I actually thought the crowd participation was pretty good. We were a little ways back, not up front where it was mostly PJ diehards (we were fairly close to the fountain on the right-hand side of the audience, on the edge of the diagonal sidewalk cutting between it and the George Washington statue), and there was plenty of singing along, and clear fan knowledge of what to do and when (like the fist-in-the-air chanting during the "Alive" solo). We had plenty of lunkheads in our area, too, but for a festival where not everyone was a PJ expert, I thought the crowd brought it pretty well.
95% set list? Why don't you stay at home and watch the set list thread instead :roll:
Such an odd comment.
How would sitting at home, let me see PJ perform an amazing set list? My favorite live songs are not their greatest hits. If you want to hear their greatest hits, why not just pop in any bootleg? I don't dislike hearing their greatest hits, I'd just prefer to hear other songs. The 4 spectrum shows were not great because they played all their hits and were "on fire". It was because of the rare songs.
So...I'm still mesmerized by last night's show. Only my third (sad, sad truth) but I arrived at 10 AM to guarantee a close spot, and I lucked out (and ran a 1/2 mile at noon) to secure the front right (Stone) side. Amazing day of music capped by one of the best musical experiences of my life. By Save You, my voice was almost gone but I just kept going. The energy was crazy, onstage and off - Eddie was rolling on the ground, sliding on the water, and the rest of the band was incredible start to finish. It was a festival so they played lots of popular songs. So what? They still included Unemployable (ps - soundcheck was unemployable, unthought know, fixer and reign o'er me) , Know Your Rights, and my personal pick-my-wish WMA, so there was a lot for the 30+ show people to love (and I should know, I was surrounded by them for 11 hours!)
When Eddie was giving out the tambourines, I thought 'Man, I hope I get one,' just like everybody else. Except I was front and center and he had just given two away to the left and two away to the right. There was a stagehand/roadie holding two more just offstage, waiting for Eddie to return, but instead he grabbed his wine bottle and, as others mentioned, rained it down on us. It was the closest he got to us (the security said he might come all the way down and run around but oh well). I got wine on my favorite shirt, but I was too happy to give a...
Now here's where it gets interesting. So the show ends and we're all shell-shocked with a smile. The guy next to me (who was the tall guy jumping around onstage during Santigold's set btw) starts trying to climb the barricade, pulling off his shirt. I look up and see Mike walking towards us, saying 'No, not you. YOUUUUU' pointing right at me. I look up and see him and he says 'Wanna trade shirts' pointing at my Bowie shirt and his NY Dolls shirt. Before I could properly consider the proposal, my shirt was off and thrown over the guard's head. His shirt landed in mine and I'm standing there, being stared at by everyone in the area, equally shocked by what's just happened. I was so stunned that I didn't look back to see if he put it on, said goodbye, etc. Foolish, I know, but I was too happy/tired/surprised to think clearly. One big fan asked to smell it so I let her. Then I put it on (I didn't have any other shirts!) Some people told me not to wash it, some people told me to frame it, I'm probably just going to wear it and love it (and try desperately to find that Bowie shirt...it's verrrry rare...Mike definitely got the better end of our trade, I assure you, although his shirt is amazing).
So, why am I telling you all this, other than to share fun stories? Why did I just pay for a loooong overdue Ten cc membership, partly because I couldn't post without one (analog, of course!)? Because, simply, I'm wondering if this is normal? Does he do this at shows ever/often? Does anyone else have a story like this? My first show was back in 1998 (Camden) and my 2nd was MSG final night but I was too far away to see if this happened. He used to trade rock pictures back in the day, I thought maybe he moved up to rock t shirts...just curious.
(No, it's not for sale. That's worse than regifting! and besides, for how much I loved the Bowie shirt AND how much I love PJ/and how last night made me feel, it might as well be priceless).
Anyways, it was an amazing show, to say the least. I'm still blown away, by the music, the fellow fans, the way being that close amplified everything for me, and the unexpected, completely sincere short exchange Mike and I had.
Favorite musical moments -
Save You - Eddie was completely in this song. Drake might be an 'actor' but Eddie knows how to get into the character of the song like no other. And it was infectious.
Unemployable - great at soundcheck, even better during the show. Like WMA (another highlight), it made sense, taking advantage of the situation to touch on what's going on this country.
DOE - What can I say? I felt like I was part of the choir. This is one of my favs to play so to watch Mike and Stone do it in front of my face was...
Spin - I wouldn't have minded if the entire two hours was all energy (no acoustic guitars, no slow tempos) because of how good songs like this made me feel.
I'm not a Jay Z fan - I sold my Sat ticket because there weren't' enough acts worth seeing that I hadn't already seen - but it made sense for him to come out and if him doing 99 problems is what it takes to get a WMA like that, then I'll take it gladly. I don't know the song other than the chorus but I've heard it relates when to WMA's message so that's a nice bonus (at least he didn't rap Big Pimpin or something...).
Overall - even though there weren't any No Code (Hail Hail...Off He Goes...Smile...) or Binaural (Insignificance, Insignificance, Insignificance...!), it was ridiculous. I know what my bootleg code's being used for (I think that's how that works, right?).
Feel free to respond, about the shirt stuff, the music, whatever.
show was KILLER. haven't seen them since the spectrum so it's been a while, but i don't think i've ever heard them this on fire. they just sounded so amazing. reasons IMO they played so well: there were alot of musicians there, ron howard was making a movie about the whole thing, plus they had an opportunity to gain some fans* (which they no doubt did) so they brought it. *also obviously the reason they played alot of hits.
99 problems is by far my favorite jay-z song and the obscurity of the two playing together was i think the best part (i kept thinking of george costanzas "worlds colliding"). for anyone not familiar with the song - to me it's always been an old-school beasties or run-dmc def-jam style rock/rap riff. when it first came out i thought i was listening to licensed to ill (rick rubin also proudced 99 problems btw).
it's also not the first time worlds have collided like this...phish played it with jay-z in brooklyn a few years back
Those undecided,........ Needn't have faith to be free
And those misguided, There was a plan for them to be
Now you got both sides Claiming killing in Gods name
But God is nowhere,..... To be found, conveniently
Hey man - good to meet you (and Warren) too! I kept looking over at Mike all night, watching him interact with your side, wishing Stone would maybe, just maybe, look at us(!) but he's just a low-key kind of guy.
Haha - it even occurred to me that maybe Ed was the one who pointed my shirt out to Mike, since he was a lot closer to me than Mike was the whole show and especially during the wine shower. I wasn't sure he could see our side of the stage that well, but I guess I was wrong! I can't wait for the boot/movie to come out
This show was fun. I agree 100% with the comments that the band was on FIRE Sunday night. This was my first PJ festival show. I liked the diversity of music that was available at the show. Saw old PJ friends and made a few new ones, always fun. Mike was having a great time and melting faces all over Ben Franklin Parkway. Jeff had a few new basses he was playing, jumping around and smiling(see you November 4 Jeff) Stone was feeling every note that was played, loved when he gave JZ some love after 99 problems. BOOM's fingers danced all over the place all night, especially during Love Reign O'er Me. The highlites for me were; DTE always makes me jump around, Know Your Rights a few people figured out what Eddie was talking about, the biggie for me was WMA Matt KILLED IT on the drums, then the Jigga joining the band for 99 problmes was cool. You can't get upset about the PJ/JZ thing. It is two worlds crossing paths for a few minutes, have fun with it. We all know the boys have some hip-hop influences, they had just as much fun as the croud did. We can say that we saw PJ perform with JZ, the band can say they played with JZ, it's all cool. I had a blast.
Other good times at the MIA:
The Hives, good sound and song selection.
Jill Scott, what a voice, glad i checked her out.
Gary Clark Jr., WOW, what a great guitar player, sounded great.
RUN/DMC, THE KINGS OF ROCK ARE BACK!! They were amazing, felt like I was back in Jr. High & High School
Drake, OK, he did give PJ respect constantly during his set, and his guitar player was pretty good.
Had a great time, now I'm ready for a non-festival Pearl Jam show. Bring it on in 2013!!!!
How was the crowd?
Just curious?
Did the Hip-Hop crowd stick around for Pearl Jam?
NO. A ton of them really cleared out, and made a lot of room in that place. Seemed like the total crowd for Jay-Z was bigger than PJ's (which was still huge, don't get me wrong). The area right by the VIP entrance/statue was jammed on Saturday, but not nearly as much on Sunday (which could just mean people wanted better views, I guess).
i have decided EPIC is too overused and just won't work for this situation -- I thought the whole fest went amazingly well - Jay Z was great and Gary Clark Jr really put himself on the map ..... and of course Pearl Jam brought this whole thing to an unforgettable ending in the way only they can. So instead of EPIC the new word is
Also I loved seeing Jessie(?) the body guard out on stage yelling at Mike during Black - he pointed toward the area of the stage where he wanted Mike to stay and seemed super pissed haha. I love it. Sometimes we all need a big ol babysitter to keep us safe from ourselves
"...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
Quite a night! A fun time was had by all. There were a lot of hits played, but I don't blame them. A festival like that was no place to 'test' the crowd. They came out and just annhilated the set! I didn't see any other bands. The pre-part was a lot of fun. met some really nice awesome people and had $130 worth more drinks and shots after the pre-party officially ended. Took one of those bicycle taxis to the show, had just enough time to geet beer and hit the porta-john before GO rand out through Phiily. Great night. Was nowhere close to the stage but it didn't matter. We all stood under a tree, not in a crowd, had plenty of room to move around, sing along, spill beer, and take pics of the jumbotron.
"All I Ever Knew" available now in print and digital formats at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and iBooks.
Awesome Set list, we got some classics and some rarites. Oh ya and Jay Z performed. It was absolutely epic in nature, so glad I could be a part of it !
We made the trip up from NYC, and after my last PJ show (Costa Rica)... it was great, PJ was GREAT- as always... But the crowd.. Weird. I felt like I was surrounded by a bunch of frat boys, and half of them snuck into the VIP area without wristbands, and the crowd went crazy for the bizarre Jay Z collaboration that was happening on stage. I could have cared less about that part actually, though I suppose it was a once in a lifetime thing to see.
Great show, great cool greatest hits type set, but not so great audience where I was... And this is my 11th show. PJ fans are ALWAYS the best, I suppose in my area, I was outnumbered by drunken, shirtless, frat dudes who were there for Drake. haha
We made the trip up from NYC, and after my last PJ show (Costa Rica)... it was great, PJ was GREAT- as always... But the crowd.. Weird. I felt like I was surrounded by a bunch of frat boys, and half of them snuck into the VIP area without wristbands, and the crowd went crazy for the bizarre Jay Z collaboration that was happening on stage. I could have cared less about that part actually, though I suppose it was a once in a lifetime thing to see.
Great show, great cool greatest hits type set, but not so great audience where I was... And this is my 11th show. PJ fans are ALWAYS the best, I suppose in my area, I was outnumbered by drunken, shirtless, frat dudes who were there for Drake. haha
Glad you had great time Anya!!
"...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
I was to the right of the stage...back 15 or so rows...probably closest I've ever been at a PJ show (my 18th) and still had trouble seeing...because I'm short and old and going blind :( but the huge screen right in front of me was wonderful The sound was amazing...I don't know if there was some kind of delay or I was just really stoned, but several times it seemed like the words & Ed's lips didn't match up...a few time I thought maybe he was lip syncing, haha ...anyone else notice that?
As for the set list...I assumed it would be mostly 'hits' being that it was festival with such a diverse group of artists and fans...funny tho, most of the peeps around me said it was their first PJ show but they knew all the words to all the songs and were jamming out...great time! Except for the girl next to me who started to pass out and I had to drag through the crowd to the rail so security could pull her out. Hope she was ok.
I thought it was cool that Jay Z came out and performed...kind of expected something like that to happen. I knew 99 Problems was one of his recent hits but I didn't know until after the fact what it's about and when I found out it totally made sense that it followed WMA. Again, not a big rap fan in general but still...it was an experience I'll never forget.
Oh...does anyone have video of Comatose?! I loved how Ed changed the lyrics up...'if it's illegal, for men to fuck men'...something to that effect.
Had a great time and was really impressed with the whole set up overall AND I got my PJ fix since it might be another year before I get to see them!
No time to be void or save up on life...you've got to spend it all.
I arrived over an hour before gates opened and got a front rail spot. It was my first time being able to see PJ so close because I have a shit 10C number. I was really excited so I didn't take any chances. I left once during the whole day and suffered through all the sets. Run DMC was really the only one I enjoyed.
It was just an incredible day overall. Meeting Ron Howard and being able to talk to him was plain cool. He was really nice and seemed to enjoy my enthusiasm by filming me quite a bit.
I got so much McCready love I thought I was going to explode! At some point he pointed at his tattoos because he wanted to look at my half sleeve I'm working on. At the end he blew me a kiss and I wanted to die on spot. I blew him one back and he caught it. I thought it was the cutest thing ever coming from one of my guitar heroes. I'm still pretty shocked from everything that happened! Great, great show. As much as I would have loved to hear some rarities, I still had an awesome time and enjoyed every single song. I think that was clear to the people around me, especially because by the end of the night I noticed I had generous space behind me.
Is there anyone out there who thought that Drake was good, aside from his props for PJ?
Spectrum 10/27/09; New Orleans JazzFest 5/1/10; Made in America 9/2/12; Phila, PA 10/21/13; Phila, PA 10/22/13; Baltimore Arena 10/27/13; Phila, PA 4/28/16; Phila, PA 4/29/16; Fenway Park 8/7/16; Fenway Park 9/2/18; Asbury Park 9/18/21; Camden 9/14/22; Las Vegas 5/16/24; Las Vegas 5/18/24; Phila, PA 9/7/24; Phila, PA 9/9/24; Baltimore Arena 9/12/24
Tres Mtns - TLA 3/23/11; EV - Tower Theatre 6/25/11; Temple of the Dog - Tower Theatre 11/5/16
I was the blonde bombshell standing to your right congrats again for getting Mikes shirt..maybe see you again at the next festival or two :wave: :wave:
Haha - it even occurred to me that maybe Ed was the one who pointed my shirt out to Mike, since he was a lot closer to me than Mike was the whole show and especially during the wine shower. I wasn't sure he could see our side of the stage that well, but I guess I was wrong! I can't wait for the boot/movie to come out
Even the Drake fans near me thought he was bad. He's that dude's that who acts tough when he's not because he's rich. It was the worse 50 mins of live music i've ever experienced. And i've seen some shitty acts in my time.
Sweatie Eddie...not finer...then see Sweatie Eddie from 1st at the rail Well maybe being blessed by Eddie with splashes of his wine on your arms and head is even better licked all the sprinkles of wine from my arms that I could
2009 Philly Spectrum 10/28
2010 Jazz Fest*Kansas City*St.Louis*Columbus*Noblesville*Bristow*
Berlin*WM3Little Rock*Bridge 1&2
2011 Eddie Vedder*Chicago*St Louis*San Diego*Long Beach*Los Angles*Santa Barbara
PJ20 1&2*Canada Tour*Montreal*Toronto 1&2*Ottawa*Hamilton*Winnipeg*
I have a hard time with ''Jay Z saved the day ''. PJ played alot of their mainstream songs agreed but, look where they were at. They were in front of a somewhat mixed audience and only had 2 hours to play. I would like to have heard stuff like Present Tense, In Hiding, Oceans, and of course Love Boat Captain as well as a couple from Lost Dogs etc..,. I was at the Spectrum shows in 09 and they mixed it up with rarities with plenty of time to do it. I've seen plenty of Pearl Jam shows and I thought EV, M Mc, and Stone were on tonight. It's always a big bonus when the crowd is totally into it. Everythng considered I can't complain about the show at all. This band mixes it up like no other before, and I'll be at their next show in the area God willing. I wasn't out to offend anyone, sometimes alot of us hit Submit without thinking things through !!
Jay Z saved the day, this was one of the worst PJ shows I have ever been to, the setlist was too mainstream, and the hip hop crowd didn't even appreciate it and sing along. It was ranking right up there with the 2005 PNC park show, 2006 Cincy, and every Show they have ever played in Camden. But 99 problems was epic!
This was my first show in a long time (since PJ 20), normally that kicks it up a notch, but not tonight. I can only hope Deluna Fest is better.
Which part of my opinion would you like to dispute? That the setlist was too mainstream (lots of people seem to agree with me)? That the crowd was silent during singalongs (been to 46 PJ shows, think I have a baseline for crowd participation)? That it compared to other shows I have been to with mainstream setlists such as PNC Park, Cincy, and Camden (where you at all of those shows to compare?)?
For me, a show is like 95% setlist, and 5% other. Part of that 5% other is "band energy", if they are "on fire", it hardly changes my opinion of the show. I think PJ is always great live, so being "on fire" has almost no effect on how I rate a show. The best part about seeing PJ is when they play something rare, and since they are not polished at playing rare songs, they are never "on fire" when they bust out something like "education". I expected a lot of mainstream PJ, but since I was in town I went to see my favorite band anyway. I was hoping that they would at least throw in something new like "Ole" that I had never heard, or maybe some favorites like immortality or anything off of No Code. Hearing 99 problems was epic, but it was too little too late. Every PJ show is great, but this was at the bottom of my list of PJ shows.
Ok...here's my review but from the whole weekend...
Left Chicago with 81 and Becky on Friday, stayed in the lovely town of Beaver Falls PA that night. Took off Sat morning and including a quick detour in Jersey got into Philly around 4 or so. FYI Becky's got a lead foot and was doing about 110 in PA We got our bearings together and did a little pregaming then went out on the town. Our hotel was within walking distance of South St. so we walked over there. Stopped at Fat Tuesday's first and drank a delicious 190 octane! Then we headed over to Jim's for cheesesteaks...had wiz with...delectable! I think maybe I've converted 81 over to Jim's There were tons of people out and about...got to see some cool shops...Philly's such a great town! We ended up closing the night out at some bar...Paddy Whacks I think...met some young guys from Pittsburgh that were there for their first PJ show!
Sunday we went to the pre-party and met tons of cool people. There was a really cute xouple we talked to from Berlin. There were a few people I was hoping to meet there but the place was packed and hard to talk to everyone. Rick and Erica met up with us there, so cool to finally meet Rick! Becky went in the fest early to get a poster and the rest of us got in when Drake started. Tons of crazy people watching! As we were scoping our PJ spot we could hear X and they sounded awesome. We found a spot on Mike's side by the statue rail. Lovethat they came out to the Ramones entrance music! The show was great! We had a few people next to us that were really awesome and some others that were not so awesome, but I just focused on the music. Highlights for me were Know Your Rights, Unthought, Comatose, and of course WMA! When JayZ came out the people around us went nuts! I'm not a fan of his, but I thought thewhole thing was pretty cool. The band seemed to be having a lot of fun and the crowd was into it, so that was cool! Went by way too fast!
After the show we went to the post party at the Pol....met quite a few people there and had a blast. FYI 81 should now be known as Kim Kardashian ha! Ran into the kids from Pittsburgh again and was cool to hear how much they loved their first show. Didnt want the party to end! Long drive back yesterday and now just processing everything that happened. Wish I was going to Montana!
WI '98, WI '99 (EV), WI '00, Chgo '00, MO '00, Champaign '03, Chgo '03, WI '03, IN '03, MI '04, Chgo '06:N1 & 2, WI '06, Chgo '07, Chgo '08 (EV:N1), Chgo '09:N1 & 2, Chgo '11 (EV:N1), WI '11:N1 & 2, Philly '12, Wrigley '13, Pitt '13, Buff '13, Detroit '14, MKE '14, Wrigley '16: N1 & N2, Seattle '18 N2, Wrigley '18: N1 & N2, Fenway '18 N1, STL '22, St Paul '23 N2, Chgo '23: N1 & N2, Wrigley '24 N1 & 2
Ok...here's my review but from the whole weekend...
Left Chicago with 81 and Becky on Friday, stayed in the lovely town of Beaver Falls PA that night. Took off Sat morning and including a quick detour in Jersey got into Philly around 4 or so. FYI Becky's got a lead foot and was doing about 110 in PA We got our bearings together and did a little pregaming then went out on the town. Our hotel was within walking distance of South St. so we walked over there. Stopped at Fat Tuesday's first and drank a delicious 190 octane! Then we headed over to Jim's for cheesesteaks...had wiz with...delectable! I think maybe I've converted 81 over to Jim's There were tons of people out and about...got to see some cool shops...Philly's such a great town! We ended up closing the night out at some bar...Paddy Whacks I think...met some young guys from Pittsburgh that were there for their first PJ show!
Sunday we went to the pre-party and met tons of cool people. There was a really cute xouple we talked to from Berlin. There were a few people I was hoping to meet there but the place was packed and hard to talk to everyone. Rick and Erica met up with us there, so cool to finally meet Rick! Becky went in the fest early to get a poster and the rest of us got in when Drake started. Tons of crazy people watching! As we were scoping our PJ spot we could hear X and they sounded awesome. We found a spot on Mike's side by the statue rail. Lovethat they came out to the Ramones entrance music! The show was great! We had a few people next to us that were really awesome and some others that were not so awesome, but I just focused on the music. Highlights for me were Know Your Rights, Unthought, Comatose, and of course WMA! When JayZ came out the people around us went nuts! I'm not a fan of his, but I thought thewhole thing was pretty cool. The band seemed to be having a lot of fun and the crowd was into it, so that was cool! Went by way too fast!
After the show we went to the post party at the Pol....met quite a few people there and had a blast. FYI 81 should now be known as Kim Kardashian ha! Ran into the kids from Pittsburgh again and was cool to hear how much they loved their first show. Didnt want the party to end! Long drive back yesterday and now just processing everything that happened. Wish I was going to Montana!
how did i miss you guys at the pre-party? especially 81? I would think it wouldn't be too hard to spot a baby at a bar :? Glad you guys had a great time
8/28/98- Camden, NJ
10/31/09- Philly
5/21/10- NYC
9/2/12- Philly, PA
7/19/13- Wrigley
10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
10/21/13- Philly, PA
10/22/13- Philly, PA
10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
4/28/16- Philly, PA
4/29/16- Philly, PA
5/1/16- NYC
5/2/16- NYC
9/2/18- Boston, MA
9/4/18- Boston, MA
9/14/22- Camden, NJ
9/7/24- Philly, PA
9/9/24- Philly, PA
Tres Mts.- 3/23/11- Philly. PA
Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
how did i miss you guys at the pre-party? especially 81? I would think it wouldn't be too hard to spot a baby at a bar :? Glad you guys had a great time
Ha! Well we were at a table towards the bathroom for most of the day...but we were hanging out over by the entrance for awhile, not sure if you saw us...I was wearing a red dress and have the stickman tat on my shoulder..can't remember what Becky or 81 were wearing because I'm not very observant, ha! Bummer we difn't get to meet you!
WI '98, WI '99 (EV), WI '00, Chgo '00, MO '00, Champaign '03, Chgo '03, WI '03, IN '03, MI '04, Chgo '06:N1 & 2, WI '06, Chgo '07, Chgo '08 (EV:N1), Chgo '09:N1 & 2, Chgo '11 (EV:N1), WI '11:N1 & 2, Philly '12, Wrigley '13, Pitt '13, Buff '13, Detroit '14, MKE '14, Wrigley '16: N1 & N2, Seattle '18 N2, Wrigley '18: N1 & N2, Fenway '18 N1, STL '22, St Paul '23 N2, Chgo '23: N1 & N2, Wrigley '24 N1 & 2
Such an odd comment.
How would sitting at home, let me see PJ perform an amazing set list? My favorite live songs are not their greatest hits. If you want to hear their greatest hits, why not just pop in any bootleg? I don't dislike hearing their greatest hits, I'd just prefer to hear other songs. The 4 spectrum shows were not great because they played all their hits and were "on fire". It was because of the rare songs.
8/25/00 8/27/00 8/29/00 8/30/00 9/01/00 9/02/00
4/28/03 4/29/03 4/30/03 5/02/03 7/05/03 7/06/03
7/08/03 7/09/03 7/14/03 <---front row shook hands with ed.
10/3/05 5/13/06 5/27/06 5/28/06 6/01/06 6/3/06
6/24/06 6/19/08 6/20/08 6/24/08 6/25/08 10/27/09
10/28/09 10/30/09 10/31/09 5/15/10 5/18/10 5/20/10
5/21/10 9/7/11
show was KILLER. haven't seen them since the spectrum so it's been a while, but i don't think i've ever heard them this on fire. they just sounded so amazing. reasons IMO they played so well: there were alot of musicians there, ron howard was making a movie about the whole thing, plus they had an opportunity to gain some fans* (which they no doubt did) so they brought it. *also obviously the reason they played alot of hits.
99 problems is by far my favorite jay-z song and the obscurity of the two playing together was i think the best part (i kept thinking of george costanzas "worlds colliding"). for anyone not familiar with the song - to me it's always been an old-school beasties or run-dmc def-jam style rock/rap riff. when it first came out i thought i was listening to licensed to ill (rick rubin also proudced 99 problems btw).
it's also not the first time worlds have collided like this...phish played it with jay-z in brooklyn a few years back
And those misguided, There was a plan for them to be
Now you got both sides Claiming killing in Gods name
But God is nowhere,..... To be found, conveniently
What goes on?
congrats to all those in attendance, hope it was great!
Other good times at the MIA:
The Hives, good sound and song selection.
Jill Scott, what a voice, glad i checked her out.
Gary Clark Jr., WOW, what a great guitar player, sounded great.
RUN/DMC, THE KINGS OF ROCK ARE BACK!! They were amazing, felt like I was back in Jr. High & High School
Drake, OK, he did give PJ respect constantly during his set, and his guitar player was pretty good.
Had a great time, now I'm ready for a non-festival Pearl Jam show. Bring it on in 2013!!!!
NO. A ton of them really cleared out, and made a lot of room in that place. Seemed like the total crowd for Jay-Z was bigger than PJ's (which was still huge, don't get me wrong). The area right by the VIP entrance/statue was jammed on Saturday, but not nearly as much on Sunday (which could just mean people wanted better views, I guess).
'00: 8/23 8/24 8/25
'03: 4/30 7/2 7/3 7/8 7/9 7/11
'04: 10/1
'06: 5/13 5/27 5/28 6/1 6/3
'08: 6/24 6/25 6/27 6/28 7/1
'09: 10/30 10/31
'10: 5/15 5/18 5/20 5/21 6/25
'11: 9/3 9/4
'12: 9/2 9/22
'13: 7/19 10/18 10/19 10/21 10/22 11/23 11/24
'14: 10/19
'15: 9/26
'16: 4/8 4/9 4/11 4/28 4/29 5/1 5/2 8/5 8/7
'17: RNRHOF 4/17
'18: 9/2 9/4
'21: 9/18
i have decided EPIC is too overused and just won't work for this situation -- I thought the whole fest went amazingly well - Jay Z was great and Gary Clark Jr really put himself on the map ..... and of course Pearl Jam brought this whole thing to an unforgettable ending in the way only they can. So instead of EPIC the new word is
Also I loved seeing Jessie(?) the body guard out on stage yelling at Mike during Black - he pointed toward the area of the stage where he wanted Mike to stay and seemed super pissed haha. I love it. Sometimes we all need a big ol babysitter to keep us safe from ourselves
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
2010: Newark 5/18 MSG 5/20-21 2011: PJ20 9/3-4 2012: Made In America 9/2
2013: Brooklyn 10/18-19 Philly 10/21-22 Hartford 10/25 2014: ACL10/12
2015: NYC 9/23 2016: Tampa 4/11 Philly 4/28-29 MSG 5/1-2 Fenway 8/5+8/7
2017: RRHoF 4/7 2018: Fenway 9/2+9/4 2021: Sea Hear Now 9/18
2022: MSG 9/11 2024: MSG 9/3-4 Philly 9/7+9/9 Fenway 9/15+9/17
2025: Pittsburgh 5/16+5/18
Great show, great cool greatest hits type set, but not so great audience where I was... And this is my 11th show. PJ fans are ALWAYS the best, I suppose in my area, I was outnumbered by drunken, shirtless, frat dudes who were there for Drake. haha
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
As for the set list...I assumed it would be mostly 'hits' being that it was festival with such a diverse group of artists and fans...funny tho, most of the peeps around me said it was their first PJ show but they knew all the words to all the songs and were jamming out...great time! Except for the girl next to me who started to pass out and I had to drag through the crowd to the rail so security could pull her out. Hope she was ok.
I thought it was cool that Jay Z came out and performed...kind of expected something like that to happen. I knew 99 Problems was one of his recent hits but I didn't know until after the fact what it's about and when I found out it totally made sense that it followed WMA. Again, not a big rap fan in general but still...it was an experience I'll never forget.
Oh...does anyone have video of Comatose?! I loved how Ed changed the lyrics up...'if it's illegal, for men to fuck men'...something to that effect.
Had a great time and was really impressed with the whole set up overall AND I got my PJ fix
It was just an incredible day overall. Meeting Ron Howard and being able to talk to him was plain cool. He was really nice and seemed to enjoy my enthusiasm by filming me quite a bit.
I got so much McCready love I thought I was going to explode! At some point he pointed at his tattoos because he wanted to look at my half sleeve I'm working on. At the end he blew me a kiss and I wanted to die on spot. I blew him one back and he caught it. I thought it was the cutest thing ever coming from one of my guitar heroes. I'm still pretty shocked from everything that happened! Great, great show. As much as I would have loved to hear some rarities, I still had an awesome time and enjoyed every single song. I think that was clear to the people around me, especially because by the end of the night I noticed I had generous space behind me.
the preparty was awesome
run dmc was awesome
pearl jam was awesome
paying way too much for food and beer in the humidity was awesome... wait
Phila, PA 4/28/16; Phila, PA 4/29/16; Fenway Park 8/7/16; Fenway Park 9/2/18; Asbury Park 9/18/21; Camden 9/14/22;
Las Vegas 5/16/24; Las Vegas 5/18/24; Phila, PA 9/7/24; Phila, PA 9/9/24; Baltimore Arena 9/12/24
Tres Mtns - TLA 3/23/11; EV - Tower Theatre 6/25/11; Temple of the Dog - Tower Theatre 11/5/16
2010 Jazz Fest*Kansas City*St.Louis*Columbus*Noblesville*Bristow*
Berlin*WM3Little Rock*Bridge 1&2
2011 Eddie Vedder*Chicago*St Louis*San Diego*Long Beach*Los Angles*Santa Barbara
PJ20 1&2*Canada Tour*Montreal*Toronto 1&2*Ottawa*Hamilton*Winnipeg*
2008: 6/19, 6/24, 6/25
2009: 6/14 (EV), 10/27, 10/28
2010: 5/17
2011: 6/21 (EV), 6/22 (EV), 9/11, 9/12
2012: 9/2
2013: 10/15, 10/16, 10/19, 10/21, 10/22, 10/27, 11/23, 11/24
2014: 10/19
2016: 5/1, 5/2, 5/8
2018: 8/20, 9/2, 9/4
2010 Jazz Fest*Kansas City*St.Louis*Columbus*Noblesville*Bristow*
Berlin*WM3Little Rock*Bridge 1&2
2011 Eddie Vedder*Chicago*St Louis*San Diego*Long Beach*Los Angles*Santa Barbara
PJ20 1&2*Canada Tour*Montreal*Toronto 1&2*Ottawa*Hamilton*Winnipeg*
2010 Jazz Fest*Kansas City*St.Louis*Columbus*Noblesville*Bristow*
Berlin*WM3Little Rock*Bridge 1&2
2011 Eddie Vedder*Chicago*St Louis*San Diego*Long Beach*Los Angles*Santa Barbara
PJ20 1&2*Canada Tour*Montreal*Toronto 1&2*Ottawa*Hamilton*Winnipeg*
Left Chicago with 81 and Becky on Friday, stayed in the lovely town of Beaver Falls PA that night. Took off Sat morning and including a quick detour in Jersey got into Philly around 4 or so. FYI Becky's got a lead foot and was doing about 110 in PA
Sunday we went to the pre-party and met tons of cool people. There was a really cute xouple we talked to from Berlin. There were a few people I was hoping to meet there but the place was packed and hard to talk to everyone. Rick and Erica met up with us there, so cool to finally meet Rick! Becky went in the fest early to get a poster and the rest of us got in when Drake started. Tons of crazy people watching! As we were scoping our PJ spot we could hear X and they sounded awesome. We found a spot on Mike's side by the statue rail. Lovethat they came out to the Ramones entrance music! The show was great! We had a few people next to us that were really awesome and some others that were not so awesome, but I just focused on the music. Highlights for me were Know Your Rights, Unthought, Comatose, and of course WMA! When JayZ came out the people around us went nuts! I'm not a fan of his, but I thought thewhole thing was pretty cool. The band seemed to be having a lot of fun and the crowd was into it, so that was cool! Went by way too fast!
After the show we went to the post party at the Pol....met quite a few people there and had a blast. FYI 81 should now be known as Kim Kardashian ha! Ran into the kids from Pittsburgh again and was cool to hear how much they loved their first show. Didnt want the party to end! Long drive back yesterday and now just processing everything that happened. Wish I was going to Montana!
how did i miss you guys at the pre-party? especially 81? I would think it wouldn't be too hard to spot a baby at a bar :? Glad you guys had a great time
10/31/09- Philly
5/21/10- NYC
9/2/12- Philly, PA
7/19/13- Wrigley
10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
10/21/13- Philly, PA
10/22/13- Philly, PA
10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
4/28/16- Philly, PA
4/29/16- Philly, PA
5/1/16- NYC
5/2/16- NYC
9/2/18- Boston, MA
9/4/18- Boston, MA
9/14/22- Camden, NJ
9/7/24- Philly, PA
9/9/24- Philly, PA
Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
Saratoga 92, Hartford 96, Hartford 98, Jones Beach 3 00, Mansfield 1 03, Mansfield 2 03, Camden 1 03, MSG 1 03, MSG 2 03, Mansfield 3 03, Holmdel 03, Boston 1 04, Albany 06, Hartford 06, East Rutherford 1 06, Camden 2 08, MSG 1 08, MSG 2 08, Hartford 08, Mansfield 1 08, Mansfield 2 08, Spectrum 4 09, Hartford 10, MSG 1 10, MSG 2 10, EV Hartford 11, Philly 12, Brooklyn 1 13, Brooklyn 2 13, Hartford 13, MSG 1 16, MSG 2 16, Fenway 1 16, Temple Of The Dog MSG 16