U.S. embassy in Cairo apologizes

Clip to move that pissed them off. Why does it not surprise me that we apologize.....
“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
Post edited by Unknown User on
That statement wasn't about the attacks... they hadn't happened yet. That was made earlier in the day.
That was saying that they were angry about a film depicting Mohammad as a gay owner of child slaves. A film that may or may not exist but is apparently being promoted by Terry Jones, the "Koran-burnings" Republican wingnut.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/1 ... 75906.html
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000087 ... atsNewsTop
But please... don't let facts get in the way of your hysterical ranting.
Hey, has Mitt Romney released his tax records yet?
BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - The U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other embassy staff were killed in a rocket attack on their car, a Libyan official said, as they were rushed from a consular building stormed by militants denouncing a U.S.-made film insulting the Prophet Mohammad.
Gunmen had attacked and burned the U.S. consulate in the eastern city of Benghazi, a center of last year's uprising against Muammar Gaddafi, late on Tuesday evening, killing one U.S. consular official. The building was evacuated.
Christopher Stevens, the U.S. ambassador to Libya has died as Libyan militants stormed the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.
Stevens, 52, was killed on Tuesday as 20 gun-wielding attackers stormed the U.S. consulate, angry about an American made film that depicts Prophet Mohammad as a -fraud and womanizer-.
http://abcnews.go.com/International/US- ... d=17215154
all of this friggin crap over a movie....a fiction movie ? ...nuke the fuckin place !
the CNN article mentions nothing about an apology....
are the hateful voices in your head making things up again....?
and the guy who said this is an idiot: "I just want to say, how would the Americans feel if films insulting leading Christian figures like the pope or historical figures like Abraham Lincoln were produced?"
let me answer....
a) many wouldn't give a fuck
b) those who would be upset wouldn't attack an embassy and kill people....
GF....I share your disgust over this behavior over a stupid youtube movie that hardly anyone has seen...I don't get it either...
a bunch of fuckheads all around...the pastor that stokes the flames and the idiots who feel then need to kill others over a movie...
not sure about nuking the place...but we sure could do some damage if needed...I say we pack up our monetary aid and get the f out of there....
I agree
Am I to understand that you are calling me hateful?
How many more wars and American lives have to be destoryed in Israel's quest to exist!!! You're a goddamn country, you exist.
just the voices in your head....
and don't expect me to apologize...that would be a bad thing...right...?
anyway, where is this apology that you calm happened...?
I also agree, the nuke idea was just a comment made out of anger but yea we should leave.
The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims -- as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions. Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy. Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others.
Honestly, no matter how bad we have it here, and no matter how crazy some people are, this is fucking nuts. I'm not sure of the appropriate reaction, I hope our president is.
I'm really tired of the US kissing muslim ass....F'em !!!!!
I call bullshit. The death of these Americans fall squarely on the religious muslim nutjobs. Fuck their "god" and his "prophet".
waoooooo HIppie Mom get down with your bad self
I don't recall seeing such a burst of anger from you.
Where is the Presidents statement? Certainly shows Bushes 9 minute delay on 9/11 was a very minimal time delay....
Wow! Just wow!! The ignorance on this board is beyond comprehension.
And again, you fail to mention that this statement was posted BEFORE the attacks. It had to do with a film that was made intentionally to provoke and stir up trouble. And released right now to cause trouble for our current president but has backfired and underscored just how pathetic and desperate The GOP is for a sound byte that doesn't make mitt Romney look like... Well, Sarah Palin.
There was no "apology" and -contrary to what Mitt Rimeny and Reince Prebus say - the president didn't "sympathize" with the terrorists.
Honestly... Are you not even able to attempt to report a bit of fact with your spin!
The president made a statement last night. Do you not have a google machine in your house?
And the two events aren't compatible. Bush sat there reading a book to kids while his own country was under attack. He did nothing. People weren't waiting for him to "make a statement," they were waiti for the leader of the country to maybe start a plan of action.
The president HAS been doing quite a bit... Just not tap dancing for you. And good for him.
So maybe you could have posted the statement instead of attacking me.....
And what is Obama doing? besides apologizing and snubbing our allies....got-a-link on that please....
The guy that made the film says he made it to show the hypocritical actions in the Muslim religion (fanatical Muslims I am assuming). That is his right here in America.
Oh dear... Do you feel attacked? And here I thought you were a big boy.
Silly me.
Ok, here's how it works... If you start a thread saying that the US Embassy apologized to someone... The onus is on you to actually post the phantom apology. You haven't done that. And in fact...what you have posted has been torn to bits. So you're not really in a position to demand links.
And now in THAT post you said the president apologized AND snubbed allies but didn't provide a link for THAT, either... And in a post where you demand a link from me.
You're really bad at this,
But here you go...
President Barack Obama ordered increased security to protect U.S. diplomatic personnel around world. He's been very busy and active actually addressing the problem but not grandstanding on Twitter.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/mid ... story.html
“I strongly condemn the outrageous attack on our diplomatic facility in Benghazi, which took the lives of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens. Right now, the American people have the families of those we lost in our thoughts and prayers. They exemplified America’s commitment to freedom, justice, and partnership with nations and people around the globe, and stand in stark contrast to those who callously took their lives.
I have directed my Administration to provide all necessary resources to support the security of our personnel in Libya, and to increase security at our diplomatic posts around the globe. While the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants.
On a personal note, Chris was a courageous and exemplary representative of the United States. Throughout the Libyan revolution, he selflessly served our country and the Libyan people at our mission in Benghazi. As Ambassador in Tripoli, he has supported Libya’s transition to democracy. His legacy will endure wherever human beings reach for liberty and justice. I am profoundly grateful for his service to my Administration, and deeply saddened by this loss.
The brave Americans we lost represent the extraordinary service and sacrifices that our civilians make every day around the globe. As we stand united with their families, let us now redouble our own efforts to carry their work forward.”
Please point out the "apology" in that statement and the snubs you mentioned.
Or admit you don't know what you're talking about,
Your turn.
Yeah. I'm sure that's why he did it.
What was the true purpose? To get them to show their true colors? It sure as hell worked. Most religions are dumb. All have been dangerous at different times and to different people. Right now, Islam is very dangerous.
To be fair, my family has been targeted by catholics and morons more than islamics but I agree that religion is dangerous. And pointless.
One thing to remember is that the angry mobs of people attacking the embassies aren't average working middle class people. In many cases, we're talking about desperately poor people with little understanding about the world who feel backed into a corner.
I'm not defending them or "apologizing" to them or sympathizing with them... But I'm saying that the middle class family down the street who are Muslim are probably not going to be a danger to you anymore than you are to them.
how the hell is this an "apology"....?
as I read it, it says we don't like the bullshit spewed by those who hate a particular religion...
I know you hate O-bama so much that you can taste it, but this is not an apology...
http://washingtonexaminer.com/radicals- ... FCS9o0ipSx
Yes I know you will not agree...just wanted to post it since Dork was asking for it....let it be known that I do not work for this paper and have no influence there.......
Been attacked by rockets?
It's like Islam is 1000 years behind christianity.