are pretty proud of our heritage and western culture up here. To us self-hatred just comes across as being whiny and defeatist.
    I'm all good with self-hatred, just as long as self-hatred isn't the goal: it's got to be the context for another discussion. For example, to bring up the mistreatment of the Aboriginals in Canada over the years alone serves no purpose, but comparing it to the treatment of indigenous Palestinians in modern Israel adds a bit of purpose. Or Harper-hatred (not sure if you'd include that), Harper who implied it was offensive to hide one's identity while joining the Canadian family - in response to a court ruling in favour a young Muslim woman who wished to keep her niqab during the citizenship oath. I speak up against that because it shows racism is alive and well, and must be cut down by caring humans, and not high-level government workers (and most of the time, seems you're either one or the other). Self-hatred is only defeatist if it's a destination rather than part of a process. By the way, not sure if we had discussed this in the past, but I'm Canadian.

    Also, I think pride is one of the more dangerous emotions out there. It just leads to an inflated ego, which makes people forget the worth of others. And when someone has no worth in your life, you can do anything to them without much concern, all the while feeling elevated and justified in your own actions. Seems groupthink amplifies the devastating effects of this - maybe that's why patriotism and demonization of others sound so nice together in the same sentence. Think along the lines of "we will destroy the monsters who threaten the lives and liberties found in this great land of ours".
    Post edited by benjs on
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  • BS44325BS44325 Posts: 6,124
    Harper hatred is not self-hatred. That is just being at odds with leadership which is fair. I also do not think it is racist to ask someone to remove a niqab at a citizenship oath ceremony. I could be wrong but I don't believe the governement is asking someone to remove a hijab? A niqab is a different entity altogether and our country should send a message upon entry that while we are a tolerant society there are certain religious practices that are at odds with our tolerance. Our country has a strong history of defending women's rights and asking someone to reveal themself sends a message to the woman that she is not a prisoner and it sends a message that the laws of our land trump any religious law be it sharia or otherwise. Remember, no person technically has rights in our country until those rights are conferred upon them in the process of the ceremony. Once the ceremony is over that woman may wear a niqab forever if she chooses but understand whose laws must be followed. If someone is unhappy with this choice then they can choose to become a citizen of another country. No one is forcing someone to come here.
  • Asking a person to remove a niqab during citizenship ceremonial purposes offers acknowledgement between both parties that at times differences may have to be put aside to follow a rule that everyone else does.

    In our court of law process it has been an uphill battle to make law that any one accused of a crime must be able to see the face of said accuser (at least once during the trial). Same can be said for the complainant.

    This directly reflects the "at times differences may have to be put aside to follow a rule that everyone else does" - our court of law system. Open and transparent.

    Aside from that, niqab wearing or any covering of the face for religious reasons should and must be tolerated.

    Any religion, race, creed, sex is always welcome to pursue citizenship to our country provided they can follow our common rule of tolerance to a point, not a tipping point.

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