


  • JimmyVJimmyV Boston's MetroWest Posts: 19,344
    Idris said:

    This new military intervention was based on a massive humanitarian crisis that needed attention, That massive humanitarian crisis does not seem to exist, that came from U.S. Advisors.

    That's the point.

    Yet we are still gunning for Iraq because at the end, its about protecting our imperialistic ways/interests.

    That is probably why the author said that "just seems grateful" cause it gave them an excuse to do what they've apparently wanted to do for a while.

    end of story.

    When you say that the massive humanitarian crisis does not seem to exist, you are saying that stories like this are untrue:

    I remain unconvinced of that, but you are free to say "end of story" and put your blinders back on. It is always easy to sniff out media bias when we disagree with what is being reported. The challenge comes in recognizing bias when it reinforces what we already do believe, or what we want to be true.

    The fact remains that is dependent on the donations of its readers to remain in business. Speaking as someone who works in fundraising, I assure you the golden rule is to never alienate or offend your donor base. is not alone in this practice. We have no problem pointing to bias at FOX or MSNBC and are not wrong to do so. By the same token the piece you linked to was written with a particular audience in mind and framed in such a way that they would easily accept what it said.

    But, by all means, just say "end of story" without giving it a second thought.


    "...I changed by not changing at all..."
  • IdrisIdris Posts: 2,317
    jimmyV, how many kids in the U.S. Needs help? Food? medicine? Too many! But its very magnanimous of you to want to help Iraqi kids.

    I say, lets help our people here first. Deal with our house, then worry about others.

    But again, its not about helping Iraqi kids, its about protecting our interests, and what better excuse than to use 'helping kids'.
  • IdrisIdris Posts: 2,317
    JimmyV said:

    Idris said:

    This new military intervention was based on a massive humanitarian crisis that needed attention, That massive humanitarian crisis does not seem to exist, that came from U.S. Advisors.

    That's the point.

    Yet we are still gunning for Iraq because at the end, its about protecting our imperialistic ways/interests.

    That is probably why the author said that "just seems grateful" cause it gave them an excuse to do what they've apparently wanted to do for a while.

    end of story.

    When you say that the massive humanitarian crisis does not seem to exist, you are saying that stories like this are untrue:

    I remain unconvinced of that, but you are free to say "end of story" and put your blinders back on. It is always easy to sniff out media bias when we disagree with what is being reported. The challenge comes in recognizing bias when it reinforces what we already do believe, or what we want to be true.

    The fact remains that is dependent on the donations of its readers to remain in business. Speaking as someone who works in fundraising, I assure you the golden rule is to never alienate or offend your donor base. is not alone in this practice. We have no problem pointing to bias at FOX or MSNBC and are not wrong to do so. By the same token the piece you linked to was written with a particular audience in mind and framed in such a way that they would easily accept what it said.

    But, by all means, just say "end of story" without giving it a second thought.

    I'm not saying stories like that are untrue, whats wrong with you?

    I said that this MASSIVE humanitarian crisis does not seem to exist, (not in the way the U.S. had many believe)

    and that was the excuse given for new attacks on Iraq.

    at the same time apparently being so upset about kids being killed in Iraq, but silent on the cancers and birth defects we have caused, and will continue to happen for generations to come.
  • IdrisIdris Posts: 2,317
    edited August 2014
    and I encourage people to research for themselves the legacy we have left in Iraq. Depleted Uranium and what it has done, is doing and will continue to do. We care about kids, let's fix that. That if anything will kill groups like ISIS. Not bombs.
  • rr165892rr165892 Posts: 5,697

    rr165892 said:

    The goal is to not have another 9/11 ever happen again.That is the point.If it does happen those who are responsible should be dealt with swiftly.Anyone who funded them,The govts that supported and armed(yes I know sometimes we have armed the same in the past) and trained them also.
    If it happens on American soil then The American people will mandate action,The Pres will have full support of both parties in House and Senate,and have overwhelming pressure to react with more then just a measured response.
    Why not let the UN deal with it you say?Ewww the world police! They for the most part can't handle the "Get your hands dirty stuff".Properly.
    I don't call for Arab or Muslim blood,I would call the Organizations who did this head.Is that what you think I'm getting at?Some anti Arab,Anti Muslim reverse Jihad? If they are fundamentalist then they don't speak for the peaceful members of that religion.There are lots of Arabs.Plenty are our friends and don't want part of this kind of crap.
    The whole Suni/Shite thing is there own internal squabble.I just know you can't force your religion on others and expect things to go well.
    So if you don't care what happens,don't watch the news,and feel we are creating the monster then what is your stance in this Isis group.Do you understand and support them in there quest for taking over the Middle East ?
    Your well versed on history and politics of the region,I know from convos we had back on some older threads(PJ play Israel I think,if I'm wrong I'm sorry) That you sympathize with a lot of the people in that region.I mean if you don't care ,why worry so much about who we(the west) are tangling with.It sounds almost like you think we the West are the Bad guys and at fault for everything. admit openly that we have funded and armed groups like this...but call for the countries who do the same to be punished with 'more then (sic) a measured response'...why are they not entitled to do the same? Because you have the bigger stick? You're essentially calling for perpetual might not be suggesting an anti-arab/Muslim reverse jihad, but you seem to think continuing our past/current failed policies is the way forward – which is a continued war and 'pre-emptive strikes' against any Islamic power structure that threatens the interests of the US, Israel, and their regional allies. The thing you’re missing in your call for more than a measured response levied at any government who funded or trained these people is that you would be calling for the bombing of the the US and her allies! :)) ISIS was created, funded, directed, and armed indirectly by the US, directly by their allies. Trained in Jordan and Turkey. So I guess we will be bombing ourselves and our 'friends' after the next terrorist attack. Again, you’re suggesting knee-jerk, reactionary responses, echoing the same calls coming from the government and their presstitute propagandists.

    What do I think of the IS? I think they’re lunatics. I think anyone brainwashed to kill over religion is a ‘sick fuck’….that includes muslims, jews, buddhists, and not only the rapture loving Christians, but the millions of easter/Christmas Christians and atheists in the West who support war in the middle east because of conditioned fear of Islam. Using violence to stop them is not going to change anything.
    I never said I didn’t care, and that comment drives me nuts…it’s like the people who tell me I’m giving up on or enabling drug addicts for supporting legalization of all drugs….just because I support a different approach to the problem doesn’t mean I care any less than you do….I think supporting unconditional humanitarian aid, maybe defensive tactics from a regional or international peacekeeping force, and a hands off policy, is the better way to help these people in the long term. You mock the UN, calling them ineffective – when the US is again largely responsible for how ineffective it is, and for making it the norm to ignore the will of the rest of the world….you laugh at the ‘world police’, yet have no problem taking on that role yourself….good ol’ western megalomania.

    No, I don’t watch tv news shows….I read in-depth reporting about these issues, books, and scholarly documents, separate from the emotional blackmail and uninformed soundbytes forced on us by the mainstream. Idris and I have already mentioned in this thread why the West ARE the bad guys, more often than not, in the middle east. We kill innocent people to protect our interests in other countries, then cry bloody murder when the same happens to OUR people, ON THEIR SOIL.

    So many angles here.Yeah we indirectly armed lots of players here.Good guys one minute,terrorists the next.I get that.We whore our arms and everyone is a taker.
    I don't think we need to put our nose into every little squirmish around the world,that we agree on,But the ones that rise to a certain level of disgusting not only need our intervention but as a superpower with the means,we have an obligation to be there for those that can't.
    For the situations that do require a big stick,I think a hard hit early is a great way to start it.
    I did not think Iraq was the right target the first time.But we have a responsibility now
  • rr165892rr165892 Posts: 5,697
    rr165892 said:

    rr165892 said:

    The goal is to not have another 9/11 ever happen again.That is the point.If it does happen those who are responsible should be dealt with swiftly.Anyone who funded them,The govts that supported and armed(yes I know sometimes we have armed the same in the past) and trained them also.
    If it happens on American soil then The American people will mandate action,The Pres will have full support of both parties in House and Senate,and have overwhelming pressure to react with more then just a measured response.
    Why not let the UN deal with it you say?Ewww the world police! They for the most part can't handle the "Get your hands dirty stuff".Properly.
    I don't call for Arab or Muslim blood,I would call the Organizations who did this head.Is that what you think I'm getting at?Some anti Arab,Anti Muslim reverse Jihad? If they are fundamentalist then they don't speak for the peaceful members of that religion.There are lots of Arabs.Plenty are our friends and don't want part of this kind of crap.
    The whole Suni/Shite thing is there own internal squabble.I just know you can't force your religion on others and expect things to go well.
    So if you don't care what happens,don't watch the news,and feel we are creating the monster then what is your stance in this Isis group.Do you understand and support them in there quest for taking over the Middle East ?
    Your well versed on history and politics of the region,I know from convos we had back on some older threads(PJ play Israel I think,if I'm wrong I'm sorry) That you sympathize with a lot of the people in that region.I mean if you don't care ,why worry so much about who we(the west) are tangling with.It sounds almost like you think we the West are the Bad guys and at fault for everything. admit openly that we have funded and armed groups like this...but call for the countries who do the same to be punished with 'more then (sic) a measured response'...why are they not entitled to do the same? Because you have the bigger stick? You're essentially calling for perpetual might not be suggesting an anti-arab/Muslim reverse jihad, but you seem to think continuing our past/current failed policies is the way forward – which is a continued war and 'pre-emptive strikes' against any Islamic power structure that threatens the interests of the US, Israel, and their regional allies. The thing you’re missing in your call for more than a measured response levied at any government who funded or trained these people is that you would be calling for the bombing of the the US and her allies! :)) ISIS was created, funded, directed, and armed indirectly by the US, directly by their allies. Trained in Jordan and Turkey. So I guess we will be bombing ourselves and our 'friends' after the next terrorist attack. Again, you’re suggesting knee-jerk, reactionary responses, echoing the same calls coming from the government and their presstitute propagandists.

    What do I think of the IS? I think they’re lunatics. I think anyone brainwashed to kill over religion is a ‘sick fuck’….that includes muslims, jews, buddhists, and not only the rapture loving Christians, but the millions of easter/Christmas Christians and atheists in the West who support war in the middle east because of conditioned fear of Islam. Using violence to stop them is not going to change anything.
    I never said I didn’t care, and that comment drives me nuts…it’s like the people who tell me I’m giving up on or enabling drug addicts for supporting legalization of all drugs….just because I support a different approach to the problem doesn’t mean I care any less than you do….I think supporting unconditional humanitarian aid, maybe defensive tactics from a regional or international peacekeeping force, and a hands off policy, is the better way to help these people in the long term. You mock the UN, calling them ineffective – when the US is again largely responsible for how ineffective it is, and for making it the norm to ignore the will of the rest of the world….you laugh at the ‘world police’, yet have no problem taking on that role yourself….good ol’ western megalomania.

    No, I don’t watch tv news shows….I read in-depth reporting about these issues, books, and scholarly documents, separate from the emotional blackmail and uninformed soundbytes forced on us by the mainstream. Idris and I have already mentioned in this thread why the West ARE the bad guys, more often than not, in the middle east. We kill innocent people to protect our interests in other countries, then cry bloody murder when the same happens to OUR people, ON THEIR SOIL.

    So many angles here.Yeah we indirectly armed lots of players here.Good guys one minute,terrorists the next.I get that.We whore our arms and everyone is a taker.
    I don't think we need to put our nose into every little squirmish around the world,that we agree on,But the ones that rise to a certain level of disgusting not only need our intervention but as a superpower with the means,we have an obligation to be there for those that can't.
    For the situations that do require a big stick,I think a hard hit early is a great way to start it.
    I did not think Iraq was the right target the first time.But we have a responsibility now.

    And a side note,who calls articles scholarly documents.Lol
    Printed word can still be very Biased.
  • rr165892rr165892 Posts: 5,697
    Sorry for double post on edit
  • Drowned OutDrowned Out Posts: 6,056
    edited August 2014
    rr165892 said:

    And a side note,who calls articles scholarly documents.Lol
    Printed word can still be very Biased.

    Thanks, tips.
    Who? Universities...and google....but why would I have expected you to know that?
    edit: I was referring to papers written for universities as a thesis or dissertation depth papers that require citations and peer review. Yes, they can be biased, but there is much less room for opinions and sensationalism.
    Post edited by Drowned Out on
  • rr165892rr165892 Posts: 5,697

    rr165892 said:

    And a side note,who calls articles scholarly documents.Lol
    Printed word can still be very Biased.

    Thanks, tips.
    Who? Universities...and google....but why would I have expected you to know that?

    Dont get your Maple leaf Panties in a wad.I meant in regular conversation.
  • Drowned OutDrowned Out Posts: 6,056
    edited August 2014
    rr165892 said:

    Dont get your Maple leaf Panties in a wad.I meant in regular conversation.

    hey now....let that water run off the back of your leather stars n bars....
    what would you call them in regular conversation? :))
    Why do I have the trial scene from Idiocracy in my head right now? ... ‘he talks like a faaag’
    I'm totally calm. Just figured a hard hit early was a good way to start.
  • rr165892rr165892 Posts: 5,697
    edited August 2014
    Leather stars and bars,c'mon Drowned Im more assless chaps kinda fella.And you should know by now there is no grudges.All fair game.

    And please remember I'm in the south.When we talk about Universities its usually a reference to college football.Lol
  • rr165892rr165892 Posts: 5,697
    Sorry I didn't answer your question.
    I'd say I read it in an article.Or I read it in a paper .
    And know I will have to watch Idiocracy.
  • PJ_SoulPJ_Soul Vancouver, BC Posts: 50,142
    badbrains said:

    benjs said:

    badbrains said:

    Idris said:

    badbrains said:

    Can we all agree that Isis ISNT gonna get anywhere near America. Let's be real here. And also, the US mite as we'll go in and get rid of Isis cuz what's gonna happen is we're not gonna do anything, Isis goes on a fucked up killing spree, then we'll go in and "save" the day. So we all know the US is gonna go in, so let's just go in before Isis slaughters more innocent people. No more carnage please. The fucken world is wilding out shit!

    You want no more carnage, but also say that the U.S. Should go in, I assure you, the U.S. Is not gonna go in with Candy and cupcakes,

    its gonna be carnage whichever way. Better the U.S. Just leave, and stay away.

    The middle east will find its own way, it does not need the U.S.
    Look, I agree with a lot of your posts. But my thinking is that these dudes are fucked up no matter who caused them to form. I'm Muslim and that form of Islam ISNT what I was taught. I'll say it AGAIN, the Islam I WAS TAUGHT, taught me that any single human being who kills 1 SINGLE innocent human being will be PUNISHED by god as if that human killed ALL of HUMANITY. That shit of cutting kids heads off and killing women, NOT my Islam. That's devil shit no matter who created them. They need to be stopped. They aren't some Muslim movement, that shits NOT Islam, I don't care what shit they spew. A bunch of barbaric psychopaths hijack Islam and PRETEND to speak for ALL of us. No, not for me, and not for REAL Muslims everywhere.

    Edit- I will add, that if you're being marched into a fucken ditch and there's over 30 of you, fucken fight back, you know you're gonna die so fucken die fighting on your feet, not laying in a fucken ditch waiting to be shot. Fuck that!

    Also, if the us goes in, it SHOULDNT fucken be hard, we have fucken drones, apatchies, tanks f16, whatever the fuck we want against a small ass group of barbarians, yes US, please go in and get rid of these guys. Shouldn't be hard.
    badbrains, as a Muslim, are you in favour of US interventionism here? My knowledge of Islam is limited, but isn't the second part of that statement that for anyone who saves one person, it is as if he or she has saved all humanity? I personally love that line, with the first and second half. So beautiful.
    I'm in favor of saving innocent lives and if that means we have to intervene, then be it. We created this shit, the least we can do is help those people dying on the mountain whatever religion they are. I think the issue the US is having is that if they went to save these people, people around the world mite bring up Gaza and say why aren't you helping those people. Look I know why we aren't going into gaza to help them, but to sit idle and let Iraq turn into hell on earth AGAIN, makes no sense. Especially when I believe Isis can be stopped EASILY. My religion can be beautiful and is beautiful when the religion is allowed to stand on it's own without fucken barbarians hijacking it and claiming they're doing "gods" work. Not my fucken god.

    The world is super fucked up. What the fuck happened? Is this what our normal lives are gonna be. Wake up, eat, shit and sleep fucken war and misery? Aren't we all tired of this shit. Aren't we all tired of fighting amongst us let alone having war shoved down our throats everyday?

    I'm glad you like that saying Ben, it's one that I like to and hope it conquers all. Let's try to save humanity instead of killing it.
    Holy crap, I totally agree with you. :-O ;)
    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
  • benjsbenjs Toronto, ON Posts: 9,226
    PJ_Soul said:

    badbrains said:

    benjs said:

    badbrains said:

    Idris said:

    badbrains said:

    Can we all agree that Isis ISNT gonna get anywhere near America. Let's be real here. And also, the US mite as we'll go in and get rid of Isis cuz what's gonna happen is we're not gonna do anything, Isis goes on a fucked up killing spree, then we'll go in and "save" the day. So we all know the US is gonna go in, so let's just go in before Isis slaughters more innocent people. No more carnage please. The fucken world is wilding out shit!

    You want no more carnage, but also say that the U.S. Should go in, I assure you, the U.S. Is not gonna go in with Candy and cupcakes,

    its gonna be carnage whichever way. Better the U.S. Just leave, and stay away.

    The middle east will find its own way, it does not need the U.S.
    Look, I agree with a lot of your posts. But my thinking is that these dudes are fucked up no matter who caused them to form. I'm Muslim and that form of Islam ISNT what I was taught. I'll say it AGAIN, the Islam I WAS TAUGHT, taught me that any single human being who kills 1 SINGLE innocent human being will be PUNISHED by god as if that human killed ALL of HUMANITY. That shit of cutting kids heads off and killing women, NOT my Islam. That's devil shit no matter who created them. They need to be stopped. They aren't some Muslim movement, that shits NOT Islam, I don't care what shit they spew. A bunch of barbaric psychopaths hijack Islam and PRETEND to speak for ALL of us. No, not for me, and not for REAL Muslims everywhere.

    Edit- I will add, that if you're being marched into a fucken ditch and there's over 30 of you, fucken fight back, you know you're gonna die so fucken die fighting on your feet, not laying in a fucken ditch waiting to be shot. Fuck that!

    Also, if the us goes in, it SHOULDNT fucken be hard, we have fucken drones, apatchies, tanks f16, whatever the fuck we want against a small ass group of barbarians, yes US, please go in and get rid of these guys. Shouldn't be hard.
    badbrains, as a Muslim, are you in favour of US interventionism here? My knowledge of Islam is limited, but isn't the second part of that statement that for anyone who saves one person, it is as if he or she has saved all humanity? I personally love that line, with the first and second half. So beautiful.
    I'm in favor of saving innocent lives and if that means we have to intervene, then be it. We created this shit, the least we can do is help those people dying on the mountain whatever religion they are. I think the issue the US is having is that if they went to save these people, people around the world mite bring up Gaza and say why aren't you helping those people. Look I know why we aren't going into gaza to help them, but to sit idle and let Iraq turn into hell on earth AGAIN, makes no sense. Especially when I believe Isis can be stopped EASILY. My religion can be beautiful and is beautiful when the religion is allowed to stand on it's own without fucken barbarians hijacking it and claiming they're doing "gods" work. Not my fucken god.

    The world is super fucked up. What the fuck happened? Is this what our normal lives are gonna be. Wake up, eat, shit and sleep fucken war and misery? Aren't we all tired of this shit. Aren't we all tired of fighting amongst us let alone having war shoved down our throats everyday?

    I'm glad you like that saying Ben, it's one that I like to and hope it conquers all. Let's try to save humanity instead of killing it.
    Holy crap, I totally agree with you. :-O ;)
    That makes two of us :)
    '05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2

    Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
  • badbrainsbadbrains Posts: 10,255
    PJ_Soul said:

    badbrains said:

    benjs said:

    badbrains said:

    Idris said:

    badbrains said:

    Can we all agree that Isis ISNT gonna get anywhere near America. Let's be real here. And also, the US mite as we'll go in and get rid of Isis cuz what's gonna happen is we're not gonna do anything, Isis goes on a fucked up killing spree, then we'll go in and "save" the day. So we all know the US is gonna go in, so let's just go in before Isis slaughters more innocent people. No more carnage please. The fucken world is wilding out shit!

    You want no more carnage, but also say that the U.S. Should go in, I assure you, the U.S. Is not gonna go in with Candy and cupcakes,

    its gonna be carnage whichever way. Better the U.S. Just leave, and stay away.

    The middle east will find its own way, it does not need the U.S.
    Look, I agree with a lot of your posts. But my thinking is that these dudes are fucked up no matter who caused them to form. I'm Muslim and that form of Islam ISNT what I was taught. I'll say it AGAIN, the Islam I WAS TAUGHT, taught me that any single human being who kills 1 SINGLE innocent human being will be PUNISHED by god as if that human killed ALL of HUMANITY. That shit of cutting kids heads off and killing women, NOT my Islam. That's devil shit no matter who created them. They need to be stopped. They aren't some Muslim movement, that shits NOT Islam, I don't care what shit they spew. A bunch of barbaric psychopaths hijack Islam and PRETEND to speak for ALL of us. No, not for me, and not for REAL Muslims everywhere.

    Edit- I will add, that if you're being marched into a fucken ditch and there's over 30 of you, fucken fight back, you know you're gonna die so fucken die fighting on your feet, not laying in a fucken ditch waiting to be shot. Fuck that!

    Also, if the us goes in, it SHOULDNT fucken be hard, we have fucken drones, apatchies, tanks f16, whatever the fuck we want against a small ass group of barbarians, yes US, please go in and get rid of these guys. Shouldn't be hard.
    badbrains, as a Muslim, are you in favour of US interventionism here? My knowledge of Islam is limited, but isn't the second part of that statement that for anyone who saves one person, it is as if he or she has saved all humanity? I personally love that line, with the first and second half. So beautiful.
    I'm in favor of saving innocent lives and if that means we have to intervene, then be it. We created this shit, the least we can do is help those people dying on the mountain whatever religion they are. I think the issue the US is having is that if they went to save these people, people around the world mite bring up Gaza and say why aren't you helping those people. Look I know why we aren't going into gaza to help them, but to sit idle and let Iraq turn into hell on earth AGAIN, makes no sense. Especially when I believe Isis can be stopped EASILY. My religion can be beautiful and is beautiful when the religion is allowed to stand on it's own without fucken barbarians hijacking it and claiming they're doing "gods" work. Not my fucken god.

    The world is super fucked up. What the fuck happened? Is this what our normal lives are gonna be. Wake up, eat, shit and sleep fucken war and misery? Aren't we all tired of this shit. Aren't we all tired of fighting amongst us let alone having war shoved down our throats everyday?

    I'm glad you like that saying Ben, it's one that I like to and hope it conquers all. Let's try to save humanity instead of killing it.
    Holy crap, I totally agree with you. :-O ;)
    Wait, WHAT? First RR made some sense and now pjSoul agrees with me. Holyshit, wtf is going on....... ;)
  • rr165892rr165892 Posts: 5,697
    Is it us or you?
  • badbrainsbadbrains Posts: 10,255
    rr165892 said:

    Is it us or you?

    Holyshit RR, I didn't think about it like that..........nah, it's u guys lol :D
  • PJ_SoulPJ_Soul Vancouver, BC Posts: 50,142
    rr165892 said:

    Is it us or you?

    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
  • chadwickchadwick up my ass Posts: 21,157
    isis. what a disgusting group. i have no words for what i just saw. please........... i am speechless
    for poetry through the ceiling. ISBN: 1 4241 8840 7

    "Hear me, my chiefs!
    I am tired; my heart is
    sick and sad. From where
    the sun stands I will fight
    no more forever."

    Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
  • AnnafalkAnnafalk Sweden Posts: 4,004
    edited August 2014
    I am no Irak expert but I think that it's good that the Kurds (peshmerga soldiers) are getting support from the US. to fight against these Isis monsters.
    I hope more help organizations will turn up to help all the refugees? This situation is beyond horrible. Isis wants to delete all Christians and others with another religion than Islam.
    Finally my country is sending down planes with aid at least.
    Post edited by Annafalk on
  • PJ_SoulPJ_Soul Vancouver, BC Posts: 50,142
    edited August 2014
    Apparent video of IS beheading James Foley, American photojournalist missing from Syria since 2012 (how fucking horrifying, and they say they have another missing American journalist and are ready to murder him too)..... Is IS trying to draw the US further in??
    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
  • rr165892rr165892 Posts: 5,697
    PJ_Soul said:

    Apparent video of IS beheading James Foley, American photojournalist missing from Syria since 2012 (how fucking horrifying, and they say they have another missing American journalist and are ready to murder him too)..... Is IS trying to draw the US further in??

    PJ_Soul said:

    Apparent video of IS beheading James Foley, American photojournalist missing from Syria since 2012 (how fucking horrifying, and they say they have another missing American journalist and are ready to murder him too)..... Is IS trying to draw the US further in??

    It is so time to ramp this involvement up.
  • PJ_SoulPJ_Soul Vancouver, BC Posts: 50,142
    edited August 2014
    rr165892 said:

    PJ_Soul said:

    Apparent video of IS beheading James Foley, American photojournalist missing from Syria since 2012 (how fucking horrifying, and they say they have another missing American journalist and are ready to murder him too)..... Is IS trying to draw the US further in??

    It is so time to ramp this involvement up.
    Agreed. I'm wondering what IS's goal is. Or am I overestimating IS in thinking they might actually have some logical goal here?
    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
  • JimmyVJimmyV Boston's MetroWest Posts: 19,344
    I saw there were new posts to this thread and knew what they were about without even clicking.

    Beheading. In 2014.

    "...I changed by not changing at all..."
  • IdrisIdris Posts: 2,317
    PJ_Soul said:

    Apparent video of IS beheading James Foley, American photojournalist missing from Syria since 2012 (how fucking horrifying, and they say they have another missing American journalist and are ready to murder him too)..... Is IS trying to draw the US further in??


    Cause they know the U.S. Is/will be fighting a losing battle as long as they (USA) continues to deal with situations by dropping bombs, and continues to support 'bad' people etc etc etc...

    Violence begets violence.
  • chadwickchadwick up my ass Posts: 21,157
    chadwick said:

    isis. what a disgusting group. i have no words for what i just saw. please........... i am speechless

    adding to this... after what i saw i pretty much knew those images would be in my dreams later that night & i was right. in my dream my g/f was having a baby & we named her after the woman i saw IS strangle to death.

    what a horrific ordeal. i tried to find her name but the comments are blocked on the video & i've not yet continued the search for her name. she needs remembered. someone open schools in her name or something. i will not post the link here though, you're on your own in the locating & viewing if so inclined. i've been bothered ever since, like deeply shooken up.
    for poetry through the ceiling. ISBN: 1 4241 8840 7

    "Hear me, my chiefs!
    I am tired; my heart is
    sick and sad. From where
    the sun stands I will fight
    no more forever."

    Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
  • rr165892rr165892 Posts: 5,697
    chadwick said:

    chadwick said:

    isis. what a disgusting group. i have no words for what i just saw. please........... i am speechless

    adding to this... after what i saw i pretty much knew those images would be in my dreams later that night & i was right. in my dream my g/f was having a baby & we named her after the woman i saw IS strangle to death.

    what a horrific ordeal. i tried to find her name but the comments are blocked on the video & i've not yet continued the search for her name. she needs remembered. someone open schools in her name or something. i will not post the link here though, you're on your own in the locating & viewing if so inclined. i've been bothered ever since, like deeply shooken up.
  • rr165892rr165892 Posts: 5,697
    Idris said:

    PJ_Soul said:

    Apparent video of IS beheading James Foley, American photojournalist missing from Syria since 2012 (how fucking horrifying, and they say they have another missing American journalist and are ready to murder him too)..... Is IS trying to draw the US further in??


    Cause they know the U.S. Is/will be fighting a losing battle as long as they (USA) continues to deal with situations by dropping bombs, and continues to support 'bad' people etc etc etc...

    Violence begets violence.
    Come on,do you still not see the need to eliminate these fuck wads.Really Idris.They behead and again we are the bad guy.And to think your a fellow Floridian,I expected better from you.
  • IdrisIdris Posts: 2,317
    rr165892 said:

    Idris said:

    PJ_Soul said:

    Apparent video of IS beheading James Foley, American photojournalist missing from Syria since 2012 (how fucking horrifying, and they say they have another missing American journalist and are ready to murder him too)..... Is IS trying to draw the US further in??


    Cause they know the U.S. Is/will be fighting a losing battle as long as they (USA) continues to deal with situations by dropping bombs, and continues to support 'bad' people etc etc etc...

    Violence begets violence.
    Come on,do you still not see the need to eliminate these fuck wads.Really Idris.They behead and again we are the bad guy.And to think your a fellow Floridian,I expected better from you.
    Yes, we are the bad guys, does that mean that they are the good guys? Surely not. (I've already stated this)

    We are destroying the lives of Iraqi kids yet to even be born, from the chemicals we have dropped, we supported a corrupt Iraqi government that led to the rise of ISIS. I don't see how we can call ourselves 'good' in any way.
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