I think family history is interesting - some of it affects my life, some doesn't. Some facts I wish I didn't know and others, like discovering that my great-grandfather was the physician to the royal court in Iran, are pretty fucking cool.
I carry their blood in me, maybe even some of their traits or neuroses or mindsets that were passed on through the years. I want to know how they lived, how they struggled, how they celebrated, how they passed their time...what daily "normal" life was like so long ago.
Ever look at old OLD family photos and see yourself looking back at yourself?
Also, Civil War re-enactors are the same as Live Action Role Playing (except the LARPers get to see cleavage):
VS. This
cleavage or a hairy bastard beating a drum? simple choice as we already know who won
I don't think Civil War re-enactors should make fun of LARPers... and vice versa.
But.. the LARPers do have this:
The downside being... LARPer dudes only complain that this armor is completely impractical... especially when encountering a 3rd degree GORT Master with a thunder force bo staff. Full dragonscale vestaments with a elf crafted chain mail vest is what you need... DUH.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
I'm with you hedonist. Our family (on my Dad's side) has been traced back to the beginning of the 11th century. Not all a pretty history either. To a point where the family banner & crest had a couple of elements removed/changed following some 'darker' times and actions. The banner, as it stood initially, came to represent these and the local population found it quite offensive. Maybe a bit like what the confederate flag has come to represent hate and racism and is understood as a symbol of this by the large majority.
And when it comes to staring at myself on an old photo.. I have a 19th century photo of a group of people in front of a tipi. A young girl (probably in her mid teens) is my spitting image - except a bit more tanned. Eerie...
A civil war reenactment isn't quite the same thing as someone wearing a t-shirt with it on, or as a bunch of goons driving around with the flag on their car. The flag represents racism and slavery. And though not every Confederate soldier fought for those reasons, the remembering and/or honouring of those soldiers doesn't require any flying of that flag.
The people I know wear, display, march with the flag in reenactments proudly
not based in hate or any prejudice.
But you will assume what you will because you know best about people, I guess.
Hey Jonny you know me ...
I will believe based on who I know that there are many being misjudged.
I don't think the people I know are special. I think that people assume so much about
others that is negative. It seems to be always a leap to that. Not only on this subject
but so many. Why is that?
Kind of surprised a lot of people aren't into genealogy. It's quite fascinating to know the where you come from! But I resemble very few of my ancestors, as I was the odd ball that my family regarded as the mail man's kid.
But it's cool to know all the dark secrets. Unless it's a secret that's shameful, it's all really just interesting how people evolve, the whole science behind it. My aunt just received an official Native American status since family was from Labrador, Canada. We always knew we had Eskimo in us, and to find out even more history is pretty grounding. However being Eskimo and being a racist Confederate are two completely different things. (in no way insinuating that all Confederates are racist).
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,820
Kind of surprised a lot of people aren't into genealogy. It's quite fascinating to know the where you come from! But I resemble very few of my ancestors, as I was the odd ball that my family regarded as the mail man's kid.
But it's cool to know all the dark secrets. Unless it's a secret that's shameful, it's all really just interesting how people evolve, the whole science behind it. My aunt just received an official Native American status since family was from Labrador, Canada. We always knew we had Eskimo in us, and to find out even more history is pretty grounding. However being Eskimo and being a racist Confederate are two completely different things. (in no way insinuating that all Confederates are racist).
I very into genealogy, Jeanwah, and not at all ashamed of my ancestors. Here (in the middle) is my great to the 150th power grandfather and two of his cousins:
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
I very into genealogy, Jeanwah, and not at all ashamed of my ancestors. Here (in the middle) is my great to the 150th power grandfather and two of his cousins:
Wait a minute! That's my great to the 150th power grandfather and two of his cousins!
I very into genealogy, Jeanwah, and not at all ashamed of my ancestors. Here (in the middle) is my great to the 150th power grandfather and two of his cousins:
Wait a minute! That's my great to the 150th power grandfather and two of his cousins!
Well hi there, brother!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
I don't think the kid should get suspended for it. I believe it falls under reasonable expression. I do, however, object to the flag. How could anyone not? It represents a horrible time in our history. It doesn't represent southern pride, it represents treason. People should be challenged for wearing it or flying it. It's worse than flag burning because it's not a political protest, it represents the desire to dissolve the Union.
I try to answer unless I can tell someone is being antagonistic with a less than pure motive
which wouldn't be you.
Do you have Civil War Reenactments in Florida? I don't know if you do.
Have you visited the websites? seen the number of people participating?
These are just active members, consider the many others enjoying
of the same frame of mind and heart.
I do not believe it is slim at all. I believe those who hate are in slim pickings myself.
I will always believe this. I think there is a hell of a lot of negativity and assuming going on.
The nice people I know who should not be hated might be catching crap.
Some can not tell the difference nor would take the time too.
Seems strange to me to cry hate then hate yourself. You better be really sure who you are hating
and if they deserve it.
Antagonistic? No, just curious if you realized how small a percentage of people that civil war reenact era probably are when talking about the confederate flag. Asi said earlier, I've known dozens and dozens of people who display the confederat flag, and most seem to have an issue with black people. These are my experiences through south Florida, Gainesville Florida, and Jacksonville Florida. I even knew a few involved with the KKk. I had a friend whose assigned roommate in college had a confederate flag, and he went out one Friday night to "find some n#%*#rs to beat up." But I do have one friend whose grandfather does civil war reenactments. He's alright I think. But in my experiences and most I know, this is a tiny percentage of confederate flag wavers. The rest of the folks I've come across in life who display the flag, make me wanna vomit. If you can't understand where that dislike comes from, I don't know what to tell you. If you see racism and disgusting acts from people your whole life and they tend to identify with that flag,it's no surprise that it can be somewhat associated with hate. It was brought on by MOST of the people who use it to identify themselves.
also i am sorry if i was a dick yesterday saying genealogy is bullshit. i can admit my wrongs. some of you bring out my amazing qualities that's all.
genghis khan is probably my favorite badass of all time.
"The greatest joy for a man is to defeat his enemies, to drive them before him, to take from them all they possess, to see those they love in tears, to ride their horses, and to hold their wives and daughters in his arms."
Kind of surprised a lot of people aren't into genealogy. It's quite fascinating to know the where you come from! But I resemble very few of my ancestors, as I was the odd ball that my family regarded as the mail man's kid.
But it's cool to know all the dark secrets. Unless it's a secret that's shameful, it's all really just interesting how people evolve, the whole science behind it. My aunt just received an official Native American status since family was from Labrador, Canada. We always knew we had Eskimo in us, and to find out even more history is pretty grounding. However being Eskimo and being a racist Confederate are two completely different things. (in no way insinuating that all Confederates are racist).
I love genealogy! My dad has traced his mom's side back quite far (not quite as far as redrock though!). We are descended from the Cherokee princess Cornblossom. I thought that was really cool!
Are we getting something out of this all-encompassing trip?
Seems my preconceptions are what should have been burned...
I have confederate soldiers as neighbors. Live next to cemetary and family of those solders (old area family cemetary) have confederate flags next to tombstones. None of the family members that visit, road dead ends into cemetary and I'm last house before, have pick up trucks and or sport any southern gear other than having small confederate flags on graves.
I beleive all humans want to be part of a group, be it university, country, what you drive/ride (Harley) or whatever (PJ Fans). Natural instinct so can see some having pride in the south and having this flag to identify with this pride. Now I also realize that many of the trucks I see that have confederate flags along with, "Impeach Obama" and "Take it" may not have wonderful thoughts of other races...
Thank you. This is what I've been trying to tell the masses. They won't believe....
I try to answer unless I can tell someone is being antagonistic with a less than pure motive
which wouldn't be you.
Do you have Civil War Reenactments in Florida? I don't know if you do.
Have you visited the websites? seen the number of people participating?
These are just active members, consider the many others enjoying
of the same frame of mind and heart.
I do not believe it is slim at all. I believe those who hate are in slim pickings myself.
I will always believe this. I think there is a hell of a lot of negativity and assuming going on.
The nice people I know who should not be hated might be catching crap.
Some can not tell the difference nor would take the time too.
Seems strange to me to cry hate then hate yourself. You better be really sure who you are hating
and if they deserve it.
Antagonistic? No, just curious if you realized how small a percentage of people that civil war reenact era probably are when talking about the confederate flag. Asi said earlier, I've known dozens and dozens of people who display the confederat flag, and most seem to have an issue with black people. These are my experiences through south Florida, Gainesville Florida, and Jacksonville Florida. I even knew a few involved with the KKk. I had a friend whose assigned roommate in college had a confederate flag, and he went out one Friday night to "find some n#%*#rs to beat up." But I do have one friend whose grandfather does civil war reenactments. He's alright I think. But in my experiences and most I know, this is a tiny percentage of confederate flag wavers. The rest of the folks I've come across in life who display the flag, make me wanna vomit. If you can't understand where that dislike comes from, I don't know what to tell you. If you see racism and disgusting acts from people your whole life and they tend to identify with that flag,it's no surprise that it can be somewhat associated with hate. It was brought on by MOST of the people who use it to identify themselves.
No you would not be antagonistic as I said Jonny.
My experience is different, opposite of yours so you can understand my opinion
on this subject. And I have said of course their are haters it seems on both sides.
Yes, I see where the offensiveness comes from but I also will not assumewithout knowing
for sure that someone who honors the flag is being a racist, is filled with hate,
or has any intention but to honor in a traditional Southern heritage way.
Some people do not differentiate, they think it wrong period to fly that flag.
I disagree.
I was driving behind a jeep yesterday and noticed a car tag with the traditional confederate
flag on it, a Georgia plate. Should I assume this person hates? No, not me but I am sure
plenty are judging.
A civil war reenactment isn't quite the same thing as someone wearing a t-shirt with it on, or as a bunch of goons driving around with the flag on their car. The flag represents racism and slavery. And though not every Confederate soldier fought for those reasons, the remembering and/or honouring of those soldiers doesn't require any flying of that flag.
The people I know wear, display, march with the flag in reenactments proudly
not based in hate or any prejudice.
But you will assume what you will because you know best about people, I guess.
Are any of those people black?
'Happy to report, it is an untruth that all black people view those who display
and honor the confederate flag as being antagonistic or offensive.'
The South has many people who live with God in their hearts.
God helps us to forgive and understand and walk together.
Hey Jonny you know me ...
I will believe based on who I know that there are many being misjudged.
I don't think the people I know are special. I think that people assume so much about
others that is negative. It seems to be always a leap to that. Not only on this subject
but so many. Why is that?
This thread is now all about one person, again.
I'm out of here.
Too bad really you could ignore, be nice and stick around :?
Life is full of choices.
Losers of conflicts are not allowed to fly the banner under which their army was defeated.You don't see people displaying the Nazi flag of Germany or the rising sun of Japan. Nothing good will ever come out of the south.
nothing good?
that generalization is itself a discriminatory statement
while the rebel flag is historical, purposeful displays indicate bigotry
The South has many people who live with God in their hearts.
God helps us to forgive and understand and walk together.
The South also has many people who walk with racism and ignorance in their hearts.
I don't believe in your 'God', and I won't walk with racists and bigots.
'Happy to report, it is an untruth that all black people view those who display
and honor the confederate flag as being antagonistic or offensive.'
Freaking ridiculous. Not that you have much credibility before Pandora, but now you have none. I'm convinced that you come on these forums simply to bait people. (...back to ignoring)
In this case, the confederate flag is the stupid flag....and look how high they wave it!
I get it all and yes I have.
I don't think Civil War re-enactors should make fun of LARPers... and vice versa.
But.. the LARPers do have this:
The downside being... LARPer dudes only complain that this armor is completely impractical... especially when encountering a 3rd degree GORT Master with a thunder force bo staff. Full dragonscale vestaments with a elf crafted chain mail vest is what you need... DUH.
Hail, Hail!!!
you're good. that cracks me up
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
And when it comes to staring at myself on an old photo.. I have a 19th century photo of a group of people in front of a tipi. A young girl (probably in her mid teens) is my spitting image - except a bit more tanned. Eerie...
Are any of those people black?
Yes it did. The upside down Swastika, that is.
Why is that bizarre?
Oh, I forgot...I'm a Nazi, Jew Hater, right?
This thread is now all about one person, again.
I'm out of here.
But it's cool to know all the dark secrets. Unless it's a secret that's shameful, it's all really just interesting how people evolve, the whole science behind it. My aunt just received an official Native American status since family was from Labrador, Canada. We always knew we had Eskimo in us, and to find out even more history is pretty grounding. However being Eskimo and being a racist Confederate are two completely different things. (in no way insinuating that all Confederates are racist).
I very into genealogy, Jeanwah, and not at all ashamed of my ancestors. Here (in the middle) is my great to the 150th power grandfather and two of his cousins:
Wait a minute! That's my great to the 150th power grandfather and two of his cousins!
redrock, amazing you can go back that far...and the banner / crest evolution is interesting, especially in light of the topic.
Jeanwah, when my Persian mom would go out with me when I was little (light coloring from my German father), I got the mailman thing too
Well hi there, brother!
Antagonistic? No, just curious if you realized how small a percentage of people that civil war reenact era probably are when talking about the confederate flag. Asi said earlier, I've known dozens and dozens of people who display the confederat flag, and most seem to have an issue with black people. These are my experiences through south Florida, Gainesville Florida, and Jacksonville Florida. I even knew a few involved with the KKk. I had a friend whose assigned roommate in college had a confederate flag, and he went out one Friday night to "find some n#%*#rs to beat up." But I do have one friend whose grandfather does civil war reenactments. He's alright I think. But in my experiences and most I know, this is a tiny percentage of confederate flag wavers. The rest of the folks I've come across in life who display the flag, make me wanna vomit. If you can't understand where that dislike comes from, I don't know what to tell you. If you see racism and disgusting acts from people your whole life and they tend to identify with that flag,it's no surprise that it can be somewhat associated with hate. It was brought on by MOST of the people who use it to identify themselves.
also i am sorry if i was a dick yesterday saying genealogy is bullshit. i can admit my wrongs. some of you bring out my amazing qualities that's all.
genghis khan is probably my favorite badass of all time.
"The greatest joy for a man is to defeat his enemies, to drive them before him, to take from them all they possess, to see those they love in tears, to ride their horses, and to hold their wives and daughters in his arms."
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Hell knows I have my dick days.
(that's what she said)
We all have dick days.
I love genealogy! My dad has traced his mom's side back quite far (not quite as far as redrock though!). We are descended from the Cherokee princess Cornblossom. I thought that was really cool!
Seems my preconceptions are what should have been burned...
Thank you.
My experience is different, opposite of yours so you can understand my opinion
on this subject. And I have said of course their are haters it seems on both sides.
Yes, I see where the offensiveness comes from but I also will not assume without knowing
for sure that someone who honors the flag is being a racist, is filled with hate,
or has any intention but to honor in a traditional Southern heritage way.
Some people do not differentiate, they think it wrong period to fly that flag.
I disagree.
I was driving behind a jeep yesterday and noticed a car tag with the traditional confederate
flag on it, a Georgia plate. Should I assume this person hates? No, not me but I am sure
plenty are judging.
and honor the confederate flag as being antagonistic or offensive.'
The South has many people who live with God in their hearts.
God helps us to forgive and understand and walk together.
Life is full of choices.
nothing good?
that generalization is itself a discriminatory statement
while the rebel flag is historical, purposeful displays indicate bigotry
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
So now you're quoting yourself? Nice touch.
The South also has many people who walk with racism and ignorance in their hearts.
I don't believe in your 'God', and I won't walk with racists and bigots.
Freaking ridiculous. Not that you have much credibility before Pandora, but now you have none. I'm convinced that you come on these forums simply to bait people. (...back to ignoring)